COMING! STORY OF NEXT ISSUE "12 DAYS IN A TO START THE SLI BURNING SHIP" Official Publication of the Students' Association of Washington Missionary College VOLUME XXI, NUMBER 10 TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. FEBRUARY 14, 1936 Lorado Taft to • Unique Program Be Featured in Our lieriiage... Planned for the By ADRIAN V. BOYER Let man seek never to define S.A. of W.M.C. Next Lyceum With low compare of fame The great degree America's Foremost Sculptor High Destiny Three Groups to Be Entertained and Author to Lecture Here Bequeathed to either frame. by Faculty and Students What glory yet their spirits yield Lorado Taft, America's foremost Has bound ONE equal name. sculptor, will be the guest speaker at Saturday evening, February 22, the the Lyceum to be given in Columbia These—who tooled a rugged nation Students' Association will present an Hall on Saturday night, February 15. From the starkest weld of stone, entertainment of an entirely different Mr. Taft, whose lectures have al- Chiseled from the nature from any held previously at the ways made for individual and com- Dormant thunder College. The student body will as- munity advancement, has been one of Freedom's laurel-pleached throne. semble in Columbia Hall at 7:30 for the leading American platform stars for Firm in mystic sequence grafted, half an hour, to enjoy motion pictures many years. He is an easy and fluent Root by root has grown, given by Dean Eric Jones. Immediately speaker, full of spontaneity, alive with after the pictures three groups, 225 stu- One monument of marble grain— dents to a group, will be formed and humor, interesting his audience as he One plinth of moulded frame. carries them through an evening of the will leave the auditorium. Group num- Two hearts that bled ber one will go to the Home Economics highest educational value. With crimson tears— Mr. Taft was born at Elmwood, Ill., apartments for a musicale, readings, and Two urgent—sacred flames general entertainment; given by Prof. in 1860. He is a graduate of the Uni- Are one! what fustian logic dares versity of Illinois, where his father was W. F. Shadel, with Miss May Stanley in Malign their bonded names? charge of the refreshments, assisted by professor of Geology. In 1880, after student leaders. his graduation from the University, Mr. 3)J Taft went to Paris where he studied for Group number two will go to the dining hall where Prof. F. five years in the Ecole des Beaux Arts. 0. Ritten- house, Miss Edythe Stephenson, and Since 1885 he has been a resident of Big Controversy Sways Chicago, making occasional trips to Noted Lecturer Speaks Announcing . • • three student leaders will be in charge. There will be a variety of games and re- Europe. All is quiet. Not a sound can be Student Association As instructor in modeling and later on Living Death heard, and not a stir is made save for freshments at this section. The third group will meet in the Academy chapel as lecturer he has been connected with a little girl in the person of Esther, who for an amateur program with all of the the Art Institute of Chicago for 35 Students See Display of Opium is turning the leaves of her Bible. She Constitution Committee Sees trimmings. This group will be under the years. At the University of Chicago he seems puzzled, and is searching in the Large Task in Division Pipe and White Morphine direction of Prof. S. W. Tymeson, as- holds the title of Professorial Lecturer Book of books for the answers to her sisted by John T. Hamilton, Bill Shull, on the History of Art and is a nonresi- Prof. Earl A. Rowell, noted lecturer problems. The Students' Association held its Shirley Eldridge, and Jesse Tupper, stu- dent professor of art at the University Does she get her questions answered? and author of "Prophecy Speaks," first regular meeting for the new dent leaders. of Illinois. Mr. Taft is a member of "Battling the Wolves of Society," spoke Would you like to know? If so, come semester Monday, February 3, in chapel. The admission charge to the motion the National Academy of Design, of in chapel last Friday, February 7, on the to the Young People's program tonight The Association had important business pictures at 7:30 will be 10 cents. This the American Academy of Arts and evils of narcotics. He displayed an —7:45 p. m. The main theme of the to discuss at the meeting. admission fee gives each student three Letters, an honorary member of the opium pipe and pieces of black opium meeting is this story, "How Esther Whether or not to have a constitu- tickets. Each group will stay in their American Institute of Architects, and and white morphine. Read Her Bible," wnch is to be pre- tion was-discussed heatedly by me respective Threes—fur 35 hiintites- and at is one of the Board of Art Advisers for Describing the narcotic addiction dis- sented in dialogue form. Alt of the student body. The constitution the end of that time they will go to the state of Illinois. He received a ease as a "living death," Professor Come early and enjoy the song serv- of the Association has been mislaid, but another group. By this plan each one silver medal at the Buffalo Exposition Rowell related true stories of these un- ice and the musical numbers and pro- a report indicated that it was printed in will share in the entertainment of all in 1901, and a gold medal at the ex- fortunate victims. He said that there gram to follow. several back numbers of three of the groups. The amateur hour position at St. Louis in 1904. is no cure for the disease, and the life THE SLIGON- IAN. The controversy came to a close in the Academy chapel, as well as the Mr. Taft's first ideal work of im- of an addict is very short and usually COLLEGE IS REPRESENTED as the motion was made and passed that musicale and refreshments, will be given portance was at the Columbian Ex- ends in suicide. the president of the Association appoint three times during the course of the eve- position, where he undertook the decora- From 50 to 75 per cent of all crimes AT MT. VERNON students to serve on a committee to ning. tion of the Horticultural Building. His have been committed by addicts to ob- search for the old constitution or draw This will be a memorable night in two groups, "The Sleep of the Flowers" tain money for drugs to ease their ter- FUTURE RECITALS PLANNED up a new one. Those appointed on the the history of our school life, and let (Concluded on page 4, column 3) rible pains. committee were: Otho Eusey, chair- all come to make it a real success! Before the end of the year, another Washington Missionary College was man, Edwina Boyle, Lee McElmurry, For further information see Mrs. Olive crisis series book by the professor will represented at Mt. Vernon Academy Ruth Wierts, and Talmadge Boyd. Batson, social secretary. COLLEGE PROFESSOR'S come from the press. It will be on this past week-end by members of the A report was taken as to how the HISTORY INTERESTING archeology. The Youth's Instructor will, Music Department; Prof. J. W. Osborn, bands for raising money for the Build- within the next few months, also feature head of the department, Prof. W. F. ing Fund were progressing. The new SEMINAR HEARS DR. KRESS a new serial story by Professor Rowell VARIOUS POSITIONS HELD Shadel, associate, and Miss Dorothy device for the bands was displayed on under the title of "Dope Adventures Goodrich, violinist. the platform. Some of the bands Dr. Daniel A. Kress, of the Washing- of David Dare." Washington Missionary College is On Saturday evening a musical pro- showed a marked improvement over ton Sanitarium and Hospital, spoke be- Professor Rowell spoke briefly before especially favored by having Elder J. N. gram was given in the chapel at the others. The proceeds of the report for fore a large audience attending the the seventh and eighth grades following Waldorf acting in the capacity of Dr. academy by these artists. Professor the day were about $105. Medical Seminar last Friday evening in his chapel lecture. B. G. Wilkinson while the latter is Osborn presented two groups of piano Tickets for Byrd's "Little America" the worship chapel in North Hall. He abroad-on his research study. solos including selections by Leschetizky, picture were distributed to the several related his personal experiences and his Elder Waldorf was graduated from Evangelist to Begin Mozart, and Liszt. In his last group, bands. Half of the proceeds of this contacts with Mrs. Ellen G. White, and Healdsburg College. Shortly after his especially the technical demands in the picture goes to the Building Fund, the read from her own handwriting, counsels graduation he sailed for Australia where Series of Meetings composition of Franz Liszt were im- other half to the Normal Department. and words of encouragement. Dr. Kress he labored for 15 years, conducting large pressive, displaying a brilliant virtuosity. The proceeds will be distributed among told of his life in Australia and how he successful evangelistic meetings. It was Miss Goodrich presented a group of was stricken with pernicious anemia and Elder John Ford, evangelist and grad- the bands according to the number of in these meetings that Elder Waldorf program pieces such as La Campanella tickets they sold.
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