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<p> Ontology-Driven Semantic Matches between Database Schemas</p><p>Sangsoo Sung and Dennis McLeod Department of Computer Science and Integrated Media System Center University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, 90089-0781 {sangsung, mcleod}</p><p>Abstract [1-6]. For example, by comparing names, types, and sample instances between attributes “phone number” Schema matching has been historically difficult to and “telephone” in compatible tables, these two automate. Most previous studies have tried to find attributes can be matched. However, schema and data matches by exploiting information on schema and data instances thus cannot fully capture the meanings. If we instances. However, schema and data instances cannot only consider patterns of instances, domain, and name fully capture the semantic information of the of attributes “phone number” and “fax number”, databases. Therefore, some attributes can be matched these two names can then be matched. Therefore, to improper attributes. To address this problem, we excluding semantic information of the attributes is propose a sche- ma matching framework that supports limited to discovering appropriate matches between identification of the correct matches by extracting the database schemas. By illuminating the difficulties semantics from ontologies. In ontologies, two concepts posed by lack of semantics, we have shown that there share similar semantics in their common parent. In is a need for an alternative method to obtain semantics addition, the parent can be further used to quantify a of data from external data sources. Toward this end, similarity bet- ween them. By combining this idea with our approach is to incorporate ontologies to gain effective cont- emporary mapping algorithms, we semantic information of data. perform an ontolo- gy-driven semantic matching in The goal of this paper is to introduce, define, and multiple data sources. Experimental results indicate quantify mapping frameworks that support mechanic- that the proposed method successfully identifies higher sms for interconnecting similar domain schemas. We accurate matches than those of previous works. divide the mapping algorithms into two categories: the semantics-driven mapping framework utilizes the sem- 1. Introduction antics of data, which is captured by ontologies, while the data-driven mapping framework also depends on With the steady advancement of semantically rich efficient matching algorithms, which have been intro- data representations in database systems, similar duced in the previous research. domains have been illustrated in different manners and In order to achieve this goal, we hypothesize that in diverse terminologies by domain experts who ontology-driven schema matching can improve match- typically have their own interpretations and analysis of ing accuracy, since it can support the capture of suffici- the domain. Integrating data from heterogeneous ent semantic information of data while the traditional databases thus yields many new information manage- methods cannot. To evaluate this hypothesis, we 1) ment challenges. In particular, schema matching is inh- define a semantics-driven mapping framework and a erently difficult to automate and has been regarded as a data-driven mapping framework, 2) quantify the degree tedious and error-prone task since schemas typically of similarity using ontologies and schema information, contain limited information without semantics of and 3) combine the similarities which are produced by attributes. both mapping frameworks. In most previous studies, schema matching has been The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: in general performed by gathering information for In Section II, we illustrate both mapping frameworks. mapping from various phases of an attribute including Section III discusses the experimental results. Finally, its name, type, patterns and statistics of data instances Section IV concludes this study. 2. Schema Matching Schema S SIMsem (Telephone,Call) = 0.96 Firm_Information SIM (Telephone,Call) = 0.88 To discover the correspondences in the schema S dat Fax Telephone and T, we compute similarity matrix M ST for S and T. S has attributes s , s , … , s , and T has attributes t , (323)523-1900 (323)523-1928 1 2 n 1 (213)321-2845 (213)321-2841 t2 , … , tn . M ST is a matrix </p><p>SIM (s1,t1 ) ⋯ SIM (s1,tm )  ⋮ SIM (s ,t ) ⋮   i j  SIM (sn ,t1) ⋯ SIM (sn ,tm ) SIM (Fax,Call) = 0.52   , sem Call SIMdat (Fax,Call) = 0.89 819-298-5872</p><p> where SIM (si , t j ) is an estimated similarity 461-273-1874 between the attributes si and t j (1  i  n,1  j  m) . To find the most similar attribute in the other Schema T schema, we propose an ontology-driven mapping Company algorithm with an ensemble of multiple matching Ontology methods. The mapping algorithms are mainly divided AA into a semantics-driven mapping framework and a data-driven mapping framework. The former generates Information 5.2 the matches based on information content [7], while Content BB the latter performs the matches based on the premise that the data instances of similar attributes are typically 9.6 co- ngruent. Both frameworks thus increase the DD EE accuracy of similarity by mutual complementation. Each framework produces a mapping matrix; Phone Call Telephone Fax Transmit sem dat Phone Call Telephone Fax Transmit respectively M ST and M ST . Thus, the similarity matrix M ST is SIMsem is an estimated similarity using the semantics-driven mapping SIMdat is an estimated similarity using the data-driven mapping sem dat M ST    M ST    M ST , where    1 Figure 1. Matching ambiguity can be resolved with semantics-driven mapping framework Leveraging a mapping based on the meaning of the attributes achieves a level of matching performance In our example, the values of the instances of the that is significantly better than a conventional schema attributes “Fax” and “Telephone” in the table matcher. Two techniques contribute to the matching “Firm_Information” of schema S and the attribute accuracy: “Call” in the table “Company” of schema T share common patterns. As shown in Figure 1, the estimated  Matching ambiguity resolution: similarities resulting from the data-driven mapping It can identify actual mappings although they are framework are too close to determine which cor- ambiguous. respondence is more suitable for this mapping. How-  Providing candidates that refer to a similar or ever, the semantics-driven mapping framework provi- same object: des increased evidence for the mapping between the It also provides matching candidates even if the attributes “Telephone” and “Call” since both words data-driven framework fails to select the are semantically more related than the attribute pair of candidates. “Fax” and “Call”. Therefore, it is necessary to prune candidate mappings. By comparing the attribute instances, the mapping Schema S can be found since the similar attributes share similar Company_information patterns or representations of the data values of their</p><p>Dot_Com instances. Thus, there are two types of base matchers SIMdat (Dot_Com , Corporation) = 0.01 SIM (Dot_Com , Volume) = 0.01 such as the pattern-based matcher and the attribute- dat SIM (Dot_Com , Address) = 0.02 EnjoySantaMo … dat based matcher. 2.1.1. Pattern-based Matcher</p><p>The pattern-based matcher tries to find a common</p><p>SIMsem (Dot_Com , Corporation) = 0.36 pattern of the instance values, such as fax/phone numb- ers, or monetary units. It determines a sequence of alp-</p><p>SIMsem (Dot_Com , Volume) = 0 habets, symbols and numbers that are most character- SIMsem (Dot_Com , Address) = 0 istic in the instances of an attribute. Given any value of the instances, we transform each alphabet to “A”, sym-</p><p>Corporation Volume Address bol to “S”, and number to “N”. To compute the simil- arity, it compares the patterns by calculating the values 951,234,020 4200 S. Full … Samsung of the edit distance [8] of a pair of patterns. An edit di- Sony 932,526,760 890 Western … stance between two strings is given by the minimum number of the operations needed to transform one Schema T string into the other, where an operation can be either Firm_list an insertion, deletion, or substitution. For example, “(213)321-4321” is transformed into “SNNN- Figure 2. The semantics-driven framework SNNNSNNNN” and “213-321-4321” is transformed provides candidate mappings into “NNNSNNNSNNNN”. In this case, the edit distance between two numbers is 1. </p><p>In the other example, the values of the instances of Let ai and bj be instances of the attribute s and t the attribute “Dot_Com” of the table “Firm_list” in (1Ј i Ј Na ,1Ј j Ј Nb ) . Let EditDist(ai , bj ) denote an schema S are dissimilar to all the attributes of the table “Company_information” in schema T. Figure 2 edit distance value between the patterns of the attribute b illustrates that the data-driven framework fails to find instances ai and j . In addition, it also contributes to the mapping candidates. However, the correspondence a performance to use top ai most frequent instances between “Corporation” and “Dot_Com” can be found because pairwise comparison is typically a time consu- by the semantics-driven mapping framework because ming task. Let g denote the number of the instance a the value of their information content is relatively i i higher than the other mappings. in the attribute s, and hj be the number of the instance</p><p> bj in the attribute t. We assume that ai and bj are 2.1. Data-Driven Mapping Framework sorted in a descending order with respect to gi and hj . The attribute names in the schemas can be very The similarity between the instance patterns of the t difficult to understand or interpret. In this section, we attributes si and j can be quantified as follows: propose a framework that functions correctly even in the presence of opaque attribute names using the data SIM pat (s,t) = values. Previous research has shown that an effective matching technique utilizes an ensemble of searching k пм1 жgi hi ц 1 пь overlap in the selection of the data types and represent- з + чҙ е н2 з N N ч EditDist(a ,b ) +1э ation of the data values, comparing patterns of the data i= j=1оп и a b ш i j юп instances between the schema attributes, linguistic mat- ching of names of schema attribute, and using learning By detecting the most k frequent pattern, we can use techniques [1, 3, 4, 6]. In the data-driven mapping the pattern to find a match with the pattern of the framework, we mainly make use of the fact that the corresponding attributes. schemas, which we are matching, are associated with the data instances we have. 2.1.2. Attribute-based Matcher The attribute-based matcher tries to find common evaluate the semantic similarity in a taxonomy based properties of the attributes. Comparing various phases on information content [7, 10]. Information content is a of the attributes such as name and domain information corpus-based measure of the specificity of a concept. also provides the correspondence between the This approach relies on the incorporation of the attributes [1, 3-6]. Thus, the attribute-based matcher empirical probability, which estimates into a maps attributes by comparing the attribute’s names and taxonomic structure. Previous research has shown that types. this type of approach may be significantly less Comparison of the names among the attributes is sensitive to link density variability [9, 10] performed only when the domain information of two Measures of the semantic similarity in this approach attributes is similar. Due to a number of diverse ways quantify the relatedness of two words, based on the to represent the names of the attributes like compound information contained in an ontological hierarchy. words, we compute a prediction based on the Ontology is a collection of the concepts and inter- frequency of the co-occurred N-gram of the attributes’ relationships [11]. There are two types of inter- name. Tri-gram was the best performer in our relationships: a child concept may be an instance of its empirical evaluation. parent concept (is-a relationship), or a component of its atr Let SIM (s , t ) be a prediction, which is parent concept (part-of relationship). In addition, the dat i j child concept can have multiple parents, thus there may produced by this attribute-based matcher. Thus, the exist multiple paths between the child concept and the similarity from the data-driven mapping framework parent concept. WordNet, which is a lexical database, can be defined as: is particularly well suited for similarity measures, since it organizes nouns and verbs into hierarchies of is-a or</p><p>SIMdat(si , tj) = part-of relations. Thus, we have employed WordNe- t::Similarity [12], which has implemented the semantic pat atr a ЧSIMdat (si , tj) + b ЧSIMdat(si , tj) relatedness measures that compute information content using WordNet ontology from untagged corpora such wherea + b =1 as the Brown Corpus, the Penn Treebank, and the British National Corpus [12]. Unfortunately, this mapping framework is not alw- Let c denote a word of an attribute. The information ays successful as indicated in Figure 1 and Figure2. content of a word w can be quantified as follows: When it fails to find mappings, it is often because of its inability to incorporate the real semantics of the attri- IC(w) = - log( p(w)) butes to identify the correspondences. In the following sections, we propose a technique to resolve this probl- where p(w) is the probability of how much word w em. occurs. Frequencies of words can be estimated by counting the number of occurrences in the corpus. 2.2. Semantics-Driven Mapping Framework Each word that occurs in the corpus is counted as an occurrence of each concept containing it. The semantics-driven mapping framework tries to identify the most similar semantics of attribute in the freq(w) = count(w ) other schema when the attribute names are not opaque. е i The name of an attribute typically consists of a word or wiОCc compound words that contains the semantics of the attribute. Thus, the semantic similarity between s and where Cc is the set of concepts subsumed by a word i w. Then, concept probability for w can be defined as t j can be measured by finding how many words in follows: two attributes are semantically alike. We describe how we measure a semantic similarity. freq(w) p(w) = N 2.2.1. Semantic Similarity</p><p>Previous research has measured semantic similarity, which is based on statistical/topological information of the words and their interrelationships [9]. An alternative approach has recently been proposed to Figure 3 depicts an instance to compute a similarity WF: Word Frequency Ontology CF: Concept Frequency between the nodes “E” and “H”. The node “B” has the WF 1 IC: Information Content maximum information content of the common parents CF 12+1=13 of the nodes “E” and “H”, since the node “B” is the AA IC -log(13/13) most specific common parent of the nodes “E” and “H”. Concept frequency of the node “B” is 12 since it is the sum of its word frequency (6) in the corpus and WF 6 the sum of the word frequencies (6) of its descendants CF 6+3+3=12 BB “C” and “D”. Therefore, the similarity between the IC -log(12/13) WF 2 nodes “E” and “H” is 0.03. CF 1+0+2=3 2.2.2. Compound Word Processing WF 2 IC -log(3/13) CF 1+0+2=3 CC DD The name of the attributes sometimes consists of a IC -log(3/13) compound word such as “agent name”. In English, the meaning of the compound word is generally a spec- ialization of the meaning of its head word. In English,  log(1/13) the head word is typically placed on the rightmost EE FF GG HH II position of the word [13, 14]. The modifier limits the meaning of the head word and it is located at the left of WF 1 0 0 1 0 the head word [13, 14]. This is most obvious in CF 1 0 0 1 0 descriptive compounds, in which the modifier makes it IC 2.56 ∞ ∞ 2.56 ∞ more specific by restricting its scope. A blackboard is a particular kind of board which is black, for instance. Figure 3. An example of the semantic Based on this computational linguistic knowledge, similarity computation our approach is to give consequence to the mapping with the head word. We discompose the compound where N is the total number of words observed in word into atomic words and try to compute predicted corpus. similarities between each word to the attributes in the This equation states that informativeness decreases other schema. There are two issues of decomposition as concept probability increases. Thus, the more abst- of the name of the attribute. ract a concept, the lower its information content. This quantization of information provides a new approach to  Tokenization: measure the semantic similarity. The more information “ that these two words share, the more similar they are. agent name” appears in various formats such Resnik [7] defines the information that is shared by as “agent_name” or “AgentName”. In order to two words as the maximum information content of the correctly identify these variants, tokenization is common parents of the words in the ontology. applied to names of attributes. Tokenization is a process that identifies the boundaries of words. As a result, non-content bearing tokens (e.g., sim (c .c )  max [ log p(c)] resnik i j tCP(ci ,c j ) parentheses, slash, comma, blank, dash, upper case, etc) can be skipped in the matching phase.</p><p> where CP(ci, cj) represents the set of parents words shared by ci and cj.  Stopwords removal: Stopwords are the words that occur frequently in The value of this metric can vary between 0 and the attribute but do not carry useful information infinity. Thus, it is not suitable to use as a probability. (e.g., of). Such stopwords are eliminated from the Lin [10] suggested a normalized similarity measure as vocabulary list considered in the Smart project follows: [15]. Removing the stopwords provides us with flexible matching. 2 sim (c .c ) resnik i j We then integrate each similarity with more weight sim (ci .c j )  {log( p(ci ))  log( p(c j ))} on the right words. </p><p>Let a1 , a2 ,, ak be a set of tokenized words sorted by rightmost order in the compound word, which is the name of the attribute s in the schema S. SIM (si , t j ) = The estimated similarity for the s is f(a ЧSIM dat (si , t j ) + b ЧSIM sem (si , t j )) k k 1 1 1 2 ҙ sim(ar ,t), where N = 2 where a + b =1 and f(x) = е е -x r=1 r ЧN r=1 r 1+ e</p><p> r 2 is a heuristic weight value, which is verified in Since the sigmoid ( f) transfers function can divide the empirical evaluation. If both attributes are the whole input space smoothly into a few regions, the compound words, then let b1 ,b2 ,K ,bl denote a set of desirable prediction can be obtained. atomic words sorted by the rightmost order in the compound word, which is the name of the attribute t in 3. Experiments the schema t. Once we define the similarity between two concepts, the semantic similarity between two To demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of our mapping framework, we performed experiments on attributes ( s and t ) can be defined as follows: i j real-world data. We applied our mapping framework to real estate domain datasets that were previously used in SIM sem (si .t j ) = LSD [2]. We compare our experiment results with that of complete LSD results in terms of accuracy. The l 1 k 1 й sim(a ,b )щ complete LSD matches the schema with the schema е 2 ҙ ке 2 ҙ r q ъ and data information. q=1 q ЧM лr=1 r ЧN ы l 1 3.1, Test Datasets where M = е q 2 q=1 We used two real estate domain datasets. Both sem Thus, the semantic similarity matrix M ST is datasets contain house for sale listing information. The mediated schema of Real Estate II is larger than that of Real Estate I. Table 1 illustrates data information of йSIM sem (s1,t1) L SIM sem (s1,tm )щ the two datasets. к ъ M SIM sem (si ,t j ) M Attribut к ъ Attribute e Matchable SIM (s ,t ) L SIM (s ,t ) number Downlo- к sem n 1 sem n m ъ number attribute in л ы Domains in the Sources aded in the the source mediated listing source schemas schema Together with the data-driven mapping frameworks, schemas this framework is optimally combined as described in Real 502- 20 5 19-21 84-100% the next section. Estate I 3002 Real 502- 66 5 33-48 100% 2.3. Similarities Regression Estate II 3002</p><p>Using the machine learning technique, we combine Table 1. Domains and data sources for the the predicted similarities: SIM dat (si , t j ) and expreiment [2]</p><p>SIM sem (si , t j ) . Since each similarity can have different 3.2. Experimental Procedure significance with contribution to the combined predict- tion, a weight is assigned to each similarity. To impr- In order to empirically evaluate our technique, we ove the predictions of the different single mapping fra- train the system on the Real Estate I domain (the mework, parameter optimization [16] is performed training domain). With this data, we perform cross- where possible by cross-validating on the training data validation ten times to attain more reliable weights for with logistic regression. The final estimated similarity the combination of the predictions from the semantics- between attribute si and t j can be defined as follows: driven mapping framework and the data-driven mapping framework. These values are denoted as a and b in Section 2.C. 3.3. Experiment Results advice. The authors are also grateful to Sangsu Lee and John O’Donovan. Our experiment aimed to ascertain the relative contributions of utilizing ontologies to identify the 6. References semantics of the attributes in the process of schema reconciliation, while LSD exploited learning schema [1] R. 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