<p> The Journal of PHARMACOLOGY And Experimental Therapeutics</p><p>A Publication of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics</p><p>September 2007 Vol. 322, No. 3</p><p>Contents</p><p>BEHAVIORAL PHARMACOLOGY Floride Niyuhire, Stephen A. Varvel, 1067 Exposure to Marijuana Smoke Impairs Memory Retrieval in Billy R. Martin, and Aron H. Uchtman Mice Lori A. Knackstedt and Peter W. Kalivas 1103 Extended Access to Cocaine Self-Administration Enhances Drug-Primed Reinstatement but Not Behavioral Sensitization Christine Courteix, Anne-Marie Privat, 1237 Agmatine Induces Antihyperalgesic Effects in Diabetic Rats Teresa Pelissier, Alejandro Hernandez, and a Superadditive Interaction with R(—)-3-(2- Alain Eschalier, and Joseph Fialip Carboxypiperazine-4-yl)-propyI-l-phosphonic Acid, a iV- Methyl-D-aspartate-Receptor Antagonist</p><p>CARDIOVASCULAR Asad Zcidan, Ben Paylor, Karly J. Steinhoff, Actin Cytoskeleton Dynamics Promotes Leptin-Induced Vascular Smooth Muscle Hypertrophy via RhoA/ROCK- and 1110 Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase/Protein Kinase B-Dependent Sabzali Javadov, Venkatesh Rajapurohitam, Pathways Subrata Chakrabarti, and Morris Karmazyn Dexamethasone Decreases Contraction to Electrical Field Stimulation in Mesenteric Arteries from Spontaneously Rosa Aras-Lopez, Javier Blanco-Rivero, Hypertensive Rats through Decreases in Thromboxane A2 Release 1129 2- {4- [(5,6-Diphenylpy razin-2-yl)(isopropyl)amino]butoxy} -N- Fabiano E. Xavier, Mercedes Salaices, (methylsulfonyl)acetamide (NS-304), an Orally Available and Mercedes Ferrer, and Gloria Balfagon Long-Acting Prostacyclin Receptor Agonist Prodrug Keiichi Kuwano, Asami Hashino, 1181 Tetsuo Asaki, Taisuke Hamamoto, Regulation of «rAdrenoceptor-Mediated Contractions of the Uterine Artery by Protein Kinase C: Role of the Thick- and Tetsuhiro Yamada, Kaori Okubo, and Thin-Filament Regulatory Pathways Kenji Kuwabara Targeted Deletion of Ectonucleoside Triphosphate Hongying Zhang and Lubo Zhang Diphosphohydrolase 1/CD39 Leads to Desensitization of Pre- and Postsynaptic Purinergic P2 Receptors 1253 Modulation of ADP-Induced Platelet Activation by Aspirin and Pravastatin: Role of Lectin-Like Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor-*!, Nitric Oxide, Oxidative Stress, and Ulrich Schaefer, Takuji Machida, 1269 Inside-Out Integrin Signaling M. Johan Broekman, Aaron J. Marcus, and Robeito Levi Muhammad R. Marwali, Chang-Ping Hu, 1324 Bhavna Mohandas, Abhijit Dandapat, Prabhakar Deonikar, Jiawei Chen, Ian Cawich, Tatsuya Sawamura, Mahendra Kavdia, and Jawahar L. Mehta</p><p>CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR Molecular Mapping of the Binding Site for a Blocker of Lan Cheng, Krista Kinard, Hyperpolarization-Activated, Cyclic Nucleotide-Modulated Pacemaker Channels 931 Ramkumar Rajamani, and Michael C. Sanguinetti a- and e-Protein Kinase C Activity during Smooth Muscle Sandra Claro, Celia Akemi Kanashiro, Cell Apoptosis in Response to 7-Radiation 964 Discovery of a-Aminoazaheterocycle-Methylglyoxal Adducts Maria Etsuko Miyamoto Oshiro, as a New Class of High-Affinity Inhibitors of Cystic Fibrosis Alice Teixeira Ferreira, and Raouf Ali Khalil Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Chloride Channels Christel Routaboul, Caroline Norez,</p><p>1023 Patricia Melin, Marie-Carmen Molina, Effects of 5-Cyclopropyl-2-[l-(2-fluoro-benzyi)-lif- Benjamin Boucherle, Florian Bossard, pyrazolo[3,4-6]pyridine-3-yl]pyrimidin-4-ylamine (BAY 41- Sabrina Noel, Renaud Robert, 2272) on Smooth Muscle Tone, Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase Chantal Gauthier, Frederic Becq, and Activity, and NADPH Oxidase Activity/Expression in Corpus Jean-Luc Deeout Cavernosum from Wild-Type, Neuronal, and Endothelial Cleber E. Teixeira, Fernanda B. M. Priviero, Nitric-Oxide Synthase Null Mice Cyclic AMP-Dependent, Protein Kinase A-Independent 1093 Activation of Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase 1/2 and R. Clinton Webb Following Adenosine Receptor Stimulation in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells: Role of Exchange Protein Activated by cAMP 1 (Epacl) Neurokinin 1 Receptor Antagonists: Correlation between in Vitro Receptor Interaction and in Vivo Efficacy Ying Fang and Mark E. Olah</p><p>1189</p><p>Erik Lindstrom, Bengt von Mentzer,</p><p>1286 Ingrid Pahlman, Ingela Ahlstedt, Anna Uvebrant, Elin Kristensson, Rakel Martinsson, Anna Noven, Jennie de Verdier, and Georges Vauquelin</p><p>CHEMOTHERAPY, ANTIBIOTICS, AND GENE THERAPY Regulation of Colonic Smooth Muscle Structurally Unique Inhibitors of Human Mitogen-Activated Contractility in Experimental Colitis Protein Kinase Phosphatase-1 Identified in a Pyrrole Does Phospholipase C Mediate Muscarinic Carboxamide Library Receptor-Induced Rat Urinary Bladder Contraction? Protection of Mice from Methotrexate Toxicity by ex Vivo Transduction Using Lentivirus Vectors Expressing Drug- Resistant Dihydrofolate Reductase</p><p>High-Dose Acetaminophen Inhibits the Lethal Effect of Doxorubicin in HepG2 Cells: The Role of P-glycoprotein and Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase p44/42 Pathway Bcr-Abl-Independent Imatinib-Resistant K562 Cells Show Aberrant Protein Acetylation and Increased Sensitivity to Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors</p><p>Development of Gallium Compounds for Treatment of Lymphoma: Gallium Maltolate, a Novel Hydroxypyrone Gallium Compound, Induces Apoptosis and Circumvents Lymphoma Cell Resistance to Gallium Nitrate</p><p>ENDOCRINE AND DIABETES The Effects of the Melanocortin Agonist (MT-II) on Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissue in Rodents Evidence for in Vivo Scavenging by Aminoguanidine of Formaldehyde Produced via Semiearbazide-Sensitive Amine Oxidase-Mediated Deamination</p><p>GASTROINTESTINAL, HEPATIC, PULMONARY, AND RENAL Effect of (S)-4-(l-(5-Chloro-2-(4- fluorophenyoxy)benzamido)ethyl) Benzoic Acid (CJ-42794), a Selective Antagonist of Prostaglandin E Receptor Subtype 4, on Ulcerogenic and Healing Responses in Rat Gastrointestinal Mucosa . Nitrotyrosylation of Ca2+ Channels Prevents c-Src Kinase John S. Lazo, John J. Skoko, Stefan Werner, 940 Branko Mitasev, Ahmet Bakan, Fumito Koizumi, Archibong Yellow-Duke, Ivet Bahar, and Kay M. Brummond Jennifer L. Gori, Kelly Podetz-Pedersen, 989 Debra Swanson, Andrea D. Karlen, Roland Gunther, Nikunj V. Somia, and R. Scott Mclvor Irena Manov, Yulia Bashenko, 1013 Anat Eliaz-Wolkowicz, Meital Mizrahi, Oded Liran, and Theodore C. Iancu Sang Min Lee, Jae Ho Bae, Mi Ju Kim, 1084 Hyun Sun Lee, Min Ki Lee, Byung Seon Chung, Dong Wan Kim, Chi Dug Kang, and Sun Hee Kim Christopher R. Chitambar, David P. Purpi, 1228 Jeffrey Woodliff, Meiying Yang, and Janine P. Wereley</p><p>April D. Strader, Haifei Shi, Ryuichi Ogawa, 1153 Randy J. Seeley, and Ofer Reizes Michael Kazachkov, Kun Chen, 1201 Sergey Babiy, and Peter H. Yu</p><p>Koji Takeuchi, Akiko Tanaka, Shinichi Kato, 903 Eitaro Aihara, and Kikuko Amagase</p><p>Gracious R. Ross, Minho Kang, 948 Najeeb Shirwany, Anna P. Malykhina, Mary Drozd, and Hamid I. Akbarali Elfaridah P. Frazier, Alan S. Braverman, 998 Stephan L. M. Peters, Martin C. Michel, and Michael R. Ruggieri, Sr. Prostaglandins Enhance Epidermal Growth Factor-Induced Kristin Meisdalen, Olav F. Dajani, DNA Synthesis in Hepatocytes by Stimulation of E Prostanoid 3 and F Prostanoid Receptors 1044 Species Difference in the Inhibitory Effect of Nonsteroidal Thoralf Christoffersen, and Dagny Sandnes Anti-Inflammatory Drugs on the Uptake of Methotrexate by Human Kidney Slices Yoshitane Nozaki, Hiroyuki Kusuhara,</p><p>1162 Involvement of Rat and Human Organic Anion Transporter 3 in Tsunenori Kondo, Masahiro Iwaki, the Renal Tubular Secretion of Topotecan [(5)-9- Yoshiyuki Shiroyanagi, Hideki Nakayama, Dimethylaminomethyl-10-hydroxy-camptothecin Shigeru Horita, Hayakazu Nakazawa, Teruo hydrochloride] Okano, and Yuichi Sugiyama Pharmacological Properties of 3-Amino-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-{4- Shin-ichi Matsumoto, Kenji Yoshida, [4-(quinolin-2-yl)piperazin-l-yl]butyl}quinazolin-4(3/7)-one (TZB-30878), a Novel Therapeutic Agent for Diarrhea- 1246 Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Its Effects on Naoki Ishiguro, Tomoji Maeda, and an Experimental IBS Model Ikumi Tamai INFLAMMATION, IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY, AND ASTHMA Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase y Inhibition Plays a Crucial Role in Satoru Tamaoki, Yukinao Yamauchi, 1315 Youichl Nakano, Sayuri Sakano, Akira Early Steps of Inflammation by Blocking Neutrophil Asagarasu, and Michitaka Sato Recruitment</p><p>Acute Intracerebroventricular Administration of Palmitoylethanolamide, an Endogenous Peroxisome Chiara Ferrandi, Vittoria Ardissone, 923 Proliferator-Activated Receptor-a Agonist, Modulates Pamela Ferro, Thomas Ruckle, Paola Carrageenan-Induced Paw Edema in Mice Zaratin, Elena Ammannati, Ehud Hauben, Christian Rommel, and Rocco Cirillo Giuseppe D'Agostino, Giovanna La Rana, 1137 Dihydrocucurbitacin B Inhibits Delayed Type Hypersensitivity Roberto Russo, Oscar Sasso, Anna Iacono, Reactions by Suppressing Lymphocyte Proliferation Emanuela Esposito, Giuseppina Mattace Raso, Salvatore Cuzzocrea, Jesse Lo Verme, Daniele Piomelli, Rosaria Meli, and Antonio Calignano Jose M. Escandell, M. Carmen Recio, 1261 Salvador Mafiez, Rosa M. Giner, Miguel Cerda-Nicolas, Rosario Gil-Benso, and Jose-Luis Rfos</p><p>METABOLISM, TRANSPORT, AND PHARMACOGENOMICS Hemorrhage [sj Four Missense Mutations in the Ghrelin Receptor Result in Distinct Pharmacological Abnormalities The Contribution of Organic Anion Transporters 0AT1 and OAT3 to the Renal Uptake of Rosuvastatin</p><p>NEUROPHARMACOLOGY Neuroprotective Effect of Protein Kinase CS Inhibitor Rottlerin in Cell Culture and Animal Models of Parkinson's Disease Human Neural Precursor Cells Express Functional K-Opioid Receptors</p><p>Reparixin, an Inhibitor of CXCR2 Function, Attenuates Inflammatory Responses and Promotes Recovery of Function after Traumatic Lesion to the Spinal Cord</p><p>Design and Evaluation of Small Interfering RNAs That Target Expression of the TV-Methyl-D-aspartate Receptor NR1 Subunit Gene in the Spinal Cord Dorsal Horn Mice with Decreased Cerebral Dopamine Function following a Neurotoxic Dose of MDMA (3,4- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, "Ecstasy") Exhibit Increased Ethanol Consumption and Preference</p><p>\s\ Blockade of ATI Receptor Reduces Apoptosis, Inflammation, and Oxidative Stress in Normotensive Rats with Intracerebral Guang Liu, Jean-Philippe Fortin, 1036 Martin Beinborn, and Alan S. Kopin A. S. Windass, S. Lowes, Y. Wang, and 1221 C. D. A. Brown</p><p>Danhui Zhang, Vellareddy Anantharam, 913 Arthi Kanthasamy, and Anumantha G. Kanthasamy Wen S. Sheng, Shuxian Hu, Greg Herr, 957 Hsiao T. Ni, R. Bryan Rock, Genya Gekker, James R. Lokensgard, and Phillip K. Peterson Alfredo Gorio, Laura Madaschi, 973 Giorgia Zadra, Giovanni Marfia, Barbara Cavalieri, Riccardo Bertini, and Anna Maria Di Giulio Sandra M. Garraway, Qinghao Xu, and 982 Charles E. Inturrisi</p><p>Maria Izco, Ivanny Marchant, 1003 Isabel Escobedo, Ines Peraile, Mercedes Delgado, Alejandro Higuera-Matas, Oscar Olias, Emilio Ambrosio, Esther O'Shea, and M. Isabel Colado Keun-Hwa Jung, Kon Chu, Soon-Tae Lee, 1051 Se-Jeong Kim, Eun-Cheol Song, Eun-Hee Kim, Dong-Kyu Park, Dong-In Sinn, Jeong-Min Kim, Manho Kim, and Jae-Kyu Roh Endocannabinoid Enhancement Protects against Kainic Acid- David A. Karanian, Sanjida L. Karim, Induced Seizures and Associated Brain Damage 1059 JodiAnne T. Wood, John S. Williams, Isoflurane Inhibits NaChBac, a Prokaryotic Voltage-Gated Sonyuan Lin, Alexandras Makriyannis, and Sodium Channel Ben A. Bahr Opposing Control of Cannabinoid Receptor Stimulation on Wei Ouyang, Ting-Yu Jih, Tao-Tao Zhang, Amyloid-/Mnduced Reactive Gliosis: In Vitro and in Vivo Evidence 1076 Ana M. Correa, and Hugh C. Hemmings, Jr. Modulation of Brainstem Opiate Analgesia in the Rat by a, Giuseppe Esposito, Teresa Iuvonc, Receptors: A Microinjection Study Pharmacological Characterization of the Muscarinic Agonist 1144 (3/f,4R)-3-(3-Hexylsulfanyl-pjTazin-2-yloxy)-l-aza- Claudia Savani, Caterina Scuderi, bicyclo[2.2.11heptane (WAY-132983) in in Vitro and in Vivo Daniele De Filippis, Michelc Papa, Models of Chronic Pain Vincenzo Di Marzo, and Luca Steardo Jianfeng Mei and Gavril W. Pasternak</p><p>1278</p><p>Nicole R. Sullivan, Liza Leventhal, Role of iV-Methyl-D-aspartate Receptors in Antidepressant- Like Effects of (r, Receptor Agonist l-(3,4- 1294 Dimethoxyphenethyl)-4-(3-phenylpropyl)piperazine James Harrison, Valeric A. Smith, Dihydrochloride (SA-4503) in Olfactory Bulbectomized Rats Terri A. Cummons, Taylor B. Spangler, Shaiu-Ching Sun, Peimin Lu, TOXICOLOGY Albert J. Uveges, Brian W. Strassle, Chronic, Intermittent Exposure to Chlorpyrifos in Rats: Michael J. Piesla, Rana Ramdass, Protracted Effects on Axonal Transport, Neurotrophin Alena Barry, Jonathan Schantz, Receptors, Cholinergic Markers, and Information Processing William Adams, Garth T. Whiteside, Adedayo Adedoyin, and Philip G. Jones Dayong Wang, Yukihiro Noda, 1305 Hiroko Tsunekawa, Yuan Zhou, Masayuki Adverse Effects of 5-Aza-2'-Deoxycytidine on Spermatogenesis Miyazaki, Koji Scnzaki, Atsumi Nitta, and Include Reduced Sperm Function and Selective Inhibition of Toshitaka Nabeshima de Novo DNA Methylation The Metabolism and Toxicity of Furosemide in the Wistar Alvin V. Terry, Jr., Debra A. Gearhart, 1117 Rat and CD-I Mouse: a Chemical and Biochemical Definition Wayne D. Beck, Jr.. Jacob N. Truan, of the Toxicophore Mary-Louise Middlemore, Leah N. Williamson, Michael G. Bartlett, Mark A. Prendergast, Dale W. Sickles, and Jerry J. Buccafusco Christopher C. Oakes, Tamara L. J. Kelly, 1171 Bernard Robaire, and Jacquetta M. Trasler</p><p>Dominic P. Williams, Daniel J. Antoine, 1208 Philip J. Butler, Russell Jones, Laura Randle, Anthony Payne, Martin Howard, Iain Gardner, Julian Blagg, and B. Kevin Park</p>
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