EDITED BY ARTHUR GRIFFITH. Vol. 1. No. 30. (New 8eries) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th, 1917. PRICE ONE PENNY. WBBK BY WBBK. thing the people of England, who want to Germany. Cargoes of Irish live cattle could “ democratise ” Germany, never had and do reach the port of Hamburg twice weekly, and not now possess. And this being the fact, the the port of Genoa in half the time that the On Sunday Sinn Fein opened a big campaign United- States will have the “ word of the pre­ Argentine live cattle, which Genoa largely in Ulster. Messrs. Eoin McNeill and Laurence sent masters Of Germany ” . “ explicitly sup­ buys, can reach that port from Buenos Aires. Ginnell addressed a great meeting in St. ported” by “ conclusive evidence of the will The opening of a live Irish cattle trade with Golumb’s Hall, Derry, at which Mr. Seosamh and purpose of the German people.” tii© Continent would have the effect of forcing 0 ’Doherty presided. At Loughinisland (Co. the. English to pay a competitive price for our Down) the 'greatest meeting known there in The “ Irish Times,’*- which now patronises cattle. At present by keeping us,restricted,to living memory was addressed by Mr. Herbert America, and speaks in its name, assures the her market she fixes the price she pays us. Pim, Mr. John Halpin presiding, dootehill, Insh that after the war .when they resume <> «*>■ in Cavan, was the centre of an extraordinary emigration they will not’ be warmly received. To de?elop such a trade Ireland needs in the demonstration. Between. 16,000 and "20,000 After the‘war, be it known to the “ Irish first instance to charter, but eventually to assembled from all parts of East Cavan,'and Times,” the Irish do not intend to resume emi­ build her own marine. It is “ a ridiculous pro­ from the adjoining counties of Monaghan and gration. What a revelation of tfie West-Britisli posal” to the slave mind that Ireland should North Meath. Before the meeting—at which the mind is here! In seventy years those whom possess.a mercantile marine. But Ireland did V. Rev Dr. O’Connell, V.G., presided, and which the '‘ Irish Times” serves have driven nearly possess a mercantile marine and when she was addressed by Messrs. Eamonn De Valera, 5,000,000 Irish people out of their country. possessed it she traded with the world. There Arthur Grijfith, Sean Milroy, W . L. Cole, and -They have bled Ireland of its people, until are people jn Dublin still living who can re­ P. Whelan, Monaghan—a procession over two Ireland to-day— alone in^ Europe—registers an member when Irish ships jcarried tea to Ireland miles in length passed through the town. annual decline of population. And when the from China and Irish goods to the Chinese. ’Among the resolutions adopted by the vast war is over the “ Irish Times” proposes to To-day we consume more tea than ever, but meeting was one urgently calling the attention resume the extermination. But after the war the. we sell no goods to the tea-produe'ers. Eng­ of the United States Government to the arrest “ Irish Times” will witness many sights ab- land takes all the profits. Norway, a country and imprisonment by court-martial of Irishmen -horrent to its eyes in Ireland—and- one will be with but half the population of Ireland, posses­ for speeches upholding the doctrine enunciated the determined resolve of the Irish people to ses the third greatest mercantile, marine in-the by President Wilson—that it is the right of hold their own country, and to hold it tight. world. The people of Norway built it for each nation to choose'its own Government. ♦ <£■ themselves by the process of investing their- ♦ <> ♦ We are not going fast enough for the “ Irish money in. ships rather than allowing it to lie In Munster Messrs. Cosgrave, M .I.P.; Aid. Times,” yet,the rate of our going is the great- idle in banks. • It is not lack of .means, it is Kelly, and McDdnagh addressed a greattmeei- ; -est the world has known, and we are the only the lack of confidence in ourselves, the-^pre- > ing atpThurles and Mr. Collins one at Bantry, fthite nation whose population decreases-decade valence of the .slave mind,, that has. hitherto while in Connacht Messrs McGuinness, M .I.P.; by decade. Here are 'the proportion^ .of human paralysed Ireland and left her supine to Engf Harry Boland, and Darrell Figgis carried tjjie beings in Ireland jmd Great„Brltajn invevery. lish dictation. Sinn.Fein -is exorcjeiqg, that campaign on in Leitrim at Baflinamore, and, years since ,18%! acc u rs e d Jb^bit'.oiffi|njjl fgogftlreland $nd 3aw> ifi-0 -Mespf's. -M-^Lennon iajid- Sean Brtjfrn ing* tl^-p^^e*theii^own Strength. The' taafr een, in Mayo. T l d s n O s f i ; xerOitne cattlexrade and a merc5ntile]^rjne; . ♦ • • ■ 1831^776. „ 1,826 ••is one of great importance, apdtwe shall deal . Great is diplomacy. ' From President,. Wil-^ ; 1841.—817 5 , „ l',853 • yy with it in our next issue. son’s"'reply to the Pope’s Peace Proposals, 1851A-655 „ „ 2,081 ♦ ♦ ♦ which appears on the surface to be a polite. 1861.-579 „ „ 2,312 yy The following. amusing letter has been re­ 2,607 refusal,1the following facts emerge as the basis, 1871:—>541 „ „ NJ - ■*. ceived by Mr. T. V. Honan, Chairman of the 1881.—517 „ „ 2,971 in the opinion oi the United States, of a peace: 97 Ennis'TJrban Council, 1891.—470 „ „ 3,302 • » 1. No indemnities. ~ 1901,— 446 „ „ 3,699 Lord Chancellor’s Secretary’s Office,- ^ ♦ 2. German territory to remain- intact. 1911.— 439 „ „ 4,083 >> Four Courts, Dublin, 3. The Austro-Hungarian Empire to exist as 1914.—438 i „ 4,170 >> 30th day .of August; 1917.* , j*--- heretofore. ♦ <t>- Sir, - 4. No economic war,* after the war, to be , Thus in less than a century England-has re­ I am directed by the Lord Chancellor to in­ waged against Germany. duced the Irish people from a proportion of one form you that his attention has recently been 6. Territorial adjustments, the re-constitu­ Irishman to 'every ^two Britishers down to a called to your presence at jpublic meetings in tion of small nations, agreements foi proportion of-nearly ten Britishers to every j County. Clare, and particularly to meetings disarmament and a Court of Inter­ one Irishman. /And it is not enough. - The held on the 24th June, 1917, at Newmarket- national Arbitration to be the subject “ Irislr Tim es% is satisfied that* emigration will on-Fergus, and on the 6th July, 1917, at Ennis. oi treaties. continue after^the* War, and that America will At these meetings you appear also to have ♦ ♦ ♦ make it wnU for the emigrants because they taken an active part, and H is Lordship con­ Bead between the lines and translated from did not fight to- uphold the power that wiped, siders that such conduct is inconsistent with the language of diplomacy, these are the the Irish people out of their own'country. ♦ ♦ ♦ your position as a Justice of the Peace, and United States proposals to the Pope for peace -accordingly has directed a W rit of Supersedeas with Germany. As for the freedom of the The dictum o^ the “ Irisl^Times” reveals the WesfcBritish mind, but hereis a paragraph to issue discharging you from further acting seas, that is a matter ^to be settled with Eng­ as a Magistrate. frojn-the “ independent ” which reveals the land at the Peace Conference. I have therefore to acquaint you that you ♦ ♦ ♦ slave mind at its worst;— } have ceased to be entitled to sit. or act as a Here is a pregnant passage which the E ng­ A Ridiculous Proposal. Justice of the Peace by virtue of your present lish Press pretends is a refusal to negotiate At a meeting of the N. Leitrim Sinn Fein term of office as Chairman of the Ennis Urban xrith the- German Government:— Executive, in Manorhamilton, it was pro­ District Council. W e cannot'take the word of the present posed by B. F. Maguire, seconded by J. Kil- I am, Sir, rulers of Germany as a guarantee of anything duff, and passedThat communication be Tour obedient Servant, w that is to endure unless explicitly supported made with M .I.P.’s, such as De Valera, etc., by such conclusive evidence of the will and ■ with regard to a competitive market for Irish GERALD SWAN. purpose of the German people themselves as cattle, in. view of the* ruinous restrictions T. V. Honan, Esq., * the other peoples of the" world would be now being imposed by the Food Controller, Chairman of the Ennis U. D. C. justified.in accepting. and also the formation of a mercantile ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ marine fleet.” Let all J.P.’s henceforth learn that to take Which means that peace is not to be con­ .<>- an active part in a public meeting is against cluded with the “ Government ” ^of Germany - In the description of this as a ridiculous pro­ the law of England. No meeting, by the alone—that by some means the German Reich­ posal we have -the slave mind-at its worst. That way, was held in Ennis on July 6th, 1917. stag is to bo directly .associated with the sign­ the Irish people should seek, alternative mar­ The “ Lord Chancellor” who lays down the ing o f terms. kets and should own their o?ra ships can only doctrine that participation in a public meeting is inconsistent with a J.P.-ship was formerly • And we find that Germany is extending a be ridiculous to a mind maimed by slavery.
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