Centre for Migration Studies s1

Centre for Migration Studies s1

<p> CENTRE FOR MIGRATION STUDIES at the Ulster American Folk Park</p><p>BOOKS ADDED TO STOCK: JUNE 2006 List 2</p><p>A3 ALEXANDER, Edward P. Museum Masters: Their Museums and Their Influence: Nashville: The American Association for State and Local History: 1983</p><p>A3 DURBIN, Gail (Ed) Developing Museum Exhibitions for Lifelong Learning. London: The Stationery Office for the Group for Education in Museums: 1996</p><p>A3 ELLIOTT, Peter Managing Archive Collections in Museums. Cambridge: mda: 2002</p><p>A3 LORD, Barry & The Manual of Museum Exhibitions. LORD, Gail Dexter (Eds) Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press: 2002</p><p>A3M DONNELLY, Jessica Foy (Ed) Interpreting Historic House Museums: Walnut Creek: CA: AltaMira Press: 2002</p><p>A3M JOHNSON, Cathy Who Was I? Creating a Living History Persona: U.S.A: Graphics/ Fine Arts Press: 1995.</p><p>A3M KNUDSON, Douglas M. Interpretation of Cultural and Natural CABLE, Ted C. & Resources. State College, PA: BECK, Larry Venture Publishing, Inc: 1995</p><p>A3M LUBAR, Steven & Legacies: Collecting America’s KENDRICK, Kathleen M. History at the Smithsonian. Washington & London: Smithsonian Institution Press in association with the National Museum of American History, Behring Center: 2001</p><p>A3M Mastering Civil Engagement: A Challenge to Museums: Washington D.C: American Association of Museums: 2002</p><p>B6M14 GUPTON, Oscar W. Trees and Shrubs of Virginia: & SWOPE, Fred C. Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia: 1981</p><p>D1M GABACCIA, Donna R. Immigration and American Diversity: A Social and Cultural History. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers: 2002</p><p>D6M DUNNE, Robert Antebellum Irish Immigration and Emerging Ideologies of ‘America’, A Protestant Backlash: Studies in American History, Vol. 41: New York: The Edwin Mellen Press: 2002 D6M35 DRISCOLL, Charles B. Kansas Irish. London & Glasgow: Art & Educational Publishers Ltd: 1946</p><p>D6P1 GAFFNEY, Gertrude Emigration to England: What You Should Know About It: Advice to Irish Girls. Dublin: Independent Newspapers, Ltd: 1937</p><p>D6P6 FRASER, Lyndon to Tara via Holyhead: Irish Catholic Immigrants in Nineteenth-Century Christchurch. Auckland: Auckland University Press: 1997</p><p>D7 BAINS, Rae Indians of the Eastern Woodlands. Mahwah, NJ: Troll Associates: 1985</p><p>D7 LYFORD, C. A Iroquois Crafts: Ontario: Iroqcrafts Ltd.: 1988 (Originally published: Washington D.C: U.S Bureau of Indian Affairs: 1945)</p><p>EM JOHNSON, Cathy Living History: Drawing on the Past: U.S.A: Graphics/ Fine Art Press: 1995</p><p>E2M/5 MAYNARD, W. Barksdale Architecture in the United States, 1800-1850. New Haven & London: Yale University Press: 2002</p><p>E4M/5 MARTINE, Arthur Civil War Etiquette: Martine’s Handbook & Vulgarisms in Conversation: Mendocino: R. L Shep: 1988 </p><p>E7M/4 BERNSTEIN, Aline Masterpieces of Women’s Costumes of the 18th and 19th Centuries. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, Inc: 2001</p><p>E7P1/5 JARVIS, Anthea Liverpool Fashion: Its Makers and Wearers: The Dressmaking Trade in Liverpool 1830-1940. Liverpool: Merseyside County Museums: 1981</p><p>F1M BACTIS, Peter Folklife and Fieldwork, A Layman’s Introduction to Field Techniques: American Folklife Center, No.3: Washington: Library of Congress: 2002</p><p>F1M BRONNER, Simon J Folk Nation, Folklore in the Creation of American Tradition: Wilmington: Scholarly Resources Inc: 2002</p><p>F3 The Eighth Fontana Book of Great Ghost Stories: London and Glasgow; Fontana Books: 1972</p><p>F3M BROWN, Dee Alexander Dee Brown’s Folktales of the Native American. Retold for Our Times. New York: Henry Holt: 1993 (first Owl Book Edition) F11 BACA, Murtha (Ed) Introduction to Art Image Access: Issues, Tools, Standards, Strategies: Los Angeles: The Gerry Research Institute: 2002</p><p>F12M Old Songs and Singing Games. Collected and Edited by Richard Chase. New York: Dover Publications, Inc: 1972 (Originally published Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press: 1938)</p><p>F12R The Flute and Ireland: Our Musical Heritage. Cultra, Co. Down: Ulster Folk & Transport Museum: 1984</p><p>G3M3/5 HASTINGS, Scott & The Vermont Farm Year in 1890. AMES, Geraldine S. Vermont: The Woodstock Foundation, Inc.: 1983.</p><p>HM HEINBUCH, Jean A Quillwork Companion: An Illustrated Guide to Techniques of Porcupine Embroidery: Liberty: Eagle’s View Publishing Company: 1990.</p><p>H5M BLUMER & KUHN Victorian Woodturnings and Woodwork: New Jersey: Astragal Press: 1995</p><p>H6M KELLOGG, Kathy Home Tanning and Leathercraft Simplified. Charlotte, VT: Williamson Publishing Co: [1984]</p><p>H10R Manual of Needlework for the Use of National Schools. Dublin: Alexander Thom: 1869</p><p>H7 BOARD, Rebecca The Handmade Basket Book: London: New Holland Publishers (UK) Ltd: 2002</p><p>H12 BAITY, Elizabeth Chesley Man Is A Weaver. London: George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd: 1947</p><p>J4 GRIFFITHS, Denis Steam at Sea: Two centuries of steam-powered ships. London: Conway Maritime Press: 1997</p><p>J6M/5 BAIN, David Haward Empire Express: Building the First Transcontinental Railroad. New York Viking: 1999</p><p>KM FONER, Eric The Story of American Freedom. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company: 1998</p><p>K10M FISHER, James Terence Communion of Immigrants: A History of Catholics in America. New York: Oxford University Press: 2002 </p><p>K10P4 GWYNN, R.M., NORTON, E.M. “T.C.D.” In China: A History of The & SIMPSON, B. W. Dublin University Fukien Mission 1885-1935. Compiled for the Mission’s Jubilee. Dublin: Church of Ireland Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd: 1936 K10R BLANSHARD, Paul The Irish Catholic Power: An American Interpretation: Boston: The Beacon Press: 1953 </p><p>K10R2 DUNLOP, Eull William Stavely: The Mid-Antrim Historical Group: Newtownabbey: Styletype Printing Ltd: 1993 </p><p>K10R3 GALLAGHER, Rev. Robert H., B.A. Methodism on The Charlemont Circuit. Wesley Historical Society (Irish Branch): 1961</p><p>K13M60 AKENSON, Don The Orangeman: The Life and Times of Ogle Gowan: Toronto: James Lorimer & Company, Publishers: 1986 </p><p>K13RP6 LAUBENSTEIN, William J. The Emerald Whaler. London: Andre Deutsch: 1961</p><p>K14M JORDAN, Winthrop D. White over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 1550-1812. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press for the Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, VA: 1968</p><p>K17P1 FERRAR, Major M. L. Bygone Days. Belfast: R. Carswell and Son: 1924</p><p>L5M BRADY, Joseph In Monavalla. Dublin: Gill and Son: 1963</p><p>L7M KERRIGAN, A. At the Front Door of the Atlantic. Dublin: The Dolmen Press: 1969</p><p>L9M Mr. Dooley: In Peace and in War. London: Grant Richards: 1899</p><p>L13M17 BELL, Earl & The Augusta Chronicle: Indomitable CRABBE, Kenneth Voice of Dixie, 1785-1960: Athens: University of Georgia Press: 1960.</p><p>L15R10 National Trust: Gray’s Printing Press Strabane, Co. Tyrone. National Trust Committee for Northern Ireland: 1967</p><p>M AMBROSE, Stephen E To America, Personal Reflections of an Historian: New York: Simon & Schuster: 2002</p><p>M KENNEDY, Roger G. Rediscovering America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company: 1990</p><p>M LOEWEN, James W. Lies Across America: What Our Historic Sites Get Wrong. New York: The New Press: 1999</p><p>M MARRON, Victor My American Visit. Dublin: Clonmore & Reynolds Ltd: 1951</p><p>M NICHOLS, Roy F. Advance Agents of American Destiny: Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press: 1956 M/4 RYERSON, Richard Alan The Revolution is Now Begun: The Radical Committees of Philadelphia, 1765-1776. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press: 1978</p><p>M/4 SHAW, Peter American Patriots and the Rituals of Revolution: Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press: 1981</p><p>M/5 CATTON, Bruce Never Call Retreat. The Centennial History of the Civil War: Volume Three. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd: 1967</p><p>M/6 CRONIN, Seán Washington’s Irish Policy 1916-1986: Independence Partition Neutrality. Dublin: Anvil Books: 1987</p><p>M7/3 HACKETT, David G. The Rude Hand of Innovation: Religion and Social Order in Albany, New York 1652-1836. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press: 1991</p><p>M8/4 GERRARD, Lewis H. Chambersburg in the Colony and the Revolution: A Sketch: The Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia: J. B Lippincott and Co: 1856</p><p>M8/4 HARPSTER, John W, (ed) Crossroads, Descriptions of Western Pennsylvania, 1720- 1829: Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press: 1938</p><p>M8/4 HAVENS, Paul Swain Chambersburg, Frontier Town, 1730- 1794: A Bicentennial Narrative of the Origin and Growth of Chambersburg and Franklin County in Pennsylvania. Printed Chambersburg, PA: The Craft Press, Inc: 1975</p><p>M8/4 NASH, Gary B. First City: Philadelphia and the Forging of Historical Memory. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press: 2002</p><p>M14/4 JEFFERSON, Thomas Notes on The State of Virginia. New York & London: W.W. Norton & Company: 1972</p><p>M16/4 LAMBERT, Robert Stansbury South Carolina Loyalists in the American Revolution; Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina: 1987</p><p>M17/4 JACKSON, Harvey H & Forty Years of Diversity: Essays on SPALDING, Phinizy (ed) Colonial Georgia: Wormsloe Foundation Publications, No. 16: Athens: The University of Georgia Press: 1984 M17/5 MCKINLEY, Archibald C. The Journal of Archibald C McKinley: Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia Press: 1991 </p><p>M34 BARBOUR, Barton H. Fort Union and the Upper Missouri Fur Trade: Norman: University of Oklahoma Press: 2001 </p><p>P KANDZIA, Christian ‘Klein-Italian’ in Luxembourg: Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations humaines und Autoren: 2001</p><p>P6/6 FRASER, George Ungrateful People: Whatamongo Bay, Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand: Cape Catley: 1985.</p><p>P1/3 WILSON, Charles England’s Apprenticeship 1603-1763. London: Longmans: 1965</p><p>RM/3 CARROLL, F. M. (Ed) The American Commission on Irish Independence 1919: The Diary, Correspondence and Report. Dublin: Irish Manuscripts Commission: 1985</p><p>R2 DUNLOP, Eull Ahoghill: Part One: Buick’s Ahoghill. Ballymena: Mid-Antrim Historical Group: 1987</p><p>R2 DUNLOP, Eull Ahoghill: Part Two: Ahoghill Folk. Photographs of people of the Fourtowns and round about, mostly from the Stevenson Collection. Ballymena: Mid-Antrim Historical Group: 1989</p><p>R2 DUNLOP, Eull Ahoghill: Part Three. Around Ahoghill: Further photographs and other items about folk from the Fourtowns and round about. Ballymena: Mid-Antrim Historical Group: 1990</p><p>R2 DUNLOP, Eull Mid-Antrim: Part Two. Further articles on Ballymena & district. Ballymena: Mid-Antrim Historical Group: 1991</p><p>R2 DUNLOP, Eull Round ‘Kells & Conyer’. Kells & Connor Luncheon Club in association with Mid-Antrim Historical Group: 1989</p><p>R2/5 ADAIR, Alexander Shafto The Winter of 1846-7 in Antrim With Remarks on Out-Door Relief and Colonization. Ballymena: Mid-Antrim Historical Group: 1997</p><p>R7 Ballinamallard: a place of importance. Ballinamallard Historical Society: 2005</p><p>R8 CLARKE, Sean Broughderg: A Place and Its Peoples. R8/4 The Londonderry Journal & General Advertiser: A Local Index. Volume 1: 1772-1775. Londonderry: north-west centre for learning & development: 1987</p><p>R10 Department of the Environment (NI). Caledon Conservation Area. Department of the Environment.</p><p>R10 Drumquin: A Collection of Writings and Photographs of the Past and Present: Omagh: S. D Montgomery Ltd: 1979</p><p>R10 INGRAM, Brett Valleytop: a tourist ABC. B. Ingram: 1978</p><p>S.BLICK BLICK, Winifred White Horses: The True Story of Winifred Blick: Hong Kong: Colorcraft Ltd: 1997 (Originally published: New Zealand: David Bateman Ltd, 1997) </p><p>S.BONNEVILLE IRVING, Washington The Adventures of Captain Bonneville. Washington, DC: National Geographic: 2003</p><p>S.CARROLL HOFFMAN, Ronald (Ed) Dear Papa, Dear Charley: The Peregrinations of a Revolutionary Aristocrat, As Told by Charles Carroll of Carrollton and His Father, Charles Carroll of Annapolis. In Three Volumes. Chapel Hill, NC & London: University of North Carolina Press for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture, the Maryland Historical Society & the Maryland State Archives: 2001</p><p>S.FENNELL FENNELL, Tom From a Dirt Floor Garage in Ireland to an American Retirement: Lincoln: Writer’s Showcase: 2002 </p><p>S.INGLES FURBEE, Mary R. Shawnee Captive: The Story of Mary Draper Ingles. Greensboro, NC: Morgan Reynolds, Inc: 2001</p>

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