The Meditation and Recitation of Amitabha called Uniting with the Pure Land of Sukhavati Land of Pure Uniting with the Recitation of Amitabha called Meditation and The ALTRUISTIC MOTIVATION DHAG-LA DANG-WAR JYE-PAY DRA/ NO-PAR JYE-PAY GEG/ THAR-PA DANG THAM-CHE KHYEN-PAY BAR-DU CHO-PAR All mother sentient beings, especially those enemies who hate me, obstructors who harm me, and those who 1 JYE-PA TAM-CHE KYI TSO JYE-PAY/ MA NAM KHA DANG NYAM-PAY SEM-CHEN TAM-CHE DEWA DANG-DEN/ create obstacles on my path to liberation and all-knowingness; may they experience happiness, DHUG-NYAL DANG DREL NYUR-DU LA-NA ME-PA YANG DAG-PAR DZOG-PAY JYANG-CHUB RINPOCHE THOB-PAR-JYA/ and be separated from suffering. I will quickly establish them in the state of the most perfect and precious Buddhahood. (repeat 3 times) The Meditation and Recitation of Amitabha called Uniting with the Pure Land of Sukhavati Land of Pure Uniting with the Recitation of Amitabha called Meditation and The ACTION BODHICITTA PRAYER DEI CHE-DU SANG MA-GYE KYI BARDU LU-NGAG YI-SUM GEWA-LA KOL/ Thus until I achieve enlightenment, I perform virtuous deeds with body, speech and mind. 2 MA-SHEI BARDU LU NGAG YI-SUM GEWA-LA KOL/ Until death, I perform virtuous deeds with body, speech and mind. DU DE-RING-NE SUNG-TE NYI- MA SANG DA TSAM-GYI BARDU LU NGAG YI-SUM GEWA-LA KOL/ From now, until this time tomorrow, I perform virtuous deeds with body, speech and mind. The Meditation and Recitation of Amitabha called Uniting with the Pure Land of Sukhavati Land of Pure Uniting with the Recitation of Amitabha called Meditation and The REFUGE AND BODHICITTA SANG-GYAY CHO DANG TSOG KYI CHOG NAM LA/ CHANG CHUB BARDU DAG-NI KYAP-SU CHI/ In the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha most excellent, I take refuge until enlightenment is reached. 3 DAG-GI JYIN-SOK GYI PAY SO-NAM KYI/ DRO-LA PEN-CHIR SANG-GYAY DRUB-PAR SHOG/ By the merits of generosity and other good deeds, may I attain Buddhahood for the sake of all sentient beings. (repeat 3 times) The Meditation and Recitation of Amitabha called Uniting with the Pure Land of Sukhavati Land of Pure Uniting with the Recitation of Amitabha called Meditation and The THE FOUR IMMEASURABLES MA NAM-KHA DANG NYAM-PAY SEM-CHEN TAM-CHAY DE-WA DANG DE-WAY GYU-DANG DEN-PAR GYUR CHIK/ May all mother sentient beings, boundless as the sky, have happiness and the causes of the happiness. 4 DUG-NGAL DANG DUG-NGAL GYI GYU DANG DRAL-WAR GYUR CHIK/ DUG-NGAL ME-PAY DE-WA DANG MI DRAL-WAR GYUR CHIK/ May they be liberated from suffering and the causes of suffering. May they never be separated from the happiness, which is free from sorrow. NYE-RING CHAK-DANG NYI-DANG DRAL-WAY TANG NYOM-LA NE-PAR GYU CHIK/ May they rest in equanimity, free from attachment and aversion. (repeat 3 times) DORJE CHANG WANG The Meditation and Recitation of Amitabha called Uniting with the Pure Land of Sukhavati Land of Pure Uniting with the Recitation of Amitabha called Meditation and The Dor JE CHANG wang ti LE na ro dang/ Mar ME dag po pag dru Jig ten gon/ I beseech the great Vajradhara, Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa, Milarepa, Gampopa, Phagmodrupa, Lord Jigten Sumgoen, KA Drin sum DEN tsa WÜ LamE Shab/ tsa gyur la ma YI dam cho sung la/ Sol wa deb so dag JU JEN Gyi Lob/ at the feet of the Root Guru, who possesses the three ways of kindness and all the Root Gurus and spiritual masters of the lineage, the Yidams and Dharma protectors: May your marvelous blessings permeate my mind. Supplication to THE GURU 5 ma chÖ rang rig chÖ ku ngÖN du gyur / mig me tse chen dro kham yong la khyab You have realized the uncontrived self-aware Dharmakaya. Your unconditioned great love pervades all beings and realms. TSHE ME THRIN LE DÜL JE KHAM ZHIN JUG / NGE DÖN TEN PE NYI MAR SÖL WA DEB With your immeasurable enlightened activity you guide those to be tamed according to their inclinations. I supplicate you, the sun of the teachings of the absolute truth. Repeat these blessed words spoken by Adeu Rinpoche three or seven times. The Meditation and Recitation of Amitabha called Uniting with the Pure Land of Sukhavati Land of Pure Uniting with the Recitation of Amitabha called Meditation and The SHORT MANDALA OFFERING SA SHI PO CHU JYUG SHING ME TOG TRAM/ RI RAB LING SHI NYI DAY GYEN PA DI/ The ground is sprinkled with scented water and strewn with flowers. It is adorned with Meru, the supreme mountain, 6 the four continents, and the sun and moon. SANG-GYE SHING LA MIG TE PHUL WA YI/ DRO KUN NAM DAG SHING DU KYE WAR SHOG/ As a Buddhafield, I offer it. May all sentient beings attain the happiness of the Buddhafields. The Meditation and Recitation of Amitabha called Uniting with the Pure Land of Sukhavati Land of Pure Uniting with the Recitation of Amitabha called Meditation and The REQUESTING THE TURNING OF page 7: THE WHEEL OF DHARMA page 7: ?J3?- &/- i3?- GA- 2?3- 0- .%- , ]R- ;A- LJ.- V$- )A- v<- 2, SEM CHEN NAM GYI SAM PA DANG/ LO WEI JI DAG JI TA WA/ ?J3?- &/- i3?- GA- 2?3- 0- .%- , ]R- ;A- LJ.- V$- )A- v<- 2, 7 Please turn the Wheel of the Dharma. Of the greater, lesser and ordinary vehicles, (J- (%- ,/- 3R%- ,J$- 0- ;A, (R?- GA- :#R<- =R- {R<- .- $?R=, (J- (%- ,/- 3R%- ,J$- 0- ;A, (R?- GA- :#R<- =R- {R<- .- $?R=, sem chen nam kyi sam pa dang / lo yi je drag ji tar wa / che chung thun mong theg pa yi / cho kyi CHE CHUNG THUN MONG THIG PA WEI/ CHOE KYI KHOR LO KOR DU SOL/ khor lo kor du sol In accordancesem with chen the namunderstanding, kyi sam pa and dang different / lo yi jemental drag capacitiesji tar wa /of che sentient chung beings. thun mong theg pa yi / cho kyi khor lo kor du sol p. 34-35: p. 34-35: KR$?- 2&- o=- 2- 2.$- &$- .$R%?, 5S$?- $*A?- mR$?- =- eJ?- ;A- <%- , 2.$- $A- .?- KR$?- 2&- o=- 2- 2.$- &$- .$R%?, 5S$?- $*A?- mR$?- =- eJ?- ;A- <%- , 2.$- $A- .?- $?3- .$J- 2?$?- 0, .!R/- 3(R$- $?3- =- 3(R.- 0- :2=, $?3- .$J- 2?$?- 0, .!R/- 3(R$- $?3- =- 3(R.- 0- :2=, chog chu gyal wa dag chag gong / tsog nyi dzog la je yi rang / dag gi du sum ge sag pa / kon chog sum la cho pa bul chog chu gyal wa dag chag gong / tsog nyi dzog la je yi rang / dag gi du sum ge sag pa / kon chog sum la cho pa bul o=- 2:A- 2!/- 0- :1J=- :I<- &A$ .$J- 2- ?J3?- &/- !/- =- 2}R, :PR- !/- ?%?- o?- ,R2- o=- 2:A- 2!/- 0- :1J=- :I<- &A$ .$J- 2- ?J3?- &/- !/- =- 2}R, :PR- !/- ?%?- o?- ,R2- :I<- &A$ .$J- l- ,3?- &.- $&A$-:.- .J, :I<- &A$ .$J- l- ,3?- &.- $&A$-:.- .J, gyal wei ten pa phel gyur chig / ge wa sem chen kun la ngo / dro kun sang gye thob gyur chig / ge tsa tham che chig du de gyal wei ten pa phel gyur chig / ge wa sem chen kun la ngo / dro kun sang gye thob gyur chig / ge tsa tham che chig du de 2.$- $A- o.- =- (A/- :I<- &A$ 1A2- $*A?- .$- /?- 5S$?- mR$?- +J, 5K- <A%- /.- 3J.- *3?- 2.$- $A- o.- =- (A/- :I<- &A$ 1A2- $*A?- .$- /?- 5S$?- mR$?- +J, 5K- <A%- /.- 3J.- *3?- gR$?- :1J=, 5K- :.A<- ?- 2&- 3%R/- I<- &A$ gR$?- :1J=, 5K- :.A<- ?- 2&- 3%R/- I<- &A$ ! 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The Meditation and Recitation of Amitabha called Uniting with the Pure Land of Sukhavati Land of Pure Uniting with the Recitation of Amitabha called Meditation and The 8 Buddha Amitabha His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche :.- .0$- 3.- G- |3- 2!?- 2.- (/- 8%- .<- 8?- L- 2- 28$?- ? #,#, :R.R - .0$- 3J.J - GA-A |R3R - 2!?- 2.J-J (J/J - 8A%A - .R<R - 8J?J - L- 2- 28$?- ?R,R, :.- .0$- 3.- G- |3- 2!?- 2.- (/- 8!"#$%&'()*+,-*./$-*0%(1*23*4/5,%- .<- 8?- L- 2- 28$?- ? 67%+'* #, R:.- .0$-J 3.-A G-R |3- 2!?-* 2.J -J (/!"#$%&'()*+,-*./$-*0%(1*23*4/5,-A 8%-R .<-J 8?- L- 2- 28$?-R, ? 67%+'* #, R J A R * J J A R J R, The Meditation and Recitation of Amitabha called Uniting with the Pure Land of Sukhavati Land of Pure Uniting with the Recitation of Amitabha called Meditation and The "#$!%$&'()('*+!)+&!,$-'()('*+!*.!/0'(12#)!-)33$&!!"#$%&'()*+,-*./$-*0%(1*23*4/5,! 67%+'* "#$!%$&'()('*+!)+&!,$-'()('*+!*.!/0'(12#)!-)33$&!* !"#$%&'()*+,-*./$-*0%(1*23*4/5,! 67%+'* ! * "#$!%$&'()('*+!)+&!,$-'()('*+!*.!/0'(12#)!-)33$&!! ! 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