
<p> We Welcome You To ST. MARK’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2220 S. Sproul Road, Broomall, PA 19008-2253 (PHONE) 610-356-1199 (FAX) 610-356-6112 (E-MAIL) [email protected] (WEBSITE) www.stmarksumcbroomall.net </p><p>January 26, 2014 ...... Third Sunday after Epiphany Ministers ...... Each Church Member</p><p>GATHERING Good Morning and Welcome Extending the Church’s fellowship Ritual of Fellowship Please register your attendance Prayer Concerns, Thanksgiving, & Celebrations Remembering brothers and sisters in need Preparing for Worship Direction of our worship together</p><p>WE CELEBRATE WITH PRAISE PRELUDE Please prepare your hearts for worship in silence. LIGHTING OF THE ALTAR CANDLES CHORAL INTROIT *HYMN “Lift High the Cross” # 159 *CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive) Lay Assistant L: Praise the Lord! P: How good it is to sing praises to our God, L: For God is gracious, P: And a song of praise is fitting. *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH # 881</p><p>WE CELEBRATE WITH OUR GIFTS PRESENTATION OF OUR REGULAR TITHES AND OFFERINGS All people everywhere are created in God’s image. They are our brothers and sisters. Their pain is our pain; their hunger is our hunger; and their poverty is our poverty. Let us be generous with our morning offering. OFFERTORY As the ushers receive your gifts, MEMBERS AND GUESTS, please sign and pass the red folder in the hymnal rack. Thank You.</p><p>*DOXOLOGY # 95 *OFFERTORY PRAYER (Unison) Affirming our unity with our brothers and sisters around the world and in this place, we share ourselves through this offering. Amen. TIME FOR THE CHILD IN ALL OF US (To 5th Grade) PRAYER TIME WITH CHILDREN Infants and toddlers may be taken to Child Care at this time. MINISTRY OF MUSIC Chancel Choir “Star-Led and Wonder Bound”</p><p>WE CELEBRATE WITH PRAYER MORNING PRAYER SILENT PRAYER & LORD’S PRAYER *HYMN “Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me” # 361</p><p>WE CELEBRATE THROUGH GOD’S WORD SCRIPTURE LESSONS Isaiah 9:1-4 Page 638 Matthew 4:12-23 Page 3 L: This is the Word of the Lord P: Thanks be to God! SERMON “When Fishermen Don’t Fish”” Pastor Ken</p><p>WE GO FORTH TO CELEBRATE *HYMN “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” # 557 *PASTORAL BENEDICTION *CHORAL BENEDICTION *POSTLUDE *EXTENDING THE HAND OF FELLOWSHIP (Please greet your neighbors in surrounding pews) </p><p>P R A Y E R P A G E</p><p>Pray for our Congregation: Bernice Akers Lisa Kirkland Barbara Moore Sarah Hatzel Don Leonard Unspoken Requests Gertrude Huet Helen Leopold</p><p>Pray for Continuing Concerns: Vera Gerken Marge Lang Le Kirk Pray for Concerns Beyond our Congregation: Amy Barber (Friend of June Evans) Erna Buehring (Friend of Jane Karatzas) Joanne Colgan (Relative of Jim & Carol Brett) Joyce Duyer (Friend of Carole & John McLeod) Glenn Elliott (Friend of Lois Ache) Laura Hunter Gilbert (Niece of Kathie & Vince Del Vacchio Mary Hickey (Sister of Rosemary Thomas) Vicki Hill (Friend of Gelzhisers) Connie Homola (Cousin of June Evans) Tara Klick (Friend of Karen Nash) Sandy Leonard (Wife of Don Leonard) Felice LoConte (Uncle of Sciulli Family) Ruth MacKay (Sister of Carol Blum) Mary Malen (Mother of Rosemary Thomas) Michael Markellos (Prayer request by Pastor Ken) Gail McGinley (Friend of Eileen McComb) Emily Noyes (Grand-niece of Carla Hasenritter) Martha Packer (Friend of Sadie Calvert & Theresa Smith) Chip & Donna Paradise (Brother and sister-in-law of Claire Slater) Holly & William Schelling (Cousins of Pastor Ken) Robert Schroedel (Son of Corinne Schroedel) Ena Shawhan (Former member of St. Mark's) Harry Smith (Son of Doris Brittingham) Ruth Thomas (Sister of Sarah Hatzel) Deanna Tropea (Friend of Eileen McComb) Josh Weatherberry (Friend of the Bagnato Family) Robert Wells & Family (Friends of Carole & John McLeod) Ellen Wilcox (Sister of Carla Hasenritter) Peg Wiler (Mother-in-law of Nancy Wiler) Doris Wills (Aunt of June Evans)</p><p>ALTAR FLOWERS Are presented to the Glory of God and given In Memory of my Husband, Walt, by Maria Kollar.</p><p>SPECIAL PERSON TO BE REMEMBERED : Greg Heinsen, 2947 Pennview Avenue, Broomall, PA 19008-1127. PLEASE send a card or write a note and pray for Greg. State that you’re from St. Mark’s. </p><p>SUNDAY MORNING VOLUNTEER MINISTERS LAY ASSISTANT: Sharon Molino USHERS: Janet MacIntyre, Kathie Del Vacchio, Hazel Slater, Judy McConaghy COUNTERS: Lisa & Tom Linahan, Dan Nesbitt</p><p>ATTENTION: PARENTS & CAREGIVERS As a family-friendly church, St. Mark’s provides the following: a changing table and chair in the women’s room on the Sanctuary level; Sunday morning Child Care for toddlers to age 4; Junior Church for school- aged children K to 12; a weekly bulletin for children and youth; new children and youth pages plus sermon page posted on church website weekly.</p><p>OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE WEEK 1/26/14 –2/2/14</p><p>Today 10:00 AM Worship Service – Child Care 11:00 AM Choir Rehearsal – B-3 Mon 12:30 PM Senior Citizens’ Center – B-6 7:30 PM Barbershoppers – Rigby, B-2 7:30 PM Trustees – B-4 Tue 9 - 11 AM Food Bank – Library 12:30 PM Senior Citizens’ Center – B-6 6:00 PM “We Care Tuesdays” Dinner - Rigby 6:45 PM “We Care Tuesdays” Project - Rigby 7:00 PM The Best Is Yet to Come – B-4 Wed 9 AM–3 PM AARP Tax Training - Rigby Thur 12:30 PM Senior Citizens’ Center – B-6 6:30 PM Share Your Blues – Kolva Chapel Sun 10:00 AM Worship Service – Child Care 11:00 AM Choir Rehearsal – B-3 11:00 AM Fellowship Time – Kolva Chapel SINCERE CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY IS EXTENDED TO </p><p> Janet MacIntyre and family upon the death of her son, Paul.</p><p> Kathy & Evan Klingsberg and family upon the death of Evan’s son, Marc.</p><p>“Death does not extinguish the light. It is putting out the for the Dawn has come.”</p><p>ST. MARK’S STAFF MINISTERS……………………….All Members of St. Mark’s BISHOP, EPC-UMC……………………Rev. Peggy Johnson DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT.………. Rev. H. Joe Tyson SENIOR PASTOR…..………………Rev. Kenneth Gelzhiser DEACON……………………..………… Rev. Ula Christopher DIRECTOR OF MUSIC…………….….Mr. Brendan Kirchner SECRETARY………………….…….. Mrs. Elizabeth Cimbala CHILD CARE WORKER…………… ..Ms. Caitlin McCaskey MISSIONARIES (Congo)…………………………Drs. Jeff & Ellen Hoover CENTER FOR PASTORAL COUNSELING…..….. Rev. George Bustard</p><p>For any questions, concerns and/or comments regarding the staff of St. Mark's UMC, please contact Ruth Kolva, Chair of the Staff-Parish Committee, at [email protected] or 484-422-8642.</p><p>REMEMBERING OUR ST. MARK’S FAMILY IN PRAYER</p><p>Please keep the following members and families of St. Mark’s in your personal prayers during the coming week: </p><p>Glenda Biddiscombe Len & Carol Blum John & Kay Bockius Jim & Carol Brett Doris Brittingham Shirley Brooke</p><p>NEXT SUNDAY: 2/2/14 - 4 th SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY</p><p>SERMON: “The Foolishness of God” SCRIPTURES: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 & Matthew 5:1-12 SPECIAL DAY: Sacrament of Holy Communion, Souper Bowl Sunday, Drexel Hill Middle School Girls Ensemble SUPERBOWL (SOUPER BOWL) NEXT SUNDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2014</p><p>With thanks for all our blessings, let’s make it SOUPER SUNDAY next week! Please bring to church a can or two of soup (or a cash donation) for those in need. </p><p>P L A N A H E A D “ WE CARE TUESDAYS” Sandwiches for Homeless 6:00 PM Supper - 6:45 PM Project 4th Tuesday of each month</p><p>January 28, 2014 February 25, 2014 March 25, 2014 </p><p>ST MARK’S FOOD CENTER: St. Mark's Food Bank is open to clients for food distribution on Tuesdays from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. and between 6:00 and 7:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. (The food bank is closed on fifth Tuesdays.) </p><p>Specific items requested by the Food Bank are 2-ply toilet paper, bar soap, soup, rice, cereal, and oatmeal. </p><p>VISIT OUR ST. MARK’S WEB SITE! Check out St. Mark’s web page. Go to: www.stmarksumcbroomall.net Find us on Facebook!</p><p>THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS OF OUR ST. MARK’S FAMILY ARE CELEBRATING THEIR BIRTHDAYS DURING FEBRUARY:</p><p>01 Linahan, Tom 138 Wyndmoor Road Havertown, PA 19083-3233</p><p>01 Brittingham, Doris 597 Dickinson Court Exton, PA 19341-1118 04 Calvert, Sadie 115 N. New Ardmore Avenue Broomall, PA 19008-3020</p><p>04 Turkington, Marian 2733 Hillview Road Broomall, PA 19008-1722</p><p>04 Leonard, Donald 2507 Grant Road Broomall, PA 19008-1605</p><p>05 Voight, Brandon 3503 Tyson Road Newtown Square, PA 19073-2417 </p><p>05 Ward, Dorothy Dunwoody – E 201 3500 West Chester Pike Newtown Square, PA 19073-4168 </p><p>06 Akers , Bernice 809 St. Francis Drive Broomall, PA 19008-2717 </p><p>08 Lynch, Nancy 2890 Gradyville Road Broomall, PA 19008-1027 </p><p>08 Slater, Andrew 204 Second Avenue Broomall, PA 19008-2316</p><p>09 Magiso, Eva 176 Mansion Road Newtown Square, PA 19073-3407 </p><p>07 Slater, Claire 204 Second Ave Broomall, PA 19008-2316 </p><p>10 Mac Intyre, Janet 2735 Hillview Road Broomall, PA 19008-1722 </p><p>13 Kolva, David 652 Kenney Lane Brookhaven, PA 19015-1423</p><p>13 Paulin, Louis 2508 Highland Avenue Broomall, PA 19008-1606</p><p>14 Vowler, Marge 3500 West Chester Pike – Apt. A 211 Newtown Sq., PA 19073-4168 17 Brett, James 1607 Bane Way West Chester, Pa 19380-6466 </p><p>18 Hickey, Barbara 208 Cedar Road Wallingford, PA 19086-7121 </p><p>18 Mc Fetridge, Eric 828 Putnam Boulevard - # B, Wallingford, PA 19086-6704 </p><p>21 Ferry, Linda 414 Candlewood Road Broomall, PA 19008-1732 </p><p>21 Jones, Shirley Granite Farms Estates – E 102, 1343 W. Baltimore Pike Media, PA 19063-5531 </p><p>22 Smith, Edward 25 Summit Avenue Broomall, PA 19008-2518 </p><p>24 Brubaker, Nancy Granite Farm Estates – P 238, 1343 W. Baltimore Pike, Media, PA 19063-5531</p><p>24 Slater, Jake 204 Second Avenue Broomall, PA 19008-2316</p><p>25 Nolan, Ruth 16 Mulberry Lane Newtown Square, PA 19073-4604 </p><p>26 Danzi, Susan 428 Burns Drive Springfield, PA 19064-1707 </p><p>28 Harakal, Cyndy 607 Spencer Drive Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547-2301</p><p>THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS OF OUR ST. MARK’S FAMILY ARE CELEBRATING THEIR ANNIVERSARIES DURING FEBRUARY:</p><p>09 Bockius, John & Kay 110 S. New Ardmore Avenue Broomall, PA 19008-2728</p><p>10 D'Ambrosia, Justin & Shirley 2205 Clover Drive Broomall, PA 19008-2820</p><p>10 Taylor, Roger & Lisa 111 S. Sproul Road, Broomall, PA 19008-2308</p><p>17 Robinson, Harry & Heather 1 Locust Road Newtown Square, PA 19073-2907</p><p>25 Burgwald, Gary & Becky 343 Marple Road Broomall, PA 19008-2618</p><p>29 Fichter, Calvin & Kay 811 St. Francis Drive Broomall, PA 19008-2717</p>
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