<p> Royster Engl 1113 CRN 25946 242 Page 1 Tulsa Community College Composition 1 Syllabus CRN 25946, Call # 242 SPRING 2014</p><p>General Information Catalog Description Class: 8:00 am – 9:20 pm T/R The first in a sequence of two courses. Introduces Instructor: Jennette Royster students to academic writing, basic research, and Owasso TCC Room 1338 documentation. Prerequisite: ENGL 0933 with a grade Phone: 918-595-2050 (leave message) of “C” or better, or appropriate placement score. Email: [email protected] Lecture 3 hours. NEXT COURSE IN SEQUENCE: Allow 24 hours for email response Mon-Fri. I will ENGL 1213, Composition II respond on Mon. to emails sent after 5 pm, Fridays Course Objectives Division Office: Upon successful completion of this course, Division: Communications students will be able to Associate Dean: Jocelyn Whitney 1. Produce clear sentences that demonstrate word Office: NEC 2389 Phone: 595-7496 choice, tone, and subject matter appropriate to Academic & Campus Services – most college classes. Owasso Community Campus 2. Practice Standard English usage and, over the Director: Dr. Paula Willyard space of the semester, reduce the numbers of errors in your writing. Phone: 918-595-2050 3. Use word processing to help you improve your Campus Police: (918) 828-1409 writing. Textbooks, supplies, & Other Resources: 4. Plan, write, and revise both freestanding and Title: The Norton Sampler, 8th ed. connected paragraphs that contain a topic sentence and two to four supporting points. Author: Thomas Cooley 5. Learn to write modes of development using such Publisher: W.W. Norton, 2013 patterns as, but not limited to, narration, ISBN: 978-0-393-91946-2 description, classification, comparison/contrast, and definition. 6. Recognize and avoid plagiarism in any writing. 7. Apply the basic research process to find sources in the Northeast LRC, other libraries, and/or on the Internet. 8. Use the MLA documentation system to compile a Title: The Little, Brown Essential Handbook, Works Cited page and show that you have 7th Edition correctly quoted or paraphrased material from a Author: Jane E. Aaron Publisher: Longman, 2011 source. ISBN: 978-0-205-71876-4 9. Share your work to the rest of the class in a formal, multimedia presentation. Supplies: Bring your books to class USB flash drive – bring to every class Notebook or folder Paper / Pens, Highlighters-3 colors</p><p>Textbooks and supplies may be purchased at the Royster Engl 1113 CRN 25946 242 Page 2 Northeast Campus Bookstore. POINTS Pts. Class Work and Quizzes 200 General Education Goal Statement: Grammar Presentation 30 The General Education Goals are designed to Paragraphs on Bb 50 ensure that graduates of Tulsa Community College Essay 1 100 have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to carry Essay 2 100 them successfully through their work and their Essay 2 Rough Draft 20 personal lives. General Education Goals relevant Essay 3 200 to this course include Critical Thinking, Effective E3 Rough Draft 50 Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technical PowerPoint Presentation 50 Proficiency. Final Essay Exam 100 English Discipline Goals: Total Points 900 The English Discipline Goals are designed to ensure that graduates of Tulsa Community College English courses have the skills, knowledge, and Format for Written Work Word processing is required for all out-of-class attitudes to carry them successfully through their assignments. Please use Times New Roman 12 font. work and their personal lives. English Discipline Please Double Space all work. Goals relevant to this course include Effective Submit all essays in print (hard) copy. Writing, Informed Discussion, Critical Reading, and Scholarly Research. Syllabus Changes: Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students will be COMMUNICATIONS: notified of any changes to the syllabus in writing. E-mail: All TCC students receive a designated All course documents can be found on “TCC” e-mail address (ex: [email protected]) Blackboard. All communications to you about TCC and course ATTENDANCE assignments will be sent to your MyTCC e-mail ** Sign the attendance sheet at the beginning address; and you must use TCC e-mail to send e- If you are late, wait until the end of class mail to, and receive e-mail from, the instructor of class. regarding this course. to sign it, noting the time you arrived. For problems with email contact: Students who are late to class may not take a quiz or TCC Help Desk at (918) 595-2000 test if the quiz or test has begun. Inclement Weather: TCC rarely closes. If extreme ABSENCES weather conditions or emergency situations arise, ABSENCES DO NOT AFFECT DUE-DATES. TCC always gives cancellation notices to radio and television stations. This information is also posted ** Points for in-class work, quizzes, & other on the TCC website (www.tulsacc.edu). short writing assignments cannot be made up or turned in late. ** No Exceptions ** Grading Scale & Evaluation Techniques Grading Scale We will cover concepts in class necessary for A ------90 - 100% your understanding of assignments, so B ------80 - 89% attendance is crucial. C ------70 - 79% If you must be absent, you are responsible for D ------60 - 69% obtaining information for all assignments that F ------below 60% may have been assigned. All assignments will be Teaching Methods posted on Bb. Activities will include brief lectures, discussions, group projects, individual conferences, tests/quizzes, out-of-class writing, in-class writing, Royster Engl 1113 CRN 25946 242 Page 3 and in-class rewriting. Students who are late to class may not take a quiz Course Withdrawal: The deadline to withdraw from or test if the quiz or test has begun. a course shall not exceed 3/4 the duration of any class. Check the TCC Academic Calendar for the deadline that applies to the course(s). Begin the process with a discussion with the faculty member assigned to the course. Contact the Advisement Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course('W' grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Withdrawal and/or change to an audit from a course after the drop/add period can alter the financial aid award for the current and future semesters. Students may receive an outstanding bill from TCC if the recalculation leaves a balance due to TCC. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial aid consequences for the student.</p><p>Late Assignments and Make-up Policy ADA POLICY When the work is due, students must submit DISABILITY RESOURCES: It is the policy and assignments at the beginning of the class. Any practice of Tulsa Community College to create writing assignment submitted after the first 10 inclusive learning environments. minutes of class will be assessed a 10% penalty. Accommodations for qualifying students in MAKE-UP POLICY compliance with the Americans with Disabilities THE FINAL EXAM MAY NOT BE MADE Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation UP. FINAL exams will not be returned. Act are available. To request accommodations, The Research Paper may not be submitted contact the Education Access Center (EAC) at late. [email protected] or call (918) 595-7115 (Voice). Deaf and hard of hearing students may text (918) LATE ESSAYS MUST BE SUBMITTED WITHIN 809-1864. ONE WEEK OF THE DUE DATE OR THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Institutional Statement: Each student is responsible The following penalties apply: for being aware of the information contained in the a. ESSAY assignments: 10% of points possible TCC Catalog, the TCC Student Policies & Resources subtracted for each class day until submission. Handbook, and semester information listed in the b. IN-CLASS WRITINGS AND QUIZZES MAY NOT BE MADE UP. class schedule. All information may be viewed on the c. All other assignments must be turned in the day TCC website: www.tulsacc.edu they are due to receive points. Emergencies come up so plan accordingly. Syllabus Changes: Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students will be notified of any changes to the syllabus in writing. All course documents can be found on Royster Engl 1113 CRN 25946 242 Page 4 Blackboard. CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE (cont.)</p><p>Observe general rules of courtesy to your classmates and instructor by entering and exiting the room quietly if you must arrive late or leave early. In CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE watching videos, sit quietly and pay Open and mutually respectful communication attention; please avoid clicking of varied opinions, beliefs, and perspectives ballpoint pens, talking, rustling through book bags, or otherwise during classroom or online discussion creating distractions for your encourages the free exchange of ideas that is classmates. essential to higher learning and to the ability to learn from each other. Use of any **** IMPORTANT **** electronic device is at the discretion of the All students will show respect for one another instructor. at all times. Policy Regarding Electronic Devices Any student determined to be disruptive All cell phones, laptops, and other electronic will be asked to leave class. They will devices should be turned off. If any student is forfeit any credit for the session & be expecting an emergency phone call, please charged with an absence. During the class, notify the instructor before class and set the there will be many opportunities for phone to silent. discussion about various topics. Any debates or confrontations should remain DURING CLASS, PLEASE TURN OFF civil and logical. ANYTHING THAT BEEPS OR RINGS. Also, mocking another student’s ideas, speech, appearance, or compositions will not be tolerated. Anyone found making rude comments or gestures toward another student will be warned the first time then penalized a full (final) letter grade for every following offense. The instructor may also contact the Dean of Student Services with a recommendation for further disciplinary actions.</p><p>Do not place cell phones on the desk. If such WEAPONS are not allowed on state property. This devices go off during class, you will be asked to rule applies to those licensed to carry concealed leave the classroom, and you will meet privately weapons too. with the instructor before being allowed to return. Emergencies - For emergencies, please give your family or daycare provider the following number: CELL PHONE USE PENALTY: 918-595-8888, Campus Police. If you are needed A penalty of 5 points will be deducted from because of an emergency, Campus Police will come to your total points each time the instructor the classroom. observes cell phone activity (includes any use: Royster Engl 1113 CRN 25946 242 Page 5 holding, texting, internet browsing, reading texts, etc.). Keep them put away. </p><p>Departmental Plagiarism Policy Definition of Plagiarism: According to author and Professor Robert Harris, “Plagiarism is using another person’s words or ideas without giving credit to the other person. When you use someone else’s words, you must put quotation marks around them and give the writer or speaker credit by revealing the source in a citation. Even if you revise or paraphrase the words of someone else or just use that person’s ideas, you still must give the author credit in a note. Not giving due credit to the creator of an idea or writing is very much like lying. [. . .] Plagiarism is using any words or ideas without giving credit to the source. If the Tips for success: plagiarizer copies material that is also copyrighted, then the wrongdoing is potentially enhanced by the additional crime of copyright infringement” (25-6). 1. ATTEND CLASS 2. Be ready to think. Feed your brain & body Penalties for Plagiarism: Suspected plagiarism in before class. Hungry stomachs don’t think this course will result in grade reduction on the well! assignment. Proven plagiarism will result in failure on that assignment. 3. Come to class prepared. Do the reading! Do the Harris, Robert A. The Plagiarism Handbook. homework! Los Angeles: Pyrczak Publishing, 2001. Smoking Policy 4. Plan your work schedule to allow for glitches. Tobacco Free College - Tulsa Community College is a Print papers out 24 hours before they are due Tobacco Free college in accordance with the Governor’s rather than 5 minutes before class. Executive Order 2012-01 and Title 63 of the Oklahoma 5. Save ALL work, make backups and print hard Statutes, Section 1-1523 which prohibits smoking or the use of any tobacco products in all public places, in any copy frequently! indoor workplace, and all vehicles owned by the State of 6. Ask questions - (other students will thank you Oklahoma and all of its agencies and instrumentalities. later!). This Order includes property leased, rented, or owned Don’t be afraid to ask for help. by TCC including, but not limited to, all grounds, buildings, facilities, and parking lots. Tulsa Community College’s policy includes a tobacco free environment on all campus and off-campus locations conducting TCC credit or non-credit classes. The TCC Campus Police is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Tobacco- Free Environment Policy. Violations of the policy may be addressed through issuance of campus or state Royster Engl 1113 CRN 25946 242 Page 6 citations.</p><p>7. Participate in class discussions. Jump in! </p><p>Tulsa Community College, Owasso Campus Spring 2014 Tentative Agenda ENGL 1113, , 242, 25946 8:00 – 9:20 TR, Owasso NOTE: Instructor may amend the syllabus and/or agenda (due dates) through email, on the announcement page on Blackboard (Bb), and/or in class. Submit assignments in Submit Here in Bb. All assignments are due on day listed on the agenda unless otherwise indicated. Quizzes may be given over the chapters on that day. NS = Norton Sampler; LB = Little, Brown Essential Handbook. Read assignments before attending class to be ready for discussion/writing/quiz. </p><p>January 2014</p><p>Sunday Monda Tuesday Wed. Thursday Fri. Sat. y Week 1: 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Introduction to each * Log-in computer, other, the course, BB, email, Bb. and me. * Diagnostic assignment * Write diagnostic, & save in Microsoft Word; send to BB. Week 2: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MLK * LB: “Academic Writing” Summaries Assignment Holiday pp. 2-10 due TCC Quiz Closed *Strategies for Reading p. NS: pp. 42-50 Writing</p><p>21-23 Paragraphs Royster Engl 1113 CRN 25946 242 Page 7 *Quiz LB: 31-38 “This I Believe” podcast – In In-class Pre-Writing class assignment for Short *Assignment: Print 2 Writing 1 essays & summarize, Discuss Essay Format: Turn in Thursday Thesis & support</p><p>Week 3: 26 27 28 29 30 31 Feb 1 * Short Writing 1 draft NS: Reading As A Writer due, post on Bb p. 1-17 * Bring copy of In Class: Paragraph #1- Writing on USB Description drive for in-class assignment: Editing & NS: p 59-68 Description Revision strategies p.72-78 Braken County p.106-111 “No Wonder” LB: 41-47 Quiz – Grammar Thursday Appropriate Words February 2014</p><p>Week 4: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LB: 31-38 LB: p. 150-156 NS: Writing Paragraphs Avoiding Plagiarism p. 42-58 Assignment NS: “Ashen Guy” 149- 152 Editing-131 Common </p><p>“Turning Japanese” Errors p.155-158 Begin work on E1 draft Paragraph #2 - Narrative Grammar Thurs.</p><p>Week 5: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 E1 rough draft due – Return Rough Drafts Bring 2 copies (1 for Evaluating Sources: in- peer review, 1 for class assignment instructor) LB: pp. 132-142 Peer Review / Revise & Sources Edit Grammar Thurs. *Review Comma Use & errors, Parallel Construction, Dangling Royster Engl 1113 CRN 25946 242 Page 8 Modifiers *Wordiness *Dead Words & Phrases</p><p>Week 6: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 View Film Finish Film</p><p>E1 due: Turn in hard Discuss Short writing copy & post to Safe Assignment Assign Discuss watching & Begin in class writing about film</p><p>Week 7: 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mar. 1 Film Short Writing due- NS: Classification “Mother Tongue” NS: Example p.184-187 253-259 “Happy Meals” 222-25 “Stop Coddling the “Metal Memorials” Super Rich” 274-77 211-213 “Harmony & The “Homeward Bound” Dream” p.279-</p><p>206-209 82 In Class: Paragraph #3 Grammar Thurs.</p><p>March 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Fri. Sat. Week 8: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NS: Compare/Contrast NS: “Like Mexicans” pp. 353-362 pp. 390- 394 “Watching Oprah” “Gender In pp.368-70 Classroom” “Grant & Lee: A Study pp.397-403 In Contrasts” p.373-79 “The Meaning of Life” Paragraph #4 pp. 406- 409</p><p>Assign Essay 2</p><p>Grammar Thursday Week 9: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 LB: 142 – 149 Sources E2 rough draft due – Bring 2 copies & submit * Paraphrasing & on Bb Quotations Discuss MLA style Royster Engl 1113 CRN 25946 242 Page 9 * Integrating Sources In-class assignment/game</p><p>Grammar Thurs. Week 10:16 17 18 19 20 21 22</p><p>* * * * S P R I N G B R E A K * * * *</p><p>Week 11:23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Essay 2 due – Turn in NS: Argument, 517-526 hard copy & submit to Safe Assign “Island of Plenty” 539- 542 Discuss Persuasion & “Should Batman Kill Argument The Joker?” p. 545-547 NS: “King, Kennedy, … Words” 487-490 Research Paper Topics Discuss Research Topics Paragraph #5 In-class writing Grammar Thurs.</p><p>April 2014</p><p>Week 12 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 Topics Research – Continue Research Using Search & Outline Engines Research Assignment In-class work on Research research paper </p><p>Post essay topic in Bb Grammar Thursday</p><p>Discuss Evidence, Fact & Opinion</p><p>Week 13: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Thesis & Support Points Annotated Works Cited Due today Assignment In-class required work on Work on MLA research paper: documentation Royster Engl 1113 CRN 25946 242 Page 10</p><p>Week 14:13 14 15 16 17 18 19</p><p>Integration of sources – Rough Drafts due Quotations & Peer Review – Paraphrases Post on Bb</p><p>Week 15:20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Research Pres. due – Research Presentations must be submitted on continued Bb</p><p>Week 16:27 28 29 30 Research Paper Due – PowerPoint Presentations continued Last minute questions? bring hard copy with printed sources & items listed on assignment page</p><p>May 2014</p><p>Week 16 Mon. Tuesday Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. con’t 1 2 3</p><p>Discuss & Prepare for final essay exam</p><p>4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Final Exam/Essay: 8:00 – 9:50 Note Time; essay due by 9:50 am Royster Engl 1113 CRN 25946 242 Page 11</p>
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