DIRECTORY.] BERKSHIRE. FARINGIJON. 83 Longworth, Pusey, Shellingford, Shrivenham, Stan­ Faringdon, Little Faringdon, Fawler, Fernham, Graf­ ford-in-the-Vale, I.:ffington, Watchfield and Woolstone ton, Hatford, Hinton Waldrist, Idstone, Kelmscott, in Berks, and Lechlade in Gloucestershire. The area Knighton, Kingston Lisle, Kingston Wiru;low, 141Jlg­ is 59,596 acres ; population in 19II, 12,242 ford, Lechlade, Littleworth, Longcot, Longworth, Council meets at Workhouse on 2nd & 4th tuesdays in Odstone, Pusey, Radcot, Shellingford, Shrivenham, each month, on completion of ordinary Guardians' Stanford, Tbrupp, Uffington, Wadley, Watchfield, board bueiness for sanitary matters & 3rd tuesday in Woolstone the months September to March, & 2nd & 4th tuea­ This Court is included in Swinoon for bankruptcy pur­ days in the months April to August for highway poses, H. L. Bevir, 38 Regent circus, Swindon, official purposes • receiver Chairman, Jame• Alfred Fereman, Shrivenbam Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress Officials. Amendment Act," A. F. Hobbs & W. N. Chambers, Clerk, A.lan George Haines M.A. London street Faringdon Treasurer, James E. G. Bowen, Llovds Bank County Police Station, Coach lane; Faringdon division, Medical Officer of Health, William Sisam M.D., Ch.B., Ashbury, Buckland, Buscot, Coleshill, Faringdon, B.Sc. (Pub. Health) Birm., D.P .H.Camb. Bank cham­ Longworth, Shrivenham, Stanford-in-the-Vale & bers, Cross street, Reading Uffington, Joseph Maunders, superintendent; 1 ser­ Surveyor of Highways, Chas. Thos. Chadwick, London st geant & II constables Sanitary Inspector, Thomas Casstles, Bromsgrove Fire Engine Station, The Old 'l1own hall, Market place~. Capt. A. G. Austin, aupt. et n men COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR FARINGDON PETTY Stamp Office, MarI borough street, Harry J obn Smith,, distributor SESSIONAL DIVISION. Loder-Symonds Capt. Frederick Cleave, Hinton manor, FARINGDON UNION. Faringdon, chairman Board day, 2nd & 4th tuesday in each month, at 1.30 Ilarrington Viscount D.L. Beckett house, nr.Shrivenham p.m. at the Workhouse. Barrington Hon. William Reginald Shutt, Medlar cot- tage, Shrivenham The Union comprises the following parishes :-in Berks . Bennitt Col. William Ward, Faringdon ho. Faringdon -Ashbury, Baulking, Bourton, Buckland, Bnscot, Butler Cyril Kendal!, Bourton house, Shrivenham Charney, Coleshill, Compton Beauchamp, Coxwell Butler William J oseph, Woolstone lodge, Faringdon (Great), Coxwell (Little), Eaton Hastings, Faringdon­ Case Arthur Molesworth, Holmbury, 67 Silverdale road, (Great), Fernham, Hatford, Hinton Waldrist, King­ Eastbourne, Sussex ston Lisle, Longoot, Longworth, Pusey, Shelliugfordr Crosland Wait. 'l'he Grange, Eaton Hastings, Faringdon Shrivenh•un, Stanford-in-the-Vale, Uffington, Watch-­ Crnm William Graham, Longworth manor, Faringdon field &; Wools tone; area, 55,726 acres; population irt Ign, II,075; in Oxon-Faringdon (Little), Graf­ FitzGerald Sir Maurie~ hart. C.V.O. (Knight of Kerry), Buckland house, Fartngdon · ton, Kelmscott, Langford & Radcot; area, 5,388 acres ; Fletcher James, Carswell Marsh, Faringdon population in tgii, 704; in Gloucestershire-Lech­ Henderson Sir .!lex. bart. M.P. Buscot park, Faringdon lade; area, 3,870 acres; population in 19II, 1,167. Henderson Major Harold Greenwood M.P. Kitemore, The population of the entire union in 19II was Shellingford, Faringdon 12,946; area, 6,984 acres; rateable value in April, Hyde Sir Clarendon Golding, Longworth house,Faringdn 1914, £ro7,501 Knapp Alfred Chairman of the Board of Guardians, J ames Alfred Liddiard George, Market place, Faringdon Fereman, Shrivenham Lockwood John Parker L.R.C.P.Lond. Bromsgrove Clerk to the Board of Guardians & Assessment Com­ house, Faringdon mittee, Alan G. Haines M.A. London st. Faringdon Niven William F.S ..A.. Marlow Place, Marlow Treasurer, James E. G. Bowen, Lloyds Bank, Market Stevens Edm und, Kingston Lisle park, Faringdon place, Faringdon Throckmorton Sir Nicholas William George hart. D L. Collectors to the Guardians, David L. Stevensiln, Marl­ Coughton Court, Warwickshire . borough street, Faringdon & William Henry Pope, West Archibal?- Thornton, Barcote manor, Faringdon Longcot The Chairman, for the time being, of the Faringdon Assistant Overseers, Eaden Caddy, Gloucester street,. Rural District Council is an ex-officio magistrate Faringdon ; Leonard Austin Darlington, A•hbury 0 John Pbillips, Bourton; Frank Yeates, Shrivenbam ;· Clerk to the Magistrates, John Douglas Peel, Market p1 George Carter, Buckland: H. Bowles, Buscot; E. Petty Sessions are held at the Court house, Coach lane, Be!cher, London street, Faringdon (Little Coxwell) ;· every tuesday at II a.m F. Street, Lecblade; H. A. Cox, Stanford (Long­ The following places are included in the Petty Sessional worth) ; Thomas Herbert Burge, London street, Far­ division :-Ashbury, Baulking, Bourton, Buckland, ingdon (Baulking, Compton Beaucbamp, Uffington I; Buscot, Cbarney, Coleshill, Compton Beauchamp, Cox­ Woolstone); George Cox, Colesbill; G. C. Webb, well (Great & Little), Eaton Hastings, Faringdon, Faringdon (Fernbam); W. J. Cambridge, Eatoo Fernham, Hatford, Hinton, Kingston Lisle, Longcot, Hastings; W. C. Smith, Kingston Lisle; Daniel H .. Longworth, Pusey, Shellingford, Shrivenham, Stan­ Bird, Longcot; Henry A. Cox, Stanford (&; Hatford) ;­ ford, Uffington, Watchfield & Woolstone H. C. E. Olliver, Shrivenham (Watchfield) Relieving & Vaccination Officers-Faringdon & Buckla.nd' PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. district, David L. Stevenson, Marlborough street, Board of Trade Unemployment Insurance, London street, Faringdon; Shrivenham district, William Henry Pope. T. H. Burge, local agent Longcot Cemetery, Canada road, Tom Herbert Burge, aecretary Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators-Bnckland dis­ to the trustees trict, John Hamilton Gumming M.R.C.S.Eng .• Corn Exchange, Market place, John Douglas Peel, sec. ; L.R.C.P.Lcnd. Faringdon; Faringdon district No. I. William CoJ!ins Sell, clerk & collector 'David Gerald Kennard L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. C-<lttage Hospital, Coxwell road, J. C. Maclean M.B. hon. Gloucester house, Faringdon; Faringdon di•trict No. consulting physician; Horatio Percy Symonds F.R.C.S. 2, Thomas Bingham Marshall M.R.C.S.Eng. St. John's Edin. & John Parker Lockwood L.B.C.P.Lond. hon. house, Lechlade; Shrivenham district, Albert Persse consulting surgeons; David Gerald Kennard L.R.C.P. Macnamara M.CB., B.Ch. Normanby cottage, Shriven. Lond. & John H. Cnmming M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. ham Lond. hon. medical officlll'S; Augustus E. Butler, hon. The Poor Law Institution, a stone buildin~ in Union surgeon-dentist; Capt. W. Taylor, hon. sec.; Bernard street, will hold 450 inmates; Mrs. Goawell, matron; Haines, London street, assistant sec. ; Miss D. Austin, Rev. Edward Thorp B.A. chaplain; David Gerald matron Kcnnard, medical officer County Court, held bi-monthly, at the t:ourt house, Coach lane, His Honor Artbur Gwynne-James, judge; FARINGDON REGIST1U.TION DISTRICT. Alan George Haines, registrar & high bailiff; Harry Thomas Cobden, assistant bailiff and ap­ Su.perintendent Registrar, Alan GeoTge Haines, London praiser; Cyril Crosland Cobden, clerk to registrar street, Faringdon; deputy, Ernest Edward Haines (nominated to swear affidavits). The district Registrars of Births k Deaths, Faringdon & Buckland comprises the following places 1-.!sbbury, Baulk­ districts, David L. Stevenson, Marlborou~rh street; ing, Beckett, Bourton, Buckland, Buckland Marsh, deputy, Tom Herbert Burge, London street, Faring­ Bullock's Pits, Buscot, Buscot Wick, Carswell, Cars­ don ; Shrivenham sub-district, William Henry Pope, well Marsh, Cbarney, Clanfield, Clanfield (Little), Longcot; deputy, H. C. E. Olliver, Shrivenham Coleshill, Compton Beauchamp, Great Coxwell, Little Registrar of Marriages, D. S. Stevenson, Faringdon; Coxwell, Downington, Duxford, Eaton Hastings, Great deputy, Tom Herbert Burp, London st. Faringdon BERKS. 6* .
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