Proud Monster/Death & Destruction

Proud Monster/Death & Destruction

<p> PROUD MONSTER Game Turn 5: Game Turn 9: DEATH & DESTRUCTION German: German: Victory: 22 VPs +1 GAST Game Turn 1: Von Paulus Pause ends Victory: 36 VPs Only 1 player turn couplet. Aviation: 7 Aviation: 3 German: Reinf: 183Inf, 250Inf, 339Static, Reinf: 212 German player ignores rivers for 707Static Withdraw: JID movement and combat. Soviet: Soviet: German MA’s cost only 6MP’s. RVGK: in/out 10 Moscow Line active Aviation: 4 Repl Rate: 2 RVGK: in/out 10 Victory: 4 VPs Reinf: 14xRD, 4xCD, 4xRB Repl Rate: 4 Replacements: 28 Reinf: 7xRD, 1xMRD, 13xRB, Soviet: Game Turn 6: 1xTB RVGK: in/out 10 German: Aviation: 6 Game Turn 10: Game Turn 2: +1 GAST German: German: Victory: 26 VPs Aviation: 2 Aviation: 10 Reinf: CR, 6Mtn, 7Para, 2SS +1 GAST Victory: 8 VPs MotInf, 177AG, 202AG Victory: 36 VPs Von Paulus Pause possible Soviet: Withdraw: 2 IDs Reinf: FG SS Cav, 4Mtn, 15Inf, RVGK: in/out 10 Reinf: FL SSInf, 223Inf 46Inf, 79Inf, 86Inf, 93Inf, Repl Rate: 3 Soviet: 94Inf, 95Inf, 96Inf, 98Inf, Reinf: 10xRD, 3xCD, 1xRB, RVGK: in/out 10 106Inf, 112Inf, 132Inf, 5xTB Repl Rate: 5 260Inf, 294Inf, 1SS MotInf, Vyazma Line active Reinf: 20xRD, 2xCD, 1xTD, 60MotInf, 189AG, 203Pz, Mozhaisk/Tula Lines active 1xRB 244AG, 245AG, 900L Gd Conv: 1xTB MotInf, [Hungary] 3Cav, Game Turn 7: 3JN Inf, 9MotInf, 32Inf German: Game Turn 11: Soviet: Aviation: 5 German: RVGK: in/out 10 +1 GAST Aviation: 1 Reinf: 11xRD, 6xCD, 3xRB Victory: 28 VPs +1 GAST Reinf: 2Pz, 5Pz Victory: 36 VPs Game Turn 3: Soviet: Withdraw: CD, ID, HF Corps German: RVGK: in/out 10 Reinf: 215Inf Aviation: 9 Repl Rate: 3 Soviet: Victory: 13 VPs Reinf: 6xRD, 1xCD, 6xRB, RVGK: in/out 10 Von Paulus Pause possible [9.19] 8xTB Repl Rate: 5 Reinf: 73Inf, [Rumania] 1 Cav, Gd Conv: 7xRD, 1xMRD Reinf: 6xRD, 3xCD, 14xRB, 7Cav, 9Cav 1xTB Soviet: Game Turn 8: Gd Conv: 2xRD, 4xCD RVGK: in/out 10 German: Repl Rate: 1 Aviation: 4 Game Turn 12: Luga Line active +1 GAST End of game if Germans invoked Von Leningrad Line active Victory: 30 VPs Paulus Pause. Reinf: 60xRD, 9xCD, 5xTD, Reinf: FR Inf, 227Inf, [Rumania] German: 4xRB, 1xMRB, 48xTB*** 1Inf, 2Inf, 10Inf, 11Inf, Aviation: 0 18Inf +2 GAST Game Turn 4: Soviet: Victory: 36 VPs German: RVGK: in/out 10 Withdraw: 3 Flack Corps, 5 Aviation: 8 Repl Rate: 4 Aircraft, ID Victory: 17 VPs Reinf: 20xRD, 3xCD, 1xTD, Hedgehogs Von Paulus Pause might end 2xRB, 1xTB Soviet: Soviet: RVGK: in/out 10 RVGK: in/out 10 Repl Rate: 6 Repl Rate: 2 Reinf: 3xRD, 1xCD, 5xRB, Air Reinf: 20xRD, 8xCD Game Turn 124: Game Turn 204: Game Turn 208: Begin DD and all non-retroactive German: German: general rules Repl Rate: 6/3 Withdraw: ID & GDMIR (!!! German: Reinf: 329Inf Turn 211 !!!) +2 GAST Soviet: Repl Rate: 6/3 Victory: 27/36 VPs RVGK: in/out 28 Reinf: 389Inf Withdraw: ID Repl Rate: 6 Soviet: Reinf: 88Inf, 216Inf, 225Inf Gd Conv: 8xRD, 1xCD, 1xMRD, RVGK: in/out 28 Soviet: 2xRB Max Step: 2 Soviet militia units may not Repl Rate: 6 return after elimination. Game Turn 205: Rifle Division Removal [8.23] Moscow Sudden Death is no longer Game Turn 209: Soviet Replacement Eligibility attainable. German: [8.24] Map C placement possible. Aircraft Return (6 factor) [10.1] RVGK: in/out 10 Supply line restrictions begin. Withdraw: 2 PD, ID Repl Rate: 6 German: Repl Rate: 6/3 Reinf: 2xRD, 2xCD, 9xRB, 1Eng GAS Line goes away Reinf: 82Inf, 323Inf, 336Inf, Dan Gd Conv: 2xCD German Strategic movement SS MotInf, 66Pz, 249AG, begins 428AG, 2MechUpgrd, Game Turn 201: Conv: 1SS MID & 3 MID > [Hungary] 6Inf, 7Inf, 9Inf, River Rule Change [14.1] PGDs 10Inf, 13Inf, 20Inf, 1Pz German: Repl Rate: 6/3 Soviet: Withdraw: ID from WP Reinf: 8J, 342Static, RVGK: in/out 28 Repl Rate: 6/3 2x2MechUpgrd, Max Step: 2 Reinf: 81Inf, 83Inf, 208Inf, [Rumania]4Inf, 19Inf, 20Inf Repl Rate: 6 246Inf, 330Inf, 209Inf, Soviet: Reinf: 2xRD, 9xRB, 2xMRB, 2xFldwrks, [Rumania] 9Inf RVGK: in/out 28 10xTB, 6TC, 7TC, 8TC, Soviet: Repl Rate: 6 9TC, 10TC RVGK: in/out 10 Reinf: 1xRD, 22xRB, 7xTB Gd Conv: 7xRD Repl Rate: 6 Withdraw: 2xTB Reinf: 7xRD, 7xCD, 2xRB, Game Turn 206: 4xTB, 8Eng, Partisans, German: Game Turn 210: 4Para Corps, 6xFldwrks Repl Rate: 6/3 German: Gd Conv: 3xRD, 1xMRD, 2xRB, Reinf: 5Mtn, 385Inf, 23Pz Withdraw: Fgln SS CB (!!! Turn 1xTB Soviet: 218 !!!) RVGK: in/out 28 Repl Rate: 6/3 Game Turn 202: Repl Rate: 6 Reinf: 305Inf, 340Inf, 377Inf German: Soviet: Repl Rate: 6/3 Game Turn 207: RVGK: in/out 28 Reinf: 5J, 211Inf, 218Inf, 331Inf, Rear Area Comb out. Max Step: 2 Ndr SS MotInf German: Repl Rate: 6 Soviet: Withdraw: all SecDs, ID, AG Reinf: 1Air, 2Air, 4Air, 21TC, RVGK: in/out 10 Batt 23TC, 24TC Repl Rate: 6 Conv: 5SS MID > PGD Repl Rate: 6/3 Game Turn 203: Reinf: Mod Cav, 383Inf, 384Inf, German: 387Inf, 2x2MechUpgrd Conv: Italian 3CD > 3MID & Soviet: CB-Balboa Corps Steps Limit=2 [8.31] Repl Rate: 6/3 RVGK: in/out 28 Reinf: Nor SS Inf, 7Mtn, 205Inf, Max Step: 2 328Inf, 22Pz, [Italy] CL Inf Repl Rate: 6 Soviet: Reinf: 1xRD, 18xRB, 8xTB, Start Offensive Supply Rule [9.6] 1TC, 2TC, 3TC, 4TC, 5TC RVGK: in/out 28 Gd Conv: 2xRD Repl Rate: 6 Withdraw: 17xTB, 1xMRB Withdraw: Air Reinf: 4xRD, 11xRB, 10xTB, Dummy Supply, Primary Supply Gd Conv: 4xRD, 1xCD, 5xTB Game Turn 211: Game Turn 214: Game Turn 219: German: German: May MA in snow [14.1] Stalingrad Divisions rule [8.6] Withdraw: 1SS PGD, 2 IDs German: German summer offensive? Repl Rate: 4/3 Repl Rate: 4/3 [15.2] Soviet: Reinf: 2MechUpgrd Begin German Stalingrad Dead RVGK: in/out 28 Soviet: Pile Max Step: 3 RVGK: in/out max 36 Reduced Air Supply [9.5] Repl Rate: 6 Max Step: 3 Victory: 27/41VPs Reinf: 15Air, 2 Fldwrks Repl Rate: 6 Withdraw: 2SS MID, PD, ID, Reinf: 5xRD, 1xCD, 1xMRB, Aerial Supply Game Turn 215: 1AD, 2AD Conv: 3SS, 16, 29 & 60 MIDs to German: Gd Conv: 5xRD, 3xNG/MC PGDs Repl Rate: 4/3 Repl Rate: 6/3 Reinf: 667AG, 3x2MechUpgrd, Game Turn 220: Reinf: 370Inf, 371Inf, 376Inf, [Italy] 2Mtn, 3Mtn, 4Mnt German: GD PzG, 24Pz, Soviet: Withdraw: ID 2x2MechUpgrd, [Rumania] RVGK: in/out 28 Repl Rate: 4/3 3Mtn Max Step: 3 Reinf: 337Inf Soviet: Repl Rate: 6 Soviet: RVGK: in/out 28 Reinf: 5xRD, 6xRB, 4xMRB, RVGK: in/out max 36 Max Step: 2 16xTB, 26TC Max Step: 3 Repl Rate: 6 Gd Conv: 9xRD, 4xCD Repl Rate: 6 Reinf: 3xRB, 16xTB, 10Eng, Withdraw: 1xTB 11TC, 12TC, 13TC, 14TC, Game Turn 216: 15TC, 16TC, 17TC German: Game Turn 221: Gd Conv: 2xRD Victory: 36/41VPs German: Withdraw: 2xTB Repl Rate: 4/3 Withdraw: 3SS PGD, ID, Soviet: Aircraft Game Turn 212: RVGK: in/out 28 Repl Rate: 4/3 German: Max Step: 3 Reinf: 1LF, 2LF, 3LF, 4LF, German summer offensive? Repl Rate: 6 336Eng [15.2] Reinf: 16Air Soviet: Repl Rate: 6/3 RVGK: in/out 48 Soviet: Game Turn 217: Max Step: 4 RVGK: in/out 28 German: Repl Rate: 6 Max Step: 2 Withdraw: ID Reinf: 1xMRB, 1xTB, Dummy Repl Rate: 6 Repl Rate: 4/3 Supply, Tertiary Supply, Reinf: 5Air, 8Air, 14Air Reinf: 27Pz LCFC, 4AD, 7AD, 8AD, Soviet: 9AD, 10AD, 19HvyAD, Game Turn 213: 2nd Sup Unit arrives. [9.6] 11AD German: RVGK: in/out max 36 Conv: 4xRD, 2xMC German summer offensive? Max Step: 3 [15.2] Repl Rate: 6 Game Turn 222: Withdraw: ID, CD Model Reinf: 1xRD, 1xCD, 10xRB, German: Repl Rate: 4/3 2xMRB., 2xTB, Dummy Victory: 18/41VPs Reinf: [Italy] 2Inf, 3Inf, 5Inf, Supply, Secondary Supply Repl Rate: 4/3 23M Inf, [Hungary] 12Inf, Gd Conv: 1xTB Reinf: 69Inf 19Inf, 23Inf Soviet: Soviet: Game Turn 218: Corsp Step Limit=4 Corps Step Limit=3 South Weather Zone Shift [13.2] RVGK: in/out 48 RVGK: in/out 28 German: Max Step: 4 Max Step: 3 Repl Rate: 4/3 Repl Rate: 6 Repl Rate: 6 Reinf: 8SS Cav Reinf: 7Air, 13Air, 17Air Reinf: 1xRD, 4xRB, 1xMRB, Soviet: 16xTB, 3Air, 4Eng, 5Eng, RVGK: in/out max 36 6Eng, 7Eng, 9Eng, 18TC, Max Step: 3 25TC, 28TC Repl Rate: 6 Gd Conv: 3xRD Withdraw: 1xTB Game Turn 223: Game Turn 302: Game Turn 305: German: German: German: Return: PD from WP Victory: 31/41VPs Withdraw: ID, all Italian units Conv: 5SS PGD > 5SS PD Conv: 2SS MID > 2SS PD & Conv: 3SS PGD > 3SS PD & Repl Rate: 4/3 return from WP return from WP, ID from Reinf: 5LF, 8LF, 9LF, 10LF, Return: Aircraft WP 304, 321, 138Pz, 228AG, Repl Rate: 3/4 Repl Rate: 3/4 242AG, 333AG, Soviet: Reinf: 12LF, 332Inf, 51HvyPz, 502HvyPz, 2MechUpgrd RVGK: in/out 48 502HvyPz, 911AG Soviet: Max Step: 4 Soviet: RVGK: in/out 48 Repl Rate: 6 RVGK: in/out 48 Max Step: 4 Max Step: 4 Repl Rate: 6 Game Turn 303: Repl Rate: 6 Reinf: 4xRB, 1xTB, 2Eng, German: Reinf: 17AD 1GRckt, 2GRckt, 3GRckt, Victory: 30/41VPs Gd Conv: 12xRD, 5xRB 19TC Conv: 1SS PGD > 1SS PD & Withdraw: 1xTB Gd Conv: 3xRD, 1xTC, return from WP, GD PGD 2NG/MC, 3xRB, 1xTB > GD PD Game Turn 306: Withdraw: 6xTB Repl Rate: 3/4 German: Reinf: 13LF, 327Inf, 333Inf, Repl Rate: 3/4 Game Turn 224: 335Inf, 270AG, 909AG Reinf: Air German: Soviet: Soviet: Repl Rate: 4/3 RVGK: in/out 48 RVGK: in/out 48 Reinf: 306Inf Max Step: 4 Max Step: 4 Soviet: Repl Rate: 6 Repl Rate: 6 RVGK: in/out 48 Reinf: 1xRD, 3xCD, 2GParaD, Max Step: 4 3GParaD, 4GParaD, Game Turn 307: Repl Rate: 6 5GParaD, 6GParaD, German: 7GParaD, 8GParaD, Withdraw: Ndr & Dan SS MIBs Game Turn 301: 9GParaD (!!! Turn 323 !!!), MtnID, German: Gd Conv: 7xRD, 4xCD, 1xTC, Pz Batt, AG Batt, Aircraft Rear Area Comb out. 8xTB Return: 2 IDs from WP Victory: 36/41VPs Repl Rate: 3/4 Withdraw: PD Game Turn 304: Reinf: 505HvyPz, 912AG, Return: PD from WP German: 2MechUpgrd Repl Rate: 3/4 Victory: 28/41VPs Soviet: Reinf: 6LF, 7LF, 15LF, 22LF, Withdraw: ID RVGK: in/out 48 302Inf, 320Inf, 232AG, Return: 2 IDs from WP Max Step: 4 900L MotInf, 904AG, Repl Rate: 3/4 Repl Rate: 6 905AG, 2MechUpgrd, Reinf: Air Reinf: 29TC 3Fldwrks Soviet: Gd Conv: 13xRDc 2xCD Soviet: RVGK: in/out 48 Withdraw: 1xTB RVGK: in/out 48 Max Step: 4 Max Step: 4 Repl Rate: 6 Game Turn 308: Repl Rate: 6 German: Reinf: 6Air, 2xMechUprds, Return: ID from WP 4GRckt, 5GRckt, 6GRckt, Repl Rate: 3/4 7GRckt, 6AD, 1GParaD Reinf: 282Inf Gd Conv: 7xRD, 3xTC, 3xMC Soviet: (from NGTC/MC), 7xAD, RVGK: in/out 48 1xMRB Max Step: 4 Withdraw: 2xGTB Repl Rate: 6 Game Turn 309: Game Turn 312: Game Turn 316: German: German: Soviet Airdrop? Withdraw: ParaD, 4SS ID, Nor German summer offensive? German: SS IB (!!! Turn 323 !!!), [15.3] Victory: 24/41VPs Aircraft Manstein’s Gambit? [15.4] Repl Rate: 3/3 Repl Rate: 3/4 Repl Rate: 3/4 Reinf: 5xFldwrks Reinf: 52HvyPz, 236AG, Soviet: Soviet: 653HvySPAG, RVGK: in/out 48 Soviet Airdrop? [15.7] 2MechUpgrd Max Step: 4 RVGK: in/out 48 Soviet: Repl Rate: 6 Max Step: 4 RVGK: in/out 48 Repl Rate: 6 Max Step: 4 Game Turn 313: Repl Rate: 6 German: Game Turn 317: Reinf: 9xMechUpgrds, 7MC, German summer offensive? End of game possible if Germans 30MC, 31MC, FA [15.3] invoke Von Manstein’s Gambit. Gd Conv: 3xRD Manstein’s Gambit? German: Withdraw: 1xTB Infantry downgrades [8.22] Withdraw: 1 Hvy Batt, Aircraft Repl Rate: 3/3 Conv: 25 MID > PGD Game Turn 310: Reinf: I/26HvyPz, I/29HvyPz, Repl Rate: 3/3 German: 216HvyPz, 259AG, Reinf: II/23, 277AG, 280AG, Repl Rate: 3/4 267AG, 2x2MechUpgrd 506HvyPz, 509HvyPz, Reinf: 355INf Soviet: 2MechUpgrd, [Rumania] Soviet: Soviet Airdrop? [15.7] 24Inf RVGK: in/out 48 RVGK: in/out 48 Soviet: Max Step: 4 Max Step: 4 RVGK: in/out 48 Repl Rate: 6 Repl Rate: 6 Max Step: 4 Reinf: 20AD Reinf: 1xTB, 1xMechUpgrd, Repl Rate: 6 5AD, 12AD, 1GParaB, Reinf: 21AD, 8MC, 9MC Game Turn 311: 2GParaB, 3GParaB, Gd Conv: 5xRD, 1xCD, 1xTC German: 4GParaB, 5GParaB Lower Dniepr restriction begins Gd Conv: 4xRD Game Turn 318: for D, R, & M weather. South Weather Zone Shift [13.2] [12.1] Game Turn 314: German: German summer offensive? German: Victory: 20/41VPs [15.3] Repl Rate: 3/3 Repl Rate: 3/3 Manstein’s Gambit? [15.4] Reinf: KAA, KAB, KAC, KAD, Reinf: 19SS Inf (2705N), Anti-Partisan Warfare [15.8] KAE, KEF 20xFldwrks Withdraw: 2 MIBs, Aircraft Soviet: Soviet: Conv: FL SS MIB > 6LM SS Soviet Airdrop? [15.7] Soviet Airdrop? [15.7] PGB RVGK: in/out 48 RVGK: in/out 48 Return: ID from WP Max Step: 4 Max Step: 4 Repl Rate: 3/4 Repl Rate: 6 Repl Rate: 6 Reinf: 654SPAG, 2MechUpgrd Reinf: 16AD Soviet: Game Turn 319: RVGK: in/out 48 Game Turn 315: German: Max Step: 4 German: Withdraw: Aircraft Repl Rate: 6 Victory: 26/41VPs Conv: 10, 18, 20 MIDs > PGD, Gd Conv: 8xRD, 1xMC, 1xTB Withdraw: 1SS PD AG Batt > 203 AG Brig Repl Rate: 3/3 Return: Stalingrad PD Reinf: FE PzG, 239AG, 261AG, Repl Rate: 3/3 2MechUpgrd Reinf: 544Eng, 545Eng, 546Eng, Soviet: 547Eng, 548Eng, 549Eng, Soviet Airdrop? [15.7] I/36HvyPz, 18Arty RVGK: in/out 48 Soviet: Max Step: 4 RVGK: in/out 48 Repl Rate: 6 Max Step: 4 Reinf: 3xMechUpgrds, 6x[2] Repl Rate: 6 Mech Upgrds Gd Conv: 8xRD, 2xTC, 2xTB Gd Conv: 4xRD, 2xTC, 1xMRB Game Turn 320: Game Turn 401: Game Turn 406: German: German: German: Victory: 16/41VPs Rear Area Comb out. Victory: 10/41VPs Repl Rate: 3/3 Withdraw: PD, SS MIB, 2 Hvy Repl Rate: 3/3 Soviet: Batts Soviet: RVGK: in/out 48 Repl Rate: 3/3 RVGK: in/out 48 Max Step: 4 Reinf: 4SS PzG Brig, 303AG, Max Step: 4 Repl Rate: 6 507HvyPz Repl Rate: 4 Soviet: Game Turn 321: Soviets may use more than half Game Turn 407: German: of replacements as German: Victory: 14/41VPs mechanized. Victory: 3/5VPs Withdraw: Aircraft RVGK: in/out 48 Withdraw: PD Return: Stalingrad PD, 1SS PD Max Step: 4 Conv: 2 AG Batts > 209 & 276 from WP Repl Rate: 4 AG Brigs, Rumanian 8CD Repl Rate: 3/3 Reinf: 3AD > 8MID Reinf: 2Para, 5SS PzG, 25Pz, Repl Rate: 3/3 281AG Game Turn 402: Reinf: 20SS Inf, 349Inf, 357Inf, Soviet: German: 359Inf, 367Inf, 10SSPz, RVGK: in/out 48 Repl Rate: 3/3 394AG, 1030PzG Reg, Max Step: 4 Soviet: 2MechUpgrd, [Hungary] Repl Rate: 6 RVGK: in/out 48 5Inf, 16Inf, 24Inf, 1AG, Reinf: 13AD, 14AD, 15AD, Max Step: 4 2Pz, [Rumania] 8MotInf 22AD Repl Rate: 4 Soviet: Gd Conv: 1xMC RVGK: in/out 48 Game Turn 403: Max Step: 4 Game Turn 322: German: Repl Rate: 4 German: Withdraw: AG Batt Reinf: 1xMechUpgrd, 26AD Repl Rate: 3/3 Conv: 2 AG Batts > 190 & 281 Soviet: AG Brigs RVGK: in/out 48 Repl Rate: 3/3 Peter McCord had posted part of this Max Step: 4 Soviet: information Aug 8, 1998 on Repl Rate: 6 RVGK: in/out 48 ConsimWorld. It was added to my Max Step: 4 original document making it more Game Turn 323: Repl Rate: 4 complete. German: Withdraw: 8SS CD, MtnID Game Turn 404: Skip Franklin Conv: 250 Sp ID > SpL SS IR German: Darksan at yahoo dot com Return: Stalingrad PD Repl Rate: 3/3 Repl Rate: 3/3 Reinf: 214Inf Reinf: SL Inf, 103SS HvyPz, Soviet: 286AG RVGK: in/out 48 Soviet: Max Step: 4 RVGK: in/out 48 Repl Rate: 4 Max Step: 4 Repl Rate: 4 Game Turn 405: German: Game Turn 324: Victory: 12/41VPs German: Conv: 2 AG Batts > 239 & 600 Repl Rate: 3/3 AG Brigs Reinf: FHH PzG Repl Rate: 3/3 Soviet: Reinf: 361Inf, I/33HvyPz, 9SS RVGK: in/out 48 PzG, 300AG, 301AG, Max Step: 4 311AG, 322AG, 1029PzG Repl Rate: 4 Reg, 2MechUpgrd Soviet: RVGK: in/out 48 Max Step: 4 Repl Rate: 4</p>

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