<p> Blanchardstown West Educate Together National School Little Pace Road, Clonee, Dublin 15. www.bwetns.ie (086) 603 9180 [email protected] </p><p>Achieving the sentiments of the above statement and the policy that follows is dependant on the co-operation of everyone in our school community; children, parents, staff, Board of Management and visitors. Their cooperation is supported through regular staff professional development and communications such as public poster displays, text messages, newsletters, website, posters, discrete lessons and focus slots at school assemblies. It is our intention to undertake regular reviews of this statement/ policy in light of experience and contextual, operational and legal changes. </p><p>The Board of Management (through its Safety Officer) will carry out an annual safety audit and communicate the findings and proposed remedial action to the school community. </p><p>Records/logbooks of playground/classroom/staff room accidents, damage or ill health will be referred to as part of the annual Health, Safety and Welfare audit to ensure that additional safety measures are put in place thus minimising the recurrence of such accidents and/or ill-health. </p><p>Signed on behalf of The Board of management</p><p>______(Chairperson) ______(Date)</p><p>Health, Safety and Welfare Policy</p><p>Chairperson: Aideen Maher Roll No. 20383H Principal: Fergal Collins The overall responsibility for Health, Safety and Welfare in our school lies collectively with The Board of Management. The following bullet points outline this responsibility. The BOM understands that the nature of its responsibility differs for the various groups using the campus and must be cognisant of all. For staff, the focus of its responsibility is that of an employer ensuring safety in the workplace while for students it is providing safety in terms of “In Loco Parentis” supervision while for visitors it is providing a safe public venue. </p><p> As our school community grows and we relocate to our permanent building each aspect of this policy will be reviewed through a democratic process involving pupils, parents, staff, Board of Management and the wider community.</p><p> The Board of Management will ensure that, in so far as is practicable, the provisions of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 1989 are applied. They will ensure that the design, provision and maintenance of our present building (within our remit as tenants) are maintained to a level that deem it a safe place in which to work, visit and learn without risk to health.</p><p> The design, provision and maintenance of safe means of access to and egress from the school will be ensured.</p><p> Every new staff member will be shown the agreed steps that are followed in our Code of Positive behaviour.</p><p> The provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the safety and health at work of its staff. </p><p> The BOM will ensure that the provision and maintenance of suitable protective clothing or equipment as necessary for the safety and health at work of its staff.</p><p> The BOM will ensure the preparation and revision as necessary of adequate plans to be followed in emergencies e.g. fire drill, injuries, critical incidents etc. </p><p>PERSONNEL Denis Moynihan, a member of the BOM has agreed to take on the role of Health & Safety Officer and Martina O Brien, a member of staff has agreed to take on the role of Health & Safety staff representative. Denis will coordinate all audits on behalf of the BOM and report back. Martina will, through the use of a H&S diary/log located in the staff room relay H&S issues to Denis. When our school employs a caretaker he/she will work through entries in this diary. Some issues may need to be addressed immediately by our school principal, Fergal. Eg. No heat, broken window etc The Board of Management is consulted on procedures that fall within their remit. Regarding all other procedures the Principal keeps the BOM informed. Many of these procedures are contained in BWETNS Code of Positive Behaviour. Parents are informed of these procedures at the meeting for Junior Infant parents, in school policies, in the Information Booklet for Parents and in the monthly green newsletters. Chairperson: Aideen Maher Roll No. 20383H Principal: Fergal Collins The pupils are informed of H&S issues by their class teachers; the Principal at School Assemblies and their parents. Teachers should familiarise themselves with school policies and INTO / Teaching Council guidelines for best professional practices. As employees of the BOM teachers, SNA’s, cleaners, secretary, caretaker should take reasonable care to ensure their own personal safety and that of others as a result of their acts /omissions. Employees should cooperate with the BOM’s efforts to ensure the workplace is Health, Safety and Welfare compliant. Employees should report any defect in equipment or systems that in their opinion render the campus non-compliant with the Health, Safety and Welfare Act, 1989. Employees should not recklessly damage, abuse or misuse equipment, systems to render them non compliant with the above act or dangerous/unsafe to other users.</p><p>FIRE There is an adequate supply of fire extinguishers in our school which will deal with any type of fire. These were installed and checked in August 2011. All fire equipment is regularly serviced. Fire drills take place once a term, are logged and analysed. (See separate policy) Instruction is given in the use of Fire Extinguishers for specific materials/equipment. Break Glasses are clearly marked and their location/use shown to staff members. Fire Signs are located next to external fire doors to ensure visitors are aware of exit doors. Exits are clearly indicated at each social event that takes place in the school Electrical equipment is unplugged or turned off, ie not left on standby, outside school hours and when rooms are vacated for lengthy periods. A fire assembly point is designated for each room and indicated by an A4 map beside the external door in each classroom. (See appendix 2 for example) All groups leaving buildings/campus inform the principal & fire coordinator. Exit signs are clearly marked. All electrical heaters are unplugged when not required outside of school hours. The teacher in each class will be responsible for fire drills and evacuation procedures. All corridors are free from obstructions to fire exits.</p><p>FIRST AID It is the policy of the Board of Management of BWETNS to ensure that There will always be two staff members with current certification to administer First Aid. There will be a properly equipped First Aid Box available in each class room and in one central location – staff room. Each box will contain: plasters · Wasp Eze · Tape · Disinfectant (e.g) Savlon · Eye lotion(e.g) Optrex · Antiseptic cream · Cotton Bandage · Cream for First Aid treatment of Burns · Antiseptic “MediWipes” · Scissors and First Aid Chart. </p><p>Chairperson: Aideen Maher Roll No. 20383H Principal: Fergal Collins Disposable gloves must be used at all times when administering First Aid. Hot water and soap will be available and should be used before and after administering First Aid. </p><p>SUPERVISION – CLASSROOM AND PLAYGROUND Yard - Children report yard accidents to a supervising teacher. Accidents that happen on the yard are recorded in the Yard Incident Book. A supervising teacher brings the “Yard Book” to the yard. All accidents and incidents that teachers feel are of a serious nature are entered into the book. The record should be dated and signed by the reporting teacher. All incidents are recorded under three headings – incident, response and follow up. It may be necessary to fill in a separate accident/incident report for more serious accidents / incidents, a copy of which should be placed in the child’s file and/or for the insurance company. The teacher’s professional judgement will decide this. Break time /yard supervision is carried out by teachers who opt into the DES supervision scheme. The supervision roster is drawn up by the Special Duties post holder with responsibility for supervision. This roster is circulated to each teacher at the start of each term and a copy is displayed in the staff room. It is the responsibility of each teacher to familiarize themselves with their own schedule. If a teacher knows in advance that they will be absent on a day that they are due to be on supervision duty they should arrange a swap with another teacher. “Reserve” teachers will cover unplanned absences. Pupils’ first break: 10.00 – 10.10 am. The teachers remain with their pupils at this time for this break. The children remain seated in their own place and have a small snack and a drink while teacher recaps on work covered orally/ Jolly phonics CD, pop quiz etc. The children go to the playground from 10.10 and return at 10.30. Children are supervised by the teachers on duty while class teachers have their break in the staff room.</p><p>Pupils’ second break: 12.00 – 12.10 pm. The teachers remain with their pupils at this time. The children remain seated at their own place and have a small snack and a drink while teacher recaps on work covered orally/ Jolly phonics CD, pop quiz etc. The children go to the playground from 12.10 and return at 12.30. Children are supervised by the teachers on duty while class teachers have their break in the staff room. This may change when our school has older classes with a different timetable. The children go to the playground, weather permitting. The supervising teachers and their classes need to be on the yard a little earlier to ensure an overlap of supervision. Children are not permitted to leave the playground. Children are encouraged to go to the toilet before yard time. Children are reminded regularly of playground rules contained in our Code of Behaviour. Children, especially infants, are taught games and encouraged by supervising teachers to play these games with other children. When playground time finishes, the bell rings once and the children freeze. It is rung a second time and the children walk to their lines outside their classrooms. Teachers collect pupils from external classroom doors. The children remain in their classroom during “wet days”. Teachers who were scheduled to supervise continue to do so. All class teachers have “automatic” activities organised in the event of a “rainy day” or if it rains while the children are in the playground and have to return to their classroom. A small sign at the top right hand corner of every whiteboard states what activity and resource the class should engage in during “wet days”. The children engage in “sitting down” activities only and ask permission to use the toilet from the supervising teachers only.</p><p>Chairperson: Aideen Maher Roll No. 20383H Principal: Fergal Collins CHILD PROTECTION & SPHE Child Protection – The Designated Liaison Person ( DLP ) in our school is Fergal and the Deputy Designated liaison Person (DDLP) is Martina. CP is referred to at every BOM meeting as part of “The Principal’s Report” and CP procedures revisited at the first BOM meeting of every school year Prevention Education is covered in SPHE. RSE, Stay Safe and Walk Tall. Parental permission for children to participate in these programmes and an outline of their content is given at enrolment. Each programme has a corresponding website that parents have access to and can discover content and methods for the programmes’ delivery in school. Follow up worksheets for parents are supplied by the school with prompts to generate discussion at home thus leading to consolidation.</p><p>STAFF WELFARE, CODE OF DISCIPLINE, ACCESS TO BUILDING Our school’s Code of positive behaviour provides for a level of pupils’ behaviour minimising personal risk or stress to any employee. Physical entry to the school is only by interview and a buzzer release mechanism thus protecting staff and & pupils from dangerous/violent visitors. Meetings with staff members should be pre-arranged allowing for preparation and supervision arrangements to be made. Access to staff is by consent only and at a time mutually convenient. When the employee feels at risk from or threatened by a particular person on school property, The Board of Management’s day to day representative should be informed. The Board of Management will undertake to ensure that in such circumstances all appropriate measures will be taken to protect staff. A record of all such incidents and action taken will be recorded and will inform amendments to policies. </p><p>CLOTHING & JEWELLERY BWETNS does not have a school uniform. This decision was democratically taken with parents and staff. It is expected however, that children wear clothes that allow them to participate fully in all school activities and are age appropriate. We recommend footwear with a Velcro fastening for children who cannot tie their own laces. Children’s footwear should have a good grip. If children do not wear suitable footwear for PE they may not be permitted to participate. In the interest of safety, jewellery such as long chains, necklaces, large rings & bracelets, or long earrings should not be worn during school hours. Teachers often take children outdoors during the school day; therefore children need to wear a jacket or coat (preferably with a hood), gloves and scarf as appropriate.</p><p>CHEMICALS , SAFETY EQUIPMENT, TRAINING It is the policy of the Board of Management of our school that all chemicals, detergents etc., be stored in clearly identifiable containers bearing instructions and precautions for their use. They are kept in a locked area and protection is provided when handling them. All flammable, toxic and corrosive substances must be kept in the locked press/room provided. All the above substances must be clearly and accurately labelled at all times.</p><p>Chairperson: Aideen Maher Roll No. 20383H Principal: Fergal Collins RECORD KEEPING All accidents whether involving staff or pupils are recorded in our schools’ Health, Safety and Welfare Diary which is kept in the staff room. Details are noted of how the accident occurred, injuries received, medication administered, who was informed and future preventatives measures decided. </p><p>CONSTANT HAZARDS Preventative measures are taken in the case of constant hazards to minimise the chance of their causing an accident – Physical Hazards– manual handling, working at a height, equipment, falling objects, slipping/tripping hazards, machinery, electricity, building fabric, hot substances, hand tools, collisions. Health Hazards – noise, harmful dust, lighting, extremes of temperature, injury through poor design. Chemical Hazards – All containers should be examined carefully to ascertain possible detrimental effects Biological Hazards – viruses and bacteria infection, occasional pandemics – swine flu, foot and mouth. Human Hazards – mental and physical ability to do work, systems in place to avoid stress, violence to workers, passive smoking, bullying. Vulnerable groups should be considered especially: elderly workers, people with disabilities, pregnant workers (see 1994 regulations) etc These hazards can be eliminated or at least their risk factor reduced. Examples follow. Taping/gluing curling Carpets, warning signs on wet floors, repairing furniture permanently, Worktop edging taped/cushioned, slamming doors fitted with stops, heaters fitted with guard rails, Table edges ironed in place immediately (a stitch in time . . . ), Light & bulky resources stored high up and heavy items stored at a level easily lifted, Staplers kept away from children, guillotine only used by staff and shown how to operate safely, Cutlery (especially knives, stored in drawers) out of sight . . . , Glassware only used in the staff room, Staple guns, craft knives, caretaker tools, matches and lighters stored in a locked room. See appendix 1 for annual audit form - hazards.</p><p>STORAGE & ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION It is the policy of the Board of Management that all medicines, drugs, etc be kept in proper medicine cabinet, locked at all times and the keys kept in a secure and safe place and only administered by authorised personnel. See separate policy on administration of medication</p><p>Chairperson: Aideen Maher Roll No. 20383H Principal: Fergal Collins DAY TO DAY HOUSEKEEPING Each teacher is responsible for establishing safe procedures and practices in their classroom – lifting chairs safely, walking in the class room, handling scissors safely, handling electrical items with dry hands only, hygiene practices (coughing, sneezing, blowing nose), toileting etc . They also share a common responsibility to promote and implement safe practices and procedures throughout the school. There are procedures that are common to all classrooms. Children do not enter the school campus in the morning until there is a teacher present. All movement within the classroom is in an orderly fashion eg one table / row/ group at a time. School bags are stored under tables or in bag box under the coat rack and children are reminded to leave them where they are not a danger to others passing by. Children sit on their chairs when they are eating their lunch. Children are required to sit on chairs in a safe manner. “Chair swingers have to stand up” They are also reminded of the chant “ The chair’s 4 legs and your own 2 on the floor” . Chairs are always carried with two hands with the handles, legs facing down. They are stacked in 5’s. Children are not permitted to leave their classroom without a teacher’s permission. Children are always sent on a “message” to the office or another class in pairs with a “message” necklace. Safety procedures re use of equipment in subjects such as Arts / Crafts, Science and PE are followed. If an unavoidable situation arises whereby a teacher has to leave their classroom they arrange supervision of their pupils with a neighbouring teacher.</p><p>AFTERNOON COLLECTION TIME – CUSTODY ORDERS Children are collected from our school by the adult appointed by their parents in writing at the beginning of each year. Any change in these arrangements should be communicated to the school; written in school journal if possible. Children from 3rd to 6th class inclusive may come to school in the mornings and leave school in the afternoons on their own if written permission to do so is given to the school. Even with this permission we encourage children to make arrangements to walk with other pupils and to make contact with an adult when they have arrived home safely. Custody Orders - If there is a custody order regarding a child, it is important that the school is informed. The school can seek an extract from a separation agreement / court order if such exists. If no such order exists and this is posing a difficulty we will request that one is sought and made available to the school. In the absence of such an agreement or order, both parents will be treated as equal partners regarding parenting rights and responsibilities. See separate policy on this topic.</p><p>TRIPS, SLIPS AND FALLS It is the policy of the Board of Management that floors will not be polished or made slippy (specify a non slip polish). Washing of floors is conducted after school hours to ensure, as far as is Chairperson: Aideen Maher Roll No. 20383H Principal: Fergal Collins reasonably practicable, elimination of the danger of slipping. To this end “Wet Floor” warning signs will be used. All trips, slips and falls are recorded and inform amendments to policies. . </p><p>PARKING Parents are requested to park in areas only set aside for parking. Until we are in our permanent location our designated car park is in the Spar car park.</p><p>VISITORS People wishing to enter the school premises must identify themselves clearly to our receptionist/secretary before gaining admittance to the school premises. All contractors should make direct contact with the Principal/ H&S staff rep, before initiating any work on the school premises. Staff members should report any unauthorised visits or attempts immediately. Contractors on their initial visit to our school are obliged to read a condensed version of our Safety Statement and sign to indicate their agreement to adhere to its sentiments. A copy of their own Safety Statement should be presented to the school principal. On subsequent visits they should sign the “Visitors Book” located in the entrance foyer to ensure they are accounted for in the event of fire. The front door is always locked and a buzzer release system facilitates entry. After 8:40 entry is only possible when buzzed in from the Secretary’s office. CCTV cameras are in operation in our neighbouring Community Hall. The release buttons are located in the secretary’s office and class Room 10. BWETNS welcomes the involvement of outside personnel – parents, speakers, GAA coaches etc in our school. These activities require the advance permission of the BOM through the Principal. The activity should comply with the school ethos and curriculum. A teacher is always present and the visitor has no unsupervised access to pupils.</p><p>CREATING A SCHOOL-WIDE AWARENESS OF H&S ISSUES School/class group Assemblies Monthly newsletters Website entries Entering competitions Visits from experts DVDs and Stories H&S staff “Treasure Hunts” SPHE discrete lessons GARDA VETTING The Vetting Authority for teachers is the Teaching Council and for non teaching staff is our patron body Educate Together. BWETNS is committed to full compliance in this regard.</p><p>PUPIL ABSENCES The National Educational Welfare Board (NEWB) was established under the Education Welfare Act 2000. Under this Act, parents and guardians must inform the school in writing, when their child returns from absences as to the reason for the absence. Parents should phone the secretary’s office to inform the school that their child will be absent on the first day of all absences, especially if their child has a contagious illness and other parents may Chairperson: Aideen Maher Roll No. 20383H Principal: Fergal Collins need to be notified. If it is envisaged that the absence will be for a longer period than one day, this can be communicated eliminating the necessity to phone every day of the absence. On the day the child returns from an illness they should have a note in their school journal informing class teachers of the reason for the absence. Each class teacher has an A4 card stored in the roll book and enters the reason for all absences on all dates by entering a letter code on receipt of the reason. If a child does not bring a note to school on their return after an absence, the class teacher reminds them to bring one the following day. If the school still does not get a note, the parents receive a phone call from the school secretary and should the note still not be forthcoming a standard school letter requesting an explanation for their child’s absence will be sent. Administration of Medicine - If it is necessary for a child to take prescription medicine the school need to be informed and parents are required to fill in all necessary documentation. See separate Policy.</p><p>MOVING AROUND THE SCHOOL In the interest of pupil safety the following strict procedures will be adhered to. Children only walk when moving within the building. When moving in groups or with their class within the building they walk in single file. Movement on the stairs is orderly; quiet, in single file and always holding the rail with their left hand. Each teacher determines at what point/s on the stairs their class wait until told to continue. Children always wait at a pre appointed place at the top/bottom of the stairs until a teacher also reaches this point. Children will be supervised at all times when engaged in activities in the school grounds – nature walks, PE etc. </p><p>USING THE TOILET FACILITIES IN CLASSROOMS Children may use the toilets at any time with their teacher’s permission. The class teacher uses their own discretion regarding the number of children permitted at the same time, normally one inside and one waiting. Each teacher is mindful of safety when allowing children to use the toilets. At break time children need the permission of the supervising teacher to use the toilets when our context permits. Generally, the children should use the toilet before going to the playground.</p><p>EDUCATIONAL EXCURSIONS Prior to any tour or trip, teachers discuss behaviour and safety issues with their class. Parents are also asked in the tour information letter to talk to their child and reinforce the importance of safe behaviour. Teachers bring a first aid kit and class emergency contact list on tours/ trips so that parents may be contacted if necessary. Appropriate amount of supervision will be provided depending on the number of children going on tour and the activities they will engage in. Insurance for the transport company and the activity centre will be checked prior to all excursions. (Refer to Excursion Policy for further details)</p><p>EMERGENCY CONTACTS</p><p>Chairperson: Aideen Maher Roll No. 20383H Principal: Fergal Collins Parents /guardians are asked to supply the school with their up to date addresses and phone numbers, contact numbers for child minders/crèches and the name of one other person in the event of parents not being available. At the start of each school year parents are asked to complete a new form. Parents are also reminded regularly of the need to inform the school if any of the details on the child’s personal information form changes. A Contact Book is compiled each year by the School Secretary and updated as necessary. A copy is kept in the school office, the Principal’s office and a copy is available to teachers who may need to contact parents If children have not been collected 10 minutes after “home time”, they are brought to the secretary’s office. Each teacher receives a current list of contact information for their own class. Staff members are also asked to give current address, telephone number and a contact number of somebody who could be contacted in the case of an emergency involving the staff member themselves. If there is any medical condition that the school should be aware of and medication required, this should also be provided. This information is kept in the principal’s office and both secretary and Deputy principal have access to it if required. This information not given to others. Staff members are advised not to give their contact details or those of any other staff member to parents or pupils. All contact with staff by parents is organised through the school office. </p><p>WELFARE</p><p>To ensure the continued welfare of the staff members and children, toilet and cloakroom facilities are provided. A Staff Room separate from the work area is provided, where lunch breaks may be taken. Security lockers are provided for personal effects. Notice boards provide news regarding Professional Development opportunities, Trade union, school events/arrangements and Educate Together initiatives. Green and organic waste bins are provided in the staff Room. Daylight filters have been fitted in every light fitting. Drinking water is provided in all classrooms and in the staff room. It is the responsibility of Staff members to keep this room ordered and be cognisant of others also using it. The BOM are responsible for providing cleaning personnel and equipment such as kettle, toaster, fridge, microwave, furniture, ventilation/ heat, hot water, soap, paper towels, delft, cutlery and Green and organic waste bins. Sanitary bins are provided in Staff toilets and toilet for disabled The BOM will put a system in place whereby each staff member has an outlet to express concerns they have that may affect their professional performance. This may be a “buddy” system or meet with Principal/ Deputy Principal, INTO Staff Rep, H,S &W staff rep or class group leader.</p><p>Ratified by the Board of Management on</p><p>______(Date)</p><p>Chairperson: Aideen Maher Roll No. 20383H Principal: Fergal Collins Signed on behalf of the Board of Management</p><p>______(Chairperson)</p><p>APPENDIX 1</p><p>ANNUAL HS&W AUDIT - HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION – June 2012 Risk categories – 1.High 2.Medium 3.Low Likelihood – 1.Highly likely 2.Moderately likely 3.Not likely</p><p>No. Hazard & Type Risk& Category People at risk Controls/Who 1 2 3 4 5 6 7</p><p>APPENDIX 2</p><p>Chairperson: Aideen Maher Roll No. 20383H Principal: Fergal Collins APPENDIX 3 </p><p>HEALTH, SAFETY & WELFARE SAFETY STATEMENT FOR CONTRACTORS</p><p> The BOM of BWETNS is committed to ensuring the Health, Safety and Welfare of its employees, pupils and visitors through compliance with the 1989 H&S act. This commitment is extended also to service providers/contractors who may carry out occasional work in the school.</p><p> To provide a safe working environment for contractors, all necessary precautions will be taken to ensure that the general school fabric is maintained to the highest possible standard.</p><p> It is the policy of the BOM of BWETNS to use the services of contractors who also demonstrate commitment to H&S issues by:</p><p> Presenting their H&S Statement & Policy to the principal of BWETNS.</p><p> Presenting their firm’s Personal Insurance Certificate that provides cover for themselves and their employees.</p><p> Using equipment that complies with current standards and using it as per manufacturer’s safety instructions – electricity, protective measures.</p><p> Using only materials and methods that satisfy current standards.</p><p> Being committed to understanding the importance of leaving a safe, clean and tidy workplace on completion of their work.</p><p>Chairperson: Aideen Maher Roll No. 20383H Principal: Fergal Collins Ensuring that the principal of BWETNS is satisfied with the work carried out and answer any questions that he may have and provide contact details in the case of remedial work being necessary.</p><p> Work is generally not carried out in BWETNS while pupils are on the campus. In exceptional cases however when this may be necessary, children will be evacuated from the work area until it has been declared safe to return. In such cases “Day-Glo” cones and/or tape must be used to delineate the work area’s perimeter. </p><p>PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED 1. Contractor will report to the principal’s office 2. H&S Staff rep will assist the principal in outlining our Statement and identifying hazards 3. The contractor will sign and date our Statement indicating willingness to comply. 4. The contractor will present his/her H&S Statement , insurance certificates, membership of professional bodies and photographic identity. 5. The contractor will carry out the work. 6. Principal, H&S rep and contractor will examine the work carried out and record any instructions for use.</p><p>I AGREE TO ADHERE TO BWETNS COMMITMENT TO H&S OUTLINED ABOVE </p><p>SIGNATURE: ______NAME: ______</p><p>COMPANY: ______POSITION ______</p><p>ANNUAL HS&W AUDIT - HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION – June 2012 Risk categories – 1.High 2.Medium 3.Low Likelihood – 1.Highly likely 2.Moderately likely 3.Not likely</p><p>No. Hazard & Type Risk& Category People at risk Controls/Who Likelihood 1 Toaster beside 2 Burns. Relocate edge of unit 2 Staff Pupils</p><p>2 Electric Kettle next 2 Electric Shock Relocate to sink 1 Staff Pupils Visitors</p><p>3 Electric heaters 2 Burns Fix 2 Pupils “cage to wall” Teachers</p><p>4 Cleaner’s 1 Poisoning Fix high latch to door chemicals 3 Pupils frame Liquids</p><p>5 Electric switches 2 Electric shock Leave light on during</p><p>Chairperson: Aideen Maher Roll No. 20383H Principal: Fergal Collins in toilets 3 pupils school day</p><p>6 Trapezoidal 3 Bruising Thin foam Tables 3 Pupils adhesive strip</p><p>7 Door spring 1 Unable to exit Adjust the mechanism Returns 2 JI pupils</p><p>8 Worktop 1 Bruising Thin adhesive Foam edging 2 All Adults strip & Children Angle iron with countersunk screws</p><p>9 Coat Hooks 1 Eye injury Raise level of board 2 JI children</p><p>10 Folded mats 1 Children Store mat vertically or 3 in store room</p><p>11 Light fitting 1 Adults Securely fix to ceiling 2 Children</p><p>12 Blinds fitting 1 Secretary Securely fix to ceiling falling 1</p><p>OTHER OBSERVATIONS 1. Contractor’s acceptance of school’s H&S Statement.</p><p>2. List of emergency phone numbers – contractors</p><p>3. Fire drill procedure for ancillary/SNA/visitors</p><p>4. Induction tour of building for new staff – fire equipment location and use, evacuation procedure, daily classroom duties at “home time”, staff room, toilets, location of resources, car parking, security lockers, structures for relaying concerns, first aid.</p><p>5. First aid box required for Staff Room & Secretary’s office. Chairperson: Aideen Maher Roll No. 20383H Principal: Fergal Collins 6. Mats for foyer required. Reduce likelihood of slipping.</p><p>7. Blank socket covers – reduce risk of electric shock.</p><p>8. PE mats. Very heavy for one teacher to move. </p><p>Chairperson: Aideen Maher Roll No. 20383H Principal: Fergal Collins</p>
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