<p> February 2003 PIPERS’ and PIPE BAND SOCIETY of ONTARIO, OTTAWA BRANCH</p><p>**** www.ppbso-ottawa.org ****</p><p>President: Graeme Ogilvie (613) 830-9160 (email: [email protected]) Vice-President: Charlie King (613) 830-7418 (email: [email protected]) Vice-President: Steve Lanning (613) 823-9933 (email: [email protected]) Treasurer: Jack Yourt (613) 774-3622 (email: [email protected]) Secretary: Douglas Heyland (613) 821-2505 (email: [email protected])</p><p>** KNOCK-OUT CONTEST FINALS, 01 MARCH 2003 ** Piping Judge Colin Clansey, Drumming Judge Mark Passmore, Recital: Glengarry Grade 2</p><p>Knock-Out Contest Date… Saturday 01 March 2003. Time…8:00 pm. To keep the evening from running too late, all competitors are asked to be registered by 7:45 pm. If you can’t make it by 7:45, please contact any of the Ottawa Branch executive in advance with your tune selections. Place… the Walkey Road Armouries, 2100 Walkley Road, between St. Laurent Blvd and Conroy Ave (the Armouries are on the south side of Walkley Ave, right beside the Walkley Bowling Centre parking lot). *** NOTE: do not park in the reserved parking spots, the Armouries are a 24/7 facility ***. </p><p>Tune Requirements Medleys of the competitors choice for both Divisions of Piping and Drumming.</p><p>Also at the March Meeting… Ottawa Branch Annual Elections (one V-P position will be open Sep 03). </p><p>February Contest….</p><p>The February knock-out contest was one of the quieter ones in memory, primarily due to an untimely snowstorm which decided to make its way through Eastern Ontario the day of the meeting. Those who were there were treated to some excellent play from the "A" Division pipers and both Divisions of drummers, and it was a particular treat to have the Fraser Highlanders of Ottawa out for the night to put on a very well received mini-band performance. With the completion of the knock- outs, the finalists were announced and are listed on page two of this newsletter. A great vote of thanks goes out to all the competitors who played this year, with eleven drummers and over thirty pipers coming out to participate. A special thanks, too, for the February meeting goes out to Brian Williamson who filled in at the last minute as our piping judge. Jim Fryer was unfortunately called away due to a death in the family and we wish him, and his family, our condolences.</p><p>February Knock-Out Contest Results</p><p>“A” Division Piping "A" Division Drumming "B" Division Drumming</p><p>1. Rob McKenzie 1. Rob MacLeod 1. Heather Wilson 2. Will Ridley 2. Iain Cleaton 2. Scott Wilson 3. Amanda Bush 3. Trevor Stevens 3. Marielle Lesperance 4. Stewart James February 2003 Knock-Out Finalists</p><p>“A” Division Piping “B” Division Piping “A” Division Drumming “B” Division Drumming</p><p>1st Will Ridley 1st Cameron Baskerville 1st Robert MacLeod 1st Heather Wilson 2nd Amanda Bush 2nd Amanda Pulling 2nd Iain Cleaton 2nd Reilly Baggs 3rd Annie MacPherson 3rd Sarah Forsyth 3rd Trevor Stevens 3rd Daryl Fowlie 4th Rob McKenzie 4th Lindsay Coleman 4th Jim Baggs</p><p>The order of play for the knock-out finals will be "B" piping, "B" drumming, "A" piping, "A" drumming. Competitors will play in reverse order to their finish in their respective Division (i.e. Jim Baggs will be first on, Rob MacLeod will be the last to play).</p><p>Future Ottawa Branch Activities</p><p>05 April Ottawa Branch Workshop with Jim McGillivray (see below)</p><p>05 April Open Solo Piping Contest (Professional and Amateur Divisions), Walkley Armouries, 8:00 pm start Tune Requirements: MSR of the competitor’s choice Judge: Jim McGillivray.</p><p>10 May Winchester In-Door Highland Games (entry forms will be provided in March newsletter)</p><p>Ottawa Branch Workshop with Jim McGillivray</p><p>Saturday 05 April 2003. Registration at 12:00 pm. Cost: $10.00. Air Command Pipes and Drums Bandroom, CFB Rockcliffe Session 1: 12:30 Musical Phrasing Session 2: 14:30 Bagpipe Tuning</p><p>Join us for an afternoon of incredible instruction from one of the world’s foremost pipers and teachers. Gold Medallist at Oban. Gold Medallist at Inverness. Clasp at Inverness. Included in Lismor’s World’s Greatest Pipers collection - 1992. Developer of the piping tutor “Rhythmic Fingerwork” and two teaching CDs, “Pipes Ready” and “Pipes Up”. Jim is currently the Piping and Drumming Program Director at St. Andrew’s College. He is also the co-founder and Director of the Ontario School of Piping and Drumming at St. Andrew’s College, one of the continent’s leading summer piping and drumming schools. An afternoon you won’t want to miss!!</p><p>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>></p><p>Join our Ottawa Branch Newsletter email distribution list! Our Ottawa Branch newsletter has grown substantially in size and with that has gone up our production/distribution costs. For the 01/02 season, the newsletter expenses topped $1,400. To help keep the newsletter costs down, why not join those who already receive their copy electronically? Not only do you help your Branch save money, but you’ll also get the newsletter much earlier, and in colour!!! To be added to the email distribution list drop a line to [email protected].</p><p>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> February 2003 Upcoming Events</p><p>2003 Almonte "Spring Fling" Piping, Drumming and Mini-Band Contest</p><p>NOTE: The 2003 Contest has been cancelled. Hopefully the Almonte Spring Fling will return in 2004.</p><p>Kingston School of Scottish Music & Dance</p><p>Huge news from Kingston!!!!!! Not only will the Kingston School of Scottish Music & Dance run again this year at a very affordable price, but we have just confirmed that our snare instructor for this year will be Jim Kilpatrick! Jim is a multiple winner of the World Solo Drumming Championships and the current Drum Sergeant of Shotts and Dykehead's World Champion drum corps. Details of the School are as follows:</p><p>07 to 11 July 2003 at the Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario Piping Instructors - Bob Worrall, Ken Eller, Ann Gray Drumming Instructors - Jim Kilpatrick, Tyler Fry Dancing Instructors - Ann Milne, Sheila Milne</p><p>Cost - $225.00 tuition; $230.00 accommodation and meals. Registration forms are being prepared and will be mailed within the next 2 weeks. This is an early notice to pipe bands in our area, as we anticipate a very high demand for a limited number of spots. Please spread the word and don't let your band miss out on this amazing opportunity. Please feel free to contact Scott Bell via e-mail ([email protected]) or at (613) 542-7287 should you have any questions.</p><p>Announcements</p><p>2003 Dr. Dan Reid Memorial Challenge Recital Saturday 26 April 2003, St. Francis Hotel, Union Square, San Francisco, CA. The 2003 recitalists are: M. Cusack, W. Livingstone, I. MacDonald, R. MacLeod, J. Murray, J. McHattie, D. Murray, M. Turnbull. The judges for the recital will be Major (Ret'd) A.M. Cairns and A.J. MacLellan. More information can be obtained at www.drdanreidmemorial.com.</p><p>PPBSO Administrator, John Riding, Retires end-February 2003</p><p>Effective the end of February 2003, the "John Riding era" for the PPBSO will come to a close. The original job description didn't quite prepare John for the adventures ahead, but he has done more than anyone could have imagined for the running of, and most importantly, the improvement of the administration of the Society. As well as bringing the administration kicking and screaming into the 21st century, he made incredible strides (along with the PPBSO treasurer George Leonard), turning a increasingly losing proposition into a far more efficient and effective organization that is now running in the black. Handling over 7,000 entries every season, 1,200 memberships (600 of which typically arrive between Christmas and New Years alone), John has been extraordinarily responsive and amazingly resilient! Particularly for an avowed Englishman, who at his first Highland Games (Georgetown 1998) announced (off an unfortunately mis-filed sheet) that the winners of the Grade IV contest were the Toronto-based 78th Fraser Highlanders (!), he came a long way in a very short period of time and quickly became an expert on the unique business of piping and drumming. As Administrator, he has represented the PPBSO with class and a never ending smile, and is directly responsible for leaving the PPBSO far better off than when he arrived. All the best to you John, and to Eleanor, in your second "retirement"! You will be missed by us all. February 2003</p><p>Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) Pipes and Drums 50th Anniversary</p><p>The Band of the Royal Military College began in 1953 as a small Highland contingent consisting of bagpipers and drummers. Today the band has a membership of over 180 Officer Cadets, and also now includes a Brass and Reed section, Choir and Highland Dance Section in addition to the Pipes and Drums. As the largest volunteer band in the Canadian Forces, the Royal Military College Band receives its instruction from professional military musicians. The RMC Band plays a very active and important role in the life of the College, providing the music for all parades and military functions.</p><p>Most of the administration for the Band is carried out by Officer Cadets in third and fourth year, under the guidance of the Band Officer, the Pipe Major and the Brass & Reed Bandmaster. In addition to carrying the normal heavy load of full-time university programs and military athletics, the Officer Cadets in the Band devote many free hours to practices and rehearsals. Practices for the band begin early in the morning, occur three days a week and represent a large commitment of free time by the Officer Cadets.</p><p>The Band has played at locations all across Canada including the Oktoberfest celebration and parade in Kitchener-Waterloo, the Vanier Cup at Toronto’s Skydome, and in 1998, the Band travelled to Victoria, British Columbia for the annual Concert in Scarlets.</p><p>The Band has also played in venues across North America including the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, the United States Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, Colorado, the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, Disney World in Florida, and the Canadian Embassy in Washington D.C.</p><p>2003 represents the 50th anniversary for the RMC Band. A celebration of this anniversary will take place March 15th and 16th with a banquet and the annual Concert in Scarlets. The banquet will take place Saturday, March 15th, 2003 at 7:30pm, and the concert will occur the following day.</p><p>The RMC Band would like to extend a special invitation to all ex-members of the Band over the last 50 years to take part in the weekend and the banquet. If there are any ex-members who would like to perform in the concert, you are invited to take part in the rehearsal Saturday afternoon. For more information concerning the 50th anniversary or the weekend celebration, or for general admission tickets to the concert, contact the Reunion Committee by e-mail at [email protected] or toll free at 1-888-386-3762, or check out the Ottawa Branch website at www.ppbso-ottawa.org.</p><p>Ryan Fox Cadet Band Public Affairs Officer RMC Band</p><p>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>></p><p>*** Bagpipes For Sale ***</p><p>1946 Hendersons, full ivory mount 1870 Glens silver and ivory</p><p>For all your bagpipe maintenance requirements, contact Jack Yourt at (613) 774-3622. February 2003 Henry Graham (Bill) Williamson, CD 1913-2003</p><p>It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Bill Williamson, peacefully in hospital on Thursday 06 February, age 90. Bill served with the RCE (1928-31), PPCLI (1931-35), and the RCAF Auxiliary (1936). He re-enlisted in the RCAF in 1939, initially serving in Canada. Posted to Halifax, he made over a hundred crossings of the North Atlantic as a Troop Ship Conducting Officer and was awarded the Atlantic Star. Following the war he continued in the RCAF Security Branch, becoming the Air Police Marshall in 1954. After retirement in 1961 he became DChief of Police (and Public Safety), East Kildonan, MB. Later moving East to be with family, he became the first Director, Ontario Government Protective Services (OPP) until retirement. Moving to Ottawa in 1977, he taught law and security at Algonquin College.</p><p>Bill Williamson’s legacy in the piping community will always be tied to the creation of the Royal Canadian Air Force tartan. After he was commissioned in July 1941, he was posted to RCAF Station Summerside, where he served with G/C Elmer Fullerton, a Nova Scotian of Scottish ancestry who was the Commanding Officer at the time. It all started the night of 25 January 1942 at a Burns Night mess dinner. Two pipers from Charlottetown piped in the traditional haggis and Fullerton was so impressed that he decided pipers should be incorporated into the existing Station drum and trumpet band. The band officer at the time was S/L Williamson. Two pipers were found through advertisement in the Summerside newspaper and pipes were received as gifts on duration-of-the-war loans. As the success of the pipes grew in the band, the CO became interested in a pipe band of its own, complete with full highland regalia. Trying to find a tartan that was deemed suitable for the Air Force proved unsuccessful, so G/C Fullerton, using red and blue pencils, sketched his ideas for a new tartan on a scratch pad. It was then up to S/L Williamson to find someone who could weave a sample. A swatch was eventually prepared by a Miss Muriel Laurence of Gagetown, NB who worked in a small handloom studio operating under the Dominion-Provincial Youth Training Program. The weavers made up a small sample, also incorporating a recommended change of a white line. Fullerton was impressed with the work and ordered a larger piece to be sent through the proper channels to AFHQ for approval. On 21 May 1942 the Air Council accepted the tartan with minor changes relative to the shades of blue, and on 15 August 1942 the Royal Canadian Air Force tartan was officially registered by the Lord Lyon King of Arms of Scotland. Subsequent activity on the part of S/L Williamson and the CO led to the final adoption of the specially designed tartan and full kit for a pipe band.</p><p>One of the more unique rewards in recognition of this little part of history came from the "Canadian Society of Air Force Musicians". It was a very large gold sealed certificate, presented to Bill Williamson in April 1981 (20 years after retirement from the RCAF) as an "Associate Life Member". The inscription reads: "For devotion beyond the call of duty and personal contribution in helping Pipe Bands of the Royal Canadian Air Force become an outstanding success this member is elevated to the Ancient, Most Worthy and Venerable Order of the Semihemidemisemiquaver. Royal Canadian Air Force birthday honors 1981. By Command of the National Council of the Society". For those in any band, it is all about the music and the camaraderie. This light-hearted gift from his peers will be cherished, and certainly an appropriate remembrance.</p><p>2003 PPBSO Highland Games Schedule</p><p>14 June Georgetown (Gr2 M, Gr3 M, Gr4 M) 21 June Fort Erie* (Gr1 M, Gr2 S, Gr3 M, Gr4 M/M, Gr5 M/M) 28 June Barrie* (Gr1 S, Gr2 M, Gr3 S, Gr4 M, Gr5 M/M) 01 July Embro (Gr3 M, Gr4 M/M, Gr5 M/M) 05 July Kincardine (Gr1 M, Gr2 S, Gr3 M, Gr4 M) 12 July Chatham* (Gr1 S, Gr2 M, Gr3 S, Gr4 M/M) 19 July Cambridge (solos only) 01 August Maxville (solos only) 02 August Maxville* (Gr1 both, Gr2 both, Gr3M, Gr4 M, Gr5 M/M) 03 August Montreal (Gr2 M, Gr3 M, Gr4 M) 09 August Fergus* (Gr1 M, Gr2 S, Gr3 S, Gr4 M/M, Gr5 M/M) 16 August Sarnia* (Gr1 M, Gr2 S, Gr3 M, Gr4 M, Gr5 M/M) 16 August Worlds/Glasgow 23 August Almonte (Gr3 M, Gr4 M, Non-Competing M)</p><p>Legend: * = Championship Supreme, M = Medley, S = Set, M/M = March Medley February 2003</p><p>Kingston Pipefest - Saturday 15 February 2003</p><p>The annual Kingston Pipefest has become an important pre-season event in the Ottawa Branch area for our bands and soloists, and it again saw a welcome increase in participation. Held at the R.G. Sinclair Public School, on a particularly cold day (-26 C) in eastern Ontario, the contests were eventually moved from the gymnasium to the warmer and cozier climes of the school library... as much for the judges John Cairns and Chris Bell, as the competitors!! Another well done to Taylor Donaldson and the Rob Roy pipe band for their organization of the well-run event.</p><p>Results</p><p>MINI-BANDS DRUMMING RESULTS 1st Fraser Highlanders of Ottawa 2nd City of Kingston Juvenile “B” Open MSR Open Hornpipe/Jig 3rd City of Kingston Juvenile “A” 1st Sean Donaldson 1st Sean Donaldson 2nd Rob MacLeod 2nd Rob MacLeod</p><p>PIPING RESULTS Grade 3 March Grade 3 Strathspey/Reel 1st Reilly Baggs 1st Ben Griggs Open MSR Open Jig 2nd Heather Wilson 2nd Iain Bell 1st Jody Perry 1st Jody Perry 3rd Iain Bell 2nd Bobbie Smith 2nd Bobbie Smith 3rd Sean Burgess 3rd Amanda Bush Grade 4 March Grade 5 March 1st Iain Bell 1st Dylan Stewart Grade 3 March Grade 3 Strathspey/Reel 2nd Reilly Baggs 2nd Iain MacLean 1st Andrew Killick 1st Annie MacPherson 3rd Devin Roberts 2nd Alec Donaldson 2nd Alec Donaldson 3rd Cam Baskerville 3rd Andrew Killick</p><p>Grade 4 March Grade 5 March 1st Amanda Pulling 1st Jamie Gallant 2nd Stuart MacFarlane 3rd Cameron Baskerville</p><p>Senior Piobaireachd 1st Will Ridley 2nd Sean Burgess 3rd Annie MacPherson</p><p>Intermediate Piobaireachd 1st Alec Donaldson 2nd Michael Griggs 3rd Andrew Killick</p><p>Junior Piobaireachd 1st Amanda Pulling 2nd Peter Manderson</p><p>Most Promising Piobaireachd Player Sean Burgess</p>
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