<p> Reproductive Allocation Patterns in different density</p><p> populations of Spring Wheat </p><p>JING LIU1,3, GEN-XUAN WANG2*, LIANG WEI1 AND CHUN-MING 5 WANG1</p><p>(1 Key Laboratory of Arid and Grassland Agroecology at Lanzhou University, Ministry of</p><p>Education, Lanzhou 730000, China; 2* College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,</p><p>310027, China; 3 Institute of Modern Physics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000,</p><p>10China)</p><p>Author for Correspondence Tel: +86-571-88206590 Fax: +86-571-88206590</p><p>Email: [email protected], wanggx@ zju.edu.cn 15</p><p>1 Abstract: The effects of increased intraspecific competition on size hierarchies (size</p><p> inequality) and reproductive allocation were investigated in populations of the annual plant spring</p><p> wheat (Triticum aestivum). A series of densities (100, 300, 1000, 3000 and 10000 plants/m2) along</p><p> a gradient of competition intensity were designed in this experiment. The results showed that</p><p>5average shoot biomass decreased with the increased density. And reproductive allocation was</p><p> negatively correlated to Gini coefficient (R2 = 0.927), which suggested that reproductive allocation</p><p> is inclined to decrease as size inequality increases. These results suggested that both vegetative</p><p> and reproductive structure were significantly affected by intensive competition. On the other hand,</p><p> results also indicated that there were different relationships between plant size and reproductive</p><p>10allocation pattern in different densities. In the lowest density population lacking competition (100</p><p> plants/m2), individual reproductive allocation was size-independent but, in high density</p><p> populations (300, 1000, 3000 and 10000 plants/m2) those competition occurred, individual</p><p> reproductive allocation were size-dependent: the small proportional larger individuals were</p><p> winners in competition and got higher reproductive allocation (lower marginal reproductive</p><p>15allocation, lower MRA), and the large proportional smaller individuals were suppressed by larger</p><p> ones and got lower reproductive allocation (higher MRA). In conclusion, our results support the</p><p> prediction that elevated intraspecific competition would result in higher levels of size inequality</p><p> and decreased reproductive allocation (negative relationship between them). However, deeply</p><p> analysis indicated that these frequency- and size-dependent reproductive strategies were not</p><p>20evolutionarily stable strategies. </p><p>Keywords: competition; density; reproductive allocation.</p><p>Foundations: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (90102015,</p><p>2 30170161) and Cooperation Project of International in China and Greece (2003DFB00034).</p><p>In plant populations, increase density can intense plant-plant competition directly (Pianka</p><p>1981). And competition among plants is an important factor in affecting size hierarchies (Bonan</p><p>1988; Weiner 1985; Pan et al. 2003a, b), growth rate (Ehleringer 1984; Weiner & Thomas 1992),</p><p>5survivorship (White, 1981; Tanner, 1997; van Kleunen et al., 2001), and reproductive output</p><p>(Ehleringer 1984; Weiner & Thomas 1992; van Kleumen et al. 2001; Soto-Pinto et al., 2000).</p><p>Among these components, size hierarchies and reproductive output have been mostly investigated</p><p> because they are of tremendous ecological and evolutionary significance.</p><p>It has long been recognized that size inequality always increased with increasing density</p><p>10(Weiner 1985). The increase of size inequality may affect total reproductive output (Weiner 1985;</p><p>Sugiyama & Bazzaz 1997; Pan et al. 2003a, b). Weiner (1988) presented a simple linear model of</p><p> size-dependent reproductive output to explain the decrease in reproductive allocation (RA) in</p><p> plants grown at high densities. And it has also been reported that, in water deficits and mulching</p><p> with clear plastic film conditions in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) populations, there is a</p><p>15negative correlation between RA and Gini coefficient (Pan et al. 2003a, b). It was suspected that</p><p> this negative correlation would exist along an elevated intraspecific competition gradient.</p><p>Unfortunately, direct evidence along density gradient is still lacked to prove this prediction. So, in</p><p> the present experiment, we designed a wide range of densities for further analysis.</p><p>The purpose of this study was to explore (1) the relationship between size inequality and RA</p><p>20in a wide range of densities from no competition to intensive competition (which enduring self-</p><p> thinning) and (2) size-dependent reproductive patterns in different densities. </p><p>3 Results</p><p>Size inequality</p><p>Average shoot biomass per plant decreased with the increased density in 20th June (Figure 1),</p><p> which means the increased strength of intraspecific competition suppressed plant growth.</p><p>5 RA was negatively correlated to G of the population (R2 = 0.927, Figure 2). The negative</p><p> correlation suggests that RA is inclined to decrease as size inequality increases. This result</p><p> supports the theory that stand uniformity of field crops is an important aspect of high yield</p><p> formation (Glenn & Daynard 1974).</p><p>Size-dependent reproductive allocation</p><p>10 To investigate the relationships between RA and plant size and between spike size and plant</p><p> size, data in 20th June was analyzed when spring wheat grown in grain filling stage and no</p><p> individuals died because of ripening. For all five populations, spike size increased linearly with</p><p> plant size (above-ground biomass) (Figure 3, Table 2). Meanwhile, RA increased inversely with</p><p> plant size in the four competitive densities (300, 1000, 3000 and 10000/m2) (Figure 4, Table 3).</p><p>15Apparently, individual spike size and RA in competitive populations in spring wheat were size-</p><p> dependent. However, in density 100/m2, RA kept constant in different plant sizes (Figure 4, Table</p><p>3). So, when the population lacks competition, individual RA is size-independent.</p><p>. Discussion</p><p>20 Four competition levels were investigated in this study: (1) no competition (populations</p><p> sowing in 100/m2); (2) slight competition (populations sowing in 300/m2); (3) intermediate</p><p>4 competition (population sowing in 1000/m2); and (4) intensive competition (populations sowing in</p><p>3000/m2 and 10000/m2 which endured self-thinning in the growth period). The results indicated</p><p> that the relationship between plant size and RA of these populations developed in different ways.</p><p>Reproductive allocation and size structure</p><p>5 Weiner (1988) presented a simple linear model (WR aWP b ) between weight of plant</p><p> reproductive structure (spike biomass,WR ) and plant size (shoot biomass,WP ) to explain the</p><p> decrease in RA in plants grown in high densities. He suggested that plants must reach a certain</p><p> size before they can devote energy to reproductive biomass. Thus, the slope and the x-intercept of</p><p> the linear model should be positive. The linear relationship was confirmed in all of the five</p><p>10densities in the present study, except that the x-intercept in 100/m2 was negative (Fig. 5, Table 3).</p><p>Pan et al. (2003a) developed Weiner’s theory and transformed the formula as below:</p><p>RA WR WP a b WP</p><p>Where a is defined as innate RA, which represented the maximum RA (RAmax) of the</p><p> species. The slope of the inverse curve is the additional RA from each additional unit of the Wp,</p><p>15which is defined as marginal reproductive allocation (MRA, dRA/ dWp b / x 2 ). And MRA is</p><p> an indicator of reproductive potentiality. The declined in MRA as plant size increases is called</p><p> diminishing marginal reproductive allocation (Pan et al. 2003a). It is believed that there is a trade-</p><p> off between plant size and MRA, and a population must consist of a large proportion of small</p><p>5 individuals with high MRA and a small proportion of large individuals with low MRA. So these</p><p> frequency- and size- dependent reproductive strategies in plant populations are thought of a good</p><p> case for evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS). However, there are several deficiencies in this</p><p> contention.</p><p>5 In competitive populations, large individuals are strong competitors and they have chances to</p><p> utilize all their potential reproductive ability. So the diminished MRA means that large individuals</p><p> have higher individual fitness, and can generate offspring more successfully. Small individuals are</p><p> weak competitors with high MRA. If other individuals give up competition, they will improve</p><p> their RA. However, in dense populations, small individuals risked density-dependent mortality</p><p>10more than large individuals (Weiner 1985). So compared with large ones, small individuals are</p><p> easy to give up the competition. Moreover, spring wheat is an annual semelparous species, and</p><p> this determined that small individuals with high MRA have little chance to improve their RA. So,</p><p> in this experiment, the diminished MRA is not bad for large individuals and high MRA is not good</p><p> for small individuals. That is, trade-off between plant size and MRA is invalid.</p><p>15 A strategy or strategy mixture that cannot be invaded by novel strategies is called an</p><p> evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS or ESS mixture. Falster and Westoby, 2003). So we can test a</p><p> population for ESS by whether it has the capacity to exclude alternate strategies from invading.</p><p>Potential invading strategies can be thought of as rare mutants within the existing population, or as</p><p> initially rare species colonizing from elsewhere. It has been widely recognized that modern seed</p><p>20crops, which are seeking maximum population yield, are of evolutionarily unstable, and require</p><p> ongoing artificial selection to maintain the evolutionarily unstable strategy (Zhang et al. 1999;</p><p>Falster and Westoby 2003). In this study, the frequency- and size- dependent reproductive</p><p>6 strategies in dense spring wheat populations are of evolutionarily unstable too, because neither</p><p> large plant size with high reproductive capacity nor small plant size with low reproductive</p><p> capacity is a successful strategy. Furthermore, in self-thinning populations, the later strategy will</p><p> be eliminated from the serious competitive populations, and the previous strategy will fail when</p><p>5faces a more competitive strategy such as the mutant that developed large plant size and low RA.</p><p>So these strategies are not stable against invasion by rare mutant or deviant strategies. In fact,</p><p> without artificial management, most of crop populations will be replaced by other wild species, or</p><p> will be replaced by more competitive mutants.</p><p>Size-dependent reproductive allocation patterns in different densities</p><p>10 In this study, different size-dependent reproductive patterns are shown along the different</p><p> densities. In population without competition (density treatment in 100 plants/m2), all members</p><p>(large ones and small ones) can develop their maximum potential reproductive ability. So MRA</p><p> equal to zero constantly (Figure 4, Table 3) and their reproductive pattern are size-independent.</p><p>This implies that plant RA is decided by its intrinsic property when lacking competition. While in</p><p>15the higher density populations (density treatments in 300, 1000, 3000, and 10000 plants/m 2) with</p><p> competition, just as found by Weiner (1988) and Pan et al. (2003a, b), there are significant</p><p> correlations between plant size and reproductive structure (Figure 3, Table 2) and between plant</p><p> size and RA (Figure 4, Table 3). Along the higher density treatments, the increased size inequality</p><p> suggested the proportion of small ones increased and the proportion of large ones decreased. So, it</p><p>20is the small ones that mainly contributed to the great growth redundancy, for the small ones had</p><p> relative lower RA in the higher density treatments. Furthermore, the relative lower RA in large</p><p> proportional small ones (even some barren shoots existed self-thinning populations) incurred</p><p>7 average RA decreased along the density. So it can be concluded that there were negative</p><p> correlations between size inequality (as measured by Gini coefficient) and RA (Figure 2) within</p><p> these competitive populations.</p><p>In conclusion, this study supported the prediction (Pan et al. 2003a) that elevated intraspecific</p><p>5competition would result in higher levels of size inequality and decreased RA. And there were</p><p> inverse correlations between plant size and RA in competitive populations. These facts imply that</p><p> reproductive strategies in competitive populations are frequency- and size- dependent. But we are</p><p> not sure that they are evolutionarily stable so far, because there was no evidence to prove that they</p><p> can exclude other competitive strategies, especially in artificial managed populations. </p><p>10Material and Methods</p><p>Field experiment was conducted in the year of 2003 at Yuzhong experimental station of</p><p>Lanzhou University(36º03´N, 103º53´E and 1517m in altitude). The main climatic conditions</p><p> are presented in Table 1. The soil is a loess-like loam, with a bulk density of 1.37g/cm3, and a field</p><p> water holding capacity (FWHC, maximum capillary held water) of 25% (gravimetrically). High</p><p>15organic fertilizer inputs were imposed to the experimental plot before sowing.</p><p>Seeds of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Longchun No.15) were sprinkled in some</p><p> plots 50×50 cm2 at five densities (in each density three replicates were used in this study): 100,</p><p>300, 1000, 3000 and 10000 seeds/m2, respectively. The total irrigation was 50×5 mm. Rainfall</p><p> during the period from sowing to the last harvest was 229 mm (Table 1). Sowing occurred on 18-</p><p>2020 March 2003, and harvest was taken on 20 June. The plots were surrounded by supports of wire-</p><p> netting to prevent the plants from lodging (especially in high densities) and 25 cm guard rows to</p><p>8 avoid marginal effect. Plants were sprayed with chlorpyriphos (Dow Agrosciences, USA) against</p><p> pests attack and streptomycin solution against bacteria. High fertilizer inputs (irrigated with 500ml</p><p> solution which content 1% urea and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate per plot every two</p><p> weeks) were imposed during the growth stage.</p><p>5 Plants grown in the central plot were harvested at ground level. 100-150 lived individuals</p><p> were randomly collected from the plants, which come from three plots. The individuals were put</p><p> in paper bags separately, dried (65℃, 48h), and weighed. Data collected for each plot included:</p><p>(dry) shoot biomass per plant (total sample size is 100-150 in each treatment for calculating Gini</p><p> coefficient, but in density 100 plants/m2, the total sample size is 40-70). And in the samples, shoot</p><p>10biomass and spike biomass (for calculating RA which is equal to spike biomass/shoot biomass) of</p><p> each plant were weighed separately. </p><p>Hierarchies were defined in terms of the degree of inequality in the frequency distribution as</p><p> measured by the Gini coefficient (Weiner & Solbrig 1984). Gini coefficients range from 0</p><p>(absolute equality in the frequency distribution) to 1 (absolute inequality) (Bonan 1988). The Gini</p><p>15coefficient was calculated using the formula:</p><p> n n 2 G xi x j 2n x i1 j1</p><p>Where xi and xj represent the masses of all possible pairs of individuals, and n is the sample</p><p> size. Calculated G values were multiplied by n n 1 to give unbiased values G. Confidence</p><p> intervals for Gini coefficients were determined using a ‘bootstrapping’ technique (Dixon et al.</p><p>201987, Weiner 1985). In this study, G was calculated for each of 200 artificial samples of the same</p><p>9 size as the original sample, which are taken from the original sample with replacement.</p><p>Confidence intervals for G values are determined from the distribution of G values for these</p><p> bootstrapped samples using a bias-corrected percentile method.</p><p>5References</p><p>Bonan GB (1988). The size structure of theoretical plant populations spatial patterns and</p><p> neighborhood effects. Ecology 69, 1721-1730.</p><p>Dixon PM, Weiner J, Mitchell-Olds T, Woodley R (1987). Bootstsrapping the gini coefficient of</p><p> inequality. Ecology 68, 1548-1551.</p><p>10Ehleringer JR (1984). intraspecific competition effects on water relations, growth and</p><p> reproduction in Encelia farinosa. Oecologia 63, 153-158.</p><p>Falster DS, Westody M (2003). Plant height and evolutionary games. Trends Ecol Evol 18, 337-</p><p>343.</p><p>Glenn FB, Daynard TB (1974). Effects of genotype, planting pattern, and planting density on</p><p>15 plant-to-plant variability and grain yield of corn. Can J Plant Sci 54, 323-330.</p><p>Pan XY, Wang GX, Chen JK, Wei XP (2003a). Elevated growth redundancy and size inequality</p><p> in spring wheat populations mulched with clear plastic film. J Agr Sci 140, 193-204.</p><p>Pan XY, Wang GX, Yang HM, Wei XP (2003b). Effect of water deficits on within-plot</p><p> variability in growth and grain yield of spring wheat in northwest China. Field Crops Res 80,</p><p>20 195-205.</p><p>Pianka ER (1981). Competition and niche theory. In May RM eds. Theoretical ecology:</p><p> principles and applications. pp. 167-196. Second Edition. Blackwell Scientific Publication.</p><p>Soto-Pinto L, Perfecto I, Castillo-Hernandez J, Caballero-Nieto J (2000). shade effect on</p><p>10 coffee production at the northern Tzeltal zone of the state of Chiapas, Mexico. Agr, Ecosyst &</p><p>Environ 80, 61-69.</p><p>Sugiyama S, Bazzaz FA (1997). Plasticity of seed output in response to soil nutrients and density</p><p> in Abutilon theophrasti: implications for maintenance of genetic variation. Oecologia 112, 35-</p><p>5 41.</p><p>Tanner JE (1997). Interspecific competition reduces fitness in scleractinian corals. J Exp Marine</p><p>Bio and Ecol 214, 19-34.</p><p> van Kleumen M, Fischer M, Schmid B (2001). Effects of intraspecific competition on size</p><p> variation and reproductive allocation in a clonal plant. Oikos 94, 515-524.</p><p>10Weiner J (1985). Size hierarchies in experimental populations of annual plants. Ecology 66, 743-</p><p>752.</p><p>Weiner J (1988). The influence of competition on plant reproduction. In Lovett Doust J. Lovett</p><p>Doust L. eds. Plant reproductive ecology: patterns and strstegies. pp. 228-245. New York:</p><p>Oxford University Press.</p><p>15Weiner J, Solbrig OT (1984). The meaning and measurement of size hierarchies in plant</p><p> populations. Oecologia 61, 334-336.</p><p>Weiner J, Thomas SC (1992). Competition and allometry in three species of annual plants.</p><p>Ecology 73, 648-656.</p><p>White J (1981). The allometric interpretation of the self-thinning rule. J Theo Bio 89: 475-500.</p><p>20Zhang DY, Sun GJ, Jiang XH (1999). Donald’s ideotype and growth redundancy: a game</p><p> theoretical analysis. Field Crops Res 61, 179-187.</p><p>11 Figure legends:</p><p>Figure 1. Mean plant biomass (above-ground) in different density treatments in 20th June. Figure 2. Relationships between Gini coefficients of spring wheat populations and reproductive</p><p> allocation (RA) (data in 20th June). The regression line is y = -1.464x + 0.5221, R2 = 0.927.</p><p>5Figure 3. Linear relationship between spike size and plant size (above-ground biomass) in</p><p> different spring wheat populations in 20th June. </p><p> indicate the individuals with spikes which used in fitting the line; indicate the barren</p><p> individuals which was excluded in fitting the line. See Table 2 for regression coefficients.</p><p>Figure 4. Inverse relationship between RA and plant size (above-ground biomass) in different</p><p>10spring wheat populations in 20th June.</p><p> indicate the individuals with spikes which used in fitting the line; indicate the barren</p><p> individuals which was excluded in fitting the line. See Table 3 for regression coefficients.</p><p>12 Table 1. The mean climatic conditions of the experimental site in China (Data come from</p><p>Lanzhou meteorological administration)</p><p>Year Annual Annual mean Precipitation Annual Evaporation Relative mean precipitation during mean during humidity temperature (mm) growing evaporation growing (%) (℃) season (mm) (mm) season (mm) Mean 9.1 328 158 1365 938 59 annual 2003 10.8 376 229 1113 703 58</p><p>Table 2. Parameters of linear regression* between spike size (y) and plant size (above-ground</p><p>5biomass, x) for individuals of spring wheat in different densities in 20th June.</p><p>2 Density in Density in Slope (a1) y-intercept x-intercept R Sample th sowing 20 June (b1) (-b1/a1) size (plants/m2) 100 101±2 0.271±0.009 0.206±0.103 -0.760 0.958 46 300 279±6 0.312±0.005 -0.021±0.033 0.067 0.973 100 1000 952±24 0.321±0.004 -0.005±0.007 0.016 0.977 148 3000 2288±164 0.308±0.005 -0.030±0.004 0.097 0.960 151(2**) 10000 5424±620 0.290±0.005 -0.011±0.002 0.038 0.970 150(39**)</p><p>* The model is y a1x b1</p><p>** Number of barren individuals in the sample. To fit the model, the barren individuals were</p><p> excluded.</p><p>10</p><p>13 Table 3. Parameters (±S.E.) of inverse regression* between RA (y) and plant size (above-ground</p><p> biomass, x) for individuals of spring wheat in different densities in 20th June.</p><p>2 Density in sowing Density in Slope b2 y-intercept a2 R Sample size (plants/m2) 20th June 100 101±2 0.032±0.058 0.290±0.010 0.007 46 300 279±6 -0.044±0.010 0.319±0.004 0.153 100 1000 952±24 -0.008±0.001 0.323±0.002 0.218 148 3000 2288±164 -0.009±0.001 0.264±0.004 0.376 151(2**) 10000 5424±620 -0.005±0.001 0.264±0.006 0.225 150(39**) 1 * The model is y b a 2 x 2</p><p>** Number of barren individuals in the sample. To fit the model, the barren individuals were</p><p>5excluded.</p><p>14 12</p><p> s 10 s a m o</p><p>) 8 i t</p><p>5 b n</p><p> a t l</p><p> o 6 p o / h g s ( 4 n a e m 10 2 0 100 300 1000 3000 10000 density</p><p>15Figure 1. Mean plant biomass (above-ground) in different density treatments in 20th June.</p><p>15 10000/m2 3000/m2 1000/m2 300/m2 100/m2 0.4</p><p>0.35</p><p>0.3 A</p><p>R 0.25</p><p>0.2</p><p>0.15</p><p>0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Gini coefficient Figure 2. Relationships between Gini coefficients of spring wheat populations and reproductive allocation (RA) (data in 20th June). The regression line is y = -1.464x + 0.5221, R2 = 0.927.</p><p>16 100 plants per m2 7</p><p>) 6 g (</p><p>5 e</p><p> z 4 i s</p><p>3 e</p><p> k 2 i</p><p>5 p</p><p>S 1 0 0 10 20 30 P lant size (g)</p><p>300 plants per m2 7</p><p>) 6 g</p><p>10 (</p><p>5 e</p><p> z 4 i s</p><p>3 e</p><p> k 2 i p</p><p>S 1 0 0 10 20 15 P lant size (g)</p><p>1000 plants per m2 2 ) g</p><p>( 1.5</p><p> e z i</p><p> s 1</p><p>20 e k</p><p> i 0.5 p S 0 0 2 4 6 P lant size (g)</p><p>3000 plants per m2 25 0.7 )</p><p> g 0.6 (</p><p>0.5 e</p><p> z 0.4 i s</p><p>0.3 e</p><p> k 0.2 i p</p><p>S 0.1 0 30 0 1 2 3 P lant size (g)</p><p>10000 plants per m2 0.5 )</p><p> g 0.4 (</p><p> e</p><p> z 0.3 i</p><p>35 s</p><p>0.2 e k i</p><p> p 0.1 S 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 P lant size (g) 40Figure 3. Linear relationship between spike size and plant size (above-ground biomass) in</p><p> different spring wheat populations in 20th June. </p><p> indicate the individuals with spikes which used in fitting the line; indicate the barren</p><p>17 individuals which was excluded in fitting the line. See Table 2 for regression coefficients.</p><p>18 100 plants per m2 0.4</p><p>0.3 A</p><p>R 0.2</p><p>5 0.1</p><p>0 0 10 20 30 P lant size (g)</p><p>300 plants per m2 0.4 10 0.35 0.3 0.25</p><p>A 0.2 R 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 15 0 10 20 P lant size (g)</p><p>1000 plants per m2 0.4</p><p>0.3</p><p>A 0.2 20 R 0.1</p><p>0 0 2 4 6 P lant size (g)</p><p>3000 plants per m2 25 0.4</p><p>0.3</p><p>A 0.2 R</p><p>0.1 30 0 0 1 2 3 P lant size (g)</p><p>10000 plants per m2 0.4</p><p>0.3 A</p><p>35 R 0.2</p><p>0.1</p><p>0 0 0.5 1 1.5 P lant size (g) 40Figure 4. Inverse relationship between RA and plant size (above-ground biomass) in different</p><p> spring wheat populations in 20th June.</p><p> indicate the individuals with spikes which used in fitting the line; indicate the barren</p><p>19 individuals which was excluded in fitting the line. See Table 3 for regression coefficients.</p><p>20</p>
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