<p> MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION, CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH, HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 07, 2015 AT 6:00 P.M., CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 400 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY, HALLANDALE BEACH, FL 33009</p><p>CALL TO ORDER FOR THE PLANNING & SCHEDULING SESSION </p><p>Mayor Cooper called the Planning and Scheduling Session to Order at 5:49 P.M. in the Commission Chambers.</p><p>Commissioner Sanders, Vice Mayor Julian and Mayor Cooper, City Manager Miller and City Attorney Whitfield – All Present.</p><p>Commissioner Lazarow and Commissioner London were absent from the Planning & Scheduling Session. </p><p>The City Commission discussed the Calendar of Events scheduled for January 7th, 2015 through February 4th, 2015.</p><p>The City Commission discussed the feasibility of rescheduling the start time of the HBCRA Board of Directors meetings. </p><p>MOTION BY MAYOR COOPER TO RESCHEDULE THE START TIME OF THE HBCRA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS TO 4:00 P.M. TO BE FOLLOWED BY THE CITY COMMISSION/CITY MANAGER WORKSHOP AT 4:05 P.M. OR IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE PRECEDING MEETING; THIS CHANGE IS EFFECTIVE BEGINNING JANUARY 12TH, 2015. </p><p>Commissioner Sanders seconded the Motion for discussion. </p><p>Commissioner Sanders and Vice Mayor Julian spoke in favor of rescheduling the meeting to an earlier start time. </p><p>There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Cooper called the Question. </p><p>MOTION BY MAYOR COOPER, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SANDERS, TO RESCHEDULE THE START TIME OF THE HBCRA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS TO 4:00 P.M. TO BE FOLLOWED BY THE CITY COMMISSION/CITY MANAGER WORKSHOP AT 6:00 P.M. OR IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE PRECEDING MEETING; THIS CHANGE IS EFFECTIVE BEGINNING JANUARY 12TH, 2015. The Motion carried on a 3/0 Voice vote (Commissioners Lazarow and London were absent from the meeting during this time). </p><p>City Manager Miller announced that the 39th Year Community Meeting will be held on January 15th, 2015 from 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. at the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) Hall/Old School House located at 648 NW 2 nd Street. </p><p>Answering questions posed by Mayor Cooper, Cathie Schanz, Director of Parks and recreation gave a status update on the renovations of the PBA Hall. </p><p>The City Commission discussed the City Commission Meeting calendar for the month of February 2015 and reached the following consensus. </p><p>Consensus:</p><p>DECEMBER 3, 2014 - To reschedule the HBCRA Board of Directors and City Commission/City Manager Workshop Special Meeting from February 16th, 2015 to Monday, February 23rd, 2015 at 4:00 P.M. and 4:05 P.M. respectively in the Commission Chambers. </p><p>There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Cooper adjourned the Planning & Scheduling Session at 6:06 P.M. </p><p>1. CALL TO ORDER </p><p>Mayor Cooper called the Meeting to Order at 6:10 P.M.</p><p>2. ROLL CALL </p><p>Commissioners Lazarow and Sanders and Mayor Cooper, City Manager Miller and City Attorney Whitfield – All Present.</p><p>Commissioner London arrived at 6:35 P.M. </p><p>3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE </p><p>4. PRESENTATIONS </p><p>A. PRESENTATION OF THE 2014 HOLIDAY LIGHTS AWARDS (STAFF: DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS) (PRESENTED BY: BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY BOARD) (SEE BACKUP) - to be heard at 6:00 P.M. </p><p>Mayor Cooper introduced the Item and turned the presentation over to Staff and the City of Hallandale Beach Beautification Advisory Board. </p><p>Phyllis Broccone, Chair, Beautification Advisory Board, recognized the Board members also in attendance at the meeting: Rochelle Blum, Ann Henigson, Emily Scavo and Morris Cook. </p><p>Mary Francis Jeannot, Administrative Analyst II gave a PowerPoint Presentation. The City Commission presented the following awards:</p><p>[This space is intentionally left blank.]</p><p>2 JANUARY 7, 2015 B. PRESENTATION OF THE 2015 DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. HUMANITARIAN AWARD TO MS. ALMA MCCUTCHEN. (STAFF: DIRECTOR OF HUMAN SERVICES) (SEE BACKUP)</p><p>The City Commission and Beverly Sanders, Human Services Director presented Certificates of Recognition to the following nominees for the 2015 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Award:</p><p> Mensura Minhas Gerald Edded Kenrife Morris (absent) </p><p>The City Commission presented the 2015 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Award. Award to Ms. Alma McCutchen.</p><p>Ms. McCutchen graciously thanked the City Commission for the recognition. </p><p>Mayor Cooper and the City Commission presented a Proclamation Proclaiming January 5th - 9th, 2015 as “Florida First Responders Appreciation Week.” </p><p>Daniel P. Sullivan, Fire Chief and Dwayne S. Flournoy, Police Chief thanked the City Commission for the recognition and their continued support. </p><p>C. PRESENTATION BY THE BROWARD EDUCATION FOUNDATION (PRESENTED BY: THOMAS</p><p>3 JANUARY 7, 2015 SEVERINO, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, BROWARD EDUCATION FOUNDATION) - to be heard at 6:30 P.M. </p><p>Thomas Severino, Chief Executive Officer, Broward Education Foundation presented a PowerPoint presentation on the success of the Broward Education Foundation Program initiatives; and thanked the City Commission for their continued support. Mr. Severino answered questions posed by the City Commission.</p><p>Additionally Mr. Severino spoke on the need to secure additional funding for the ‘Next Move’ Scholastic Chess for Schools & Communities initiative. </p><p>D. PRESENTATION ON THE 'BROWARDNEXT' PROGRAM, A COLLABORATIVE EFFORT TO UPDATE THE COUNTY LAND USE PLAN AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. (PRESENTED BY: BARBARA BLAKE BOY, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, BROWARD COUNTY PLANNING COUNCIL & HENRY SNIEZEK, DIRECTOR, BROWARD COUNTY PLANNING AND REDEVELOPMENT DIVISION) </p><p>Barbara Blake Boy, Executive Director and Henry Sniezek, Director, Broward County Planning and Development Division gave a presentation on the 'BrowardNext' Program and answered questions posed by the City Commission. </p><p>E. PRESENTATION BY SERVICE LINE WARRANTIES OF AMERICA, LLC. (PRESENTED BY: LEE ZELL, DISTRICT MANAGER, SERVICE LINE WARRANTIES OF AMERICA, LLC)</p><p>Steven Parkinson, Director of Public Works and Lee Sell, District Manager, Service Line Warranties of America, LLC gave a presentation on the National League of Cities Service Line Warranty Program and answered questions posed by the City Commission. </p><p>Mayor Cooper and Commissioner London spoke in support of including informational materials on the City’s website regarding the Service Line Warranty program.</p><p>Consensus:</p><p>- To direct staff to include informational materials on the City’s website regarding the Service Line Warranty program. </p><p>5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - (To be heard at 6:45 P.M.)(Speakers must sign-in with the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting) </p><p>Mary Thompson, 613 NW 4th Avenue, Hallandale Beach spoke concerning the lack of parking throughout the City. Ms. Thompson addressed the City’s Utility Billing Rates noting that they are not competitive with surrounding municipalities. Finally, Ms. Thompson spoke concerning the Service Line Warranty program and questioned whether or not the program is mandatory for residents. Ms. Thompson provided the City Clerk with a list of questions and requested staff provide a response. </p><p>Answering the public comment, Mayor Cooper requested staff provided written responses to Ms. Thompson’s questions. </p><p>Consensus: </p><p>- Staff to respond to Mrs. Thompson’s questions posed during public participation and provide copy to the City Commission. </p><p>4 JANUARY 7, 2015 Etty Sims, 1000 NE 5th Court, Hallandale Beach spoke concerning the letter received by Commissioner London noting that the information included with the letter is not accurate and needs to be updated. Additionally, Ms. Sims requested the City place all Advisory Board and Committee Agendas and Minutes as well as a list of all the members on the Cities website.</p><p>Answering the Public Comment, Sheena D. James, City Clerk apologized for the oversight in the mailing that went out to the advisory board and committee members; additionally she pointed out that upon approval of the draft Minutes of each meeting, a copy is forwarded to the City Commission and is available to the public upon request. </p><p>City Attorney Whitfield pointed out that Florida Statutes 286 does not require any committee or board advertise the meeting Agenda but rather that minutes be taken and it be made available for public inspection. </p><p>Commissioner London spoke in support of archiving the Minutes of Boards and Committees electronically thereby making them readily available on the City’s website. </p><p>Fred Burton, Property Owner, 408 NW 10th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida spoke in opposition of the City’s Utility Billing Ordinance noting that a burden has been placed on the property owners and business owners as a result of the requirements of the newly adopted Ordinance. He encouraged the City Commission to consider reverting to the previous Ordinance. </p><p>6. COMMISSIONER COMMUNICATIONS - Items not on the Agenda</p><p>A. COMMISSIONER LAZAROW</p><p>Commissioner Lazarow spoke in opposition of the time change agreed upon for HBCRA Board of Directors Meetings rescheduling the meetings from 6:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. by the City Commission earlier this evening during the Planning & Scheduling Session. She added that she believed the decision was arbitrary and inconsiderate since both her and Commissioner London were absent during the discussion. </p><p>Answering questions posed by Commissioner London, City Attorney Whitfield stated that although a meeting of the HBCRA Board of Directors was not convened, however, City Commission manages the scheduling of meetings in the Commission Chambers, therefore in review of the meeting calendar the City Commission may make changes as they see fit. </p><p>Commissioner Lazarow requested staff archive the video recordings of the City’s Planning and Zoning Board Meetings on the City’s website. </p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAZAROW TO DIRECT STAFF TO ARCHIVE THE VIDEO RECORDINGS OF ALL PLANNING AND ZONING MEETINGS ON THE CITY’S WEBSITE. </p><p>Commissioner London seconded the Motion for discussion. </p><p>After discussion by the City Commission, Commissioner London recommended a friendly amendment to begin archiving pre-recorded videos by going as far back as reasonably possible without expending significant staff time; and if not, to begin archiving with the next Planning & Zoning Advisory Board meeting. </p><p>Commissioner Lazarow accepted the friendly amendment. There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Cooper called the question. 5 JANUARY 7, 2015 MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAZAROW, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LONDON, TO DIRECT STAFF TO BEGIN ARCHIVING THE VIDEO RECORDINGS OF ALL CITY PLANNING AND ZONING ADVISORY BOARD MEETINGS ON THE CITY’S WEBSITE; AND TO DIRECT STAFF TO BEGIN ARCHIVING THE PRE-RECORDED MEETINGS BY GOING AS FAR BACK AS REASONABLY POSSIBLE WITHOUT EXPENDING SIGNIFICANT STAFF TIME; AND IF NOT, TO BEGIN ARCHIVING WITH THE NEXT PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING. The Motion carried on a 5/0 Voice vote. </p><p>Commissioner Lazarow suggested implementing electronic Customer Satisfaction and/or Exit Surveys for all persons issued a building permit by the City’s Building Department. She suggested staff research a similar survey as that utilized by the Village of Pinecrest. </p><p>Consensus: </p><p>- To direct staff to create automatic electronic on-going survey to all patrons who file and receive a building permit, similar to the Village of Pinecrest.</p><p>Commissioner Lazarow spoke concerning recent missed garbage pickup stemming from Parkview Drive from Hallandale Beach Blvd.</p><p>Answering questions posed by Commissioner Lazarow, City Manager Miller advised that staff will be presenting a comprehensive Agenda Item regarding the landscaping and striping plan for NE 14th Avenue will be presented for discussion at the January 28th, 2015 City Commission/City Manager Workshop. </p><p>B. COMMISSIONER LONDON</p><p>Commissioner London suggested scheduling a workshop to discuss the mission and objectives of the City Advisory Boards and Committees. </p><p>Answering questions posed by Commissioner London regarding the questions the public may have on City solicitations, Andrea Lues, Procurement Director provided an overview of the process for questions and answers noting that there are mandatory and non-mandatory meetings for questions and answers, however if there are any changes to the Scope of Work within the solicitation then an Addendum is released and is made available to the public. </p><p>Answered questions posed by Commissioner London, Chief Flournoy and City Manager Miller provided a status update regarding repairs of non-working street lights throughout the City. </p><p>Commissioner London spoke concerning the need for the City to engage in a light pole audit. </p><p>Consensus:</p><p>- To direct staff to provide an overview of the City’s monthly utility bill for street lighting; and to direct staff to research the feasibility for engaging an outside company to conduct a light pole audit throughout the City and to provide recommendations to the City Commission. </p><p>6 JANUARY 7, 2015 Answering questions posed by Commissioner London, City Attorney Whitfield and City Manager Miller provided an overview on the Notice requirements for Public Meetings. </p><p>Answering questions posed by Commissioner London, City Clerk James noted that the Ethics Training Certification will be posted on the City’s website once the annual hourly requirement is complete and the certification has been filed with the City Clerk’s Office. </p><p>Answering questions posed by Commissioner London, City Attorney Whitfield providing clarification on the upcoming Agenda Item #9.A. on the January 12th, 2015 City Commission/City Manager Workshop Special Meeting Agenda noting that the Agenda Item requests the City Commission discuss whether or not they wish to amend Section 2-31 of the City’s Code of Ordinances to allow for discussion of salaries, expenses at any time and not being limited to discuss these matters during review of the annual budget. </p><p>C. COMMISSIONER SANDERS</p><p>Commissioner Sanders had no Communications. </p><p>D. VICE MAYOR JULIAN</p><p>Vice Mayor Julian spoke concerning the NE 14th Avenue Drainage Project noting that he is displeased with the contractors work. </p><p>Vice Mayor Julian thanked staff for follow-up report on the parking arrangements at Atlantic Shores Boulevard.</p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LONDON TO APPOINT HARIET GINSGBERG TO THE MARINE ADVISORY BOARD. The motion carried on a 5/0 Voice vote. </p><p>MOTION BY VOCE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LONDON TO APPOINT ALTERNATE, HOWARD GARSON AS A FULL MEMBER OF THE PLANNING & ZONING ADVISORY BOARD. The Motion carried on a 5/0 Voice vote. </p><p>Commissioner London suggested bringing back an Agenda Item for discussion of the City Commission amend the Martin Luther King (MLK) Jr. Humanitarian Award eligibility requirements to allow for nominations of existing Board and Committee members. </p><p>Answering questions posed by the City Commission, Jennifer Frastai, Assistant City Manager provided clarification of the existing eligibility requirements MLK Jr. Humanitarian Award. </p><p>MOTION BY MAYOR COOPER TO AMEND THE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS OF THE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. HUMANITARIAN AWARD POLICY TO REMOVE THE INABILITY FOR NOMINATIONS OF CITY ADVISORY BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS. </p><p>Vice Mayor Julian Seconded the Motion for discussion. </p><p>There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Cooper called the question. </p><p>MOTION BY MAYOR COOPER, SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, TO AMEND THE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS OF THE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. HUMANITARIAN AWARD TO REMOVE THE INABILITY FOR NOMINATIONS OF CITY ADVISORY BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS. The Motion carried on a 5/0 Voice vote. 7 JANUARY 7, 2015 E. MAYOR COOPER </p><p>Mayor Cooper spoke concerning the letter sent out by Commissioner London dated December 9th, 2014, to certain Boar and Committee members noting that she has been contacted by a few of those recipients and they are requesting Commissioner London provide a timeframe for making his board and committee member appointments. </p><p>Commissioner London invited the public to submit an application and contact him directly if they are interested in being considered for appointments to the City’s Advisory Boards and Committees. </p><p>MOTION BY MAYOR COOPER, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LONDON, TO APPOINT JIM CURCI AND JERRY DOBAK TO CITY’S HISTORIC PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD. The Motion carried on a 5/0 Voice vote. </p><p>MOTION BY MAYOR COOPER, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LONDON TO APPOINT HARRIET GINSBERG AS THE ALTERNATE ON THE CITY’S PLANNING AND ZONING ADVISORY BOARD. The Motion carried on a 5/0 Voice vote. </p><p>Mayor Cooper requested staff provide a status update on the road-way modifications at Interstate-95 (I-95) and Hallandale Beach Blvd. </p><p>Consensus: </p><p>- To direct staff to provide the City Commission with a status update of the road modifications at Interstate- 95 (I-95) and Hallandale Beach Blvd. </p><p>7. CITY ATTORNEY COMMUNICATIONS - Items not on the Agenda</p><p>City Attorney Whitfield read into the record Section 1-A of Resolution No. 2012-84. </p><p>8. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS - Items not on the Agenda</p><p>City Manager Miller introduced Beverly Sanders as the Human Service Director and welcomed her to the City. </p><p>City Manager Miller recognized Chief Flournoy, for his recent appointment as the Vice President of the Broward Chiefs of Police Association. </p><p>City Manager Miller and Keven Klopp, Director of Development Services gave a presentation concerning the Aventura Hospital & Medical Center Helipad Addition project and the proposed ingress and egress flight plan is over the City of Hallandale Beach. City Manager Miller noted that staff was not made aware of the project until December 17th, 2014 and has not been provided with adequate time to review and analyze the flight path and how it may affect the City’s development projects since it is projected through/over the City of Hallandale Beach. </p><p>Mayor Cooper stated that seeing that the City of Hallandale Beach could potential have such vested interests in the project; she was displeased with the lack of communication by the applicant.</p><p>Lorna Kernizan, Chief Operating Officer, Aventura Hospital & Medical Center and Alex Tachnes, Legal Counsel, Aventura Hospital & Medical Center, Shutts & Bowen, LLP, gave a presentation noting that the proposed flight path has been evaluated as the least disruptive path coming in from the intracoastal waterway.</p><p>8 JANUARY 7, 2015 Attorney Tachnes stated that the applicant would be willing to obtain a written opinion from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to substantiate their consultant’s findings and recommendations. </p><p>City Attorney Whitfield provided an overview of her conversation with the FAA concerning the project. </p><p>Commissioner London spoke in support of the Helipad at the Aventura Hospital & Medical Center. </p><p>Vice Mayor Julian questioned why the flight path is projected through Broward County since the Aventura Hospital & Medical Center is located in Miami-Dade County and would only be receiving patients from said County. </p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAZAROW, SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN TO EXTEND THE MEETING PAST 11:00 P.M. The Motion carried on a 5/0 Voice vote. </p><p>The City Commission continued their discussion.</p><p>Commissioner Lazarow noted that since the Trauma Hawk will not be able to pick up within Broward County, then the flight path should not include Hallandale Beach. </p><p>City Manager Miller recommended the City Commission authorize staff to continue to have conversation with Aventura to resolve the problem; and if necessary, staff would like to hire an FAA consultant to conduct thorough research and provide recommendations. </p><p>9. APPROVAL OF DRAFT MINUTES </p><p>A. DECEMBER 15, 2014 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING </p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAZAROW, SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN TO APPROVE DRAFT MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 15, 2014 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING. The Motion carried on a 5/0 Voice vote. </p><p>Commissioner London pulled item #10.A. from the Consent Agenda. </p><p>10. CONSENT AGENDA </p><p>A. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE PARTICIPATION IN THE 2014-2015 ASSISTANCE TO FIRE FIREFIGHTERS GRANT PROGRAM-REGIONAL GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS FOR ALL FIREFIGTHER PERSONNEL AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE SIX (6) OTHER BROWARD COUNTY MUNICIPALITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE REGIONAL GRANT APPLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE. (STAFF: FIRE CHIEF) (SEE BACKUP)</p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAZAROW TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE PARTICIPATION IN THE 2014-2015 ASSISTANCE TO FIRE FIREFIGHTERS GRANT PROGRAM-REGIONAL GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF SELF- CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS FOR ALL FIREFIGTHER PERSONNEL AND</p><p>9 JANUARY 7, 2015 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE SIX (6) OTHER BROWARD COUNTY MUNICIPALITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE REGIONAL GRANT APPLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE. </p><p>Commissioner London seconded the Motion for discussion. </p><p>Answering questions posed by Commissioner London, Daniel P. Sullivan, Fire Chief provided background information concerning the Item outlining the benefits of partnering with other Broward County Municipalities when submitting the grant application. </p><p>There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Chair Cooper called the Question. </p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAZAROW, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LONDON, TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE PARTICIPATION IN THE 2014-2015 ASSISTANCE TO FIRE FIREFIGHTERS GRANT PROGRAM-REGIONAL GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS FOR ALL FIREFIGTHER PERSONNEL AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE SIX (6) OTHER BROWARD COUNTY MUNICIPALITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE REGIONAL GRANT APPLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE. The Motion carried on a 5/0 Voice vote. </p><p>RESOLUTION NO. 2015-01</p><p>11. ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING </p><p>NONE</p><p>12. ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING/PUBLIC HEARING </p><p>NONE</p><p>13. RESOLUTIONS/PUBLIC HEARING</p><p>A. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE HALLANDALE ARTSQUARE PLAT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 301-409 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY (APPLICATION #151-14-P) WITH SPECIFIED CONDITIONS AS RECOMMENDED BY CITY ADMINISTRATION; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (STAFF: DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) (SEE BACKUP)</p><p>ON NOVEMBER 20, 2014, THE PLANNING AND ZONING ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF THIS APPLICATION BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 5/0. </p><p>Mayor Cooper introduced the Item and opened the Public Hearing. </p><p>Seeing no speakers, Mayor Cooper closed the Public Hearing. </p><p>10 JANUARY 7, 2015 MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE HALLANDALE ARTSQUARE PLAT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 301-409 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY (APPLICATION #151-14-P) WITH SPECIFIED CONDITIONS AS RECOMMENDED BY CITY ADMINISTRATION; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. </p><p>Commissioner London seconded the Motion for discussion. </p><p>At the request of Commissioner London, Keven Klopp, Director of Development Services gave a presentation and answered questions posed by the City Commission. </p><p>Answering questions posed by Commissioner London, City Manager Miller and Director Klopp explained that the developer will be bringing forward an entirely different development project plan than was approved in the previous site plan; however the approved Development Order provides for an extension through October 2015, therefore the Developer will have until then to either develop the approved project or present a revised site plan for approval. </p><p>Commissioner London read excerpts from the existing Development Agreement for the Park Central development project referring to a park dedication agreement and the reversion of unused flexibility units. </p><p>City Attorney Whitfield clarified that the Major development application will be presented for review and approval on a separate Agenda; however the City Commission is requested to consider the Plat application this evening. </p><p>There being no further discussion, Mayor Cooper called the Question. </p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LONDON, TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE HALLANDALE ARTSQUARE PLAT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 301-409 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY (APPLICATION #151-14-P) WITH SPECIFIED CONDITIONS AS RECOMMENDED BY CITY ADMINISTRATION; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Motion carried on a 5/0 Roll Call vote as follows: </p><p>AYES: Commissioners Lazarow, London and Sanders, Vice Mayor Julian and Mayor Cooper</p><p>NAYS: None </p><p>RESOLUTION NO. 2015-02</p><p>14. RESOLUTIONS/CITY BUSINESS</p><p>A. DISCUSSION REGARDING CHAPTER 30, UTILITIES, CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES (STAFF: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) (SEE BACKUP)</p><p>11 JANUARY 7, 2015 City Manager Miller provided background information on the Item and turned the presentation over to staff. Andrea Simmonds, Utility Billing Manager gave a presentation outlining the major changes and requirements of the City’s utility Billing ordinance; and answered questions posed by the City Commission.</p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAZAROW TO EXTEND THE MEETING TIME UNTILL 1:00 A.M. </p><p>Motion failed due to lack of a Second. </p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LONDON, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SANDERS TO EXTEND THE MEETING UNTILL 12:30 A.M. The Motion carried on a 5/0 Voice vote. </p><p>Vice Mayor Julian spoke in opposition of the Ordinance requirement for owner-tenant accounts noting that it places an undue burden on tenants and property owners. </p><p>City Manager Miller spoke concerning the need to retain deposits on utility accounts in order to protect the City’s Utility Enterprise. </p><p>Commissioner Sanders noted that while he understands the City must protect its interests, he also believes it is necessary to remain business and resident friendly. </p><p>Answering questions posed by Commissioner Sanders, City Manager Miller stated that owners are presented with three (3) options: 1) Sixteen (16) months implementation period to allow for financial readiness, 2) opportunity to renegotiate with the tenants to collect deposit, or 3) set up an automatic bank draft and have the deposit amount waived. </p><p>Commissioner London spoke in support of returning account deposit to residents/owners after 24 months of good pay history. </p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LONDON, SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, TO DIRECT STAFF TO BRING BACK AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 30 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO REFUND THE ACCOUNT DEPOSITS AFTER 24 MONTHS OF GOOD PAY HISTORY; IF ANY PAYMENTS ARE MISSED DURING THIS 24 MONTH PAYMENTS THEN THE TIME PERIOD RESTARTS AS OF THE DATE OF THE MISSED PAYMENTS; AND TO BRING BACK THE ORDINANCE FOR FIRST READING WHEN READY. </p><p>After discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Cooper called the question. </p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LONDON, SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, TO DIRECT STAFF TO BRING BACK AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 30 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO REFUND THE ACCOUNT DEPOSITS AFTER 24 MONTHS OF GOOD PAY HISTORY IF ANY PAYMENTS ARE MISSED DURING THIS 24 MONTH PAYMENTS THEN THE TIME PERIOD RESTARTS AS OF THE DATE OF THE MISSED PAYMENTS; AND TO BRING BACK THE ORDINANCE FOR FIRST READING WHEN READY. The Motion carried on a 4/1 Voice vote (Mayor Cooper voted No). </p><p>Commissioner London suggested reverting to the tenant/owner account system. </p><p>MOTION BY COMMISISONER LONDON TO DIRECT STAFF TO BRING BACK AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 30 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO GO BACK TO A TENNANT/OWNER SYSTEM. </p><p>Commissioner Lazarow seconded the Motion for discussion. </p><p>12 JANUARY 7, 2015 MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LONDON TO CALL THE QUESTION. </p><p>The Motion to Call the Question failed due to lack of a Second. </p><p>After further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Cooper called the Question. </p><p>MOTION BY COMMISISONER LONDON, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LAZAROW TO DIRECT STAFF TO BRING BACK AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 30 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO GO BACK TO A TENNANT/OWNER SYSTEM. The Motion failed by a 2/3 Voice Vote (Commissioner Sanders, Vice Mayor Julian and Mayor Cooper voted No)</p><p>Mayor Cooper opened the floor for public comment.</p><p>Mary Thompson, 613 NW 4th Avenue, Hallandale spoke in support of the Ordinance amendment for refund of deposits after 24 months of good pay history; she noted that she does not believe the City does provides adequate affordable housing and is not competitive with utility rates for surrounding municipalities.</p><p>Fred Burton, Property Owner, 408 NW 10th Street, Hallandale Beach spoke in opposition of the require placing a burden on property owners to collect an additional deposit from the tenant. Mr. Burton further stated that the believed the City is requiring property owners to take on a responsibility with which the City has been ineffective. </p><p>Mayor Cooper closed the floor to public comment. </p><p>The City Commission took no further action concerning this Item. </p><p>15. ADJOURN </p><p>There being no further business before the City Commission, Mayor Cooper adjourned the Meeting at 12:29 A.M.</p><p>SUBMITTED BY: Mayor Joy F. Cooper</p><p>RECORDING SECRETARY: Sheena D. James, City Clerk</p><p>APPROVED BY COMMISSION: January 28, 2015</p><p>13 JANUARY 7, 2015</p>
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