Concordia College, St. Paul, Mn. Dec. 13, 1974 Vol. 10, No. 3 SALS accepts Seminex, 3 schools quit dialogue Concordia Seminary in Exile Forest and Bronxsville, N.Y., campus operations, The Role of (Seminex) of St. Louis, Missouri was sponsored the resolution. The SALS Women in the church, and the idea of granted membership into the organization consists of the various Academic Freedom for professors and Synodical Association of Lutheran Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod students. Out of a workshop defined Students Which met October 11-12 in affiliated schools in the United States to study the nature and purpose of Fort Wayne, Indiana, by a 7-3 margin. and Canada. Of the fifteen mem- SALS, the various delegates ex- Those school delegates which bership schools, ten were presented pressed the vital need to be a presented the resolution called for with more than fifty delegates. "resource organization" for the action which would provide "effective Seminex and the Lutheran Deaconess Lutheran schools and to encourage communication....For SALS, the Association were invited as guests to the conference hosts to create future rests upon how we effectively consider membership. SALS meets workshops dealing with religious, dialogue with each other." Also, they biannually to provide a com- social and academic life on campuses hoped that by taking such action, it munication between member schools today. Delegates expressed the would serve as "a positive step made leading to as exchange of ideas for concern that SALS is looking for for reconciliation, in the love and trust improving religious, social and "power to be recognized (by the of each other." By gaining mem- academic life; and to confront issues LCMS) but not recognized to be bership into the SALS organization, involving the schools of the Lutheran powerful" and directive in matters Seminex obtains voting privileges Church—Missouri Synod, (LCMS). pertaining to the church at large. within the organization. In several workshop sessions of the In final actions, the Seminex and Upon SALS' acceptance of conference, SALS delegates had a Fort Wayne delegations expressed the Seminex, a seminary which has been chance to share various concerns SALS resolution was not meant to be created as a result of the synodical about Spritual Life on campuses, the divisive, but rather a true and earnest controversy in the Lutheran Church— Task Force created by the Lutheran act of reconciliation and demon- Missouri Synod and is an exiled Church to review and evaluate present stration to the LCMS controversy. portion of Concordia Seminary (801) in St. Louis, a member school of SALS- Concordia Seminary, Springfield, Illinois declared their membership in the organization "withdrawn" until "this Association comes into line with and upholds its constitution...we regret that this action must be taken." Decorations, The 801 DeMun seminary stated they parties, shopping would have to meet with their student trips, special serv- government concerning such similar ices—all point to action. They have, along with Ann the celebration of Arbor, since cut off all communication Christ's birth. A r- with a number of Synod schools, blessed Christ- including Concordia, St. Paul. mas! Dee Kaechele, Dave Kellermann, Wendell Robson, Tony Steinbronn, r"• and Dean Sohn represented Con- cordia, St. Paul at the meetings. They along with representatives from River Page 2 Dec. 13, 1974 Concordia College Oratorio Choir presenting concert Sunday in Beutow Auditorium organ. addition to the concert itself there will The Oratorio Chorus is composed of be the traditional buffet dinner in the This coming Sunday, December 15, people from the student body, from college dining hall from 5-7 pm. the Oratororio Chorus will present a the faculty, from the ranks of college Dinner will cost $1.50 per person. special gift of Christmas joy to the alumni, and the neighboring com- Concordia campus and neighborhood munity, totalling about 170 members. community in the form of the annual This type of chori is rather unique at Christmas Concert. Concordia, this being the first year of Under the direction of Dr. David the Oratorio Chorus' existence. Krause, the chorus will present a wide Accompanying the Oratorio Chorus variety of Christmas music ranging in their Christmas Concert per- from the traditional Christmas carols formance will be an orchestra which to modern musical arrangements. The includes students, faculty members, program includes the first two parts of and alumni musicians along with a Bach's "Christmas Oratorio" as well number of graduates of the Minnesota as the more unconventional Youth Symphony. "Magnificat" composed by Halsey Also for the first time in the history Stevens. Also featured will be a new of Concordia's annual Christmas composition, "Hodie Christus" by concert is the use of student soloists Paul Manz, along with Benjamin from on campus. Singing the solos Brittain's "A Ceremony of Carols" throughout the program are Deborah accompanied by Mary Wiklander, a Gray, Kay Krans, Richard Block, and student at Concordia and her mother, David Mueller. Lorraine, on harp. Also as part of the There will be two performances concert, Dr. Paul Manz will lead a given, one at 4 pm, and the other at Dr. Krause and Pam Gronewald community sing-along of familiar 7:30 pm, this Sunday, Dec. 15 in the look over posters for Sunday's carols using the new auditorium Beutow Music Building Auditorium. In concert. CSP college campus Student Union buildingCommunity Christmas receives "merit award" The Concordia campus Student Union was awarded a Merit Award by party set for tomorrow the Minnesota Society of Architects last month. Dr. Harvey Stegemoeller and the The Annual Neighborhood Christ in Christmas. The movie was architects of the building, Frederick Christmas Party will be held Sunday, religiously oriented and a short Bentz/Milo Thompson & Assoc. of Demcber 15, at 2:00. It is set to be discussion was held on it with the Minneapolis received the award jointly held on Tier II of the Union. children afterwards. as one of nine awards presented at a This Student Senate sponsored special dinner held November 2. Christmas party is given by the Plans for this year's party include a The jury of nationally renown students of Concordia for the children show put on live by a puppet theatre professionals, architects, and others of this area. Fliers are distributed to group which prepares weekly "Bible from allied fields commented on the the homes and through various Story Time" television shows, shown Student Union building's sense of Concordia tutors. Children from each Saturday morning. (See related "spatial clarity, modesty, light, sound Kindergarten through sixth grade are story on page 6.) and student participation." invited. One of the main purposes of this The building was completed two Last year the party was attended by Christmas party is to maintain a years ago and was built to provide about 75 area children. During the rapport with the college's neighbors, space for all the traditional functions afternoon they played games, watched and show them that Concordia, as a of a student union within a low cost a movie, and Santa Claus came for a Christian college, is concerned about budget. visit. Even though the purpose of last their children. The judging and awards is a yearly year's party was for the youngsters to In charge of this year's party and its event, sponsored by the Minnesota have a fun time, the party was also planning is Concordia student Cindy Society of Architects. used as an opportunity to stress the Cardel Page 3 The Sword To cover human sexuality Convo makes plans for January lyceum series "Diseases of the Reproductive divorce, and so on, based on prin- The Convocation-Lyceum Corn- Systems" will be the topic on January ciples derived from Scripture. mittee is diligently working on a four 15. The American Cancer Society will On January 29 the National week evening Lyceum for Concordia have an excellent presentation on the Organization of Women will present and the surrounding community on symptoms and treatments of cancers the medical, legal, and emotional various topics relating to human of the breast, uterus, and testicles aspects of rape. The follow- sexuality. using films, accompanied by a panel up procedures and affects seem The first, scheduled for January 7 to answer questions. "The Family helpful to know especially since it (7:00-9:00 pm) will be an informative Tree" will also return with an in- affects the lives of so many (men and presentation on family planning. "The formative film on the Venereal women!) Family Tree," a volunteer organization Diseases. The purpose of the lyceums is from Macalester College will present "Sex Roles in a Changing Society" mainly to be informative and to help the various methods of contraception. will be discussed on January 22. reveal the services available in the The committee is presently plan- case that a related problem might ning to have Rev. and Mrs. Frank arise. The problems of human Mossman from the Lutheran Social sexuality are often kept hidden while Theatre dept. Service of Minnesota speak on the they continue to hurt and multiply. It importance of meaningful relation- seems much healthier to be informed, ships, the quality of roles, minimizing branches out to preventative, or cured. community Wollaeger dorm planning A "new" branch of the Concordia CSP Christmas gathering Theatre Department, called "Theatre coffee and hot apple cider will be 8", has developed to be the depart- Christmas is just around the corner ment's channel of outreach to the served for refreshments. And some and Wollaeger Dorm is getting ready "spectacular" entertainment is campus and community worship life. to celebrate in full fashion with their Made up of any student interested in planned to start about 9 pm.
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