<p> CHRISTMAS EVE WATCHNIGHT 24-12-2008</p><p>Words of welcome LET US PRAY Lord God, tonight we are excited – as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ open our ears to hear your word that we might be blessed with gladness; tonight we are expectant – as we prepare to celebrate the eternal light of Christ shining in the darkness may our eyes be open to your glory that we might be blessed with wonder; tonight we are on tiptoe – as we prepare to receive you again into our lives may our hearts be open to you as your loving arms are open to us that we might be blessed with new birth. Take away the tinsel and the trappings that clutter our lives at this time, take away the lights that dazzle, that we might see Jesus the Light of the World. In his name we pray. AMEN.</p><p>Introit Look away to Bethlehem (v 1)</p><p>Leader: Into our world as into Mary’s womb. . . ALL: COME, LORD JESUS. Leader: Into the forgotten places as into the stable . . . ALL: COME, LORD JESUS. Leader: Into the lives of the poor bringing hope; into the lives of the powerful bringing caution; into the lives of the weary bringing rest; into the lives of the wise bringing restlessness; and into our lives and longings, whatever our estate. . .</p><p>1 | P a g e ALL: COME, LORD JESUS. Leader: This is the good news: Christ is coming, and blessed are those who wait on the Lord. ALL: THEREFORE COME QUICKLY, LORD. Leader: Let us worship God!</p><p>Hymn 304 O little town of Bethlehem (During which Mary and Joseph enter the church to take their place on the chancel)</p><p>Reading Lesson - Luke 2 : 1 – 7</p><p>Mary - What a journey! There was to be no donkey and especially not a ‘little’ donkey. Eight and a half months pregnant. I couldn’t swing my leg over its back and if I had sat side saddle I would probably have toppled off! Joseph couldn’t afford a camel so it was shank’s pony for me – I walked . . . eighty miles . . . eighty pregnant miles to register to pay a tax!</p><p>Joseph - What a journey! We had our life planned out together – get engaged . . . get married . . . have a family. Then the bomb shell – Mary was expecting! You can imagine what I had to say about that . . . well, that was until that dream. What a journey we have had and what a journey lies ahead – we know that it won’t be easy but I know its going to be OK because I somehow sense that God is with us in a special way.</p><p>Hymn 305 In the bleak midwinter (omit verse 3) (During which a Shepherd enters the church to take his place on the chancel)</p><p>2 | P a g e Reading Lesson - Luke 2 : 8 – 15</p><p>Shepherd - What a journey! Mr Cohen found it hard to believe when I told him – well, I had to explain why I had left the sheep high and dry on the hillsides. Who knows where they got to but Goldberg the butcher was doing a special on lamb not long afterwards. What else could I do? What would you have done? There were noises in the sky . . . musical noises, and we had to go to the village and see this sign that the angels were talking about! No, we weren’t drunk although I could have done with some dutch courage to go down to the village – being a shepherd isn’t romantic in this day and age – its hard work and folk don’t often understand us – in fact, we are often mistrusted. But we went, walking on air we were – shepherds, the first to be told the wonderful news. What a journey, a journey that changed my life and for once in my life made me feel important!</p><p>Hymn 313 See! in yonder manger low</p><p>Reading Lesson - Matthew 2 : 1 – 2; 7 – 12</p><p>Wise Man - What a journey! My journey started a long, long time ago when I was a boy. I always had a fascination with the stars which has grown as I</p><p>3 | P a g e have grown both in years and in wisdom. And, like many other astrologers, I tried to predict what life had in store for me and my own family by looking at and studying the stars. Would I be rich? Would I be powerful? Would I be one to whom many would turn for wise words of counsel? Well, I got my riches and my power and my status but I still kept looking to the skies looking for . . . I just don’t know what I was looking for! And then a star appeared, the like I had never seen before. And who’d have thought that it would have led me here – I know that all that I have amassed in life is nothing in comparison to what I have found here – at the end of the day it is love that is important – I have seen the very love of God smiling out at me from that young child. I journey back as quite a different man!</p><p>Hymn 316 Love came down at Christmas</p><p>What a journey!!! Have you ever thought that after a journey? It’s an expression we can use when the journey has been exciting and everything has gone to plan We can also use it when it has been a journey and half – a journey that has taken us to the most unexpected and sometimes most unwelcome of places – the times when we are in danger of losing control. I like to play it safe on any journey – that’s why I have an aversion to air travel, roller coasters and waltzers – be it on a plane, a roller coaster or a waltzer one is never really in control and I just don’t like that. On the whole most of us like to be in control of our lives and what is happening to us.</p><p>4 | P a g e And that is certainly true about life. What a journey we experience at times – all of us have known the exhilaration of exciting times, and the fearful moments when things have not got well or the way we expected – when in work and in relationships we have been let down. The accounts surrounding the birth of Jesus take us on a journey where we see others whose lives took unexpected turns as the Son of God touched their lives in so many ways? There might not be many shepherds here tonight, nor pregnant women, nor even wise men – well, there might be a few wife folk here tonight – I’m just not going to ask for a show of hands. But there will be people like Mary and Joseph, uncertain about what the future holds for you and your families; people like the Shepherd, feeling alone and shunned by others; people like the Wise Man, still searching, searching for meaning, searching for answers to questions and solutions to doubts, searching for God in the chaos, searching for light in the darkness. Whoever we are and whatever our journey so far we have a friend and companion, a strength and a helper, one who understands what’s happening in our heart of hearts and this friend has embarked on the most daring of journeys ever imaginable – he left the glory of heaven and entered in the world in the darkest and dampest of places in the least known of the cities of Judea. He’s not even met us halfway – he meets us where we are, be it the depths well all is well and we are laughing and life is good, or the depths when its hard and we are crying and life is awful.</p><p>5 | P a g e Come to him as you are tonight with no pretence and share with him what is holding you back, offer it to him and receive instead light for your darkness and peace in your troubles.</p><p>Pause . . .</p><p>On this night of the year, a voice is speaking – can we hear it?</p><p>‘I know the cares and the anxious thoughts of your hearts. I know the hard time you often give yourselves. I know the hopes and ambitions that you have for yourselves and others. I know your doubts, too – even while you seek to express your belief.</p><p>On this night, God has found a way of saying to you:</p><p>You are deeply, deeply loved, just as you are, forgiven, loved and challenged to be the very best you can be. So I’m speaking to you in the only way I know how – from a stable, in a child born into poverty, soon to grow to maturity, born to show you, in a human life, my love, the love of God.</p><p>Come, Light of life, lighten the darkness in our lives with your mighty word of love.</p><p>Hymn 309 Still the night (during which the centre candle is lit)</p><p>6 | P a g e We embrace another Christmas Day and each other in the peace of Christ. May his peace, that lightens the soul with faith, lifts the spirit with hope, and leavens the world with love, be yours tonight and always.</p><p>Let us celebrate God with us in Jesus. Merry Christmas to you all.</p><p>Hymn Ding dong! Merrily on high</p><p>Offering</p><p>LET US PRAY Bright Holy God, You come among us. You fill us with wonder. You welcome our stories and our prayers . . . We pray tonight for peace, peace, places where there is anger and war and fear . . . We pray for peacemakers and peacekeepers, for rulers, for politicians, for fighters, for older people and children . . . for all who are caught up in conflict, in bitterness and in danger. We bring before you especially the children, staff and friends of Tabeetha School in Israel . . . God in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray this night for travellers . . . for those who are travelling home for Christmas . . . for those who are travelling because they have no place, no shelter they can call their own . . . for those whose home is on the road. God in your mercy, hear our prayer.</p><p>7 | P a g e We pray for ourselves, for our needs, for our needs, for our worries, for our hopes and our dreams . . . in the silence of this h our we bring them before you. Time of silence . . . Emmanuel, God with us, heaven come down to earth, help us tonight to listen to the angels and not be afraid of you, of your weakness or your glory. Come, Holy helpless Jesus. Come into our lives with joy. AMEN. Hymn 306 O come, all ye faithful BENEDICTION – Rock us, rock us gently, rock us gently in love, Cradle us, cradle us tenderly, cradle us with love, Swaddle us, swaddle us gently, swaddle us with love, Bless us, bless us kindly, bless us with love. And the blessing . . .</p><p>Recessional - CH4 321 Chorus, v 2, Chorus</p><p>8 | P a g e CHRISTMAS EVE WATCHNIGHT 24-12-2008 Words of welcome</p><p>9 | P a g e Prayer Introit Look away to Bethlehem Leader: Into our world as into Mary’s womb. . . ALL: COME, LORD JESUS. Leader: Into the forgotten places as into the stable . . . ALL: COME, LORD JESUS. Leader: Into the lives of the poor bringing hope; into the lives of the powerful bringing caution; into the lives of the weary bringing rest; into the lives of the wise bringing restlessness; and into our lives and longings, whatever our estate. . . ALL: COME, LORD JESUS. Leader: This is the good news: Christ is coming, and blessed are those who wait on the Lord. ALL: THEREFORE COME QUICKLY, LORD. Leader: Let us worship God! Hymn 304 O little town of Bethlehem Reading Lesson - Luke 2 : 1 – 7 What a Journey – Part 1 Hymn 305 In the bleak midwinter (omit verse 3) Reading Lesson - Luke 2 : 8 – 15 What a Journey – Part 2 Hymn 313 See! in yonder manger low Reading Lesson - Matthew 2 : 1 – 2; 7 – 12 What a Journey – Part 3 Hymn 316 Love came down at Christmas What a journey!!! Hymn 309 Still the night (during which the centre candle is lit)</p><p>Hymn Ding dong! Merrily on high Offering</p><p>10 | P a g e Prayers of Intercession Hymn 306 O come, all ye faithful BENEDICTION </p><p>Recessional - CH4 321 Chorus, v 2, Chorus</p><p>CHRISTMAS EVE WATCHNIGHT 24-12-2008</p><p>Words of welcome 11 | P a g e Opening Prayer Introit Look away to Bethlehem (v 1) Call to WOrship Hymn 304 O little town of Bethlehem (During which Mary and Joseph enter the church to take their place on the chancel)</p><p>Reading Lesson - Luke 2 : 1 – 7</p><p>Mary - What a journey! There was to be no donkey and especially not a ‘little’ donkey. Eight and a half months pregnant. I couldn’t swing my leg over its back and if I had sat side saddle I would probably have toppled off! Joseph couldn’t afford a camel so it was shank’s pony for me – I walked . . . eighty miles . . . eighty pregnant miles to register to pay a tax!</p><p>Joseph - What a journey! We had our life planned out together – get engaged . . . get married . . . have a family. Then the bomb shell – Mary was expecting! You can imagine what I had to say about that . . . well, that was until that dream. What a journey we have had and what a journey lies ahead – we know that it won’t be easy but I know its going to be OK because I somehow sense that God is with us in a special way.</p><p>Hymn 305 In the bleak midwinter (omit verse 3) (During which a Shepherd enters the church to take his place on the chancel)</p><p>Reading Lesson - Luke 2 : 8 – 15</p><p>Shepherd - What a journey!</p><p>12 | P a g e Mr Cohen found it hard to believe when I told him – well, I had to explain why I had left the sheep high and dry on the hillsides. Who knows where they got to but Goldberg the butcher was doing a special on lamb not long afterwards. What else could I do? What would you have done? There were noises in the sky . . . musical noises, and we had to go to the village and see this sign that the angels were talking about! No, we weren’t drunk although I could have done with some dutch courage to go down to the village – being a shepherd isn’t romantic in this day and age – its hard work and folk don’t often understand us – in fact, we are often mistrusted. But we went, walking on air we were – shepherds, the first to be told the wonderful news. What a journey, a journey that changed my life and for once in my life made me feel important!</p><p>Hymn 313 See! in yonder manger low</p><p>Reading Lesson - Matthew 2 : 1 – 2; 7 – 12</p><p>Wise Man - What a journey!</p><p>13 | P a g e My journey started a long, long time ago when I was a boy. I always had a fascination with the stars which has grown as I have grown both in years and in wisdom. And, like many other astrologers, I tried to predict what life had in store for me and my own family by looking at and studying the stars. Would I be rich? Would I be powerful? Would I be one to whom many would turn for wise words of counsel? Well, I got my riches and my power and my status but I still kept looking to the skies looking for . . . I just don’t know what I was looking for! And then a star appeared, the like I had never seen before. And who’d have thought that it would have led me here – I know that all that I have amassed in life is nothing in comparison to what I have found here – at the end of the day it is love that is important – I have seen the very love of God smiling out at me from that young child. I journey back as quite a different man!</p><p>Hymn 316 Love came down at Christmas</p><p>REFLECTION</p><p>Hymn 309 Still the night (during which the centre candle is lit)</p><p>Hymn Ding dong! Merrily on high</p><p>Offering</p><p>Prayers Hymn 306 O come, all ye faithful BENEDICTION – Rock us, rock us gently, rock us gently in love, Cradle us, cradle us tenderly, cradle us with love,</p><p>14 | P a g e Swaddle us, swaddle us gently, swaddle us with love, Bless us, bless us kindly, bless us with love. And the blessing . . .</p><p>Recessional - CH4 321 Chorus, v 2, Chorus</p><p>15 | P a g e CHRISTMAS EVE WATCHNIGHT 24-12-2008 Words of welcome Prayer Introit Look away to Bethlehem Leader: Into our world as into Mary’s womb. . . ALL: COME, LORD JESUS. Leader: Into the forgotten places as into the stable . . . ALL: COME, LORD JESUS. Leader: Into the lives of the poor bringing hope; into the lives of the powerful bringing caution; into the lives of the weary bringing rest; into the lives of the wise bringing restlessness; and into our lives and longings, whatever our estate. . . ALL: COME, LORD JESUS. Leader: This is the good news: Christ is coming, and blessed are those who wait on the Lord. ALL: THEREFORE COME QUICKLY, LORD. Leader: Let us worship God! Hymn 304 O little town of Bethlehem Reading Lesson - Luke 2 : 1 – 7 What a Journey – Part 1 Hymn 305 In the bleak midwinter (omit verse 3) Reading Lesson - Luke 2 : 8 – 15 What a Journey – Part 2 Hymn 313 See! in yonder manger low Reading Lesson - Matthew 2 : 1 – 2; 7 – 12 What a Journey – Part 3 Hymn 316 Love came down at Christmas What a journey!!! Hymn 309 Still the night (during which the centre candle is lit)</p><p>16 | P a g e Hymn Ding dong! Merrily on high Offering Prayers of Intercession Hymn 306 O come, all ye faithful BENEDICTION </p><p>Recessional - CH4 321 Chorus, v 2, Chorus</p><p>17 | P a g e</p>
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