<p> Web Page and Graphic Design</p><p>Instructor: Mrs. Martina Braden Course: Web Page and Graphic Design Credits: ½ Time: Semester</p><p>Course Description This course provides a fundamental working knowledge of two important facets of web page and graphic design. Using the industry standard Adobe Photoshop CS5, students are introduced to the theory and application of graphics creation, enhancement, and editing. The understanding of graphics is coupled with a thorough presentation and study of the underlying language that is used to create web pages, that being HTML. Students will apply their knowledge gained to create and publish web pages that incorporate well developed graphics with accurately structured HTML.</p><p>Course Objectives By the end of this course students will understand that: 1. The primary underlying structure of web pages is rooted in the languages of HTML AND XHTML. 2. There is a structure to the Internet, and that governing conventions guide its use and development. 3. Web pages are an ever evolving method of communication. Proper design and effective publishing strategies help to guarantee that the targeted audience will navigate to and benefit from their creation. 4. There are two basic types of graphics, bitmap and vector based. Their underlying methods of creation carry with them inherent strengths and weaknesses. Choosing the proper graphic type is critical to an attractive and effective display of the intended message. 5. Photoshop is a graphics editing and creation software that is used primarily with bitmap graphics. 6. Effective graphic design combines a balanced implementation of elements that include color, placement, lighting and imagery. 7. In developing an effective web page, creative use of text and graphics provide for the optimal dissemination of content.</p><p>Text Books The primary texts for this course are from the Shelly-Cashman line of academic texts. Adobe Photoshop CS5 Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques HTML: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques Ancillary materials will be used to augment the curriculum as needed. Course Outline Below is an outline that will be covered in this course. The course is designed around an 18 week semester, and can be divided into two major parts. These two parts are Web Page Development using HTML and graphic design using Adobe Photoshop CS4.</p><p>HTML (9 Weeks) Chapter 1—Introduction to HTML Chapter 2—Creating and Editing a Web Page Chapter 3—Creating Web Pages with Links, Images, and Formatted Text Chapter 4—Creating Tables in a Web Site</p><p>Adobe Photoshop (7 Weeks) Chapter 1—Editing a Photo Chapter 2--Using Selection Tools and Shortcut Keys Chapter 3--Working with Layers Chapter 4—Drawing and Painting with Color</p><p>Performance Assessment</p><p>CRT Review and Preparation</p><p>Assignments Assignments are intended to help you master the content, so you should complete them all. Online Readings Reading from Books Discussion Questions Exercises from the book Projects Review Packets and Assignments WEB PAGE AND GRAPHIC DESIGN COURSE REQUIREMENTS</p><p>1. SUPPLIES—must be brought to class daily: two pocket folder, loose leaf paper, and a pen or pencil.</p><p>2. ASSIGNMENTS—all assignments will be explained, collected and graded by the instructor. In class assignments will be due at the end of that day’s class period unless otherwise instructed. Written and typed work will be neat and in complete sentences with correct grammar and spelling. Failure to have class work completed on time will result in no credit/ reduced credit for the assignment.</p><p>All production work must be completed in school. Work not completed during class may be completed in the IMC before or after school.</p><p>3. ATTENDANCE—daily attendance is necessary and expected. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with assignments and make arrangements to make up missed assignments due to an excused absent immediately upon return.</p><p>4. QUIZZES AND EXAMS—written and/or production quizzes and test will be given periodically. The district comprehensive criterion reference (CRT) exam at the end of each semester will count as 20% of the semester grade. Each nine-week grade will count as 40% of the semester grade.</p><p>5. TARDINESS—tardiness is not accepted in the work world and it is not accepted in this class. Being on time means in your seat when the bell rings not running through the door. Recurring tardiness will result in detentions, Saturday school, suspension, and loss of credit. </p><p>6. MAKE-UP WORK—it is the responsibility of the student to find out the missed assignment. All missing work will be entered into the grade book as a zero until work is completed; however, late work is accepted. Failure to turn-in assignments prior to the end of a quarter will result in no credit for that assignment. Field trips/sporting events are not counted as excused absences—it is the responsibility of each student to find out the assignment in advance so the assignment can be turned in the day you return. </p><p>Make-up work can be completed before school, during study hall, connection time, and after school.</p><p>7. EXAMINATIONS—there will be quizzes, tests, and district-wide criterion exams each semester. MRS. BRADEN’S CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PLAN</p><p>PHILOSOPHY: All students can behave appropriately in a classroom setting. No student will be allowed to stop the instructor from teaching or any student from learning.</p><p>CLASSROOM RULES:</p><p>1. As soon as you enter the classroom—LOG IN 2. Students must be in their seat when the bell rings. 3. Students must be quiet and attentive upon entering the classroom 4. Students must be prepared; it is mandatory to have their folder, pen, pencil, and planner 5. Students will respect the teacher and other students (especially if there is a substitute teacher). 6. No foul language. 7. Students must be prepared to work the full class period. 8. No eating or drinking allowed in the lab. 9. Students are not allowed to have their cell phones out or plugged into any outlet or computer to recharge their phone. Any violation of this rule will result in the cell phone being taken and given to the deans per District 228 policy. Repeating occurrences will result in after school detentions and dean’s referrals. 10. Students must remain in their seats until the bell rings. (Throw any garbage/paper away after class). 11. Students should clean up their work area at the end of class.</p><p>COMPUTER LAB RULES 1. Students may only use the computer lab for school related activities. a. No games b. No inappropriate material from the Internet c. No offensive messages, images, or materials 2. Students are responsible for all actions done on their computer. a. Only log onto your own user account b. Protect and remember password c. Safeguard your computer and save all work on your H: drive d. Log off at the end of class e. Inform the teacher of any observed hardware or software failures. 3. Students must respect all other students using the computer lab. a. Keep work area clean and orderly b. Do not interfere or tamper with anyone else’s work or computer c. Do not disrupt, or harass other students in the lab d. Inform the teacher of any observed misbehavior or vandalism 4. Students must not plagiarize material from the Internet or other sources. a. Properly reference all material found on the Internet b. Do not submit another student’s academic work as their own c. Do not copy any unauthorized software or data d. Do not download programs 5. Students must not misuse or abuse the computers or other resources. a. No food, drinks, or candy. All items will be thrown away if they are in sight b. Do not remove equipment or books from the lab c. No printing unless told to do so d. All work must be saved to the student’s H: drive</p><p>***************Students who abuse the software/hardware will be subject to disciplinary procedure and are liable for damages. If the abuse continues, the student will be dropped from the class with a grade of “E” ***************Students who are on the Internet without permission will have immediate disciplinary consequences. Multiple infractions may result in loss of all Internet privileges, school-wide and the student could be dropped from the class with a grade of “E”</p><p>CONSEQUENCES: Depending on the severity of the situation I may contact parents, give detentions, write referrals, have parent/teacher/student, dean/teacher/student and counselor/teacher/student conferences. </p><p>Severe Disruption—Insubordination or gross misbehavior will result in student being immediately removed from the classroom and sent to the Dean’s office with a referral.</p><p>Assignments are worth a certain amount of points. Scale is based on the percentage of points available per task.</p><p>1. “A” RANGE – 90% - 100% 2. “B” RANGE – 80% - 89% 3. “C” RANGE – 70% - 79% 4. “D” RANGE – 60% - 69%</p><p>Weighting for Grade: 40% Quarter 1, 40% Quarter 2, 20% Final Exam each semester</p><p>DAILY SCHEDULE FOR MRS. MARTINA BRADEN</p><p>COURSE NAME CLASS PERIOD ROOM NUMBER</p><p>Digital Literacy Period 2 608 Digital Literacy Period 3 608 Plan Period 4 Business office Web Page and Graphic Design Period 5 608 Digital Literacy Period 6 608 Lunch/7BSupervision Period 7 505 Career Practicum Period 8 608</p><p>PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION TO CONTACT ME:</p><p>School Name Phone Number Email</p><p>Oak Forest High School (708) 687-0500 [email protected] Business Technology Department Bremen High School District 228</p><p>Dear Parents/Guardian:</p><p>Your son/daughter is currently enrolled in Web Page and Graphic Design. A syllabus is attached to this letter covering the following topics:</p><p>1. Course Description 2. Student Course Objectives and Textbook List 3. Course Syllabus and Semester Timelines 4. Course Requirements 5. Instructor’s Schedule, Phone Number and Email 6. Classroom Discipline Plan</p><p>The syllabus was written to help your son/daughter grasp his/her educational responsibilities, and my commitment to improve the learner’s study skills, web design skills, and computer operation/software application skills. The discipline plan contains classroom rules and consequences for rule infractions. By following this plan, I will be able to provide your child with the best possible environment for learning.</p><p>Therefore, with your son/daughter’s cooperation in and out of the classroom, my commitment to share the skills I have acquired in education and computer technology, and your positive support, this class should be a successful experience for your child.</p><p>Please take time to read and discuss the syllabus and classroom discipline plan with your child. In addition please provide me with an email address and/or phone number so that I may contact you about your son or daughter regarding grades, behavior, or overall progress in the class. To acknowledge receipt of this letter and your support, please sign the bottom section and return by Friday. This is the first required assignment for this course, points will be given.</p><p>Thank you in advance for your time, understanding and support.</p><p>Sincerely,</p><p>Mrs. Martina Braden</p><p>I have read and discussed the course syllabus and the discipline plan with my child.</p><p>Print Student Name ______Date ______</p><p>Print Parent/Guardian Name______Date ______</p><p>Parent/Guardian Phone ______</p><p>Work Phone ______</p><p>Email______</p>
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