The Serving our Community Theatergoers get Since1888 inside scoop Item Mark S. Hoebee March 12, 2009 discusses Paper Mill’s 75 cents weekly latest play see A3 www.theitemonline.com of Millburn and Short Hills CoPOLICE p ruling TAKING THE FIRST STEPS OF A NEW SEASON comes after 3-year wait By Harry Trumbore hearing asking $750,000 in dam- of The Item ages. “Gino’s life has been held in Millburn Police Officer Gino abeyance,” Toscano said. “His Baldani has been found guilty of career was stymied as long as departmental charges for attempt- (Gordon) didn’t render a decision.” ing to interfere with an internal Toscano noted that Gordon’s police investigation by threatening failure to render a verdict, leaving and bullying another officer. open an internal affairs investiga- The ruling by Millburn Town- tion, effectively denied Baldani ship Business Administrator Timo- from professional advancement. thy Gordon comes nearly three “They told him, ‘You will never years after more than 80 police be a detective because you are officers packed Town Hall for a head of the PBA and too outspo- public disciplinary hearing for Bal- ken,’” the attorney said. dani presided over by Gordon. Gordon told The Item of Mill- Although he recommended a burn and Short Hills Tuesday after- five-day suspension, Gordon noted noon that he would not comment that because so much time had on his decision because Baldani’s elapsed since the infractions lawsuit is still in litigation. occurred, he would suspend imple- The charges stem from an inci- mentation of the sentence. dent in November 2005 when On Tuesday, Baldani’s attorney, Officer Timothy Burns reported to Patrick P. Toscano, Jr., called the Capt. Gregory Weber that another verdict absurd and said the verdict officer, Patrolman Edward Blazin- was the latest round of intimida- ski, had loaded personal software tion aimed at his client, who is on the computer of his patrol car. president of the local chapter of the During the public hearing, held Policeman’s Benevolent Associa- March 31, 2006, Burns testified tion. Baldani called him at home and STAFF PHOTO BY JIM CONNELLY Toscano also noted the verdict yelled at him for getting Blazinski will not stop Baldani from pursu- in trouble. Burns went on to Seniors Mike Esposito, Nathan Rudd and Danny Kirschner, from left, lead the Millburn High School boys track team on a warm- ing a lawsuit against the township up run during Friday afternoon’s season-opening practice. For more photos from the opening day of the school’s spring sports filed a year and a half after the SEE BALDANI, PAGE A3 season, see C1 and C2. BOARD OF EDUCATION REAL ESTATE Budget growth held to 2 percent Holding steady By Harry Trumbore will be in the mid- to high-single of benefits to aides. An internship further cuts. of The Item digits,” he said. instructor and four elementary “You can always cut something despite declining To find economies during harsh school teaching positions are being else,” Waters said. He said the bud- Likening the budget for the economic times, Waters said, “We eliminated as well and a visual and get process was ongoing and that 2009-10 school year to a battleship will have to be vigilant all day, performing arts supervisor position board members would keep a turning to a new direction in every day.” will be left unfilled. close eye on expenditures. economic times churning seas, Board of Education Superintendent of Schools Resident Jeffrey Diecidue con- “Just because we budget money member Jeffrey Waters said Mon- Richard Brodow echoed Waters’ gratulated the board on coming in doesn’t mean we need to spend it,” day night there will be a 2 percent sentiments. He said there would be with a budget that was essentially he said. By Erin Patricia Griffiths Sheriff’s Department’s records, the increase in the general fund. a 50 percent reduction in working flat, but asked if there were any Of The Item number of foreclosures in Millburn The budget includes $76.375 hours for aides and an elimination places where there could be SEE BOE, PAGE A3 decreased from two in 2007 to one million to support the day-to-day The stress of the current state of in 2008, and there has been one expenses, including teacher the economy is undoubtedly since the first of the year. In Short salaries and classroom supplies — a weighing on the minds of nearly Hills, there were none in 2007, two rise of 1.89 percent over the 2008- Board and administrators every American, with the United in 2008, and there are again no 09 budget. States Department of Labor foreclosures since the beginning of While the community has reporting national unemployment the year to date. expressed a desire for the board to increasing from 7. 3 percent in Jan- Other neighboring Essex Coun- be fiscally responsible, Waters said, defend personnel cutbacks uary to 8.1 percent in February and ty towns have seen increases in “the community does not want a the Mortgage Bankers Associa- foreclosures with Montclair’s fig- budget to affect education.” By Andrea Hughes Superintendent of Schools the state to look closely at the tion’s most recent National Delin- ures jumping from 11 in 2007 to 26 Waters’ comments came during of The Item Richard Brodow told The Item number of aids in schools. quency Survey showing that in 2008 and reporting 17 to date the board’s meeting at Deerfield of Millburn and Short Hills Fri- In the coming school year, approximately 12 percent of Amer- this year. School as residents were given For the Millburn Township day that a number of aides who Millburn High School will be ican homeowners with mortgages “I don’t believe that there is any- their first look at how the 2009-10 Public Schools, the 2009-10 currently work full time in short an art supervisor, and cus- were in foreclosure or at least one thing that hasn’t been affected by budget is shaping up. academic year will be one in kindergarten, the library and todians requested to work in the month late with payments at the the economy,” said Karen Bigos, a Waters said the proposed bud- which the only full-time aides elsewhere in the schools will new space added to the middle end of 2008. realtor with Towne Realty Group get will draw on the excess operat- remaining will be special educa- have their positions reduced to and high schools will not be In New Jersey, the rates for of Short Hills. “Short Hills, in any ing surplus, about $3 million, over tion aides. part time without benefits. In hired. unemployment have steadily other decline, was a community a two-year period. Due to a budget responding addition, a number of aides will The art supervisor’s position increased from 6.1 percent in that did not fall as far or as fast as Just over $1 million will provide to the suffering economy, some lose their jobs, he said. occupied by retiree Patricia November to 7. 1 percent in other areas and it tended to recov- teachers with funding to add a new positions will not be filled and Special education aides, who Navarino has been vacant since December and to 7. 3 percent in er better and more quickly than teaching team at the middle responsibilities will be consoli- are hired to fulfill specific stu- October, Brodow said. A lead January. With the rising number of some other areas. But there is no school. dated. dents’ Individualized Education teacher at the elementary school job losses and declining housing question that prices are down.” “There’s a population bulge in A general fund tax levy of Plans (IEPs) will not be affected level and another lead teacher prices, falling between 15-20 per- Despite the decrease in housing the middle school, and we’re com- slightly more than $69 million is by this, the superintendent who will be responsible for both cent in every county for the past prices, the township market is mitted to alleviating it,” Waters expected in the proposed budget explained. the middle and high schools will three and half years, township res- holding steady with 23 properties said. for 2009-10, which was unveiled When asked about the reduc- be the “point people” and coor- idents may be feeling the anxiety of under contract and 107 on multi- However, he cautioned that to the public at Monday night’s tions, Finance Committee mem- dinate exhibitions, according to the recession, but appear to be ple listing, ranging in price from there will be cuts in personnel. Board of Education meeting at bers explained that districts are weathering the storm. “The net head count reduction Deerfield School. receiving a strong directive from SEE BUDGET, PAGE A3 According to the Essex County SEE REAL ESTATE, PAGE A3 In Classifieds Vol. 122No. 11 CLASSIFIEDSD3MOVIESA7Resident to march as COMMUNITY D1 OBITUARIESB6 For more classifieds, see page D3. For home delivery, Deputy Grand Marshal. Are YouTired of To place a classified ad in The Item of Millburn call 888-504-4280. COMMUNITY EVENTSA4PUBLIC NOTICESD2 Unreliable Contractors? and Short Hills, and our other community see D1 15 Yrs Exp. Carpentry, Paint, newspapers, call 1-800-891-9467. EDITORIAL A4 PUZZLESA6 Sheetrock, Bthrms, Kitchens, Repairs, Spring sports season begins. Remodeling/Installs- Fully Insured References Available Pleaserecycle. EDUCATION B1-B5 RELIGIOUS NEWSB6 ➧ At least25% see C1 recycled newsprint 201-923-1620 100% recyclable ENTERTAINMENT A6, A7 SPORTS C1-C5 Joanna Parker-Lentz Jodi B. Rubenstein Broker Associate Broker Associate Village SquareRealtors 508Millburn Avenue, ShortHills, NJ 07078 Joanna’s Cell: 973-699-4388 •Jodi’s Cell: 973-477-0908 Office: 973-467-8522 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated View our listings on our website: www.my2agents.com A2 Thursday, March 12, 2009 The Item of Millburn and Short Hills www.TheItemOnline.com The Downtown Millburn Development Alliance’s mission is to imple- ment projects and programs to enhance the downtown business THE RISKS OF UNDERAGE DRINKING AND DRUG USE community.
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