Old Dominion Athletic Conference

Old Dominion Athletic Conference

<p>Old Dominion Athletic Conference 2008 Spring Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday, May 20 – Day 1</p><p>Roll… Brad Bankston, ODAC J.J. Nekoloff, ODAC Sara Rechnitzer, ODAC Curt Kendall, Bridgewater Jean Willi, Bridgewater Dave King, Eastern Mennonite Bob Johnson, Emory & Henry Bev Hatch, Emory & Henry Tom Palombo, Guilford Stephanie Flamini, Guilford Joe Bush, Hampden-Sydney Lynda Calkins, Hollins Bill Kuchler, Lynchburg Heather Somers, Randolph Melissa Wiggins, Randolph Kevin Porterfield, Randolph Denis Kanach, Randolph-Macon Jeff Burns, Randolph-Macon Crystal Carper, Randolph-Macon Scott Alison, Roanoke Kelly Morrison, Sweet Briar Joanne Renn, Virginia Wesleyan Jeff Bowers, Virginia Wesleyan Jan Hathorn, Washington and Lee Shana Levine, Washington and Lee</p><p>I. Schedule – Bankston II. Approval of 2007 Fall Minutes – APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY III. Awards – Dave King a. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to adopt a new Commissioner’s Cup formula (%) based on submitted sample (see Model 1). i. Discussion featured thoughts of what the original intent of the cups were, which was explained by Commissioner Bankston as “broad-based athletics.” ii. Much discussion centered on the importance of the cups to the schools in the conference. 1. C. Kendall and B. Johnson brought about concerns over making the cups competitive to improve their importance 2. D. King emphasized options for including more schools with the possibility to win the award to improve the value of importance. iii. MOTION TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION: Approved Unanimously b. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to adopt a sportsmanship team in each sport consisting of one player from each team, to be nominated by each coach. This group will be recognized in a separate press release from the ODAC office and will be awarded a certificate (current Women’s Soccer model). i. MOTION TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION: Approved Unanimously IV. Budget (Morrison) a. Commissioner Bankston is relocating to Lynchburg with the idea of moving the ODAC office to Lynchburg following the 2008-09. V. Calendar and Site (Burns, defers to Bankston) a. Proposed to continue the August golf outing, but the issue of timing was brought up i. Looking for August 5 to schedule the 2008-09 event. b. Two discussions about the fall meeting i. Going to Emory & Henry College for the 2007-08 year ii. Hollins University would host the 2008-09 fall meeting 1. L. Calkins confirms that Hollins is prepared to host the fall meeting 2. Date chosen as December 8-9 c. New Coaches Orientation i. Selection of August 4 as the event date at Sweet Briar d. Senior Woman’s Administrator Meeting (SWA) i. Thursday, October 2 at Sweet Briar VI. Championship and Games (Kanach and Kendall) a. Lots must be drawn – will be done on Thursday b. C. Kendall speaks about a special issue in baseball where the current tie-breaking rule kept a team from gaining entrance into the tournament i. Looking at adding a points system for wins over teams in the tournament ii. Then results vs. the top seed, and so forth on down to break ties before getting to lots 1. Will be discussed on Thursday c. Securing spring tournament dates i. April 24-26 will be the bulk weekend of spring championships ii. Men’s lacrosse would follow the weekend after iii. Men’s tennis would be April 17-19 d. Tournament Start Times i. Allow the sport committees to set guidelines for the start of tournament games (2:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.) including the possibility of allowing the host school should have the option of choosing the time in which play starts, keeping in mind to work with the visiting school in terms of travel and school time. e. Conference Tournament Qualifying i. Men’s Lacrosse and Softball – RECOMMENDS a two-year trial of changing the number of qualifying teams from four to six (men’s lacrosse) and from six to eight (softball). 1. Copy of the proposed bracket for adjusted 8-team softball tournament was provided. ii. Discussion on field hockey, as it has been pulled out from other sports due to its unique circumstances, stemmed around the concern of it should fall back from eight to six qualifying teams and if so, how to do it. 1. Recommendation from the committee is to not change the way field hockey is currently structured because the topic had not been brought to light by the coaches’ committee. f. Men’s Basketball Schedule and Tournament Format Change i. Men’s basketball has come with a recommendation that all 11 teams, with the addition of Randolph College, qualify for the conference tournament with a round-robin first round. ii. The C&G Committee recommends that the board move forward with the proposal, keeping in mind that it cannot be a two-year trial due to the complexity of the new schedule and to allow it to play through a full cycle. iii. The Board’s discussion featured the need to talk about changes like these every year to determine its validity and effectiveness according to the intent of the change. g. RECOMMENDATION: To allow all 11 teams to qualify for the ODAC Men’s basketball tournament by the format proposed by the coaches committee, to be reviewed on a yearly basis. i. MOTION TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION: Approved, 10-1-2 VII. Constitution and Manual (Bankston) a. Continual updates including adding an index VIII. Eligibility (No Report) IX. Officiating a. Evaluation of supervisors of officials b. Chip Rogers will be taking over both the field hockey role as well as the women’s lacrosse roll beginning with the 2008-09 academic calendar c. Discussion of officials beginning to ask for travel compensation as costs continue to rise. d. Analysis of costs per sport for officials was provided in a handout. e. Get commitment from both lacrosse and soccer officials of fees by the fall meeting. X. Scheduling (Willi) a. Men’s and women’s basketball schedule: in scheduling men’s season, keep in mind that women and men should not all play on any one single day throughout the season. b. Question was asked if football was still seeking MAC scheduling. c. Example of a mock conference football schedule was provided to try to assist conference and non- conference scheduling questions. d. Scheduling committee is in support of volleyball moving a close proximity match on a weekend to a mid- week. i. Along with that, providing the flexibility to the rest of the conference. e. Idea that a committee AD liaison should not be a coach in the sport of topic. f. RECOMMENDATION: A motion to provide flexibility to move a weekend game that has travel less than 2.5 hours to a mid-week game, as proposed by the volleyball coaches. Also to allow for general flexibility across the board by appeal to the conference office. i. MOTION TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION: Approved 11-0-2 XI. Athletic Training Report (Kanach) a. No Report XII. Baseball (King, refers to Kendall) a. Batting practice times were inconsistent from what was voted in last year. Some campuses were still operating under the old rules. b. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve the ODAC Baseball Tournament to be held at Lynchburg City Stadium on April 23-26, 2009 i. MOTION TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION: Approved 10-0-3 c. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to enact a new tiebreaking procedure that would work in this order: - Head-to-head - Current ODAC 5-point tie-breaking formula - Add point system for wins over team in the tournament - Add results versus the top seed (and move down seedings if necessary) - Drawn lots Current system used through Head-to-Head Results and ODAC Five-Point System followed by… 1. Point system for wins over teams in the tournament 2. Result vs. the top seed in the tournament, and so forth until the tie is broken. 3. If not broken yet, then lots to be consulted. ii. Question of if this is something specific for baseball or should it be an action item on a conference-wide view. iii. MOTION TO REFER TO CHAMPIONSHIP AND GAMES COMMITTEE: Approved 10-0-3 XIII. Equestrian (Calkins) a. Washington and Lee will host championship on April 10 i. Question of the date will need to be confirmed b. J.T. Tallon elected as equestrian chair for a two year term c. MOTION TO APPROVE THE REPORT: Approved 10-0-3 XIV. Golf (Burns) a. RECOMMENDATION ONE: Change in the guidelines to add a 45 hole option in case of inclement weather b. RECOMMENDATION TWO: Would like to change the way the rookie of the year is voted to nominations from stroke average c. RECOMMENDATION THREE: Would like to change location from Poplar Grove in Amherst to Bay Creek G.C. in Cape Charles d. RECOMMENDATION FOUR: Removal of paragraph 1.4 of golf guidelines e. RECOMMENDATION FIVE: Approve the updated endorse list that includes Virginia Wesleyan’s new tournament and removes Ferrum’s tournament. i. MOTION TO APPROVE ALL RECOMMENDATIONS: Approved 9-0-4 2008 Spring Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, May 21 – Day Two</p><p>Roll… Brad Bankston, ODAC J.J. Nekoloff, ODAC Sara Rechnitzer, ODAC Azure Davey, NCAA Curt Kendall, Bridgewater Jean Willi, Bridgewater Dave King, Eastern Mennonite Bob Johnson, Emory & Henry Bev Hatch, Emory & Henry Dr. Rosalind Reichard, Emory & Henry (President) Tom Palombo, Guilford Stephanie Flamini, Guilford Joe Bush, Hampden-Sydney Lynda Calkins, Hollins Bill Kuchler, Lynchburg Heather Somers, Randolph Melissa Wiggins, Randolph Kevin Porterfield, Randolph Denis Kanach, Randolph-Macon Jeff Burns, Randolph-Macon Crystal Carper, Randolph-Macon Scott Alison, Roanoke Kelly Morrison, Sweet Briar Joanne Renn, Virginia Wesleyan Jeff Bowers, Virginia Wesleyan Jan Hathorn, Washington and Lee Shana Levine, Washington and Lee</p><p>I. Wednesday Timeline (Morrison and Bankston) II. NCAA Compliance (Azure Davey, NCAA) a. Membership i. Big discussion on whether to divide D-III into a sub-division or fourth division at convention. 1. See PowerPoint slide handout for survey topics and feedback explanation 2. Study shows that majority of respondents are In favor of the maintenance of the current structure while opposing the creation of a sub-division. 3. Other structural options considered include the restructuring of Division II, a separation by geographic location to address championship access issues, and the creation of two separate groups, one for public and the other for private schools. ii. 11 Priority Issues Identified 1. The shared values o the D-III Philosphy, and the brand image of D-III; possible rebranding of D-III. a. M. Wiggins supports the idea of branding, sighting that coaches do a lot of educating to parents and the like when recruiting. b. Several concerns over the philosophy statement including whether it reflects the students that are recruited or if it encompasses what D-III is. 2. D-II as a possible membership destination for a segment of D-III’s membership. 3. Budget priorities and dues structure. a. Question of whether dues need to be raised in light of the expiring CBS contract in 2010. 4. The allocation of resources necessary to support the continued delivery of national office programs and services. a. Financial i. Latitude for allocating surplus is not as open as expected ii. Where does the AQ administrative cost fee go? (Bankston) b. Staffing and support i. D. Kanach asks the question of staffing for D-II compared to D-III ii. Determined that they are on par with each other even though the D-III membership is quite larger. 5. Minimum sports sponsorship requirements 6. Education, compliance and accountability for membership standards. a. Does convention attendance or the lack there of, fit the current punishment or is it too strict. 7. Financial Aid Standards a. New possible idea of awarding aid based on leadership in athletics provided it is consistent with the consideration of leadership in other student activities. 8. Eligibility standards including red-shirting and academic performance 9. Presidential Leadership a. Reporting lines and communication b. Are materials from the NCAA and other outside entities getting to the correct people? 10. Playing and practice season standards, especially related to the non-traditional segment. 11. Establishment of a long-term championships access plan. iii. Partner/Communication with the NAIA b. Adopted Legislation from 2008 NCAA Convention i. See provided proposals handout ii. Highlighted proposals 1. #8 – Use of male practice players 2. #4 – Electronic communication means and standards iii. Use of the Compliance Assistant internet (CA i) III. Sport Committee Reports – continued a. Men’s Lacrosse (Alison) i. Would like to see another step added to tie-breaker procedure ii. Would also like to see their schedule decompressed by a week iii. Looking for more involvement from the AD’s concerning the use of night games iv. RECOMMENDATION #1: Motion to add a short stick specialist position to the all-conference voting. Doing so would mirror the current All-American selection process by having one on the first and second team. Motion to add a long stick midfield to the second team. v. RECOMMENDATION #2: Motion to have 2 attacks, 2 middles, 2 defenses, 1 goalie, 1 long stick midfield and 2 short stick specialist on the honorable mention team. vi. RECOMMENDATION #3: Recommendation to add clarification that Wednesday is the default day during the ODAC semifinals if there are no academic conflicts. vii. Much discussion on what to do in the event of lightening and the game has not been completed. viii. RECOMMENDATION #4: Recommendation that new wording be inserted to the sport championship guidelines in the ODAC manual 1. MOTION TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATIONS 1-4: Approved 8-0-5 ix. The coaches unanimously agreed on submitting a proposal to the Athletic Directors to expand the men’s lacrosse tournament to six teams. 1. Proposal #1 (Preferred) a. Tuesday/Wednesday i. play-in game 3 v 6 and 4 v 5 High seed hosts, #1 & # 2 get byes b. Friday i. Semis lowest remaining seed plays # 1 and second lowest remaining seed plays # 2 (Example: If # 3 and # 4 win, #1 should play #4 and #2 should play #3. ii. High seed hosts or final 4 site depending on facility resources at #1 site c. Sunday i. Championship Game - at highest remaining seed d. MOTION TO APPROVE PROPOSAL #1: Failed 0-8-5 x. RECOMMENDATION #5: Motion to use the tournament format in Proposal #1, but change the dates to Sat./Tues. or Wed./Sun. (April 25, 28 or 29, May 3, 2009) with no reseeding. Top six teams get in and #1 and #2 get byes 1. MOTION TO APPROVE RECOMMENDATION #5: Approved 8-0-5 b. Women’s Lacrosse (Hathorn, defers to Somers) i. RECOMMENDATION #1: To provide film to visiting teams if requested. ii. RECOMMENDATION #2: To adopt a film exchange policy – schedule of three requested ODAC games to be submitted before the first Monday in February of every season. Friendly amendment that if the game is not able to be taped or is cancelled, a coach is able to request tape from another game – coach’s discretion, requests submitted to the chair. iii. RECOMMENDATION #3: Location of the annual meeting to be hosted by the site of the chair for the first year and then moving to the Randolph-Macon/Lynchburg area the second year. iv. RECOMMENDATION #4: To create a structure to replace the chair on the games committee for championship weekend based on highest elimination seed, plus the head official and the host director. v. RECOMMENDATION #5: In the event of a delayed semifinal game on the championship weekend, the committee will pull together and discuss options within all parameters of the situation. 1. MOTION TO APPROVE REPORT AS A WHOLE: Approved 9-0-4 c. Softball (King) i. Discussed the expanded format of the tournament ii. Discussion of change of site from the Moyer Complex in Salem, Va. iii. Discussion of the halted game rule iv. Determined all-conference would not include tournament statistics v. RECOMMENDATION #1: Motion to approve the Moyer Complex in Salem, Virginia, for the 2009- 10 seasons as indicated in the bid submitted to the ODAC. 1. MOTION TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION: Approved 12-0-1 vi. RECOMMENDATION #2: To use the Halted Game rule as defined in the NCAA Rule Book in the FIRST game of the double-header, then use the official game rule in the second half of the double-header when returning to makeup games. 1. MOTION TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION: Approved 11-0-2 vii. RECOMMENDATION #3: To adopt an eight-team ODAC tournament that is to be designed in no more than the current three-day format. The committee will need to discuss potential formats and finalize the format for submission to the Board of Directors in December. 1. MOTION TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION: Approved 11-0-2 d. Sports Information (Nekoloff) i. Discussed the use of live Internet stats at all possible events this beginning in the 2008 fall season 1. Use of extra money to help aid the schools purchase the TAS-FTP program to enable live Internet statistics ii. Examined the possible uses and current application of webcasting within the conference 1. Emphasis was placed on the ease to accomplish video webcasting while also minimizing cost 2. Briefly discussed available vendors with streaming capabilities iii. Voiced concerns of volleyball statistics in terms of balanced reports and their congruence with NCAA regulations iv. Discussed the current role of media guides and recruiting brochures within the conference v. The SIDs discussed current sports information student staff practices 1. Recruiting and training of reliable staff members 2. What different responsibilities student staff maintain e. President’s Report (Dr. Reichard – Emory & Henry) i. Appreciation to athletics and the staffs on behalf of all the presidents ii. Also appreciates the opportunity to sit in on the D-III philosophy discussion and issues of membership and athletics. iii. Focus on recruiting students who are looking for a D-III experience, not on those that are looking for a D-I or D-II experience. 1. “It is who we are.” iv. We as presidents are just as concerned with scheduling as you. v. Tracking the success of your student-athletes vi. Would like to see the Board of Directors meeting move away from much of the minutia and details to get more discussion on the philosophy and “bigger picture” questions. vii. Commissioner Bankston thanks Dr. Reichard for her attention for today and taking the time to be with the ODAC Board of Directors (echoed by Chairwoman Morrison). f. Swimming (Calkins) i. RECOMMENDATION #1: To change the ODAC scheduling procedure to one conference wide invitational during every season, which will then free up their schedules to either schedule ODAC schools or other institutions on a one year trial Amended to note One Year Trial 1. Guilford will be looking to get access to North Carolina A&T for use of its pool as the host site. ii. RECOMMENDATION #2: To choose the All-Conference Team (starting with the 2009 championship) using the following criteria: First Team All-Conference – first and second place finishers at the championship meet. Second Team All-Conference – third and fourth place finishers at the championship meet. Honorable Mention Team: one athlete nominated by the coach, from each conference team not already represented above. iii. RECOMMENDATION #3: Motion to approve the coaches meetings for Feb. 15, 2009, during the ODAC championship and March 28, 2009, at Sweet Briar. iv. MOTION TO APPROVE THE REPORT AS A WHOLE: Approved 8-0-5 g. Men’s Tennis (Renn, defers to Hathorn) i. RECOMMENDATION #1: Motion to eliminate all third sets in double dual matches (matches where both men and women play simultaneously) when the venue consists of six counts or less; unless both coaches agree to play out third sets. If either coach disagrees, please defer the above motion. Otherwise, ten point tie-breakers will be played in lieu of all third sets. Pending approval of the women’s tennis sport committee. 1. MOTION TO APPROVE RECOMMENDATION #1: Approved 11-0-2 ii. RECOMMENDATION #2: For the ODAC tournament, eliminate Wednesday matches by starting all quarterfinal matches on Friday with the semifinals and final played on Saturday and Sunday, respectively. 1. AMMENDMENT: To have the men and women play their tournaments on the same day. 2. Next year’s tournament will be played on April 17-19 at the site of the highest seed. 3. MOTION TO APPROVE RECOMMENDATION #2: Failed 0-11-2 iii. RECOMMENDATION #3: Motion to move the men’s tennis tournament to the week of the April 21-26. The coaches’ committee shall respond by August 15 with a preliminary tournament format proposal to committee members for consideration. 1. MOTION TO APPROVE RECOMMENDATION #3: Approved 11-0-2 iv. RECOMMENDATION #4: Move the annual coaches’ meeting to the fall prior to the fall invitational. 1. Next year’s meeting will take place on September 12 at Washington and Lee. 2. MOTION TO APPROVE RECOMMENDATION #4: 12-0-1 v. MOTION TO REFER TO MEN’S & WOMEN’S TENNIS COMMITTEES TO MEET TO SOLVE CHAMPIONSHIP ISSUES: Approved unanimously h. Cross Country/Track and Field (Toms, defers to Bankston) i. RECOMMENDATION #1: To use a document to be used to hire officials ii. RECOMMENDATION #2: To raise the entry fee for the indoor championship per gender to $175 per school. iii. RECOMMENDATION #3: To continue to hold the old record if the new record has a wind reading of +2.0 or higher. The record will be followed by a “W” beside it. iv. RECOMMENDATION #4: To hold a spring coaches’ meeting after the ODAC championships at a central location. v. RECOMMENDATION #5: To adopt the following payment plan for officials at the ODAC championships 1. Starter #1 – Indoors: $200; Outdoors: $125 per day = $250 2. Starter #2 – Indoors: $200; Outdoors: $125 per day = $250 3. Head Clerk – Indoors: $50; Outdoors: $50 per day = $100 4. Starter #2 – Indoors: $50; Outdoors: $50 per day = $100 vi. RECOMMENDATION #6: To eliminate the pre-meet meetings for indoor and outdoor track. Keep the pre-meet meeting for the cross country championships and meet AFTER the outdoor championship. vii. RECOMMENDATION #7: With a six-place scoring system, only six will run in a trial or final race in the 400-meter dash and shorter races. 1. MOTION TO APPROVE RECOMMENDATIONS 1-7: Approved 6-0-7 viii. RECOMMENDATION #8: Deemed out of order ix. RECOMMENDATION #9: To have the ODAC award a “Honorable Mention” certificate to the third place finishers at the ODAC indoor and outdoor championships 1. MOTION TO APPROVE RECOMMENDATION #9: Approved 6-0-7 x. ADDENDUM MOTION TO APPLY RECOMMENDATION #9 TO ALL SPORTS: Approved unanimously and effective 2008-09. IV. Creation of a new standing committee a. Student-Athlete Welfare and Diversity i. H. Somers and S. Levine charge with correction ii. Would work with Tier-II funding to help with sportsmanship initiatives b. RECOMMENDATION: To establish a committee on student-athlete well-being with the charge of developing and implementing a plan for increased diversity awareness for the conference, provide SAAC leadership and advisement, provide education, awareness and programming in the areas of hazing, social networking, and substance use and abuse, as well as plan and organize symposiums for the conference in the related areas. i. MOTION TO APPROVE RECOMMENDATION: Approved Unanimously. V. Scholar-Athlete Discussions 2008 Spring Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, May 22, 2008 – Day Three</p><p>Roll… Brad Bankston, ODAC J.J. Nekoloff, ODAC Sara Rechnitzer, ODAC Curt Kendall, Bridgewater Jean Willi, Bridgewater Dave King, Eastern Mennonite Bob Johnson, Emory & Henry Bev Hatch, Emory & Henry Dr. Rosalind Reichard, Emory & Henry (President) Tom Palombo, Guilford Stephanie Flamini, Guilford Bob Malekoff, Guilford Joe Bush, Hampden-Sydney Lynda Calkins, Hollins Bill Kuchler, Lynchburg Heather Somers, Randolph Melissa Wiggins, Randolph Denis Kanach, Randolph-Macon Jeff Burns, Randolph-Macon Crystal Carper, Randolph-Macon Scott Alison, Roanoke Kelly Morrison, Sweet Briar Joanne Renn, Virginia Wesleyan Jan Hathorn, Washington and Lee Shana Levine, Washington and Lee</p><p>I. Integration and ODAC Study a. Three Primary Goals of the Study i. Whether or not a group of chief academic officers, faculty athletic representatives, and athletic directors from the ODAC believe that there is a divide between Division III college athletics and education goals and values. ii. What obstacles – if any – these individuals believe exist between the alignment of Division III college sports and educational values. iii. What prescriptive steps and/or solutions might be implemented to successfully overcome these obstacles and more closely align Division III college sports with educational goals and values. b. Informs that there is strong leadership towards integration from the ODAC on both a conference and national level (1.4) c. Noted he was a little surprised that circles outside of athletic administrators were aware of the importance of athletics’ role in institutional recruitment (1.5) d. Other than athletic directors, there was much unfamiliarity with mission statements of respective athletic departments. (2.1) e. Another surprise was that athletic directors, FARs and chief academic officers are agreed that athletics enhance education experience (2.3) f. All felt there had to be some level of success (2.4) g. Got the impression that there wasn’t much measurement going on in the conference, or at least many are not aware it is happening, if it is (3.1) h. Faculty are separated into three camps (4.1) i. Those very supportive of athletics ii. Those cynical of athletics iii. Those that hold a middle ground that worry about student perspective, and are an untapped source of people not knowing the full importance of athletics i. Communication is the key to minimizing scheduling conflicts and issues with mixed class time (4.3) j. Perception on campus that certain teams underperform; basis from most is a hunch or “I think, I hear things.” (4.4) k. Several opinions that there is an overemphasis on competitive success, some coming from external forces (6.1) l. There is also sentiment that alumni pressure is a driving force for overemphasis of competitive success (6.2) m. Real consensus among the three groups that expectations of parents of students coming to school was greater than those of the students; some parents don’t understand what Division III is and can become a distraction (7.1 & 7.3) n. RECOMMENDATIONS i. Look at the mission statements and make those apart of the evaluation processes ii. Keeping integration at the forefront iii. Keeping the senior officer that athletics reports to involved iv. Is there coherence on the campus of what the school is trying to get out of athletics v. Communication vi. Want recruited students to know what Division III is all about II. Further Discussion on ODAC Championship Start Times a. The game should be considered an ODAC game, not a home game for the host site i. RECOMMENDATION: ODAC championships are an ODAC sponsored event with competition start times to be finalized/determined by the athletic directors in consultation with the ODAC commissioner. Consideration will be made for travel times and multiple contests at the same venue. This will be added to the current sport-by-sport guidelines ii. MOTION TO APPROVE RECOMMENDATION: Approved unanimously III. Old Business a. Sportsmanship (Kendall) i. Ideas to increase the effectiveness of sportsmanship efforts through Tier II funds 1. Signage a. Small golf signs that were placed around i. Short little blurb ii. Banners 2. Letters sent out to and signed by student-athlete parents 3. Added security? 4. Monetary awards at selected games? 5. Blurb in school newspapers ii. Looking into hazing education 1. Student-Athlete Well-Being Comm. 2. SAAC iii. Be Loud, Be Proud, Be Positive 1. Banners should be up on campus 2. ODAC office must send in a report confirming that each school will/does participate iv. Deadline is June 15 for Sportsmanship Award v. Using some Tier II monies for Sportsmanship Team Awards vi. Allocation of remaining Tier II monies will be distributed evenly amongst schools b. Conference Grant Initiative i. Over the participation has been very good for Tier I 1. Five schools that have participated in either Boston or San Antonio regional rules seminars. 2. EHC, EMU, HSC, RMC, VWC need to submit expenses to conference office ii. Funded Randy Doss from Guilford to attend convention in Nashville iii. Commissioner Bankston feels that funding for SWA’s has not been used efficiently 1. Money available to use to improve SWA services iv. FARs do a nice job of agreeing on representation to represent them at conventions v. Tier II funding is a source of concern 1. Commissioner Bankston would like to use money for more conference-wide programming a. Prefers not to split it up amongst each school… supported by S. Levine b. Can also pay for NACWA memberships and trips to next year’s NACWA convention 2. Women’s Symposium was planned and hosted extremely well a. K. Morrison was impressed with the work not only of the national speakers at the event, but more so of the ODAC members that spoke in breakout groups b. Also looking for a new chair of the SWA’s to help in planning 3. Next scheduled option is diversity a. J. Hathorn brings about the idea of having the diversity seminar along with a sportsmanship seminar vi. Tier III has been traditionally used for technology 1. Purchase new laptop 2. Also buys Statcrew upgrades for each institution 3. Some officiating recruitment has been handled through this grant IV. Commissioner’s Report (Bankston) a. 40-Second Clock in Football i. Polling schools that can handle the change. 1. A few schools haven’t had the opportunity to look into if their current clock systems can handle the change b. AD Liaisons i. Executive Committee suggests that AD liaisons not be a coach of that sport. ii. Committee will meet over the summer to identify ADs that would be interested in being a liaison for certain sports. c. Championship Participation i. Had an issue of a participant not playing complete format ii. Women’s tennis as an example where one team left early before its placing had been played out on a mutual decision not to play the match. iii. The host deserves that everyone participates. d. Personnel Review i. Responses on personnel will be provided at a later time. ii. People are in the office working at a high level iii. J.J. Nekoloff’s position has been asked to be elevated to an assistant commissioner’s role 1. Will return with an appropriate job description this summer iv. Talk of maintaining the position S. Rechnitzer currently holds when the office moves to Lynchburg, should that happen e. Bankston Relocation i. Been support to move the office, but Commissioner Bankston would like to maintain the office in Salem for one more year. ii. Has asked Randolph for some space on campus for a possible office in the stead for Commissioner Bankston iii. How finances are handled is a concern with the move. f. Financially i. Believes we will come out on top following the tournaments’ evaluation V. Voting VI. Special Presentation to Lynda Calkins a. Awarding of commemorative plaque b. Words from Scott Alison c. Words from Lynda Calkins i. Sandra Thomas – 540-362-6436 [email protected] VII. Selection of ODAC Scholar-Athlete Awards a. Doc Jopson – Jeff Highfill, BC and Nathaniel James, WLU b. Marge Berkeley – Lauren Askey, LC VIII. Presentation of Commissioner’s Cups IX. Drawing of Lots (see ODAC Manual)</p>

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