<p>WHITE COUNTY’S OWN</p><p>A History </p><p>OF THE 87TH</p><p>ILLINOIS VOLUNTEER INFANTRY</p><p> by J. E. Mayse 2</p><p>87TH ILLINOIS INFANTRY</p><p>The Eighty-seventh Illinois infantry regiment was enlisted in August 1862 in Shawneetown, Illinois with Col. John E. Whiting, Lieutenant Col. John M. Crebs, and Major George W. Land as their Senior officers. This regiment was composed of companies A and E from Hamilton county, H company from Edwards County, D company from Wayne county and companies B, C, F, G, I, and K from White county. In the latter part of August 1862 the companies went into camp at Shawneetown, Illinois (called Camp Logan by the troops but with the official name of Camp Mather). This is where the organization of the regiment was effected, with the regiment mustered in on October 3, 1862, with the muster to take effect from August 2, 1862. By the end of 1862 the regiment consisted of 920 officers and men. The 87th, was placed under orders from General John A. McClernand, to be “retained at Shawneetown to guard that frontier.” While stationed at Shawneetown, the 87th made a number of scouts into Kentucky, which was then infested by guerrilla bands and Adam Johnson ‘s rebel cavalry. Special Orders Number 167 from Headquarters Department of Ohio, dated December 19, 1862, ordered the 87th at Shawneetown Illinois to proceed without delay via Bowling Green Kentucky to Nashville Tennessee and report to Major General W. S. Rosecrans; commanding Department of the Cumberland. In December 1862 the regiment was assigned to the District of Memphis division, Left wing of the 16 corps of the Department of Tennessee. A letter from Dr. Daniel Berry, to his wife dated January 20, 1863 discussed problems two companies of the 87th (most likely companies A and E) from was having accepting the President's Emancipation Proclamation. According to Dr. Berry, the men stacked their arm and swore they would not fight. In an article in the White County Democrat, Berry reports that LT. Colonel Crebs “made a talk of not more than 2 minutes. During the talk he told them that they were misguided and did not known what they were doing… that they were sworn into the service of the United States and that I (LT. Colonel Crebs) would give them just two minutes to pick up those guns. If at the expiration of that time they are not picked up, I shall consider you as rebels, and in an hour you will be on your way to Fortress Monroe as prisoners of War. This ended the situation. This account is supported by Special Order Number 167, dated February 12, 1863, from H. W. Hallech, General and Chief of all Union Forces. It stated “To Major General Horation G. Wright Cincinnati, Ohio: It is reported that two companies of Colonel Whiting’s regiment at Shawneetown Illinois are in a state of Mutiny. You will immediately take measures to suppress any such mutiny, and have this regiment sent into the field; and also all other not absolutely required in Illinois.” Again according to Dr. Berry this event lasted less than one day and in his opinion had much to do about new regulations limiting alcohol drinking. On January 31, 1863 the regiment embarked on two transports Freestone and May Duke for Memphis Tenn., arriving there on February 4, 1863. Upon arrival, the regiment went into camp three miles southeast of the city, where the regiment performed picket duty. During this transfer and its first camp at Memphis, measles broke out, costing the regiment 250 men either dead or disabled. Dr. Berry writes, on February 8, 1863, of 40 men sick with measles and three deaths (from the disease). On the 15th of February Dr. Berry writes of measles and pneumonia on the rampage, with the regiment mustering only 400 men. On April 4 1863 87th regiment pickets were attacked, by a Confederate force of approximately 20 men, with two men of the 87th regiment wounded. While at that city, on March 17, 1863 the 87th and 63rd Illinois regiments, under the command of Colonel McCrillis, made a raid on Hernando, Mississippi. According to the official regimental history the Union forces are credited with capturing a great deal of property and putting a stop to the incursions of Col. Bligh’s partisan Confederate cavalry. According to Dr. Berry the regiment went 15 miles and halted at the house of a Captain McGinnis of the Confederate Army; where the two regiments and assigned cavalry proceeded to strip the area bare of all food and live stock. This was much to the dismay of Mrs. McGinnis and her daughter. The McGinnis’ cotton gin, cotton bales, and some of their slave quarters were burned. The next day in Hernando, again according to Dr. Barry, stores, banks, official records and personal property was either looted or destroyed by the Union forces. Brig. General James R. Chalmer (Confederate Army) reported on March 18, 1863 that an apart of his command under Major G.L. Blythe, skirmished with Union forces near Hernando. This raid pre-dates the famous Grierson raid of April 17 to May 1863. The </p><p>3 87th regiment may have been used to support Colonel Grierson’s raid, as Dr. Berry writes about the 87th regiment, on his letter of April 23, 1863, as brigades going below Hernando to Cold Water. During March of 1863 the regiments was assigned to the 3rd Brigade of the 16th Corps of the Department of the Tennessee. On May 10, 1863 the regiment embarked on board transports for Vicksburg, Mississippi and it reached Young’s point on May 11, 1863. On May 24, 1863 six companies, ( may have been five companies, official records differ), of the 87th regiment were ordered back to Warrenton to perform guard duty and assist with unloading of boats on the Mississippi. The remaining companies, commanded by LT. Colonel Crebs, as part of the 2nd Brigade (63rd, 87th, 120th, and 131st Illinois regiments, under the command of Colonel McCowan) joined in the Vicksburg campaign closing up the gap on the extreme left of the line of investment. There they remained for 6 hours under a steady fire of shot and shell from the enemy’s works at Vicksburg. During the six hours of engagement regimental sharpshooters engaged confederate batteries. Private Henry McKnight (F Company) was shot in the cheek. On June 24,1863 the Warrenton detachment rejoined the regiment and was assigned to the 2nd Brigade, 12TH division, 13 Corps of the Department of the Tennessee, where they were sent back into the trenches surrounding Vicksburg.. After the fall of Vicksburg, on the night of July 4.1863, the regiment, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Crebs, along with the 47th Indiana, 56th Ohio, 24th Iowa, 28 Iowa, 2nd Ohio Battery and one section of 1st Missouri Battery, moved out on a five day march to Jackson Mississippi. During this march the regiment suffered from fatiguing and extreme heat. On the morning of the 10th one company from each of the assigned regiments advanced as a line of skirmishers, encountering Confederate pickets. . After a few well directed volleys from the skirmishers, the Confederate forces retreated behind their fortifications at Jackson. The union forces entrenched and continued fire upon the Confederate position. After seven days of the siege the Confederate forces evacuated Jackson Mississippi. During this engagement the 87th reported 3 wounded. The regiment returned to Vicksburg Mississippi on July 25, 1863 and embarked for Natchez. There it made an excursion back in the county to Kingston, capturing a vast pile of Confederate cotton. In August 1863 the regiment was assigned to the 2nd Brigade (Colonel James Slack Commanding 87th Illinois, 47th Indiana, 24th Iowa, 28 Iowa, 56 Ohio, 1st Missouri Light Artillery Battery A, and 2nd Ohio Battery), 3rd Division (General A. L. Lee Commanding), 13 corps of the Army and Department of the Gulf (Major General Wasburn command in the absence of Major General Ord). On August 10, 1863 the regiment, along with the 47TH Indiana Regiment, embarked on transports and proceeded to Natchez Mississippi, arriving on August 12, 1863. They went into camp below the city. According to the report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois the 87TH regiment was the first western troops making the decent of the Mississippi River. On August 13, the regiment marched toward the Big Black River and camped near Kingston. It then returned to Natchez and embarked on transports for New Orleans and debarked at Carrollton Louisiana. The regiment, along with 13th Corps, was reviewed in formation by Major General Banks, on August 27, 1863.. The regiment remained in camp until the September 13, 1863, during which time General Grant reviewed the regiment, together with the whole army stationed there. From September 1863 until February 1865, the regiment was mounted and served with the Cavalry primary with the 1st and 3rd Cavalry brigades of the Army and Department of the Gulf, under the command of General A.S. Lee. On September 13, 1863 the regiment crossed the river to Algiers and moved by rail westward to Brashear City on Berwick Bay where it remained until September 28, 1863. Colonel John E. Whiting resigned his commission on October 8, 1863 with LT. Colonel John M. Crebs receiving his promotion to full colonel and command of the 87TH regiment on the same date. The regiment crossed Berwick Bay and moved to Opelousas, arrives there on October 23, 1863. During September and October 1863 the regiment was engaged in the movements along the Atchafalaya River and Bayou de Paul. On November 8, 1863 the regiment marched to Vermillion Bayou, returning to New Iberia on November 16, 1863. “Order of Battle” dated November 30, 1863 has the 87th, 16th Indiana, and 1st Louisiana as First Brigade commanded by Colonel Thomas L. Lucas; under the overall command of General A. L. Lee (commanding cavalry). The regiment remained at New Iberia until January 2, 1864, when they fell back to Franklin Louisiana where they went into winter quarters until March 13, 1864. During January 1864, the regiment conducted a recruitment drive in White County and surrounding county area. Ninety- eight men were recruited after January 19, 1863. Of the last forty men recruited, for the 87TH regiment, only three mustered out with the regiment. Twenty-eight were transferred to other regiments (mostly to the 18TH Illinois infantry) and three others died of disease. </p><p>4 On April 7, 1864 in the advance of General Bank’s forces up the Red river, the 3rd cavalry brigade 87th Illinois and the 1st Louisiana), Colonel Harai Robinson commanding, the brigade moved up the road towards Mansfield and at Wilson’s farm, 3 miles distant from Pleasant Hill, encounter a large force of Confederate cavalry (General Green’s Texans) and immediately attack. The Confederate forces were posted in the woods on a hill beyond a clearing with their left flank protected by a ravine. A small hill ¼ mile in front of the Confederate line was immediately occupied by the dismounted 87th. The 87th was deployed to the right with the 1st Louisiana (Union) dismounted and deployed to the left. The 2nd Louisiana (Union) was placed in reserve. The Confederates attacked, driving the 3rd brigade about 100 yards. The 1st brigade (Colonel Lucas commanding 14 New York, 6th Missouri, and 2nd Louisiana) dismounted, reinforced the 3rd brigade, and impetuously charge the enemy driving them and in turn breaking their lines and dislodging them from their original position. A pursuit was ordered and continued until near nightfall with the Confederate forces being driven to Carroll Mill (10 miles beyond Pleasant Hill) on Bayou de Paul. Confederate force opened up with 4 pieces of artillery and could not be dislodge. General A. L. Lee’s after battle action reports states “had not the ammunition of a large proportion of the 87th regiment been entirely exhausted the Confederates could not have even temporarily driven them from their ground.” That evening Col Landram, commanding the 4th division of the 13th corps, ordered Emerson’s brigade to the assistance of the cavalry. Emerson arrived at the bayou at daylight and the fight was commenced. Again the enemy was forced from his position, gradually falling back toward Sabine crossroads. The number of Confederates killed and wounded was not reported, but 23 were captured. Union losses were 11 killed, 42 wounded, and 9 missing, of which the 87th reported 4 killed (Private Draper, Private Samuel Smith, and Samuel F. Smith of G company, Private Robert Cary of A company) 15 wounded and 2 missing. Lt. John Graham was wounded. This battle is called either the battle of Wilson’s Plantation or the battle of Wilson’s Hill. The next day the regiment took part in the battle of Sabine crossroads (also called the battle of Mansfield). On the morning of April 8, 1864 the infantry of General Bank’s Red River Expedition moved from its position at Pleasant Hill toward Mansfield and at Sabine crossroads the skirmishers became sharply engaged, the main body of the enemy being posted on a hill on both sides of the road, protected by a heavy growth of timber. The cavalry under General Albert L. Lee was thrown forward to hold the enemy in check until the 19th corps, under General Franklin could take position. For some hours the opposing forces were stationary but at 4:30 p.m. the enemy made a general attack, the heaviest assault being on the Federal right flank. General Banks’ battle report states that overwhelming numbers compelled the Union troops to fall back, several attempts to get to the rear being repulsed. At the edge of a strip of timber the 3rd division of the 13 corps formed the basis of a new line. This second line was attacked with great impetuosity and Federals again gave way, with 10 pieces of artillery falling into the enemy’s possession. The ground was badly obstructed by the supply train of the cavalry division, which rendered the movements of the infantry extremely difficult. Meanwhile General Emory’s division (1st of the 19th Corps) had been pushed forward through the confused and fleeing Union troops to Pleasant Grove, 3 miles from the crossroads. The 161st NewYork regiment was thrown out as skirmishers at the foot of the hill, on the crest of which the rest of the division was deployed, the 1st brigade to the rear, the 3rd brigade to the left and the 2nd brigade in reserve. The line had scarcely been formed when the skirmishers were driven in and the right of the position was seriously threatened. The 2nd brigade was hurried to its assistance and the enemy was repulsed. This action lasted 1-½ hours. During the night after the Union forces had been rallied on General Emory’s line, a desperate attempt was made to turn the left flank, but it was defeated. This engagement marked the turning point of the Red River campaign, with General Bank’s movement from this time on being backward instead of forward. The Union casualties in the affair were 74 killed, 331 wounded and 1,397 captured or missing. The 87th reported about 30 men killed and wounded. The Confederate losses were not definitely reported, but were probably not so heavy. During this battle Colonel H. Robinson, the brigade commander was wounded and Colonel John M. Crebs took command of the brigade. While in command, Colonel Crebs’ formed the 87TH regiment in a battle line, on which the retreating 19TH Corps formed their forces behind. The 87th was reported to be the only regiment in that disastrous defeat that left the field in regimental formations. On the following day *April 9, 1863) the regiment was in the battle of Pleasant Hill and on the retreat to Alexandria it was either in the front, flank or rear of the retreating column, constantly engaged with the enemy’s skirmishers. The regiment returned to Grand Ecore Louisiana on April 10, 1864. John Alexander Duncan reports, in his diary, engagements with Confederate forces on April 22, 23, and 26 1864. In May 1864 it was in the advance and continually under fire in the movement from Alexandria to </p><p>5 Simsport, being in the battle of Marksville, and engaged with confederate force on May 14, 15, and 16 1864. The regiment was stationed at Simmport on May 16, 1864. On May 20, 1864 the regiment crossed the Atchafalaya River and marched to Morganza Bend, Louisiana, arriving on May 21. 1864. The regiment remained there during the summer and fall, engaged in scouting and fighting along the network of bayous between the Mississippi on the east and Atchafalaya one the west, Red river on the north and Bayou Plaquemine on the south. Additionally the regiment took part in the battle of Cane River, Ohaneyville, Alexandria, Yellow Bayou and the blockade of the Red River. Duncan’s diary states the regiment was in skirmish on the 30th of May and captured Confederate soldiers on the 31st of May, June 4th, and June 18 1864. On July 2, 1864, during the battle of Morgan’s Ferry, Louisiana, the regiment suffered one man killed, a Private Robert Lindsay of B Company. In late August 1864, the regiment was in a minor skirmish during which they killed three, wounded four, and took 16 prisoners of the Confederate forces, while suffering one man wounded, Private Oliver Hughes of K Company. This action is believed to have been part of the Monett’s Ferry battle (also know as Cane River Crossing). During the period of time the regiment was camped at Morganza they were reported to have captured more prisoners, horses and stores and destroyed more Confederate property, than all other forces camped at Morganza. Special Order Number 107 dated August 24, 1864, established a cavalry brigade attached to the 19 Corp consisting of the 1st Texas cavalry (Union), 1st Louisiana cavalry, 2nd New York cavalry, and the 87th Illinois infantry (mounted). The August 31, 1864 reported “order of battle” for the Department of Gulf, General Banks commanding. Shows Colonel John Crebs commanding the Cavalry Brigade with Major Lands in command of the 87th. September 3, 1864 part of the regiment embarked on transports for the mouth of White River Arkansas, the remanding troops being left for lack of transportation. On September 16, 1864 a detachment of about 70 men, under the command of Captain James E. Willis, was sent on a scout from Morganza. Captain Willis left 40 men at Williamsport Louisiana, with Captain Stewart while he and the remaining force proceeded up the river. On his return he learned that the Williamsport Louisiana detachment had been attacked by a regiment of Confederate cavalry, with the result that 2 were killed, 1 wounded and the balance except for 1 man were made prisoners. Captain Will’s official report follows: “The scout was composed of Captain Sheridan, with fifty men from the 87th Illinois and Lieutenant Shaffer, with twenty- five men from the 1st Louisiana, (consolidate with the 2nd Louisiana Cavalry). We moved out on the up- river road at 3 p.m. and encamped near Pringle’s about dark. We moved up the river next morning about sunrise. At Williamsport a picket was found, but dispersed when fired on by our advance. Here Captain Sheridan was left with forty men. I went up the river with Lieutenant Shaffer and thirty-five men; finding no enemy we returned. On arriving at the point where Captain Sherdan was stationed we were fired on by a rebel picket. We soon found one of our men dead and another severely wounded. Supposing Sheridan had been driven toward Merganser we pushed down the river expecting to cut through the rebels and join Sheridan, but after passing below the rebels we learned that but one of Sheridan’s men had passed; that the remainder had been captured was evident, so we pushed on toward camp as fast as possible. Of the party with Sheridan, one was killed, one escaped, two wounded; one of the wounded died in three hours, with the other was brought in by a scout. In the hands of the enemy, 1 captain and 31 men from the 87th Illinois, and 5 men from 1st Louisiana Cavalry.” Brigadier General McLawler dispatched Colonel Edwin J. Davis with a heavy force of cavalry, supported by infantry to intercept the Confederate force. No record could be found providing the results of this effort. The unit organization as of October 31, 1864 shows the cavalry brigade (87th Illinois, 2nd New York, 1st Texas, and Mass. Light Artillery 2nd Battery) under the command of Colonel Edmund J. Davis with Colonel Crebs in command of the 87th. Special Field Order Number 14 dated November 6, 1864 from General J. J. Reynolds ordered the commanding officer at Morganza Louisiana to send the 87th regiment to the mouth of the White River Arkansas without delay. On November 7, 1864 the remaining members of the 87th regiment re-joined the regiment. Major George W. Land, who had left the regiment, died of illness on December 4, 1864, at home. Sometime during the Christmas time 1864, the officers found out about a “ball” to be held at a Mrs. Stewart home about ten miles away. Upon arrival, at Mrs. Stewart’s home, six to eight men ran out and began to shoot, wounding Terry Anderson in the hip. One prisoner was reported taken. Not wanting to</p><p>6 ruin the evening, the remaining Officers of the 87TH attended the “ball.” Although the ladies present were reported to be courteous and handsomely dressed, they appeared to be more worried about the safety of their horses and mules (from the 87th) than upon the social aspects of the occasion. During this time frame the regiment appeared to be well equipped as reports show a high ratio of horses to soldier, this being at a time when cavalry units were having difficulties finding mounts. On January 4, 1865 the regiment moved to Helena, Arkansas and went into camp, performing scouting operations. On January 10, 1865 the regiment lost one man killed at Coahoma County, Mississippi. On February 7, 1865, with three days’ rations, the regiment started on a march of 300 miles toward Jacksonport, Arkansas and to Helena Arkansas. The regiment was assigned to the District of Eastern Arkansas, 7th Corps, where it remained doing scouting service until mustered out on June 16, 1865 at Helena Arkansas by Captain Newcomb. Captain Willis , on February 10, 1865, commanded a small force, took Confederate gunfire from a Mr. George house, which they set on fire to dislodge the Confederate forces. During this engagement one man was killed and three wounded from the 87th. Captain Willis’ force captured three prisoners from the 23RD and 44TH Mississippi regiments/ Typical of some of the scouting missions the 87th embarked upon during this time frame from Colonel Crebs’ report of 11 February 1865, which is quoted in his report: “General: In obedience to your orders to me dated February 7, I started at 8 a.m. on the 8th instant with 175 men, on a scout to the interior. My route led me through La Grange, Moro, Cotton Plant, and above that through the lower part of what is called the “Colony,” terminating in that direction at Alexander Miller’s nearly east and distant about ten miles from Augusta. From this point I re-crossed Bayou De View, taking a general course east or south east to Madison on the Saint Francis River, where I found transports awaiting, we embarking upon which I returned to camp, reaching here at 2 o’clock last night. Distance traveled, including scouts from the line of march about 300 miles. We found the roads next to impassable from mud and water. The streams on the line of march were numerous and from recent rains greatly swollen, rendering the crossings difficult and dangerous: four of which, namely, Caney Creek, Bayou De View, Second Creek, and L’Anguille River, I had to swim and one, the “bayou,” twice. In addition to places above named often for miles together we found water in the swamps from knee-deep to the skirts of the saddles, and the weather being cold, the men from being continually wet suffered greatly. We found the county generally infested with roving soldiers from the commands of Dobbin, Lyles, McGhee, Raibon, and perhaps others. Jackman, with a small body of Missourians, had also been through there a short time since but their present whereabouts I could not learn. I fell warranted in saying that there are as many as 1,500 or 2.000 men on the east and west side of the Saint Francis River, south or southeast of a line running from Memphis to Augusta, on the White River, but entirely disorganized, scattered through the country, and living off the citizens. They have couriers and signals, by means of which the approach of an enemy is rapidly telegraphed, and if the force is small they will collect and resist; if large, they hide at once in swamps and thickets impenetrable except to those thoroughly acquainted with the country. At a place ten miles from Cotton Plant and eight miles from Alexander Miller’s at Vaughn’s we found the headquarters of Dobbin; captured a number of papers, none however of value; found his headquarters transportation, which I destroyed, and between 2,000 and 3,000 bushels of corn, which I burned, and also a small amount of meat which I appropriated for the use of the command, being at the time without rations, except bread. Approaching Madison, we had a severe skirmish with the enemy, in which we killed 2 and captured 1, dispersing the balance in all directions. Had the misfortune to lose one man captured in the melee. His horse being shot, he was hurried off in the thicket and could not be found. From information received from citizens and soldiers captured I feel authorized to say that the chief object of Lyles and Dobbin, who are personally at this time between Madison and Memphis, is to collect the rebel tax on cotton passing to Memphis, on obtaining which it is forwarded to the city at once as cotton belonging to citizens, and from the proceeds of such sales supplies for the army-such as arms, ammunition, and clothing-are clandestinely brought through the line for the use of the command, it being the intention in this way to procure an outfit for the command for the spring campaign. As one evidence of this will state that a Colt army revolver captured in the skirmish on Sunday near Madison, was before that day unused, and the man upon whom it was captured admits he obtained it but a few days before from Memphis. I respectfully request that Private Hutson A. Keith, of Company I, who captured it in a hand to hand fight, and for his general good conduct having in the last six months in the same way captured two other prisoners and killed in honorable fight a lieutenant in the rebel service, as a mark of commendation, may be permitted to retain the same as private property. As the result of our expedition, in addition to destroying the property above enumerated, we captured 1 surgeon of the Tenth </p><p>7 Arkansas Regiment Mounted Infantry, 1 deserter from our army, and 18 enlisted men; also 18 mules and horses, which have been turned over to the post quartermaster. I have the honor to be, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant, John M. Crebs.” On February 24, 1865 Captain Wasson embarked on the steamer Curlen with 50 men and proceeded to Berry’s Landing Arkansas. From there the force proceeded up river where reaching Rodgers plantation captured 6 prisoners and 2 horses. On the 28th of February 1865 the regiment was under the command of Brig General Napoleon B. Buford; his command consisted of the 87th Illinois, 35th Missouri, 56th U. S. (African descent) infantry, 60th U.S. (African descent) infantry, 63rd U. S. (African descent) infantry (D and G companies) and the 2nd U. S. (African descent) Infantry. Special order Number 148 dated June 1865, signed by Major General J. J. Reynolds, relieved the 87th regiment from duty at Helena Arkansas and ordered the regiment to report without delay to Major General Salomon, commanding First Division, 7th Corp, at Little Rock Arkansas. On the 21st of June the regiment embarked on transports, arriving at Cairo Illinois on June 23, 1865. From Cario they proceeded by train to Springfield Illinois, arriving on June 24th and was finally paid off and discharged on June 24, 1865. During the regimental service 1, 040 men were assigned; 8 reported Killed in Action. 7 died of wounded received, 8 were wounded, 27 were captured with two men dying as a prisoner (James K. P. Dempsey and Samuel Moor at Camp Ford, Tyler Texas), 222 dying of accident or disease, 36 deserters, and three men were rejected as unfit for duty. The official records of wounded and prisoners appear to be under recorded. The soldiers captured were taken to Camp Ford (Tyler Texas), where they were paroled on May 19, 1865.</p><p>8 REGIMENTAL PERSONAL</p><p>Notes: Highest rank obtained is recorded. Spelling of names and home of records (which differ between sources) is from the Adjutant General’s Report Illinois Volume 5 dated 1901. With inter-regimental personnel transfers, the company with the most significant service is used. V.R.C. is Veteran Reserve Corps.</p><p>Headquarters Staff and Officers John E. Whiting (1821-1866) enlisted on October 22, 1862 as a Colonel. On October 3, 1862 he was commissioned at the commanding officer of the 87th Illinois regiment, of which he was instrumental in forming. He resigned his commission on October 8, 1863 and returned to Carmi, which was his residence. He was a lawyer and involved in local Republican politics, serving one term in the state legislature. He died of Cholera on Oct 25, 1866. John M. Crebs, (1836-1890), enlisted on October 3, 1862 as a lieutenant colonel and was mustered into the 87th. On October 8, 1863 he was promoted to colonel and took command of the 87th. He mustered out on June 16, 1865 at Helena, Arkansas. His residence at time of enlistment was Carmi, Illinois. Was a lawyer before and after the war and was one of the largest landowners in White County. He served two terms in Congress, 1868 and 1870, as the congressman from the 13th district of Illinois. He was the law partner of Chauncey S. Conger Sr. George W. Land enlisted on October 3, 1862 as a Major in the 87th Illinois regiment. He died on December 4, 1864, of disease. His residence at time of enlistment was Enfield, Illinois. John S Anderson was promoted to major and replaced Major Land upon his death. He mustered out on June 16, 1865. His residence at time of enlistment was Hamilton County Daniel Berry, (1835-1915), was assisted as second-assistant surgeon for the regiment. He was latter promoted to first-assistant surgeon. . His letters of the 87th Illinois Volunteer Infantry is an invaluable resource to any conducting research on the 87th. He was a schoolteacher at Grayville and Burnt Prairie before the war. After the war he went into medical practice with Dr. E.L. Stuart. In 1867 he opened a local drug store. His residence at time of enlistment was Carmi. Francis M Coulter was assigned as Quartermaster. He mustered out of the service on June 16, 1865. His residence at time of enlistment was Grayville. John H. Cooper was assigned as Quartermaster for the regiment. He died of disease on October 4, 1863. . His residence at time of enlistment was Fairfield. Columbus L. Freedman was assigned as principal musician. . He mustered out of the service on June 16, 1865. His residence at time of enlistment was Edwards County. John L. Handley was assigned as hospital steward. He mustered out of the service on June 16, 1865. His residence at time of enlistment was Carmi. John D. Martin was assigned as Adjutant for the regiment. He mustered out of the service on June 16, 1865.His residence at time of enlistment was Grayville. Henry M. Phelps was assigned as regimental chaplain. He enlisted on May 12, 1864 and was mustered out on June 16, 1865. His residence at time of enlistment is unknown. John Poindexter was assigned as Assistant Surgeon. He was discharged on January 7, 1864. .His residence at time of enlistment was Hew Haven Albert Randsom was assigned as the regimental Chaplain. He resigned on September 4, 1863. . His residence at time of enlistment was Carmi. William F. Scott was the regimental sergeant major. He mustered out on June 16, 1865. His residence at time of enlistment was McLeansboro. Dr. Elam L. Stewart was assigned as Surgeon for the regiment. He mustered out of the service on June 16, 1865. His residence at time of enlistment was Carmi. After the war the returned to his medical practice and was the first mayor of Carmi. William H Stokes was assigned as commissary sergeant. He mustered out on June 16, 1865.His residence at time of enlistment was White County</p><p>9 Sampson C. Moore was assigned as Quartermaster sergeant. He was mustered out on June 16, 1865. His residence at time of enlistment was Fairfield. Josiah Buckner was assigned as principal musician. He mustered out on June 16, 1865. His residence at time of enlistment was Mason. </p><p>10 Company A </p><p>Anderson, Johns S. Hamilton Co. Major Mustered Out 6/16/65 Anderson, Warner P. Hamilton Co. Captain Mustered Out 6/16/65 Barnes, John Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Beachum, Henry Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 7/1/63 Bond, Jesse F. Hamilton Co. Private Disability 6/6/63 Bond, Samuel R. Hamilton Co. 1ST LT Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bond, Wilburne Hamilton Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Boswith, Mial P. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bowers, Zachariah H. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Boyster, James A. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Brumley, John Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 5/13/63 Burton, Enos A. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Carey, George W. Hamilton Co. Private Discharged 6/16/64 Carey, Robert H. Hamilton Co. Private Wilson’s Hill April 7, 1864 Carey, Wesley Hamilton Co. Private Absent, Sick Carey, William B. Hamilton Co. 1ST Sergeant Died of Disease 8/7/63 Carlin, Peter Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Carr, John W. Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 5/29/65 Clark, John A. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Clark, William Chicago Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Collins, Daniel J. Hamilton Co. Private Disability 4/24/65 Corlin, Peter Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Crume, Andrew J. Grayville Private Died of Disease 4/6/64 Dailey, Arabia M Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 7/31/63 Dailey, James N Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 5/30/65 Dailey John S Hamilton Co. Private Disability 5/22/63 Dailey, Mastin B. Hamilton Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Dale, John W. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Dale, Nathan Hamilton Co. Private Transferred 18TH Ill Inf. Davis, Timothy Hamilton Co. Private Disability 6/10/63 Dixon, Tillman Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out. 6/16/65 Duncan, Elbert D. Hamilton Co. Corporal Died of Disease 12/28/62 DeWitt, John Hamilton Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Echols, William R. Hamilton Co. Private Died of Wounds Feb 12, 1865 Falkner, John J. Hamilton Co. Private Died from Disease 7/10/63 Frazier, Henry Hamilton Co. Musician Mustered Out 6/16/65 Gage, Ebenezer Hamilton Co. Private Died from Disease 7/9/63 Gollehur, Henry Hamilton Co. Private Disability 5/26/65 Gossage, Archalus, J. Hamilton Co. Private Died from Disease 9/5/63 Gossage, James L. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Gowens, John W. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Green, Spencer Hamilton Co. Corporal Died from Disease 5/27/63 Guill, Andrew J. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Gulick, Charles C. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Gulick, Nicholus Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Holland, Aulstin Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hookeer, McAllister A. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Huffstutler, Martin P. Hamilton Co. Private Absent Sick Husley, Winkfield Hamilton Co. Private Died from Disease 8/16/63 Johnston, Acel C. Hamilton Co. Musician Mustered Out 6/16/65 Jones, William L Hamilton Co. Private Died from Disease 2/16/63</p><p>11 Jones, Work S. Hamilton Co. Private Died from Disease 3/16/63 Judd, Alfert Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Judd, John C. Hamilton Co. Private Died from Disease 5/24/65 Leek, Peter Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Lovin, Golden L Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Mann, Martin Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Manning, Henry E Hamilton Co. Private Disability 10/30/63 Mathena, James F. Franklin Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Mayberry, John Hamilton Co. Private Disability 4/24/65 Mayberry, Michael Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Mayfield, Jasper Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Meador, Robert L. McLeansboro IST LT Discharged 11/29/64 Moore, John Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Moore, Stephen R. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Moore, William Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Morris, Franklin Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Myers, John Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Myers, Jacob L. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Myers, William Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 McBroom, Isaac T. Hamilton Co. Private Disability 5/18/63 McGee, Oscar S. Hamilton Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Oker, Samuel Hamilton Co. Private Disability 6/28/63 Phelps, John Hamilton Co. Private Transferred 18TH Ill Inf. Phelps, Robert W. Hamilton Co. Private Died from Disease 4/20/65 Porter, Abraham B. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Pritchett, John Hamilton Co. Private Died of Wounds April 30, 1864 Proctor, William S. Hamilton Co. Corporal. Mustered Out 6/16/65 Rathbone, Valentine Hamilton Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Richards, John W. Lovillia 2ND LT Resigned 6/25/63 Richardson, Samuel D. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Sallee, John W. White Co. Private Died from Disease 10/3/64 Scott, Philip Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Scott, William F. McLeansboro Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Scott, Winfield Hamilton Co. Private Transferred 18TH Ill Inf. Sulinger, Gabriel McLeansboro Wagoner Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith, George W. Hamilton Co. Private Transferred 18TH Ill Inf. Smith, Owen M. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Sodders, George W. Hamilton Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Standerfer, John Hamilton Co. Private Disability 10/7/63 Stelle, Isaac Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Stelle, Jacob Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Swofford, Henry Hamilton Co. Private Transferred 18TH Ill Inf. Swover, Charles Hamilton Co. Private Coahoma Miss. Feb 10, 1865 Tenison, Benjamin F. McLeansboro Corporal Disability 5/28/63 Vaughn, Joseph Hamilton Co. Private Under arrest Wadkins, Joseph H. Hamilton Co. Private Drown Ohio River8/30/62 Wakefield, Timothy P. Hamilton Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Warthen, Martin L. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Weldon, James M. Hamilton Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Williams, Elisha R. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Williams, Mastin Hamilton Co. Private Disability 12/4/63 Wilson, William Unknown Private Deserted 2/2/63 Winder, Joseph W. Hamilton Co. Private Disability 10/19/63 Wright, Andrew J. Hamilton Co. Corporal. Mustered Out 6/16/65</p><p>12 Company B</p><p>Armor, Anthony Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Berry, Francis M. White Co. Private Died of Disease 4/5/63 Bonner, William L. Grayville Private Transferred 18TH Ill Inf. Boultinghouse, Joseph White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bridwell, James B. Grayville Sergeant Died of Wounds 4/17/64 Britten, Nathan White Co. Wagoner Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bulkley, William T. Grayville Corporal Mustered out 6/16/65 Bump, Marshall Grayville Musician Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bulter, William L. Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Carbaugh, Jacob Grayville Private Transferred 18TH Ill Inf. Carr, J.W. Hamilton Co. Private Died 5/29/64 Chapman, W. Jasper Grayville Private Under arrest Clark, W.B.F. Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Clarke, William A White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Coles, Joseph G. Edwards Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Collins, D.J. Hamilton Co. Private Disability 4/24/65 Covington, Andrew J. Grayville Private Died of Disease 10/14/63 Creighton, Joseph White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Driggers, Abel V. White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Dunlap, James White Co. Private Died of Disease 5/27/64 Edwards, Young White Co. Private Disability 6/19/63 Elliott, Price Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Ellis, Daniel Edwards Co. Private Died of Disease 7/17/63 Ellis, John Grayville Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Ellis, Thomas E. Grayville Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Ellis, William W. Grayville Private Disability 12/8/63 Enlow, Thomas J Grayville Captain Resigned 8/3/63 Feverston, Henry Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Feverston, James Edwards Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Flagel, Thompson White Co. Corporal Died 10/15/63 Fortney, William Wabash Co. Private Transferred 26TH Ill Inf. Gilbert, George L. Grayville Corporal Died of Disease 12/15/63 Graves, Francis M White Co. Private Died 6/24/63 Henseley, Hiram Edwards Co. Private Deserted 1/20/63 Hood, John Grayville Private Died of Disease 12/20/63 Hoover, George W. Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hoover, James F Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hoover, Joseph Grayville Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Huffner, George W. Grayville Private Died of Disease 11/22/64 Hughey, Jacob L Grayville Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hutchins, Warner Grayville Private Transferred 18TH Ill Inf. Johnson, Edmund Grayville Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Johnson, John Grayville Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Johnson, William Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Johnson, James A Grayville Private Disability 2/28/63 Jordon, Eleby Wabash Co. Private Disability 8/19/63 Jordon, John Grayville Private Deserted 1/20/63 Kershaw, Meredith E. Grayville Private Died of Disease 8/4/64 King. William A. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Lescher, Joseph Grayville Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Letner, Samuel White Co. Private Died of Disease 2/14/63 Lindsay, Lewis Grayville Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Lindsay, Robert Grayville Private Morgan’s Ferry July 21, 1864</p><p>13 Lindsay, William Grayville Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Logue, William M. Gibson Co. In. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Lumm, Lycurgus Grayville Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Maloy, Patrick Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Martin, John Grayville Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Martin, Thomas Marion Co. Private Transferred 18TH Ill Inf. Mayse. George W. Edwards Co. Private Died of Disease 1/25/65 Milner, Alpheus Grayville Private Transferred 18TH Ill Inf. Milner, Isaac Grayville Sergeant Died 8/30/63 Moore, John Graville Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Moore, Phillip W. Posey Co. In Private Deserted 1/30/63 Mussett, John Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Mussett, William Edwards Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 McBride, Thomas Grayville Private Disability 625/63 McMicken, Henry Grayville Private Wounded Mustered Out 6/16/65 O’Bannon, Thomas Grayville Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Odam, Ira Wabash Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Ormsby, Francis Grayville Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Ormsby, William White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Parker, John White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Parmer, Benjamin Grayville Private Transferred 18TH Ill Inf. Peck, James R. Grayville Private Disability 5/12/63 Phillips, William F. Grayville Sergeant Disability 9/16/63 Prince, Joseph C. Wabash Co. Private Deserted 11/29/62 Prunty, William T. Grayville Captain Mustered Out 6/16/65 Pullen, John W. Grayville Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Rawlinson, George White Co. Private Disability 7/8/63 Rodgers, James A. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Ross, John White Co. Private Deserted 12/7/62 Routh, Solomon Grayville Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Russell, Lewis J. White Co. Private Died of Disease 5/20/63 Satterly, Philip Wabash Co. Private Disability 5/12/63 Shutz, George Olney Private Transferred 18TH Ill Inf. Smith, Michael Grayville Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Spring, Archibald Grayville 1ST LT Mustered Out 6/16/65 Stitts, John M White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Sutton, William White Co Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Tade, James H. Wabash Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Taylor, William H Grayville Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Thompson, Daniel W. Edwards Co. Private Died of Disease 2/21/63 Thompson, Henry B. Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 10/14/63 Thompson, Thomas Grayville Private Deserted 1/28/63</p><p>14 Company C Absher, Joel M. White Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Aud, William G. White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Barker, John White Co. Corporal Disability 3/22/63 Barnett, Jacob White Co. Private Disability 7/24/63 Barnette, William C. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bates, John J. White Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Becklee, George White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Becklee, Lewis Posey Co. Ind. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bennett, Elias M.V. White Co. Musician Mustered Out6/16/65 Bennett, Jackson B. White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Birdsing, William J. White Co. Private Died of Disease 5/22/63 Blackford, Francis M White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Blake, James White Co. Private Absent, Sick Blakely, John White Co. Private Died of Disease 7/18/63 Booyer, Sanders White Co. Private Transferred to Inv. Corps 7/1/63 Brent, James M. White Co. Corporal Transferred to Inv. Corps 8/1/63 Briant, Benjamin White Co. Private Died of Disease 2/9/63 Burnette, John A. White Co. Private Died of Disease 7/6/63 Burress, Joseph White Co. Private Disability 12/1/63 Burress, Miles White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Callahan, Nathaniel Elm Grove Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Carter, Charles T. White Co. Corporal Died of Disease 6/3/64 Cross, Thomas J. Hamilton Co. Private Unknown Donaldson, James R. Posey Co. In, Private Died of Disease 3/11/ 63 Dotson, Abraham White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Drake, Thomas White Co. Private Died of Disease 4/15/63 Durham, James S. Jefferson Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Eastman, Stephen P. Shawneetown Private Discharged Edwards, Eli White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Edwards, James White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Edwards, Samuel White Co. Private Transferred to Inv. Corps 8/1/63 Edwards, William White Co. Private Died of Disease 7/27/63 Emery, Edmund White Co. Captain Resigned 8/1/63 Ezell, James M. Posey Co. In. Private Died of Disease 8/10/63 Fletcher, John F. LaSalle Co. Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Gann, John White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Goodman, Albert Franklin Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Goodman, James White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Goodman,Lewis White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Greathouse, John C. White Co. Private Disability 7/24/64 Harmon, Nicolas White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Harris, Lorenzo D. White Co. Private Deserted 8/24/63 Harvey, David Franklin Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Harvey, David W. White Co. Private Unknown Harvey, James P. Elm Grove Private Died of Disease 10/1/64 Harvey, William S. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hatler, James E. White Co. Private Died of Disease 3/3/63 Haynes, Albert Shawneetown Private Disability 7/15/64 Hendricks, John W. White Co. Private Died of Disease 7/22/63 Hoosier, John White Co. Private Discharge 3/22/63 Jackson, George W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Jackson, James M. White Co. 1ST Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 James, Josiah Posey Co., In. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Jones, James W. White Co. Sergeant Died of Disease 3/20/63</p><p>15 Kennerly, Calvin White Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Kingery, George W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Kingery, John White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Lacy, Micaijah White Co. Private Disability 6/29/63 Laguoin, Joseph Shawneetown Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Lang, Charles Shawneetown Musician Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Leathers, James M. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Little, Charles Gallatin Co. Private Died of Disease 3/14/63 Matlock, Henry C. White Co. Private Died of Disease 3/14/63 Mears, James White Co. Private Disability 4/18/63 Medlin, Milton J. Elm Grove Private Mustered out 6/16/65 Miller, James A. White Co. Captain Resigned 12/6/63 Milton, Absalom J. Phillipstown Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Mobley, James R. Shawneetown Private Died of Disease 2/28/63 Mobley, John White Co. Wagoner Mustered Out 6/16/65 Morgan, Matthew White Co. Private Died of Disease 3/14/63 Morrow, Asher B White Co. Sergeant Died of Disease 1/9/64 McCreary, Robert White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 McCreary, William White Co. Private Disability 4/21/64 Nation, John A. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Nestller, Ezekiel White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Owens, Henry H. Posey Co. In. Private Died of Disease 5/14/65 Parker, John A. Carmi Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Phillips, Henry L. Posey Co. In. Private Deserted 5/4/64 Phillips, William Posey Co. In. Private Absent at Muster Out Pomroy, Robert White Co. 2nd LT Mustered Out 6/16/65 Rippetoe, David Posey Co. In. Private Died of Disease 7/12/63 Robinson, William M. White Co. Private Disability 4/18/63 Row, Lycurgus W. White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Rupert, George W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Rupert, John J. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Seal, Benjamin White Co. Private Died of Disease 8/29/63 Slocumb, Thomas W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith, Daniel White Co. Private Died of Disease 4/7/63 Smith, Henry White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith, Samuel White Co. Private Deserted 6/26/63 Smith, Theopholis White Co. Private Disability 11/10/63 Smith, Thomas White Co. Private Deserted 3/1/63 Smith, William White Co. Private Deserted 3/1/63 South, Archibald M. White Co. Musician Died of Disease 7/23/63 Stephens, George Franklin Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Stevens, Francis M. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Stevens, John J. White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Strawbridge, Charles M. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Swartz, Henry White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Van Winkle, Henry White Co. Private Died of Disease 2/5/63 Vaughn, William M. White Co. Private Died of Disease 1/16/63 Vines, James M. White Co. Private Died of Disease 4/4/63 Webb, Edwin B. White Co. Private Died of Disease 3/10/63 Weice, WilliamW. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Weiss, James Franklin Private Died of Disease 4/19/65 Williams, Alexander Carmi Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Willis, James E. White Co. Captain Mustered Out 6/16/65 Willson, Nathaniel F. White Co. Private Deserted 3/1/63 Winkles, William W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Withroe, William White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65</p><p>16 Company D</p><p>Berg, David Wayne Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Berg, David F. Wayne Co. Private Discharged 7/24/63 Best, Augustus H. Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bing, William H Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bleakly, Joseph Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Borah, Jacob B. Mt. Erie Captain Resigned 7/13/63 Borah, John W. Mt. Erie Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Butler, Henry E. Mt. Erie Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Camp, James T. Mt. Erie Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Camp, William C. Mt. Erie Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Campbell, Robert E. Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Carter, Charles M. Fairfield Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Clark, John W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Clark, Patrick M. White Co. Private Died of Disease 9/29/64 Clark, William M. Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Coburn, John Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 3/5/63 Collins, George Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Cox, Edmund N, Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Cremer, Jeremiah M. Wayne Co. Private Wounded Discharged 5/10,64 Crews, Andrew Wayne Co. Captain Mustered Out 6/16/65 Crews, Caleb Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Crews, Caleb W. Wayne Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Crews, Hooper Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 5/18/65 Crews, Matthew H. Wayne Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Crosser, James R. Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Dayton, Carmi W. Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 10/22/63 Farmer, Asa A. Grayville Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Farmer, James M. Fairfield Private Disability 2/10/63 Forbis, James Mt. Erie Corporal Disability 10/28/63 Frazier, Francis M White Co. Private Died of Disease 6/7/63 Frazier, Harrison Wayne Co. Private Wounded Discharged 2/11/65 Froat, Silas D. Mt. Erie Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Geans, John Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 George, Gillison Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Gray, John Wayne Co. Private Disability 4/4/64 Gregory, James Wayne Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hale, William Wayne Co. Musician Died of Disease 11/11/63 Haynes, William H. Unknown Private Died of Disease 1/4/64 Hilliard, Wiley Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hoffe, Robert Mt. Erie Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Holmes, Oliver Hamilton Co. Corporal Disability 2/24/63 Holmes, Samuel Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hubbard, James M. White Co. Unknown Unknown Huffine, Henry Shawneetown Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Huffine, Joseph Shawneetown Private Died of Disease 10/11/63 Hunter, George W. Chicago Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Hunter, James K. Wayne Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hunter, James M. Wayne Co. Private Disability 8/3/63 Irwin, Felix G. Alton Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Johnson, William E. Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 5/4/63 King, Milton W. Mt. Erie Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. King, Ransom C. Wayne Co. Private Disability 6/29/63 King,. Thomas H.B. Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65</p><p>17 Limpert, John Wayne Co. Corporal Died of Disease 3/22/63 Mariell, William White Co. Private Died 8/18/63 Mayo, Lewis Mt. Erie Captain Discharged 2/11/65 Mayes, William J. Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 4/15/63 Metz, Absalom Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 1/29/64 Miller, James K.P. Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Mills, James Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Mills, John Wayne Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Monroe, James Wayne Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Morlan, Allen Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 3/4/63 McAnnully, Thomas Fairfield Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 McCleur, William L Fairfield Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 McCollum, John Wayne Co. Private Disability 10/28/63 McCollum, Samuel Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 McCrackin, John C. Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 McDonald, Theodore, Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 McLin, Thomas J. Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 McMackin, John Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 7/28/63 McNely, John B. Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 12/25/63 Nesbit, Alexander R. Mt. Erie Private Disability 6/9/63 Phelps, William J. Mt. Erie Private Died of Disease 7/5/63 Pilcher, William E. Fairfield Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Porter, Robert D. Wayne Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Portsfield, William H. Wayne Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Powless, Daniel S. Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 3/15/63 Price, James T Mt. Erie 1ST LT Resigned 2/3/63 Rankin, Henry W. Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Roberts, Zedock C. Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Rogers, Milton Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Rogers, Palestine Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Russell, Jesse Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 11/8/64 Scholfield, Joseph C. Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Scholfield, Robert F. Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Shannon, James Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Shelton, James R. Wayne Co. 1ST LT Mustered Out 6/16/65 Shelton, Preston C. Shawneetown Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Shelton, William R. Wayne Co. Corporal Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith, Elias Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith, Thomas Mt. Erie Private Discharged for Promotion Smith Thomas J. Fairfield Musician Mustered Out 6/16/65 Sparkes, Samuel Wayne Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Thomas, Jason H. Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Tidball, Oliver P. Wayne Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Trussell, Otis G. Grayville Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Van Dyke, Cornelius Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 11/6/64 Van Fossan, Absalom Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 7/15/63 Van Fossan, David Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Van Fossan, Josiah Mt. Erie Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Walker, Eliasi Wayne Co. Private Transferred to V.R.C. 4/30/64 Walker, Ferdinand Wayne Co. Private Disability 9/7/63 Water, Joseph S. Fairfield Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Wells, William H. Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 White, William D. Shawneetown Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Willis, Franklin Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Wilson, Joseph T. Wayne Co. Wagoner Died of Disease 1/5/64 Youthers,Jonas Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65</p><p>18 Company E</p><p>Allen, John W. Hamilton Co. 1ST Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Angel, Jacob Hamilton Co. Private Disability 10/9/63 Angle, Hiram Hamilton Co. Captain Mustered Out 6/16/65 Baugh, Philips W. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Beard, Reuben, H. McLeansboro Private Transferred to Inv Corps /15/64 Belvin, William Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 2/14/63 Bihoofer, Leopold Hamilton Co. Private Discharged 11/10/64 Branham, Samuel Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Broomer, Tobias Hamilton Co. Corporal Disability 7/24/64 Burnett, Samuel H. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Brewer, Isaac Hamilton Co. Private Deserted 2/15/63 Burns, Edward Hamilton Co. Private Disability 4/24/63 Burton, Thomas Hamilton Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Campbell, Felix Hamilton Co. Sergeant Disability 4/24/63 Cape, Hiram McLeansboro Private Disability 6/3/63 Cape, Isaac McLeansboro Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Cape, William Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 5/18/65 Carpenter, Milton Hamilton Co. Captain Resigned 6/3/63 Collins, Martin Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Collins, Watson A Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Crews, Harrison Dayton, Oh Private Deserted 1/12/63 Cox, Jacob Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Crabtree, James H Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 5/8/63 Crisel, John Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 2/14/63 Davenport, John Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Davis, Reuben Hamilton Co. Private Discharged 12/21/63 Dempsey, James K. P. Hamilton Co. Private Captured, Died as POW at Camp Ford, Tyler Texas 3/22/65 Dixon, Arthur V. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Durham, Riley Saline Co. Private Williamsport LA 9/16,1864 Eaton, James T Hamilton Co. Private Disability 6/19/64 Forrister, William C. Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 2/8/63 Frazier, John McLeansboro Private Discharged 2/2/64 Gray, James P. Jefferson Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Gray, Nathaniel Mt. Erie Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Gray, William R. Jefferson Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Guill, Jasper Hamilton Co. Corpora Mustered Out 6/16/65 Gunter, James B. Hamilton Co. Private Discharged 9/11/63 Halley, John B. Hamilton Co. Private Disability 6/3/63 Harper, Benjamin Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 3/1/63 Harrelson, Giddeon Hamilton Co. Corporal Disability 10/19/63 Harrelson, Jasper N. Hamilton Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Harvey, William Roland Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Helsley, John A. Hamilton Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hensley, William Hamilton Co. Corporal Disability 9/5/63 Hood, Thomas Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Huff, Henry B. McLeansboro Private Disability 4/2/63 Hungate, William Hamilton Co. 1ST LT Mustered Out 6/16/65 Ingram, Theophilus J. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Irvin, James M. Cairo Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Irvin, John Hamilton Co. Wagoner Mustered Out 6/16/65 Jones, Theophilus L. Hamilton Co. 1ST LT Resigned 7/27/63 Lane, Isaac Hamilton Co. Corporal Disability 2/18/63</p><p>19 Lane, James Hamilton Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Latham, William S. Hamilton Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Lee, Samuel J. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Leur, Daniel Mt. Erie Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Lineberger, John R. Jefferson Co. Private Died of Disease 10/18/65 Linn, Thomas H. Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 4/3/65 Lowder, Benjamin Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 2/5/63 Maulding, James Hamilton Co. Private Deserted 1/15/63 Mayberry, James H. Hamilton Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Miller, Alpheus J. Unknown Musician Disability 10/9/63 Moore, John S. Roland Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Moore, William Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 9/21/65 Morris James Hamilton Co. Sergeant Deserted 8/22/63 McClaim, Lewis Hamilton Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 McDaniel, George H. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 McDaniel, James L McLeansboro Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. McKenzie, Robert W. White Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 McQuay, Elisha White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 McQuery, William A. Roland Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Newman, William Hamilton Co. Private Disability 6/6/63 Oliver, Alfred Roland Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Paschal, William B. McLeansboro Private Disability 12/11/64 Philbrick, Jonathan Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Pierson, Ellis Hamilton Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Pool, William Roland Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Rawlins, Harrison Hamilton Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Reubenaker, William Hamilton Co. Private Disability 10/7/63 Richardson, Caleb C. Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 10/3/63 Richardson, James A. Hamilton Co. Private Disability 12/17/64 Richardson, John E. Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 10/7/63 Sefred, John C. McLeansboro Private Died of Disease 3/28/63 Shaw, Daniel W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith, Charles Carmi Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith, James Shawneetown Private Deserted 2/19/63 Stull, Uriah Hamilton Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Stull, William R. Hamilton Co. Corporal Transferred to V.R.C. Todd, Martin V. McLeansboro Private Discharge 2/15/64 Todd, William H. McLeansboro Private Disability 5/21/63 Underwood, Alexander Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 2/16/63 Upton, John H. Hamilton Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Vaughn, Benjamin McLeansboro Private Deserted 1/30/63 Vaughn, John W. Hamilton Co. Private Disability 10/7/63 Vise, Andrew P Hamilton Co. Private Disability 4/1/63 Wagoner, John A Hamilton Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Wakefield, Thomas Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 2/20/63 Way, Adoniram J. Grayville Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. White, John H. Hamilton Co. Private Disability 3/7/63 Williamson, William J. Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 7/19/63 Wilson, James J. Hamilton Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Wilson, John D. Unknown Musician Mustered Out 6/16/65 Wison John M. Hamilton Co. Private Discharged 3/10/65 Wilson, Stephen M. Hamilton Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Winder, George W. Hamilton Co. Private Discharged 5/7/65 Woodruff, Daniel W. McLeansboro Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Wooldridge, G.B. Hamilton Co. Private Discharged 4/12/65 Wright, Burgess F. Hamilton Co. Private Disability 5/22/63</p><p>20 Wright, James H. McLeansboro Captain Resigned 2/8/65 Wright, William Hamilton Co. Private Died of Disease 2/16/63 Yates, W.A.J. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Zimmerman, Joseph McLeansboro Private Deserted 2/18/63 </p><p>21 Company F</p><p>Allen, George W. Carmi Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Barth, Marx White Co. Wagoner Mustered Out 6/16/65 Beck, Francis White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Beck, John White Co. Private Disability 5/28/63 Bennett, Argyle White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bennett, Ezekiel White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bennett, Jeremiah White Co. Private Died of Disease 4/9/63 Bennett, William White Co. Private Deserted 1/25/63 Bensing, John A. Carmi Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Biggerstaff, Thomas Hamilton Co. Corporal Died of Disease 2/20/63 Black, John W. White Co Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bohringer, Christopher White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bolerjack, John S White Co. Private Transferred to Inv Corps Borninger, Frederick White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Borninger, Jacob White Co. Private Died of Disease 7/31/63 Bossman, James T.R. Carmi 1ST Sergeant Disability 10/7/63 Brown, Solomon S. White Co. Private Deserted 1/10/63 Buckhard, George White Co. Private Died of Wounds June 6. 1864 Buckner, Josiah Mason Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Burkhard, Paul White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Cain, William J. Shawneetown. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Chapman, Herry Carmi Private Disability 10/22/63 Cook, Henry W. Carmi Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Cook, Wesley White Co. Private Transferred to Inv. Corps Devoy, Dennis Shawneetown Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Eshenbach, James A. Shawneetown Private Died of Disease 12/5/63 Fackney, James Carmi Captain Resigned 8/1/63 Faulkner, Samuel A. White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Fields, Robert M. White Co. Private Died of Disease 7/8/63 Gilham, Warren White Co. Corporal Died of Disease 7/4/63 Glascon, Thomas M. Carmi Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Greenewald, Louis White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Gusbacher, August White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hargett, Hiram White Co. Private Died of Disease 2/24/63 Harpster, David White Co. Private Died of Disease 3/3/63 Hutchcroft, Elijah White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hatfield, George M. Carmi Private Died of Disease 7/30/63 Hendricks, James White Co. Private Died of Disease 5/3/63 Hodsdun, Nathaniel B. Carmi 1ST LT Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hood, Wesley Carmi Private Deserted 1/19/63 Hoskins, William F. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Huff, Thomas White Co. Private Died of Disease 7/4/63 Kerney, Thomas M. Carmi Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Listenberger, Jacob White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Miller, Martin White Co. Private Died of Wounds October 14,1864 Muckler, Adam White Co. Private Disability 4/17/63 Myer Joseph White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 McKnight, Henry White Co. Private Wounded Discharged 6/12/64 Nelson, Whitson H White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Nelson, William H Grayville Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf.</p><p>22 Newcom, John White Co. Private Died of Disease 8/30/63 Newcomb William White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Newcomb William F. White Co. Private Disability 9/29/63 Paschal, Jesse White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Pretzch, Hiram F.C. White Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Renfro, Thomas Shawneetown Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Renshaw, Albert S. White Co. Sergeant Disability 4/26/63 Renshaw, James B. White Co. Private Disability 7/5/63 Roberts, David White Co. Musician Mustered Out 6/16/65 Rose, Jesse White Co. Private Died of Disease 12/11/62 Ruckle, Richard W Carmi Private Disability 4/21/63 Sallions, Oliver C. White Co. Private Wounded, absent Sallions, Thomas Shawneetown Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Seifred, Peter White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith, Charles Carmi Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith. Don C. White Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith, Elijah White Co. Private Died of Disease5/29/63 Smith, James A. Shawneetown Private Deserted 1/28/63 Smith, John White Co. Private Died of Disease 7/23/63 Smith, Joseph White Co. Private Transferred to Inv. Corps Smith, Rice White Co. Private Died of Disease 4/6/63 Smith, Wiley White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Speck. John White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Stambach, Henry Shawneetown Private Died of Disease 8/1/63 Stone, Jasper White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Thomason, John White Co. Private Disability 3/15/63 Torrence, James E. Carmi Private Died 5/18/63 Ude, Henry White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Upton, John N. White Co. 1ST Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Vann, Robert Carmi Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Ward, Richard T. Carmi Private Disability 5/7/64 Wasson, John H. Carmi Captain Mustered Out 6/16/65 Wasson Thomas H. White Co. Corporal Died of Disease 5/20/63 Wease, John White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Wease, Samuel White Co. Private Died of Disease 4/13/63 Wesseler, Christopher White Co. Musician Transferred to Inv. Corps Wesseler, Frederick S. Carmi Corporal Disability 9/1/63 Willis, James E. White Co. 1ST Sergeant Unknown Winder, John Carmi Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Yates, IsaacJ. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Yates, James W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65</p><p>23 Company G</p><p>Adams John W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Anderson, John S White Co. Corporal Transferred to 14TH Cav. 12/1/62 Anderson, Michael White Co. 1ST Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Anderson, Terry White Co. Private Wounded Mustered Out 6/16/65 Black, William A. White Co. Private Died of Disease 7/31/64 Boyer, Alexander White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Brooks, Bartley A. White Co. Private Disability5/29/63 Brown, Samuel S. White Co. Private Died of Disease 9/9/63 Burrell, Asa White Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Burell, Cadle White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Burrell, Erastus White Co. Private Disability 8/9/63 Burrell, Nelson White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Burrell Noah White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Burrell, Sidney White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Cain, Joshua White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Caldwell, George White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Catt, Morris White Co. Private Died of Disease 2/24/63 Collard, Francis M White Co. Private Died 10/11/63 Collard, James F. White Co. Private Transferred 14TH Cav. Cotton, Thomas White Co. Musician Mustered Out 6/16/65 Crabtree, Benjamin F. White Co. Private Died of Disease 11/21/63 Colton, John A. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Cummin, William M. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Downs, John C. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Draper, Samuel P. White Co. Private Died of Disease 6/24/63 Draper, William F. White Co. Private Wilson’s Hill April 7, 1864 Dybbell, Allen N. White Co. Private Died of Disease 10/9/63 Emerson, Edwin B. White Co. 1ST LT Mustered Out 6/16/65 Foster, Joshua G. White Co. Private Wounded Mustered Out 6/16/65 Foster, Samuel J. White Co. Captain Mustered Out 6/16/65 Frymier, Jasper White Co. Corporal Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Fulford, Bird L. White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Fulford, Josiah White Co. Private Transferred to 14TH Cav Garner, Henry J. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Gibson, James White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Galdwin, George White Co. Private Died 7/9/63 Goudy, Edmond F. White Co. Private Died of Disease 3/16/63 Goudy, Henry M. White Co. Private Died of Disease 4/10/63 Graham, John White Co. 2nd LT. Died of Wounds May 9, 1864 Harrison, William J. White Co. Private Deserted 2/13/63 Hart, Enos White Co. Private Died of Disease 10/26/62 Hatcher, Elijah White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hatcher, William H. White Co. Musician Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hedges, John White Co. Private Died of Disease 12/7/63 Hedges, William C. White Co. Private Transferred to V.R.C. Hill, Benjamin O. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hoon, Valentine White Co. Private Disability 8/31/65 Hosick, William H. White Co. Wagoner Transferred to 13TH Ill Cav Kello, John M. White Co. Private Died of Disease 10/4/63 Kennery, Calvin White Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Little, James White Co. Private Wounded Mustered Out 6/16/65 Lough, Geoge W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65</p><p>24 Lumm, Thomas C. White Co. Private Transferred 14TH Ill Cav. Martin, Evered M. White Co. Private Disability 5/1/63 Martin, Thomas B. White Co. Private Died of Disease 3/3/64 Miller, James A. White Co. Private Disability 613/63 Mitchern, Frank White Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 McClelland, James P. White Co. Private Disability 10/7/63 McClelland, Louis M. White Co. Private Died of Disease 4/5/63 Nelson, William H, White Co. Private Transferred 18TH Ill Inf. Newman, Alexander M. White Co. Private Died of Disease 7/21/63 Newman, George P. White Co. Corporal Died of Disease 5/12/63 Orr, James H. White Co. Private Died of Disease 9/13/63 Partick, John G. White Co. Corporal Died of Disease 10/22/64 Patrick, William E. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Plumbly, David White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Putnam, Madison White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Reeves, James White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Reeves, James A. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Rice, William E. White Co. Sergeant Died of Disease 3/7/63 Richardson, James L White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Rose, Louis White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Russellot, Francis E. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Sallee, William H. White Co. Private Died of Disease 3/12/63</p><p>Smith. Samuel F. White Co. Private Wilson’s Hill April 7, 1864 Smith, Samuel S. Enfield Private Wilson’s Hill April 7, 1864 Story, James V. White Co. Private Died of Disease 3/7/63 Story, Joseph White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Story Robert P. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Strawmatt, Reuben White Co. Private Died of Disease 7/9/63 Strawmatt, William H. Enfield Private Died of Disease 2/15/63 Sumpter, Emanuel White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Sumpter, Henry White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Sumpter, John R. Grayville Private Transferred to V.R.C. Sutton, Azariah White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Sutton, William Enfield Private Died 10/19/63 Taklington, Willis J. Enfield Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Tarrant, Isaac White Co. Private Died of Disease 12/12/62 Taylor, James White Co. Private Died of Disease 12/12/63 Thomas, George A. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Thompson, Joseph White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Thompson, Samuel Enfield Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Trapp, John White Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Venters, David Enfield Private Died of Disease 1/1/64 Wicker, David White Co. Private Died of Disease 2/27/63 Wicker, John C. White Co. Private Died of Disease 2/28/63 Wilson, Joseph B. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Wilson, John C. White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Winkler, Felix G. White Co. Private Died of Disease 3 /9/633 Winkler, Thomas C. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Winkler, Vincent M. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Witcher, Benjamin F. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Witcher, Joel Y. Enfield Private Died of Disease 2/4/63 Witcher, Martin C. Enfield Private Died of Disease 3/7/63 Young, Thomas White Co. Corporal Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65</p><p>25 Company H</p><p>Aterberry, Minor Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Austin, Daniel W. Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 2/12/63 Bailey, Peter Edwards Co. Corporal Died of Disease 3/1/63 Bassett, Alfred Edwards Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bassett, George Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bell, James W. Edwards Co. Private Deserted 2/15/63 Black, James M. Wabash Co. 1ST Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Brown, James Jr. Edwards Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bunting, Cornelius Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bunting, Sylvester Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bunting, Sylvanus Wayne Co. Private Died of Disease 1/23/64 Campbell, James Albion Private Died of Disease 12/10/64 Chism, James Albion Captain Mustered Out 6/16/65 Cline, William Edward Co. Private Disability 11/8/63 Colyer, Robert Edward Co. Private Died of Disease 10/13/63 Crawford, Mathias E. Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Crawfore, Reuben C. Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Crome, Thomas Jr. Edwards Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Cullison, Thomas Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Cullison, William Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Davis, Robert E. Albion Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Deems, Edward Wabash Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/1/65 Deams, Isaac Edwards Co. Corporal Mustered Out 5/24/65 Denby. Leander S Saline Co. Private Died of Disease 6/21/63 Dolen, Phillip H. Grayville. Private Deserted 2/14/63 Duncan, William LaSalle Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Dunk, Thomas Jr. Edwards Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Dunk, William Edwards Co. Wagoner Mustered Out 6/16/65 Edge, Charles Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Elliott, Daniel Edwards Co. Private Died of Disease 3/16/65 Elliott, Richard F Edwards Co. Private Transferred to Inv. Corps Elliott, William B Edwards Co. Private Died of Disease 4/10/63 Estes, Timothy Edwards Co. Private Deserted 2/14/63 Fieber, John D Edwards Co. 1ST LT Mustered Out 6/16/65 Fortner, John B. Wayne Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Fortner, William H.H. Shawneetown Private Deserted 1/17/63 Fowler, Silas M. Carmi Private Died 1/19/64 Frankland, William Edwards Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Gawthorp, Abraham Edwards Co Private Mustered Out 6/16/65. Gillard, Henry Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Glover, James Edward Co. Private Died of Disease 9/8/63 Griffin, Ewin Wabash Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hall, Franklin C. Albion Private Mustered Out 6/13/65 Hanks, James F. Edwards Co. Corporal Transferred to V.R.C. Harris, Bedford E. Albion Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Harris, James T. Albion ` Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Harrison, Frederick Edwards Co. Musician Died of Wounds April 10, 1865 Heathfield, James T. Albion Private Williamsport LA 10/16/64 Henderson, George Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 8/2/65 Horton, James Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Horton, Richard Albion Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Horton, William Albion Private Mustered Out 6/16/65</p><p>26 Hudson, George W. Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hughs, James Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hugo, William Edwards Co. Private Died of Disease 5/15/63 Hunt, James T. Edwards Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hutchins, Henry Albion Private Mustered Out 10/19/65 Ives, Charles Edwards Co. Private Disability 6/16/63 Jacobs, James Albion Captain Resigned 12/6/63 Johns, William H. Edwards Co. 1ST LT Resigned 12/13/63 Johnson, James Wayne Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Kikendall, John Edwards Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Lance, William H Wabash Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Long, Robert Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Lowery, Isaiah Wabash Co. Private Died of Disease 3/16/63 Lucas, Abraham Wabash Co. Private Mustered Out 6/27/65 Masteson, Joh White Co. Private Transferred to Inv. Corps Medler, Robert P. Edwards Co. Private Transferred to Inv. Corps Miller, Isaac Grayville Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Moor, Samuel Edwards Co. Private Captured Died While POW Morris, Rufus Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 McCreery, Jeremiah D. Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 McCreery, Robert Edwards Co. Corporal Died of Disease 3/18/63 McCreery, William B. Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 McKibben David Edwards Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 McKibben Manley Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 McKibben Zebulon Edwards Co. Private Died of Disease 8/21/63 Neal, Thomas Edwards Co. Private Died of Disease 3/11/63 Oakley, Cyrus Albion Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Orr, Alexander M. Albion Private Deserted 2/14/63 Orr Alfred Albion Private Mustered Out 7/19/65 Orr, Cunningham Edwards Co. Private Disability 3/3/64 Orr, Semple Grayville Private Died of Disease 8/3/63 Orr, William Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Over, George Albion Private Mustered Out 7/19/65 Park, E.L. Edwards Co. Private Died of Disease 5/19/63 Peck, Joseph Wabash Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Peter, Andrew Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Pettugrew, Thomas J.Jr. Monee Private Mustered Out 5/23/65 Ridens, James M. Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith, George Jr. Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith, William Jr. Edwards Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Snellen, William Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Snowdall, Edward Jr. Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Spruell, William B. Edwards Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Stanley, Charles Albion Private Mustered Out 7/19/65 Stewart, Alexander Albion Private Mustered Out 7/19/65 Tait, James M. Albion Private Died of Disease 7/1/64 Tait, John Edwards Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Thrash, Stephen S. Wabash Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Tribe, William B. Albion 2ND LT Unknown Tribe, William Burnett Albion Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Utley, Robert W. Edwards Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Vinson, John Edwards Co. Private Disability 8/8/63 Waters, George Albion Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Weaver, Alexander Albion Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. West, James Jr. Edwards Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 West, Oliver Edwards Co. Private Died of Disease 6/9/63</p><p>27 West, Robert N. Albion Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Wiles. Charles Edwards Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Wilkins, John Edwards Co. Private Died of Disease 5/14/63</p><p>28 Company I</p><p>Absher, William C. White Co. Wagoner Disability 4/27/63 Adams, John G White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Allen, James B. White Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Brockett, Benjamin F. Jr. White Co. 2ND LT Discharged 5/7/63 Brockett, Benjamin F. Sr. White Co. Captain Resigned 12/10/63 Brockett, Benjamin J. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Brockett, George F White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Brockett, Milton J. White Co. Corporal Disability 10/7/63 Brown, Charles W. White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Brown, Marcus L. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bryant, Henry White Co. Private Disability12/1/62 Cherry, George White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Cherry, William White Co. Private Died 4/4/63 Clarke, Joel White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Collard, John Elm Grove Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Coyert, John H. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Crabtree, Enoch White Co. Private Died of Disease 2/21/63 Crabtree, William White Co. Private Deserted 12/13/62 Dougherty, James M. White Co. 1ST Sergeant Died 4/26/64 Draper, Samuel White Co. Private Died of Disease 5/4/64 Duncan, John A White Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Emerson, William E. White Co. Corporal Disability 7/9/63 Farmer, Pinkney L. Logansport Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Farmer, Samuel White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Feadler, Antone White Co. Private Deserted 6/6/63 Gambol, Robert Carmi Private Died of Disease 1863 Gentry, Sidney L Shawneetown Private Died of Disease 3/1/63 Genty, Slvester S. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Glasco, John E. Carmi Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Glasco, Thomas M. Carmi Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Graham, Benjamin B. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Graham, Ross White Co. Captain Mustered Out 6/16/65 Greer, James M. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Greer, John S. White Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Greer, Richard White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Grubbs, David W. White Co. Musicians Mustered Out 6/16/65 Holland, Shandy A. Shawneetown Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Holland, Zachariah White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hughes, Robert C. White Co. Private Transferred to Inv Corps Jenkins, Arnold White Co. Private Died of Disease 1863 Johnson, William H. Enfield 1ST LT Mustered Out 6/16/65 Jones, John L. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Jordan, William B. White Co. Private Died of Disease 2/19/63 Keith, Hutson A. White Co. Musician Mustered Out 6/16/65 Kerr, William J. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Kisner, Harmon White Co. Private Died of Disease 3/23/63 Kisner, James J. White Co. Private Deserted 3/16/63 Kisner, John H. White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65</p><p>29 Lively, Abel White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Logan, Benjamin White Co. Private Transferred to Inv. Corps Loomis, Edwin R. Enfield Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Marlin, John White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Matsel, John White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Matsel, William H. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Medling, Jesse White Co. Private Disability 3/14/65 Metz, Gideon White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Musgroves, Joseph White Co. Corporal Died 11/30/64 McLane Richard White Co. Private Disability 5/26/63 O’Neal, Hezekiah White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Parkhurst, Charles M White Co. Private Died of Disease 6/26/63 Parkhurst, Samuel B. White Co. Private Died of Disease 9/7/63 Parkhurst, Samuel T. White Co. Private Disability 2/19/63 Parkhurst, William B. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Pettypool, Francis C. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Pool, James W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Ray, Sidney White Co. Private Disability 10/7/63 Rice, Robert H. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Saunders, Eben C. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Shipley, James H. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Shipley, Pinkney White Co 1ST Sergeant. Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith, Thomas L. Carmi Private Died of Disease 8/7/63 Spence, Charles N. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Spence, Henry W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Spence, John A. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Starkey, William H. Carmi Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Sterling, John P. White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Stewart, Jesse M. Shawneetown Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Setton, William V. White Co. Private Unknown Thomas, James White Co. Private Deserted 5/1/63 Thomas James B. White Co. Captain Resigned 3/6/63 Willis, Moses Shawneetown Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf.</p><p>30</p><p>Company K</p><p>Allison, Ralph Burnt Prairie Private Transferred 18TH Ill Inf. Arbaugh, Harvey White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Bacon, A.S.O. Phillipstown Private Died of Disease 4/29/65 Bacon, Henry M. Phillipstown Private Discharged for Commission Barrett, William H. C. White Co. Private Died of Disease 1/12/64 Borah, Lincoln F. Burnt Prairie Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Calkin, Matthias White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Chapman, John A. White Co. Private Died of Disease 11/11/64 Chapman William H. Burnt Prairie Private Captured, transferred to 18TH Ill Chapman, William Riley White Co. Private Died of Disease 9/17/62 Clark, Felix White Co. Private Disability 10/7/63 Clark, Henry B. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65. Cleaveland, Elias Unknown Private Absent, sick Cleveland, James M. White Co. Sergeant Died of Disease10/25/62 Cleavlin, William T. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Clifford, Harry C Phillipstown Musician Mustered Out 6/16/65 Coale, Robert White Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Collins, Franklin White Co. Private Absent, sick Daily, Daniel Shawneetown Private Disability 10/7/63 Daniel, Jacob White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Daniel, Stephen White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Dupuy, William Shawneetown Private Disability 3/25/64 Evans, Josiah W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Fitzpatrick, Patrick White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Files, Chesterfield Burnt Prairie Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Glen, Edward Shawneetown Private Transferred to Inv.Corps Goodrich, Alexander White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Goodrich, Andrew White Co. Private Died of Disease 10/20/65 Goodrich, Nehemiah W. White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Graham, George White Co. Private Transferred to Inv. Corps Graves, Andrew R. Hamilton Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hay, Daniel G. White Co. Sergeant Discharged 10/15/63 Hilliard, David White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hilliard, Franklin White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Hilliard, William White Co. Private Died of Disease 11/23/63 How, Martin V. White Co. Private Disability 7/15/63 Hughs, Oliver W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Johnson, Anderson N. White Co. Private Died of Disease 7/14/63 Johnson, Noah W. Burnt Prairie Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Johnston ,David White Co. Private Disability 10/7/63t Kates, Moses Burnt Prairie Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Lane, John W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Large, Joseph White Co. Private Died of Disease 1/1/65 Lee, Andrew J. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Lee, George White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Lee, John White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Linville, George Evanston Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Lovel, William White Co. Private Died of Disease 11/25/62 Lukenbill, Ransom White Co. Private Died of Disease 2/21/63 Magers, Samuel White Co. Private Deserted Unknown Meech, George L. White Co. Corporal Transferred to Inv. Corps</p><p>31 Mellon, Charles Shawneetown Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 McDowell, Painter White Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 McHenry, William H. Phillipstown 2ND LT Died 2/13/65 Pilcher, Horace W. Burnt Prairie Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Presswood, Matthew White Co. Corporal Disability 4/29/63 Rice, William B. Phillipstown Wagoner Disability 6/7/63 Robley, William W. White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Rols, Eli Chicago Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Rudolph, Edmon D. White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/16/65 Rudolph, Henry White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Rudolph, Revis White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Russell, James R. White Co. Corporal Mustered Out 6/1665 Salyen, Thomas White Co. Private Unknown Sefred, John Hamilton Co. Private Unknown Senton, James F. Burnt Prairie Private Died of Disease 1864 Sexton Mattison C. Chicago Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Sheridan, George White Co. Private Died of Disease 1864 Sheridan, Philip White Co. 1ST Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Sheridan, Thomas Phillipstown Captain Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Shores, John Burnt Prairie Private Died of Disease 7/11/64 Shores, Reuben Burnt Prairie Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Simpson, John White Co. Private Mustered Out 6/16/65 Simpson, John M White Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith, Charles J. Philllipstown Private Disability 6/16/63 Smith, George White Co. Corporal Absent, sick Smith, Hugh White Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith, Joseph H. White Co. Sergeant Mustered Out 6/16/65 Smith, Thomas Albion Private Deserted 3/1/63 Stallings, Wiley White Co. Private Disability 12/18/64 Stewart, George M. White Co. Corporal Died of Disease 1/4/63 Tanquary, Jacob R. White Co. Sergeant Disability 8/7/63 Tennison, William G. Burnt Prairie Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Tranum, Harvey White Co. Private Disability 7/24/64 Tucker, Charles W. White Co. Private Died of Disease 3/16/63 Tucker, Suel Phillipstown Musician Wounded Discharged 6/19/63 Vaught, James T. White Co. 1ST LT. Mustered Out 6/16/65 Vaught, Martin Phillipstown Captain Resigned 3/10/64 White, Isaac White Co. Private Died of Disease 1/5/63 Whiting, William P White Co. Corporal Transferred to Inv. Corps Whitting, William White Co. Private Transferred Inv. Corps Williams, John White Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Wilson, Newton Burnt Prairie Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf. Wilson, Reuben Fairfield Private Captured Transferred to 18TH Ill Wright, Benjamin White Co. Private Captured Mustered Out 6/16/65 Wright, James Burnt Prairie Private Captured Transferred to 18TH Ill Wilson, William Cleveland Oh. Private Transferred to Inv. Corps Young, William M. Burnt Prairie Private Transferred to 18TH Ill Inf.</p><p>32 Unknown Company</p><p>Allison, Samuel Wabash Private Died of Disease 3/13/64 Bailey, Robert Leyden Private Unknown Baker, Abram Wabash Rejected Bennett, Moses Carmi Private Died of Disease 5/13/64 Berry, Thomas H. Albion Private Deserted Daniel, Samuel Burnt Prairie Private Died of Disease 3/19/64 Daniel, Zacheus Burnt Prairie Private Died of Disease 3/28/64 Fobar, Sylvester Carmi Private Transferred to 14TH Ill Caverly Harrison, Humphrey McLeansboro Private Rejected, Died 4/26/64 Herel, John Grayville Private Died of Disease 4/6/64 Meadows, Jacob Grayville Rejected Miles, John C. Leyden Private Unknown Murphy, William H Burnt Prairie Private Died 4/27/64 McCullough, Zachariah Burnt Prairie Private Died of Disease 3/21/64 McKibber, Luther E Albion Private Died of Disease 4/1/64 Nelson, James R. Grayville Private Died 3/28/64 Pettingrew, William M. Grayville Private Unknown Reed, George A. Grayville Private Discharged 7/2/64 Reed, James W. Olney Private Discharged 7/4/64 Reed, William A. Olney Private Discharged 5/24/64 White, Thomas H.B. Mt. Erie Rejected</p><p>33 REGIMENTAL BATTLE FLAGS</p><p>The 87th Illinois regimental battle Flag and National Flag are stored at Springfield Illinois, Illinois State Military Museum, in a glass case. The national flag is in poor condition with the inscribing of the regimental battles difficult to read. The inscriptions on this flag are VICKSBURG, JACKSON, WILSON HILL, MANSFIELD, PLEASANT HILL, CANE RIVER (?), 87th REGT. ILLs, UNREADABLE, BAYOU LETSWORTH. The national flag is made of bunting, thirty-six feet fly and twenty feet hoist. Based on the position of the stars. The eagle and scroll under the eagle, the 87th regimental battle flag is characteristic of those manufactured for the New York depot. During the Civil War, it was considered a great honor to carry the regimental flags. Both sides during battle would target their fire at officers and flag bearers. When the regimental became disorganized or in difficult positions, the cry of “rally around the flag boys” would be hear, with the soldiers joining up on the flag position. It is almost painful to think of these flags, which were carried with so much honor and pride, being in the condition that they area and almost forgotten. </p><p>34 REGIMENTAL BATTLE DEATHS AND DEATHS FROM WOUNDS</p><p>James B Bridwell Sergeant B Company April 17, 1864 Grayville George Burkhard Private F Company June 6, 1864 White Co. Robert H. Cary Private A Company April 7, 1864 Hamilton Co. William F. Draper Private G Company April 7, 1864 White Co. Riley C. Durham Private E Company September 16, 1864 Saline Co. William R, Echols Private A Company February 12, 1865 Hamilton Co. John Graham 2nd LT G Company May 9, 1864 White Co. Frederick Harrison Musician H Company May 10, 1865 Edwards Co. James T. Heathfield Private H Company September 16, 1864 Albion Robert Lindsay Private B Company July 21, 1864 Grayville Martin Miller Private F Company October 14, 1864 White Co, John Pritchett Private F.Company April 30, 1864 Hamilton Co. Samuel F. Smith Private G Company April 7, 1864 White Co. Samuel S. Smith Private G Company April 7, 1864 Enfield Charles Swover Private A Company February 10. 1865 Hamilton Co. </p><p>35 Deaths form Disease and Accidents</p><p>August 1862 0 September 1862 XX 2 October 1862 X 1 November 1862 X 1 December 1862 XXX 3 January 1863 XXX 3 February 1863 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 23 March 1863 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 29 April 1863 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 14 May 1863 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 14 June 1863 XXXXXX 6 July 1863 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 23 August 1863 XXXXXXXXXXXX 12 September 1863 XXXXXXXXX 9 October 1863 XXXXXXXXXX 10 November 1863 XXXX 4 December 1863 XXXXXX 6 January 1864 XXXXXXXX 8 February 1864 0 March 1864 XXXXX 5 April 1864 XXXX 4 May 1864 XXX 3 June 1864 X 1 July 1864 XXX 3 August 1864 X 1 September 1864 X 1 October 1864 XX 2 November 1864 XXXXX 5 December 1864 XX 2 January 1865 X 1 February 1865 0 March 1865 X 1 April 1865 X 1 May 1865 XXX 4</p><p>Unknown dates of deaths from disease or accidents 6 </p><p>36 TH 87 PERSONNEL WHO WERE WOUNDED</p><p>Terry Anderson White County Private G Company James B Bridwell Grayville Sergeant B Company George Burkhard White County Private F Company Jeremian M. Cremer Wayne County Private D Company William R. Echols Hamilton County Private A Company Joshua G. Foster White County Private G Company Harrison Frazier Wayne County Private D Company John Graham White County 2nd LT G Company Frederick Harrison Edwards County Musician H Company James Little White County Private G Company Henry McKnight White County Private F Company Martin Miller White County Private F Company John Pritchett Hamilton County Private A Company Suel Tucker Phillipstown Musician K Company</p><p>Note: The soldiers reported as wounded by official records appear to under represent the actual number of individuals wounded. Oliver C. Sallions, Oliver Hughes John M. Simpson, and Henry McMicken are cited by other sources as to been wounded. Captain Willis reported 31 members of the 87TH regiment captured, however official reports show a lower number. Official reports do not show that LT. Sheridan was captured, which other records do.</p><p>37</p><p>WHITE COUNTY CASUSALITIES DURING THE CIVIL WAR</p><p>Burnt Prairie Carmi Enfield Grayville Phillisptown White County Total</p><p>Solders 76 474 44 242 41 773 1650</p><p>Killed Mortally 1 19 1 14 0 13 48 Wounded</p><p>Died POW 0 5 0 0 0 2 7 </p><p>Died of Disease 16 49 10 27 2 167 271 </p><p>Disabled 5 48 11 30 2 107 203</p><p>Deserted 1 8 0 10 0 31 50</p><p>Discharged 11 26 1 16 5 43 102 </p><p>Mustered Out 22 227 16 120 15 318 718</p><p>Notes: All personnel, who died as Prisoners of War, from the White County area, died at Andersonville, Georgia. Towns/county listed above are from the records of enlistment as to home of record. White County listings do not include the towns in the area, only persons who listed White County as their home of record. The numbers do not reflect individuals absent from final muster out, i.e. transfers, sick, on detached duty. Source is Dyer’s Regimental History of the Civil War. </p><p>White County civil war soldiers served primarily in the following units: 1St Illinois Cavalry Regiment, I Company 7TH Illinois Cavalry Regiment E Company 8TH Illinois Cavalry Regiment C Company 14TH Illinois Cavalry Regiment H Company 26TH Illinois Infantry Regiment G Company 29TH Illinois Infantry Regiment B, D, and G Companies 40TH Illinois Infantry Regiment C Company 48TH Illinois Infantry Regiment H Company 56TH Illinois Infantry Regiment B Company 56TH Illinois Infantry Regiment D Company 62ND Illinois Infantry Regiment D Company 87TH Illinois Infantry Regiment B, C, F, G, I, and K Companies 98TH Illinois Infantry Regiment F Company 120TH Illinois Infantry Regiment H Company</p><p>38 REGIMENTAL ASSESSMENT</p><p>The 87th regiment was somewhat typical of those regiments recruited after the first year and involved with the western armies. The low levels of personnel killed in action or mortally wounded 1.5% shows a regiment, which was not in heavy action. The average percentage of Illinois regiments personnel killed in action or mortally wounded during the civil war was 3.8%. The numbers of personnel of the 87TH regiment who died from disease or accident ( 21%) is at the very high end of typical regiments. The average for all Illinois regiments (death from disease or accident) was 8.6%. . As for the combat ability of this regiment, there is not enough information to determine their ability. However the information that is available, after July 4, 1863, shows a regiment that is well trained and very disciplined. Their performance on both the 7th, 8th, and 9th of April 1864 was outstanding. Their ability to maintain combat formations during the rout of General Banks forces coupled with their very low percentage of desertions shows either a very well lead regiment or a strong bond of honor in the ranks; or both. The 87th regiment assignments (i.e. unloading boats during the siege of Vicksburg and numerous guard duties assignments) and lack of promotions to field grade or higher positions of their officers does not support the view that the regiment was viewed in high respect by their superiors. This view is supported by the order given by Washington D.C. headquarters regarding the “mutiny” in Shawneetown. In reviewing the history of the regiment many questions remain about the early quality of its’ leadership. Eight of the original 10 captains in charges of the companies resigned their commissions. Additionally, one must question why the commanding officer of the regiment (Colonel Whiting) was behind the lines with ½ of his regiment unloading boats while his second in command (LT. Colonel Crebs) was at the front lines of Vicksburg. Office records and reports tend to support the view that Colonel Crebs was a competent military officer, if not above average. He appears to performed his duties (in “back water areas”) in professional manner. His performance during the regiment’s 1864 engagements was impressive. Promotions during the Civil war of field grade officers where based upon three factors: a sponsor with influence, a respected senior officer who view them with military favor, and professional performance. With the first two areas Colonel Crebs appears to be lacking. One has to ask themselves what would have happen if the 87th had been fully tested in combat such as the 20th Maine regiment was on the extreme left flank of the Union position on July 2, 1863 at Little Round Top. This researcher opinion is that with Colonel Creb’s in command the regiment would have performed in a professional manner, bringing credit upon themselves and their home.</p><p>39 References:</p><p>Adjutant General’s Report Illinois Volume 5 dated 1901 White County Democrat Volume 55 Number 34 dated March 7, 1912 Letters of the 87TH Illinois Volunteer Infantry 1863-1867 by Dr. Daniel Berry copied by Harriet B. Vaught History of White County, Illinois: White County Historical Society 1997 History of Gallatin, Saline, Hamilton, Franklin and Williamson Counties Illinois 1887 Historical Data Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 196 Kingston, MA 02364 A Short History of Camp Ford http://www.gower.net/Community/campford/history.htm http://www.sos.state.il.us/cgi-bin/civilwar?+87+inf The History of First Bank http://www.fncarmi.com/history 1.htm CWSAC Battle Summaries http:www2.cr.nps.gov/abpp/battles/la021.htm The Civil War Archive http://civilwararchive.com/Unreghst/unlacav.htm Civil War Flags of Illinois http://www.civil-war.com/script/detail.asp Location of Military Events in Mississippi http://www2.msstate.edu/-gam3/cw/events2b.html John Alexander Duncan’s Diary Compendium of the War of Rebellion by Frederic H. Dyer Volumes 1-7, 1-17-2, 1-20, 1-23-1, 1-23-2, 1- 24-2, 1-24-3, 1-26-1,1-26-2, 1-29,1-34-1 1-34-2, 1-34-3, 1-34-4, 1-36, 1-40,1-41-1,1-41-2,1-41-3, 1-41 1- 48-1,1-48-2 1-51 1-52-1, and 3-3 </p><p>40</p>
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