<p>PDM Network Field Services: Data and Advance Services Measurement Guide 2012/13</p><p>Document Number: XX-YY1111(Optional)</p><p>E-Dox System Number: XXXXXXXXX</p><p>Compiled by: Roland Niekerk</p><p>Authorised by: Clyde Rossouw</p><p>DAS Executive</p><p>Version: 9.1</p><p>Domain: XX(Optional)</p><p>Repository: E-Dox System</p><p>Documentation Template: TE-CM0001 (CTO-004209) Version 9.0 (Document Management use only)</p><p>Document Type Document Name Security Class</p><p>EXECUTIVE SUMMARY </p><p>DAS operates in highly competitive and rapidly changing environment. An environment that is driven by technology changes, and in recent years there has been a natural convergence of voice and data in the communications industry. This has resulted in DAS having to proactively look at different operating models to try and remain competitive in these markets. Either we adapt, or we stand to lose clients and revenue to our competitors. Imagine coming to work each month, and you receive fewer and fewer jobs to complete, but our competitor’s market share is growing rapidly as they service ex- Telkom clients. Our service delivery must therefore revolve around speed of delivery, quality of service and efficiency. </p><p>To remain financially viable and competitive we must adapt and stay relevant, which includes cutting unnecessary costs out of our operations. It also means that we need to migrate towards having a more flexible DAS Technician, which will minimize dispatches and reduce costs to the company. In addition, it will result in better geographical operational spread of staff and spans of control. To prepare for this, one of the initiatives was the extensive cross functional training over the last three years on which we have made good progress. This initiative was aimed at improving service delivery and efficiencies, with the primary focus on multi-skilling our technical officers. </p><p>Coupled with the VERP & VSP staff losses at M6 and OP1 level, and to align structure with strategy, DAS has had to re-organize some of its area’s into flexible and responsive sections which will better service our geographical business needs and our customers. This flexibility in sections enable Operations Manager to supervises both Voice and NV staff, and Technical Officers can do either voice work, or NV work, or both during the course of the working day. </p><p>Since the challenges in re-organising functions under one section were relatively fast to VSP/VERP, and to ensure fairness in the interests of CHART, it was decided to “phase in” the combined rollup of Voice and NV baselines and targets in 2 phases. This would only be applicable to the newly formed multifunctional sections in Mid Zone, and South Zone. </p><p>Phase: 1 To ensure fairness in the EPDMS 2011/12 year, BRS will still calculate two separate group targets for the Voice and DATA technical officers operating under the same Ops manager. In other cases where we had clean split of staff serving the same area but different functions (NV & BS) the technical officers will merely retain their original targets. What this means is that the role up performance of the BS group will be calculated separately and similarly, the same will be done for the NV group. The operations manager will be contracted on two targets. </p><p>Phase2: Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 3 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class During phase two, which will be the EPDMS 2012/13 cycle, we envisage that all the voice and NV technical officers reporting to the same Ops Manager will automatically work towards the Operations managers combined roll up target. This will be subject to meeting the cross functional training objective.</p><p>The EPDMS 2011/12 year will be used to fully gear up by maximising cross- functional training and field exposure in preparation for EPDMS 2012/13 cycle. </p><p>We firmly believe that the objective of one target in EPDMS 2012/13 cycle will:</p><p> Promote faster cross skilling Improve customer service Enhance cross dispatching (optimise dispatch especially in rural areas) Proper work load balancing between voice and non voice Improve service delivery Please note: Where there are geographical differences for different groups of Technical Officers under the same OM, different targets will still be set based on the geographical areas (U/R). </p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 4 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class</p><p>CHANGES SINCE LAST VERSION</p><p>The applicable changes to the document Change requested by: NFS PEP contract Alignment Document Management Section: Contact number: SUMMARY OF CHANGES </p><p>Paragraph Description Date Version 8 : Changes to entire document: 2012/05/25</p><p>Previous Document Authorisation date: Previous Author/Compiler: Previous Section: Previous Domain: </p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 5 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 6 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class</p><p>DAS OP1 PERFORMANCE CONTRACT GUIDELINE 2012-2013</p><p>1. SCOPE 2. To establish uniformity and consistency with the application of the PEP/EPDMS across all levels and regions within NFS (Commodity Services, Cable Network Maintenance and Data and Advanced Services). 3. To instil and sustain a performance culture that drives business objectives, supported by continuous improvement and development of employees. 4. To align all efforts within NFS (Commodity Services, Cable Network Maintenance and Data and Advanced Services) towards customer centricity and cost effectiveness.</p><p>5. PLANNING a. Relevant business plans are used to determine objectives, measures and targets required of a performer. The contribution of each employee to the achievement of the business/ operational plan objectives in a performance plan, must be described (including the development requirements in the development plan) b. Performers must receive the necessary development to enable them to deliver c. Performance plans can be updated at any time of the performance cycle if any aspect becomes irrelevant or requires revision. d. Standardized plans are drawn up for all performers performing the same objectives. Development plans must be drawn up individually e. Performers are contracted on standardised performance plans on SAP, This agreement is supported by a signed hard copy on which the specific performance objectives are stated.</p><p>6. FEEDBACK AND COACHING a. Feedback and review sessions must be held at least quarterly to provide feedback on the individual’s performance to encourage good performance and to improve on underperformance. b. Underperformance must be addressed with a performance individual plan (PIP) as soon as it becomes apparent. c. The hard copy agreement is the quantified document used for the management of the performance of the individual during the assessment year.</p><p>7. ASSESSMENT / MEASUREMENT a. Measurement must be done frequently to support performance management. Where possible, measurement data will be available monthly on accessible websites and assessments done at least quarterly. b. Objective measurement is the basis of performance measurement and data will be sourced and imported from reliable repositories in accordance with Company data definitions. The reliability of this data is however still determined by the level of conformance of all field and centre personnel to the processes that govern the dispatching and the completion of tasks. </p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 7 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class c. The complete PEP / EPDMS process must be managed and done according to the guidelines per the policy Performance and Development Management PO-HR0022 (Repository number HR- 000777). d. Measurement criteria: KPI performance is measured against a predetermined objective / target. Depending upon the nature of KPI and the challenge, different measurement criteria are used. These criteria are stated under each KPI description </p><p>8. MEASURE RATIONALE a. This document is a working reference to compile specific performance measurements to determine performance against stated output objectives. b. The purpose of this guideline is to build understanding with both the performer and promoter when doing performance assessments.</p><p>9. ASSESSMENT SCALE The following assessment ratings must be used for all employees: Performance Category Description % Achievement of Targets Employee displays a consistently high level of job related competence, 1. Consistently Exceeds Job initiative and productivity. All work outputs are completed beyond the Better than 115% of target Requirements level of expectation. Initiative and self-direction are characteristic.</p><p>Employee displays a high level of job related competence, initiative and 2. Frequently Exceeds Job productivity, exceeding requirements in some areas, but not consistently. ≤115% to ≥106% of target Requirements</p><p>Employee displays and maintains an effective level of performance. Work output achieves desired or required outcomes. Problems or errors 3. Meets Job Requirements <106% to ≥95% of target that may occur are corrected quickly.</p><p>Employee displays inconsistency in job performance and output frequently falls below acceptable levels. Work output may be significantly 4. Frequently does not meet late at times or incomplete, with serious or potentially serious <95% to ≥80% of target Job Requirements consequences.</p><p>Work output is consistently low, regularly fails to meet required outputs. Error rate is high, requiring repeat work or completion by others. The 5. Consistently does not meet employee may require constant supervision, and show an indifference to Achieve <80% of target Job Requirements job responsibilities.</p><p>10.RULES FOR CALCULATING THE PRODUCTIVITY All production completion data is drawn directly from ADVANTEX, and the following rules are applied:- a. Production is calculated on completed jobs (“complete completions”) in ADVANTEX. b. Productive time =Total available working time + Overtime - SALT - Exclusion time. c. All Exclusions are approved by the Managers & Senior Managers’ & reports are posted on the DAS web site. d. All operational activities in ADVANTEX are identified by a job code.</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 8 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class e. All the job codes have weighted values assigned to them. f. This weight reflects the complexity of that particular job. g. All products do not have the same weighting factor. h. Complex Business Systems orders are assigned aggregated system weights based on a typical installation combination of system elements.(refer to TE-CM0001 (CTO-004209) Version 9.0) i. If only 1 Technical Officer works in a specific Geo sector (i.e. U/R), then it may be appropriate for the Ops Manager to determine a target linked to that individuals baseline performance. j. If Technical Officers do not score a minimum of three (3) on Network reliability (Output No3) on the new scale he or she cannot score more than 3 on the final assessment (Production + Network reliability): k. Duplicate tickets dispatched and multiple to the same tech will not be added to production. These will be removed during data integrity checks</p><p>11. SETTING STANDARD SECTIONAL PERFORMANCE TARGETS DAS employees (also those on MIP) will again be contracted on sectional productivity targets at Operations Manager level. This will effectively mean that the targets set for Technical Officers working in similar, or the same circumstances within the same section, will be the same, or similar. The weighted average performance of Technical Officers in a M6 section is rolled up to determine the new Urban, Rural and Urban/Rural targets for the section. For example, those Technical Officers that complete work predominantly in an urban area will be contracted to a roll up urban target based on the combined average of all the urban Technical Officers within their Operations Managers section.</p><p>The geographical minimum thresholds for the different Geographical areas such as Urban, Rural and Urban/rural have also been reviewed and adjusted in line with our continuous improvement objective. As per the table below, this means that no Operations Manager or Technical Officer will have a target for the 2012_2013 year below his or her geographical classification:</p><p>.+ 5% on base to the 2012-2013 Geo Threshold Min Base target Minimum Target RURAL 3.7 105% 3.885 URBAN & Urban/Rural 4 105% 4.2</p><p>Notes: Notes the minimum only applies to those numbers below the threshold of 3.7 and 4 for urban and urban/rural There is no maximum cut over point as previously The tech's beating the</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 9 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class minimum threshold will retain their base but will still have 5% improvement target</p><p>11.1 Acceptable levels of performance Targets should be realistic, achievable and challenging, and this is an important principle within the DAS environment. As discussed in paragraph 10 above, each technical officer will be required to achieve an acceptable level of performance based on the average sectional targets within the respective geographic areas of the Ops Manager section. However there will be situations where productivity levels achieved in terms of average weighted completions is consistently higher than sections target due to various factors such as, the tech works in one area (Volks Wagen, TTS etc), and in these circumstances it would be considered as exceeding the productivity requirements for those respective Geographic classifications. </p><p>In essence, there will be some Ops managers area’s where technical officers could be contracted to one of 3 targets based on the geographic area’s they complete most of their work within (namely Urban, U/R & Rural), and they will be assessed accordingly</p><p>11.2 Geographic Areas It is recognised that Technical Officers working consistently in rural and semi-rural areas face productivity challenges e.g. long distances between customers, long aerial routes, diverse and often older technologies in the access network etc. For this reason 3 geographic areas, namely: Urban, Urban/Rural and Rural were identified. Technical Officers will fall into one of the respective geographic areas based on the amount of work he or she completes in those areas. In other words if the Technical Officer for example completes 70% or more of his work in areas classified as rural for the performance period, then they will be measured against the rural targets for that Ops managers area. </p><p>The definitions of the 3 geographic areas are:</p><p> Urban: All city areas are considered as urban, and are characterized by densely populated areas with a relatively concentrated customer base serviced by a well developed UG & overhead block feed cable network as well as a highly developed transport network In addition, bigger towns or sprawling developments in outlying area's are also considered as urban. A city is defined as a large and permanent settlement typically within the Metropolitan areas, and has large business & residential suburbs with block feeds and easy access to main roads & freeways etc:</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 10 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class Technical Officers who consistently complete more than 70% of their work in urban classified sub areas will fall into the urban band. Rural: Small towns that are scattered in outlying country areas are considered as rural. Rural areas (also referred to as "the country") are large sparsely populated geographic areas with long UG or Aerial cable runs feeding customers, and old technologies such as SOR, DECT, RURTEL, and other open wire systems are not uncommon in these areas. Transport network is typically under developed and consists of minor roads and gravel roads etc.: Technical Officers who consistently complete more than 70% of their work in a Rural classified sub area’s will fall into the Rural band. Rural/Urban: A combination of both above. Technical Officers who consistently complete a relatively balanced amount of their work in both the Rural & Urban sub areas will fall into the Urban/Rural band. Technical Officers will be required to work wherever the workload demands. At the end of the performance appraisal cycle DAS BRS will establish the amount of work the Technical Officers performed in the various geographic area’s (U, U/R, R) and ensure that that they are measured accordingly against the applicable definitions of Urban, Urban/Rural or Rural</p><p>11.3 Standardized sectional targets Please refer to production target table breakdown posted on the DAS web. Different targets are posted on the DAS web, for the 2012_2013 financial years. In some cases where VERP/ VSP has impacted on the operations, flexible sections have been created by combining voice and non voice function under one operations manager. These sections have been discuses in section 6 under “Technology Challenges”</p><p>Technical officers working specifically on projects will have to be contracted on “project performance” as an alternative measure.</p><p>12.DEVIATIONS FROM THE BASELINE AND TARGETS All dispatchable Technical Officers dispatched on WFM/ADVANTEX will be contracted on productivity and efficiency targets as described in this document which will ensure fairness and consistency throughout DAS. There will however be a limited number of cases where the baseline or targets may not be appropriate and where the promoter may find it necessary to consider amending a target. These exceptions are noted below. Those working specifically on projects will have to be contracted on “project performance” as an alternative measure.</p><p>12.1 Newly Formed Sections</p><p>In regions such as Mid Zone and South Zone areas had to be combined due to VERP/VSP. In some cases operation managers have been reassigned to start brand new section with a newly formed team. Technicians have</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 11 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class been regrouped in different teams. It is difficult to calculate historic baselines hence a base of Zero will be used:</p><p>12.2 Amalgamations In some cases two sections (one voice and the other non voice) are split and amalgamated under a different operations manager but the area they served is the same. In this case the technical officer’s move with their old base line and target to the new operations manager. The operations manager will then have two targets, a “: Non voice” and a “Voice Target”. He or she will be contracted on both targets. They will display a baseline of zero.</p><p>12.3 Technician migrating from voice to non voice or vice versa We expect that techs will during the course of the year start doing cross functional work. This will pose a challenge during assessment time because the tech may have completed work under both functions during the course of the year. The 70-30 principal will apply same as on the rural/urban case scenario. What it means, should a tech complete 70% or more work on a particular function, his/her performance will be posted under that function. This should be taken into consideration when the face to face assessment is concluded because it could have a negative impact on the technical officers overall performance.</p><p>12.4 Changing Locations Where a Technical Officer has physically changed sections e.g. from an Urban to a rural environment (i.e. Johannesburg to Rustenburg), he/she may face very different working circumstances. The Technical Officers baseline achieved in Johannesburg or in an urban only environment may be much higher than what can be achieved in the new area. If the promoter determines it is necessary to adjust the Technical Officers target, then the average productivity of the new section or group of Technical Officers grouped under the same geographical performance range will apply. </p><p>Note that all amendments to baselines must follow the Manager/SM approval process & also need to be recorded on the SAP soft copy & hard copy of the contract. Please note that signed hard copies must also be kept by the promoter. </p><p>12.5 Changing the target for a Met or Exceed for production</p><p>While achieving above weighted average contracted production per day (>115% against target depending on the geographic classification) is considered to be exceeding expectations, in a very limited number of circumstances this may not be the case. Consider the following example:-</p><p>A Technical Officer/ group of technical officers (unlike the greater group) are almost permanently on site at a large corporate customer complex. Due to the fact that there is almost no travelling time between orders and the fact that much of the network is indoors and the Technical Officer knows the site very well, an average weighted production is constantly and by far exceeding the 115% (>115%) threshold of the section target. In this</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 12 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class case the promoter may consider contracting a different target for the section / group or individuals based on historic performance and trends. This is mostly the case for section where some technicians work on ADVANTEX and MIP during the normal course of the day.</p><p>Such changes (as noted above) must be clearly indicated on the SAP PEP soft copy and hard copy contract.</p><p>There may be other scenarios which require changes to the baseline or targets, but these should be the exception rather than the rule. Prior to the contract being changed the promoter should obtain approval for any changes to baselines or targets from his/her Manager/Senior Manager. This is necessary to ensure consistency and fairness, and to also ensure that the NFS web based measuring system is updated accordingly.</p><p>There are also cases where sections are operating totally in large buildings with the staff in close proximity & very few barriers (i.e.TTS buildings). The section average performance will typically be unusually higher than the normal outside plant operations. The Manager will need to determine & contract a challenging target based on and aligned with the particular section.</p><p>In cases like this, the normal upper threshold levels do not apply and the manager will contract X% above the section average for an exceed and X% under the section average to establish a performance range for those technical officers (“X” % to be negotiated at the next reporting level) This means that the 1 performance category can be moved to be greater than 115% (115%+X%)range.</p><p>Note: All amendments need to be recorded on the SAP soft copy contract as well as the signed hard copy which is kept by the promoter.</p><p>13.EFFICIENCY: (PRODUCTION AND SERVICE DELIVERY)</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 13 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class Production as defines above is the key measure to deliver volume output per technical officer. This measure however does not take into account the effectiveness or efficiency of how a service is delivered. In order to ensure this year that we strike a balance between productivity and service delivery we will also include efficiency measure to the contract to ensure that we align our operations with that of the Telkom business plan. Todays work Today/ Percentage of work completed in allocated time. This is based the percentage of work completed within set time lines linked to the job code: These times are Job code based. DAS production consist of weighted job codes: In the Voice these weights are aggregated to ensure closes mach to skills and complexity of the job performed: On DATA there are a few variations based on the various job codes. All codes weights are set and cannot be changed by the WOO</p><p>13.1 DAS weighted Production Production will be calculated as defined above with particular focus on rules as per par 7 above. Performance or non performance will be defined as per the HR policy and applicable guidelines. See reference documents</p><p>13.2 Efficiency: Percentage Activations Cleared with in The measure will be calculated as follows: The weight assigned to the job code is time base. This time will be used to calculate the performance of the technical officer to establish how efficiently he/ she have completed the job against the allocated time (Early start (ES) to Latest finish (LF)). Please note that his is not the time assigned by the Work Order Owner (WOO), but the time assigned to the job code.</p><p>14.SERVICE DELIVERY</p><p>14.1 Initial Reported Fault rate (IRFR) a. Definition: Number of initial faults reported (excluding repeated reports), divided by the number of lines x 1000 normalised to a year. Initial faults is a count of all initial customer- reported faults logged on Telkom systems and includes upfront clears, but excludes faults caused by theft and sabotage. Performance is measured as a % of the objective IRFR. This IRFR is an end to end network element team measurement and calculated as a weighted average of the all BS, Sub and and/or Complex Services IRFR’s for the Manager or Operations manager control area based on the stack allocator (data or BL&D data option being investigated) b. Source/ Reports 15. Dashboard reports http://www.nfo.telkom.co.za/nfo/Dashboard/Structure.aspx?Category=0 c. Frequency of reports: Monthly, YTD d. Performance target: YTD 5% improvement on baseline</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 14 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class 15.1 Team index- DAS KPI Service delivery index will be calculated for the operations manager area and or Managers area based on the following components (RR,FR,FF 10 MTTR and MTTI) These indicators will be displayed and segmented in the various categories as per the Telkom TSA 100 Report Measures Definitions Specific Measure Weighting % Cleared within x hours Initial Timeframe AM009 40% Fault Rate (IRFR) AM008 25% Repeat Report Rate AM005 25% % Order with no Failure within 10 Days FM002 10%</p><p>15.2 Individual Index- DAS KPI Service delivery index will be calculated for the technical officer based on his/her activities. In the event that the individual measures is not available for DAS we will only measure Team index with the necessary weight spread between available measure. The following components (RR, FR, FF 10 MTTR and MTTI) These indicators will be displayed and segmented in the various categories as per the Telkom TSA 100 Report Measures Definitions Specific Measure Weighting % Cleared within x hours Initial Timeframe AM009 40% Fault Rate (IRFR) AM008 25% Repeat Report Rate AM005 25% % Order with no Failure within 10 Days FM002 10%</p><p>16.NETWORK RELIABILITY In Data and Advanced Services the Technical Officer’s performance contract is divided in to two primary outputs. The first output “EFFICIENCY”, is discussed above. The second output consists of “NETWORK RELIABILITY” which will be analysed in detail.</p><p>16.1 Quality index The objective of this output is to ensure that Technical Officers are focussed on delivering a quality service. Quality is further broken down in two sub-outputs 16.1.1 Quality index a. Definition: The score comprises and index of three performance indicators:</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 15 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class Quality process compliance The extent to which the operations manager has completed required reviews of the workmanship, tools and vehicles of his team. For managers (M5) this includes the extent to which required efficiency reviews has been performed against target Quality compliance The % pass rate on reviews done by the RQT (inclusive of the entire basket of reviews) Quality failure Repair rate The extent to which quality review failures have been corrected. b. Source/Reports Quality performance report http://www.nfo.telkom.co.za/nfo/Quality/Audits2004/ReportBuilder/PreSelect.asp c. Frequency Monthly and quarterly d. Performance target: 95%</p><p> e. Definition: The score comprises and index of three performance indicators: Quality process compliance The extent to which the operations manager has completed required reviews of the workmanship, tools and vehicles of his team. For managers (M5) this includes the extent to which required efficiency reviews has been performed against target Quality compliance The % pass rate on reviews done by the RQT (inclusive of the entire basket of reviews) Quality failure Repair rate The extent to which quality review failures have been corrected. f. Source/Reports Quality performance report http://www.nfo.telkom.co.za/nfo/Quality/Audits2004/ReportBuilder/PreSelect.asp g. Frequency Monthly and quarterly h. Performance target: 95%</p><p>16.1.2 Workmanship (Operations Manager) </p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 16 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class Operations Managers are required to perform “in progress” and retrospective” quality checks on each and every Technical Officer. These requirements are further discussed in the ‘NFS Quality” documents (reference document TE-CM0001 (CTO-004209)). The results of the checks will contribute (45%) of 30% towards the Technical Officer’s PEP evaluation under workmanship.</p><p>16.1.3 Workmanship Specialist (RTS) All DAS specialists do quality checks on Technical Officers. These requirements’ are further discussed in the “Regional Specialist Quality” documents (reference doc) this is only applicable to areas where RTS are present and have been contracted to perform this function. In the event that the section does not have a RTS the measure default to 100% workmanship done by Operations Manager. In other words the above mentioned measure defaults to 100% on Ops Manager level instead of 60%.</p><p>The quality score card on the NFO web will be used to give the Technical Officer a quality score: The long-term plan is to redesign the quality score card to give us an actual performance score based on non-compliance. The team has also identified critical failures on the score card which will result in a “zero” or “0%” result should a Technical Officer fail any of them (refer to the DAS web for the Quality doc) </p><p>NB: All IPEX PBX systems =>300 port Installations must be checked after installation for technicality and quality. If a Technical Officer is already assessed for a 300 and he does another 600 later, the first assessment will be captured on the web and contributed toward the PEP. Further checks on the same Technical Officer must be utilized as feedback to the M6.</p><p>All S6 checks must be communicated to M6 and feedback to the Technical Officer with signature. Defects must be resolved. (Note: No production credit will be given for a dispatch for a Technical Officer to remedy his/her own quality failure). It is important to note that once an Operations Manager has failed a particular retrospective job it must be recorded as a failure on the NFO website. It has come to light that some Operations Managers fail a job, then request a Technical Officer to fix the failure and after confirming that the job has met the required standards on the second or third attempt, a pass is then entered onto the quality web. This is not the correct process and should be addressed with immediate effect.</p><p>16.2 Repeat rate report (RRR) a. Definition: RRR (%) = the sum of repeated customer faults divided by the total number of closed customer faults (for the 30 day rolling window). This is however measured as Assurance Success Rate and expressed as a percentage non-repeating fault clearances. The actual assurance success rate will be expressed as a % of the national objective of 84%. Measurement is for the Operations manager control area. b. Source/ Reports</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 17 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class Productivity report (SA005E – theft, UCOC and vandalism excluded) Michael Exall distributing manually. Henry (CFSI) to provide feedback. c. Frequency of reports: Daily, monthly, quarterly & YTD d. Performance target</p><p>16.3 Technical Officer Score Card </p><p>16.3.1 Technical Application: Customer Centricity and CHART This output forms part of “Network Reliability” output. Various dimensions in the Technical Officer’s day-to-day activities can contribute positively to overall production and ultimately have an impact on customer centricity. The aim of this output is to give credit where the Technical Officer’s behaviour compliments the organisations objectives. The dimensions under evaluation are: General attitude Technical application Compliance Continuous Improvement Honesty Accountability Respect Teamwork</p><p>These will be discussed below.</p><p>16.3.2 General attitude It is assumed that a positive attitude will contribute positively to team work, network care and ultimately support “customer centric” behaviour. The aim is to give credit to those Technical Officers who display such behaviour and make meaningful contributions to the team. </p><p>16.3.3 Technical Officers Skills Application How the Technical Officer translates learned techniques to work procedures will support effective and efficient utilisation of the network. This will also translate in quality workmanship. By measuring this dimension we will ensure the Technical Officer who apply learned knowledge and acquired skills to day-to-day work scenarios are credited for their contribution and, by doing so we aim to enforce positive behaviour.</p><p>16.3.4 Compliance</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 18 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class In order to ensure that all Technical Officers perform their duties effectively they have been assigned certain resources. In order to ensure our network is managed with care there is a huge responsibility on our Technical Officers to ensure they use these resources as effectively as possible. The Technical Officer also has an obligation to care for these as best he/ she could. The Technical Officer is also required to follow certain business rules that will ensure effective utilisation of the network. Procure new or additional spares/ equipment Follow the IE195 procedure Acquire test ref’s on completions Material acceptance procedure (especially for DOP) Laptop maintenance and Laptop and cell phone compliance Tool care WFM Procedures (On route, On site, Log on log off, Correct completion/ suspension codes) Follow process when requesting various ADVANTEX tickets</p><p>16.3.5 Product knowledge In an attempt to ensure that all the technical officers have an understanding of the products they are suppose to install or provide. We will test the technical offices understanding on a frequent basis. These assessments will be planned as follows (a) Awareness briefing or product introduction brief (b) An electronic assessment tool (c) Scoring which will be carried to the PEP contract</p><p>16.4 Advantex Compliance a. Definition % of technicians with a working shift that is signed on by 07h45, went en route by 08h15, registered a completion by 09h30. b. Source/Reports IA016_Performance KPI http://www.nfo.telkom.co.za/nfo/Dashboard/Reports.aspx?dir=Reports\IFMC\Load\FAMC c. Frequency Quarterly d. Performance target 100% compliance</p><p>16.4.1 Measuring these dimensions Our Technical score card measures various dimension:</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 19 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class The methods we use to measure these dimensions are based on the same principals used to measure “Customer Centricity”. The following rating scale was accepted. Poor No Comment Good Very Good Excellent </p><p>In DAS we have decided to base our performance evaluation on the three “top box” (3TB) scores. What that means is that a Technical Officer can score “Excellent”, “Very good”, and “Good”. (Mathematically weighted 5, 4 and 3 respectively)</p><p>Three top Box Scores (3TB) imply that only scores of (Excellent =5; Very Good = 4 and Good = 3) are considered for calculation. In order for the Technical Officer to score he/ she need to score a 5, 4, or 3 (3TB) on a particular question. The “three top box” (3TB) scores are added and expressed as a percentage over the highest possible score Technical Officer can achieve on the target of “Very Good”. Should there be a maximum of 20 questions. A Technical Officer can score 80 against the base (80x4): but he can also score more should he be marked as “excellent” meaning he can score higher than the base: See example below: Very Good = 17x 4 actual score Excellent = 3x5 actual score That means 83/80 = 104% One hundred and four percent (104%) is the actual score expressed over the base of 80: This equates to a performance mark of 3 on the now scale </p><p>Score Range 1 - Consistently Exceeds Job Requirements > 115% 2 - Frequently Exceeds Job Requirements 106%-115% 3 - Meets Job Requirements 95%-105% 4 - Frequently does not meet Job Requirements 81% - 94% 5 - Consistently does not meet Job Requirements <80%</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 20 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class</p><p>The table above is an example of the scoring tool that will be used to calculate the technical officers performance on the “CHART and Centricity” score card:</p><p>16.4.2 Expected impact of these dimensions Technical Officers cannot be held responsible for meeting the CICD or percentage of faults cleared within a specific time frame directly. We can however drive this performance indirectly by managing the behaviour that would bring about a positive outcome. By measuring these dimensions we seek to enforce good behaviour and correct the actions where they do not comply with the general rule.</p><p>By measuring these dimensions we aim to make an impact on: Faults cleared with in 8 hrs ( ADVANTEX behaviour, skills application and attitude Today’s work today (Skills application and ADVANTEX behaviour) No Failure in 10 days (skills application and attitude) Accuracy of WFM data (Compliance) Maximum resource utilisation (Attitude, compliance and skills) Table 6: Technical Officer Score Card (refer to annexure3)</p><p>17.BUSINESS RULES TO ENSURE EFFECTIVE MEASURING</p><p>Technical Officers need to follow the business rules as laid out for WFM compliance. Go “On Route” Go “On site” (even if tech is in local mode) o Complete order customer premises (use 3G) o Accept next job Do not “log off” during the day unless for a legitimate reason o Log “off” at the end of day before going home</p><p>18.CONTRACTING GUIDELINE Please note that it is there is no compromise on the following: </p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 21 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class Before assigning the EPDMS plan which you will create beforehand on your EISH portal, you must 1st set up a 1-on 1 EPDMS meeting between yourself and the performer giving due required notice. There MUST still be this face to face meeting. Please note that SAP has now been enhanced where an employee can indicate whether they had a one-on-one meeting (prior to assignment of output plans) with their promoters, and whether they were aware that they may have a representative present.</p><p> At the meeting, you must print the plan from the EISH/SAP portal and provide to performer. You can then either at the meeting assigns the electronic soft copy plan on EISH/SAP to the performer or immediately after the meeting. </p><p> Performer can then indicate agree/disagree as soon as he/she receives the plan on their EISH screen.</p><p> Tracking will be done of EPDMS contracting on EISH/SAP portal progress to the set deadline. </p><p> Underperformers need to me tracked and managed on the DAS web</p><p>19.OVERALL SCORING:</p><p>The methodology for scoring on the contract will change and be more simplified this year: The tables will be made avail is on the DAS web. The matrix tables used in the financial year 2010_2011 is still valid and will also yield the same results. </p><p>20.CONCLUSION The definition of a contract, oral or written, expressed or implied, is an agreement specifying terms and conditions under which a person consents to perform certain duties as directed and controlled by an employer in return for an agreed upon wage or salary. Whether stated or not in the contract, both the employee and the employer owe the duty of mutual confidence and trust, and to make only lawful and reasonable demands on each other. Every employee is under the obligation to execute assigned duties, or the employer's instructions to the best of his or her abilities.</p><p>21.MEASUREMENT AND DEFINITION DEVELOPMENT</p><p>1. Task team Lead (CS) Alfie Udemans/Michael Severin</p><p>2. Task team contributor (CNS) Bennie Geldenhuys/ Hennie Koekemoer</p><p>3. Task team contributor Elzabe van Wyk/Lindsay Septoo (NBRS)</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 22 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class</p><p>4. Task team contributor (DAS) Roland Niekerk</p><p>5. Task team contributor Schalk Rabe (FAMC BOS)</p><p>6. Task team contributor (ITS Henry Allen BI)</p><p>22.REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION </p><p>22.1 Applicable Documentation DAS: Measuring Technical Officer Performance 2011/12 v 7</p><p> PEP Target Template: DAS_PEP_2012_13_V1 (TE-CM0001 (CTO-0042091 Version 9.0) NFO,Quality: http://www.nfo.telkom.co.za/nfo/Quality/Audits2004/ReportBuilder/PreSelect.asp DAS WEIGHTING TABLE MIP User manual</p><p>22.2 Associated/Support Documentation a. <Support documents eg. Vendor & Manuals> 23. <If not applicable type "N/A" or "Not Applicable"> </p><p>24.DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS </p><p>24.1 Definitions </p><p><Word> <Statement of precise meaning> Percentage cleared with Work completed within given time allocated to the job code in of that job INDEX Combined output of various key performance indicator measured against a value of 1 or 100% Events performance A measure of the technicians compliance to ADVANTEX</p><p>24.2 Abbreviations</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 23 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class <Abbreviation> <Description of a shorter form of a word> CI Complex Installation CCMA Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration DAS Data and Advance Services PBX Private Branch Exchange PDMS Performance Development Measuring System RQT Regional Quality Team SALT Sick, Absence, Leave , Training WOO Works Order Owner NV Non Voice Service ( Data) NFS Network Field Services Pip Performance individual plan BS Business Service (voice products)</p><p>24.3 Acronyms</p><p><Acronym> <Word in full> CHART Company Values: Continuous performance; Honesty; Accountability; Respect; Team Work</p><p>25.SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SHE) <COMPULSO RY> Applicable Health and Safety Legislation and relevant documentation for the following issues can be obtained at http://www.hr.webfarm.telkom.co.za/HR/defaultshe.asp . a. OHS Act: All procedures must conform to the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993. 26. Environment: All procedures and waste management must conform to the National Environment Management Act 107 of 1998 27. Note: Particular attention must be given to the Telkom Incident Prevention Plan and the reduction of risks to ensure a workplace is safe, healthy and environmentally friendly as per SHE Management principles.</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 24 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class 28.DATA INTEGRITY </p><p>Data Quality Improvement covering all data for Telkom needs to be managed to ensure the integration of all systems, processes, measurements and data ownership. http://www.webfarm.telkom.co.za/bookshelf_II/edp/EdoxPublic.asp?doc=CTO-004206 </p><p>29.INFORMATION SECURITY </p><p>To communicate policy statements aimed at ensuring that only authorised parties have timely and appropriate access to computerised information, while safeguarding the information's confidentiality, security, and integrity. http://www.webfarm.telkom.co.za/bookshelf_II/edp/EdoxPublic.asp?doc=ITSD-088343 </p><p>30.APPLICABLE QUALITY AUDIT SHEET a. <If quality audits are necessary, refer to the applicable Quality Audit Sheet number> 31. <Delete this section if not applicable></p><p>END</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 25 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class <Delete this page if utilising next page> <This page should be signed and faxed to the DM Section before an Approval Page will be generated></p><p>32.VALIDATION PAGE E-DOX SYSTEM NUMBER: XXXXXXXXX</p><p>DOCUMENT NUMBER: XX-YY1111(OPTIONAL)</p><p>The following person(s) were involved with the validation of this document and may be contacted for more information: VALIDATED BY: Serial no: <Obtain the Serial no from the DM Section></p><p>SME Name Section Telephone Number Senior Manager Electronic Acceptance</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 26 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 27 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class <Delete this page if utilising page above></p><p>33.DOCUMENT REVIEW TRACKING SHEET a. 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Note 3: If an issue or dispute between the reviewers arises, the approval authority’s approval shall govern the issue or subject matter and overrule the ratings captured in the RTS. </p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 28 of 29 Document Type Document Name Security Class</p><p>APPROVAL / AUTHORISATION PAGE E-DOX SYSTEM NUMBER: XXXXXXXXX</p><p>DOCUMENT NUMBER: XX-YY1111(OPTIONAL)</p><p>APPROVED BY: Serial no: <Obtain the Serial no from the Doc Management Section> Name: Title/Positio n: Section: Signature Date Name: Title/Positio n: Section: Signature Date Name: Title/Positio n: Section: Signature Date Name: Title/Positio n: Section: Signature Date Name: Title/Positio n: Section: Signature Date</p><p>AUTHORISED BY:</p><p>Name: Title/Positio n: Section: Signature Date</p><p>Document No.: XX-ZZ1111 (Optional) Version: XX.XX (Status) E-Dox System Number: Service Organisation: Section - For Telkom:- (Group / SA / International) / Data Centre Operations - Use Only - © Proprietary And Confidential Company Information Authorisation date: Author/Compiler: Page 29 of 29 </p>
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