<p> CURRICULUM VITAE – Professor Jorge Moreno-Lopez</p><p>Employer: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU Uppsala, Sweden. Former Employer: International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria. (September 90- December 94). National Veterinary Institute, SVA. 69-77. Date of birth, place: April 19, 1941 in Ecuador. Citizenship: Swedish and Ecuadorian. Present address: Dept. of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health, BVF. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU. Uppsala-Sweden. E-mail: [email protected] Languages: Spanish (Mother Tongue). Swedish, English almost as well as Mother Tongue. Portuguese, Italian, understand and speak with difficulties. Basic knowledge of French and German and Chinese. Education-degrees: 1965. DVM. Central University, Quito-Ecuador. 1971. DVM. Royal Veterinary College, Stockholm-Sweden 1977. DVM, PhD. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU. 1977. Assoc. Prof. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Docent) 2000. Full Professor. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU. Positions held: Scientist, National Veterinary Institute, Stockholm-Sweden (1969-75) Scientist, Royal Veterinary College, Stockholm, Sweden (1975-1976) Assoc. Professor of virology. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU (1977) Head, Molecular Virology Unit, Depart. Vet. Microbiol. SLU (1989). Staff Member, International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, Animal Production and Health, FAO/IAEA. Vienna (1990-1994). Regional Expert for Latin America, Head, Molecular Virology Unit, Depart. Vet. Microbiol. SLU. Head, Department of Vet. Microbiol. (Sections for Bacteriology, Immunology, Parasitology and Virology), SLU (1995-2000) Since 2000, full Professor of virology, SLU and from 2006, Professor emeritus. International Award and Honours: "The 1994 award of CIBIOR, IMSS. The Onyx Eagle (Symbol of IMMS), Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, for outstanding achievements in research on the Pig Paramyxovirus ” (LPM virus). Member Honoris causa: Swedish Veterinary Students Association “Spiritus” in recognition for pedagogical engagement etc. 1999. Professor Honoris causa: Politecnical University, ESPE, Quito-Ecuador. 2000. Professor Honoris causa: San Marcus National University, Lima-Peru 2006. 2012. Visiting Professor, Qingdao Agricultural University. Qingdao-China. International assignments and activities: 1974. Guest researcher, National Veterinary Institute, Budapest, Hungary (five weeks). 1977- Member Paramyxovirus Working Team WHO/FAO, Comparative virology. 1983- Scientific adviser. International Foundation for Science, IFS. 1985-1990. FAO/IAEA, SAREC, SIDA Expert missions, meetings, lectures, courses to Latin America, Africa and conferences in Vienna. FAO/IAEA/SIDA. Agreement Holder Co-ordinated Research Programme on Animal Disease Diagnosis. 1987- Responsible scientist, Sida/SAREC. Cooperation with Cuba, Costa Rica and Mexico. 1990-1994. Regional Expert for Latin America, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Staff Member. Animal Production and Health Section, FAO/IAEA, Vienna, Austria. 1994-2003. Member, Committee for International Development. SLU. 1995- FAO/IAEA Technical Contractor (RICA) for producing Bovine Leucosis reagents for Immunoassays to be used in LA and Africa. Expert missions to Latin America. 2</p><p>1996-1999 EU Thematic Network on Biotechnology (Co-ordinated by Italy). 1996-2003. EU-Expert representing Sweden on livestock matters in ACP countries, Brussels 1997-2000. Coordinator, Cooperation programmes Spain-Sweden. (Universities Malaga, Santiago de Compostela and SLU). Exchange of teachers (Supported by STINT). 1998- Promoting Biotechnology Centre for Central America and The Caribbean (BIOTECAR). National University, Costa Rica and SLU. Supported by governments of the region and Central America Council for Higher Education, CSUCA. 1998- EU-Socrates, exchange of teachers Faculty of Vet Med, Lisbon, Portugal. 1999-2004- EU Expert, Brussels in different Evaluator Panels on Animal Health: Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources: Life Sciences “Control of Infectious Diseases. Biotechnology, agricultural and food research Health, Food and Environment. EU, Sixth Framework Programme Research. Evaluation/selection projects. Special call for SARS “policy-oriented research. 2000- Swedish Coordinator, between Escuela Politécnica del Ejercito, ESPE -Ecuador and SLU. 2003-2007- International Panel, evaluation/selection projects. MSc/PhD. EU ALBAN Programme. 2004-2005. International Panel, evaluation/selection projects Med. Vet. Fundation for Sciences and Tecnology, Ministry of Science/Higher Education, Portugal. 2005-2006. Evaluator. Foundation for Science /Technology. Goverment of Chile. FONDECYT 2006-09. Evaluator. Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria. INIA. Madrid and 2008, Colaboration; Doctoral Programme, University of Granada-Spain. 2006 - to present, Coordinator, Linnaeus/Palme (Sweden) projects for exchange of techears and students San Marcos, University, Lima-Peru, Sao Paulo University, USP, Brasil, and recently Qingdao University, China and SLU. 2010-11. Expert of A3ES, Agencia de Evaliacao e Acreditacao do Ensino Superior.Lisbon,Portugal.</p><p>INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES, scientific secretary, courses, workshops, symposia etc. FAO/IAEA/SIDA-ARCAL as Staff member. Activities in Latin America, Scientific Secretary on Animal Disease Diagnosis and epidemiology including Brucellosis, Foot and Mouth Disease, Babesiosis and Leucosis. European Molecular Biological Organisation, EMBO. International Workshop on Papilloma viruses, Örenäs-Sweden. 1983. Costa Rica, Cuba and Mexico. Workshop on Animal Disease Diagnosis in Latin America (International Foundation for Sciences, IFS). San Jose, 1990. Symposium on Scientific Co-operation between Sweden and Cuba. Swedish Agency for Research Co-operation, SAREC, 1993, La Havana, Cuba. Symposium “New Approaches for Pedagogical Teaching at Universities: Experiences from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU, San Jose, 1998. International Conference on Biotechnology for Use and Preservation of Marine and Arid Zones Biological Resources. La Paz, Baja California, Mexico, 1985. International Conference on Infectious Diseases of Pigs held in Mexico City, 1985. EU International Symposium on the Porcine Paramyxovirus LPMV, Puebla. Mexico, 1994. International Colloquium on Science and Technology between Sweden and Mexico, Puebla, Mexico, 1996. Scientist from the National Institute of Health, IMSS, Mexico and professors from Uppsala University and SLU participated in this meeting. Symposium on Cellular physiopathology during viral infections. Puebla-México, 1998. Co-organiser. International Symposium on Emergent Viral Diseases in Pigs. Irapuato-Mexico, 2000. International Symposium on Diabetes. Mexico City and Puebla, 2000. Progress on Cancer Research. International Symposium, 2003, Puebla-Mexico. Venezuela, Colombia. Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. International Symposium on Microbiology. Central University of Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela, 1984. First Post-graduated course in Virology and Immunology. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Central University of Venezuela, Maracay, 1985. Second Post-graduated course in Virology and Immunology. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Central University of Venezuela, Maracay, 1987. International Symposium on Microbiology and Parasitic Diseases. Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, ICA, Bogota, Colombia, 1984. Member official SLU and SVA delegation for establishing a bilateral co-operation with institutions in Venezuela and Colombia. 1985. I supervised work of a MSc from Venezuela and under my supervision several students from Sweden visit the country for professional activities. Co-ordination, meeting on 3</p><p>Animal and Plant Health in Quito. Faculty of Agronomy at the Instituto Agropecuario Andino, Quito, 1998. Co-ordination, Animal and Plant Health Symposium, at the Instituto Agropecuario Andino, Quito, 1999. Co-ordination, II Animal and Plant Health Symposium, at the Instituto Agropecuario Andino, Quito, 2000. Participation of a network of European Scientist (Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Poland). Co- ordination III Animal Health Symposium, Instituto Agropecuario Andino, Quito, 2002. Participation of a network of European Scientist (Sweden, Spain, Portugal). Coordination of activities on support between SLU and ESPE (Sweden and Ecuador) agreement between the two Universities. Official visit of a Swedish Delegation to Ecuador and Galapagos Islands aimed for collaboration with the Galapagos National Park and Charles Darwin Station and SLU. Under my supervision several veterinary students from Sweden visit Ecuador and Peru for professional activities. Ph.D activities with Universidad Mayor San Marcos (Peru) and symposia both in Lima, Arequipa and Cajamarca. Under my supervision, a Ph.D thesis “Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus and Other Reproductive Pathogens: Epidemiological studies in Peruvian Cattle”, was defended in 2006 by a Swedish scientist. Due to my intervention, the two collaborating universities in Ecuador and Peru received each, an Electron Microscopy and miscellaneous as donations from Universities in Sweden. Coordinator of Linnaeus/Palme Program in Peru. Scientist from the National Institute of Health, and professors from Uppsala University participated in Cancer Research Meeting September 2009. Since 2007 I am responsible coordinator for exchange activities of teachers between Universidad Mayor San Marcos de Lima and Department of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health, SLU as well as with Universidade de Sao Paulo, USP. These activities are supported by the Linnaeus/Palme programme from the International Office in Sweden. Scientific Co- operation between Argentina, Uruguay and Sweden, Swedish Agency for Research Co-operation, SAREC, Buenos Aires Argentina, 1989. Collaboration with SENASA, Laboratorio Azul (Argentina) and Miguel Angel Rubino (Uruguay) on Animal Disease Diagnosis. Ph.D thesis from a student. Adviser for SVANOVA Biotech AB in Latin America. Activities in Spain, Portugal and Poland. Supported by STINT and The National Agency for Higher Education). Activities within programme “Teaching of Excellence”. Collaboration with two Universities in Spain (Malaga and Santiago de Compostela) and University in Lisbon. Lecturer (EU Socrates Programme) at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Lisbon. Programme Based Learning (PBL) symposia. STINT activities on “Teaching Excellence” between Santiago de Compostela University and Lisbon University. In cooperation with University of Santiago de Compostela (Lugo) symposia activities with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Olsztin, Poland. Activities in Africa and Asia. FAO/IAEA Regional training course on Immunoassays and DNA techniques held in Nairobi, Kenya 1986. Veterinary Medicine and Public Health in Africa. Committee for International Development, SLU, Sweden. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1995. Collaboration between SLU, SVANOVA and ILRI on animal disease diagnosis. Supervise the work of MSc from Sudan, Arab Emirates and Thailand. Linnaeus/Palme project with Qingdao University, China. Washington DC and other capitals in the Americas. Since 1992 I am invited to attend the meetings at Ministerial Level RIMSA and FMD (COHEFA) of the Panamerican Health Organization PAHO. Important decisions in Animal Health and Food Security for the Region are adopted for the Americas.</p><p> During the years, I have established an extensive network of scientist in LA and several proposals to obtain funds were presented: Co-ordination EU-ALFA Programme (20 Universities LA-Europe). EU- INCO-DC Projects: 1) Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Bovine brucellosis and Bovine Leucosis and 2) Harmonisation of Diagnostic Methodologies, Control, Epidemiology and Ecology of Major Fish Pathogens (23 institutions Europe-LA). 3) Production and utilisation of products derived from Capibaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris): Influence of diseases, nutrition and reproduction in their natural and in captivity environment (3 EU and 4 LA countries). A Fellowship Programme for exchange of researchers and teachers (SLU-Valdivia, Chile). Promoter for a Biotechnology Centre for Central American and The Caribbean (BIOTECAR) with official support from governments of the region and from Central America Council for Higher Education, CSUCA. 4</p><p>RESEARCH. My main research activities can be summarised within four different areas: Bovine Parainfluensa virus-3. PIV-3. During the seventies, I initiated and introduced to the Swedish Veterinary Medicine Community my work on Cell Mediated Immunity. (Several scientific publications in this field). Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus: The isolation and characterisation of viral proteins were performed (Several scientific publications). Papillomavirus: Under the eighties, I initiated and introduced for the first time to the Swedish Veterinary Medicine Community my work on gene technology. New papilloma viruses were discovered and characterised using DNA technology. In co-operation with scientist at the Uppsala University, a “papillomavirus research group” was built and several scientific publications and 10 PhD theses (I supervised two PhDs). Porcine Paramyxovirus LPMV: In 1985 I isolated and characterised the first member of the paramyxovirdae family isolated from pigs. The virus was by me named as LPMV (La Piedad Michoacan Virus, now internatiuonal classified as Porcine Paramyxo Virus.). An intensive research was initiated. Several publications, two PhDs and one MSc theses in this field have been produced. Furthermore, during the seventies I have had the opportunity to isolate for the first time in Sweden rotavirus in pigs and cattle and other viruses of veterinary interest. The first serosurvey on Viruses during Outbreaks of Acute Respiratory and/or Enteric Disease in Swedish Cattle” was published in 1979. Finally several chapters in books and popular scientist articles in Swedish, English and Spanish have been published.</p><p>Member Editorial Board. 1. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. Sweden. 2. ”Revista Médica Mexicana” Yucatan University, Mexico. 4. Revista veterinaria, Universidad San Marcos, Lima-Peru. ISRN, Veterinary Science, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. 5. Member of the Editorial Board Journal Cardiometry. (System and particular research. Theory, practice, therapy, engineering, philosophy).</p><p>SUPERVISOR for about 15 MSc. and PhD. Exams at SLU. Around 150 scientific publications in international journals and book chapters and conference proceedings. Book chapters and editor of some Conference Proceedings</p><p>Immbobilized lectin for isolation of virus and viral glycoproteins. T. Kristiansen, M. Sparrman, and J. Moreno-López. In Affinity Chromatography and Molecular Interaction. INSERM. Edited by Jean-Marc Ely. INSERM U. 184. Strasburg, 86, 217-230. 1979 Isolation of antigenic subunits from bovine viral diarrhoea virus by means of immobilized crotalaria juncea lectin. P. Kårsnäs, J. Moreno-López. T. Kristiansen. Lectins-Biology, Biochemistry, Clinical Biochemistry. 1, 401-406. Edited by T.C. Bög-Hansen. 1981. La recombinacion del DNA y la biotecnologia. In: Usos y preservacion de los recursos biologicos marinos y de zonas áridas. Ed. J L Ochoa and J. Moreno-López. La Paz, México. 1985. Organization and expression of the genome of bovine papillomavirus type 1. U. Pettersson, H. Ahola, A. Stenlund, P. Bergman, M. Ustav and J. Moreno-López. Papillomaviruses. In Ciba Foundation Symposium, Pitman London. 1986. Anatomy and expression of the transforming region of bovine papilloma virus type 1. U. Pettersson, P. Bergman, H. Ahola, M. Ustav, A. Stenlund, J. Zalbieski, B. Vennströmm and J. Moreno- López. Cancer Cells, Cold Spring Harbor, Vol. 4. 5995-602. 1986. The use of recombinant DNA technology in the diagnosis of viral infections. J. Moreno-López. International Symposium on the use of nuclear techniques in studies of animal reproduction and health. FAO/IAEA, Vienna. 1986 Propiedades biologicas y moleculares del virus papilloma. J. Moreno-López. In: Adelantos en microbiologia y enfermedades infecciosas. Ed. C Coto. R. Cachione, R. de Torres. 1987. 5</p><p>Organization and expression of papillomavirus genomes. U. Pettersson, H. Ahola, A. Stenlund and J. Moreno-López. In; The Papovaviridae. The papillomavirus. Edited by N. Salzman and P. Howley. Plenum Press, N.Y. London. 1987. Diagnostic Virology. A review of Methods at the National Veterinary Institute. FAO/IAEA/SIDA Co-ordinated Research Programme on Animal Disease Diagnostics. Edited by J. Moreno-López. Uppsala, Sweden. 1989. Acute respiratory disease in cattle. In viral Infections of vertebrates, Chapter 53 (Ed. M.C. Horzinek) J. Moreno-López. Elsevier Science Publisher. Amsterdam, Netherlands1990. Diagnostic Virology. II Part: Guidebook to procedures. FAO/IAEA/SIDA, Co-ordinated Research Programme on Animal Disease Diagnostics. Edited by J. Moreno-López. 1990. Immunoassay Methods and for the Diagnosis and Epidemiology of animal Diseases in Latin America. Summary of Proceedings and individual Work Plans. IAEA. Editor: J. Moreno-Lopez. Centro Panamericano de Fiebre Aftosa. Rio de Janeiro. 4-14 Nov. 1992. Regional Network for Latin America on Animal Disease Diagnosis using Immunoassay and Labelled DNA Probe Techniques. Final Research Co-ordination Meeting FAO/IAEA/SIDA CRP. Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture. San Jose Costa Rica. Editor, J.Moreno-Lopez. IAEA, Vienna, Austria. 1992. Immunoassay Methods and for the Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Animal Diseases in Latin America. Summary of Proceedings and Individual Work Plans. Editor: J. Moreno-Lopez. ICA, CEISA, Bogota, Colombia November-December, 1992. Virus Infections of Birds. Papovaviridae. Papovaviruses. In:Viral Infections of Vertebrates.Vol.4. (Ed. M.C. Horzinek). A.D.M.E. Osterhaus and J. Moreno-López. Elsevier Science Publisher B.V. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 1993 Papovaviridae. In Viral Infections of Vertebrates. Vol.6. Viral Infections of Rodents and Lagomorphs. (Ed. M.C. Horzinek, A. Osterhaus) J. Moreno-López. Elsevier Science Publisher B.V. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 1994. Department of Veterinary Microbiology. SLU 1997. A brochure on the activities of the department. TK. Uppsala AB. J Moreno-López (Editor) 1997. Diagnostic Virology, Part I. A review of Methods at the National Veterinary Institute. Edited by J. Moreno-López. Uppsala, Sweden. Second edition. In preparation Diagnostic Virology, Part II. A review of Methods at the National Veterinary Institute. Edited by J. Moreno-López. Uppsala, Sweden. Second Edition. In preparation. Contribution to the Swedish National Encyclopedia. Papovaviruses and Poxviruses . 2000. The molecular biology of porcine rubulavirus La Piedad Michoacan Virus LPMV. M. Berg and J. Moreno-López. In: Trends in Emerging Viral Infections of Swine, (editors) A Morilla-Gonzalez, K-J Yoon, and J. J. Zimmerman, Iowa State University Press. 2002 New approaches in the diagnosis of porcine rubulavirus (LPMV). Ann Nordengrahn, Jorge Moreno- Lopez, and Malik Merza. 2002. In: Trends in Emerging Viral Infections of Swine, (editors) A Morilla-Gonzalez, K-J. Yoon, and J.J. Zimmerman. Iowa State University Press. 2002 Porcine rubulavirus (LPMV) infection in PK-15 cell line. Moreno-López Jorge and Pablo Hernández-Jáuregui In: Trends in Emerging Viral Infections of Swine, (editors) A Morilla- Gonzalez, K-J Yoon, and J J. Zimmerman, Iowa State University Press. 2002 Pathogenesis of porcine rubulavirus (LPMV) in pancreatic rat islets. Moreno-López Jorge and Alia Yacoub In: Trends in Emerging Viral Infections of Swine, (editors) A. Morilla-Gonzalez, K-J Yoon, and J J. Zimmerman, Iowa State Univ. Press. 2002. Are the lesions In: The epididymis of boars infected with Porcine Rubulavirus LPMV similar to those of Mumps Virus in humans Moreno-López Jorge and Pablo Hernández-Jáuregui In: Trends in Emerging Viral Infections of Swine, (editors) A Morilla-Gonzalez, K-J Yoon, and J.J. Zimmerman, Iowa State University Press. 2002 6</p><p>Comparison of tests for serologic diagnosis of blue eye disease. Dolores González-Vega, Fernando Diosdado, Ann Nordengrahn, Marcela Mercado, Pablo Hernández-Jáuregui, Jorge Moreno- López, Antonio Morilla In: Trends in Emerging Viral Infections of Swine, (editors) A. Morilla- Gonzalez, K-J Yoon, and J J. Zimmerman, Iowa State University Press. 2002 Neuropathology of porcine rubulavirus infection. Seamus Kennedy, Brian Herron, Pablo Hernández- Jáuregui, Gordon Allan, John Kirk, Jorge Moreno-López. In: Trends in Emerging Viral Infections of Swine, (editors) A Morilla-Gonzalez, K-J Yoon, and Jeff J. Zimmerman, Iowa State University Press. 2002. Family Paramyxoviridae. Moreno-Lopez J. Microbiología Veterinaria, Text book (in Spanish) Universidad de La Plata, Argentina (2006). Family Papovaviridae. Moreno-Lopez J. Microbiología Veterinaria, Text book (in Spanish) Universidad de La Plata, Argentina (2006). Mononegavirales of Veterinary Importance: Pathobiology and Diagnosis CABI: Muhammad Munir (Editor). 2013. JORGE MORENO-LÓPEZ. Uppsala July 2012</p>
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