wE'RE DREAMING OF A NAVY BLUE WE'RE DREAMING CHRISTMAS OF A NAVY BLUE CHRISTMAS * Vol. 23 NEW YORK, N. Y., DECEMBER 18,1942 No. 9 Archbishop to Consecrate New Altar Plan Proposed for Church's Traditional Ceremony Fordham Gives $1,550 Training of Army To Jesuit Missions To Be Held Tomorrow Morning Fordham students have con- In a ceremony, rich in liturgy and tradition, His Excellency the Most Meteorologists tinued their financial support of Reverend Francis J. Spellman, Archbishop of New York, will consecrate the missions this year to the the new altar in the University Church tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. College Training Under extent of $1,550. The monthly The new altar which was the high altar at St. Patrick's Cathedral collections in the classrooms, for sixty-three years, is a gift of the Archbishop to his alma mater. Army Rewarded With supplemented by the donation <8>In order to give the altar a suitable Air Corps Commission of the Harvester Club account setting, the Inisfad Foundation made for this total. a contribution to Fordham for the The Rev. Thomas B. Cannon, Maroon Debaters Faced with a very probable lack improving and redecoration of the S.J., Director of the Jesuit mis- sanctuary. The work is to be dedi- of qualified meteorologists in the sionary fund, earlier in the year near future, the Army Air Corps re- Reach Half-Time cated as a memorial to Mrs. William sought the aid of the Fordham Babington Macaulay, late Papal cently announced the institution of sodalists. His appeal was cen- Duchess who endowed the Inisfad a new plan enabling high school tered about the tragic effects of graduates and college students to be- With Five Wins Foundation. the present conflict on mission- The plan for the redecoration was come meteorologists, commissioned ary activities in the Philippines. made and the entire work was super- in the Air Corps. The Rev. J. Joseph One thousand five hundred Bermingham and Reilly Lynch, S.J., head of the Physics De- vised by Charles Maginnis, interna- fifty dollars express Fordham's To Tackle N.Y.U. Over tionally known architect, of Magin- partment, is the faculty advisor at response to such exhortations in Fordham for this plan. particular and to the mission Station WBYN. The plan, divided into classes cause in general. "A," "B," and "C" for the grading of FR. LYNCH Having already subdued five of applicants according to the degree their six opponents for the current of their education, is open to those season, two representatives of the in the upper third of the class who NO STRIKE FOR RAM Council of Debate will tangle this can qualify physically for a commis- Yearbook Patrons coming Sunday afternoon with the Violets of N.Y.U. in a debate which sion in the Army Reserve. Reaping their reward now for will be broadcast at 4:30 P.M. over Under the "A" division, college a time-honored RAM policy, Must Get Names Station WBYN. ' students with credit for one year of Rose Hill students are able to enjoy this issue of their favorite Although the gladiators of the college physics and who have com- In By Monday gridiron bowed before the superior pleted mathematics courses up to reading matter to accompany might of the Boston College Eagles' and including differential and inte- that Friday morning mug o' java. football juggernaut, the members of gral calculus, will be accepted as Despite the strike of the past Coloring Scheme Is Last the Fordham Council of Debate aviation cadets, receiving an allow- week against all of New York's have shown their adeptness at beat- ance of $75 per month for their leading newspapers, the Editors Minute Feature of ing their Boston rivals twice. The eight-month study period preceding of your printed napkin were cer- Maroon word-wielders turned the their being commissioned. tain as The RAM went to press 1943 Maroon trick once at Boston and again this The "B" division, for those with Wednesday night that no resent- past Saturday night in New York. ment due to an unsatisfactory one year of college mathematics and With all but a few, photographs' The last time they met, Ralph A. high school credits for two years of remuneration for services ren- Beck, '43 and Charles M. Mattingly, algebra and one year of both geom- dered would be harbored by already gone to press, the staff of '43, upheld the affirmative of the etry and science, will begin on Feb. those stalwarts who transport the Class of 1943's Maroon was con- national debate topic that 'the Fed- 1st the physics and mathematics that which you are now reading centrating this week on final eral Government should be granted courses required for meteorology at from the printers to East Ford- touches, chiefly the compilation of the right to conscript both male and ham Road. female labor in the present emer- ARCHBISHOP SPELLMAN one of the colleges cooperating with the patrons' list. 1 jthe Army in the uniform of a pri- It was long ago decided by. gency. !vate. During their ten months of RAM stockholders that no paper Business Manager Edward F. While Fordham was holding its nis and Walsh of Boston, specialists studying at the college they will re- was stronger than its weakest Walsh, '43, stated that, while next own in New York, Chairman of the on Gothic architecture. Mr. Magin- ceive $50 per month, with food, link. Their originality and sa- Monday is the last day for submit- Council of Debate, Lawrence H. nis is a member of the Royal Insti- gacity brought our Transporta- ting patrons' names, some have not Reilly, '43, and John M. Berming- tute of British Architects and was clothes and lodgings supplied. Com- yet submitted them. He asked that pletion of this course will move tion Staff, represented at ham, '43, managed to keep the col- appointed president of the Interna- the Seniors do so at once if they ors flying on the road by beating tional Congress of Architects by them on to the rank of aviation Union Headquarters by Frank wish to be included in the book. cadet, and from there to a com- M. Bhomberg, proportionately La Salle College of Philadelphia and President Roosevelt. mission. speaking, to the level of even the The price of the book is $7.50 and Catholic University at Washington, Hanging thirty-two feet above the highest paid editor. a patronage is $2.50 additional. D. C, on successive nights last week- chancel of the altar is a tester of For college students without one A last minute feature of the year- end. At both institutions Berming- carved Appalachian oak. On the year of college mathematics and As a result of this foresight The RAM is delivered by men who book is the inclusion of a maroon ham and Reilly upheld the affirma- front of the tester is a carving of high school science and mathematics color scheme throughout its pages. tive of the Federal Union topic, Christ The King executed by the requirements, the Air Corps in- are contented. The wage of a free copy of The BAM each week, two Miniature figures in color will liven which is the current debate ques- Lindenthaler-Saliga Studios of New stituted the "C" division, which will blank spots. This innovation was de- tion throughout the country. York. begin training on March 1, 1943. passes to each home debate of the Council, the privilege of brows- cided upon only recently when it In their first New England foray This tester surrounds three mural- Their attendance at one of the co- was found that funds would per- (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 3) operating colleges would be for a ing through each "Maroon" in mit it. duration of twelve months, follow- addition to a copy of the "Month- ly" when it comes out drains The Maroon, which is expected to ing which would be their appoint- appear in late January, has been ment as aviation cadet in order to | heavily on the profits for our stockholders. But, quoting Rose rushed up all along the line in order Glee Club to Feature Military prepare for a commission. to coincide with the early gradua- Those intending to enter this pro- H. Rameses, their Chairlady, tion of the seniors. At present all gram should be members of the En- "The extra expense justifies copy is in the hands of the printers Theme in Concert Jan. 8 listed Reserve Corps, foul, if not, ap- itself in the betterment of hu- and very few photo-cuts remain to (Continued on page 3) manity." (be submitted. Doctor Joslyn Directs Rehearsals of Service Tunes In Preparation For Town Hall Showing With the concert at Notre Dame of Staten Island now a thing of. the past, War Causes Senior Week Uncertaintythe Glee Club has swung into a concentrated schedule of rehearsals for Meeting unforeseen difficulties ment, under the direction of the the Music Room. Neither option has the Town Hall concert, January 8, at 8:40. deemed natural to a state of na- University authorities, are also meet- to be taken up until early in Janu- ary. If the attendance is equal to In keeping with the military spirit of the times, the program of this tional emergency at every turn, the ing the difficulties of the times. year's concert will be featured by a special arrangements of the songs of Committee for the Class of 1943, that of the previous Senior Balls, the For Friday evening, the 22nd, the the various armed services.
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