
Department of Environment and Natural Resources Asian Development Bank FINAL REPORT ADB TA 7258 - PHI Agusan River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Project VOLUME 2 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE PRESIDENT, AND PROJECT ADMINISTRATION MANUAL JANUARY 2011 Pöyry IDP Consult, Inc. In association with Nippon Koei, U.K. Schema Konsult, Inc. C N I , T L U S N O C P D I Y R Y Ö P TA No. 7258-PHI: Agusan River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Project – FR – Vol. 2 This report consists of 8 volumes: Volume 1 Main Report Volume 2 Report and Recommendation of the President, and Project Administration Manual Volume 3 Supporting Reports: Watershed Rehabilitation, Biodiversity Conservation, and Related Social and Indigenous Peoples Development Volume 4 Supporting Reports: Infrastructure Development Volume 5 Supporting Reports: Institutional Development, Capacity Building, Financial Management Assessment, and Financial and Economic Analyses Volume 6 Supporting Reports: Safeguards Volume 7 Supporting Reports: Field Surveys (CD softcopy only) Volume 8 Supporting Reports: Stakeholder Consultations (CD softcopy only) TA No. 7258-PHI: Agusan River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Project – FR – Vol. 2 i AGUSAN RIVER BASIN INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PROJECT PPTA TA NO. 7258-PHI FINAL REPORT VOLUME 2: REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE PRESIDENT, AND PROJECT ADMINISTRATION MANUAL List of Contents Page Glossary and Abbreviations ii Location Maps vii A. Report and Recommendation of the President (Draft 2) B. Project Administration Manual (Draft 2) TA No. 7258-PHI: Agusan River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Project – FR – Vol. 2 ii GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS AD ancestral domain A&D alienable and disposable (land) ADD average daily demand (water supply) ADB Asian Development Bank ADSDPP Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development Protection Plan AIFC average incremental financial cost amsl above mean sea level AMWS Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary ANR assisted natural regeneration AP affected person APIS annual poverty indicator survey ARB Agusan River Basin barangay village/ neighborhood administrative unit BDC barangay development council BDP barangay development plan BLGU barangay local government unit BNA basic needs approach BOD biological oxygen demand BOT build-operate-transfer BRS Bureau of Research and Standards (of DRWH) BWSA Barangay Water and Sanitation Association CADC certificate of ancestral domain claim CADT certificate of ancestral domain title CBD central business district CBFM community-based forestry management CBFMA community-based forestry management agreement CBMS community-based monitoring system CBO community-based organization CDA Cooperatives Development Authority CDO community development officer CENRO community environmental and natural resources officer CEPA community education and public awareness CIP carbon-in-pulp processing, community irrigation project CLGU city local government unit CLUP comprehensive land use plan CO community organizing COA Commission On Audit COD chemical oxygen demand CPC certificate of public convenience CY calendar year DA Department of Agriculture DAO DENR Administrative Order DAR Department of Agrarian Reform DBL design-build-lease DBO design-build-operate DBM Department of Budget and Management DBP Development Bank of The Philippines DCC Disaster Coordinating Council DECS Department of Education, Culture and Sports DED detailed engineering design DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources DILG Department of Interior and Local Government DOF Department of Finance DOH Department of Health DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways TA No. 7258-PHI: Agusan River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Project – FR – Vol. 2 iii DRA demand responsive approach DRM disaster risk management DRRM disaster risk reduction and management DSA delineated service area DSCR debt service coverage ratio DSWD Department of Social Welfare and Development DTI-BOI Department of Trade and Industry – Board of Investment EA executing agency EARF environmental assessment review framework ECC environmental clearance certificate EIA environmental impact assessment EIRR economic internal rate of return EMB environmental management bureau EMP environmental management plan EMS environmental management system ENR environment and natural resources EO executive order EOCC economic opportunity cost of capital FGD focus group discussion FLUP forest land use plan FMAQ financial management assessment questionnaire forex foreign exchange FPIC free prior informed consent FS feasibility study FY fiscal year (1 January – 31 December) GAD gender action development GADCC gender action development coordinating committee GEF Global Environmental Facility GFI government financial institution GIS geographic information system GOCC government owned and controlled corporation GOP Government of the Republic of the Philippines GR (i) government regulation, (ii) general record (in legal cases) HDI Human Development Index HH household HRD human resources development IA implementing agency IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) ICC Investment Coordination Committee (NEDA) ICG internal cash generation IDAP institutional development action plan IDC interest during construction IDCB institutional development and capacity building IEC information-education-communication IEE initial environmental examination IFMA integrated forest management agreement IP indigenous peoples/persons IPDP indigenous peoples’ development plan IPO indigenous people organization IPRA Indigenous People’s Rights Act IRA internal revenue allotment IRR implementing rules and regulations ISF integrated social forestry (program) IT information technology TA No. 7258-PHI: Agusan River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Project – FR – Vol. 2 iv JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency JSF Japan Special Fund KABP knowledge-attitudes-behavior-practices KBA key biodiversity area KFP an adaptation of KAP (knowledge, attitudes and practices) LDCC local development coordinating council LG local government LGC local government code LGU local government unit LIDAP local institutional development action plan LIHH low income household LLI local level institutions LOI letter of intent l/s liters per second lumad refers to non-Islamized indigenous peoples of Mindanao LWUA Local Water Utilities Administration MAO municipal agriculture office (of DA) MDFO Municipal Development Fund Office MDG Millennium Development Goals M&E monitoring and evaluation MENRO municipal environment and natural resources office, part of LGU MFF Multitranche Financing Facility (ADB) MGB Mines and Geosciences Bureau MHO municipal health office minahang bayan communal mining area MIS management information system MLGU municipal local government unit MMT multi-sectoral monitoring team MOA memorandum of agreement MORO municipal agrarian reform office (of DAR) MOU memorandum of understanding MPA methodology for participatory assessments MPDO municipal planning and development office MRF materials recovery facility masl metrers above sea level MSU Mindanao State University MTPDP Medium Term Philippine Development Plan MTPIP Medium-Term Public Investment Program NAMRIA National Mapping and Resources Inventory Authority NAPC National Anti Poverty Commission NCIP National Commission on Indigenous Peoples NEDA National Economic Development Authority NGA national government agency NGO non-government organization NIA National Irrigation Administration NIMBY not-in-my-backyard NLA national line agencies NPC National Power Corporation NPK nitrogrn, phosphorus, potassium (fertilizer) NPV net present value NRW non-revenue water NSCB National Statistical Coordination Board NSO National Statistics Office NSWMC National Solid Waste Management Commission NWRB National Water Resources Board TA No. 7258-PHI: Agusan River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Project – FR – Vol. 2 v OCD Office of Civil Defense (under Department of National Defense) OCR Ordinary Capital Resources (ADB) ODA official development assistance OJT on-the-job training O&M operation and maintenance PA protected area PAGASA Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration PAGRO provincial agriculturist office PAM project administration manual (ADB) PAMB Protected Area Management Board PASu protected area superindentant PAWB Parks and Wildlife Bureau PD presidential decree PENRO Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (of DENR) PENRO-LGU Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (of LGU) PET polyethylene terephthalate (type of plastic) PFI private funding institution PHO provincial health office PIR poverty impact ratio PIU project implementation unit PL protected landscape PLGU provincial local government unit PMDC Philippine Mining Development Corporation PMO project management office PMU project management unit PO people organization, purchase order PPDO provincial planning and development office PPMS project performance management system PPTA project preparation technical assistance PSA poverty and social assessment PSP private sector participation PWSSR Philippine Water Supply Sector Roadmap QA quality assurance QC quality control QM quality management RA republic act RBO river basin organization R&D research and devvelopment RDCC regional development coordinating council RED regional executive director (DENR) RG regional government RIAP revenue improvement action plan RIS regional/river
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