<p> SUPPORT ORGANIZATION PROFILE</p><p>1. Name of the Organization : S U P P O R T. (Society for Urban Poor People and Operative Rural Transformation) 2. Address HEAD OFFICE</p><p>S U P P O R T 7-763 J.P COMPLEX, NEAR BOSE STATUE, SUBEDAR PET, NELLORE – 524 002 A.P., South Indi</p><p>3. Telephone Nos. Mobile: + 91 9704900044, +91 9246426129</p><p>4. E – mail : [email protected], [email protected] www.supportindia.net website 5. Legal Status of the Registered under Societies Reg. Act Organization 6. Name of the Act. : A.P Societies Reg. Act - XXI of 1860. </p><p>7. Reg. No. & Year No. 65 / 1997</p><p>8. Chief Functionary : T. R. Deena Dayalh Raju, B.Sc., M.A., M. Phil. (Sociologist). 9. Nature of Organization : Secular, Non political, Non profitable 10. Area of Operation : Nellore district Guntur district As lead partner through out AP. 11. Target Communities : Slum dwellers, Dalits, & Tribals Fisher Folk </p><p>Main focus Street Children Disabled Persons, Vulnerable Women People Living With HIV/AIDS Children Living With HIV/AIDS Injecting Drug Users</p><p>12. Income Tax Exemption under : Under 12A(a) of the Income Tax Act-1961 which Act. H.Qrs.NO.I(17)/NLR/CIT-GNT/05-06 13. FCRA & Bank Ac Details : 0 1 0 3 1 0 1 1 4 FORIEGN FUNDS-PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK- NELLORE S.B Ac. No. 03700001000 9 1 7 5 1 IFSC/RTGS CODE:PUNBOO37000 MICR CODE:524024002 GENERAL FUNDS-AXIS BANK-NELLORE S.B.Ac .No:152010100091464 IFSC/RTGS:UTIB0000152 MICR CODE:524211002 14. Infrastructure : Well equipped Office with Sufficient Furniture, infrastructure and communication systems. 15. Genesis & Brief description of NGO: Society for Urban poor people and Operative Rural Transformation (SUPPORT) is principally a development agency and also offering consultancy services to other grass- root development institutions in south coastal Andhra Pradesh, India. Launched in the year 1997 by a core group of development professionals in various related lines of development viz., Health, Education, Social Work, Agriculture, sociology etc., the agency has acquired credibility and acclaim through the implementation of various proactive development initiatives. </p><p>SUPPORT has been actively working in the areas of Reproductive and Child Health, HIV/AIDS prevention, Child Labor Rehabilitation & Education, Micro Credit Management, Disaster preparedness, Livelihoods, Water and Sanitation, Community based rehabilitation for disabled, Networking etc., for the past 13 years in Nellore and Guntur districts. SUPPORT has at present 43 full time staff with technical and non-technical backgrounds to execute the programmes. </p><p>The SUPPORT organization also runs a full-time training centre in its premises, holding the organizational capacity buildings trainings and also provides training services to others with its full-time training team. It also outsources the professionals when ever the need arises.</p><p>The Secretary, SUPPORT is a sociologist and professional social worker and had worked with reputed voluntary organizations in a managerial position for a period of 8 years prior to SUPPORT. 16. Vision “Enabling the vulnerable downtrodden communities to lead the life with dignity and self respect.” </p><p>Mission " To strive for empowerment of the under privileged, oppressed, exploited sections of rural and urban societies, by developing on sustainable lines, their overall capacities to overcome social, political, economic, cultural, physical and psychological barriers imposed on them, which will trigger a positive virtuous circle of self development with self dignity ". 17. Objectives</p><p> To develop backward villages, urban slums and weaker sections of people through integrated Socio-Economic activities in Health, Agriculture, Horticulture, Irrigation, Non- Formal Education, Adult Education, Youth Training, Women & Child Welfare activities and improve the living conditions of the villagers and slum dwellers.</p><p> To empower women through social mobilization process and organizing them into CBOs thereby enhancing their capacities, income levels and livelihoods.</p><p> To liaise with related such as Government authorities, financial institutions, banks, national and international agencies, federal cooperatives, local bodies for obtaining any benefits promoting the interests of women.</p><p> To ensure compressive health and nutritional services by setting up community health facilities, mobile medical care, handicapped care and baby care centers for children.</p><p> To start and manage Nutritional programmes for children pregnant women and Lactating Mothers.</p><p>18. MAJOR ACTIVITIES A. Child labour rehabilitation: Rehabilitating Children from Rag Picking Community by organizing a special Child Labor Bridge School with nutritional support in a typical slum to mainstream them into regular schools in Nellore Corporation.</p><p>Funding Support: National Child Labour Project, Government of India.</p><p>B. Reproductive and Child health: Organizing an Urban Health Centre in Nellore Corporation where around 17000 poor urban slum dwellers avail free medical services and preventive health services through various intervention strategies with main Focus on Reproductive and Child Health services. Funding Support: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. C. HIV/AIDS interventions: Working with vulnerable Street Children of Nellore Corporation along with their sexual partners to address their sexual health problems through behavior change communication, STI care and treatment, Condom promotion, Enabling Environment etc., to prevent HIV/AIDS among them. Funding Support: National AIDS Control Organization, Government of India. Working with Injecting Drug Users (IDUS) of Nellore Corporation along with their sexual partners to address their sexual health problems through Harm reduction strategy, Needle Syringe exchange programme, abscess management, Substitution therapy, drop-in centre, STI care and treatment, Condom promotion, Enabling Environment etc., to prevent HIV/AIDS and blood born diseases among them. Funding Support: National AIDS Control Organization, Government of India. CLINTIONS HIV/AIDS Initiative Providing psycho social care, travel support to ART centres, nutritional support to Children Living with HIV/AIDS and accessing other Government Welfare Services to their families. Funding Support: CLINTON FOUNDATION, USA</p><p>D. Institution Building: Organizing Fisher Folk, poor Dalits, Tribals & women, slum dwellers and Disabled people to form into Sangams (CBOs) towards their Socio-Economic Development through micro enterprising in Nellore district and Tenali Town of Guntur district. Funding Support: Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal Areas, Government of Andhra Pradesh. CARE India, Chennai.</p><p>E. Capacity Building: Organizing Regular Capacity Building trainings and Entrepreneurship trainings to the SHGs, CBOs and Mahila Arogya Sangams to strengthen their capacities towards self managed, self sustained and vibrant institutions. Funding Support: Care India, Chennai, MEPMA, Government of Andhra Pradesh. District Rural Development Agency, Nellore. F. LIVILIHOODS Promoting appropriate livelihoods for income generation among rural and urban women and disabled through various leverages with local banks, other donor agencies and Govt. agencies. Funding Support: Care India, Chennai. Local banks. District Rural Development Agency, Nellore. G. WATER AND SANITATION Implementing Water and Sanitation Project in 4 Tsunami affected villages through building the capacities of the communities to practice safe sanitary methods and by providing drinking water facility through community managed Protected Water Supply Scheme. Funding Support: CARE India, Chennai H. Micro Finance: Micro finance activity to lend money for small investment needs for the vulnerable women and disabled in the district for various livelihood activities. Funding Support: HDFC Bank, Nellore 19. Net working:</p><p>SUPPORT is the LEAD PARTENER for CLINTON FOUNDATION-USA to implement CLINTONS HIV/AIDS AIDS initiative project (CHAI) in Andhra Pradesh through a network of 27NGOs in the state. 20. Staff Details:</p><p>Full time paid staff : 43 Volunteers & consultants : 23</p><p>21. Finance details: ( Audited receipts and payments)</p><p>2008 – 2009 : Rs.2,38,13,683</p><p>2009- 2010 : Rs 2,10,91,984</p><p>2010- 2011 : Rs 67,34,724 22. GOVERNING BODY OF SUPPORT </p><p>S. Name Designation Profession No 1 G.Sandhya Samson, B.Sc, B.Ed, MA Chair Person Teacher & Nutrition Specialist</p><p>2 R.Salomi Vice – Chair Person Physiotherapist</p><p>3 T.R.Deena Daylah Raju, B.Sc, MA, Secretary Sociologist and professional M. Phil social worker</p><p>4 K.Vijaya Lakshmi, B.Sc, MA Treasurer Development Professional and MIS specialist</p><p>5 Dr. Viswa Kumar, MBBS, MD. Member Medical professional</p><p>6 K.Neeraja Ratnam, B.Sc, B.Ed Member Teacher 7 S.Vijaya Mohan, BA Member Development Professional</p><p>SUPPORT</p><p>HOME BASED CARE AND SUPPORT FOR 200 HIV INFECTED CHILDREN Budget for first 12 months S.No Activity Unit cost per Number of Units Total Budget for 12 month in USD months in USD 1 Nutrition Support 12 200 12x200x12 = 28800 2 Psycho Social Care 6 200 6x200x12 = 14400 3 Travel support to ART 3 200 3x200x12 = 7200 Centers 4 Value addition for their 2 200 2x200x12 = 4800 education 5 Administrative cost and 10 200 10X200X12=24000 staff salaries of implementing agency G R A N D T O T A L 79200</p><p>SUPPORTS PEDIATRIC HIV/AIDS INITIATIVE (SPHI) UNDER CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ANDHRA PRADESH</p><p>HOME BASED CARE AND SUPPORT FOR 1500 CHILDREN INFECTED/AFFECTED WITH HIV</p><p>PROPOSAL IN BRIEF</p><p>ABOUT SUPPORT:</p><p>Society for Urban poor people and Operative Rural Transformation (SUPPORT) is principally a development agency and also offering consultancy services to other grass- root development institutions in south coastal Andhra Pradesh, India. Launched in the year 1997 by a core group of development professionals in various related lines of development the agency has acquired credibility and acclaim through the implementation of various proactive development initiatives. The Organization is also registered with FCRA act and also has Tax exemption. Nellore as its Head Quarters the organization operates the activities through out the Andhra Pradesh. </p><p>SUPPORT has been actively working in the areas of Reproductive and Child Health, HIV/AIDS prevention, Child Labor Rehabilitation & Education, Micro Finance, Micro Insurance, Disaster preparedness, Livelihoods, Water and Sanitation, Empowered of women and disabled etc., for the past 13 years in A.P. The principle stakeholders of SUPPORT are vulnerable children, disabled and women from downtrodden communities. SUPPORT has at present 77 full time staff with technical and non-technical backgrounds to execute the programmes. SUPPORT has full-fledged office accommodation with sufficient furniture and sound infrastructure.</p><p>The Secretary, SUPPORT is a sociologist and professional social worker and had worked with reputed voluntary organizations in a managerial position for a period of 8 years prior to SUPPORT.</p><p>THE DONORS SUPPORTED SINCE 1997 TO SUPPORT ARE AS FOLLOWS</p><p> CLINTON FOUNDATION-USA CARE INDIA-CHENNAI NATIONAL CHILD LABOUR PROJECT GOI MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE GOI HDFC BANK-NELLORE-AP MISSION FOR ELIMINATION POVERTY IN MUNCIPAL ARES GOAP DFID AP STATE AIDS CONTOL SOCIETY/NACO INHAF-BANGALORE HLFPPT-HYDERABAD DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY-NELLORE</p><p>OVER VIEW OF CLINTONS HIV/AIDS INITIATIVE IN AP :( CHAI)</p><p>One of the major programs of SUPPORT in Andhra Pradesh is Clintons HIV/AIDS Initiative being funded by Clinton Foundation- US. Started in the year 2007, SUPPORT as LEAD PARTNER has been implementing CHAI progrmme by serving1347Children Living with HIV/AIDS (CLHA) in 18 Districts of Andhra Pradesh through a Network of 30 IMPLIMENTING PARTNERS (IPS). Home based care and support is the primary objective of the program through the activities of-</p><p>Psychosocial care to the CLHA and their caregivers to over come the stigma Nutritional support on monthly basis Travel support to the ART Centers for regular treatment Under going CD4 test once in three months Adherence Safety net Enrollment for Education Accessing Government Entitlements to their families Transition to available care and support centers</p><p>The program was closed by the end of JULY 2011 after transitioning 1267 children to the various service providers like orphanages, child homes, schools with mid-day meals facility, ICDS centers etc in stage by stage from 2007.Till now Clinton Foundation has supported Rs.1.9Crores (4,04,255$). </p><p>During the CHAI project implementation period SUPPORT and its Implementing Partners have identified 3000 new children living with HIV.As policy matter the Foundation is not in a position to support new children who are registered with the Network and those live in remote rural areas in the Districts with no awareness& access to nutritional support, psycho social care, Travel support to ART centers &educational facility.</p><p>PRESENT PROPOSAL</p><p>SUPPORT intends to serve 1500 new children under the age group of 0-14 infected/affected with HIV in the state of ANDHRA PRADESH who are registered with CHAI Network..</p><p>SITUATION ANALYSIS</p><p>We live in a world where more than 15 million children have been orphaned by HIV/ AIDS. AIDS has decimated the extended family system. Children have been robbed of their parents, and the elderly left with a generation of grandchildren to rise in their old age. Communities that once formed a safety net that absorbed children in need have long been overwhelmed by the number of orphans left by AIDS stretched beyond their limit to help. Over 15 p.c. of India’s 2.5 billion HIV+ are children, which translates to 3.75 lakh innocent victims, who have walked into the mess unsuspectingly. That 50,000 are born infected or become infected every year has been taken seriously by National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), which had issued dictates to the district-level administrations after holding a series of public hearings last year.</p><p>Even with intensified efforts by governments to make treatment available, more than half the people who need them still don’t have access to the AIDS medicines that will keep them alive. Thousands continue to die unnecessarily in the greatest human catastrophe known to man. CD4 test centers and ART Centers are available in Government District Headquarters Hospitals and other regional centers in every district. With the ignorance of the parents and also their poverty situation the CLHA are un-reached to the service centers and are not accessing the treatment. The CLHA are expected to consume high rich nutritious food which is also ignored. </p><p>People undergoing Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) require more nutrition than others, but unfortunately, Children Living with HIV (CLHA) are faced with abject poverty and malnutrition and hence die due to weakening of the immunity system,</p><p>Food is essential to nourish and sustain all life, and for people with AIDS proper nutrition is as important to their survival as the drugs themselves. Food helps ARV medications to be absorbed by the body effectively, strengthens the immune system and allows someone with AIDS to experience the transformative effects of the drugs.</p><p>The circumstances faced by these children in their daily struggle to survive – to find shelter, food and safety from the dangers that surround them – demand a greater response from the entire world. SUPPORT is committed to supporting home-based care and support program that help children living in child headed-households.</p><p>SUPPORT intends to improve the quality of life of children living with HIV/AIDS. The organization concentrates on integrating people living with HIV, their children and family members in their mainstream society by providing them with counseling, AIDS treatment & follow up, basic and emergency medical care, nutritional support, education, health and other support services.</p><p>MISSION</p><p>SUPPORT is dedicated to providing life-saving anti-retroviral treatment, care and support services to children whose lives have been infected by HIV/AIDS in ANDHRA PRADESH by directly engaging the corporate, global public in the fight against AIDS. </p><p>GOAL To promote adherence, follow-up, and ongoing enrollment in HIV care and treatment through the provision of psychosocial care, nutritional supplementation and travel support to ART centers. </p><p>PROJECT PERIOD</p><p>Two years (from April 2012 to March 2014) ACTIVITIES</p><p>Access to Health – Pre-ART screening – OI prophylaxis and TB screening and treatment – ART -CD4 testing, Adherence – Immunization – Counseling on improved water handling and sanitation practices; personal and domestic hygiene</p><p>Psychosocial care – Need-based counselling based on age and stage of illness – Life skills education – Support groups</p><p>Nutritional Support – Nutritional assessment – Nutrition and dietary counseling – Providing nutrition supplementation – Linkages to existing food programs for supplementary nutrition– ICDS, Mid-day meal</p><p>Educational support – Enrolment and continued schooling – Linkages with Universal Primary Education Program for formal and non- formal education</p><p>Safety Net – Food security assessments and interventions – Leverage resources from Government and communities</p><p>STRATAGY</p><p>SUPPORT will be the LEAD PARTNER to implement and monitor this programme at state level. The IMPLIMENTING PARTNERS in the 23 districts will directly work with the stake holders. Intensive monitoring supervision with all the technical and non technical support will be provided by the LEAD PARTNER. With regard to the programme delivery Home Based Care and Support by the outreach workers of the IP to achieve the said objectives is the strategy to be followed.</p><p>SUSTAINABILTY </p><p>In order to ensure sustainability and optimal utilization of available resources, SUPPORT can ensure the transition through alternative sources of linkages to avail the same services either from the government or from the non government sources during the project period.</p><p>CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY</p><p>In the wake of rapid globalization and pressing ecological issues, the perception towards the role of corporate in the broader social paradigm is undergoing a sea change. In the recent years, society and the state have put forward an expectation before public sector corporate to integrate the social responsibility aspects in their business persuasion. This scenario not only affects large scale public sector undertakings, but also includes firms of small scale. The underlying assumption that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one way through which companies can demonstrate their commitments towards being socially responsible. In fact, CSR as an integral aspect of corporate has double edge effect in terms of creating goodwill to the company and acting as a social and economic intervention to bring about large scale change in the life of people from different walks. </p><p>PROPOSED INTERVENTION OF SUPPORT THROUGH CORPORATES:</p><p>During this financial year April-2012-March-2014 SUPPORT intends to address the above said needs of 1500 CLHA through the same networking of Clinton Foundation with the same objective and activities. </p><p>BUDGET: It is estimated that every CLHA needs Rs.1000/- per month (Rs.12,000/-per annum) for providing the services which includes the administrative cost of SUPPORT and other Implementing Partners. </p><p>Variable Costs: Number of CLHAs, against Nutritional Supplementation Support & Travel Support</p><p>Fixed Costs:</p><p> ORW(OUT REACH WORKER) Salary (Psychosocial Support) & Travel IP Coordination Costs LP Management: Project Officer and Accountant (Salary and Travel) IP Training Institutional Overheads</p><p>OUR EXPECTATION FROM INDIVIDUALS and CORPORATES:</p><p>To address this noble cause the individuals and the Corporate Companies are requested to sponsor as many number of children as you can under your purview through Social Responsibility- Component. SUPPORT is accountable for the funds released by you. </p><p>CONCLUSION: This is the idea we wish to explore to the individuals, philanthropists, Corporate Companies for your positive response. We wish to start the program from April 2012 for a period of 24 months. If you commit the no of children can be sponsored by you we can submit a detailed proposal along with the Budget and details of the children. The list of the individuals and Corporate Companies with their sponsored number and the list of their children will be reflected in the website of SUPPORT. As per your norms SUPPORT can enter in to an MOU. One of our representatives can also consult you for detailed discussion with your permission and prior appointment.</p><p>Looking forward for your participation in this campaign.</p><p>Regards </p><p>CSR WING –SUPPORT NELLORE.</p>
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