St. Christopher and Nevis

St. Christopher and Nevis

<p> ST. CHRISTOPHER AND NEVIS </p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Prime Minister's Office and Ministry of National Security, Foreign Affairs, Finance, Planning and Information Basseterre, St. Christopher and Nevis Tel. : 465-2521 Fax : 465-1001</p><p>2. Responsible officials: The Hon. Denzil Douglas, Prime Minister and Minister</p><p>Mr. Oliver Knight, Permanent Secretary a.i. Ministry of Development and Planning Tel. : 465-2521 Ext. 1057 Fax : 466-7398</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Development Planning, physical planning. Industry and industrial development statistics.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Basseterre, St. Christopher and Nevis</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. Dwight Venner</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION ST. HELENA</p><p>(No information available)</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION ST. LUCIA </p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Ministry of Finance, Planning, Foreign Affairs, Home Affairs and Information Castries, St. Lucia Tel. : (758) 542-6519 Fax : 453-7352</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. Cletus Springer, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Planning Tel. : 452-2611 Fax : 452-2506</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) To facilitate national economic, social, and physical development. b) To forward planning of all national development objectives and programs in collaboration with the relevant Ministries and Departments of Government. c) Articulation of Government policy on planning and development and the establishment of liaison with all Government Ministries and Departments and other institutions concerned with development, to ensure the efficient and consistent realization of this policy. d) The appraisal, initiation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects and programs related to national development. e) The preparation of multi-annual National Development Plans and the formulation of Regional and Sectoral Planning Policy, programs and projects. f) To undertake research and to generate and disseminate data on all aspects of national development. g) The coordination of the financing and execution of the Public Sector Investment Program. h) The coordination of relationships with all external agencies on matters related to national development.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address: Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Wildey, St. Michael Tel. : 431-1600 Fax : 426-7269</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Sir Neville Nicholls, President Tel. : 431-1600 Fax : 426-7269</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities Regional Development Bank.</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Government of Saint Lucia and Office of the UNDP Resident Representative, Barbados; December 1996. ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES </p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Ministry of Finance and Planning Administrative Centre Kingstown, St. Vincent Tel. : 457-1343 (Finance) Fax : 457-2943 " Tel : 457-1746 (Planning) Fax : 456-2430 "</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. Randolph Cato, Director of Planning Central Planning Unit Tel. : 457-1746 Fax : 456-2430</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) Organization and management of the national economic and physical development planning apparatus. b) Preparation and monitoring of medium-term national development plans. c) Co-ordination of the financing and implementation of the Public Sector Investment Programme. d) Identification, preparation, appraisal and monitoring of public sector programmes and projects. e) Co-ordination of relations with external agencies on matters relating to development. f) Compilation and publication of socio-economic statistical data.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address: Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Wildey, St. Michael Tel. : 431-1600 Fax : 426-7269</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Sir Neville Nicholls, President Tel. : 431-1600 Fax : 426-7269 Email : [email protected]</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Regional Development Bank.</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Government of St. Vincent & the Grenadines/Office of the UNDP Resident Representative, Barbados; December 1996.</p><p>SAMOA</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Planning and Policy Division Treasury Department Private Mail Bag Apia, Samoa Fax:(685) 21312</p><p>2. Responsible officials: MR. Iulai Lavea, A/Secretary for Planning and Policy</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) Project identification, evaluation (national priority projects). b) Macroeconomic analysis. c) Monitoring and performance analysis. d) Aid planning and sectoral priorities.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address: Ministry of Foreign Affairs P. O. Box L1859 Apia, Samoa Fax:(685) 21504</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Ms. Noumea Simi, Assistant Secretary Economic and Aid</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) Coordination of all grant aid programmes. b) First linkage with donor community on external aid programmes. c) Preliminary assessment of NGO projects as presented to government for assistance.</p><p>1. Name and address: Department of Statistics P.O. Box 1151 Apia, Samoa Fax:(685) 24675</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. Magele Mussolini Crawley, Government Statistician</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) Provide efficient Information System for Western Samoa. b) Ensure all clients receive information without delay. c) Conduct any Surveys and Censuses as required by the Government. d) Strengthen resource sharing and networking between sources of information.</p><p>C. REMARKS D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Government of Samoa; December 1997. SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE </p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Direction de Statistique Ministère des Finances et de la Planification B.P. 256, Sao Tomé Tel. : (239.12) 21313</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. Peregrino Sacramento da Costa, Directeur Tel. : (239.12) 21982</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) Diriger, éxecuter et controler l'application de la politique du Gouvernement dans le domaine statistique. b) Centraliser et divulguer l'information Statistique officielle du pays. c) Faire des audits et adopter des mécanismes de vérification statistique. d) Produire de l'information statistique de caractére conjoncturel.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address: Direction des Affaires Multilatérales Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération B.P. 111, Sao Tomé Tel. : (239.12) 21077 Fax : (239.12) 23237</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mme Elisa Correia, Directrice</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) Exécuter la politique du Gouvernement en matière de la coopération dans les domaines scientifique, technique et culturel avec les organisations et institutions internationales. b) Coordonner et suivre l'exécution de tous les programmes et projets avec les organisations internationales. c) Suivre l'exécution des projets d'exécution nationale. d) Promouvoir la coopération Sud-Sud et en particulier la coopération régionale. e) Préparer la participation de Sao Tomé et Principe dans les Conférences Internationales.</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Government of Sao Tomé and Principe; novembre 1996. SAUDI ARABIA</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY (For All Government projects)</p><p>1. Name and address: Ministry of Planning P.O.Box 358 Riyadh 11182, Saudi Arabia</p><p>2. Responsible officials: H.E. Dr. Abdulwahhab Attar, Minister of Planning</p><p>Mr. Ahmed Hakami, Acting Deputy Minister of Planning</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) Develop periodical economic reports of the Kingdom which include analysis of the national economy; assessment of its progress, achievements, and development potentials. MOP reports during the Hijri Month of Muharram and each year to the Council of Ministers on past and prospected achievements in light of the goals and policies highlighted in the development plan. The report includes enumeration of implementation obstacles, ways and means to overcome these problems, and providing related agencies with copies of reports preared by MOP. MOP may report during the year to the Council of Ministers regarding the implementation progress of major vital projects and other projects and suggestions;</p><p> b) Develop 5-year socio-economic development plans, and submit to the Council of Ministers for approval prior to their implementation. c) Undertake projections of total financial resources required to implement the development plans; these projections shall become the basis for preparation of the Government's general budget, the affiliated budgets, and the budgets of independent agencies - these tasks are carried out in close coordination with Ministry of Finance and National Economy to ensure conformity between requirements of the general development plan and available financial resources. (d) Undertake necessary economic studies on related topics, and submit their findings and recommendations to the higher authority for consideration. (e) Assist all concerned Ministries and independent agencies in their areas of planning activities. (f) Render technical advice on tasks assigned by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the Prime Minister. (g) Follow-up the implementation of major critical development projects. The Ministry of Planning issues at the beginning of each fiscal year a decree specifying the outcome of the follow-up.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address: Follow-up and Information Division Ministry of Planning</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Dr. Abdullah Al-Nefaify, A/Assistant Deputy minister for Follow-up and Information</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) Develop detailed technical documents that specify the following follow-up objectives :</p><p>1) Collect at relevant data and precise information, on periodic basis, pertaining to the implementation of development plans; 2) Record implemented projects as well as those which have not been implemented; 3) Place emphasis on reasons behind obstacles and resulted impacts that have affected those projects which have not been executed; conduct in-house and field studies and investigations to identify such obstacles, and propose appropriate actions to be taken; (4) Identify the responsibility of any malfunction and default;</p><p>(b) Prepare appropriate approaches to collect data and information from Inistries and agencies engaged in implementation of the development plan projects; (c) Classify and analyze data received from the executing agencies, and explain their consistency with or deviation from the development plans; (d) Train and coordinate the work of employees involved in follow-up taks in all concerned Ministries and governmental departments</p><p>1. Name and address: Sector Planning Division Ministry of Planning</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Dr. Ahmed I. Hakami, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister for Sectoral Planning</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) Supervise the preparation of sectoral plans in order to be vertically integrated in the national development plans; b) Administer strategic and executing planning progress undertaken by the heads of the five sectors: Social Services, Human Infrastructure, Physical Infrastructure, Natural Resources and Industry and Commerce; c) Define the main objectives of each sector and prepare recommendations which describe the details of programs and projects in conformity to the national objectives, priorities, and financial estimates; d) Study and develop annual budgets for the various agencies in each sector in light of approved operational plans, and discussing these budgets with representatives of the Ministry of Finance and National Economy; (e) Review all recommendations to conduct sector-specific researchers, and refer such researchers to the Research Department to technical direction and general coordination of these studies; (f) Contribute to the development of guidelines of the 5-year plan, prare the plan input process, coordinate sectoral budgets and their plans, and integrate the sectoral plans; (g) Managing the implementation of follow-up and programs to secure data and information regarding work progress of sectoral plans. This task is carried out in coordination with the Assistant Deputy Ministry for Follow-Up and Information system to evaluate, monitor and update the sectoral plans, programs and projects accordingf to the sectoral objectives, requirements, time schedules and financial estimates.</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; December 1997.</p><p>SENEGAL A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Direction de la Planification du Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et du Plan Avenue Carde, BP 4017 Dakar, Senegal</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. Sohibou Thiam Division de la Planification Sectorielle et de l'Evaluation</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Chargé de l'évaluation et responsable, en relation avec les ministères techniques, de la formulation des politiques sectorielles.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>Jusqu'en 1990, il existait au niveau de chaque Ministère Technique une division ou un bureau chargé de la planification et de l'évaluation des projets. Cependant compte tenu des restrictions budgétaires, des réorganisations sont intervenues au sein de plusiers départements et ces structures ont été supprimées. Ceci constitue actuellement l'un des maillons faibles du système d'évaluation des projets. Dans certains ministères comme l'Agriculture, l'Hydraulique, l'Education Nationale, La Femme, l'Enfant et la Famille, la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, cette structure a été remise en place compte tenu des difficultés que sa suppression avait engendrées. Dans des départements comme l"Equipement et les Transports Terrestres, la Peche, l';Urbanisme et l'Habitat le processus de dynamisation de cette structure est en cours. Pour d'autres par contre, comme les Transports, l'on déplore encore l'absence de cette structure essentielle à l'élaboration et à la programmation des projets.</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et du Plan; novembre 1997. SEYCHELLES</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY 1. Name and address: Economic and Finance Committee National Economic Council (NEC) President's House, State House Avenue Victoria, Republic of Seychelles</p><p>2. Responsible officials: President, Ministers, Principal Secretaries, Directors General and representatives of the production sectors.</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: To devise and implement macro economic planning policies and strategies including inter- sectoral co-ordination. B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address: Natural Resource Committe</p><p>2. Responsible officials: President, Ministers, Principal Secretaries, Directors General and representatives of the production sectors.</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: To devise and implement social and human resources policies and strategies including intersectoral coordination.</p><p>1. Name and address: Tourism Coordinating Committee</p><p>2. Responsible officials: President, Ministers, Principal Secretaries, Directors General and representatives of the production sectors.</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: To devise and implement social and human resources policies and strategies including intersectoral coordination.</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>Various Steering Committees in particular the one on the Environmental Management Plan for Seychelles, which is chaired by the Minister for Planning and External Relations, and the objectives are to monitor the implementation of the Plan.</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Office of the UNDP Resident Representative, Mauritius; November 1997. SIERRA LEONE </p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Ministry of Development and Economic Planning Youyi Building, Brookfields Freetown, Sierra Leone</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. F. B. Rosenior, Development Secretary</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) Preparation of National Development Plans, Public Investment Programmes, Annual Plans and Government's Development Budgets. b) Review of economic performance; overall and sectoral. c) Evaluation of selected projects. d) Mobilization of external capital and technical assistance, (excluding EEC countries). e) Sub-regional, regional and international economic co-operation. f) Monitoring development plans and budgets. g) Formulation of development strategies and policies.</p><p>1. Name and address: Ministry of Finance Secretariat Building, George Street Freetown, Sierra Leone</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Dr. Samura Kamara, Financial Secretary</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) Evaluation of budget proposals. b) Analysis of policy options and formulation of policies in the general economic area. c) Allocation and release of voted funds to different Ministries and Departments. d) Review of overall economic performance. e) Monitoring revenue and expenditures of Ministries and Departments. f) Evaluation of performance of public sector institutions in respect of their recurrent budgets.</p><p>1. Name and address: Ministry of Education (Planning Unit) New England, Freetown, Sierra Leone</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. B.A. Samai, Head, Planning Unit</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) Preparation of educational projects, especially those funded by the World Bank and SL/UNDP/UNESCO. b) Formulation of education sector plans. c) Educational research and evaluation. d) Collection of statistical data on education and collection of educational innovative projects for exchange of experiences among African countries. </p><p>1. Name and address: National Authorizing Office, Office of the President and Head of State State House, Freetown, Sierra Leone</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Dr. A. L. Kumalah, National Authorizing Officer 3. Functions and Responsibilities: Administration and supervision of Sierra Leone/EEC relations as provided for in the Lome Conventions; specifically, preparation of Indicative Programmes; participation in joint appraisal of projects; other non-project activities within the provision of the convention e.g. Stabex, Sysmin, Food Aid, Trade and Industry Co-operation, etc.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address: Planning, Evaluation, Monitoring and Services Division (PEMSD) Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources Youyi Building, Brookfields Freetown, Sierra Leone</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Dr. Alimamy Kargbo, Division Head</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) Formulation of agricultural development strategies. b) Identification, formulation and evaluation. c) Monitoring the performance of the agricultural sector, with special reference to development projects. d) Monitoring prices of agricultural commodities and recommending pricing policies. e) Collection, processing and analysis of agricultural statistics.</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Government of Sierra Leone; December 1996. SINGAPORE</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Ministry of Finance, Budget Division 10th Storey, 100 High Street The Treasury Singapore 179434</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. Ngiam Tong Dow, Permanent Secretary</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: This division is responsible for Budget Management Policy and Expenditure Allocations; Government Accounting; Expenditure and Procurement Policies and National Computerisation. It also provides Secretariat services to the Development Planning Committee (DPC) which approves government development projects.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address: Ministry of Trade and Industry 100 High Street #09-01 Treasury Building Singapore 179434</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. Khaw Boon Wan, Permanent Secretary</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: The Ministry is responsible for economic planning and research, domestic trade policy, regional and international trade relations, industrial policy, investment promotion, energy and utility, R&D policy, productivity and post-employment training and tourism promotion.</p><p>1. Name and address: Ministry of Foreign Affairs 250 North Bridge Road #07-00, Raffles City Tower Singapore 179101</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. BG Tan Chin Tiong, Permanent Secretary (Development) Mr. Kishore Mahbubani, Permanent Secretary</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: The Ministry is responsible for the conduct and management of Singapore's relations with other countries. It promotes and protects Singapore's national interests by working towards the enhacement of regional peace, stability and cooperation, the maintenance of economic progress and prosperity and the consolidation and improvement of firendly relations with all countries.</p><p>1. Name and address: Ministry of National Development 5 Maxwell Road, #21-00, #22-00, Tower Block, MND Complex, Singapore 069110</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. Lam Chuan Leong, Permanent Secretary</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: The Ministry is responsible for the physical development of Singapore through rational, far- sighted planning. 1. Name and address: Public Service Commission 3 St Andrew's Road #04-00, City Hall Singapore 178958</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mrs Pek Siong Ching, Secretary</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: The Public Service Commission (PSC) is constituted under the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore. Its functions are to recruit officers to the Administrative Service, Auditing Service and Parliamentary Service, promote senior superscale officers and exercise disciplinary control over public officers. The PSC is also the central agency for the planning and administration of scholarships and bursaries offered by the Singapore Government for the civil service.</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Government of Singapore (Ministry of Foreign Affairs); December 1997. SLOVAKIA</p><p>(No information available)</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION SLOVENIA</p><p>(No information available)</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION SOLOMON ISLANDS</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Central Planning Office Honiara, Solomon Islands</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. Shadrach Fanega, Chief, Planning Division</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: This office is heavily involved in co-ordination, identification, appraisal, monitoring and ex- post evaluation of public sector projects and programmes.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address: None.</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Government of the Solomon Islands; July 1992. SOMALIA</p><p>(No information avvailable)</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION SOUTH AFRICA</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Office of the Auditor General P. O. Box 446 Pretoria 0001 Tel. : 27 12 324-4100 Fax : 27 12 323-7389 E-mail : [email protected] Internet :</p><p>The Audit Commission P. O. Box 15 Cape Town 8000</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. H E Kleuver, Auditor-General</p><p>Professor J A J Loots, Deputy Auditor-General and Accounting Officer/ Chief Executive Officer</p><p>Mr. M J Golding, MP Chairperson, Audit Commission</p><p>The Audit Arrangements Act of 1992 created an independent Audit Office, which functions under appropriate Parliamentary supervision (exercised by the Audit Commission). The Audit Commission oversees the functioning of the Office of the Auditor-General. It is composed of eight members of Parliament and three external members from private sector organizations/business community.</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Duties of the Auditor-General and the Audit Office • To be satisfied that: - all reasonable preventive measures are taken to safeguard the income, assets and other interests of institutions being audited; - expenditure is authorized and that laws and regulations are upheld; and - satisfactory management measures have been taken to ensure that resources are procured economically and utilized efficiently and effectively. • To ensure that public and timely reports containing audit findings are provided to the legislative bodies concerned.</p><p>The Role of the Chief Executive Officer The Chief Executive Officer, who is also the Deputy Auditor-General, is responsible for the efficient management and administration of the Audit Office. He or she is the Accounting Officer charged with accountability for the financial affairs of the Audit Office. Whereas the Auditor-General reports directly to Parliament, the Chief Executive Officer also reports to the Audit Commission regarding matters of financial and operational stewardship. This ensures that the Audit Office is subject to public scrutinity and accountability for its own performance.</p><p>The Audit Commission The Audit Arrangements Act established the Audit Commission, a made-to-measure Parliamentary tribunal, to supervise and govern the Audit Office. The Audit Commission is appointed by the President for a period of five years. No member of the Audit Commission may be part of the Executive Authority. The Audit Commission is responsible, inter alia, for approving the estimate of income and expenditure of the Audit Office, and for appointing an independent auditor to audit the accounts of the Audit Office. </p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES 1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>The Office of the Auditor-General is the Central Authority in the country. There are nine provinces in South Africa each with a Provincial Audits Office.</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>South Africa Communication Service. Office of the Auditor General. December 1996. SRI LANKA</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: None.</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address: Post Evaluation Unit Ministry of Plan Implementation, Ethnic Affairs and National Integration Sethsiripaya, Battaramulla</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Director</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: To conduct post evaluation of projects and programmes to help in the planning and programming of future projects.</p><p>1. Name and address: Department of External Resources Ministry of Finance & Planning The Secretariat (3rd floor) Colombo 1, Sri Lanka</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Director General</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Procurement and co-ordination of all external assistance.</p><p>1. Name and address: Auditor General's Department 7, Independence Square Colombo 7</p><p>2. Reponsible officials: Auditor General</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Financial and management audit of all Government institutions.</p><p>1. Name and address: Public Enterprises Division General Treasury, Secretariat Building Colombo 1, Sri Lanka</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Director</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Functions as the servicing arm of the Committee of Public Enterprises of the Sri Lanka Parliament (COPE), which oversees the functioning of public enterprises. 1. Name and address: Planning and Monitoring Unit Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka 493. T.B. Jayah Mawatha Colombo 10, Sri Lanka</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Director</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Financial and progress monitoring of the Mahaweli Development Programme, monitoring of the socio-economic development of settlements under the Mahaweli Development Programme.</p><p>1. Name and address: Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute 114, Wijerama Mawatha Colombo 7, Sri Lanka</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Director</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Semi-Governmental Institution. Undertakes evaluation studies in the Agrarian and Rural Development Sector for the Government and International Organizations.</p><p>1. Name and address: Marga Institute (Sri Lanka Centre for Development Studies) 93/10, Dutugemunu Street, Colombo 6, Sri Lanka</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Director</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Private non-profit institution. Undertakes evaluation studies on contract. </p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Office of the UNDP Resident Representative, Sri Lanka; 23 December 1996. SUDAN</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Under Secretary for Finance Ministry of Finance and National Economy</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Dr. Hassan Ahmed Taha, Under Secretary</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Formulation of macro economic policies and programmes in co-operation with concerned public and private sector authorities. Overall supervision and management of financial resources flow.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address: International Financial Co-operation Directorate Ministry of Finance and National Economy</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. El-Fatih Ali Siddig, Director General Mr. Mustafa Yousif Holi Director Technical Assistance Department</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Formulation of strategy and policies related to Official Development Assistance Coordination and Management. Official Development Assistance Coordination and Management.</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Office of the UNDP Resident Representative, Sudan; November 1997. SURINAM</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation Rageringsgebouw Dr. Sophie Redmondstr. 118 Paramaribo Suriname</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. I.E. Kortram, Director</p><p>Mr. A.J.S. Hok A Hin, General Secretary</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) Function: National Authorizing Office.</p><p> b) Responsibilities: National Planning Office has the responsibilities of coordinating national planning and international development co-operation.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and responsibilities:</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>National Planning Office; December 1997. SWAZILAND</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Ministry of Economic Planning and Development P.O. Box 602 Mbabane, Swaziland</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Principal Secretary</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: To evaluate and monitor all capital and technical assistance projects and to make recommendations to the Planning and Budgeting Committee regarding projects that are to be included in the budget and the development plan.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address: Planning and Budgeting Committee P.O. Box 4437 Mbabane, Swaziland</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Principal Secretary (Ministry of Finance)</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: To assess and advise the Government on the feasibility and desirability of capital and technical assistance projects.</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>The Department of Economic Planning and Statistics, formerly under the Prime Minister's Office became the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development (MEPD) in October 1991. The functions have not changed. The Planning and Budgeting Committee is chaired by the Principal Secretary, Ministry of Finance, and is comprised of the Principal Secretary Ministry of Labour and Public Service and the Principal Secretary Ministry of Economic Planning and Development.</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Office of the UNDP Resident Representative, Swaziland; December 1997 SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: State Planning Commission (SPC) Opposite Officers' Club - Salhieh Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Directors of each Sectoral Directorate (SPC)</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Formulation, implementation, follow-up. coordination and evaluation of all assistance projects.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address: Central Commission for Auditing and Supervision, Prime Minister's Office Damascus, Syria</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Director for Planning at Sectoral Ministries</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: This office is concerned with financial audits and administrative and organizational problems.</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>Every Sectoral Ministry has a Directorate for Planning within which sub-sectoral units are responsible for formulation, implementation, follow-up, and evaluation of assistance projects.</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Government of Syria (SPC); 24 April 1984. REPUBLIC OF KOREA A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Policy Analysis and Evaluation Bureau The Office of the Prime Minister 77, Sejong-Ro, Chongro-Ku, Seoul 110-760</p><p>2. Responsible officials: AHN Jae Keol, Director General Policy Analysis and Evaluation Bureau I</p><p>PARK Key Chong, Director General Policy Analysis and Evaluation Bureau II</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: a) Evaluating the major government policies and projects periodically. b) Analyzing problems in on-going policies and projects to provide solutions for the issue. c) Providing the evaluation guidelines applicable to policy analysis and evaluation to the head of each central administrative agency. d) Collecting the internal evaluation reports of central administrative agencies. e) Reporting the results of the periodical evaluation to the State Council biannually. f) Taking corrective measure according to the results of on-going projects and policies evaluation. g) Following up the measures in accordance with the results of periodical evaluation. h) Letting the relevant experts in private sector participate in performing process of policy analysis and evaluation. i) Developing evaluation systems to implement these functions. j) Qualitative analysis and evaluation for all processes of policy as well as comparing planned activities with actual performance. k) Constructing the laws and ordinance related to policy analysis and evaluation.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address: None. 2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION Government of the Republic of Korea; December 1997. REPUBLIC OF YEMEN</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Central Organization for Control and Auditing P.O. Box 151 Sana'a, Republic of Yemen Telephone No.: 260 660/5 (Country code 967; City code 1) Telex No.: 3141 Facsimile No.: 263 178</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. Ahmad Mohammed Al-Iryani, President of COCA</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Auditing and evaluating performance of government ministries, authorities, public and semi- public enterprises and subsidized units in addition to any foreign loans and grants programs in Yemen.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Ministry of Planning and Development and COCA; March 1992. ROMANIA</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Ministry of Foreign Affairs 14, Aleea Modrogan, sector 1 Bucharest, Romania</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. Alexandru Niculescu, Director Department for UN and other international organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs</p><p>Mr. Viorel Isticioaia, Deputy Director Department for UN and other international organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Overall responsibility for technical co-operation and co-ordination of assistance from international organizations.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Office of the UNDP Resident Representative, Romania; 13 December 1996. RUSSIAN FEDERATION</p><p>(No information available)</p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION RWANDA </p><p>A. CENTRAL EVALUATION AUTHORITY</p><p>1. Name and address: Ministère du Plan Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération</p><p>Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Elevage Ministère de l'Interieur et du Développement Communal Ministère de la Justice Ministère des Finances Ministère des Transports et des Communications Ministère de l'Enseignement Primaire et Secondaire Ministère de l'Enseignment Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique Ministère de la Jeunesse et du Mouvement Associatif Ministère des Travaux Publics et de l'Energie Ministère de la Fonction Publique</p><p>2. Responsible officials: Mr. André Sinamenye, Directeur des Projets Ministère du Plan</p><p>Mr. Kanyarubira Laurent, Directeur des Etudes et Evaluation Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération</p><p>Mr. Bigaya Mathias, Directeur du Contrôle et Evaluation des Projets Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Elevage</p><p>Mr. Muhaturukundo Nolbert, Directeur des Etudes et Evaluation des Projets Ministère de l'Interieur et du Développement Communal</p><p>Mr. Ndabalinze Sylvestre, Directeur des Etudes et Evaluation des Projets Ministère de la Justice</p><p>Mr. Ntahondi Félicien, Directeur des Etudes et Evaluation des Projets Ministère des Finances</p><p>Mr. Habyarimana Malien, Directeur des Etudes et Evaluation des Projets Ministère des Transports et des Communications</p><p>Directeur des Etudes et Evaluation des Projets (Vacant) Ministère de l'Enseignement Primaire et Secondaire</p><p>Mr. Gasana Jean-Baptiste, Directeur des Etudes et Evaluation des Projets Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique</p><p>Mr. Munyangaju Aloys, Directeur des Etudes et Evaluation des Projets Ministère de la Jeunesse et du Mouvement Associatif</p><p>Mr. Kanamugire François, Directeur des Etudes, Programme et Evaluation Ministère des Travaux Publics et de l'Energie</p><p>Mr. Karenzi Daniel, Secrétaire Général, joue aussi le rôle de Directeur des Etudes et Evaluation des Projets Ministère de la Fonction Publique</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities: Les responsabilités sont les mêmes dans tous les ministères, sauf pour le Ministère des Finances dont les quatre derniers points lui appartiennet exclusivement: Etude et programmation des projets intéressant le département. Participation à l'élaboration des programmes de formation et de perfectionnement du personnel. Elaboration des rapports annuels. Evaluation de l'accomplissement des missions assignées au département. Elaboration d'avis, communications et commentaires diffusées à l'intention du public. Evaluation des plans de travail annuel. Conduite et coordination des études à caractère économique et financier relevant des responsabilités du Ministère. Centralisation des activités statistiques du Ministère. Gestion et tenue à jour du fichier des données bancables intéressant le Ministère. Appui technique aux activités du Ministère en matière de programmation et de prévisions. Secrétariat permanent du Comité Intert-ministériel de Coordination. Secrétariat permanent de la Comission National des Investissements. Etudes relatives à la politique financière monétaire et de crédit en collaboration avec la Banque Nationale du Rwanda. Examen et suivi des dossiers relatifs aux Institutions financières nationales et internationales.</p><p>B. OTHER AUTHORITIES</p><p>1. Name and address:</p><p>2. Responsible officials:</p><p>3. Functions and Responsibilities:</p><p>C. REMARKS</p><p>D. SOURCE OF INFORMATION</p><p>Office of the UNDP Resident Representative, Rwanda; May 1992.</p>

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