Table 11.1 LIGHT AND WATER GUIDELINES FOR SELECTED FOLIAGE AND FLOWERING PLANTS Light requirements* Water requirements† Scientific name Common name Low Med High Very high Dry Moist Wet Abutilon spp. flowering maple II Acalypha hispida (A.wilkesiana) chenille plant I I Achimenes spp. magic flower II Adiantum cuneatum maidenhair fern II Aechmea fasciata bromeliad II Aeschynanthus pulcher lipstick plant II Agave americana century plant II Aglaonema modestum Chinese evergreen II (A.commutatum,A.simplex) Aglaonema ϫ pseudo-bracteatum golden aglaonema II Aglaonema roebelenii pewter plant II Aloe variegata aloe II Alternanthera bettzickiana II I Ananas comosus pineapple I I Anthurium andreanum anthurium II Aphelandra squarrosa zebra plant II Araucaria heterophylla (A.excelsa) Norfolk Island pine II Ardisia crispa coral ardisia II Asparagus plumosus (A.setaceus) bride’s bouquet fern II Asparagus sprengeri asparagus fern II (A.densiflora Sprenger) Aspidistra elatior cast-iron plant I I Asplenium nidus bird’s nest fern I I Aucuba japonica gold-dust plant I I Beaucarnea recurvata pony tail palm I I Begonia rex rex begonia I I Begonia ‘Rieger’ Rieger begonia I I Begonia semperflorens wax begonia II Beloperone guttata shrimp plant II Billbergia zebrina billbergia III Bougainvillea glabra bougainvillea II Browallia speciosa bush violet II I Caladium spp. caladium II Calathea makoyana peacock plant II Calceolaria herbeahybrida pocketbook plant II Campanula isophylla star-of-Bethlehem II Capsicum annuum Christmas pepper II Carissa grandiflora Natal plum I I Cattleya hybrids cattleya orchid II Chamaedorea elegans parlor palm II (Neanthe bella) Chamaedorea erumpens bamboo palm II Chamaerops humilis European fan palm II Chlorophytum comosum spider plant II II Chrysalidocarpus lutescens areca palm II Chrysanthemum morifolium chrysanthemum II Cissus antarctica kangaroo vine II Cissus discolor rex begonia vine III 274 I Chapter 11 Light requirements* Water requirements† Scientific name Common name Low Med High Very high Dry Moist Wet Cissus rhombifolia grape ivy III Cissus rotundifolia Arabian wax cissus I II Citrus mitis calemondin orange II Clerodendrum thomsoniae bleeding-heart vine II I Clivia miniata Kaffir lily I I Clusia rosea autograph tree III Codiaeum variegatum croton II Coffea arabica coffee tree I I Coleus blumei coleus II I Columnea spp. columnea II Convallaria majalis lily-of-the-valley II Cordyline terminalis Hawaiian ti plant II Crassula spp. succulents II Crassula argentea jade plant II Crocus spp. crocus II Crossandra infundibuliformis crossandra II Cryptanthus spp. dwarf bromeliad III Cyanotis kewensis teddy bear vine I I Cycas revoluta king sago palm II Cyclamen spp. cyclamen II Cymbidium hybrids cymbidium orchid I I Cyperus alternifolius umbrella plant II Cyrtomium falcatum Japanese holly fern II I Dahlia pinnata dahlia I I Davallia fejeensis rabbit’s foot fern II Dichorisandra reginae queen’s spiderwort II Dieffenbachia amoena dumbcane II Dieffenbachia ‘Exotica’ dumbcane II Dionaea muscipula venus fly trap III Dizygotheca elegantissima false aralia I I Dracaena deremensis green dracaena III Dracaena deremensis ‘Warneckii’ white-striped dracaena III Dracaena fragrans massangeana corn plant III Dracaena marginata dragon tree I I Dracaena sanderiiana ribbon plant II Dracaena surculosa (D.godseffiana) gold-dust dracaena I I I Echeveria spp. hen-and-chicken I I Epiphyllum hybrids orchid cactus II Epipremnum aureum pothos I I Episcia spp. flame violet I I Eranthemum nervosum blue sage II Erica gracilis heather I I Eriobotrya japonica Japanese loquat I I Euphorbia lactea candelabra cactus II Euphorbia milii crown-of-thorns I I Euphorbia pulcherrima poinsettia I I I Exacum affine Persian violet, exacum II Fatshedera lizei botanical wonder II Fatsia japonica (Aralia japonica) Japanese aralia I I Ficus benjamina ‘Exotica’ weeping java fig II Ficus elastica ‘Decora’ rubber plant II House Plants I 275 Table 11.1 cont. Light requirements* Water requirements† Scientific name Common name Low Med High Very high Dry Moist Wet Ficus lyrata fiddleleaf fig I I Ficus repens var. pumila creeping fig II I Ficus retusa nitida India laurel II Ficus triangularis triangleleaf fig I I Fittonia verschaffeltii silver nerve plant II Fuchsia spp. fuchsia II Gardenia jasminoides gardenia II Guzmania lingulata scarlet star III Gynura aurantiaca velvet plant II Haemanthus coccineus blood lily II Haworthia spp. zebra haworthia, wart plant II Hedera helix English ivy II I Helxine soleirolii baby’s tears II Hemigraphis exotica waffle plant II Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Chinese hibiscus I I Hippeastrum vittatum amaryllis II Howea forsterana kentia palm II I Hoya carnosa wax plant, Hindu rope plant I II Hyacinthus orientalis hyacinth II Hydrangea macrophylla hydrangea II Hypocyrta nummularia goldfish plant I I (Alloplectus nummularia) Hypoestes sanguinolenta polka-dot plant I I Impatiens spp. impatiens I I I Kalanchoe spp. kalanchoe I I I Kalanchoe blossfeldiana kalanchoe, panda plant I III Lantana camara lantana, yellow sage I I I Lantana montevidensis trailing lantana I I I Leea coccinea leea II Ligustrum lucidum wax-leaf privet III Lilium longiflorum Easter lily II Maranta leuconeura prayer plant II Mikania ternata plush vine II Mimosa pudica sensitive plant II Monstera spp. swiss cheese plant, II I split-leaf philodendron Muscari spp. grape hyacinth II Narcissus pseudonarcissus daffodil II Nautilocalyx lunchii coral plant II Neoregelia carolinae tricolor tricolor bromeliad III N.spectabilis fingernail plant III Nephrolepis exaltata bostoniensis Boston fern I I Nerium oleander oleander II Nicotiana affinis flowering tobacco II Oxalis spp. oxalis I I Pachystachys coccinea lollipop plant II Pandanus veitchii screw pine III Paphiopedilum hybrids lady-slipper orchid I I Passiflora spp. passion flower II 276 I Chapter 11 Light requirements* Water requirements† Scientific name Common name Low Med High Very high Dry Moist Wet Pelargonium spp. geranium III Pellionia caperata emerald ripple I I Pellionia daveauana trailing watermelon vine II Pellionia glabella ‘Variegata’ variegated wax privet peperomia II Pellionia metallica metallic peperomia I I Pellionia obtusifolia oval leaf peperomia II Pellionia pulchra satin pellionia II Pellionia scandens philodendron peperomia I I Petunia hybrida cascade petunia II Phalaenopsis hybrids phalaenopsis orchid II Philodendron domesticum ‘Hastatum’ elephant ear philodendron II Philodendron micans velvetleaf philodendron II Philodendron oxycardium common philodendron II Philodendron panduriforme fiddleleaf philodendron II Philodendron selloum selloum philodendron II Phoenix roebelenii dwarf date palm II Pilea cadierei aluminum plant II Pilea microphylla artillery plant I I Pilea nummulariifolia creeping charley II Pisonia grandis ‘Tricolor’ bird catcher tree II Pittosporum tobira mock orange I I Platycerium spp. staghorn fern III Plectranthus australis Swedish ivy II Pleomele reflexa green pleomele I II Pleomele thalioides lance dracaena II Podocarpus macrophyllus podocarpus II Polyscias guilfoylei parsley aralia II Primula malacoides fairy primrose II Primula obconica German primrose II Pteris ensiformis silver table fern I I Rhapis excelsa lady palm III Rhipsalis spp. mistletoe cactus III Rhododendron spp. azalea II Rhoeo discolor Moses-in-the-cradle I I Rosa chinensis v. minima miniature rose II Rosmarinus officinalis rosemary I I Ruellia makoyana ruellia I I Saintpaulia spp. African violet II I Salvia splendens scarlet sage I I Sansevieria trifasciata snake plant I I Saxifraga sarmentosa strawberry begonia, III strawberry geranium Schefflera actinophylla schefflera I I (Brassia actinophylla) Schlumbergera bridgesii Christmas cactus I I (Zygocactus truncatus) Sedum morganianum burro’s tail II Selaginella lepidophylla resurrection plant II I Senecio cruentus cineraria I I Senecio macroglossus ‘Variegatum’ variegated wax ivy II Senecio mikanioides German ivy II House Plants I 277 Table 11.1 cont. Light requirements* Water requirements† Scientific name Common name Low Med High Very high Dry Moist Wet Senecio rowleyanus string of pearls II Setcreasea purpurea purple heart III Sinningia spp. gloxinia I II Solanum pseudocapsicum Jerusalem cherry III Spathiphyllum ‘Mauna Loa’ white flag III Strelitzia reginae bird of paradise I II Streptocarpus spp. Cape primrose II Strobilanthes dyerianus Persian shield II Syngonium podophyllum arrowhead vine, nephthytis II Tagetes spp. marigold II Thunbergia alata black-eyed susan II Thymus vulgaris thyme II Tolmiea menziesii piggyback plant II Tradescantia spp. wandering Jew I I I Tulipa spp. tulip II Verbena hortensis verbena II Vinca major ‘Variegata’ periwinkle I Viola tricolor pansy, Johnny-jump-up II Vriesea splendens flaming sword II Yucca spp. yucca I I Zantedeschia spp. calla lily III Zebrina spp. wandering Jew II Zinnia elegans zinnia I I Source: Adapted from Poole and Pittenger 1980, pp. 16–19. Notes: *Light requirements: Light levels are for maintenance purposes only.They will not permit satisfactory growth. Light requirements are for 8 to 12 hours each day: low (25–50 foot-candles); medium (50–100 foot-candles); high (100–200 foot-candles); and very high (200–400 foot-candles). which are cool enough to position quite close tions. In dry soil, roots can dry out and die. to plants. Extra infrared light required by Conversely, soils that are too wet for too long flowering plants can be supplied by incan- encourage the growth of root pathogens and descent lights or special horticultural-type
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