<p> Reach for the Goal Hebrews 12:2-3 Rev. Brian Bill February 22-23, 2014</p><p>Note: Some of the ideas for this sermon come from Mainstay Ministry and are used by permission.</p><p>Last week in the 10:45 service I made up a new country called Norwegia! Sorry you missed that. On Tuesday, a Norwegian cross-country skier, who was on his way to the gold medal, nearly blew it by congratulating himself before he crossed the finish line. With his hands skyward to celebrate the race he had yet to win, the skier from France almost snuck past to steal the gold. It took a photo finish to determine that the guy from Norwegia had won by inches.</p><p>By taking his eyes off the goal, he almost lost the gold! As in most sports, where you look is extremely important. Athletes know that nothing will knock them off stride or slow them down like becoming preoccupied with how good they are doing or by looking at the competitors around them. They must be focused on the finish line. In the ancient Olympics, tiers of seats filled the stadium for spectators or witnesses. The starting place for races was at the entrance and at the opposite end was the goal, where the judge sat and held the prize. All the competitors fixed their eyes on the judge and the glory that would be given to the winner.</p><p>As we conclude our series today, our aim is to Reach for the Goal by realizing who is before us. Three weeks ago, we established that if we’re going to go for the gold, we must remember those around us. Two weeks ago, we took a look at how to remove what is on us by throwing off “stuff that encumbers” and “sin that entangles.” Last week we learned that the only way to persevere is to get in the game, to keep on going and to stay on track. </p><p>Please turn in your Bibles to Hebrews 12:2-3. Here we see that Jesus is at the finish line. He is the winner and is waving us home. We must keep our eyes on Him if we hope to win: “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.”</p><p>Focus on the Finish</p><p>Our challenge is to make sure that the distractions of life do not slow us down or knock us out of the race. The meaning of the phrase, “looking unto Jesus” has two aspects. We are to look away from everything else and look toward the one who should be everything to us. We are to glance at the witnesses but we are to gaze at the winner. In the context of the Book of Hebrews, we are to lock on to the Lord, not Moses or the Law, or anything else for that matter. </p><p>Some time ago at one of our previous churches, during a youth event, a student was asked to stand on a chair and everyone had to make eye contact with him. This is how he described what happened: “If any of the students lost eye contact, even for a second, they had to sit down. A leader was in the back with a megaphone screaming, [See what you get to do if you’re a youth sponsor? BTW, students will move their worship time to Sunday nights in two weeks!] there </p><p>1 was music blasting, and on the screen colors were swirling around. That got most of them. Then two girls started running around and screaming. That got a few more. We got down to about 6 students left. A couple actually put their hands around their eyes, like blinders. We asked them how they could focus, in spite of everything going on around them. The key was shutting out the distractions and locking onto his eyes.” </p><p>Maybe some of us should walk around with blinders on! This relates to what we learned last week. Christian growth is intentional, not automatic. It takes discipline, devotion, and determination. We must make choices throughout the day about where we will set our minds and how we will set our schedules as Colossians 3:2 states: “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” </p><p>1 Chronicles 16:11 says that we are to “Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.” We need to become more like the Apostle Paul who said in Philippians 3:13-14: “… but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Psalm 27:8 captures the importance of intentionality: “Your face, LORD, I will seek.” </p><p>We must understand who Jesus is and then we must fix our eyes on Him at all times. We must know about Him and then we must know Him personally. This passage not only tells us what to do: look unto Jesus. We’re told how to do it as we’re given at least four descriptions of Christ to help us focus more clearly. </p><p>1. Christ the Captain. Jesus is called the “author.” This is a fascinating term in the Greek, made up of two words, meaning, “to lead” and “the first.” Put together, this title means, “the chief leader; one that takes the lead and thus furnishes the example.” As an adjective, it means that which begins or originates something. As a noun, it can refer to the founder of a city. </p><p>A friend of mine who teaches at a seminary in Singapore suggests that the best idea is that of a Roman Scout for an army. The scout would go on ahead to determine the best path to take and to make sure needs for food, water and security would be taken care of. In the “marathon motif” from Hebrews 12, He’s the one who prepares the road for the runner. Jesus has prepared the path. He’s crossed the finish line and is now cheering you on. Will you fix your eyes on the Captain?</p><p>2. Christ the Completer. Jesus is not only the one who starts; He is the finisher. He’s the pioneer and the perfecter; the captain and the completer. Look again at Hebrews 12:2: “… finisher of our faith.” This is another phrase packed with meaning. Jesus will carry through to the finish. It also has the idea of making something complete or perfect. Many of you have Philippians 1:6 memorized. If you don’t, may I encourage you to do so? “Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”</p><p>Jesus always finishes what He begins. Listen to these statements from the Gospel of John:</p><p>2 4:34: “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” 5:36: “For the very work that the Father has given me to finish, and which I am doing, testifies that the Father has sent me.” 17:4: “I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.” 19:30: “It is finished. With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” </p><p>There’s another title given to Jesus in Revelation 22:13 that brings the names “Captain” and “Completer” together: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last and the phrase itself denotes completeness and comprehensiveness. The idea is that there is nothing lacking in Jesus Christ. By the way, Ray Pritchard has just written a free 40 day e-devotional called, “Alpha and Omega” to help us prepare for Easter. It will be available at www.keepbelieving.com and will be on our website under the “resources” tab.</p><p>Here’s another beautiful truth. These words, along with Captain and Completer, describe perfect continuity. The power of Jesus is continuous, acting before history began, all through history, today, and forever. As Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” </p><p>As you run your race of faith, don’t be distracted and don’t celebrate too soon. Make as your focal point Jesus the Captain and Completer. </p><p>3. Christ the Crucified. Look at verse 2 again: “who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame…” The word “for” here is best understood as meaning, “instead of.” In exchange for what Jesus had in heaven, He set this aside in order to accept the cross and shame. When Jesus ran his race, He always kept the finish line in front of Him. His route was lined with hatred and anger, with rejection and opposition, but He never faltered. In fact, according to Luke 9:51, he “…resolutely set out for Jerusalem” even though He knew where this path would lead Him.</p><p>The cross did not happen accidentally to Jesus; He went willingly and joyfully to His death because He knew what it would accomplish. Enemies really didn’t take His life; He gave it. Jude 24 tells us that Jesus is jubilant about presenting us “before his glorious presence without fault…” Jesus had the joy of obeying God in difficult circumstances because He knew He would be raised from the dead, that He would ascend and then be exalted. </p><p>Jesus endured the cross, taking the full brunt of pain and agony that came with it. John Piper writes: “No one has ever deserved suffering less, yet received so much…the only person in history who did not deserve to suffer, suffered most…if we had been forced to watch, we probably would have passed out.” Jesus also scorned the shame, putting up with the slapping, spitting, mockery, abuse, and the shame of public execution, a method reserved for the worst of criminals.</p><p>BTW, we’re beginning a new series next weekend called, “Seven Shouts from the Savior.” In order to help us approach Easter (it’s coming in 8 weeks!), we’re going to focus on the final </p><p>3 sayings of Jesus from the cross. These seven shouts from the Savior communicate both the depth of His agony and the profound results that continue to impact lives today.</p><p>4. Christ the Conqueror. Jesus is our Captain, the Completer, and the Crucified. He is also the Conqueror. Look at the last phrase of verse 2: “...and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” He is the seated Son. He has finished the race and is now crowned with glory and honor. The phrase “sat down” is in the perfect tense, meaning He has sat down, and He remains seated. The work is finished. That’s why He’s seated. </p><p>He will never have to arise and repeat redemption. Jesus occupies the position of preeminence at the right hand of the throne of God. He is both ruling and at rest. 1 Peter 3:22 states that Jesus: “has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand-with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him.” Everything is subject to the Savior. The King has been coronated and there is nothing outside of His sweet and sovereign control. </p><p>Consider Christ One of our problems is that we don’t lock our eyes on the Lord like we should. As a result, our circumstances can become overwhelming, we can compare ourselves with others and become intimidated or judgmental, we can focus on ourselves and become proud and we can end up dropping out of the race. Based upon the four titles of Jesus that we just looked at, Hebrews 12:3 challenges us: “For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.”</p><p>The word “consider” is an accounting term which means to be attentive, to reckon up, and consider by way of comparison. When we’re faced with our own trials, we’re to contemplate Christ, and concentrate on what He did for us. When we do, we know that He suffered opposition way more than we ever have, or ever will.</p><p>The very first line in A.W. Tozer’s book called, “The Knowledge of the Holy,” reads like this: “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” What comes to your mind when you gaze on God? What thoughts do you have when you consider Christ? This passage is telling us that if we focus on Christ as the Captain, the Completer, the Crucified and the Conqueror, we will be able to stay in the race and run it with perseverance. But, if we take our eyes off Christ, we will sink in the waves of discouragement and fear, just like Peter did. </p><p>Friends, listen carefully. According to this verse, one of the reasons you may be weary and ready to give up is precisely because you have not been considering what Christ went through for you. The phrase, “grow weary and discouraged in your souls” was a common expression used of the exhaustion that marathon runners face. Aristotle used these words of runners who relax and want to just collapse. The author of the Book of Hebrews is telling believers that they are still in the race. Keep your gaze on the goal because you’ve not crossed the finish line yet. We are to consider Christ so that we will not grow weary and lose heart. How do you know if you’re still in the race? Is your heart still beating? Then you’re in the race.</p><p>4 I wonder if some of you started out strong spiritually but now you feel tired and tuckered out. It’s time to get back on track. Consider Christ. Set your eyes on Him. Put your hope in the Lord. Focus on the finish. When your attention wanders from His face, draw it back quickly before other things capture your full devotion. </p><p>Glance at the grandstands and remember the witnesses who are cheering you on but gaze at the only one who can help you reach the goal. The list of names in Hebrews 11 that begins with Abel reaches a crescendo in chapter 12 with the name of Jesus Christ [point to sign]. He is our Captain, our Completer, our Crucified and our Conqueror. </p><p>If you’re winded and weary, maybe it’s because you’ve taken your eyes off Him…but He will never take His eyes off you.</p><p>As I reflected on this passage I wrote down this statement: When we see the Savior as He is, we’ll serve the Savior as He deserves. </p><p>I love how Edgewood responds to the Savior by serving the Savior.</p><p> We took 215 baby bottles filled with money down to Pregnancy Resources this week. According to Care Net, on average four filled bottles provide one client with a free pregnancy test, a listening ear and life-affirming options. That means that we’ll be able to help 54 clients – so far…we’re still waiting for other bottles to be returned. As a way to see how Edgewood could be more involved with refugees, Beth and I went to the airport on Thursday night to welcome a refugee family from Nepal to the Quad Cities. Because their flight was delayed we were able to meet a number of Nepalese who live in Rock Island and we learned that everyone (about 25) in their extended family have become born again believers. They were Hindus when they lived in Nepal and now they’re Christ-followers! I love watching how God uses World Relief! A number of Edgwooder’s will be serving Christ in Africa this August. We’re sending two groups to serve alongside LifeCity Church in San Jose this summer. One group will focus on ministry to children and the other group will be handing out fliers in preparation for their launch in early September. There are more details in the bulletin. What a joy it has been to partner with Calvary International Revival Church! Thanks to your generosity, we have been able to give $72,000 towards rebuilding their church building (our goal was $50,000). Along with four other churches, well over $260,000 has been raised to the glory of God! I asked Pastor Vitalis on Thursday if his people were excited to be back in their building. He said, “No, they’re on fire!”</p><p>Turn over one chapter to Hebrews 13:3: “Remember the prisoners as if chained with them – those who are mistreated – since you yourselves are in the body also.”</p><p>1. We’re not the only ones going through problems. Remember the refugees and ponder the plight of the persecuted and the prisoners – “Remember the prisoners…” 2. We must put ourselves in the place of the persecuted – “chained with them.” 1 Corinthians 12:26 – “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it.”</p><p>5 3. Our own problems should make us sensitive to the problems of others – “since you yourselves are in the body also.”</p><p>One of my new pastor friends in the Quad Cities made a statement that has really stayed with me: “When God looks down on the Quad Cities, how many churches does He see?” Hundreds? And then he said this, “When God looks down on the Quad Cities, He sees ONE CHURCH.” Those who are truly saved make up one church, right? Jesus prayed in John 17 that true Christ followers would be ONE.</p><p>Pastor Vitalis told me this week that there are refugees from warring tribes in his church. In Rwanda, Tutsis and Hutus hate one another because of the genocide that took between these groups in 1993-94. But Christ has brought them to Rock Island and made them one. Only Christ and His church can do that. And now they worship together as one church. And now they will sing together as one choir, serving one Lord as one body.</p><p>When we see the Savior as He is, we’ll serve the Savior as He deserves. </p><p>We stand with them…but we’re actually going to stay seated so we can all see!</p><p>Let’s welcome our brothers and sisters from Africa!</p><p>6</p>
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