Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol

Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol

<p>[MS-EXSPWS]: Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol</p><p>Intellectual Property Rights Notice for Open Specifications Documentation § Technical Documentation. Microsoft publishes Open Specifications documentation (“this documentation”) for protocols, file formats, data portability, computer languages, and standards support. Additionally, overview documents cover inter-protocol relationships and interactions. § Copyrights. This documentation is covered by Microsoft copyrights. Regardless of any other terms that are contained in the terms of use for the Microsoft website that hosts this documentation, you can make copies of it in order to develop implementations of the technologies that are described in this documentation and can distribute portions of it in your implementations that use these technologies or in your documentation as necessary to properly document the implementation. You can also distribute in your implementation, with or without modification, any schemas, IDLs, or code samples that are included in the documentation. This permission also applies to any documents that are referenced in the Open Specifications documentation. § No Trade Secrets. Microsoft does not claim any trade secret rights in this documentation. </p><p>§ Patents. Microsoft has patents that might cover your implementations of the technologies described in the Open Specifications documentation. Neither this notice nor Microsoft's delivery of this documentation grants any licenses under those patents or any other Microsoft patents. However, a given Open Specifications document might be covered by the Microsoft Open Specifications Promise or the Microsoft Community Promise. If you would prefer a written license, or if the technologies described in this documentation are not covered by the Open Specifications Promise or Community Promise, as applicable, patent licenses are available by contacting [email protected]. § Trademarks. The names of companies and products contained in this documentation might be covered by trademarks or similar intellectual property rights. This notice does not grant any licenses under those rights. For a list of Microsoft trademarks, visit www.microsoft.com/trademarks. § Fictitious Names. The example companies, organizations, products, domain names, email addresses, logos, people, places, and events that are depicted in this documentation are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, email address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred.</p><p>1 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Reservation of Rights. All other rights are reserved, and this notice does not grant any rights other than as specifically described above, whether by implication, estoppel, or otherwise. Tools. The Open Specifications documentation does not require the use of Microsoft programming tools or programming environments in order for you to develop an implementation. If you have access to Microsoft programming tools and environments, you are free to take advantage of them. Certain Open Specifications documents are intended for use in conjunction with publicly available standards specifications and network programming art and, as such, assume that the reader either is familiar with the aforementioned material or has immediate access to it.</p><p>2 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Revision Summary Revision Revision Date History Class Comments</p><p>4/4/2008 0.1 New Initial Availability</p><p>6/27/2008 1.0 Major Revised and edited the technical content</p><p>10/6/2008 1.01 Editorial Revised and edited the technical content</p><p>12/12/2008 1.02 Editorial Revised and edited the technical content</p><p>7/13/2009 1.03 Minor Revised and edited the technical content</p><p>8/28/2009 1.04 Editorial Revised and edited the technical content</p><p>11/6/2009 1.05 Editorial Revised and edited the technical content</p><p>2/19/2010 2.0 Editorial Revised and edited the technical content</p><p>3/31/2010 2.01 Editorial Revised and edited the technical content</p><p>4/30/2010 2.02 Editorial Revised and edited the technical content</p><p>6/7/2010 2.03 Editorial Revised and edited the technical content</p><p>6/29/2010 2.04 Editorial Changed language and formatting in the technical content.</p><p>7/23/2010 2.05 Minor Clarified the meaning of the technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 9/27/2010 2.05 None technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 11/15/2010 2.05 None technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 12/17/2010 2.05 None technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 3/18/2011 2.05 None technical content.</p><p>6/10/2011 2.6 Minor Clarified the meaning of the technical content.</p><p>1/20/2012 2.7 Minor Clarified the meaning of the technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 4/11/2012 2.7 None technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 7/16/2012 2.7 None technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 9/12/2012 2.7 None technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 10/8/2012 2.7 None technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 2/11/2013 2.7 None technical content.</p><p>7/30/2013 2.8 Minor Clarified the meaning of the technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 11/18/2013 2.8 None technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 2/10/2014 2.8 None technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 4/30/2014 2.8 None technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 7/31/2014 2.8 None technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 10/30/2014 2.8 None technical content.</p><p>3 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Revision Revision Date History Class Comments</p><p>6/23/2016 2.9 Minor Clarified the meaning of the technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 9/14/2016 2.9 None technical content.</p><p>No changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of the 10/17/2016 2.9 None technical content.</p><p>4 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Table of Contents</p><p>5 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1 Introduction This document specifies the Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol. This protocol enables communication between a protocol client that displays workbooks for viewing and interacting with a protocol server that loads and calculates workbooks. Sections 1.5, 1.8, 1.9, 2, and 3 of this specification are normative. All other sections and examples in this specification are informative.</p><p>1.1 Glossary This document uses the following terms: access model: A protocol that specifies how communication is handled between different features in a server system with respect to how user requests for resources are authorized. active cell: The cell that is currently selected in a worksheet. active sheet: The sheet that is currently selected. alert: A message that is passed to a protocol client to notify it when specific criteria are met. ancestor: A PivotTable member that is above the current PivotTable member in a hierarchy. anonymous user: A user who presents no credentials when identifying himself or herself. The process for determining an anonymous user can differ based on the authentication protocol, and the documentation for the relevant authentication protocol should be consulted. ascending order: A sort order in which text strings are arranged in alphabetical order, numerical values are arranged from smallest to largest, and dates and times are arranged from oldest to newest. AutoFilter: A mechanism that can be used to filter tabular data based on user-defined criteria such as values, strings, and formatting. AutoFilter item: A value that is used to populate an AutoFilter. border: A line that can be applied to the outer edge of a cell, shape, object, or chart element. A border can be variously formatted for style, color, and thickness. border formatting: A set of properties that, as a whole, specify the appearance of a border, such as color, line style, and thickness. border style: See border formatting. border thickness: A property of a border that specifies how thick a border line is drawn. bottom N filter: A filter that matches the smallest numerical values or oldest time and date values in a specified range. bottom N filter by count: A type of bottom N filter that matches the N smallest numerical values or the N oldest time and date values. bottom N filter by percent: A type of bottom N filter that matches the N percent smallest numerical values or the N percent oldest time and date values.</p><p>6 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 bottom N filter by sum: A type of bottom N filter that matches the smallest numerical values or the oldest time and date values whose sum is equal to or greater than N. calculate: The process by which computations in a workbook are performed. caption: One or more characters that can be used as a label for display purposes or as an identifier. CDATA section: A section in an XML document that is bracketed by [! CDATA[ and ]] characters. All data in this section, including markup tags, is treated as normal characters by an XML parser. cell contents: The data inside a cell, such as text, values, formulas, and cell error values. cell error value: Any of a number of special values that are returned as a result of an unsuccessful formula calculation. cell formatting: The set of properties that, as a whole, specify the appearance of a cell, such as font characteristics and fill color. child: An object that is immediately below the current object in a hierarchy. child PivotTable member: A PivotTable member that is one level lower in a dimension hierarchy, relative to another PivotTable member, which is referred to as its parent member. For example, a child of a Year member might be Quarter. clear all state: A condition in which no filter is applied to a worksheet, list, or PivotTable report. collapsed outline state: A state in which the content that is nested within an outline is not displayed. color stop: A color at a specific position in a color gradient. column: (1) See field (3). (2) A single set of data that is displayed vertically in a worksheet or a table. column field: A field that is contained in the PivotTable area where the column (2) values are shown. compact axis: A state in which PivotTable members from different levels in a hierarchy are displayed in a single column (2). confirmation: A message that asks a user to verify an action before the user performs it. connected data: Data that is stored in the same workbook from which it is being referenced, or data that is stored in a database repository. connection: A link that two physical machines or applications share to pass data back and forth. control button: A button in the user interface. credential: Previously established, authentication (2) data that is used by a security principal to establish its own identity. When used in reference to the Netlogon Protocol, it is the data that is stored in the NETLOGON_CREDENTIAL structure.</p><p>7 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 cube: A set of data that is organized and summarized into a multidimensional structure that is defined by a set of dimensions and measures. custom filter: A filter that contains preconfigured expressions in which users can optionally enter a string to filter data. custom label filter: A custom filter that is applied to string labels for data. custom value filter: A custom filter that is applied to the numerical values of data. data bar: A graphical representation of cell content as a bar graph. data connection: A collection of information, such as the type and location, that defines how to connect to an external data source, such as a database, web service, SharePoint list, or XML file. data culture: The language that is used to specify number formatting for data. data provider: A known data source that is specific to a target type and that provides data to a collector type. default column: The column (2) that is used if no column is specified. default filter value: The filter value that is used if no filter is specified. default font face color: The font face color that is applied to a cell if no font face color is specified. default row: The row that is used if no row is specified. default sheet: The sheet that is displayed if no sheet is specified. default sheet tab color: The color that is used for a worksheet tab if no color is specified. delegation: A model of communication between server components in which the caller can make requests on behalf of a user by passing a service ticket that was retrieved for that user. descendant: A member that is below the current member in a hierarchy. descending order: A sort order in which text strings are arranged in reverse alphabetical order, numerical values are arranged from largest to smallest, and dates and times are arranged from newest to oldest. dimension: A structural attribute of a cube, which is an organized hierarchy of categories (levels) that describe data in a fact table. These categories typically describe a similar set of members upon which the user bases an analysis. drill indicator: A symbol that indicates whether a PivotTable member can be expanded or collapsed. expand: The process of opening a level in a dimension hierarchy on a PivotTable report to view data from lower levels in the user interface. expanded outline state: A state in which nested content within an outline is displayed. expire: A process in which an object, such as an external data connection, becomes invalid because its allotted time period has ended. external data: Data that is stored in a repository outside a workbook.</p><p>8 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 fallback data culture: A data culture that is selected through an algorithm as a substitute for a data culture that is not installed or is otherwise unavailable. fallback UI culture: A user interface (UI) culture that is selected through an algorithm as a substitute for a UI culture that is not installed or is otherwise unavailable. fill color: A color that is used to fill the background of a cell, shape, or chart element. filter: A mechanism by which a set of data is scoped to display only those entries that meet specified logical criteria. filtering control: A user interface element that contains the filter functions of a PivotTable report. filtering state: A setting that indicates whether a filter value or filter date value is included as part of the criteria that is used to define the filter for an AutoFilter. flow: The direction in which text in a cell is rendered. font face color: A property of a cell that specifies the color that is used to render a font. font face decoration: Any of the set of font properties that specify how to render a font, such as italics and underline. formula: A logical equation or function that produces a result in a spreadsheet application. gradient fill: A type of fill that applies gradient formatting to the background of a cell or an object. gridline: A line that is drawn on a worksheet or table for use as a visual aid to distinguish between cells. group: A process of combining similar elements into a set in accordance with logical criteria. It is frequently used to combine sets of data from Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) databases or PivotTable reports. grow: The process of increasing the number of rows or columns (2) in a PivotTable report. Help topic identifier: A unique identifier for an article that contains Help content. hidden: A condition of an object that prevents it from being displayed in rendered output. hidden row: A row that does not appear in a worksheet view because its height is set to "0" (zero). A row can be hidden if the data is filtered or an outline is collapsed. hierarchy: A logical tree structure that organizes the members of a dimension such that each member has one parent member and zero or more child members. horizontal indent: An indent that is used in a cell to adjust cell content horizontally. horizontal text: Text that is rendered horizontally in a cell. host data language: The data culture of a site.</p><p>9 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 hyperlink: A relationship between two anchors, as described in [RFC1866]. item: A unit of content that can be indexed and searched by a search application. key performance indicator (KPI): A predefined measure that is used to track performance against a strategic goal, objective, plan, initiative, or business process. A visual cue is frequently used to communicate performance against the measure. left-to-right: A reading order in which characters in words are read from left to right, and words are read from left to right in sentences. level: A relative position in a hierarchy of data. A level is frequently used when describing how to navigate a hierarchy in an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) database or a PivotTable report. list: An organization of a region of cells into a tabular structure in a workbook. login name: A string that is used to identify a user or entity to an operating system, directory service, or distributed system. For example, in Windows-integrated authentication, a login name uses the form "DOMAIN\username". manual filter: A filter that lets users select a set of individual data items or dimension hierarchies by using a user interface that displays levels from the hierarchies. member property: An attribute (1) on a data item within a specific dimension in an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) database. merged cell: A single cell that is created by combining two or more adjacent cells. merged range: A range that contains one or more merged cells. named object: A list, PivotTable report, chart, or range that can be referenced by name. A sheet is not a type of named object. named object view: A mode in which only named objects are rendered. native PivotTable: A PivotTable report that is populated with data from a worksheet in the same workbook. navigation operation: An operation that changes a webpage when users use the navigation controls in a web browser. number format: A property of a cell or other type of object that determines how numerical data is displayed or interpreted. For example, a currency number format affixes the proper currency symbol to the number. Online Analytical Processing (OLAP): A technology that uses multidimensional structures to provide access to data for analysis. The source data for OLAP is stored in data warehouses in a relational database. See also cube. Open Item permission: An authorization that enables users to retrieve an entire file. outline: A nested grouping of rows or columns (2) that are in a worksheet. outline collapse: A process in which rows or columns (2) of an outline are made invisible.</p><p>10 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 outline expand: A process in which rows or columns (2) of an outline are made visible. outline level: A type of paragraph formatting that can be used to assign a hierarchical level, Level 1 through Level 9, to paragraphs in a document. After outline levels are assigned, an outline of a document can be viewed by using Outline view, the document map, or the navigation pane. outline state: A setting that specifies whether an outline is currently outline expanded or outline collapsed. page field parameter: A PivotTable page field that is also a workbook parameter. pattern color: The color of the background pattern that is specified for a cell. pattern fill: A state of a cell in which a background pattern is specified. pattern mask: Any of the set of patterns that specify a design for the background of a cell. patterned overlay mask: See pattern mask. permission: A rule that is associated with an object and that regulates which users can gain access to the object and in what manner. See also rights. PivotTable: An interactive table that summarizes large amounts of data from various sources by using format and calculation methods. Row and column headings can be rotated to view different summaries of the source data, filter the data, or display detail data for specific areas. PivotTable data field: A PivotTable field that is contained in the PivotTable area where data values are shown. PivotTable filter parameter: The value that a filter on a PivotTable report is set to, which indicates that matching values are included in the result set. PivotTable member: An individual data item within a specific dimension as it is displayed in a PivotTable report. For example, a member in the Geography dimension might be North America. pixel: A discrete unit of display on a computer display device. point: A unit of measurement for fonts and spacing. A point is equal to 1/72 of an inch. published: A condition of portions of a workbook that are marked as being available to the user when that workbook is processed by a protocol server. published item: A specific named object that is in a published workbook. published range: A specific type of published item that represents a range of cells. published sheet: A sheet (2) that is published. query: A formalized instruction to a data source to either extract data or perform a specified action. A query can be in the form of a query expression, a method-based query, or a combination of the two. The data </p><p>11 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 source can be in different forms, such as a relational database, XML document, or in-memory object. See also search query. R1C1 notation: A notation that is used to specify a row and column (2) of cells in a workbook, as described in [ECMA-376] and [ISO/IEC- 29500:2008]. range: An addressable region that is in a workbook. A range typically consists of zero or more cells and represents a single, contiguous rectangle of cells on a single sheet. reading order: The positioning of characters in words and the positioning of words in sentences. This can be left-to-right or right-to-left. refresh: A process that retrieves values from a data source and populates a workbook with those values. rich text: Text that is formatted in the Rich Text Format, as described in [MSFT-RTF]. right-to-left: A reading and display order that is optimized for right-to-left languages. row: (1) A collection of columns (1) that contains property values that describe a single item in a set of items that match the restriction (1) specified in a query. (2) A single set of data that is displayed horizontally in a worksheet or a table. search down: A process of searching for information by ascending row and column numbers. search up: A process of searching for information by descending row and column numbers. security identifier (SID): An identifier for security principals in Windows that is used to identify an account or a group. Conceptually, the SID is composed of an account authority portion (typically a domain) and a smaller integer representing an identity relative to the account authority, termed the relative identifier (RID). The SID format is specified in [MS- DTYP] section 2.4.2; a string representation of SIDs is specified in [MS- DTYP] section 2.4.2 and [MS-AZOD] section selected: The condition of a set of items that has focus in a workbook. session: (1) A unidirectional communication channel for a stream of messages that are addressed to one or more destinations. A destination is specified by a resource URL, an identity URL, and a device URL. More than one session can be multiplexed over a single connection. (2) A representation of application data in system memory. It is used to maintain state for application data that is being manipulated or monitored on a protocol server by a user. session identifier: (1) A unique string that is used to identify a specific instance of session data and is used by stored procedures as an opaque primary key. (2) A key that enables an application to make reference to a session.</p><p>12 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 session view: The rendering of the contents of a workbook that is associated with a specific session. sheet: (1) A part of an Excel workbook. There are four types of sheets: worksheet, macro sheet, dialog sheet, and chart sheet. Multiple sheets are stored together within a workbook. (2) A worksheet. The term sheet frequently refers to a worksheet because worksheets are the most common type of sheet. sheet tab: A control that is used to select a sheet. shrink to fit: The process of adjusting the font size of text in a cell to fit the current height and width of the cell. single sign-on (SSO) ticket: A token that contains the encrypted identity of a single sign-on (SSO) user in the form of a security identifier string and a nonce. site identifier: A GUID that is used to identify a site in a site collection. snapshot: A copy of a workbook that contains only values and formatting. It does not contain any formulas or data connections. SOAP action: The HTTP request header field used to indicate the intent of the SOAP request, using a URI value. See [SOAP1.1] section 6.1.1 for more information. SOAP body: A container for the payload data being delivered by a SOAP message to its recipient. See [SOAP1.2-1/2007] section 5.3 for more information. SOAP fault: A container for error and status information within a SOAP message. See [SOAP1.2-1/2007] section 5.4 for more information. SOAP fault detail: A string containing a human-readable explanation of a SOAP fault, which is not intended for algorithmic processing. See [SOAP1.2-1/2007] section 5.4.5 for more information. sort: A process that arranges cells in ascending or descending order, based on cell content. sort order: A specific arrangement of cells that is based on cell content. The order can be ascending or descending. state changing: A type of operation that changes the state of a session. summary: The orientation of outline expand and outline collapse symbols in relation to the data that is outlined. system resources: The physical resources of a server computer, such as memory, disk space, CPU, and network bandwidth. table: A list that is defined in a workbook. table header: The top row of a table, where the column names are displayed. time zone: A geographical area that observes the same local time. The local time has a positive, zero, or negative offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The offset can be different during standard time and daylight saving time. time zone bias: The positive, zero, or negative offset in minutes from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For example, Middle European Time </p><p>13 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 (MET, GMT+01:00) has a time zone bias of "-60" because it is one hour ahead of UTC. Pacific Standard Time (PST, GMT-08:00) has a time zone bias of "+480" because it is eight hours behind UTC. time zone daylight bias: The positive, zero, or negative offset in minutes that is added to the time zone bias during daylight saving time. For example, daylight saving time advances the clock by one hour. The time zone daylight bias is set to "-60". time zone daylight date: The date and time when the change from standard time to daylight saving time occurs. time zone standard bias: A positive, zero, or negative offset in minutes that is added to the time zone bias outside daylight saving time. time zone standard date: The date and time when the change from daylight saving time to standard time occurs. token: A word in an item or a search query that translates into a meaningful word or number in written text. A token is the smallest textual unit that can be matched in a search query. Examples include "cat", "AB14", or "42". top N filter: A filter that matches the top or bottom N items or N% of items in a specified column (2). top N filter by count: A type of top N filter that matches the N largest numerical values or the N newest time and date values. top N filter by percent: A type of top N filter that matches the N percent largest numerical values or the N percent newest time and date values. top N filter by sum: A type of top N filter that matches the largest numerical values or the newest time and date values whose sum is equal to or greater than N. trusted subsystem: A method of communication in which two-way trust is established between two server features. Each server feature communicates with the other feature by using an account that is authorized to perform privileged actions, such as retrieving files and settings. UI culture: The language that is used to display strings and graphical elements in a user interface. Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): A string that identifies a resource. The URI is an addressing mechanism defined in Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax [RFC3986]. Uniform Resource Locator (URL): A string of characters in a standardized format that identifies a document or resource on the World Wide Web. The format is as specified in [RFC1738]. Universal Naming Convention (UNC): A string format that specifies the location of a resource. For more information, see [MS-DTYP] section 2.2.57. vertical indent: An indent that is used in a cell to adjust cell content vertically.</p><p>14 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 vertical text: Text that is rendered vertically in a cell. visible: A condition of an object that allows it to be displayed in rendered output. web service: A unit of application logic that provides data and services to other applications and can be called by using standard Internet transport protocols such as HTTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), or File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Web services can perform functions that range from simple requests to complicated business processes. Web Services Description Language (WSDL): An XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints that operate on messages that contain either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information. The operations and messages are described abstractly and are bound to a concrete network protocol and message format in order to define an endpoint. Related concrete endpoints are combined into abstract endpoints, which describe a network service. WSDL is extensible, which allows the description of endpoints and their messages regardless of the message formats or network protocols that are used. workbook file: A file that contains a byte stream representation of a workbook. workbook parameter: A single cell that is designated to receive input from users. worksheet header: The row and column headings of a worksheet. worksheet image: A chart image that is embedded in a worksheet or chart sheet. WSDL message: An abstract, typed definition of the data that is communicated during a WSDL operation [WSDL]. Also, an element that describes the data being exchanged between web service providers and clients. XML: The Extensible Markup Language, as described in [XML1.0]. XML document: A document object that is well formed, as described in [XML10/5], and might be valid. An XML document has a logical structure that is composed of declarations, elements, comments, character references, and processing instructions. It also has a physical structure that is composed of entities, starting with the root, or document, entity. XML namespace: A collection of names that is used to identify elements, types, and attributes in XML documents identified in a URI reference [RFC3986]. A combination of XML namespace and local name allows XML documents to use elements, types, and attributes that have the same names but come from different sources. For more information, see [XMLNS-2ED]. XML namespace prefix: An abbreviated form of an XML namespace, as described in [XML]. XML schema: A description of a type of XML document that is typically expressed in terms of constraints on the structure and content of documents of that type, in addition to the basic syntax constraints that are</p><p>15 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 imposed by XML itself. An XML schema provides a view of a document type at a relatively high level of abstraction. zero-based index: An index in which the first item has an index of "0" (zero). z-order: The rendering order of an object on a z axis. MAY, SHOULD, MUST, SHOULD NOT, MUST NOT: These terms (in all caps) are used as defined in [RFC2119]. All statements of optional behavior use either MAY, SHOULD, or SHOULD NOT.</p><p>1.2 References Links to a document in the Microsoft Open Specifications library point to the correct section in the most recently published version of the referenced document. However, because individual documents in the library are not updated at the same time, the section numbers in the documents may not match. You can confirm the correct section numbering by checking the Errata. </p><p>1.2.1 Normative References We conduct frequent surveys of the normative references to assure their continued availability. If you have any issue with finding a normative reference, please contact [email protected]. We will assist you in finding the relevant information. [ECMA-376] ECMA International, "Office Open XML File Formats", 1st Edition, ECMA-376, December 2006, http://www.ecma- international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-376.htm</p><p>[HTML] World Wide Web Consortium, "HTML 4.01 Specification", December 1999, http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/</p><p>[MS-DTYP] Microsoft Corporation, "Windows Data Types".</p><p>[MS-ODBCSTR] Microsoft Corporation, "ODBC Connection String Structure".</p><p>[MS-ODCFF] Microsoft Corporation, "Office Data Connection File Format".</p><p>[MS-OLEDBSTR] Microsoft Corporation, "OLEDB Connection String Structure".</p><p>[MS-WSSFO] Microsoft Corporation, "Windows SharePoint Services (WSS): File Operations Database Communications Protocol".</p><p>[MS-XLSB] Microsoft Corporation, "Excel (.xlsb) Binary File Format".</p><p>[RFC1738] Berners-Lee, T., Masinter, L., and McCahill, M., Eds., "Uniform Resource Locators (URL)", RFC 1738, December 1994, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt</p><p>[RFC1766] Alvestrand, H., "Tags for the Identification of Languages", RFC 1766, March 1995, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1766.txt</p><p>16 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 [RFC2083] Boutell, T., et al., "PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Specification Version 1.0", RFC 2083, March 1997, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2083.txt</p><p>[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997, http://www.rfc- editor.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt</p><p>[RFC2234] Crocker, D. and Overell, P., "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF", RFC 2234, November 1997, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2234.txt</p><p>[RFC2616] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., et al., "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC 2616, June 1999, http://www.rfc- editor.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt</p><p>[RFC3339] Klyne, G. and Newman, C., "Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps", RFC 3339, July 2002, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt</p><p>[RFC3986] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and Masinter, L., "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66, RFC 3986, January 2005, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt</p><p>[RFC4122] Leach, P., Mealling, M., and Salz, R., "A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) URN Namespace", RFC 4122, July 2005, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt</p><p>[SOAP1.1] Box, D., Ehnebuske, D., Kakivaya, G., et al., "Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1", May 2000, http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/NOTE-SOAP- 20000508/</p><p>[SOAP1.2/1] Gudgin, M., Hadley, M., Mendelsohn, N., Moreau, J., and Nielsen, H.F., "SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework", W3C Recommendation, June 2003, http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-soap12-part1- 20030624</p><p>[SOAP1.2/2] Gudgin, M., Hadley, M., Mendelsohn, N., Moreau, J., and Nielsen, H.F., "SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts", W3C Recommendation, June 2003, http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-soap12-part2-20030624</p><p>[WSDL] Christensen, E., Curbera, F., Meredith, G., and Weerawarana, S., "Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1", W3C Note, March 2001, http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/NOTE-wsdl-20010315</p><p>[XMLNS] Bray, T., Hollander, D., Layman, A., et al., Eds., "Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Third Edition)", W3C Recommendation, December 2009, http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/REC-xml-names-20091208/</p><p>17 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 [XMLSCHEMA1] Thompson, H., Beech, D., Maloney, M., and Mendelsohn, N., Eds., "XML Schema Part 1: Structures", W3C Recommendation, May 2001, http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-1-20010502/</p><p>[XMLSCHEMA2] Biron, P.V., Ed. and Malhotra, A., Ed., "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes", W3C Recommendation, May 2001, http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-2-20010502/</p><p>1.2.2 Informative References [MSDN-ESTO] Microsoft Corporation, "Excel Services Technical Overview", http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa972194.aspx</p><p>[MSDN-UFES] Microsoft Corporation, "Unsupported Features in Excel Services", http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms496823.aspx</p><p>[MSFT-ACRR] Microsoft Corporation, "Overview of formulas", https://support.office.com/en-US/article/overview-of-formulas-7abfda78-eff3- 4cc6-b4a7-6350d512d2dc</p><p>1.3 Protocol Overview (Synopsis)</p><p>1.3.1 Client-Server Protocol This protocol is used for communication between a protocol server, which provides access to workbooks, and a protocol client, which renders the data provided by the protocol server. The communication is always initiated by the protocol client using different operations, whose functionality is outlined in section 1.3.3. For an overview of a specific implementation of a workbook server system that uses this protocol, see [MSDN-ESTO].</p><p>1.3.2 Session-based Protocol The protocol is session (2) based and uses a unique session identifier (2). This session identifier (2) is generated when a new session is created and is used thereafter to refer to that particular session. Multiple sessions can exist at the same time. Sessions can be created and closed independently.</p><p>1.3.3 Protocol Operations This protocol provides the following functionality, which can be used on workbooks: § Open and close. § Retrieve the full contents of the current open copy. § Recalculation. § Refresh connected data. § Set specific values into a range. § Get specific values from a range. § Get rendering data for a range.</p><p>18 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § Sort and filter tables. § Sort, filter, and expand PivotTables. § Find values. § Cancel a request. § Get information about a session (2). § Get the version of the protocol.</p><p>1.3.4 Published Items and Results Returned by This Protocol A protocol server can have functionality where only portions of the workbook are available for consumption by protocol clients. The parts of the workbook that are available to be accessed by the protocol client are known as published. Some of the operations in this protocol could fail if the workbook item being exposed or changed is not published or if the user does not have sufficient permissions to view items that are not published.</p><p>1.4 Relationship to Other Protocols This protocol uses the SOAP message protocol for formatting request and response messages, as described in [SOAP1.1], [SOAP1.2/1] and [SOAP1.2/2]. It transmits those messages by using HTTP, as described in [RFC2616], or Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (HTTPS), as described in [RFC2818]. The following diagram shows the underlying messaging and transport stack used by the protocol:</p><p>Figure 1: This protocol in relation to other protocols</p><p>1.5 Prerequisites/Preconditions This protocol operates against a protocol server that is identified by a URL that is known by protocol clients. The protocol endpoint is formed by appending "ExcelCalculationServer/ExcelService.asmx" to the URL of the protocol server, for example, http://www.contoso.com:56737/SharedServices1/ExcelCalculationServer/Excel Service.asmx. This protocol assumes that authentication has been performed by the underlying protocols. This protocol imposes the following on the protocol client: § If the protocol server access model is set to trusted subsystem then the protocol client access model must also be set to trusted subsystem.</p><p>19 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § If the protocol server access model is set to delegation then the protocol client access model must also be set to delegation.</p><p>1.6 Applicability Statement This protocol enables communication between a protocol server, which calculates workbooks, and a protocol client, which does the following: § Displays workbooks and enables users to interact with those workbooks. § Provides programmatic access to those workbooks through a public Web service.</p><p>1.7 Versioning and Capability Negotiation This document covers versioning issues in the following areas: § Supported transports: This protocol uses multiple transports with SOAP as described in the section 2.1 section. § Localization: This protocol includes text strings in various messages. Localization considerations for such strings are described in sections 2.2 and 3.1.4.</p><p>1.8 Vendor-Extensible Fields None.</p><p>1.9 Standards Assignments None.</p><p>20 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2 Messages In the following sections, the schema definition might differ from the processing rules imposed by the protocol. The WSDL in this specification matches the WSDL that shipped with the product and provides a base description of the schema. The text that introduces the WSDL might specify differences that reflect actual Microsoft product behavior. For example, the schema definition might allow for an element to be empty, null, or not present but the behavior of the protocol as specified restricts the same elements to being non-empty, not null, and present.</p><p>2.1 Transport Protocol servers MUST support SOAP over HTTP or HTTPS. Protocol messages MUST be formatted as specified either in [SOAP1.1] section 4 or in [SOAP1.2/1] section 5. Protocol server faults MUST be returned either using HTTP Status Codes as specified in [RFC2616] section 10 or using SOAP faults as specified either in [SOAP1.1] section 4.4 or in [SOAP1.2/1] section 5.4. The version of the SOAP fault returned MUST correspond to the version of SOAP used for the request WSDL message.</p><p>2.2 Common Message Syntax This section contains common definitions used by this protocol. The syntax of the definitions uses XML Schema as defined in [XMLSCHEMA1] and [XMLSCHEMA2], and WSDL as defined in [WSDL].</p><p>2.2.1 Namespaces This specification defines and references various XML namespaces using the mechanisms specified in [XMLNS]. Although this specification associates a specific XML namespace prefix for each XML namespace that is used, the choice of any particular XML namespace prefix is implementation-specific and not significant for interoperability. Prefix Namespace URI Reference soap http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/ [SOAP1.1] tns http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSe rvice/ s1 http://microsoft.com/wsdl/types/ s http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema [XMLSCHEMA1 ] [XMLSCHEMA2 ] soap1 http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/ [SOAP1.2/1] 2 [SOAP1.2/2]</p><p>(none) http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSe rvice/ wsdl http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/ [WSDL]</p><p>21 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2.2.2 Messages None.</p><p>2.2.3 Elements This specification does not define any common XML Schema element definitions.</p><p>2.2.4 Complex Types The following table summarizes the set of common XML Schema complex type definitions defined by this specification. XML Schema complex type definitions that are specific to a particular operation are described with the operation. Complex type Description</p><p>ArrayOfAnyType The ArrayOfAnyType type is an array of anyType elements.</p><p>ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria The ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria type is an array of AutoFilterCriteria elements (section</p><p>ArrayOfAutoFilterDateNodeInfo The ArrayOfAutoFilterDateNodeInfo complex type is used to specify an array of AutoFilterDateNodeInfo (section</p><p>ArrayOfExcelServerMessage The ArrayOfExcelServerMessage type is an array of ExcelServerMessage elements (section</p><p>ArrayOfInt The ArrayOfInt type is an array of integer elements.</p><p>ArrayOfPivotFilterItem The ArrayOfPivotFilterItem type is an array of PivotFilterItem elements (section</p><p>ArrayOfString The ArrayOfString complex type is used to specify an array of strings.</p><p>AutoFilterCriteria AutoFilterCriteria is used to instruct the protocol server how to apply a filter on either a worksheet or a table. This complex type is used as part of the AutoFilterOptions complex type (section through the ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria complex type (section</p><p>AutoFilterDateNodeInfo AutoFilterDateNodeInfo specifies how auto-filter date value is filtered by the protocol server.</p><p>AutoFilterOptions AutoFilterOptions is used to specify the filter applied to an AutoFilter column.</p><p>CommandParameter The CommandParameter complex type is an input used by all protocol server operations.</p><p>CommandResult The CommandResult complex type is an operation response message used by most protocol server operations.</p><p>CommandResultExtendedInfo The CommandResultExtendedInfo complex type provides extended information for CommandResult (section</p><p>CredentialsRequest The CredentialsRequest type is used by the protocol server to request a single sign-on (SSO) ticket as specified in CommandResultExtendedInfo (section</p><p>CredentialsResponse The CredentialsResponse type is used by the protocol client to send a single sign-on (SSO) ticket using the SingleSignOnTicket (section to the protocol server.</p><p>ExcelServerMessage ExcelServerMessage is alert information returned by the protocol server.</p><p>PeriodicRefreshInfo The PeriodicRefreshInfo complex type is used to return expired external data related information.</p><p>22 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Complex type Description</p><p>PivotFilterItem PivotFilterItem is a PivotTable member that is part of a PivotTable manual filter hierarchy.</p><p>PivotFilterItemList PivotFilterItemList is a list of PivotTable members.</p><p>PivotFilterOptions The PivotFilterOptions type is a container for common information used in the following operations related to PivotTables: § ApplyPivotFilter (section</p><p>§ ApplyPivotSort (section</p><p>§ ApplyPivotTop10Filter (section</p><p>§ ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList (section</p><p>§ GetPivotFilterItemList (section</p><p>§ GetPivotMenu (section</p><p>§ RemovePivotFilter (section</p><p>§ TogglePivotDrill (section</p><p>SessionIdentifier The SessionIdentifier string is used to uniquely identify a session (2) on the protocol server, and to contain information about the session (2).</p><p>SheetRange SheetRange specifies a range on a worksheet in a workbook.</p><p>SingleSignOnTicket The SingleSignOnTicket type is used by the protocol client to send a single sign-on (SSO) ticket to the protocol server.</p><p>SpreadsheetDataXML SpreadsheetDataXML specifies information about a workbook.</p><p>VisibleSheetRange The VisibleSheetRange complex type is used to specify the SpreadsheetDataXML range (section to be returned in the response message.</p><p>WorkOnBehalf The WorkOnBehalf type is used by the protocol client to send information about the user to the protocol server.</p><p> ArrayOfAnyType The ArrayOfAnyType type is an array of anyType elements.</p><p>3 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfAnyType"></p><p>4 <s:sequence></p><p>5 <s:element name="anyType" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/></p><p>6 </s:sequence></p><p>7 </s:complexType> anyType: An anyType value.</p><p>23 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria The ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria type is an array of AutoFilterCriteria elements (section</p><p>8 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria"></p><p>9 <s:sequence></p><p>10 <s:element name="AutoFilterCriteria" type="tns:AutoFilterCriteria" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/></p><p>11 </s:sequence></p><p>12 </s:complexType></p><p>AutoFilterCriteria: The AutoFilter criteria as specified in AutoFilterCriteria.</p><p> ArrayOfAutoFilterDateNodeInfo The ArrayOfAutoFilterDateNodeInfo complex type is used to specify an array of AutoFilterDateNodeInfo (section</p><p>13 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfAutoFilterDateNodeInfo"></p><p>14 <s:sequence></p><p>15 <s:element name="AutoFilterDateNodeInfo" type="tns:AutoFilterDateNodeInfo" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/></p><p>16 </s:sequence></p><p>17 </s:complexType></p><p>AutoFilterDateNodeInfo: A list of AutoFilterDateNodeInfo. Specifies AutoFilter filter date values as specified in section</p><p> ArrayOfExcelServerMessage The ArrayOfExcelServerMessage type is an array of ExcelServerMessage elements (section</p><p>18 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfExcelServerMessage"></p><p>19 <s:sequence></p><p>20 <s:element name="ExcelServerMessage" type="tns:ExcelServerMessage" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/></p><p>21 </s:sequence></p><p>22 </s:complexType></p><p>ExcelServerMessage: An alert message as specified in ExcelServerMessage.</p><p>24 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 ArrayOfInt The ArrayOfInt type is an array of integer elements.</p><p>23 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfInt"></p><p>24 <s:sequence></p><p>25 <s:element name="int" type="s:int" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/></p><p>26 </s:sequence></p><p>27 </s:complexType> int: An integer value.</p><p> ArrayOfPivotFilterItem The ArrayOfPivotFilterItem type is an array of PivotFilterItem elements (section</p><p>28 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfPivotFilterItem"></p><p>29 <s:sequence></p><p>30 <s:element name="PivotFilterItem" type="tns:PivotFilterItem" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/></p><p>31 </s:sequence></p><p>32 </s:complexType></p><p>PivotFilterItem: A PivotFilterItem element as specified in PivotFilterItem.</p><p> ArrayOfString The ArrayOfString complex type is used to specify an array of strings.</p><p>33 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfString"></p><p>34 <s:sequence></p><p>35 <s:element name="string" type="s:string" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/></p><p>36 </s:sequence></p><p>37 </s:complexType> string: A string value.</p><p> AutoFilterCriteria AutoFilterCriteria is used to instruct the protocol server how to apply a filter on either a worksheet or a table. This complex type is used as part of the AutoFilterOptions complex type (section through the ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria complex type (section</p><p>25 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 38 <s:complexType name="AutoFilterCriteria"></p><p>39 <s:sequence></p><p>40 <s:element name="Type" type="tns:OperationType"/></p><p>41 <s:element name="Relation" type="tns:RelationOperator"/></p><p>42 <s:element name="Value" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>43 </s:sequence></p><p>44 </s:complexType></p><p>Type: The type of operation as specified in OperationType (section Used when comparing the Value element as specified in AutoFilterOptions. Relation: Specifies how to combine an instance of this filter with one appearing after it in an ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria complex type: § When this complex type is the last element inside an ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria complex type, it MUST contain the Nil value specified in section</p><p>§ When this complex type is not the last element inside an ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria complex type, it MUST contain either the "And" or "Or" values specified in section</p><p>Value: The string that will be used to filter a worksheet or a table. MUST be present. MUST NOT be longer than 32,768 characters.</p><p> AutoFilterDateNodeInfo AutoFilterDateNodeInfo specifies how auto-filter date value is filtered by the protocol server. This complex type is defined as follows.</p><p>45 <s:complexType name="AutoFilterDateNodeInfo"></p><p>46 <s:sequence></p><p>47 <s:element name="NodeType" type="tns:DateNodeType"/></p><p>48 <s:element name="Year" type="s:short"/></p><p>49 <s:element name="Month" type="s:short"/></p><p>50 <s:element name="Day" type="s:short"/></p><p>51 <s:element name="Hour" type="s:short"/></p><p>52 <s:element name="Minute" type="s:short"/></p><p>53 <s:element name="Second" type="s:short"/></p><p>26 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 54 </s:sequence></p><p>55 </s:complexType></p><p>NodeType: The type of the node. Specifies the element that is included in the filter as specified in section Year: The year part of a date. MUST be greater than or equal to 1900 and less than or equal to 9999. Month: The month part of a date. MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 12. The protocol server MUST ignore the value 0. Day: The day part of a date. MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 31, and SHOULD<1> be a valid day of the month for the year specified in the Year element and month specified Month element. The protocol server SHOULD<2> ignore the value 0. Hour: The hour part of a date. MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 23. Minute: The minute part of a date. MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 59. Second: The second part of a date. MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 59.</p><p> AutoFilterOptions AutoFilterOptions is used to specify the filter applied to an AutoFilter column (2). This complex type is defined as follows.</p><p>56 <s:complexType name="AutoFilterOptions"></p><p>57 <s:sequence></p><p>58 <s:element name="AutoFilterType" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>59 <s:element name="Criteria" type="tns:ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>60 <s:element name="CriteriaType" type="tns:AutoFilterCriteriaType"/></p><p>61 <s:element name="Id" type="s:unsignedInt"/></p><p>62 <s:element name="SheetName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>63 <s:element name="Column" type="s:int"/></p><p>64 <s:element name="NamedObjectView" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>65 </s:sequence></p><p>66 </s:complexType></p><p>AutoFilterType: The object on which the filter operates. MUST be present. MUST be either "Sheet" or "Table".</p><p>27 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Criteria: The list of AutoFilterCriteria complex types (section that specify how values are filtered. If the CriteriaType element contains a value other than "Nil", this element MUST NOT be present. If Criteria contains two AutoFilterCriteria elements, they MUST be one of the following: § The Type and Relation elements of the first AutoFilterCriteria MUST be GTEQ and And respectively. The Type and Relation elements of the second AutoFilterCriteria MUST be LTEQ and "Nil" respectively.</p><p>§ The Type and Relation elements of the first AutoFilterCriteria MUST be LT and Or respectively. The Type and Relation elements of the second AutoFilterCriteria MUST be GT and "Nil" respectively.</p><p>CriteriaType: The type of filtering to apply as specified in section Id: The identifier of the table that has the filter applied to it. If the AutoFilterType element contains the string "Sheet" then this element MUST be ignored by the protocol server. If the AutoFilterType element contains the string "Table" then this element MUST contain a value that was previously returned from the protocol server in the ID attribute of the AutoFilter element (section SheetName: The name of the worksheet or named object containing the AutoFilter. MUST be present. MUST NOT be empty. If the NamedObjectView element is set to true, the following apply: § The value in the SheetName element is a named object on the workbook.</p><p>§ The length of SheetName MUST NOT be longer than 287 characters.</p><p>If the NamedObjectView element is set to false, the following apply:</p><p>§ The value in the SheetName element is a worksheet on the workbook.</p><p>§ The length of SheetName MUST NOT be greater than 31 characters.</p><p>Column: Specifies the one-based index of the column (2) of the AutoFilter. If the AutoFilterType element contains the value "Table" then this value MUST be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of column (2) in the Table containing the AutoFilter. If the AutoFilterType element contains the value "Sheet" then this value MUST be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the last numeric index of the column (2) on the worksheet that contains an AutoFilter. NamedObjectView: Specifies whether this filter is to be applied to an AutoFilter which is located on a worksheet or on a named object. MUST be set to true if AutoFilter is located on a named object; MUST be false otherwise.</p><p> CommandParameter The CommandParameter complex type is an input used by all protocol server operations. </p><p>28 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 67 <s:complexType name="CommandParameter"></p><p>68 <s:sequence></p><p>69 <s:element name="WorkbookId" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>70 <s:element name="StateId" type="s:int"/></p><p>71 <s:element name="VisibleSheetRangeRequest" type="tns:VisibleSheetRange" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>72 <s:element name="WorkOnBehalfRequest" type="tns:WorkOnBehalf" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>73 <s:element name="CredentialsResponse" type="tns:CredentialsResponse" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>74 <s:element name="Confirmation" type="tns:ExcelServerMessageId"/></p><p>75 <s:element name="ConfirmationChoice" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>76 <s:element name="EwrCall" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>77 </s:sequence></p><p>78 </s:complexType></p><p>The following applies to the CommandParameter complex type, unless extended or overridden by an operation specification: WorkbookId: The session identifier (2) that is returned in the workbookId as specified in section See section If present, it MUST NOT be empty. For all operations other than OpenWorkbook operation, WorkbookId MUST have a value which has been obtained from a previous call to OpenWorkbook operation. For the OpenWorkbook operation: § If a session identifier (2) has already been returned by the protocol server for a previous OpenWorkbook operation, WorkbookId MUST have that value. § If this operation is used to create a new session (2) on the protocol server, WorkbookId MUST NOT be present. StateId: The state identifier as specified in Section 3.1.1. The state identifier for a session (2) MUST be incremented on every operation that changes the state of the session (2). The protocol server MUST verify that StateId, sent by the protocol client, is equal to the state identifier for the session (2), unless StateId is -1 or the operation is OpenWorkbook, in which case the protocol server MUST ignore it. In the event that the StateId, sent by the protocol client, is not equal to the state identifier for the session (2), the server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be OperationOnInvalidState. VisibleSheetRangeRequest: The requested range that will be returned by the protocol server in SpreadsheetData, as specified in section See section</p><p>29 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 WorkOnBehalfRequest: User information as specified in section MUST be present if the access model is trusted subsystem. Otherwise, MUST NOT be present. CredentialsResponse: A single sign-on (SSO) ticket as specified in section MUST be present and MUST NOT be empty, if CredentialsRequest in the last response from the protocol server, as specified in section, was present. Confirmation: The external data refresh confirmation. MUST be either ConfirmDataRefresh or Blank. MUST be ConfirmDataRefresh, with ConfirmationChoice set to true to allow external data refresh for the lifetime of the session (2), or with ConfirmationChoice set to false to prevent external data refresh for the current operation. Otherwise, the protocol server MUST ignore ConfirmationChoice. ConfirmationChoice: The external data refresh confirmation choice. See Confirmation. EwrCall: The protocol server MUST ignore the value unless specified otherwise. The protocol client MAY pass any value.</p><p> CommandResult The CommandResult complex type is an operation response message used by most protocol server operations. </p><p>79 <s:complexType name="CommandResult"></p><p>80 <s:sequence></p><p>81 <s:element name="StateId" type="s:int"/></p><p>82 <s:element name="SpreadsheetData" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>83 <s:element name="ExtendedInfo" type="tns:CommandResultExtendedInfo" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>84 <s:element name="PeriodicRefreshInfo" type="tns:PeriodicRefreshInfo" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>85 </s:sequence></p><p>86 </s:complexType></p><p>The following applies to the CommandResult complex type, unless extended or overridden by an operation specification: StateId: The state identifier as specified in section 3.1.1. The protocol server MUST set StateId to the state identifier value for the current session (2). SpreadsheetData: The retrieved SpreadsheetDataXML range (section The following apply: § MUST NOT be present if VisibleSheetRangeRequest was not present in CommandParameter (section in the request message of the same operation.</p><p>30 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § MUST be present if VisibleSheetRangeRequest was present in CommandParameter in the request message of the same operation. </p><p>ExtendedInfo: More information about the result of the operation. See CommandResultExtendedInfo. PeriodicRefreshInfo: Information about external data on the workbook that can expire. See PeriodicRefreshInfo (section MUST NOT be present if the Messages element of CommandResultExtendedInfo contains at least one element.</p><p> CommandResultExtendedInfo The CommandResultExtendedInfo complex type provides extended information for CommandResult (section</p><p>87 <s:complexType name="CommandResultExtendedInfo"></p><p>88 <s:sequence></p><p>89 <s:element name="CredentialsRequest" type="tns:CredentialsRequest" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>90 <s:element name="Messages" type="tns:ArrayOfExcelServerMessage" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>91 <s:element name="WarnOnManualDataRefresh" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>92 </s:sequence></p><p>93 </s:complexType></p><p>CredentialsRequest: A request for credentials. MUST be present when the protocol server requires a single sign-on (SSO) ticket. MUST NOT be present when the Ticket element is present in the CredentialsResponse (section sent by the protocol client in the CommandParameter (section When received by the protocol client, the protocol client MUST reissue the last request to the protocol server with CredentialsResponse present in CommandParameter. Messages: Alert information. (See section MUST be present. WarnOnManualDataRefresh: Specifies whether external data refresh confirmation is needed. MUST be true if external data refresh has never been confirmed as specified in CommandParameter. MUST be false if external data refresh has been confirmed or if it is not required as specified in CommandParameter, or if WorkbookId is not present inside parameter in the OpenWorkbook element, as specified in the OpenWorkbook operation (section</p><p> CredentialsRequest The CredentialsRequest type is used by the protocol server to request a single sign-on (SSO) ticket as specified in CommandResultExtendedInfo (section</p><p>31 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 94 <s:complexType name="CredentialsRequest"></p><p>95 <s:sequence></p><p>96 <s:element name="ReserveTicket" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>97 </s:sequence></p><p>98 </s:complexType></p><p>ReserveTicket: Specifies a request for a single sign-on (SSO) ticket from the protocol client by the protocol server. MUST be set to true.</p><p> CredentialsResponse The CredentialsResponse type is used by the protocol client to send a single sign-on (SSO) ticket using the SingleSignOnTicket (section to the protocol server.</p><p>99 <s:complexType name="CredentialsResponse"></p><p>100 <s:sequence></p><p>101 <s:element name="Ticket" type="tns:SingleSignOnTicket" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>102 </s:sequence></p><p>103 </s:complexType></p><p>Ticket: The single sign-on (SSO) ticket. MUST be present.</p><p> ExcelServerMessage ExcelServerMessage is alert information returned by the protocol server.</p><p>104 <s:complexType name="ExcelServerMessage"></p><p>105 <s:sequence></p><p>106 <s:element name="HasOpenItemPermission" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>107 <s:element name="Id" type="tns:ExcelServerMessageId"/></p><p>108 <s:element name="Severity" type="tns:ExcelServerMessageSeverity"/></p><p>109 <s:element name="Type" type="tns:ExcelServerMessageType"/></p><p>110 <s:element name="Buttons" type="tns:ExcelServerMessageButtons"/></p><p>111 <s:element name="Description" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>112 <s:element name="ExtendedDescription" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>113 <s:element name="Caption" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>114 <s:element name="HelpTopicId" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>32 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 115 <s:element name="HelpDisplayText" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>116 </s:sequence></p><p>117 </s:complexType></p><p>HasOpenItemPermission: Specifies whether the user has Open Item permission to the workbook file. Id: The identifier of the alert as specified in section Severity: The severity of the alert as specified in section Type: The type of the alert as specified in section Buttons: The control buttons associated with the alert as specified in section Description: A text description of the alert. MUST be present. MUST NOT be empty. MUST be in the language UI culture of the session (2). ExtendedDescription: An extended description of the alert. MUST be present. MUST be in the language UI culture of the session (2). Caption: A caption for the alert. MUST be present. MUST be in the language UI culture of the session (2). HelpTopicId: The Help topic identifier. HelpDisplayText: A description of the Help topic. MUST be present. MUST be in the language UI culture of the session (2).</p><p> PeriodicRefreshInfo The PeriodicRefreshInfo complex type is used to return expired external data related information.</p><p>118 <s:complexType name="PeriodicRefreshInfo"></p><p>119 <s:sequence></p><p>120 <s:element name="ExpirationTime" type="s:int"/></p><p>121 <s:element name="ConnectionNames" type="tns:ArrayOfString" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>122 </s:sequence></p><p>123 </s:complexType></p><p>ExpirationTime: The number of seconds left before the next external data expires. MUST be greater than or equal to 0. ConnectionNames: The names of the data connections that will expire after the number of seconds specified by ExpirationTime. MUST be present. MUST have one or more entries. Each entry MUST NOT have the xsi:nil attribute set to true and MUST NOT be empty.</p><p>33 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 PivotFilterItem PivotFilterItem is a PivotTable member that is part of a PivotTable manual filter hierarchy.</p><p>124 <s:complexType name="PivotFilterItem" mixed="false"></p><p>125 <s:complexContent mixed="false"></p><p>126 <s:extension base="tns:PivotFilterItemList"></p><p>127 <s:sequence></p><p>128 <s:element name="ChildItems" type="tns:ArrayOfPivotFilterItem" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>129 <s:element name="CalculatedMember" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>130 <s:element name="LeafItem" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>131 <s:element name="Selected" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>132 <s:element name="Id" type="s:int"/></p><p>133 <s:element name="DisplayString" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>134 </s:sequence></p><p>135 </s:extension></p><p>136 </s:complexContent></p><p>137 </s:complexType></p><p>ItemListMaxExceeded: Specifies whether there are more PivotTable members available on the protocol server than the amount returned in PivotFilterItems. MUST be set to true if there are more than 1000 child PivotTable members, and MUST be set to false otherwise. IsBlanksSelected: Unused. MUST be set to false and MUST be ignored by the protocol client. HasBlanks: Unused. MUST be set to false. PivotFilterItems: The list of child PivotTable members. MUST be present. MUST contain an empty list if LeafItem is true. MUST contain an empty list if all the child PivotTable members are selected and Selected is true, or if none of the child PivotTable members are selected and Selected is false. Otherwise, it MUST be present and contain the list of all the child PivotTable members if there are 1000 or fewer child PivotTable members, and MUST contain the first 1000 child PivotTable members if there are more than 1000 child PivotTable members. ChildItems: The list of child PivotTable members. MUST be the same as PivotFilterItems. CalculatedMember: Specifies whether the PivotTable member is a calculated PivotTable member. MUST be set to true if the PivotTable member is a calculated PivotTable member, and MUST be set to false otherwise.</p><p>34 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 LeafItem: Specifies whether the PivotTable member has no child objects in the PivotTable manual filter hierarchy. The protocol server sets to true if the PivotTable member has no child objects in the PivotTable manual filter hierarchy, otherwise sets to false. Selected: Specifies whether the PivotTable member or all its descendants in the hierarchy are selected. If LeafItem is true, Selected MUST be set to true if the PivotTable member is selected, and MUST be set to false otherwise. If LeafItem is false, Selected MUST be set to true if all the descendants of the PivotTable member in the hierarchy are selected, and MUST be set to false otherwise. Id: A unique identifier of the PivotTable member. MUST be greater than or equal to 0. MUST be unique across all the PivotTable members in the PivotTable manual filter hierarchy. DisplayString: The caption of the PivotTable member. MUST be present. MUST NOT be empty.</p><p> PivotFilterItemList PivotFilterItemList is a list of PivotTable members.</p><p>138 <s:complexType name="PivotFilterItemList"></p><p>139 <s:sequence></p><p>140 <s:element name="ItemListMaxExceeded" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>141 <s:element name="IsBlanksSelected" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>142 <s:element name="HasBlanks" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>143 <s:element name="PivotFilterItems" type="tns:ArrayOfPivotFilterItem" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>144 </s:sequence></p><p>145 </s:complexType></p><p>ItemListMaxExceeded: Specifies whether more PivotTable members are available on the protocol server than the amount returned in PivotFilterItems, as specified in section and section IsBlanksSelected: Unused. MUST be set to false and MUST be ignored by the protocol client. HasBlanks: Unused. MUST be set to false. PivotFilterItems: A list of PivotTable members. MUST be present. MUST contain PivotFilterItem elements (section as specified in ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList and GetPivotFilterItemList.</p><p> PivotFilterOptions The PivotFilterOptions type is a container for common information used in the following operations related to PivotTables:</p><p>35 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § ApplyPivotFilter (section</p><p>§ ApplyPivotSort (section</p><p>§ ApplyPivotTop10Filter (section</p><p>§ ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList (section</p><p>§ GetPivotFilterItemList (section</p><p>§ GetPivotMenu (section</p><p>§ RemovePivotFilter (section</p><p>§ TogglePivotDrill (section</p><p>Some of the elements of this type have a common usage with all these operations and are specified here. Other elements have specific usage information that is specified in the sections of this document addressing those operations.</p><p>146 <s:complexType name="PivotFilterOptions"></p><p>147 <s:sequence></p><p>148 <s:element name="SheetName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>149 <s:element name="SourceIndex" type="s:int"/></p><p>150 <s:element name="IsNamedObject" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>151 <s:element name="FieldId" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>152 <s:element name="DataFieldId" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>153 <s:element name="MemberPropertyId" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>154 <s:element name="FilterValue1" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>155 <s:element name="FilterValue2" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>156 <s:element name="FilterType" type="tns:PivotFilterType"/></p><p>157 <s:element name="ParentId" type="s:int"/></p><p>158 <s:element name="Column" type="s:int"/></p><p>159 <s:element name="Row" type="s:int"/></p><p>160 <s:element name="Items" type="tns:ArrayOfInt" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>161 </s:sequence></p><p>162 </s:complexType></p><p>36 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 SheetName: The name of the worksheet or named object on which the operation is performed. MUST be present. If the IsNamedObject element is set to true, the following apply: § The SheetName element MUST refer to a named object on the workbook.</p><p>§ The length of SheetName MUST NOT be longer than 287 characters.</p><p>If the IsNamedObject element is set to false, the following apply:</p><p>§ The SheetName element MUST refer to a worksheet on the workbook. § The length of SheetName MUST NOT be longer than 31 characters. SourceIndex: The index of the connected data. MUST be the value of the ExternalSourceIndex attribute of the PivotTable (section element that is the PivotTable on which the operation is performed, except when used in the GetPivotMenu operation that specifies a different behavior. IsNamedObject: Specifies whether the operation is performed on a named object. MUST be set to true if the operation is performed on a named object, and MUST be set to false otherwise. FieldId: The identifier for the PivotTable field on which the operation is performed. MUST be present and MUST be equal to either the IdString element of one of the PivotField elements that have IsHierarchy set to false and that are nested inside the PivotFields element of the pivotMenu element that was retrieved from the protocol server in a previous call to GetPivotMenu on the same PivotTable area or to the PageFieldID attribute of the Cell element (section, except when used in the following operations, which specify a different behavior: § GetPivotMenu</p><p>§ TogglePivotDrill</p><p>DataFieldId: The identifier for the PivotTable data field. MUST NOT be present, except when used in the following operations, which specify a different behavior: § ApplyPivotFilter</p><p>§ ApplyPivotTop10Filter</p><p>MemberPropertyId: The identifier of the member property. MUST NOT be present, except when used in the ApplyPivotFilter operation, which specifies a different behavior. FilterValue1: The first PivotTable filter parameter. MUST NOT be present, except when used in the ApplyPivotFilter operation, which specifies a different behavior. FilterValue2: The second PivotTable filter parameter. MUST NOT be present, except when used in the ApplyPivotFilter operation, which specifies a different behavior.</p><p>37 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 FilterType: The type of filter used in the operation. MUST have the value of Invalid, except when used in the following operations, which specify a different behavior: § ApplyPivotFilter </p><p>§ ApplyPivotTop10Filter</p><p>ParentId: The identifier of the PivotTable member on which the operation is performed. MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol server, except when used in the following operations, which specify a different behavior: § ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList</p><p>§ GetPivotFilterItemList</p><p>Column: The column (2) of the PivotTable area location. MUST be the zero- based column (2) number of a worksheet cell of the PivotTable that has the HasDropDown attribute of the Cell element (Section set to true, except when used in the TogglePivotDrill operation, which specifies a different behavior. Row: The row (2) of the PivotTable area location. MUST be the zero-based row (2) number of a worksheet cell of the PivotTable that has the HasDropDown attribute of the Cell element set to true, except when used in the TogglePivotDrill operation, which specifies a different behavior. Items: The list of PivotTable members applied in a PivotTable manual filter. MUST NOT be present, except when used in the ApplyPivotFilter operation, which specifies a different behavior.</p><p> SessionIdentifier The SessionIdentifier string is used to uniquely identify a session (2) on the protocol server, and to contain information about the session (2). The SessionIdentifier MUST have the following layout. (Numeric values in parts 1, 3, 4, 6, and 8 MUST follow the s:integer type representation.) § Part 1: The number of characters in part 2, followed by a period (.). § Part 2: A unique string. MUST be greater than or equal to 20 and less than or equal to 32,647 characters. § Part 3: The sum of number of characters in parts 4-9, followed by a period (.). § Part 4: The number of characters in part 5, followed by a period (.). § Part 5: The UI culture of the session (2). Five characters long representation of a language tag, as specified in [RFC1766] section 2. § Part 6: The number of characters in part 7, followed by a period (.). § Part 7: The data culture of the session (2). Five characters long representation of a language tag, as specified in [RFC1766] section 2. § Part 8: The number of characters in part 9, followed by a period (.). § Part 9: The time zone of the session (2) as specified in CultureCommandParameter complex type (section</p><p>38 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 The following are examples of valid session (2) identifier strings.</p><p>Figure 2: Valid session (2) identifier strings</p><p> SheetRange SheetRange specifies a range on a worksheet in a workbook.</p><p>163 <s:complexType name="SheetRange"></p><p>164 <s:sequence></p><p>165 <s:element name="SheetName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>166 <s:element name="FirstRow" type="s:int"/></p><p>167 <s:element name="LastRow" type="s:int"/></p><p>168 <s:element name="FirstColumn" type="s:int"/></p><p>169 <s:element name="LastColumn" type="s:int"/></p><p>170 </s:sequence></p><p>171 </s:complexType></p><p>SheetName: The name of the worksheet. Length MUST NOT be more than 31 characters. FirstRow: The zero-based index of the first row (2) of the described range. MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1,048,575. LastRow: The zero-based index of the last row (2) of the range. MUST be greater than or equal to FirstRow. MUST be less than or equal to 1,048,575. FirstColumn: The zero-based index of the first column (2) of the range. MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 16,383. LastColumn: The zero-based index of the last column (2) of the range. MUST be greater than or equal to FirstColumn. MUST be less than or equal to 16,383.</p><p>39 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 SingleSignOnTicket The SingleSignOnTicket type is used by the protocol client to send a single sign-on (SSO) ticket to the protocol server.</p><p>172 <s:complexType name="SingleSignOnTicket"></p><p>173 <s:sequence></p><p>174 <s:element name="FailedToReserveTicket" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>175 <s:element name="Value" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>176 </s:sequence></p><p>177 </s:complexType></p><p>FailedToReserveTicket: Specifies whether the protocol client succeeded in acquiring a single sign-on (SSO) ticket. MUST be true if the protocol client failed to acquire a single sign-on (SSO) ticket, and false otherwise. Value: The single sign-on (SSO) ticket. MUST be present if FailedToReserveTicket is false. MUST NOT be present if FailedToReserveTicket is true.</p><p> SpreadsheetDataXML SpreadsheetDataXML specifies information about a workbook.</p><p>178 <s:complexType name="SpreadsheetDataXML"></p><p>179 <s:sequence></p><p>180 <s:element name="Workbook" type="Workbook"></p><p>181 <s:key name="styleIDKey"></p><p>182 <s:selector xpath="./Styles/Style"/></p><p>183 <s:field xpath="@ID"/></p><p>184 </s:key></p><p>185 <s:keyref name="tableStyleIDKeyRef" refer="styleIDKey"></p><p>186 <s:selector xpath="./Worksheet/Table"/></p><p>187 <s:field xpath="@StyleID"/></p><p>188 </s:keyref></p><p>189 <s:keyref name="columnStyleIDKeyRef" refer="styleIDKey"></p><p>190 <s:selector xpath="./Worksheet/Table/Column"/></p><p>191 <s:field xpath="@StyleID"/></p><p>192 </s:keyref></p><p>40 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 193 <s:keyref name="columnBorderStyleIDKeyRef" refer="styleIDKey"></p><p>194 <s:selector xpath="./Worksheet/Table/Column"/></p><p>195 <s:field xpath="@BorderID"/></p><p>196 </s:keyref></p><p>197 <s:keyref name="rowStyleIDKeyRef" refer="styleIDKey"></p><p>198 <s:selector xpath="./Worksheet/Table/Row"/></p><p>199 <s:field xpath="@StyleID"/></p><p>200 </s:keyref></p><p>201 <s:keyref name="rowBorderStyleIDKeyRef" refer="styleIDKey"></p><p>202 <s:selector xpath="./Worksheet/Table/Row"/></p><p>203 <s:field xpath="@BorderID"/></p><p>204 </s:keyref></p><p>205 <s:keyref name="cellStyleIDKeyRef" refer="styleIDKey"></p><p>206 <s:selector xpath="./Worksheet/Table/Row/Cell"/></p><p>207 <s:field xpath="@StyleID"/></p><p>208 </s:keyref></p><p>209 <s:keyref name="cellBorderStyleIDKeyRef" refer="styleIDKey"></p><p>210 <s:selector xpath="./Worksheet/Table/Row/Cell"/></p><p>211 <s:field xpath="@BorderID"/></p><p>212 </s:keyref></p><p>213 <s:keyref name="imagesBorderStyleIDKeyRef" refer="styleIDKey"></p><p>214 <s:selector xpath="./Worksheet/Images/Image"/></p><p>215 <s:field xpath="@BorderID"/></p><p>216 </s:keyref></p><p>217 </s:element></p><p>218 </s:sequence></p><p>219 </s:complexType></p><p>Workbook: This node contains information about a workbook based on the range requested by the protocol client as specified in the SpreadsheetData element of CommandResult (section</p><p>41 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Workbook Specifies a workbook.</p><p>220 <s:complexType name="Workbook"></p><p>221 <s:sequence></p><p>222 <s:element name="WorkbookOptions" type="WorkbookOptions" /></p><p>223 <s:element name="Parameters" type="Parameters" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>224 <s:element name="NamedObjects" type="NamedObjects" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>225 <s:element name="Styles" type="Styles" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>226 <s:element name="Worksheet" type="Worksheet" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" /></p><p>227 </s:sequence></p><p>228 </s:complexType></p><p>WorkbookOptions: A collection of settings for the workbook. Parameters: List of workbook parameters as specified in Parameters (section If there are no workbook parameters, this element MUST NOT be present. NamedObjects: List of named objects as specified in section If there are no named objects, this element MUST NOT be present. Styles: An unordered collection of Style elements (section MUST be omitted when one of the following conditions is true: § The requested range is a chart sheet. § The requested range is a named object containing a single chart and a border is not specified. Worksheet: A sheet (2) or a named object in the workbook. When this element represents a sheet (2), there MUST be an entry for every published sheet in the workbook and the order of entries MUST be the same as in the workbook. In named object view mode, there MUST be a single Worksheet element representing the named object.</p><p> WorkbookOptions A collection of settings for the workbook.</p><p>229 <s:complexType name="WorkbookOptions"></p><p>230 <s:sequence></p><p>231 <s:element name="HideWorkbookTabs" type="s:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>232 </s:sequence></p><p>233 </s:complexType></p><p>42 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 HideWorkbookTabs: Specifies whether sheet tabs are hidden. This element MUST be present if the sheet tabs on the workbook are hidden. This element MUST NOT be present if the sheet tabs are not hidden.</p><p> Parameters An unordered list of workbook parameters. MUST contain the unordered list of all the workbook parameters in the workbook.</p><p>234 <s:complexType name="Parameters"></p><p>235 <s:sequence></p><p>236 <s:element name="Parameter" type="Parameter" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="255" /></p><p>237 </s:sequence></p><p>238 </s:complexType></p><p>Parameter: A workbook parameter.</p><p> Parameter A workbook parameter.</p><p>239 <s:complexType name="Parameter"></p><p>240 <s:attribute name="Name" use="required"></p><p>241 <s:simpleType></p><p>242 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>243 <s:minLength value="1" /></p><p>244 <s:maxLength value="255" /></p><p>245 </s:restriction></p><p>246 </s:simpleType></p><p>247 </s:attribute></p><p>248 <s:attribute name="Comment" use="optional"></p><p>249 <s:simpleType></p><p>250 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>251 <s:maxLength value="255" /></p><p>252 </s:restriction></p><p>253 </s:simpleType></p><p>254 </s:attribute></p><p>255 <s:attribute name="IsPivotPageField" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>43 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 256 <s:attribute name="RequiresConnection" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>257 </s:complexType></p><p>Name: The name of a workbook parameter. MUST be unique across the list of workbook parameters in the workbook. Comment: The comment for a workbook parameter. IsPivotPageField: MUST be true if the workbook parameter is a PivotTable page field parameter, and MUST NOT be present otherwise. RequiresConnection: MUST be true if the workbook parameter requires an external data connection to update the contents of the workbook parameter.</p><p> NamedObjects An unordered list of named objects. MUST contain all the published named objects in the workbook.</p><p>258 <s:complexType name="NamedObjects"></p><p>259 <s:sequence></p><p>260 <s:element name="NamedObject" type="NamedObject" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"></p><p>261 </s:element></p><p>262 </s:sequence></p><p>263 </s:complexType></p><p>NamedObject: A named object.</p><p> NamedObject A named object.</p><p>264 <s:complexType name="NamedObject"></p><p>265 <s:attribute name="Name" type="nonEmptyString" use="required" /></p><p>266 </s:complexType></p><p>Name: The name of the named object MUST be unique across the list of named objects in the workbook.</p><p> Styles An unordered collection of Style elements (section For a worksheet or a named object containing a range within a worksheet, this collection MUST contain the default style cellStyleID (section</p><p>267 <s:complexType name="Styles"></p><p>44 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 268 <s:sequence></p><p>269 <s:element name="Style" type="Style" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /></p><p>270 </s:sequence></p><p>271 </s:complexType></p><p>Style: Cell formatting or border formatting applied to one or more worksheet cells, worksheet header cells, or charts. </p><p> Style Cell formatting or border formatting.</p><p>272 <s:complexType name="Style"></p><p>273 <s:choice></p><p>274 <s:group ref="cellStyle" /></p><p>275 <s:group ref="borderStyle" /></p><p>276 </s:choice></p><p>277 <s:attribute name="ID" use="required"></p><p>278 <s:simpleType></p><p>279 <s:union memberTypes="cellStyleID borderStyleID" /></p><p>280 </s:simpleType></p><p>281 </s:attribute></p><p>282 </s:complexType></p><p>ID: A cellStyleID (section MUST be present when a cellStyle group (section is present. A borderStyleID (section MUST be present when a BorderStyle group (section is present.</p><p> A group (4) of cell formatting specific elements.</p><p>283 <s:group name="cellStyle"></p><p>284 <s:sequence></p><p>285 <s:element name="Font" type="Font"/></p><p>286 <s:element name="Alignment" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="Alignment"/></p><p>287 <s:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"></p><p>45 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 288 <s:element name="Interior" type="Interior"/></p><p>289 <s:element name="gradient" type="Gradient"/></p><p>290 </s:choice></p><p>291 </s:sequence></p><p>292 </s:group></p><p>Font: The font specification for one or more worksheet cells or worksheet headers. Alignment: The alignment and flow of text and conditional formatting within a worksheet cell. This element MUST be omitted if all its attributes are their respective default XML schema values, and MUST otherwise be present. Interior: The fill color or pattern mask and pattern color. This element MUST be present when a solid or pattern fill is present, and MUST otherwise be omitted. gradient: The gradient fill style and color. This element MUST be present when a gradient fill is present, and MUST otherwise be omitted.</p><p> A group (4) of border formatting specific elements.</p><p>293 <s:group name="borderStyle"></p><p>294 <s:sequence></p><p>295 <s:element name="Borders" type="Borders"/></p><p>296 </s:sequence></p><p>297 </s:group></p><p>Borders: An unordered collection of Border elements (section</p><p> Font The font specification for a worksheet cells or worksheet headers.</p><p>298 <s:complexType name="Font"></p><p>299 <s:attribute name="Size" default="11" use="optional"></p><p>300 <s:simpleType></p><p>301 <s:restriction base="s:double"></p><p>302 <s:minInclusive value="1" /> </p><p>303 <s:maxInclusive value="409" /> </p><p>304 </s:restriction></p><p>46 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 305 </s:simpleType></p><p>306 </s:attribute></p><p>307 <s:attribute name="FontName" type="s:string" use="required" /></p><p>308 <s:attribute name="Color" type="rgbTuple" default="#000000" use="optional" /></p><p>309 <s:attribute name="Bold" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>310 <s:attribute name="Italic" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>311 <s:attribute name="StrikeThrough" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>312 <s:attribute name="VerticalAlign" type="enmFontVerticalAlignment" default="None" use="optional" /></p><p>313 <s:attribute name="Underline" type="enmFontUnderline" default="None" use="optional" /></p><p>314 </s:complexType></p><p>Size: Font size in points. FontName: Font name. Color: Font face color. This attribute MUST be omitted when the default font face color is set. Bold: Font face weight. This attribute MUST be set to true when the font face weight is greater than 600. Italics: Font face decoration. StrikeThrough: Font face decoration. VerticalAlign: Vertical alignment of the text. Underline: Font face decoration.</p><p>314. Alignment The alignment and flow of text and conditional formatting within a worksheet cell.</p><p>315 <s:complexType name="Alignment"></p><p>316 <s:attribute name="Horizontal" type="enmHorizontalAlignment" default="Automatic" use="optional" /></p><p>317 <s:attribute name="WrapText" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>318 <s:attribute name="Rotate" default="0" use="optional"></p><p>319 <s:simpleType></p><p>320 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>321 <s:minInclusive value="-90" /> </p><p>322 <s:maxInclusive value="90" /> </p><p>47 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 323 </s:restriction></p><p>324 </s:simpleType></p><p>325 </s:attribute></p><p>326 <s:attribute name="VerticalText" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>327 <s:attribute name="Vertical" type="enmVerticalAlignment" default="Bottom" use="optional" /></p><p>328 <s:attribute name="ReadingOrder" type="enmReadOrder" default="Context" use="optional" /></p><p>329 <s:attribute name="ShrinkToFit" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>330 <s:attribute name="Indent" type="s:unsignedInt" default="0" use="optional" /></p><p>331 </s:complexType></p><p>Horizontal: Horizontal alignment of text. Equivalent to the horizontal attribute of the CT_CellAlignment element specified in [ECMA-376]. WrapText: Specifies whether text wraps at whitespace. Equivalent to the wrapText attribute of the CT_CellAlignment element specified in [ECMA- 376]. Rotate: Angle of rotation in degrees, where the first character in the worksheet cell is the center of rotation. A positive number indicates that the text is rotated counter-clockwise from the 0 position. 0 indicates the text is not rotated. A negative number indicates that the text is rotated by the absolute value of the number clockwise from the 0 position. VerticalText: Specifies whether the text is vertical text. Vertical: Vertical alignment of text. Equivalent to the vertical attribute of the CT_CellAlignment element specified in [ECMA-376]. ReadingOrder: The reading order of the worksheet cell. ShrinkToFit: Specifies whether to shrink to fit. Equivalent to the shrinkToFit attribute of the CT_CellAlignment element specified in [ECMA- 376]. Indent: A scaling factor used in conjunction with the DefaultIndentSize attribute on the Table element (section to create a margin in points. Equivalent to the indent attribute of the CT_CellAlignment element specified in [ECMA-376].</p><p>331. Borders An unordered collection of Border elements(section</p><p>332 <s:complexType name="Borders"></p><p>333 <s:sequence></p><p>334 <s:element name="Border" type="Border" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4" /></p><p>48 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 335 </s:sequence></p><p>336 </s:complexType></p><p>Border: Specifies a border. There MUST be an element for every value of enmBorderPosition (section for which the border is present.</p><p>336. Border A border.</p><p>337 <s:complexType name="Border"></p><p>338 <s:attribute name="Position" type="enmBorderPosition" use="required" /></p><p>339 <s:attribute name="LineStyle" type="enmBorderLineStyle" default="None" use="optional" /></p><p>340 <s:attribute name="Weight" use="required"></p><p>341 <s:simpleType></p><p>342 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>343 <s:minInclusive value="0" /></p><p>344 <s:maxInclusive value="3" /></p><p>345 </s:restriction></p><p>346 </s:simpleType></p><p>347 </s:attribute></p><p>348 <s:attribute name="Color" type="rgbTuple" use="required" /></p><p>349 </s:complexType></p><p>Position: The edge to which the border information applies. LineStyle: The border line style. Weight: The border thickness in pixels. Color: The border color.</p><p>349. Interior The worksheet cell fill color or pattern mask and pattern color.</p><p>350 <s:complexType name="Interior"></p><p>351 <s:attribute name="Color" type="rgbTuple"/></p><p>352 <s:attribute name="Pattern" type="enmPattern" use="optional"/></p><p>353 <s:attribute name="PatternColor" type="rgbTuple" use="optional"/></p><p>354 </s:complexType></p><p>49 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Color: The background fill color. Pattern: The foreground pattern mask. This attribute MUST be present when a pattern fill is present, and MUST otherwise be omitted. PatternColor: The foreground pattern color. This attribute MUST be present when the Pattern attribute is present and not equal to "Solid", and MUST otherwise be omitted.</p><p>354. Gradient The gradient fill for a worksheet cell. For visual examples, see the CT_GradientFill element in [ECMA-376].</p><p>355 <s:complexType name="Gradient"></p><p>356 <s:sequence></p><p>357 <s:element name="stop" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="3" type="Stop"/></p><p>358 </s:sequence></p><p>359 <s:attribute name="degree" default="0.0" use="optional"></p><p>360 <s:simpleType></p><p>361 <s:restriction base="s:double"></p><p>362 <s:minInclusive value="0.0" /> </p><p>363 <s:maxExclusive value="360.0" /> </p><p>364 </s:restriction></p><p>365 </s:simpleType></p><p>366 </s:attribute></p><p>367 <s:attribute name="type" type="enmGradientType" default="Linear" use="optional" /></p><p>368 <s:attribute name="left" type="percentage" default="0" use="optional" /></p><p>369 <s:attribute name="right" type="percentage" default="0" use="optional" /></p><p>370 <s:attribute name="top" type="percentage" default="0" use="optional" /></p><p>371 <s:attribute name="bottom" type="percentage" default="0" use="optional" /></p><p>372 </s:complexType> stop: A color stop for the gradient. Each Stop element (section in the sequence other than the first one MUST have the value of its position attribute greater than the value of the position attribute of the preceding Stop element. degree: The angle of rotation of the gradient Stop. 0 degrees is horizontal from left to right with clockwise rotation from the bottom left corner of the worksheet cell.</p><p>50 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 type: The type of gradient. left: The left edge of the color Stop as a percentage of the containing worksheet cell. right: The right edge of the color Stop as a percentage of the containing worksheet cell. top: The top edge of the color Stop as a percentage of the containing worksheet cell. bottom: The bottom edge of the color Stop as a percentage of the containing worksheet cell.</p><p>372. Stop A color stop for a gradient.</p><p>373 <s:complexType name="Stop"></p><p>374 <s:attribute name="position" type="percentage" use="required" /></p><p>375 <s:attribute name="Color" type="rgbTuple" use="required" /></p><p>376 </s:complexType> position: The starting position for the gradient. Color: The color of the color Stop.</p><p>376. Worksheet A sheet (2) or a named object in the workbook.</p><p>377 <s:complexType name="Worksheet"></p><p>378 <s:sequence></p><p>379 <s:element name="WorksheetOptions" type="WorksheetOptions" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>380 <s:element name="autofilters" type="AutoFilters" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>381 <s:element name="PivotTables" type="PivotTables" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>382 <s:element name="Hyperlinks" type="Hyperlinks" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>383 <s:element name="Images" type="Images" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>384 <s:element name="Table" type="Table" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>385 </s:sequence></p><p>386 <s:attribute name="ChartSheet" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>387 <s:attribute name="Name" type="s:string" use="required" /></p><p>388 <s:attribute name="NameRTL" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>389 <s:attribute name="NamedRange" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>390 <s:attribute name="SheetName" type="s:string" use="optional" /></p><p>51 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 391 </s:complexType></p><p>WorksheetOptions: A collection of settings and options for the sheet (2). This element MUST be present if any one of the following conditions is true: § The NamedRange attribute is false. § The NamedRange attribute is true and the ChartSheet attribute is false. § The NamedRange attribute is true and the ChartSheet attribute is true and the sheet (2) is displayed right-to-left. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. AutoFilters: A list of auto filters This element MUST NOT be present if the Chartsheet attribute is true. If the Chartsheet attribute is false, it MUST be present if any one of the following conditions is true: § The NamedRange attribute is false and the Name attribute is equal to the SheetName element in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter (section sent by the protocol client and there are one or more auto filters present within the range defined in the Table element (section § The NamedRange attribute is false and the SheetName element in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest sent by the protocol client is empty and there are one or more autofilters present within the range defined in the Table element and one of the following conditions is met: § The worksheet represented by this element is the active sheet in the workbook, and the worksheet is a visible published sheet. § The active sheet in the workbook is not visible or not published, and the worksheet represented by this element is the first visible published sheet in the workbook. § The NamedRange attribute is true, and there are one or more auto filters present within the range defined in the Table element. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. PivotTables: A list of PivotTables. This element MUST NOT be present if the Chartsheet attribute is true. If the Chartsheet attribute is false, it MUST be present if any one of the following conditions is true: § The NamedRange attribute is false, and the Name attribute is equal to the SheetName element in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client and there are one or more PivotTables present within the range defined in the Table element. § The NamedRange attribute is false, and the SheetName element in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client is empty and there are one or more PivotTables present within the range defined in the Table element and one of the following conditions is met: § The worksheet represented by this element is the active sheet in the workbook, and the worksheet is a visible published sheet.</p><p>52 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § The active sheet in the workbook is not visible or not published, and the worksheet represented by this element is the first visible published sheet in the workbook. § The NamedRange attribute is true, and there are one or more PivotTables present within the range defined in the Table element. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. Hyperlinks: A list of hyperlinks. This element MUST NOT be present if the Chartsheet attribute is true. If the Chartsheet attribute is false, it MUST be present if any one of the following conditions is true: § The NamedRange attribute is false, and the Name attribute is equal to the SheetName element in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client and there are one or more hyperlinks present within the range defined in the Table element. § The NamedRange attribute is false, and the SheetName element in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client is empty and there are one or more hyperlinks present within the range defined in the Table element and one of the following conditions is met: § The worksheet represented by this element is the active sheet in the workbook, and the worksheet is a visible published sheet. § The active sheet in the workbook is not visible or not published, and the worksheet represented by this element is the first and visible published sheet in the workbook. § The NamedRange attribute is true, and there are one or more hyperlinks present within the range defined in the Table element. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. Images: A list of worksheet images. This element MUST be present if any one of the following conditions is true: § The Chartsheet attribute is true and the Name attribute is equal to the SheetName element in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client. § The Chartsheet attribute is true and the SheetName element in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client is empty and one of the following conditions is met: § The chart sheet represented by this element is the active sheet in the workbook, and the chart sheet is a visible published sheet. § The active sheet in the workbook is not visible or not published, and the chart sheet represented by this element is the first visible published sheet in the workbook. § The NamedRange attribute is false and the Name attribute is equal to the SheetName element in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client and there are one or more worksheet images present within the range defined in the Table element. § The NamedRange attribute is false, and the SheetName element in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client is </p><p>53 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 empty, there are one or more worksheet images present within the range defined in the Table element, and one of the following conditions is met: § The worksheet represented by this element is the active sheet in the workbook, and the worksheet is a visible published sheet. § The active sheet in the workbook is not visible or not published, and the worksheet represented by this element is the first visible published sheet in the workbook. § The NamedRange attribute is true, and there are one or more worksheet images present in the range specified in the Table element. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. Table: This element contains information about a range, represented in tabular format. This element MUST NOT be present if the Chartsheet attribute is true. If the Chartsheet element is false, it MUST be present if any one of the following conditions is true: § The NamedRange attribute is false, and the Name attribute is equal to the SheetName element in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client. § The NamedRange attribute is false and the SheetName element in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client is empty and one of the following conditions is met: § The worksheet represented by this element is the active sheet in the workbook, and the worksheet is a visible published sheet. § The active sheet in the workbook is not visible or not published, and the worksheet represented by this element is the first visible published sheet in the workbook. § The NamedRange attribute is true. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. ChartSheet: Specifies whether the Worksheet element is a chart sheet or a named object of type chart. This attribute MUST be set to true if the Worksheet element represents a chart sheet or it represents a named object of type chart. Name: The name of the sheet (2) or the named object represented by the Worksheet element. The length of this attribute MUST be less than or equal to 31 characters if the NamedRange attribute is false; it MUST be less than or equal to 255 characters if the NamedRange attribute is true. NameRTL: Specifies whether the sheet name is in right-to-left format. This attribute MUST be set to true when the sheet name is in right-to-left format; otherwise, MUST be set to false. NamedRange: Specifies the Worksheet element represents a named object. This attribute MUST be set to true if the Worksheet element represents a named object; otherwise, MUST be set to false. SheetName: The name of the sheet (2) on which the named object resides, if the Worksheet element is a named object. This attribute MUST be present if the NamedRange attribute is true; it MUST NOT be present otherwise.</p><p>54 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 391. WorksheetOptions A collection of settings and options for the sheet (2).</p><p>392 <s:complexType name="WorksheetOptions"></p><p>393 <s:sequence></p><p>394 <s:element name="DoNotDisplayGridlines" type="s:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </p><p>395 <s:element name="DoNotDisplayHeadings" type="s:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>396 <s:element name="DisplayRightToLeft" type="s:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>397 <s:element name="TabColor" type="rgbTuple" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>398 </s:sequence></p><p>399 </s:complexType></p><p>DoNotDisplayGridLines: Specifies whether the gridlines are visible. This element MUST be present if the Chartsheet attribute of the Worksheet element (section is false and there are no gridlines present on the worksheet. This element MUST NOT be present if the Chartsheet attribute of the Worksheet element is true. This element MUST NOT be present if the Chartsheet attribute of the Worksheet element is false and there are gridlines present on the worksheet. DoNotDisplayHeadings: Specifies whether row (2) and column headers are visible. This element MUST be present if the Chartsheet attribute of the Worksheet element is false and row (2) and column headers are not visible. This element MUST NOT be present if the Chartsheet attribute of the Worksheet element is true. This element MUST NOT be present if the Chartsheet attribute of the Worksheet element is false and row (2) and column headers are visible. DisplayRightToLeft: Specifies whether the sheet (2) or named object is displayed in right-to-left format. This element MUST be present if the sheet (2) or named object represented by the Worksheet element is displayed right-to- left. This element MUST NOT be present if the sheet (2) or named object is displayed left-to-right. TabColor: The color of the sheet tab for the sheet (2) represented by the Worksheet element, or the color of the sheet tab for the sheet (2) on which the named object represented by the Worksheet element resides. This element MUST be present if the default sheet tab color is not set and MUST NOT be present otherwise.</p><p>399. Autofilters A list of auto filters. This element MUST contain the collection of all auto filters that are contained within the range defined in the Table element (section </p><p>55 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 An AutoFilter is considered to be contained within a range if one or more worksheet cells defined in a nested Item element (section lie within the range. If an AutoFilter is defined on a hidden row within the range defined in the Table element, that AutoFilter MUST NOT be included in this collection. If all the worksheet cells defined in the nested Item elements that lie within the range defined in the Table element are present on hidden columns, that AutoFilter MUST NOT be included in this collection. This element MUST have one or zero AutoFilter elements having the Type attribute set to "Sheet".</p><p>400 <s:complexType name="AutoFilters"></p><p>401 <s:sequence></p><p>402 <s:element name="autofilter" type="AutoFilter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /></p><p>403 </s:sequence></p><p>404 </s:complexType></p><p>AutoFilter: An AutoFilter that lies within the range defined in the Table element.</p><p>404. AutoFilter An AutoFilter in a worksheet.</p><p>405 <s:complexType name="AutoFilter"></p><p>406 <s:sequence></p><p>407 <s:element name="item" type="Item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="16384" /></p><p>408 </s:sequence></p><p>409 <s:attribute name="ID" type="s:int" default="0" use="optional" /></p><p>410 <s:attribute name="Row" type="excelRowNumber" default="0" use="optional" /></p><p>411 <s:attribute name="ColFirst" type="excelColNumber" default="0" use="optional" /></p><p>412 <s:attribute name="Type" use="required"></p><p>413 <s:simpleType></p><p>414 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>415 <s:enumeration value="Sheet" /></p><p>416 <s:enumeration value="Table" /></p><p>417 </s:restriction></p><p>418 </s:simpleType></p><p>419 </s:attribute></p><p>56 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 420 </s:complexType> item: A column (2) in the AutoFilter. ID: If the AutoFilter is part of a table, this attribute denotes the identifier of the table. This element MUST be present when the Type is "Table". It MUST NOT be present otherwise. Row: The row (2) number on which the AutoFilter exists. ColFirst: The column (2) number of the first visible column (2) in the AutoFilter. Type: Specifies whether the AutoFilter is part of a table. If the AutoFilter is part of a table, this attribute MUST have a value of "Table"; otherwise, it MUST have a value of "Sheet". The following table describes possible values. Value Meaning</p><p>Sheet The AutoFilter is not a part of a table.</p><p>Table The AutoFilter is a part of a table.</p><p>420. Item An AutoFilter item in an AutoFilter.</p><p>421 <s:complexType name="Item"></p><p>422 <s:sequence></p><p>423 <s:element name="Criteria" type="Criteria" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2" /></p><p>424 <s:element name="top10" type="Top10" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>425 </s:sequence></p><p>426 <s:attribute name="Index" type="excelColNumber" default="0" use="optional" /></p><p>427 <s:attribute name="Name" type="s:string" use="optional" /></p><p>428 <s:attribute name="Top10" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>429 <s:attribute name="Type" type="enmFilterItemType" default="None" use="optional" /></p><p>430 <s:attribute name="CriteriaType" type="enmAutoFilterItemCriteriaType" default="Nil" use="optional" /></p><p>431 <s:attribute name="DataType" type="enmAutoFilterItemType" default="Number" use="optional" /></p><p>432 <s:attribute name="Filter" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>433 <s:attribute name="Custom" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>434 </s:complexType></p><p>Criteria: The rule defined in a custom filter. This element MUST be present if a custom filter is applied to the AutoFilter item and MUST NOT be present </p><p>57 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 otherwise. If the custom filter contains two rules, then there MUST be two Criteria elements present; if the custom filter contains a single rule, there MUST be one Criteria element present. top10: This element holds information pertaining to the top N filter or bottom N filter applied to an Item (section This element MUST be present if the Top10 attribute is true, and it MUST NOT be present otherwise. Index: The column (2) number on which the AutoFilter item exists. Name: The name of the AutoFilter item in the AutoFilter. Its value MUST be equal to the value of the Data element (section nested under the Cell element (section that represent the worksheet cell on which the AutoFilter item is present. Top10: Specifies whether a top N filter is applied to the AutoFilter item. This attribute MUST NOT be true if the Custom attribute is true, the Filter attribute is true, or the CriteriaType attribute is present. This attribute MUST be present and set to true when a top N filter is applied to the AutoFilter item. Type: This attribute denotes the type of sorting or filtering applied to the AutoFilter item. CriteriaType: A specific date or number filter that is applied to the AutoFilter item. This attribute MUST NOT be present if the Top10 attribute (section is true, or the Filter attribute is true or the Custom attribute is true. DataType: The type of data in the underlying worksheet cells of the AutoFilter item. Filter: Specifies whether a manual filter is applied to the AutoFilter item. This attribute MUST be present and set to true when a manual filter is applied to the AutoFilter item. This attribute MUST NOT be true if the Top10 attribute is true or the Custom attribute is true or the CriteriaType attribute is present. Custom: Specifies whether a filter that is not supported on the protocol server is applied to the AutoFilter item. This attribute MUST be present and set to true when the AutoFilter item has a filter that is not supported on the protocol server applied to it. This attribute MUST NOT be true if the Top10 attribute is true, the Filter attribute is true, or the CriteriaType attribute is present.</p><p>434. Criteria Criteria applied in a custom filter.</p><p>435 <s:complexType name="Criteria"></p><p>436 <s:attribute name="Type" type="enmAutoFilterCriteriaOperationType" default="EQ" use="optional" /></p><p>437 <s:attribute name="Relation" type="enmAutoFilterCriteriaRelationOperator" default="Nil" use="optional" /></p><p>58 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 438 <s:attribute name="value" use="required"></p><p>439 <s:simpleType></p><p>440 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>441 <s:maxLength value="250" /></p><p>442 </s:restriction></p><p>443 </s:simpleType></p><p>444 </s:attribute></p><p>445 </s:complexType></p><p>Type: Specifies the comparison operator applied between cell contents and the value attribute during filtering. Relation: If there are two criteria in the custom filter, the logical operator is applied between them. If the parent Item element (section has two criteria elements, this attribute MUST be set on the first criteria element in the Item. This attribute MUST NOT be present on the last criteria element in the parent Item. value: The value that is used with the relational operator defined in the Type attribute for filtering.</p><p>445. Top10</p><p>A top N filter or a bottom N filter applied to an Item (section</p><p>446 <s:complexType name="Top10"></p><p>447 <s:attribute name="percent" type="s:boolean" use="required" /></p><p>448 <s:attribute name="top" type="s:boolean" use="required" /></p><p>449 <s:attribute name="value" type="s:int" use="required" /></p><p>450 </s:complexType> percent: Specifies whether the top N filter or bottom N filter is based on percentage of the total sum of values in the column (2) or not. This attribute MUST be true when a top N filter by percent or a bottom N filter by percent is applied. It MUST be false when a top N filter by count or a bottom N filter by count is applied. top: Specifies whether a top N filter or a bottom N filter is applied. This attribute MUST be true when a top N filter is applied. It MUST be false when a bottom N filter is applied. value: Value based on which the top N filter or bottom N filter is applied. If percent is true, the value of this attribute MUST be greater than or equal to 0 </p><p>59 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 and less than or equal to 100. If percent is false, the value of this attribute MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 500.</p><p>450. PivotTables An unordered list of PivotTables.</p><p>451 <s:complexType name="PivotTables"></p><p>452 <s:sequence></p><p>453 <s:element name="PivotTable" type="PivotTable" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" /></p><p>454 </s:sequence></p><p>455 </s:complexType></p><p>PivotTable: A PivotTable in which the range of the PivotTable intersects with the returned range.</p><p>455. PivotTable A PivotTable.</p><p>456 <s:complexType name="PivotTable"></p><p>457 <s:sequence></p><p>458 <s:element name="Ranges" type="Ranges" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>459 <s:element name="DataFields" type="DataFields" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>460 </s:sequence></p><p>461 <s:attribute name="ExternalSourceIndex" type="s:nonNegativeInteger" default="0" use="optional" /></p><p>462 <s:attribute name="AdvancedFilters" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>463 <s:attribute name="LocalSource" type="s:boolean" use="optional" default="false" /></p><p>464 <s:attribute name="Name" type="nonEmptyString" /></p><p>465 <s:attribute name="DataConnectionName" type="nonEmptyString" /></p><p>466 <s:attribute name="ShowDrillIndicators" type="s:boolean" default="true" use="optional" /></p><p>467 <s:attribute name="RequiresConnection" type="s:boolean" use="optional" default="false" /></p><p>468 </s:complexType></p><p>Ranges: MUST contain the unordered list of all the ranges where the range of the PivotTable intersects with the returned range.</p><p>60 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 DataFields: MUST contain the list of all the PivotTable data fields of the PivotTable represented by the parent element. ExternalSourceIndex: An identifier that the protocol server uses to identify a connected data. AdvancedFilters: MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. LocalSource: MUST be true if the PivotTable is a native PivotTable. Name: The identifier of a PivotTable. DataConnectionName: An identifier that the protocol server uses to identify the data connection (2). ShowDrillIndicators: MUST be true if the PivotTable allows PivotTable drill indicators. RequiresConnection: MUST be true if the PivotTable requires an external data connection (2) to update the contents of the PivotTable.</p><p>468. Ranges An unordered list of ranges.</p><p>469 <s:complexType name="Ranges"></p><p>470 <s:sequence></p><p>471 <s:element name="range" type="Range" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" /></p><p>472 </s:sequence></p><p>473 </s:complexType> range: A range of the PivotTable that intersects with the returned range.</p><p>473. Range A range of a PivotTable.</p><p>474 <s:complexType name="Range"></p><p>475 <s:sequence></p><p>476 <s:element name="Operations" type="Operations" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>477 </s:sequence></p><p>478 <s:attribute name="FirstColumn" type="excelColNumber" use="optional" default="0" /></p><p>479 <s:attribute name="FirstRow" type="excelRowNumber" use="optional" default="0" /></p><p>480 <s:attribute name="LastColumn" type="excelColNumber" use="optional" default="0" /></p><p>481 <s:attribute name="LastRow" type="excelRowNumber" use="optional" default="0" /></p><p>482 </s:complexType></p><p>Operations: MUST contain the list of all the operations that are allowed on the range.</p><p>61 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 FirstColumn: When present, MUST be either the first column (2) of the PivotTable or the first column (2) of the requested range, whichever is greater. FirstRow: When present, MUST be either the first row (2) of the PivotTable or the first row (2) of the requested range, whichever is greater. LastColumn: When present, MUST be either the last column (2) of the PivotTable or the last column (2) of the requested range, whichever is less. LastRow: When present, MUST be either the last row (2) of the PivotTable or the last row (2) of the requested range, whichever is less.</p><p>482. Operations A list of all the operations that are allowed on the range.</p><p>483 <s:complexType name="Operations"></p><p>484 <s:sequence></p><p>485 <s:element name="Operation" type="Operation" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>486 </s:sequence></p><p>487 </s:complexType></p><p>Operation: Specifies an operation that is allowed on the range.</p><p>487. Operation An operation that is allowed on a range.</p><p>488 <s:complexType name="Operation"></p><p>489 <s:attribute name="Type" type="enmPivotRangeOperation" /></p><p>490 </s:complexType></p><p>Type: The type of range operation.</p><p>490. DataFields A list of PivotTable data fields.</p><p>491 <s:complexType name="DataFields"></p><p>492 <s:sequence></p><p>493 <s:element name="DataField" type="DataField" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" /></p><p>494 </s:sequence></p><p>495 </s:complexType></p><p>DataField: A PivotTable data field.</p><p>495. DataField A PivotTable data field.</p><p>62 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 496 <s:complexType name="DataField"></p><p>497 <s:attribute name="Name" type="nonEmptyString" /></p><p>498 <s:attribute name="Id" type="nonEmptyString" /></p><p>499 </s:complexType></p><p>Name: The PivotTable data field caption. Id: An identifier for the PivotTable data field.</p><p>499. Hyperlinks Unordered collection of Hyperlink elements (section that intersect the result range.</p><p>500 <s:complexType name="Hyperlinks"></p><p>501 <s:sequence></p><p>502 <s:element name="Hyperlink" type="Hyperlink" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" /></p><p>503 </s:sequence></p><p>504 </s:complexType></p><p>Hyperlink: A Hyperlink for each unique hyperlink that intersects the returned range defined in the Table element (section Worksheet cells which contain hyperlinks and intersect a PivotTable, or reference workbooks other than the current workbook MUST be omitted.</p><p>504. Hyperlink A reference to a named object or range within the current workbook, or to an external resource.</p><p>505 <s:complexType name="Hyperlink"></p><p>506 <s:sequence></p><p>507 <s:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> </p><p>508 <s:element name="Target" type="s:string" /></p><p>509 <s:element name="Location" type="s:string" /></p><p>510 </s:choice></p><p>511 <s:element name="Tooltip" type="nonEmptyString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>512 </s:sequence></p><p>513 <s:attribute name="top" type="excelRowNumber" use="required" /></p><p>514 <s:attribute name="left" type="excelColNumber" use="required" /></p><p>63 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 515 <s:attribute name="bottom" type="excelRowNumber" use="required" /></p><p>516 <s:attribute name="right" type="excelColNumber" use="required" /></p><p>517 </s:complexType></p><p>Target: An external resource. The element MAY<3> be a valid [RFC1738] URL. Location: A named object or range which MUST exist within the current workbook and MUST be present when the Target element is omitted. Tooltip: Descriptive text for the hyperlink. This element MUST be omitted when descriptive text is not present; in which case the value of Target or Location element specifies the hyperlink. top: The first row (2) of the range to which the hyperlink information applies. left: The first column (2) of the range to which the hyperlink information applies. bottom: The last row (2) of the range to which the hyperlink information applies. right: The last column (2) of the range to which the hyperlink information applies.</p><p>517. Images A list of worksheet images.</p><p>518 <s:complexType name="Images"></p><p>519 <s:sequence></p><p>520 <s:element name="Image" type="Image" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" /></p><p>521 </s:sequence></p><p>522 </s:complexType></p><p>Image: A worksheet image.</p><p>522. Image A worksheet image.</p><p>523 <s:complexType name="Image"></p><p>524 <s:sequence /></p><p>525 <s:attribute name="Id" type="nonEmptyString" use="required" /></p><p>526 <s:attribute name="Type" type="enmImageType" use="optional" default="chart" /></p><p>527 <s:attribute name="Width" type="nonNegativeDouble" use="required" /></p><p>528 <s:attribute name="Height" type="nonNegativeDouble" use="required" /></p><p>64 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 529 <s:attribute name="BorderID" type="borderStyleID" use="optional" /></p><p>530 <s:attribute name="ZOrder" type="s:int" use="required" /></p><p>531 <s:attribute name="XOriginDelta" type="s:double" default="0" use="optional" /></p><p>532 <s:attribute name="YOriginDelta" type="s:double" default="0" use="optional" /></p><p>533 <s:attribute name="ClippedWidth" type="nonNegativeDouble" default="0" use="optional" /></p><p>534 <s:attribute name="ClippedHeight" type="nonNegativeDouble" default="0" use="optional" /></p><p>535 <s:attribute name="Visible" type="s:boolean" default="true" use="optional" /></p><p>536 <s:attribute name="AltText" type="s:string" use="optional" /></p><p>537 </s:complexType></p><p>Id: An identifier for the worksheet image. MUST be unique across all the worksheet images of the workbook. Type: The type of worksheet image. Width: The width of the image. MUST be in points. Height: The height of the image. MUST be in points. BorderID: A Style (section describing any borders applied to the worksheet image. If the NamedRange attribute on the Worksheet element is true or if the ChartSheet attribute on the Worksheet element (section is true, this attribute MUST NOT be present. ZOrder: The z-order for the worksheet image. XOriginDelta: The X coordinate of the offset of the origin of the worksheet image from the starting column (2) of the requested range. MUST be in points. YOriginDelta: The Y coordinate of the offset of the origin of the worksheet image from the starting row (2) of the requested range. MUST be in points. ClippedWidth: The width of the portion of the image that intersects the requested range. MUST be in points. ClippedHeight: The height of the portion of the image that intersects the requested range. MUST be in points. Visible: Specifies whether the worksheet image is a visible worksheet image. AltText: An alternative text used by the protocol server to provide an error message when the worksheet image is not supported.</p><p>537. Table A range represented in tabular format. This element contains information about the following range: § If the NamedRange attribute on the parent Worksheet element (section is false, the range represented is the range in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter (section sent by the protocol client. </p><p>65 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § If the NamedRange attribute on the parent Worksheet element is true, the range represented is the intersection of the range in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter and the range defined on the named object.</p><p>538 <s:complexType name="Table"></p><p>539 <s:sequence></p><p>540 <s:element name="Column" type="ColumnAxisItem" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="16384" /></p><p>541 <s:element name="Row" type="RowAxisItem" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1048576" /></p><p>542 </s:sequence></p><p>543 <s:attribute name="LastNonEmptyRow" type="excelRowNumber1Based" use="required" /></p><p>544 <s:attribute name="LastNonEmptyColumn" type="excelColNumber1Based" use="required" /></p><p>545 <s:attribute name="CurrentFirstRow" type="excelRowNumber1Based" use="optional" /></p><p>546 <s:attribute name="FirstVisibleRow" use="required"></p><p>547 <s:simpleType></p><p>548 <s:union memberTypes="excelRowNumber1Based"></p><p>549 <s:simpleType></p><p>550 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>551 <s:enumeration value="-1" /></p><p>552 <s:enumeration value="0" /></p><p>553 </s:restriction></p><p>554 </s:simpleType></p><p>555 </s:union></p><p>556 </s:simpleType></p><p>557 </s:attribute></p><p>558 <s:attribute name="LastVisibleRow" use="optional"></p><p>559 <s:simpleType></p><p>560 <s:union memberTypes="excelRowNumber1Based"></p><p>561 <s:simpleType></p><p>562 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>563 <s:enumeration value="0" /></p><p>66 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 564 </s:restriction></p><p>565 </s:simpleType></p><p>566 </s:union></p><p>567 </s:simpleType></p><p>568 </s:attribute></p><p>569 <s:attribute name="CurrentFirstColumn" type="excelColNumber1Based" use="optional" /></p><p>570 <s:attribute name="FirstVisibleColumn" use="required"></p><p>571 <s:simpleType></p><p>572 <s:union memberTypes="excelColNumber1Based"></p><p>573 <s:simpleType></p><p>574 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>575 <s:enumeration value="-1" /></p><p>576 <s:enumeration value="0" /></p><p>577 </s:restriction></p><p>578 </s:simpleType></p><p>579 </s:union></p><p>580 </s:simpleType></p><p>581 </s:attribute></p><p>582 <s:attribute name="LastVisibleColumn" use="optional"></p><p>583 <s:simpleType></p><p>584 <s:union memberTypes="excelColNumber1Based"></p><p>585 <s:simpleType></p><p>586 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>587 <s:enumeration value="0" /></p><p>588 </s:restriction></p><p>589 </s:simpleType></p><p>590 </s:union></p><p>591 </s:simpleType></p><p>592 </s:attribute></p><p>67 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 593 <s:attribute name="DefaultRowHeight" default="12.75" use="optional"></p><p>594 <s:simpleType></p><p>595 <s:union></p><p>596 <s:simpleType></p><p>597 <s:restriction base="rowHeight"/></p><p>598 </s:simpleType></p><p>599 <s:simpleType></p><p>600 <s:restriction base="s:double"></p><p>601 <s:enumeration value="0" /></p><p>602 </s:restriction></p><p>603 </s:simpleType></p><p>604 </s:union></p><p>605 </s:simpleType></p><p>606 </s:attribute></p><p>607 <s:attribute name="DefaultColumnWidth" default="48" use="optional"></p><p>608 <s:simpleType></p><p>609 <s:union></p><p>610 <s:simpleType></p><p>611 <s:restriction base="columnWidth"/></p><p>612 </s:simpleType></p><p>613 <s:simpleType></p><p>614 <s:restriction base="s:double"></p><p>615 <s:enumeration value="0" /></p><p>616 </s:restriction></p><p>617 </s:simpleType></p><p>618 </s:union></p><p>619 </s:simpleType></p><p>620 </s:attribute> </p><p>621 <s:attribute name="DefaultIndentWidth" type="columnWidth" default="9" use="optional" /></p><p>68 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 622 <s:attribute name="SelectionTop" default="0" use="optional" ></p><p>623 <s:simpleType></p><p>624 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>625 <s:minInclusive value="0" /></p><p>626 <s:maxInclusive value="1048576" /></p><p>627 </s:restriction></p><p>628 </s:simpleType></p><p>629 </s:attribute></p><p>630 <s:attribute name="SelectionLeft" default="0" use="optional" ></p><p>631 <s:simpleType></p><p>632 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>633 <s:minInclusive value="0" /></p><p>634 <s:maxInclusive value="16384" /></p><p>635 </s:restriction></p><p>636 </s:simpleType></p><p>637 </s:attribute></p><p>638 <s:attribute name="summaryRight" type="s:boolean" default="true" /></p><p>639 <s:attribute name="summaryBelow" type="s:boolean" default="true" /></p><p>640 <s:attribute name="outlineLevelCol" type="excelOutlineLevels" use="optional" /></p><p>641 <s:attribute name="outlineLevelRow" type="excelOutlineLevels" use="optional" /></p><p>642 </s:complexType></p><p>Column: This element represents one or more columns in the range represented by the Table element. There MUST be one element for every column (2) or collection of contiguous columns that have identical hidden status, outline level and width. The entries for this element MUST be ordered according to the column (2) indices. Row: This element represents one or more rows in the range represented by the Table element. There MUST be one element for every row (2) or collection of contiguous hidden rows. The entries for this element MUST be ordered according to the row (2) indices. LastNonEmptyRow: The value of this attribute is the minimum of the following values:</p><p>69 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § The last visible row (2) in the worksheet or the named object, or 1 if there are no visible rows in the worksheet or the named object. § The greater of the following two values:</p><p>§ The last row in the worksheet or the named object containing a worksheet cell that has data or formatting.</p><p>§ The last row (2) in the range in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client.</p><p>LastNonEmptyColumn: The value of this attribute is the minimum of the following values: § The last visible column (2) in the worksheet or the named object, or 1 if there are no visible columns in the worksheet or the named object. § The greater of the following two values:</p><p>§ The last column (2) in the worksheet or the named object containing a worksheet cell that has data or formatting.</p><p>§ The last column (2) in the range in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client.</p><p>CurrentFirstRow: If all the rows in the worksheet are hidden, this attribute MUST be omitted. If the NamedRange attribute in the parent Worksheet element is false, this attribute represents the index of the first row (2) in the range in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client. If the NamedRange attribute in the parent Worksheet element is true, this attribute represents the index of the first row (2) in the intersection of the range in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client and the range defined on the named object. If the aforementioned ranges are disjoint, the value of this attribute MUST be 1. FirstVisibleRow: If all the rows in the worksheet are hidden, this attribute MUST be -1. If the NamedRange attribute in the parent Worksheet element is false, this attribute represents the index of the first visible row (2) in the worksheet. If the NamedRange attribute in the parent Worksheet element is true this attribute is the index of the first visible row (2) in the range defined on the named object. If the range in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client and the range defined on the named object are disjoint, the value of this attribute MUST be 0. LastVisibleRow: If all the rows in the worksheet are hidden, this attribute MUST be omitted. If the NamedRange attribute in the parent Worksheet element is false, this attribute represents the index of the last visible row (2) in the worksheet. If the NamedRange attribute in the parent Worksheet element is true, this attribute represents the index of the last visible row (2) in the range defined on the named object. If the range in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client and the </p><p>70 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 range defined on the named object are disjoint, the value of this attribute MUST be 0. CurrentFirstColumn: If all the columns in the worksheet are hidden, this attribute MUST be omitted. If the NamedRange attribute in the parent Worksheet element is false, this attribute represents the index of the first column (2) in the range in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client. If the NamedRange attribute in the parent Worksheet element is true, this attribute represents the index of the first column (2) in the intersection of the range in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client and the range defined on the named object. If the aforementioned ranges are disjoint, the value of this attribute MUST be 1. FirstVisibleColumn: If all the columns in the worksheet are hidden, this attribute MUST be -1. If the NamedRange attribute in the parent Worksheet element is false, this attribute represents the index of the first visible column (2) in the worksheet. If the NamedRange attribute in the parent Worksheet element is true, this attribute represents the index of the first visible column (2) in the range defined on the named object. If the range in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client and the range defined on the named object are disjoint, the value of this attribute MUST be 0. LastVisibleColumn: If all the columns in the worksheet are hidden, this attribute MUST be omitted. If the NamedRange attribute in the parent Worksheet element is false, this attribute represents the index of the last visible column (2) in the worksheet. If the NamedRange attribute in the parent Worksheet element is true, this attribute represents the index of the last visible column (2) in the range defined on the named object. If the range in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest parameter sent by the protocol client and the range defined on the named object are disjoint, the value of this attribute MUST be 0. DefaultRowHeight: The default height of a row (2) in points. DefaultColumnWidth: The default width of a column (2) in points. DefaultIndentWidth: The default vertical indent or horizontal indent used for rendering cell contents for worksheet cells with vertical text or horizontal text respectively, in points. SelectionTop: The index of the row (2) which has the active cell. This attribute MUST have a value other than 0 if all the following conditions are true: § The NamedRange attribute in Worksheet is false. § The worksheet has an active cell.</p><p>§ There are one or more visible rows in the worksheet.</p><p>§ There are one or more visible columns in the worksheet.</p><p>§ The row (2) index of the active cell is greater than or equal to the value of the FirstVisibleRow attribute.</p><p>71 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § The row (2) index of the active cell is less than or equal to the value of the LastVisibleRow attribute.</p><p>§ The column (2) index of the active cell is greater than or equal to the value of the FirstVisibleColumn attribute.</p><p>§ The column (2) index of the active cell is less than or equal to the value of the LastVisibleColumn attribute. It MUST be omitted or have a value of 0 otherwise. SelectionLeft: The index of the column (2) which has the active cell. This attribute MUST have a value other than 0 if all the following conditions are true: § The NamedRange attribute in Worksheet is false. § The worksheet has an active cell.</p><p>§ There are one or more visible rows in the worksheet.</p><p>§ There are one or more visible columns in the worksheet.</p><p>§ The row (2) index of the active cell is greater than or equal to the value of the FirstVisibleRow attribute.</p><p>§ The row (2) index of the active cell is less than or equal to the value of the LastVisibleRow attribute.</p><p>§ The column (2) index of the active cell is greater than or equal to the value of the FirstVisibleColumn attribute.</p><p>§ The column (2) index of the active cell is less than or equal to the value of the LastVisibleColumn attribute. It MUST be omitted or have a value of 0 otherwise. SummaryRight: Specifies whether the summary of a set of grouped columns is displayed to the right of the grouped data. When this attribute is set to true, it denotes that the summary of a set of grouped columns is displayed to the right of grouped data. This attribute MUST be present and set to false if outlines are visible on the worksheet and the summary of grouped columns in the worksheet is displayed to the left of the grouped columns. SummaryBelow: Specifies whether the summary of a set of grouped rows is displayed below the grouped data. When this attribute is set to true, it denotes that the summary of a set of grouped rows is displayed below the grouped data. This attribute MUST be present and set to false if outlines are visible on the worksheet and the summary of grouped rows in the worksheet is displayed above the grouped rows. outlineLevelCol: The maximum number of outline levels of outlining in a set of grouped columns within the range represented by the Table element. This attribute MUST be present if outlines are visible on the worksheet and there </p><p>72 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 are one or more grouped columns in the range represented by the Table element (section outlineLevelRow: The maximum number of outline levels of outlining in a set of grouped rows within the range represented by the Table element. This attribute MUST be present if outlines are visible on the worksheet and there are one or more grouped rows in the range represented by the Table element.</p><p>642. RowAxisItem A type for representing a single row (2) or multiple contiguous hidden rows, from the range defined in the parent Table element (section</p><p>643 <s:complexType name="RowAxisItem"></p><p>644 <s:sequence></p><p>645 <s:element name="Cell" type="Cell" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="16384" /></p><p>646 </s:sequence></p><p>647 <s:attribute name="Span" use="optional" ></p><p>648 <s:simpleType></p><p>649 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>650 <s:minInclusive value="1" /></p><p>651 <s:maxInclusive value="1048575" /></p><p>652 </s:restriction></p><p>653 </s:simpleType></p><p>654 </s:attribute></p><p>655 <s:attribute name="Hidden" type="s:boolean" use="optional" default="false" /></p><p>656 <s:attribute name="collapsed" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>657 <s:attribute name="outlineLevel" type="excelOutlineLevels" use="optional" /></p><p>658 <s:attribute name="Index" type="excelRowNumber1Based" use="optional" /></p><p>659 <s:attribute name="Height" type="rowHeight" use="optional"/></p><p>660 </s:complexType></p><p>Cell: A worksheet cell that has data or has formatting applied to it. This element MUST NOT be present if the Hidden attribute is true. If the Hidden attribute is not true, there MUST be an element for every worksheet cell in the row (2) that has data or has formatting applied to it. Span: If the element represents more than one row (2), this attribute denotes the additional number of rows represented by the element. This attribute MUST</p><p>73 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 be present if the Hidden attribute is true and there is more than one contiguous hidden row. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. Hidden: Specifies whether the rows are hidden. This attribute MUST be present and set to true if the rows represented by the element are hidden. collapsed: If the row (2) represented by this element is part of a group, this attribute denotes whether the outlining at the current outline level is collapsed. This attribute MUST be present and set to true if the Hidden attribute is not true and the row (2) is part of a group and outlining for the outline level of the row (2) is collapsed. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. outlineLevel: The outline level of outlining at the row (2) represented by the current element. This attribute MUST be present if the Hidden attribute is not true and the row (2) is part of a group. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. Index: Index of the row (2) represented by the element. This attribute MUST NOT be present for the first Row element in the parent Table element. If it is not the first Row element, it MUST be present if the previous Row element has a Hidden attribute set to true. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. Height: Height of the row (2), in points. This attribute MUST be present if the Hidden attribute is not true. It MUST NOT be present otherwise.</p><p>660. ColumnAxisItem A type for representing one or more contiguous columns having identical hidden status, style, outline level (2) and width, from the range defined in the parent Table element (section</p><p>661 <s:complexType name="ColumnAxisItem"></p><p>662 <s:attribute name="Span" use="optional"></p><p>663 <s:simpleType></p><p>664 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>665 <s:minInclusive value="1" /></p><p>666 <s:maxInclusive value="16383" /></p><p>667 </s:restriction></p><p>668 </s:simpleType></p><p>669 </s:attribute> </p><p>670 <s:attribute name="Hidden" type="s:boolean" use="optional" default="false" /></p><p>671 <s:attribute name="collapsed" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>672 <s:attribute name="outlineLevel" type="excelOutlineLevels" use="optional" /></p><p>673 <s:attribute name="Index" type="excelColNumber1Based" use="optional" /></p><p>674 <s:attribute name="Width" type="columnWidth" use="optional" /></p><p>675 </s:complexType></p><p>74 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 676</p><p>Span: If the element represents more than one column (2), this attribute denotes the additional number of columns represented by the element. This attribute MUST be present if the element represents more than one column (2); it MUST NOT be present otherwise. This attribute MUST NOT be present if the collapsed attribute is present and set to true. Hidden: Specifies whether the columns are hidden. This attribute MUST be present and set to true if the columns represented by the element are hidden. collapsed: If the column (2) represented by this element is part of a group (4), this attribute denotes whether the outlining at the current outline level is collapsed. This attribute MUST be present and set to true if the column (2) is part of a group (4) and outlining for the outline level of the column (2) is "collapsed" and the Hidden attribute is false. This attribute MUST NOT be present if the Span attribute is present. outlineLevel: The outline level of outlining at the columns represented by the current element. This attribute MUST be present if the columns are part of a group (4) and the Hidden attribute is false; it MUST NOT be present otherwise. Index: Index of the first column (2) in the set of columns represented by the element. This attribute MUST NOT be present for the first Column element () in the parent Table element. If it is not the first Column element, it MUST be present if any one of the following conditions is true: § The previous Column element has a Span attribute. § The previous Column element has a Hidden attribute set to true. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. Width: The width of the columns in points. This attribute MUST NOT be present if the Hidden attribute is present and set to true. If the Hidden attribute is set to false, it MUST be present if any one of the following conditions is true: § The value of the Width attribute in the previous Column element is different from the width of the columns represented by this element. § The Hidden attribute in the previous Column element is true. § The value of the collapsed or outlineLevel attributes are true on the element or the preceding sibling ColumnAxisItem element (section § The collapsed or outlineLevel attributes are present on the element. § This is the first Column child element of the Table element. § This is the last Column child element of the Table element. It MUST NOT be present otherwise.</p><p>676. Cell</p><p>75 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 A worksheet cell that is not empty or has BorderStyle (section or CellStyle (section formatting other than the respective defaults.</p><p>677 <s:complexType name="Cell"></p><p>678 <s:sequence></p><p>679 <s:element name="Data" type="Data" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /></p><p>680 </s:sequence></p><p>681 <s:attribute name="BorderID" type="borderStyleID" default="bD" use="optional" /></p><p>682 <s:attribute name="Index" type="excelColNumber1Based" use="optional" /></p><p>683 <s:attribute name="StyleID" type="cellStyleID" default="sD" use="optional" /></p><p>684 <s:attribute name="DatabarLength" use="optional" default="0"></p><p>685 <s:simpleType></p><p>686 <s:restriction base="s:double"></p><p>687 <s:minInclusive value="0.0" /></p><p>688 <s:maxInclusive value="100.0" /></p><p>689 </s:restriction></p><p>690 </s:simpleType></p><p>691 </s:attribute></p><p>692 <s:attribute name="DatabarColor" type="rgbTuple" use="optional" /></p><p>693 <s:attribute name="HasDropDown" type="s:boolean" use="optional" default="false" /></p><p>694 <s:attribute name="KpiSet" use="optional" default="-1"></p><p>695 <s:simpleType></p><p>696 <s:restriction base="s:short"></p><p>697 <s:enumeration value="-1" /></p><p>698 <s:enumeration value="0" /></p><p>699 <s:enumeration value="1" /></p><p>700 <s:enumeration value="2" /></p><p>701 <s:enumeration value="3" /></p><p>702 <s:enumeration value="4" /></p><p>703 <s:enumeration value="5" /></p><p>704 <s:enumeration value="6" /></p><p>76 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 705 <s:enumeration value="7" /></p><p>706 <s:enumeration value="8" /></p><p>707 <s:enumeration value="9" /></p><p>708 <s:enumeration value="10" /></p><p>709 <s:enumeration value="11" /></p><p>710 <s:enumeration value="12" /></p><p>711 <s:enumeration value="13" /></p><p>712 <s:enumeration value="14" /></p><p>713 <s:enumeration value="15" /></p><p>714 <s:enumeration value="16" /></p><p>715 </s:restriction></p><p>716 </s:simpleType></p><p>717 </s:attribute></p><p>718 <s:attribute name="KpiIcon" use="optional"></p><p>719 <s:simpleType></p><p>720 <s:restriction base="s:short"></p><p>721 <s:minInclusive value="0" /></p><p>722 <s:maxInclusive value="4" /></p><p>723 </s:restriction></p><p>724 </s:simpleType></p><p>725 </s:attribute></p><p>726 <s:attribute name="KpiSize" use="optional"></p><p>727 <s:simpleType></p><p>728 <s:restriction base="s:short"></p><p>729 <s:enumeration value="0" /></p><p>730 <s:enumeration value="1" /></p><p>731 <s:enumeration value="2" /></p><p>732 </s:restriction></p><p>733 </s:simpleType></p><p>77 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 734 </s:attribute></p><p>735 <s:attribute name="MergeDown" use="optional"></p><p>736 <s:simpleType></p><p>737 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>738 <s:minInclusive value="1" /></p><p>739 <s:maxInclusive value="1048575" /></p><p>740 </s:restriction></p><p>741 </s:simpleType></p><p>742 </s:attribute></p><p>743 <s:attribute name="MergeAcross" use="optional"></p><p>744 <s:simpleType></p><p>745 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>746 <s:minInclusive value="1" /></p><p>747 <s:maxInclusive value="16383" /></p><p>748 </s:restriction></p><p>749 </s:simpleType></p><p>750 </s:attribute></p><p>751 <s:attribute name="OriginalText" type="s:string" use="optional" /></p><p>752 <s:attribute name="DropDownType" type="enmFilterItemType" use="optional" default="None" /></p><p>753 <s:attribute name="IsPivotPageField" type="s:boolean" use="optional" /></p><p>754 <s:attribute name="PageFieldID" type="s:string" use="optional" /></p><p>755 <s:attribute name="Drillable" type="s:boolean" use="optional" /></p><p>756 <s:attribute name="HasDrillIndicator" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>757 <s:attribute name="CompactAxis" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>758 <s:attribute name="ExtraIndentSpace" type="s:boolean" use="optional" /></p><p>759 <s:attribute name="WideIndent" type="s:boolean" use="optional" /></p><p>760 <s:attribute name="Expanded" type="s:boolean" use="optional" /></p><p>761 <s:attribute name="Horizontal" type="enmHorizontalAlignment" default="Automatic" use="optional" /></p><p>78 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 762 <s:attribute name="iconOnly" type="s:boolean" use="optional" /></p><p>763 </s:complexType></p><p>Data: Information pertaining to the worksheet cell value. This element MUST be present if the worksheet cell is not empty. BorderID: The border style associated with the Cell (section Index: The index of the column (2) associated with the worksheet cell. This attribute MUST be omitted for the first Cell in the Row, otherwise this attribute MUST be present when one or more preceding adjacent Cell elements are omitted. Cell elements are omitted in the following situations: § The worksheet cell is hidden. § The worksheet cell is part of a merged range and is not the first worksheet cell in a given merged range. § The worksheet cell is empty, the default cellStyleID (section is applied, the default borderStyleID (section is applied, and there are neither filtering control nor PivotTable drill indicators. StyleID: The formatting style associated with the worksheet cell. DatabarLength: The percentage of the worksheet cell width occupied by the data bar. This attribute MUST be present when a data bar is present and MUST otherwise be omitted. DatabarColor: The color of the data bar in the worksheet cell. This attribute MUST be present when DatabarLength is present and MUST otherwise be omitted. HasDropDown: Specifies whether a PivotTable filtering control is associated with the worksheet cell. KpiSet: Mapping to a particular set of key performance indicators (KPIs) to use for conditional formatting in the worksheet cell. If this attribute is present, it MUST have a value as described in the following table. Value Meaning KpiIcon range</p><p>-1 No key performance indicators. N/A</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 2 0 3Arrows enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 2 1 3ArrowsGray enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 2 2 3Flags enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 2 3 3TrafficLights1 enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 2 4 3TrafficLights2 enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 2 5 3Signs enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 2 6 3Symbols enumeration value.</p><p>79 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning KpiIcon range</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 2 7 3Symbols2 enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 3 8 4Arrows enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 3 9 4ArrowsGray enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 3 10 4RedToBlack enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 3 11 4Rating enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 3 12 4TrafficLights enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 4 13 5Arrows enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 4 14 5ArrowsGray enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 4 15 5Ratings enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_IconSetType 0 to 4 16 5Quarters enumeration value.</p><p>KpiIcon: Mapping to an icon within the set of key performance indicator (KPI) icons specified by the KpiSet attribute. This attribute MUST be present when the KpiSet attribute is present and has a value other than -1 and MUST have a value within the range specified in the "KpiIcon range" column (2) in the previous table for the row (2) corresponding to the value of KpiSet. It MUST otherwise be omitted. KpiSize: The size of the KPI icon to use. This attribute MUST be present when the KpiSet attribute is present and has a value other than -1. It MUST otherwise be omitted. Possible values are described in the following table. Value Meaning</p><p>0 Large icons.</p><p>1 Medium icons.</p><p>2 Small icons. MergeDown: The number of additional rows in the merged range excluding the current worksheet cell. This attribute MUST be present if any one of the following conditions is true: § The DisplayRightToLeft element is not present and the worksheet cell is the upper-left visible worksheet cell in a merged range. § The DisplayRightToLeft element is present and the worksheet cell is the upper-right visible worksheet cell in a merged range. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. MergeAcross: The number of additional columns in the merged range excluding the current worksheet cell. This attribute MUST be present if any one of the following conditions is true:</p><p>80 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § The DisplayRightToLeft element is not present and the worksheet cell is the upper-left visible worksheet cell in a merged range. § The DisplayRightToLeft element is present and the worksheet cell is the upper-right visible worksheet cell in a merged range. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. OriginalText: The cell contents of the worksheet cell. This attribute MUST be present when the worksheet cell has a tool tip, rich text formatting, or the worksheet cell value is clipped, and MUST otherwise be omitted. DropDownType: The filter applied to the filtering control. This attribute MUST be present when the HasDropDown attribute is true and MUST otherwise be omitted. IsPivotPageField: Specifies whether the worksheet cell is a PivotTable page field. This attribute MUST be omitted if the HasDropDown attribute is false. PageFieldID: The identifier for the PivotTable page field filter associated with the worksheet cell. This attribute MUST be omitted if the IsPivotPageField attribute is false. Drillable: Specifies whether the worksheet cell is a row field or a column field in an OLAP PivotTable. This attribute MUST be present and set to true for all worksheet cells that are row fields or column fields in an OLAP PivotTable. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. HasDrillIndicator: Specifies whether there is a PivotTable drill indicator present in the worksheet cell. This attribute MUST be present and set to true for all worksheet cells that are row fields or column fields in a PivotTable and have a drill indicator. CompactAxis: Specifies whether the row field has a compact axis. This attribute MUST be present and set to true if the HasDrillIndicator attribute is true and the row field represented by the worksheet cell has a compact axis. ExtraIndentSpace: Specifies whether the cell contents require additional indentation. This attribute MUST be present and set to true if any one of the following conditions is true: § The HasDrillIndicator attribute is true and the CompactAxis attribute is not true. § The worksheet cell represents a row field in a PivotTable, and the row field has a compact axis and the row field has child items. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. WideIndent: Specifies whether indentation for the cell contents is incremented during rendering. This attribute MUST be present and set to true if the worksheet cell represents a row field in a PivotTable and if the row field has a compact axis and the indentation for row captions is set to 1 character in the worksheet. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. Expanded: Specifies whether the drill indicator is in an expanded or collapsed state when the worksheet cell has a PivotTable drill indicator. This attribute MUST be present and set to true if the HasDrillIndicator attribute is true and the PivotTable drill indicator in the worksheet cell is in an expanded state. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. </p><p>81 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Horizontal: The type of horizontal alignment applied to the key performance indicator icon in a worksheet cell with conditional formatting. This attribute MUST NOT be present if the iconOnly attribute is not true. If the iconOnly attribute is true, this attribute MUST be present if horizontal alignment is applied. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. iconOnly: Specifies whether only the key performance indicator icon is shown in the worksheet cell, without the data in the worksheet cell. This attribute MUST be present and set to true if a key performance indicator icon is present in the worksheet cell, without the data in the worksheet cell. It MUST NOT be present otherwise.</p><p>763. Data The data in the worksheet cell.</p><p>764 <s:complexType name="Data"></p><p>765 <s:simpleContent></p><p>766 <s:extension base="s:string"></p><p>767 <s:attribute name="RTF" type="s:boolean" default="false" use="optional" /></p><p>768 </s:extension></p><p>769 </s:simpleContent></p><p>770 </s:complexType></p><p>RTF: Specifies whether the data in the worksheet cell represented by the parent Cell element (section has rich text formatting.</p><p>770. borderStyleID A unique identifier for a border Style element (section within the Styles collection (section The default worksheet cell border style is "bD".</p><p>771 <s:simpleType name="borderStyleID" final="restriction"></p><p>772 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>773 <s:pattern value="bD|\-[1-9][0-9]*" /></p><p>774 </s:restriction></p><p>775 </s:simpleType></p><p>775. cellStyleID A unique identifier for a cell Style element (section within the Styles collection (section The default worksheet cell and worksheet header style is "sD".</p><p>776 <s:simpleType name="cellStyleID" final="restriction"></p><p>82 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 777 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>778 <s:pattern value="sD|0|[1-9][0-9]*" /></p><p>779 </s:restriction></p><p>780 </s:simpleType></p><p>780. rgbTuple An [HTML] color in unabbreviated form.</p><p>781 <s:simpleType name="rgbTuple" final="restriction"></p><p>782 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>783 <s:pattern value="#[0-9|A-F|a-f]{6}" /> </p><p>784 <s:length value="7" /> </p><p>785 </s:restriction></p><p>786 </s:simpleType></p><p>786. enmBorderPosition Specifies the position to which border information is applied.</p><p>787 <s:simpleType name="enmBorderPosition"></p><p>788 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>789 <s:enumeration value="None" /></p><p>790 <s:enumeration value="Left" /></p><p>791 <s:enumeration value="Right" /></p><p>792 <s:enumeration value="Top" /></p><p>793 <s:enumeration value="Bottom" /></p><p>794 </s:restriction></p><p>795 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table shows the enumeration values for this type. Value Meaning</p><p>None Border position undefined. MUST NOT be used.</p><p>Border information for left edge. In sheets with a right-to-left reading order this position corresponds to the right-most side of the element on the screen. Left</p><p>Border information for right edge. In sheets with a right-to-left reading order this position corresponds to the left-most side of the element on the Right screen.</p><p>83 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning</p><p>Top Border information for top edge.</p><p>Bottom Border information for bottom edge.</p><p>795. enmBorderLineStyle The visual appearance of a border line.</p><p>796 <s:simpleType name="enmBorderLineStyle"></p><p>797 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>798 <s:enumeration value="None" /></p><p>799 <s:enumeration value="Continuous" /></p><p>800 <s:enumeration value="Dash" /></p><p>801 <s:enumeration value="Dot" /></p><p>802 <s:enumeration value="DashDot" /></p><p>803 <s:enumeration value="DashDotDot" /></p><p>804 <s:enumeration value="SlantDashDot" /></p><p>805 <s:enumeration value="Double" /></p><p>806 </s:restriction></p><p>807 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table shows the enumeration values for this type. Value Meaning</p><p>None No border.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_BorderStyle medium enumeration Continuous value.</p><p>Dash Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_BorderStyle dash enumeration value.</p><p>Dot Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_BorderStyle dot enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_BorderStyle dashDot enumeration DashDot value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_BorderStyle dashDotDot enumeration DashDotDot value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_BorderStyle slantDashDot SlantDashDot enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_BorderStyle double enumeration Double value.</p><p>807. enmHorizontalAlignment The horizontal alignment and internal spacing of the worksheet cell value or conditional formatting.</p><p>84 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 808 <s:simpleType name="enmHorizontalAlignment"></p><p>809 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>810 <s:enumeration value="Automatic" /></p><p>811 <s:enumeration value="Center" /></p><p>812 <s:enumeration value="Left" /></p><p>813 <s:enumeration value="Right" /></p><p>814 <s:enumeration value="Fill" /></p><p>815 <s:enumeration value="Justify" /></p><p>816 <s:enumeration value="CenterAcrossSelection" /></p><p>817 <s:enumeration value="Distributed" /></p><p>818 <s:enumeration value="JustifyDistributed" /></p><p>819 </s:restriction></p><p>820 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table shows the enumeration values for this type. Value Meaning</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_HorizontalAlignment general Automatic enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_HorizontalAlignment center Center enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_HorizontalAlignment left Left enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_HorizontalAlignment right Right enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_HorizontalAlignment fill enumeration Fill value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_HorizontalAlignment justify Justify enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_HorizontalAlignment CenterAcrossSelection centerContinuous enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_HorizontalAlignment distributed Distributed enumeration value.</p><p>JustifyDistributed Combination of Justify and Distributed enumeration values.</p><p>820. enmVerticalAlignment The vertical alignment and internal spacing of the worksheet cell value or conditional formatting. </p><p>821 <s:simpleType name="enmVerticalAlignment"></p><p>85 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 822 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>823 <s:enumeration value="Automatic" /></p><p>824 <s:enumeration value="Top" /></p><p>825 <s:enumeration value="Bottom" /></p><p>826 <s:enumeration value="Center"/></p><p>827 <s:enumeration value="Justify" /></p><p>828 <s:enumeration value="Distributed" /></p><p>829 <s:enumeration value="JustifyDistributed" /></p><p>830 </s:restriction></p><p>831 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table shows the enumeration values for this type. Value Meaning</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_VerticalAlignment bottom Automatic enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_VerticalAlignment top enumeration Top value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_VerticalAlignment bottom Bottom enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_VerticalAlignment center Center enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_VerticalAlignment justify Justify enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_VerticalAlignment distributed Distributed enumeration value.</p><p>JustifyDistributed Combination of Justify and Distributed enumeration values.</p><p>831. enmAutoFilterCriteriaOperationType This enumeration defines a set of comparison operators. The operator is applied between cell contents and the value attribute in Criteria (section</p><p>832 <s:simpleType name="enmAutoFilterCriteriaOperationType"></p><p>833 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>834 <s:enumeration value="EQ" /></p><p>835 <s:enumeration value="NEQ" /></p><p>836 <s:enumeration value="GT" /></p><p>837 <s:enumeration value="GTEQ"/></p><p>86 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 838 <s:enumeration value="LT" /></p><p>839 <s:enumeration value="LTEQ" /></p><p>840 </s:restriction></p><p>841 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table shows the enumeration values for this type. Value Meaning</p><p>EQ Equals comparison operator.</p><p>NEQ Not equals comparison operator.</p><p>GT Greater than comparison operator.</p><p>GTEQ Greater than or equal to comparison operator.</p><p>LT Less than comparison operator.</p><p>LTEQ Less than or equal to comparison operator.</p><p>841. enmAutoFilterCriteriaRelationOperator This enumeration defines a set of logical operators. It is applied to the Relation attribute of the Criteria (section to define the relationship between two Criteria elements.</p><p>842 <s:simpleType name="enmAutoFilterCriteriaRelationOperator"></p><p>843 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>844 <s:enumeration value="Nil " /></p><p>845 <s:enumeration value="And" /></p><p>846 <s:enumeration value="Or" /></p><p>847 </s:restriction></p><p>848 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table shows the enumeration values for this type. Value Meaning</p><p>Indicates that only one Criteria element is applied and no logical operator Nil is required.</p><p>AND logical operator: The condition in both the Criteria elements needs And to be met.</p><p>OR logical operator: The condition in either one or both the Criteria Or elements needs to be met.</p><p>848. enmAutoFilterItemType</p><p>87 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 This enumeration defines a set of data types. It is applied to the DataType attribute of an Item (section to indicate the nature of the underlying worksheet cell values of that Item.</p><p>849 <s:simpleType name="enmAutoFilterItemType"></p><p>850 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>851 <s:enumeration value="Number" /></p><p>852 <s:enumeration value="Text" /></p><p>853 <s:enumeration value="Date" /></p><p>854 </s:restriction></p><p>855 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table shows the enumeration values for this type. Value Meaning</p><p>Underlying worksheet cell values are numbers, as determined by the Number protocol server.</p><p>Underlying worksheet cell values are strings, as determined by the Text protocol server.</p><p>Underlying worksheet cell values represent dates, as determined by the Date protocol server.</p><p>855. enmAutoFilterItemCriteriaType This enumeration defines a set of filters. Each set of filters can be applied to either dates or numbers. It is applied to the CriteriaType attribute in an Item (section</p><p>856 <s:simpleType name="enmAutoFilterItemCriteriaType"></p><p>857 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>858 <s:enumeration value="Nil" /></p><p>859 <s:enumeration value="AboveAverage" /></p><p>860 <s:enumeration value="BelowAverage" /></p><p>861 <s:enumeration value="Tomorrow" /></p><p>862 <s:enumeration value="Today" /></p><p>863 <s:enumeration value="Yesterday" /></p><p>864 <s:enumeration value="NextWeek" /></p><p>865 <s:enumeration value="ThisWeek" /></p><p>866 <s:enumeration value="LastWeek" /></p><p>88 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 867 <s:enumeration value="NextMonth" /></p><p>868 <s:enumeration value="ThisMonth" /></p><p>869 <s:enumeration value="LastMonth" /></p><p>870 <s:enumeration value="NextQuarter" /></p><p>871 <s:enumeration value="ThisQuarter" /></p><p>872 <s:enumeration value="LastQuarter" /></p><p>873 <s:enumeration value="NextYear" /></p><p>874 <s:enumeration value="ThisYear" /></p><p>875 <s:enumeration value="LastYear" /></p><p>876 <s:enumeration value="YearToDate" /></p><p>877 <s:enumeration value="Q1" /></p><p>878 <s:enumeration value="Q2" /></p><p>879 <s:enumeration value="Q3" /></p><p>880 <s:enumeration value="Q4" /></p><p>881 <s:enumeration value="M1" /></p><p>882 <s:enumeration value="M2" /></p><p>883 <s:enumeration value="M3" /></p><p>884 <s:enumeration value="M4" /></p><p>885 <s:enumeration value="M5" /></p><p>886 <s:enumeration value="M6" /></p><p>887 <s:enumeration value="M7" /></p><p>888 <s:enumeration value="M8" /></p><p>889 <s:enumeration value="M9" /></p><p>890 <s:enumeration value="M10" /></p><p>891 <s:enumeration value="M11" /></p><p>892 <s:enumeration value="M12" /></p><p>893 </s:restriction></p><p>894 </s:simpleType> </p><p>The following table shows the enumeration values for this type.</p><p>89 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning</p><p>Nil Default value for no filter applied.</p><p>Number filter in which all worksheet cell values except those above the AboveAverage average of the worksheet cell values being filtered are filtered out.</p><p>Number filter in which all worksheet cell values except those below the BelowAverage average of the worksheet cell values being filtered are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those with the date Tomorrow for the following day are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those with the date Today for today are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those with the date Yesterday for the previous day are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the following NextWeek week are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the current ThisWeek week are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the previous LastWeek week are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the following NextMonth month are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the current ThisMonth month are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the previous LastMonth month are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the following NextQuarter quarter are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the current ThisQuarter quarter are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the previous LastQuarter quarter are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the following NextYear year are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the current ThisYear year are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the previous LastYear year are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the current YearToDate year up to and inclusive of the current date are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the first Q1 quarter of the current year are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the second Q2 quarter of the current year are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the third Q3 quarter of the current year are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the fourth Q4 quarter of the current year are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the month of M1 January are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the month of M2 February are filtered out.</p><p>90 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the month of M3 March are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the month of M4 April are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the month of M5 May are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the month of M6 June are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the month of M7 July are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the month of M8 August are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the month of M9 September are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the month of M10 October are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the month of M11 November are filtered out.</p><p>Date filter in which all worksheet cell values except those in the month of M12 December are filtered out.</p><p>894. excelRowNumber The range of values for zero-based row (2) number.</p><p>895 <s:simpleType name="excelRowNumber"></p><p>896 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>897 <s:minInclusive value="0" /></p><p>898 <s:maxInclusive value="1048575" /></p><p>899 </s:restriction></p><p>900 </s:simpleType></p><p>900. excelColNumber The range of values for zero-based column (2) number.</p><p>901 <s:simpleType name="excelColNumber"></p><p>902 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>903 <s:minInclusive value="0" /></p><p>904 <s:maxInclusive value="16383" /></p><p>905 </s:restriction></p><p>906 </s:simpleType></p><p>906. excelRowNumber1Based</p><p>91 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 The range of values for 1-based row (2) number.</p><p>907 <s:simpleType name="excelRowNumber1Based"></p><p>908 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>909 <s:minInclusive value="1" /></p><p>910 <s:maxInclusive value="1048576" /></p><p>911 </s:restriction></p><p>912 </s:simpleType></p><p>912. excelColNumber1Based The range of values for 1-based column (2) number.</p><p>913 <s:simpleType name="excelColNumber1Based"></p><p>914 <s:restriction base="s:int"></p><p>915 <s:minInclusive value="1" /></p><p>916 <s:maxInclusive value="16384" /></p><p>917 </s:restriction></p><p>918 </s:simpleType></p><p>918. excelOutlineLevels The range of values for defining the outline level of outlining in a set of grouped rows or columns.</p><p>919 <s:simpleType name="excelOutlineLevels"></p><p>920 <s:restriction base="s:short"></p><p>921 <s:minInclusive value="1" /></p><p>922 <s:maxInclusive value="8" /></p><p>923 </s:restriction></p><p>924 </s:simpleType></p><p>924. enmFilterItemType This enumeration defines whether filtering or sorting is applied and the order of sorting in case sorting is applied. It is used on the DropDownType attribute in a Cell (section and the Type attribute in an Item (section</p><p>925 <s:simpleType name="enmFilterItemType"></p><p>926 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>927 <s:enumeration value="None" /></p><p>92 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 928 <s:enumeration value="Filtered" /></p><p>929 <s:enumeration value="SortedAsc" /></p><p>930 <s:enumeration value="SortedDesc" /></p><p>931 <s:enumeration value="BothAsc" /></p><p>932 <s:enumeration value="BothDesc" /></p><p>933 <s:enumeration value="Both" /></p><p>934 <s:enumeration value="Sorted" /></p><p>935 </s:restriction></p><p>936 </s:simpleType> </p><p>The following table shows the enumeration values for this type. Value Meaning</p><p>None No filter or sort is applied.</p><p>Filtered A filter is applied to the worksheet cells.</p><p>SortedAsc Worksheet cells are sorted in ascending order.</p><p>SortedDesc Worksheet cells are sorted in descending order.</p><p>A filter is applied to the worksheet cells and they are sorted in ascending BothAsc order.</p><p>A filter is applied to the worksheet cells and they are sorted in descending BothDesc order.</p><p>A filter is applied to the worksheet cells and they are sorted but the sort Both order is not known.</p><p>Sorted Worksheet cells are sorted but the sort order (2) is not known.</p><p>936. enmImageType Enumerates the different types of worksheet images.</p><p>937 <s:simpleType name="enmImageType"></p><p>938 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>939 <s:enumeration value="none" /></p><p>940 <s:enumeration value="chart" /></p><p>941 <s:enumeration value="image" /></p><p>942 </s:restriction></p><p>943 </s:simpleType></p><p>Possible values are described in the following table.</p><p>93 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning none MUST NOT be used. chart A chart image. image MUST NOT be used.</p><p>943. enmReadOrder Horizontal text reading order.</p><p>944 <s:simpleType name="enmReadOrder"></p><p>945 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>946 <s:enumeration value="Context" /></p><p>947 <s:enumeration value="LeftToRight" /></p><p>948 <s:enumeration value="RightToLeft" /></p><p>949 </s:restriction></p><p>950 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table shows the enumeration values for this type. Value Meaning</p><p>Context Same reading order as the sheet (2).</p><p>LeftToRight Left-to-right reading order.</p><p>RightToLeft Right-to-left reading order.</p><p>950. enmGradientType Background gradient fill effect.</p><p>951 <s:simpleType name="enmGradientType"></p><p>952 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>953 <s:enumeration value="Linear" /></p><p>954 <s:enumeration value="Path" /></p><p>955 </s:restriction></p><p>956 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table shows the enumeration values for this type. Value Meaning</p><p>Equivalent to the linear enumeration value of the ST_GradientType Linear simple type specified in [ECMA-376].</p><p>Equivalent to the path enumeration value of the ST_GradientType Path simple type specified in [ECMA-376].</p><p>94 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 956. enmFontVerticalAlignment Vertical text position relative to the baseline.</p><p>957 <s:simpleType name="enmFontVerticalAlignment"></p><p>958 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>959 <s:enumeration value="None" /></p><p>960 <s:enumeration value="Subscript" /></p><p>961 <s:enumeration value="Superscript" /></p><p>962 </s:restriction></p><p>963 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table shows the enumeration values for this type. Value Meaning</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_VerticalAlignRun baseline None enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_VerticalAlignRun subscript Subscript enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_VerticalAlignRun superscript Superscript enumeration value.</p><p>963. enmPivotRangeOperation Enumerates the types of operations that are allowed on a PivotTable.</p><p>964 <s:simpleType name="enmPivotRangeOperation"></p><p>965 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>966 <s:enumeration value="Refresh" /></p><p>967 </s:restriction></p><p>968 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table shows the enumeration values for this type. Value Meaning</p><p>Indicates that the source of the PivotTable data can be refreshed to Refresh retrieve updated data.</p><p>968. enmFontUnderline Underline style for worksheet cell text.</p><p>969 <s:simpleType name="enmFontUnderline"></p><p>95 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 970 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>971 <s:enumeration value="None" /></p><p>972 <s:enumeration value="Single" /></p><p>973 <s:enumeration value="Double" /></p><p>974 <s:enumeration value="SingleAccounting" /></p><p>975 <s:enumeration value="DoubleAccounting" /></p><p>976 </s:restriction></p><p>977 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table shows the enumeration values for this type. Value Meaning</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_UnderlineValues none enumeration None value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_UnderlineValues single enumeration Single value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_UnderlineValues double enumeration Double value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_UnderlineValues singleAccounting SingleAccounting enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_UnderlineValues doubleAccounting DoubleAccounting enumeration value.</p><p>977. enmPattern A patterned overlay mask.</p><p>978 <s:simpleType name="enmPattern"></p><p>979 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>980 <s:enumeration value="None" /></p><p>981 <s:enumeration value="Solid" /></p><p>982 <s:enumeration value="Gray50" /></p><p>983 <s:enumeration value="Gray75" /></p><p>984 <s:enumeration value="Gray25" /></p><p>985 <s:enumeration value="HorzStripe" /></p><p>986 <s:enumeration value="VertStripe" /></p><p>987 <s:enumeration value="ReverseDiagStripe" /></p><p>988 <s:enumeration value="DiagStripe" /></p><p>96 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 989 <s:enumeration value="DiagCross" /></p><p>990 <s:enumeration value="ThickDiagCross" /></p><p>991 <s:enumeration value="ThinHorzStripe" /></p><p>992 <s:enumeration value="ThinVertStripe" /></p><p>993 <s:enumeration value="ThinReverseDiagStripe" /></p><p>994 <s:enumeration value="ThinDiagStripe" /></p><p>995 <s:enumeration value="ThinHorzCross" /></p><p>996 <s:enumeration value="ThinDiagCross" /></p><p>997 <s:enumeration value="Gray125" /></p><p>998 <s:enumeration value="Gray0625" /></p><p>999 </s:restriction></p><p>1000 </s:simpleType></p><p>Possible values are described in the following table. Value Meaning</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType none enumeration value. None MUST NOT be used.</p><p>Solid Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType solid enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType mediumGray Gray50 enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType darkGray enumeration Gray75 value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType lightGray enumeration Gray25 value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType darkHorizontal HorzStripe enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType darkVertical VertStripe enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType darkDown enumeration ReverseDiagStripe value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType darkUp enumeration DiagStripe value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType darkGrid enumeration DiagCross value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType darkTrellis enumeration ThickDiagCross value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType lightHorizontal ThinHorzStripe enumeration value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType lightVertical ThinVertStripe enumeration value.</p><p>97 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType lightDown enumeration ThinReverseDiagStripe value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType lightUp enumeration ThinDiagStripe value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType lightGrid enumeration ThinHorzCross value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType lightTrellis enumeration ThinDiagCross value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType gray125 enumeration Gray125 value.</p><p>Equivalent to the [ECMA-376] ST_PatternType gray0625 enumeration Gray0625 value.</p><p>1000. percentage A percentage specified in decimal form.</p><p>1001 <s:simpleType name="percentage"></p><p>1002 <s:restriction base="s:double"></p><p>1003 <s:minInclusive value="0.0" /> </p><p>1004 <s:maxInclusive value="1.0" /> </p><p>1005 </s:restriction></p><p>1006 </s:simpleType></p><p>1006. nonNegativeDouble Decimal value that MUST be greater than or equal to zero.</p><p>1007 <s:simpleType name="nonNegativeDouble"></p><p>1008 <s:restriction base="s:double"></p><p>1009 <s:minInclusive value="0" /></p><p>1010 </s:restriction></p><p>1011 </s:simpleType></p><p>1011. nonEmptyString A non-empty string.</p><p>1012 <s:simpleType name="nonEmptyString"></p><p>1013 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1014 <s:minLength value="1" /></p><p>1015 </s:restriction></p><p>98 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1016 </s:simpleType></p><p>1017</p><p>1017. rowHeight The range of sizes in points for row (2) height.</p><p>1018 <s:simpleType name="rowHeight"></p><p>1019 <s:restriction base="s:double"></p><p>1020 <s:minInclusive value="0.2" /></p><p>1021 <s:maxInclusive value="409.6" /></p><p>1022 </s:restriction></p><p>1023 </s:simpleType></p><p>1023. columnWidth The range of sizes in points for column (2) width.</p><p>1024 <s:simpleType name="columnWidth"></p><p>1025 <s:restriction base="s:double"></p><p>1026 <s:minInclusive value="0.75" /></p><p>1027 <s:maxInclusive value="1343" /></p><p>1028 </s:restriction></p><p>1029 </s:simpleType></p><p>1030</p><p>1030.1.1.1 VisibleSheetRange The VisibleSheetRange complex type is used to specify the SpreadsheetDataXML range (section to be returned in the response message. The baseline range, in the context of this type and the operation that uses it, is the raw range initially found on the workbook before it is modified to only include visible worksheet cells. If the ObjectName element is present and not empty, the following apply: § If the ExcelRange element is present and not empty: § The sheet (2) of the baseline range is determined in the following manner: § If a sheet (2) was specified by ExcelRange, that is the sheet (2) which will be used. § Otherwise, the protocol server will locate a published item by matching ObjectName to the name of the published item name.</p><p>99 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § If a match is found, the sheet (2) which contains the matching published item MUST be used.</p><p>§ Otherwise, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be EcsInvalidNamedObject.</p><p>§ The protocol server will locate a published range which exactly matches ExcelRange on the baseline range's sheet (2).</p><p>§ If a match is found, the published range is the baseline range.</p><p>§ Otherwise, the protocol server MUST be a published item on the baseline range's sheet (2), which contains ExcelRange completely.</p><p>§ If a match was found, the published item is the baseline range.</p><p>§ Otherwise, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be EcsInvalidNamedObject.</p><p>§ If ExcelRange is not present or is empty, the protocol server will locate ObjectName in all the published items that belong to the workbook by matching ObjectName to the published item's name, and the following apply.</p><p>§ If a match was found, the baseline range MUST be the published item's range.</p><p>§ Otherwise, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be EcsInvalidNamedObject.</p><p>§ The protocol server MUST NOT use any range outside of the baseline range to retrieve data from.</p><p>If ObjectName is not present or is empty and the workbook contains published items, the following apply: § If ExcelRange is present and not empty, the following apply:</p><p>§ The sheet (2) of the baseline range MUST be determined in the following manner:</p><p>§ If a sheet (2) was specified by ExcelRange, that is the sheet (2) which MUST be used.</p><p>100 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § Otherwise, the sheet (2) which contains the first published item MUST be used.</p><p>§ The protocol server will locate a published range which exactly matches ExcelRange on the baseline range's sheet (2) in the following manner:</p><p>§ If a match is found, the published range is the baseline range.</p><p>§ Otherwise, the protocol server will locate a published item on the baseline range's sheet (2), which contains ExcelRange completely.</p><p>§ If a match was found, the published item is the baseline range.</p><p>§ Otherwise, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be EcsInvalidNamedObject.</p><p>§ If ExcelRange is not present or is empty, the baseline range MUST be the range of the first published item.</p><p>§ The protocol server MUST NOT use any range outside of the baseline range to retrieve data from.</p><p>If ObjectName is not present or is empty and the workbook does not contain any published items: § If SheetName is not present or empty, the baseline range MUST be the default sheet. Otherwise, SheetName MUST be the sheet (2) of the baseline range. § If FirstRow is -1, the default row MUST be the first row (2) of the baseline range. Otherwise, FirstRow MUST be the first row (2) of the baseline range. § If FirstColumn is -1, the default column MUST be the first column (2) of the baseline range. Otherwise, FirstColumn MUST be the first column (2) of the baseline range. § First row (2) of the baseline range plus VisibleRowsRequested MUST be the last row (2) of the baseline range. § First column (2) of the baseline range plus VisibleColumnsRequested MUST be the last column (2) of the baseline range. § FirstColumn MUST be -1 if FirstRow is -1. § FirstRow MUST be -1 if FirstColumn is -1. The product of VisibleRowsRequested and VisibleColumnsRequested MUST be less than or equal to 1000000. The first row (2) of the retrieved range MUST be the following: § The first visible row (2) at or after first row (2) of baseline range+VisibleFirstRowOffset, if VisibleFirstRowOffset is greater than or equal to 0.The first visible row (2) at or before first row (2) of the </p><p>101 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 baseline range plus VisibleFirstRowOffset, if VisibleFirstRowOffset is less than 0.If there are less than VisibleRowsRequested visible rows between that first visible row (2) and the last visible row (2) of the baseline range, the first row (2) will be the first visible row (2) such that there are VisibleRowsRequested rows between it and the last visible row (2) of baseline range.</p><p>§ Greater than or equal to 0, and less than or equal to 1,048,575.</p><p>The amount of visible rows in the retrieved range MUST be equal to VisibleRowsRequested, unless there are not enough visible rows in the baseline range to retrieve, in which case all the remaining visible rows in the baseline range MUST be retrieved. The first column (2) of the retrieved range MUST be: § The first visible column (2) at or after first column (2) of the baseline range plus VisibleFirstColumnOffset, if VisibleFirstColumnOffset is greater than or equal to 0.</p><p>§ The first visible column (2) at or before first column (2) of the baseline range plus VisibleFirstColumnOffset, if VisibleFirstColumnOffset is less than 0.</p><p>§ If there are less than VisibleColumnsRequested visible columns between that first visible column (2) and the last visible column (2) of the baseline range, the first column (2) will be the first visible column (2) such that there are VisibleColumnsRequested columns between it and the last visible column (2) of baseline range.</p><p>§ Greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 16,383.</p><p>The amount of visible columns in the retrieved range MUST be equal to VisibleColumnsRequested unless there are not enough visible columns in the baseline range to retrieve, in which case all the remaining visible columns in the baseline range MUST be retrieved. If the retrieved range is completely covered by a published chart, and either a) ObjectName is present and not empty, or b) ObjectName is not present or is empty, and the workbook contains published items, then the returned SpreadsheetDataXML will contain the Images element (section with a single Image element (section The type attribute of the Image element (section MUST be "chart", as specified section</p><p>1031 <s:complexType name="VisibleSheetRange"></p><p>1032 <s:sequence></p><p>1033 <s:element name="SheetName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>102 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1034 <s:element name="ObjectName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1035 <s:element name="ExcelRange" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1036 <s:element name="FirstRow" type="s:int"/></p><p>1037 <s:element name="VisibleRowsRequested" type="s:int"/></p><p>1038 <s:element name="FirstColumn" type="s:int"/></p><p>1039 <s:element name="VisibleColumnsRequested" type="s:int"/></p><p>1040 <s:element name="VisibleFirstRowOffset" type="s:int"/></p><p>1041 <s:element name="VisibleFirstColumnOffset" type="s:int"/></p><p>1042 </s:sequence></p><p>1043 </s:complexType></p><p>SheetName: The name of the sheet (2) to retrieve the range from. MUST NOT be longer than 31 characters. ObjectName: The name of the published item to retrieve the range from. If the value is longer than 287 characters, then the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be EcsInvalidNamedObject. ExcelRange: A RangeReference to the range to retrieve. MUST follow the RangeReference specification in section, with the following exceptions: § The protocol server MUST support the R1C1 notation. § If the value is longer than 287 characters, then the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section, with the value of the id element of the ExcelServerMessage set to EcsInvalidNamedObject. FirstRow: The zero-based index of the first row (2). MUST be greater than or equal to -1 and less than or equal to 1,048,575. VisibleRowsRequested: The amount of visible rows to retrieve in the range. MUST be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1,048,575. FirstColumn: The zero-based index of the first column (2). MUST be greater than or equal to -1 and less than or equal to 16,383. VisibleColumnsRequested: The amount of visible columns to retrieve in the range. MUST be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 16,383. VisibleFirstRowOffset: The visible row (2) offset from FirstRow of the range to retrieve. MUST be greater than or equal to -1048575 and less than or equal to 1,048,575. VisibleFirstColumnOffset: The visible column (2) offset from FirstColumn of the range to retrieve. MUST be greater than or equal to -16383 and less than or equal to 16,383.</p><p>103 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1043.1.1.1 WorkOnBehalf The WorkOnBehalf type is used by the protocol client to send information about the user to the protocol server.</p><p>1044 <s:complexType name="WorkOnBehalf"></p><p>1045 <s:sequence></p><p>1046 <s:element name="UserName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1047 <s:element name="UserSid" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1048 <s:element name="UserToken" type="s:base64Binary" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1049 </s:sequence></p><p>1050 </s:complexType></p><p>UserName: The user's login name. MUST be present. MUST NOT be empty. MUST uniquely identify a user. For all operations on a session (2) the value MUST be identical to the value passed in the OpenWorkbook operation (section UserSid: The security descriptor definition language (SDDL) string representation of security identifier (SID) for the user as specified in [MS- DTYP] section 2.5.1. MUST be present. For all operations on a session (2) the value MUST be identical to the value passed in the OpenWorkbook operation. UserToken: The token for the user as specified in [MS-WSSFO] section If the user is not an anonymous user and used in the OpenWorkbook operation then MUST be present, otherwise MUST NOT be present.</p><p>1050.1.1 Simple Types The following table summarizes the set of common XML Schema simple type definitions defined by this specification. XML Schema simple type definitions that are specific to a particular operation are described with the operation. Simple type Description</p><p>AutoFilterCriteriaType Specifies what data to be filtered by the protocol server when using the AutoFilterOptions complex type. </p><p>CellError The CellError type is an enumeration of a set of cell error values that a worksheet cell can contain.</p><p>DateNodeType Specifies how AutoFilter dates data is filtered by the protocol server when using the AutoFilterDateNodeInfo. </p><p>ExcelServerMessageButtons The ExcelServerMessageButtons type is a list (2) of enumeration values of the control buttons associated with the alert that the protocol server returns to the protocol client.</p><p>ExcelServerMessageId The ExcelServerMessageId type is an enumeration of alerts that are passed between the protocol client and the protocol server. </p><p>ExcelServerMessageSeverity The ExcelServerMessageSeverity type is an enumeration of the severity of the alert that the protocol server returns to the protocol client.</p><p>104 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Simple type Description</p><p>ExcelServerMessageType The ExcelServerMessageType type is an enumeration of the type of the alert that the protocol server returns to the protocol client.</p><p>OperationType Used to instruct the protocol server which comparison method to use when filtering worksheets or tables.</p><p>PivotFilterType The PivotFilterType is an enumeration of types of PivotTable filters that can be applied on a PivotTable field.</p><p>RangeReference A string which is used by the protocol server to identify a range on a worksheet in a workbook, in some of the operations specified by this protocol. </p><p>RelationOperator Specifies the relationship between an AutoFilterCriteria element contained in an ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria and the one that potentially follows it.</p><p>Guid Specifies a GUID value as specified in [RFC4122].</p><p>1050.1.1.1 AutoFilterCriteriaType Specifies what data to be filtered by the protocol server when using the AutoFilterOptions complex type (section</p><p>1051 <s:simpleType name="AutoFilterCriteriaType"></p><p>1052 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1053 <s:enumeration value="Nil"/></p><p>1054 <s:enumeration value="AboveAverage"/></p><p>1055 <s:enumeration value="BelowAverage"/></p><p>1056 <s:enumeration value="Tomorrow"/></p><p>1057 <s:enumeration value="Today"/></p><p>1058 <s:enumeration value="Yesterday"/></p><p>1059 <s:enumeration value="NextWeek"/></p><p>1060 <s:enumeration value="ThisWeek"/></p><p>1061 <s:enumeration value="LastWeek"/></p><p>1062 <s:enumeration value="NextMonth"/></p><p>1063 <s:enumeration value="ThisMonth"/></p><p>1064 <s:enumeration value="LastMonth"/></p><p>1065 <s:enumeration value="NextQuarter"/></p><p>1066 <s:enumeration value="ThisQuarter"/></p><p>1067 <s:enumeration value="LastQuarter"/></p><p>1068 <s:enumeration value="NextYear"/></p><p>1069 <s:enumeration value="ThisYear"/></p><p>105 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1070 <s:enumeration value="LastYear"/></p><p>1071 <s:enumeration value="YearToDate"/></p><p>1072 <s:enumeration value="Q1"/></p><p>1073 <s:enumeration value="Q2"/></p><p>1074 <s:enumeration value="Q3"/></p><p>1075 <s:enumeration value="Q4"/></p><p>1076 <s:enumeration value="M1"/></p><p>1077 <s:enumeration value="M2"/></p><p>1078 <s:enumeration value="M3"/></p><p>1079 <s:enumeration value="M4"/></p><p>1080 <s:enumeration value="M5"/></p><p>1081 <s:enumeration value="M6"/></p><p>1082 <s:enumeration value="M7"/></p><p>1083 <s:enumeration value="M8"/></p><p>1084 <s:enumeration value="M9"/></p><p>1085 <s:enumeration value="M10"/></p><p>1086 <s:enumeration value="M11"/></p><p>1087 <s:enumeration value="M12"/></p><p>1088 <s:enumeration value="LastCount"/></p><p>1089 </s:restriction></p><p>1090 </s:simpleType></p><p>Each enumeration value falls under one of three categories shown in the following table. The category that MUST be used is determined by the Item element (Section Category Meaning</p><p>Agnostic Enumeration values falling under the Agnostic category can always be passed to the protocol server.</p><p>Numeric Enumeration values falling under the Numeric category MUST be passed only for auto filters that have the DataType attribute of the Item element (Section either missing or containing the string "Number".</p><p>Calendar Enumeration values falling under the Calendar category MUST be passed only for auto filters that have the DataType attribute of the Item element (Section containing the string "Date" The following table specifies possible values for the AutoFilterCriteriaType.</p><p>106 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Category Meaning</p><p>Nil Agnostic MUST be used when the Criteria element of the AutoFilterOptions is present.</p><p>AboveAverage Numeric Filters all numeric values that are greater than the average of the numeric values being filtered.</p><p>BelowAverage Numeric Filters all numeric values that are less than the average of the numeric values being filtered.</p><p>Tomorrow Calendar Filters all date values that are set to tomorrow's date. </p><p>Today Calendar Filters all date values that are set to today's date.</p><p>Yesterday Calendar Filters all date values that are set to yesterday's date.</p><p>NextWeek Calendar Filters all date values that fall within next week.</p><p>ThisWeek Calendar Filters all date values that fall within this week.</p><p>LastWeek Calendar Filters all date values that fall within last week.</p><p>NextMonth Calendar Filters all date values that fall within next month.</p><p>ThisMonth Calendar Filters all date values that fall within this month.</p><p>LastMonth Calendar Filters all date values that fall within last month.</p><p>NextQuarter Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the next quarter.</p><p>ThisQuarter Calendar Filters all date values that fall within this quarter.</p><p>LastQuarter Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the last quarter.</p><p>NextYear Calendar Filters all date values that fall within next year.</p><p>ThisYear Calendar Filters all date values that fall within this year.</p><p>LastYear Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the last year.</p><p>YearToDate Calendar Filters all date values that occurred between the beginning of the year and up to and including the current date.</p><p>Q1 Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the first quarter of a year.</p><p>Q2 Calendar Filters all date values that fall the second quarter of a year.</p><p>Q3 Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the third quarter of a year.</p><p>Q4 Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the fourth quarter of a year.</p><p>107 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Category Meaning</p><p>M1 Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the first month of a year.</p><p>M2 Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the second month of a year.</p><p>M3 Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the third month of a year.</p><p>M4 Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the fourth month of a year.</p><p>M5 Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the fifth month of a year.</p><p>M6 Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the sixth month of a year.</p><p>M7 Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the seventh month of a year.</p><p>M8 Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the eighth month of a year.</p><p>M9 Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the ninth month of a year.</p><p>M10 Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the tenth month of a year.</p><p>M11 Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the eleventh month of a year.</p><p>M12 Calendar Filters all date values that fall within the twelfth month of a year.</p><p>LastCount MUST NOT be used.</p><p>1090.1.1.1 CellError The CellError type is an enumeration of a set of cell error values that a worksheet cell can contain. The CellError type MUST only be used in a cellValues element of GetRangeValuesResponse (section and in a cellValues element of GetRangeValuesA1Response (section</p><p>1091 <s:simpleType name="CellError"></p><p>1092 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1093 <s:enumeration value="Div0" /></p><p>1094 <s:enumeration value="NotApplicable" /></p><p>1095 <s:enumeration value="Name" /></p><p>1096 <s:enumeration value="Null" /></p><p>1097 <s:enumeration value="Num" /></p><p>1098 <s:enumeration value="Ref" /></p><p>1099 <s:enumeration value="Value" /></p><p>108 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1100 </s:restriction></p><p>1101 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table specifies possible values for CellError. Value Meaning</p><p>Worksheet cell contains a number that is divided by Div0 0.</p><p>Worksheet cell contains a value not available to a NotApplicable formula.</p><p>Worksheet cell contains text not recognized by a Name formula.</p><p>Worksheet cell contains an intersection of two areas Null that do not intersect.</p><p>Worksheet cell contains invalid numeric values in a Num formula.</p><p>Worksheet cell contains a reference that is not Ref valid.</p><p>Worksheet cell contains a formula that includes Value worksheet cells that contain different data types.</p><p>1101.1.1.1 DateNodeType Specifies how AutoFilter dates data is filtered by the protocol server when using the AutoFilterDateNodeInfo (section</p><p>1102 <s:simpleType name="DateNodeType"></p><p>1103 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1104 <s:enumeration value="Nil"/></p><p>1105 <s:enumeration value="Year"/></p><p>1106 <s:enumeration value="Month"/></p><p>1107 <s:enumeration value="Day"/></p><p>1108 <s:enumeration value="Hour"/></p><p>1109 <s:enumeration value="Minute"/></p><p>1110 <s:enumeration value="Second"/></p><p>1111 <s:enumeration value="Max"/></p><p>1112 </s:restriction></p><p>1113 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table specifies possible values for DateNodeType.</p><p>109 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning</p><p>Specifies that the value in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo is excluded from the Nil Filtered values of the AutoFilter.</p><p>Specifies that the Year element value in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo is included in the Year Filtered values of the AutoFilter.</p><p>Specifies that the Month element value in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo is included in the Month Filtered values of the AutoFilter.</p><p>Specifies that the Day element value in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo is included in the Day Filtered values of the AutoFilter.</p><p>Specifies that the Hour element value in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo is included in the Hour Filtered values of the AutoFilter.</p><p>Specifies that the Minute element value in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo is included in the Minute Filtered values of the AutoFilter.</p><p>Specifies that the Second element value in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo is included in the Second Filtered values of the AutoFilter.</p><p>Max MUST NOT be used.</p><p>1113.1.1.1 ExcelServerMessageButtons The ExcelServerMessageButtons type is a list (2) of enumeration values of the control buttons associated with the alert that the protocol server returns to the protocol client. The list (2) MUST contain either OK or the combination of "Yes" and "No".</p><p>1114 <s:simpleType name="ExcelServerMessageButtons"></p><p>1115 <s:list></p><p>1116 <s:simpleType></p><p>1117 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1118 <s:enumeration value="OK"/></p><p>1119 <s:enumeration value="Yes"/></p><p>1120 <s:enumeration value="No"/></p><p>1121 </s:restriction></p><p>1122 </s:simpleType></p><p>1123 </s:list></p><p>1124 </s:simpleType></p><p>110 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 The following table specifies possible values for ExcelServerMessageButtons. Value Meaning</p><p>OK An OK control button</p><p>Yes A Yes control button</p><p>No A No control button</p><p>1124.1.1.1 ExcelServerMessageId The ExcelServerMessageId type is an enumeration of alerts that are passed between the protocol client and the protocol server. </p><p>1125 <s:simpleType name="ExcelServerMessageId"></p><p>1126 <s:restriction base="s:string"> </p><p>1127 <s:enumeration value="Blank"/></p><p>1128 <s:enumeration value="ConfirmDataRefresh"/></p><p>1129 <s:enumeration value="ExternalDataRefreshFailed"/></p><p>1130 <s:enumeration value="ExternalDataRefreshFailed_Details"/></p><p>1131 <s:enumeration value="PivotNoOverlapAllowed"/></p><p>1132 <s:enumeration value="PivotOverlapList"/></p><p>1133 <s:enumeration value="PivotCubeNotUnique"/></p><p>1134 <s:enumeration value="NoDataItemsOlap"/></p><p>1135 <s:enumeration value="OlapSchemaFail"/></p><p>1136 <s:enumeration value="InvalidPivot"/></p><p>1137 <s:enumeration value="OlapNoMoreDetail"/></p><p>1138 <s:enumeration value="DrillActionInvalid"/></p><p>1139 <s:enumeration value="DriverNotOlap"/></p><p>1140 <s:enumeration value="CubeMissing"/></p><p>1141 <s:enumeration value="SkipLine"/></p><p>1142 <s:enumeration value="CDimMismatch"/></p><p>1143 <s:enumeration value="DataSetAxisTooBig"/></p><p>1144 <s:enumeration value="CubeIntegrityError"/></p><p>1145 <s:enumeration value="PivotNotExpandedtoProtectCellContents"/></p><p>1146 <s:enumeration value="PivotTruncatedSheetEdge"/></p><p>111 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1147 <s:enumeration value="DdlGrpNotSup"/></p><p>1148 <s:enumeration value="PivotFormulasCollided"/></p><p>1149 <s:enumeration value="NoRetItems"/></p><p>1150 <s:enumeration value="OlapConnectVisualModeProvider"/></p><p>1151 <s:enumeration value="PivotNoSourceData"/></p><p>1152 <s:enumeration value="PivotFilteringError"/></p><p>1153 <s:enumeration value="PivotTableIncorrectDateFormat"/></p><p>1154 <s:enumeration value="PivotTableEndingLargerThanStarting"/></p><p>1155 <s:enumeration value="PivotTableIncorrectNumberFormat"/></p><p>1156 <s:enumeration value="PivotTableOutOfRange"/></p><p>1157 <s:enumeration value="MergedCellOverlap"/></p><p>1158 <s:enumeration value="PivotSourceNotAvailable"/></p><p>1159 <s:enumeration value="UnexpectedPivotError"/></p><p>1160 <s:enumeration value="UnsupportedUICulture"/></p><p>1161 <s:enumeration value="UnsupportedDataCulture"/></p><p>1162 </s:restriction></p><p>1163 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table specifies possible values for ExcelServerMessageId. Value Meaning</p><p>Blank Empty value</p><p>An external data refresh confirmation is requested by the protocol client before external ConfirmDataRefresh data refresh on a workbook.</p><p>ExternalDataRefreshFailed Connected data refresh failed.</p><p>ExternalDataRefreshFailed_Details Connected data refresh failed.</p><p>A PivotTable grew to the point where it would PivotNoOverlapAllowed overlap another PivotTable.</p><p>A PivotTable grew to the point where it would PivotOverlapList overlap a list.</p><p>An OLAP query found more than one cube of PivotCubeNotUnique the same name.</p><p>NoDataItemsOlap An OLAP query found nothing to display.</p><p>An OLAP query was unable to fetch the schema OlapSchemaFail of the cube.</p><p>InvalidPivot A PivotTable is invalid.</p><p>112 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning</p><p>A PivotTable has reached the lowest level of OlapNoMoreDetail detail.</p><p>A PivotTable member cannot be expanded any DrillActionInvalid further.</p><p>DriverNotOlap The database does not support OLAP.</p><p>The OLAP query was unable to locate the cube in CubeMissing the database.</p><p>Not all data received from the OLAP query could SkipLine be displayed.</p><p>The OLAP data provider returned an CDimMismatch unexpected number of dimensions.</p><p>The row (2) or column (2) area of the PivotTable DataSetAxisTooBig is too large.</p><p>There was a problem with the structure of the CubeIntegrityError OLAP cube.</p><p>The PivotTable would have filled worksheet cells that already contain values so the operation was PivotNotExpandedtoProtectCellContents canceled.</p><p>The PivotTable was truncated by a worksheet PivotTruncatedSheetEdge edge.</p><p>The PivotTable operation is not supported by the DdlGrpNotSup OLAP data provider.</p><p>Some calculated PivotTable members were removed from the PivotTable because new PivotTable members of the same name appeared PivotFormulasCollided during refresh.</p><p>The query of the PivotTable page field did not NoRetItems return any items.</p><p>The PivotTable operation is not supported by the OlapConnectVisualModeProvider OLAP data provider.</p><p>The PivotTable was saved without the underlying PivotNoSourceData data.</p><p>PivotFilteringError The PivotTable could not be filtered.</p><p>PivotTableIncorrectDateFormat An invalid date was used to filter the PivotTable.</p><p>An invalid pair of starting and ending values was PivotTableEndingLargerThanStarting used to filter the PivotTable.</p><p>A non-numeric value was used to filter the PivotTableIncorrectNumberFormat PivotTable, when a numeric value was required.</p><p>An out of range value was used to filter the PivotTableOutOfRange PivotTable.</p><p>The PivotTable could not grow over part of a MergedCellOverlap merged cell.</p><p>The PivotTable could not be refreshed because its PivotSourceNotAvailable source is missing.</p><p>The PivotTable has encountered an unexpected UnexpectedPivotError error.</p><p>The UI culture is not supported by the protocol UnsupportedUICulture server.</p><p>113 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning</p><p>The data culture is not supported by the protocol UnsupportedDataCulture server.</p><p>1163.1.1.1 ExcelServerMessageSeverity The ExcelServerMessageSeverity type is an enumeration of the severity of the alert that the protocol server returns to the protocol client.</p><p>1164 <s:simpleType name="ExcelServerMessageSeverity"></p><p>1165 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1166 <s:enumeration value="Error"/></p><p>1167 <s:enumeration value="Warning"/></p><p>1168 </s:restriction></p><p>1169 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table specifies possible values for ExcelServerMessageSeverity. Value Meaning</p><p>Error The alert is of type error.</p><p>Warning The alert is of type warning.</p><p>1169.1.1.1 ExcelServerMessageType The ExcelServerMessageType type is an enumeration of the type of the alert that the protocol server returns to the protocol client.</p><p>1170 <s:simpleType name="ExcelServerMessageType"></p><p>1171 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1172 <s:enumeration value="Alert"/></p><p>1173 <s:enumeration value="Confirmation"/></p><p>1174 </s:restriction></p><p>1175 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table specifies possible values for ExcelServerMessageType. Value Meaning</p><p>Alert The alert is of type alert.</p><p>Confirmation The alert is of type confirmation.</p><p>114 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1175.1.1.1 OperationType Used to instruct the protocol server which comparison method to use when filtering worksheets or tables. All data that is being filtered is compared to the Value element in the AutoFilterCriteria complex type (section</p><p>1176 <s:simpleType name="OperationType"></p><p>1177 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1178 <s:enumeration value="EQ"/></p><p>1179 <s:enumeration value="NEQ"/></p><p>1180 <s:enumeration value="GT"/></p><p>1181 <s:enumeration value="GTEQ"/></p><p>1182 <s:enumeration value="LT"/></p><p>1183 <s:enumeration value="LTEQ"/></p><p>1184 <s:enumeration value="LastCount"/></p><p>1185 </s:restriction></p><p>1186 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table specifies possible values for the OperationType. Operation Type Meaning</p><p>EQ Filter all data that is equal to the value.</p><p>NEQ Filter all data that is not equal to the value. </p><p>GT Filter all data that is greater than the value.</p><p>GTEQ Filter all data that is either greater than or equal to the value.</p><p>LT Filter all data that is less than the value.</p><p>LTEQ Filter all data that is less than or equal to the value.</p><p>LastCount MUST NOT be used.</p><p>1186.1.1.1 PivotFilterType The PivotFilterType is an enumeration of types of PivotTable filters that can be applied on a PivotTable field. The following types of PivotTable filters are supported: § Top N filter or a bottom N filter. § PivotTable custom label filter. § PivotTable custom value filter.</p><p>1187 <s:simpleType name="PivotFilterType"></p><p>1188 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>115 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1189 <s:enumeration value="Invalid"/></p><p>1190 <s:enumeration value="FirstTop10"/></p><p>1191 <s:enumeration value="Count"/></p><p>1192 <s:enumeration value="Percent"/></p><p>1193 <s:enumeration value="Sum"/></p><p>1194 <s:enumeration value="LastTop10"/></p><p>1195 <s:enumeration value="CaptionFirst"/></p><p>1196 <s:enumeration value="CaptionEquals"/></p><p>1197 <s:enumeration value="CaptionDoesNotEqual"/></p><p>1198 <s:enumeration value="CaptionBeginsWith"/></p><p>1199 <s:enumeration value="CaptionDoesNotBeginWith"/></p><p>1200 <s:enumeration value="CaptionEndsWith"/></p><p>1201 <s:enumeration value="CaptionDoesNotEndWith"/></p><p>1202 <s:enumeration value="CaptionContains"/></p><p>1203 <s:enumeration value="CaptionDoesNotContain"/></p><p>1204 <s:enumeration value="CaptionIsGreaterThan"/></p><p>1205 <s:enumeration value="CaptionIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo"/></p><p>1206 <s:enumeration value="CaptionIsLessThan"/></p><p>1207 <s:enumeration value="CaptionIsLessThanOrEqualTo"/></p><p>1208 <s:enumeration value="CaptionIsBetween"/></p><p>1209 <s:enumeration value="CaptionIsNotBetween"/></p><p>1210 <s:enumeration value="ValueFirst"/></p><p>1211 <s:enumeration value="ValueEqual"/></p><p>1212 <s:enumeration value="ValueNotEqual"/></p><p>1213 <s:enumeration value="ValueGreaterThan"/></p><p>1214 <s:enumeration value="ValueGreaterThanOrEqual"/></p><p>1215 <s:enumeration value="ValueLessThan"/></p><p>1216 <s:enumeration value="ValueLessThanOrEqual"/></p><p>1217 <s:enumeration value="ValueBetween"/></p><p>116 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1218 <s:enumeration value="ValueNotBetween"/></p><p>1219 <s:enumeration value="DateFirst"/></p><p>1220 <s:enumeration value="DateEquals"/></p><p>1221 <s:enumeration value="DateOlderThan"/></p><p>1222 <s:enumeration value="DateNewerThan"/></p><p>1223 <s:enumeration value="DateBetween"/></p><p>1224 <s:enumeration value="DateTomorrow"/></p><p>1225 <s:enumeration value="DateToday"/></p><p>1226 <s:enumeration value="DateYesterday"/></p><p>1227 <s:enumeration value="DateNextWeek"/></p><p>1228 <s:enumeration value="DateThisWeek"/></p><p>1229 <s:enumeration value="DateLastWeek"/></p><p>1230 <s:enumeration value="DateNextMonth"/></p><p>1231 <s:enumeration value="DateThisMonth"/></p><p>1232 <s:enumeration value="DateLastMonth"/></p><p>1233 <s:enumeration value="DateNextQuarter"/></p><p>1234 <s:enumeration value="DateThisQuarter"/></p><p>1235 <s:enumeration value="DateLastQuarter"/></p><p>1236 <s:enumeration value="DateNextYear"/></p><p>1237 <s:enumeration value="DateThisYear"/></p><p>1238 <s:enumeration value="DateLastYear"/></p><p>1239 <s:enumeration value="DateYearToDate"/></p><p>1240 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter1"/></p><p>1241 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter2"/></p><p>1242 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter3"/></p><p>1243 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter4"/></p><p>1244 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodJanuary"/></p><p>1245 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodFebruary"/></p><p>1246 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodMarch"/></p><p>117 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1247 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodApril"/></p><p>1248 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodMay"/></p><p>1249 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodJune"/></p><p>1250 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodJuly"/></p><p>1251 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodAugust"/></p><p>1252 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodSeptember"/></p><p>1253 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodOctober"/></p><p>1254 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodNovember"/></p><p>1255 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodDecember"/></p><p>1256 <s:enumeration value="DateNotEqual"/></p><p>1257 <s:enumeration value="DateOlderOrEqual"/></p><p>1258 <s:enumeration value="DateNewerOrEqual"/></p><p>1259 <s:enumeration value="DateNotBetween"/></p><p>1260 <s:enumeration value="Last"/></p><p>1261 </s:restriction></p><p>1262 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table specifies possible values for PivotFilterType. Value Meaning</p><p>Neither a PivotTable custom filter nor a top N Invalid filter nor a bottom N filter are applied. </p><p>A top N filter by count or a bottom N filter by count is applied. Used with top N filter or bottom FirstTop10 N filter.</p><p>A top N filter by count or a bottom N filter by count is applied. Used with top N filter or bottom Count N filter.</p><p>A top N filter by percent or a bottom N filter by percent is applied. Used with top N filter or Percent bottom N filter.</p><p>A top N filter by sum or a bottom N filter by sum is applied. Used with top N filter or bottom N Sum filter.</p><p>A top N filter by sum or a bottom N filter by sum is applied. Used with top N filter or bottom N LastTop10 filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is equal to the value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used with CaptionFirst PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>118 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is equal to the value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used with CaptionEquals PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is not equal to the value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used with CaptionDoesNotEqual PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption begins with the value in the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used with CaptionBeginsWith PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption does not begin with the value in the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used CaptionDoesNotBeginWith with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption ends with the value in the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used with CaptionEndsWith PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption does not end with the value in the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used CaptionDoesNotEndWith with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption contains the value in the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used with PivotTable CaptionContains custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption does not contain the value in the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used CaptionDoesNotContain with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is greater than the value in the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used CaptionIsGreaterThan with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is greater than or equal to the value in the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used with PivotTable custom label CaptionIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is less than the value in the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used with CaptionIsLessThan PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is less than or equal to the value in the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used with PivotTable custom label CaptionIsLessThanOrEqualTo filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is greater than or equal to the value of the first PivotTable filter parameter and less than or equal to the value of the second PivotTable filter parameter. Supports two PivotTable filter parameters. Used with CaptionIsBetween PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>119 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is less than the value of the first PivotTable filter parameter or greater than the value of the second PivotTable filter parameter. Supports two PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label CaptionIsNotBetween filter.</p><p>The value of the PivotTable member is equal to the value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used ValueFirst with PivotTable custom value filter.</p><p>The value of the PivotTable member is equal to the value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used ValueEqual with PivotTable custom value filter.</p><p>The value of the PivotTable member is not equal to the value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used ValueNotEqual with PivotTable custom value filter.</p><p>The value of the PivotTable member is greater than the value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used ValueGreaterThan with PivotTable custom value filter.</p><p>The value of the PivotTable member is greater than or equal to the value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used with PivotTable custom value ValueGreaterThanOrEqual filter.</p><p>The value of the PivotTable member is less than the value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used ValueLessThan with PivotTable custom value filter.</p><p>The value of the PivotTable member is less than or equal to the value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used with PivotTable custom value ValueLessThanOrEqual filter.</p><p>The value of the PivotTable member is greater than or equal to the value of the first PivotTable filter parameter and less than or equal to the value of the second PivotTable filter parameter. Supports two PivotTable filter parameters. Used ValueBetween with PivotTable custom value filter.</p><p>The value of the PivotTable member is less than the value of the first PivotTable filter parameter or greater than the value of the second PivotTable filter parameter. Supports two PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom value ValueNotBetween filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is equal to the date value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used DateFirst with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is equal to the date value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used DateEquals with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>120 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is less than the date value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used DateOlderThan with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is greater than the date value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used DateNewerThan with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is greater than or equal to the value of the first PivotTable filter parameter and less than or equal to the value of the second PivotTable filter parameter. Supports two PivotTable filter parameters. Used with DateBetween PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is tomorrow's date. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. DateTomorrow Used with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is today's date. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used DateToday with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is yesterday's date. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. DateYesterday Used with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date next week. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. DateNextWeek Used with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date this week. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. DateThisWeek Used with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date last week. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. DateLastWeek Used with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date next month. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateNextMonth filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date this month. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateThisMonth filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date last month. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateLastMonth filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date next quarter. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateNextQuarter filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date this quarter. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateThisQuarter filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date last quarter. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateLastQuarter filter.</p><p>121 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date next year. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. DateNextYear Used with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date this year. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. DateThisYear Used with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date last year. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. DateLastYear Used with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date year to date. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. DateYearToDate Used with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in the first quarter. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter1 filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in the second quarter. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter2 filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in the third quarter. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter3 filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in the fourth quarter. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter4 filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in January. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateAllDatesInPeriodJanuary filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in February. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateAllDatesInPeriodFebruary filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in March. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. DateAllDatesInPeriodMarch Used with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in April. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used DateAllDatesInPeriodApril with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in May. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used DateAllDatesInPeriodMay with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in June. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used DateAllDatesInPeriodJune with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in July. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used DateAllDatesInPeriodJuly with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in August. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateAllDatesInPeriodAugust filter.</p><p>122 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in September. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateAllDatesInPeriodSeptember filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in October. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateAllDatesInPeriodOctober filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in November. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateAllDatesInPeriodNovember filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date in December. Supports zero PivotTable filter parameters. Used with PivotTable custom label DateAllDatesInPeriodDecember filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is not equal to the date value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used DateNotEqual with PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is less than or equal to the date value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used with PivotTable custom label DateOlderOrEqual filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is greater than or equal to the date value of the PivotTable filter parameter. Supports one PivotTable filter parameter. Used with PivotTable custom label DateNewerOrEqual filter.</p><p>The PivotTable member caption is a date less than the first parameter or greater than the second parameter PivotTable filter parameters. Supports two PivotTable filter parameters. Used with DateNotBetween PivotTable custom label filter.</p><p>Last MUST NOT be used.</p><p>1262.1.1.1 RangeReference A string that is used by the protocol server to identify a range on a worksheet in a workbook, in some of the operations specified by this protocol. MUST NOT be longer than 32,768 characters. MAY<4> use any format to identify the range.</p><p><xs:simpleType name="RangeReference"></p><p><xs:restriction base="xs:string"/></p><p></xs:simpleType></p><p>123 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1262.1.1.2 RelationOperator Specifies the relationship between an AutoFilterCriteria element (section contained in an ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria (section and the one that potentially follows it.</p><p>1263 <s:simpleType name="RelationOperator"></p><p>1264 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1265 <s:enumeration value="Nil"/></p><p>1266 <s:enumeration value="And"/></p><p>1267 <s:enumeration value="Or"/></p><p>1268 <s:enumeration value="LastCount"/></p><p>1269 </s:restriction></p><p>1270 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table specifies possible values for RelationOperator. RelationOperator Meaning</p><p>Nil See the Relation element in the AutoFilterCriteria section.</p><p>And See the Relation element in the AutoFilterCriteria section. The protocol server will satisfy the conditions specified both in the AutoFilterCriteria that contains this value and in the one coming after it in the ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria.</p><p>Or See the Relation element in the AutoFilterCriteria section. The protocol server will satisfy the conditions specified in either the AutoFilterCriteria that contains this value or in the one coming after it in the ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria.</p><p>LastCount MUST NOT be used.</p><p>1270.1.1.1 guid Specifies a GUID value as specified in [RFC4122]. </p><p>1271 <s:simpleType name="guid"></p><p>1272 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1273 <s:pattern value="[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0- 9a-fA-F]{12}" /></p><p>1274 </s:restriction></p><p>1275 </s:simpleType></p><p>124 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1275.1.1 Attributes This specification does not define any common XML Schema attribute definitions.</p><p>1275.1.2 Groups This specification does not define any common XML Schema group definitions.</p><p>1275.1.3 Attribute Groups This specification does not define any common XML Schema attribute group definitions.</p><p>1275.1.4 Faults In the event of an application error the protocol server returns a soap fault as a response to the operation, as specified in [SOAP1.1] section 4.4. § The protocol client MUST ignore all elements of the soap fault, except for the SOAP fault detail element. </p><p>§ The soap fault detail element MUST contain the protocol server alert as specified in section</p><p>1275.1.4.1 Simple Types</p><p>1275. MessageButtons The MessageButtons type is a list (2) of enumeration values of the control buttons associated with the alert that the protocol server returns to the protocol client. The list (2) MUST contain either "OK" or the combination of "Yes" and "No".</p><p>1276 <s:simpleType name="MessageButtons"></p><p>1277 <s:list></p><p>1278 <s:simpleType></p><p>1279 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1280 <s:enumeration value="OK"/></p><p>1281 <s:enumeration value="Yes"/></p><p>1282 <s:enumeration value="No"/></p><p>1283 </s:restriction></p><p>1284 </s:simpleType></p><p>1285 </s:list></p><p>1286 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table specifies possible values for MessageButtons.</p><p>125 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning</p><p>OK An OK control button</p><p>Yes A Yes control button</p><p>No A No control button</p><p>1286. MessageSeverity The MessageSeverity type is an enumeration of the severity of the alert that the protocol server returns to the protocol client.</p><p>1287 <s:simpleType name="MessageSeverity"></p><p>1288 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1289 <s:enumeration value="Error"/></p><p>1290 <s:enumeration value="Warning"/></p><p>1291 <s:enumeration value="Information"/></p><p>1292 </s:restriction></p><p>1293 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table specifies possible values for MessageSeverity. Value Meaning</p><p>Error The alert is of type error.</p><p>Warning The alert is of type warning.</p><p>Information The alert is of type information.</p><p>1293. MessageType The MessageType type is an enumeration of the type of the alert that the protocol server returns to the protocol client.</p><p>1294 <s:simpleType name="MessageType"></p><p>1295 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1296 <s:enumeration value="Alert"/></p><p>1297 <s:enumeration value="Confirmation"/></p><p>1298 <s:enumeration value="Status"/></p><p>1299 </s:restriction></p><p>1300 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table specifies possible values for MessageType.</p><p>126 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Value Meaning</p><p>Alert The alert is of type alert.</p><p>Confirmation The alert is of type confirmation.</p><p>Status The alert is of type status.</p><p>1300.1.1.1 Detail Node of the Soap Fault In the event of an application error, the protocol server sets the alert in the soap fault detail. The following schema specifies the structure of the soap fault detail element in the SOAP Fault used by application errors in this protocol:</p><p>1301</p><p>1302 <s:element name="detail"></p><p>1303 <s:complexType></p><p>1304 <s:sequence></p><p>1305 <s:element name="ExcelServerMessage" type="s:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/></p><p>1306 </s:sequence></p><p>1307 </s:complexType></p><p>1308 </s:element></p><p>1309</p><p>ExcelServerMessage: The alert returned by the protocol server. MUST contain a single XML document contained in a CDATA section as specified in section</p><p>1309.1.1.1 Detail Node XML Document In the event of an application error, the protocol server sets the alert in the soap fault detail in the form of an XML document. The elements in the XML document MUST NOT have an XML namespace. The XML document MUST conform to the following XML schema.</p><p>1310 <s:complexType name="ExcelServerMessage"></p><p>1311 <s:sequence></p><p>1312 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="HasOpenItemPermission" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>1313 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Id" type="s:string" /></p><p>1314 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Severity" type="MessageSeverity" /></p><p>1315 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Type" type="MessageType" /></p><p>127 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1316 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Buttons" type="MessageButtons" /></p><p>1317 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Description" type="s:string" /></p><p>1318 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ExtendedDescription" type="s:string" /></p><p>1319 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Caption" type="s:string" /></p><p>1320 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="HelpTopicId" type="s:string" /></p><p>1321 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="HelpDisplayText" type="s:string" /></p><p>1322 </s:sequence></p><p>1323 </s:complexType></p><p>HasOpenItemPermission: Specifies whether the user has Open Item permission to the workbook file. Id: The identifier of the alert. MUST be one of the identifiers specified in section Severity: The severity of the alert as specified in section Type: The type of the alert as specified in section Buttons: The control buttons associated with the alert as specified in section Description: A text description of the alert. MUST NOT be empty. The text MUST be in the language UI culture of the session (2). ExtendedDescription: An extended description of the alert. MUST be in the language UI culture of the session (2). Caption: A caption for the alert. MUST be in the language UI culture of the session (2). HelpTopicId: The Help topic identifier. HelpDisplayText: A description of the help topic. MUST be in the language UI culture of the session (2).</p><p>1323.1.1.1 Full List of Possible Ids In the event of an application error the protocol server MUST return one of these alert values in the Id element as specified in section The protocol client MUST NOT perform any logical operation on the value of the Id element, unless it appears in section or explicitly specified for a message in section 3.1.4. The following are possible errors: § CDimMismatch § ChartImageGenFailed § CircularReferencesFound § ConfirmationUnsupported § CubeIntegrityError § CubeMissing § DataSetAxisTooBig</p><p>128 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § DdlGrpNotSup § DimensionMismatch § DiscontiguousRangeNotSupported § DrillActionInvalid § DriverNotOlap § EcsInvalidNamedObject § EcsSnapshotAccessDenied § EncryptionTooLow § FormulaEditingNotEnabled § FileCorrupt § FileOpenAccessDenied § FileOpenNotFound § FileOpenSecuritySettings § GenericFileOpenError § InternalError § InvalidOrTimedOutSession § InvalidPivot § InvalidSheetName § IRMedWorkbook § MaxRequestDurationExceeded § MaxSessionsPerUserExceeded § MergedCellOverlap § MultipleRequestsOnSession § NoDataItemsOlap § NoOccurrencesFound § NoPublishedItems § NoRetItems § NotMemberOfRole § ObjectTypeNotSupported § OlapConnectVisualModeProvider § OlapNoMoreDetail § OlapSchemaFail § OperationCanceled § OperationOnInvalidState § ParameterDoesNotExist § ParameterInvalid § ParameterLimitExceeded § PivotCubeNotUnique § PivotFilteringError § PivotFormulasCollided § PivotNoSourceData § PivotNotExpandedtoProtectCellContents § PivotNoOverlapAllowed § PivotOverlapList § PivotSourceNotAvailable</p><p>129 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § PivotTableEndingLargerThanStarting § PivotTableIncorrectDateFormat § PivotTableIncorrectNumberFormat § PivotTableOutOfRange § PivotTruncatedSheetEdge § ProductExpired § RangeDefinitionError § RangeParseError § RangeRequestAreaExceeded § RetryError § SaveFailed § SetParameterFailure § SetRangeFailure § SheetRangeMismatch § SkipLine § SortActionInvalid § SortActionNotSupportedWithPivot § SpecifiedItemNotFound § SpecifiedRangeNotFound § StopOpenOnRefreshFailure § UnexpectedPivotError § WorkbookInternalLimit § WorkbookLockedRead § WorkbookNotSupported § WorkbookNotSupportedViewRight</p><p>1323.1.1.2 Common List of Ids In the event of an application error, the protocol server SHOULD<5> return one of these alert values in the Id element as specified in section These errors are described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>The session on the protocol server has timed out. The protocol client SHOULD<6> initiate a new session (2) by calling the OpenWorkbook InvalidOrTimedOutSession operation (section</p><p>RetryError The protocol server is low on system resources.</p><p>OperationCanceled The protocol server has cancelled the operation.</p><p>The protocol server has encountered an InternalError unexpected error.</p><p>There is an operation currently being processed on the session (2), and the protocol server cannot process other concurrent operations on the same MultipleRequestsOnSession session (2).</p><p>The operation has exceeded the allowed request MaxRequestDurationExceeded timeout.</p><p>EcsInvalidNamedObject The range is not a valid range.</p><p>130 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1324 Protocol Details In the following sections, the schema definition might differ from the processing rules imposed by the protocol. The WSDL in this specification matches the WSDL that shipped with the product and provides a base description of the schema. The text that introduces the WSDL might specify differences that reflect actual Microsoft product behavior. For example, the schema definition might allow for an element to be empty, null, or not present but the behavior of the protocol as specified restricts the same elements to being non-empty, not null, and present. The client side of this protocol is simply a pass-through. That is, no additional timers or other state is required on the client side of this protocol. Calls made by the higher-layer protocol or application are passed directly to the transport, and the results returned by the transport are passed directly back to the higher-layer protocol or application. Except where specified, protocol clients SHOULD interpret HTTP status codes returned by the protocol server as specified in [RFC2616] section 10. This protocol allows protocol servers to perform implementation-specific authorization checks and notify protocol clients of authorization faults as specified previously in this section. This protocol allows protocol servers to perform implementation-specific localization of text in various messages. Except where specified, the localization of this text is an implementation-specific behavior of the protocol server and not significant for interoperability. The following high-level sequence diagram illustrates the operation of the protocol.</p><p>Figure 3: High-level sequence of operations between protocol client and protocol server</p><p>Session behavior: A session (2) MUST be created on a successful OpenWorkbook request. A session (2) MUST stop responding to operations after a successful call to the CloseWorkbook operation or after the session (2) has timed out.</p><p>131 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Request behavior: A request is created when a Web service operation starts running on the protocol server, and ends when the Web service operation finishes, when it is successfully cancelled by a CancelRequest call, or after the request has timed out. Types of operation: The common behavior of each operation is determined by the set of categories it falls under. The following table specifies the possible categories. Category Meaning</p><p>Concurrent The operation does not change session (2) state on the protocol server. The protocol server MUST allow multiple concurrent operations to execute at the same time as long as there is no NonConcurrent operation executing at the same time.</p><p>NonConcurrent The operation is an exclusive operation on the session (2) in the protocol server, and the protocol server can only process one of such operations on a session (2) at the same time. If the protocol client issues an operation of this category or of the concurrent category on a given session (2) while the protocol server is processing another operation of this category on the same session (2), then the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section, with the value of the id element of the ExcelServerMessage set to MultipleRequestsOnSession.</p><p>If the protocol client issues an operation of this category on a given session (2) while the protocol server is processing one or more operations of the concurrent category on the same session (2), then the protocol server MAY<7> immediately return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section, with the value of the id element of the ExcelServerMessage set to MultipleRequestsOnSession.</p><p>ChangesState The operation is a session (2)'s state changing operation on the protocol server. The protocol server MUST increment the session (2)'s state identifier.</p><p>Out of Band The operation can be processed on the protocol server regardless of the current state of the session (2), or whether there are other operations from any category currently being processed by the protocol server on the session (2).</p><p>The following table specifies the combination of the categories per protocol server operation. Operation Concurrent NonConcurrent ChangesState Out of Band</p><p>ApplyItemFilter X X</p><p>ApplyPivotFilter X X</p><p>ApplyPivotSort X X</p><p>ApplyPivotTop10Filter X X</p><p>ApplyTop10Filter X X</p><p>CancelRequest X</p><p>CloseWorkbook X</p><p>ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList X X</p><p>132 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Operation Concurrent NonConcurrent ChangesState Out of Band</p><p>ExpandCollapseOutline X X</p><p>FindRange X</p><p>GetAutoFilterItemList X</p><p>GetImage X</p><p>GetPivotFilterItemList X</p><p>GetPivotMenu X</p><p>GetRange X</p><p>GetRangeValues X</p><p>GetRangeValuesA1 X</p><p>GetSessionInformation X</p><p>GetWorkbook X</p><p>OpenWorkbook X X</p><p>Recalc X X</p><p>RecalcA1 X X</p><p>RecalcAll X X</p><p>Refresh X X</p><p>RefreshAll X X</p><p>RemovePivotFilter X X</p><p>SetParameters X X</p><p>SetRange X X</p><p>SetRangeA1 X X</p><p>SortFilterColumn X X</p><p>TogglePivotDrill X X</p><p>1324.1 ExcelServiceSoapSoap Server Details</p><p>1324.1.1 Abstract Data Model This section describes a conceptual model of possible data organization that an implementation maintains to participate in this protocol. The described organization is provided to facilitate the explanation of how the protocol behaves. This document does not mandate that implementations adhere to this model as long as their external behavior is consistent with that described in this document. Session: An entity which gives context to operations done against a workbook. A session (2) is associated with a workbook state, which can be modified by state changing requests. State identifier: Each session (2) has a counter which represents its state. Request: An entity which represents a running request on the protocol server.</p><p>133 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1324.1.2 Timers</p><p>1324.1.2.1 Session Timeout The Session Timeout timer measures the time it takes for a session (2) to time out.</p><p>1324.1.2.2 Request Timeout The Request Timeout timer measures the time it takes for a request to time out.</p><p>1324.1.3 Initialization None.</p><p>1324.1.4 Message Processing Events and Sequencing Rules This protocol includes the operations described in the following table. Operation Description</p><p>ApplyItemFilter This operation is used to change the filtering of a table or worksheet AutoFilter in the workbook.</p><p>ApplyPivotFilter This operation is used to apply a PivotTable custom filter or a PivotTable manual filter on a PivotTable field.</p><p>ApplyPivotSort This operation is used to change the sort order (2) of a PivotTable field in the workbook.</p><p>ApplyPivotTop10Filter This operation is used to apply a top N filter or a bottom N filter on a PivotTable field.</p><p>ApplyTop10Filter This operation is used to apply a top N filter or a bottom N filter on a column (2) in a worksheet or in a table.</p><p>CancelRequest This operation is used to cancel an operation that is currently running on the protocol server.</p><p>CloseWorkbook This operation is used to close a session (2) on the protocol server.</p><p>ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList This operation is used to return the PivotTable members that are part of a PivotTable manual filter hierarchy.</p><p>ExpandCollapseOutline This operation is used to toggle the outline state in the workbook.</p><p>FindRange This operation is used to find a string inside a workbook. What constitutes a match between the search string and the contents of the workbook is dependent on the protocol server implementation.</p><p>GetAutoFilterItemList This operation is used to retrieve the filter values and filter date values and their caption in the AutoFilterItemList in the operation response for an AutoFilter in the workbook.</p><p>GetImage This operation is used to return a chart image.</p><p>134 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Operation Description</p><p>GetPivotFilterItemList This operation is used to return child PivotTable members that are part of a PivotTable manual filter hierarchy. This operation is used after calling ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList or after calling GetPivotFilterItemList for an ancestor in the hierarchy.</p><p>GetPivotMenu This operation is used to return information about a PivotTable area.</p><p>GetRange This operation is used to get an SpreadsheetDataXML range.</p><p>GetRangeValues This operation is used to get the values contained in a specified range in a workbook.</p><p>GetRangeValuesA1 This operation is used to get the values contained in a specified range in a workbook.</p><p>GetSessionInformation This operation is used to return information about a session (2).</p><p>GetWorkbook This operation is used to retrieve a workbook file.</p><p>OpenWorkbook This operation is used to open a session (2) giving access to a workbook on the protocol server.</p><p>Recalc This operation is used to calculate a specified range in the workbook.</p><p>RecalcA1 This operation is used to calculate a specified range in the workbook.</p><p>RecalcAll This operation is used to calculate the workbook.</p><p>Refresh This operation is used to refresh connected data on a workbook.</p><p>RefreshAll This operation is used to refresh all connected data on a workbook.</p><p>RemovePivotFilter This operation is used to remove any PivotTable filters that are applied to a PivotTable field.</p><p>SetParameters This operation is used to set values of workbook parameters in a workbook.</p><p>SetRange This operation is used to set values to a range of worksheet cells on a workbook.</p><p>SetRangeA1 This operation is used to set values to a range of worksheet cells on a workbook.</p><p>SortFilterColumn This operation is used to change the sort order (2) of a table or worksheet AutoFilter in the workbook.</p><p>TogglePivotDrill This operation is used to expand or collapse a PivotTable member.</p><p>1324.1.4.1 ApplyItemFilter This operation is used to change the filtering of a table or worksheet AutoFilter in the workbook.</p><p>135 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1325 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyItemFilter"></p><p>1326 <wsdl:input message="ApplyItemFilterSoapIn" /></p><p>1327 <wsdl:output message="ApplyItemFilterSoapOut" /></p><p>1328 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends an ApplyItemFilterSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with an ApplyItemFilterSoapOut response message, as follows: § The protocol server sets the filter to the clear all state if the values element is not present, and the autoFilterDateNodes element is not present, and the blanks element value is false, and the hideBlanks element value is false, and the value of CriteriaType element of AutoFilterOptions (section is Nil, and the Criteria element of AutoFilterOptions is not present. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<8> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>1328. Messages</p><p>1328. ApplyItemFilterSoapIn This message is the request message for ApplyItemFilter. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1329 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/ApplyItemFilter</p><p>The SOAP body contains an ApplyItemFilter element.</p><p>1329. ApplyItemFilterSoapOut This message is the response message for ApplyItemFilter. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>136 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1330 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/ApplyItemFilter</p><p>The SOAP body contains an ApplyItemFilterResponse element.</p><p>1330. Elements</p><p>1330. ApplyItemFilter The ApplyItemFilter element is specified as follows.</p><p>1331 <s:element name="ApplyItemFilter"></p><p>1332 <s:complexType></p><p>1333 <s:sequence></p><p>1334 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1335 <s:element name="autoFilterOptions" type="tns:AutoFilterOptions" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1336 <s:element name="values" type="tns:ArrayOfString" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1337 <s:element name="autoFilterDateNodes" type="tns:ArrayOfAutoFilterDateNodeInfo" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1338 <s:element name="blanks" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1339 <s:element name="hideBlanks" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1340 </s:sequence></p><p>1341 </s:complexType></p><p>1342 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. autoFilterOptions: The AutoFilter options for filtering the AutoFilter column (2) as specified in AutoFilterOptions (section MUST be present. values: The values to use when filtering the AutoFilter column (2). Specifies the values the protocol server MUST use to filter the AutoFilter. MUST NOT be present if the value CriteriaType element of AutoFilterOptions is not "Nil". MUST NOT be present if the Criteria element of AutoFilterOptions is present. MUST be present if autoFilterDateNodes element is present. If present, the count of elements MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1000. All string elements of ArrayOfString (section MUST have a value or be empty. The value of the string element of ArrayOfString. MUST be equal to one of the DisplayString element values of AutoFilterItem (section in the AutoFilterItemList (section of the GetAutoFilterItemList response (section autoFilterDateNodes: The date nodes to use when filtering the AutoFilter column (2). Specifies the date values the protocol server MUST use to filter the</p><p>137 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 AutoFilter as specified in section MUST NOT be present if the values element is not present. If present the count of elements MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1000. The value of the NodeType element of AutoFilterDateNodeInfo. MUST NOT be Nil. If the value of the NodeType element of AutoFilterDateNodeInfo is Year, then the value of the Month and Day elements of AutoFilterDateNodeInfo MUST be 0. If the value of the NodeType element of AutoFilterDateNodeInfo is "Month", the value of the Day element of AutoFilterDateNodeInfo MUST be 0. blanks: Specifies whether to include blank values in the filter. The value true specifies to include filter blank values in the filter. The value false specifies to exclude filter blank values in the filter. hideBlanks: Specifies whether to hide blank values in the filter. Specifies filtering to include all values but blank values. The value true specifies to include all values but blank values in the filter. The value false MUST be ignored by the protocol server. The protocol client MUST NOT set this element value to true if the values element is present or the Criteria element of AutoFilterOptions is present or the value of CriteriaType element of AutoFilterOptions is not "Nil".</p><p>1342. ApplyItemFilterResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return an ApplyItemFilterResponse as follows.</p><p>1343 <s:element name="ApplyItemFilterResponse"></p><p>1344 <s:complexType></p><p>1345 <s:sequence></p><p>1346 <s:element name="ApplyItemFilterResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1347 </s:sequence></p><p>1348 </s:complexType></p><p>1349 </s:element></p><p>ApplyItemFilterResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>1349.1.1.1 ApplyPivotFilter This operation is used to apply a PivotTable custom filter or a PivotTable manual filter on a PivotTable field.</p><p>1350 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyPivotFilter"></p><p>1351 <wsdl:input message="ApplyPivotFilterSoapIn" /></p><p>1352 <wsdl:output message="ApplyPivotFilterSoapOut" /></p><p>1353 </wsdl:operation></p><p>138 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 The protocol client sends an ApplyPivotFilterSoapIn request message and the protocol server responds with an ApplyPivotFilterSoapOut response message as follows: 1. The protocol client sends the PivotTable custom filter or PivotTable manual filter to be applied, and the information identifying the PivotTable field in the pivotFilterOptions element. 2. The protocol server applies the PivotTable custom filter or PivotTable manual filter to the PivotTable field.</p><p>In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<9> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>1353. Messages</p><p>1353. ApplyPivotFilterSoapIn This message is the request message for ApplyPivotFilter. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1354 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/ApplyPivotFilter</p><p>The SOAP body contains an ApplyPivotFilter element.</p><p>1354. ApplyPivotFilterSoapOut This message is the response message for ApplyPivotFilter. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1355 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/ApplyPivotFilter</p><p>The SOAP body contains an ApplyPivotFilterResponse element.</p><p>1355. Elements</p><p>1355. ApplyPivotFilter The ApplyPivotFilter element is specified as follows.</p><p>139 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1356 <s:element name="ApplyPivotFilter"></p><p>1357 <s:complexType></p><p>1358 <s:sequence></p><p>1359 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1360 <s:element name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1361 </s:sequence></p><p>1362 </s:complexType></p><p>1363 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. pivotFilterOptions: The PivotTable field identification and information about the PivotTable custom filter or PivotTable manual filter to apply. MUST be present. The following MUST extend or override the standard behavior specified in section § FilterType: MUST contain the value Invalid if a PivotTable manual filter is applied. Otherwise, it MUST contain one of the values used for PivotTable custom filter as specified in section</p><p>§ DataFieldId: MUST NOT be present if FilterType is not used for PivotTable custom value filter as specified in PivotFilterType. Otherwise, MUST be present and equal to the IdString element of one of the PivotField elements nested under the PivotDataFields element of the pivotMenu element returned from the protocol server in the last call to GetPivotMenu (section </p><p>§ MemberPropertyId: MUST NOT be present if FilterType has the value Invalid. Otherwise, it MUST be present and equal to the IdString element of one of the PivotField elements nested under the MemberProperties element of the PivotField element that is the PivotTable field on which the filter is being applied if this is a member properties PivotTable custom filter, and MUST NOT be present otherwise.</p><p>§ FilterValue1: MUST NOT be present if FilterType has the value Invalid. Otherwise, it MUST NOT be present if FilterType supports zero PivotTable filter parameters as specified in PivotFilterType. Otherwise, it MUST be present and contain the value of the first PivotTable filter parameter.</p><p>§ FilterValue2: MUST NOT be present if FilterType has the value Invalid. Otherwise, it MUST NOT be present if FilterType supports zero or one PivotTable filter parameters as specified in PivotFilterType. Otherwise, it </p><p>140 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 MUST be present and contain the value of the second PivotTable filter parameter.</p><p>§ Items: MUST be present if FilterType has the value Invalid. MUST contain one or more elements that MUST be equal to the Id element of one of the PivotFilterItem elements nested under the itemList element returned from the protocol server in the last call to GetPivotFilterItemList (section Otherwise, MUST NOT be present.</p><p>1363. ApplyPivotFilterResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return an ApplyPivotFilterResponse as follows.</p><p>1364 <s:element name="ApplyPivotFilterResponse"></p><p>1365 <s:complexType></p><p>1366 <s:sequence></p><p>1367 <s:element name="ApplyPivotFilterResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1368 </s:sequence></p><p>1369 </s:complexType></p><p>1370 </s:element></p><p>ApplyPivotFilterResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>1370.1.1.1 ApplyPivotSort This operation is used to change the sort order (2) of a PivotTable field in the workbook.</p><p>1371 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyPivotSort"></p><p>1372 <wsdl:input message="ApplyPivotSortSoapIn" /></p><p>1373 <wsdl:output message="ApplyPivotSortSoapOut" /></p><p>1374 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends an ApplyPivotSortSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with an ApplyPivotSortSoapOut response message, as follows: § The protocol client sends the information identifying the PivotTable field in the pivotFilterOptions element. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage </p><p>141 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<10> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>1374. Messages</p><p>1374. ApplyPivotSortSoapIn This message is the request message for ApplyPivotSortResponse. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1375 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/ApplyPivotSort</p><p>The SOAP body contains an ApplyPivotSort element.</p><p>1375. ApplyPivotSortSoapOut This message is the response message for ApplyPivotSortResponse. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1376 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/ApplyPivotSort</p><p>The SOAP body contains an ApplyPivotSortResponse element.</p><p>1376. Elements</p><p>1376. ApplyPivotSort The ApplyPivotSort element is specified as follows.</p><p>1377 <s:element name="ApplyPivotSort"></p><p>1378 <s:complexType></p><p>1379 <s:sequence></p><p>1380 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1381 <s:element name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1382 <s:element name="ascending" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1383 </s:sequence></p><p>142 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1384 </s:complexType></p><p>1385 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. pivotFilterOptions: The PivotTable field identification as specified in section MUST be present. ascending: The sort order (2) to apply to the PivotTable field. A true value specifies an ascending order, and a false value specifies a descending order.</p><p>1385. ApplyPivotSortResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return an ApplyPivotSortResponse as follows.</p><p>1386 <s:element name="ApplyPivotSortResponse"></p><p>1387 <s:complexType></p><p>1388 <s:sequence></p><p>1389 <s:element name="ApplyPivotSortResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1390 </s:sequence></p><p>1391 </s:complexType></p><p>1392 </s:element></p><p>ApplyPivotSortResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>1392.1.1.1 ApplyPivotTop10Filter This operation is used to apply a top N filter or a bottom N filter on a PivotTable field.</p><p>1393 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyPivotTop10Filter"></p><p>1394 <wsdl:input message="ApplyPivotTop10FilterSoapIn" /></p><p>1395 <wsdl:output message="ApplyPivotTop10FilterSoapOut" /></p><p>1396 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends an ApplyPivotTop10FilterSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with an ApplyPivotTop10FilterSoapOut response message, as follows: 1. The protocol client sends the top N filter or bottom N filter to be applied, and the information identifying the PivotTable field in the pivotFilterOptions element.</p><p>143 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2. The protocol server applies the top N filter or bottom N filter to the PivotTable field. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<11> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>1396. Messages</p><p>1396. ApplyPivotTop10FilterSoapIn This message is the request message for ApplyPivotTop10Filter. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1397 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/ApplyPivotTop10Filter</p><p>The SOAP body contains an ApplyPivotTop10Filter element.</p><p>1397. ApplyPivotTop10FilterSoapOut This message is the response message for ApplyPivotTop10Filter. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1398 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/ApplyPivotTop10Filter</p><p>The SOAP body contains an ApplyPivotTop10FilterResponse element.</p><p>1398. Elements</p><p>1398. ApplyPivotTop10Filter The ApplyPivotTop10Filter element is specified as follows.</p><p>1399 <s:element name="ApplyPivotTop10Filter"></p><p>1400 <s:complexType></p><p>1401 <s:sequence></p><p>1402 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>144 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1403 <s:element name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1404 <s:element name="top" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1405 <s:element name="value" type="s:double"/></p><p>1406 </s:sequence></p><p>1407 </s:complexType></p><p>1408 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. pivotFilterOptions: The PivotTable field identification and information about the top N filter or bottom N filter to be applied. MUST be present. The following MUST extend or override the standard behavior specified in section § DataFieldId MUST be present and equal to the IdString element of one of the PivotField elements nested under the PivotDataFields element of the pivotMenu element returned from the protocol server in the last call to GetPivotMenu (section § FilterType MUST be one of the following values, as specified in PivotFilterType (section FirstTop10, Percent, Sum. top: Specifies whether a top N filter or a bottom N filter is performed. MUST be set to true to perform a top N filter, and MUST be set to false to perform a bottom N filter. value: The PivotTable filter parameter. If the value of the FilterType element of the pivotFilterOptions element is FirstTop10, value MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the value of the Top10MaxItems element of the pivotMenu element returned from the protocol server in the last call to GetPivotMenu. If the value of the FilterType element of the pivotFilterOptions element is Percent, value MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 100. If the value of the FilterType element of the pivotFilterOptions element is Sum, value MUST be greater than or equal to 0.</p><p>1408. ApplyPivotTop10FilterResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return an ApplyPivotTop10FilterResponse as follows.</p><p>1409 <s:element name="ApplyPivotTop10FilterResponse"></p><p>1410 <s:complexType></p><p>1411 <s:sequence></p><p>1412 <s:element name="ApplyPivotTop10FilterResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>145 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1413 </s:sequence></p><p>1414 </s:complexType></p><p>1415 </s:element></p><p>ApplyPivotTop10FilterResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>1415.1.1.1 ApplyTop10Filter This operation is used to apply a top N filter or a bottom N filter on a column (2) in a worksheet or in a table.</p><p>1416 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyTop10Filter"></p><p>1417 <wsdl:input message="ApplyTop10FilterSoapIn" /></p><p>1418 <wsdl:output message="ApplyTop10FilterSoapOut" /></p><p>1419 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends an ApplyTop10FilterSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with an ApplyTop10FilterSoapOut response message, as follows: § The protocol client MUST NOT call this operation on auto filters that have their DataType attribute in the AutoFilters element (Section present and with a value different from Number. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<12> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>The protocol server could not find a worksheet with the name that is in the SheetName InvalidSheetName element.</p><p>1419. Messages</p><p>1419. ApplyTop10FilterSoapIn</p><p>146 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 This message is the request message for ApplyTop10Filter. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1420 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/ApplyTop10Filter</p><p>The SOAP body contains an ApplyTop10Filter element.</p><p>1420. ApplyTop10FilterSoapOut This message is the response message for ApplyTop10Filter. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1421 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/ApplyTop10Filter</p><p>The SOAP body contains an ApplyTop10FilterResponse element.</p><p>1421. Elements</p><p>1421. ApplyTop10Filter The ApplyTop10Filter element is specified as follows.</p><p>1422 <s:element name="ApplyTop10Filter"></p><p>1423 <s:complexType></p><p>1424 <s:sequence></p><p>1425 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1426 <s:element name="autoFilterOptions" type="tns:AutoFilterOptions" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1427 <s:element name="top" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1428 <s:element name="percent" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1429 <s:element name="value" type="s:int"/></p><p>1430 </s:sequence></p><p>1431 </s:complexType></p><p>1432 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. autoFilterOptions: The options to be used when filtering the AutoFilter column (2). See section The CriteriaType element MUST have the value of "Nil". The Criteria element MUST NOT be present. top: Specifies whether to apply the top N filter or bottom N filter. If true, the protocol server MUST apply a top N filter on the specified column (2). If false, the protocol server MUST apply a bottom N filter on the specified column (2).</p><p>147 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 percent: Specifies whether the top N filter or bottom N filter is based on percentage of the total sum of values in the column (2) or not. If true, the protocol server applies a top N filter by percent or a bottom N filter by percent on the specified column (2). If false, the protocol server applies a top N filter by count or a bottom N filter by count on the specified column (2). value: The value to be used when applying the top N filter or bottom N filter. If percent is true, the value of value MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equals to 100. If percent is false, the value of value MUST be greater than 0 and less than or equals to 500.</p><p>1432. ApplyTop10FilterResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return an ApplyTop10FilterResponse as follows.</p><p>1433 <s:element name="ApplyTop10FilterResponse"></p><p>1434 <s:complexType></p><p>1435 <s:sequence></p><p>1436 <s:element name="ApplyTop10FilterResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1437 </s:sequence></p><p>1438 </s:complexType></p><p>1439 </s:element></p><p>ApplyTop10FilterResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>1439.1.1.1 CancelRequest This operation is used to cancel an operation that is currently running on the protocol server.</p><p>1440 <wsdl:operation name="CancelRequest"></p><p>1441 <wsdl:input message="CancelRequestSoapIn" /></p><p>1442 <wsdl:output message="CancelRequestSoapOut" /></p><p>1443 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a CancelRequestSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a CancelRequestSoapOut response message, as follows: § The protocol server SHOULD<13> try to cancel all requests currently running on the protocol server against the session (2) specified inside the parameter element as specified in CancelRequestSoapIn (section The CancelRequest operation MUST NOT fail if no operation </p><p>148 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 is currently running or if an operation that is currently running cannot be cancelled. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<14> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>1443. Messages</p><p>1443. CancelRequestSoapIn This message is the request message for CancelRequest. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1444 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/CancelRequest</p><p>The SOAP body contains a CancelRequest element.</p><p>1444. CancelRequestSoapOut This message is the response message for CancelRequest. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1445 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/CancelRequest</p><p>The SOAP body contains a CancelRequestResponse element.</p><p>1445. Elements</p><p>1445. CancelRequest The CancelRequest element is specified as follows.</p><p>1446 <s:element name="CancelRequest"></p><p>1447 <s:complexType></p><p>1448 <s:sequence></p><p>1449 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1450 </s:sequence></p><p>1451 </s:complexType></p><p>1452 </s:element></p><p>149 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 parameter: Common operation parameters. MUST be present. The WorkbookId element of the CommandParameter complex type MUST be present. The WorkOnBehalfRequest element of the CommandParameter complex type MUST be as specified in section All other elements MUST be ignored by the protocol server.</p><p>1452. CancelRequestResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return the CancelRequestResponse as follows.</p><p>1453 <s:element name="CancelRequestResponse"></p><p>1454 <s:complexType/></p><p>1455 </s:element></p><p>1455.1.1.1 CloseWorkbook This operation is used to close a session (2) on the protocol server.</p><p>1456 <wsdl:operation name="CloseWorkbook"></p><p>1457 <wsdl:input message="CloseWorkbookSoapIn" /></p><p>1458 <wsdl:output message="CloseWorkbookSoapOut" /></p><p>1459 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a CloseWorkbookSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a CloseWorkbookSoapOut response message, as follows: § The protocol server MUST close the session (2) specified in the parameter element as specified in CloseWorkbookSoapIn (section In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<15> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>1459. Messages</p><p>1459. CloseWorkbookSoapIn This message is the request message for CloseWorkbook. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>150 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1460 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/CloseWorkbook</p><p>The SOAP body contains a CloseWorkbook element.</p><p>1460. CloseWorkbookSoapOut This message is the response message for CloseWorkbook. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1461 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/CloseWorkbook</p><p>The SOAP body contains a CloseWorkbookResponse element.</p><p>1461. Elements</p><p>1461. CloseWorkbook The CloseWorkbook element is specified as follows.</p><p>1462 <s:element name="CloseWorkbook"></p><p>1463 <s:complexType></p><p>1464 <s:sequence></p><p>1465 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1466 </s:sequence></p><p>1467 </s:complexType></p><p>1468 </s:element> parameter: Common operation parameters. MUST be present. The WorkbookId element of the CommandParameter complex type MUST be present. The WorkOnBehalfRequest element of the CommandParameter complex type MUST be as specified in section All other elements MUST be ignored by the protocol server.</p><p>1468. CloseWorkbookResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return the CloseWorkbookResponse as follows.</p><p>1469 <s:element name="CloseWorkbookResponse"></p><p>1470 <s:complexType/></p><p>1471 </s:element></p><p>151 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1471.1.1.1 ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList This operation is used to return the PivotTable members that are part of a PivotTable manual filter hierarchy.</p><p>1472 <wsdl:operation name="ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList"></p><p>1473 <wsdl:input message="ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListSoapIn" /></p><p>1474 <wsdl:output message="ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListSoapOut" /></p><p>1475 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListSoapOut response message, as follows: 1. The protocol client sends the information identifying the PivotTable manual filter in the pivotFilterOptions element. 2. The protocol server returns the hierarchy of PivotTable members in itemList. The PivotFilterItems element of itemList MUST contain the list (2) of all the PivotTable members at the top hierarchy level of the PivotTable manual filter if there are no more than 1000 such PivotTable members, and MUST contain the first 1000 such PivotTable members if there are more than 1000 such PivotTable members. The ItemListMaxExceeded element of itemList MUST be set to true if there are more than 1000 PivotTable members at the top hierarchy level of the PivotTable manual filter and MUST be set to false otherwise. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<16> be one of the following values described in the following table.</p><p>Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>1475. Messages</p><p>1475. ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListSoapIn This message is the request message for ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList.</p><p>152 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1476 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList</p><p>The SOAP body contains a ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList element.</p><p>1476. ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListSoapOut This message is the response message for ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1477 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList</p><p>The SOAP body contains a ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListResponse element.</p><p>1477. Elements</p><p>1477. ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList The ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList element is specified as follows.</p><p>1478 <s:element name="ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList"></p><p>1479 <s:complexType></p><p>1480 <s:sequence></p><p>1481 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1482 <s:element name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1483 </s:sequence></p><p>1484 </s:complexType></p><p>1485 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. pivotFilterOptions: The PivotTable manual filter location. MUST be present. The following MUST extend or override the standard behavior specified in section § ParentId MUST be -1.</p><p>1485. ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListResponse as follows.</p><p>1486 <s:element name="ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListResponse"></p><p>153 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1487 <s:complexType></p><p>1488 <s:sequence></p><p>1489 <s:element name="ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1490 <s:element name="itemList" type="tns:PivotFilterItemList" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1491 </s:sequence></p><p>1492 </s:complexType></p><p>1493 </s:element></p><p>ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present. itemList: The list (2) of PivotTable members at the top hierarchy level of the PivotTable manual filter. MUST be present.</p><p>1493.1.1.1 ExpandCollapseOutline This operation is used to toggle the outline state in the workbook.</p><p>1494 <wsdl:operation name="ExpandCollapseOutline"></p><p>1495 <wsdl:input message="ExpandCollapseOutlineSoapIn" /></p><p>1496 <wsdl:output message="ExpandCollapseOutlineSoapOut" /></p><p>1497 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends an ExpandCollapseOutlineSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with an ExpandCollapseOutlineSoapOut response message, as follows: § The protocol server MUST outline expand the outline state if the outline is in a collapsed outline state. The protocol server MUST outline collapse the outline state if the outline is in an expanded outline state. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<17> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>154 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1497. Messages</p><p>1497. ExpandCollapseOutlineSoapIn This message is the request message for ExpandCollapseOutline. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1498 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/ExpandCollapseOutline</p><p>The SOAP body contains an ExpandCollapseOutline element.</p><p>1498. ExpandCollapseOutlineSoapOut This message is the response message for ExpandCollapseOutline. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1499 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/ExpandCollapseOutline</p><p>The SOAP body contains an ExpandCollapseOutlineResponse element.</p><p>1499. Elements</p><p>1499. ExpandCollapseOutline The ExpandCollapseOutline element is specified as follows.</p><p>1500 <s:element name="ExpandCollapseOutline"></p><p>1501 <s:complexType></p><p>1502 <s:sequence></p><p>1503 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1504 <s:element name="sheetName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1505 <s:element name="outlineLevel" type="s:unsignedByte"/></p><p>1506 <s:element name="rowColumn" type="s:int"/></p><p>1507 <s:element name="row" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1508 </s:sequence></p><p>1509 </s:complexType></p><p>1510 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. sheetName: The name of the worksheet or named object containing the outline. MUST be present. If the ObjectName element of VisibleSheetRange (section is present and not empty, then the value of the sheetName</p><p>155 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 element MUST be equal to the value of the ObjectName element of VisibleSheetRange. If the value of the sheetName element is empty or is longer than 31 characters, then the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be InternalError. If the ObjectName element of VisibleSheetRange is not present, then the value of the sheetName element MUST be equal to the value of the SheetName element of VisibleSheetRange. outlineLevel: The outline level to outline expand or outline collapse. MUST be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 8. rowColumn: The zero-based column (2) or row (2) index of the location of the outline. MUST be greater than or equal to –1. If the row element is set to true, rowColumn MUST be less than or equal to 1048575. If the row element is set to false, rowColumn MUST be less than or equal to 16383. A value of – 1 specifies that all outlines at the value of outlineLevel MUST be outline expanded or outline collapsed. If rowColumn contains a positive value, the following apply: § If the value of the row (2) element is true, then the value of outlineLevel element MUST be the value specified for the outlineLevel attribute of the RowAxisItem element (Section that corresponds to row (2) index.</p><p>§ If the value of the row (2) element is false, then the value of outlineLevel element MUST be the value specified for the outlineLevel attribute of the ColumnAxisItem element (Section that corresponds to column (2) index. row (2): The axis location of the outline specified by the rowColumn element. If true the outline is located on a row (2). If false the outline is located on a column (2).</p><p>1510. ExpandCollapseOutlineResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return an ExpandCollapseOutlineResponse as follows.</p><p>1511 <s:element name="ExpandCollapseOutlineResponse"></p><p>1512 <s:complexType></p><p>1513 <s:sequence></p><p>1514 <s:element name="ExpandCollapseOutlineResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1515 </s:sequence></p><p>1516 </s:complexType></p><p>1517 </s:element></p><p>156 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 ExpandCollapseOutlineResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>1517.1.1.1 FindRange This operation is used to find a string inside a workbook.</p><p>1518 <wsdl:operation name="FindRange"></p><p>1519 <wsdl:input message="FindRangeSoapIn" /></p><p>1520 <wsdl:output message="FindRangeSoapOut" /></p><p>1521 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a FindRangeSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a FindRangeSoapOut response message, as follows: 1. The protocol server searches for the string specified by searchTerm. 2. The search starts at the adjacent cell of the one specified by searchAfterCell, in the direction specified by searchUp. 3. If the ObjectName element in the VisibleSheetRangeRequest element in the parameter element is not present, the scope of the search is the worksheet specified by the SheetName element in the searchAfterCell element. Otherwise, the scope of the search is the named object specified by the SheetName element in the searchAfterCell element. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<18> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>The protocol server could not match the string in the searchTerm element to any worksheet cell NoOccurrencesFound relevant to the search.</p><p>1521. Messages</p><p>1521. FindRangeSoapIn This message is the request message for FindRange.</p><p>157 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1522 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/FindRange</p><p>The SOAP body contains a FindRange element.</p><p>1522. FindRangeSoapOut This message is the response message for FindRange. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1523 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/FindRange</p><p>The SOAP body contains a FindRangeResponse element.</p><p>1523. Elements</p><p>1523. FindRange The FindRange element is specified as follows.</p><p>1524 <s:element name="FindRange"></p><p>1525 <s:complexType></p><p>1526 <s:sequence></p><p>1527 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1528 <s:element name="searchTerm" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1529 <s:element name="searchUp" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1530 <s:element name="searchAfterCell" type="tns:SheetCell" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1531 </s:sequence></p><p>1532 </s:complexType></p><p>1533 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section § MUST be present. § The VisibleSheetRangeRequest element MUST be present. searchTerm: The string to search for in the workbook. MUST be present. MUST NOT be empty. MUST NOT be longer than 255 characters. searchUp: Specifies the search direction. MUST be present. A value of true specifies to search up. A value of false specifies to search down. searchAfterCell: Specifies the starting point of the search. The SheetName element of the SheetCell complex type MUST be present and MUST NOT be empty. If SheetName is the name of a worksheet, the following apply: § It MUST NOT be longer than 31 characters. </p><p>158 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § The value of the SheetName element of VisibleSheetRange element (section in parameter, MUST be equal to this value. If SheetName is not the name of a worksheet, the following apply: § If the value of the SheetName element is longer than 287 characters, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be InternalError. § The value of the ObjectName element of VisibleSheetRange element in parameter, MUST be equal to this value.</p><p>1533. FindRangeResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a FindRangeResponse as follows.</p><p>1534 <s:element name="FindRangeResponse"></p><p>1535 <s:complexType></p><p>1536 <s:sequence></p><p>1537 <s:element name="FindRangeResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1538 <s:element name="foundCell" type="tns:SheetCell" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1539 </s:sequence></p><p>1540 </s:complexType></p><p>1541 </s:element></p><p>FindRangeResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present. foundCell: A worksheet cell that contains the term specified by the searchTerm element. MUST be present. The SheetName element of the SheetCell complex type MUST NOT be present.</p><p>1541. Complex Types</p><p>1541. SheetCell The SheetCell complex type is used to specify a worksheet cell location on a worksheet or on a named object. </p><p>1542 <s:complexType name="SheetCell"></p><p>1543 <s:sequence></p><p>1544 <s:element name="SheetName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1545 <s:element name="Row" type="s:int"/></p><p>1546 <s:element name="Column" type="s:int"/></p><p>1547 </s:sequence></p><p>159 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1548 </s:complexType></p><p>SheetName: If present, the name of a worksheet or of a named object. Row: The zero-based row (2) of the location that is being specified, relative to the first row (2) of the worksheet or the named object which are the scope of the search. MUST be greater than or equal to -2 and less than or equal to 1048575. If the value of searchUp element is false, a negative value specifies to start search from the first row (2) of the worksheet or named object which are the scope of the search. If the value of searchUp element is true, a negative value specifies to start search from the last row (2) of the worksheet or named object which are the scope of the search. Column: The zero-based column (2) of the location that is being specified, relative to the first column (2) of the worksheet or the named object which are the scope of the search. MUST be greater than or equal to -2 and less than or equal to 16383. If the value of searchUp element is false, a negative value specifies to start search from the first column (2) of the worksheet or named object which are the scope of the search. If the value of searchUp element is true, a negative value specifies to start search from the last column (2) of the worksheet or named object which are the scope of the search.</p><p>1548.1.1.1 GetAutoFilterItemList This operation is used to retrieve the filter values and filter date values and their caption in the AutoFilterItemList (section in the operation response for an AutoFilter in the workbook.</p><p>1549 <wsdl:operation name="GetAutoFilterItemList"></p><p>1550 <wsdl:input message="GetAutoFilterItemListSoapIn" /></p><p>1551 <wsdl:output message="GetAutoFilterItemListSoapOut" /></p><p>1552 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a GetAutoFilterItemListSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a GetAutoFilterItemListSoapOut response message, as follows: 1. The protocol server MUST fill the AutoFilterItems and AutoFilterDateNodes elements with information about the filtering:</p><p>2. The protocol server MUST add the filter values that exist in the AutoFilter with their current filtering state as specified in AutoFilterItem (section and AutoFilterItems. 3. The protocol server MUST then add the filter date values that exist in the AutoFilter with their current filtering state as specified in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo (section and AutoFilterDateNodes. The protocol server MUST also add the filter date value caption for the </p><p>160 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second elements of the AutoFilterDateNodeInfo as follows: § Each unique value of the Year element in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo in the AutoFilterDateNodes element MUST be added by the protocol server to YearKeys element as specified in YearKeys element. The protocol server MUST also add the corresponding caption to YearValues as specified in YearValues element. § Each unique value of the Month element in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo in the AutoFilterDateNodes element MUST be added by the protocol server to MonthKeys element as specified in MonthKeys element. The protocol server MUST also add the corresponding caption to MonthValues as specified in MonthValues element. § Each unique value of the Day element in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo in the AutoFilterDateNodes element MUST be added by the protocol server to DayKeys element as specified in DayKeys element. The protocol server MUST also add the corresponding caption to DayValues as specified in DayValues element. § Each unique value of the Hour element in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo in the AutoFilterDateNodes element MUST be added by the protocol server to HourKeys element as specified in HourKeys element. The protocol server MUST also add the corresponding caption to HourValues as specified in HourValues element. § Each unique value of the Minute element in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo in the AutoFilterDateNodes element MUST be added by the protocol server to MinuteKeys element as specified in MinuteKeys element. The protocol server MUST also add the corresponding caption to MinuteValues as specified in MinuteValues element. § Each unique value of the Second element in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo in the AutoFilterDateNodes element MUST be added by the protocol server to SecondKeys element as specified in SecondKeys element. The protocol server MUST also add the corresponding caption to SecondValues as specified in SecondValues element. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<19> be one of the following values. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>161 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1552. Messages</p><p>1552. GetAutoFilterItemListSoapIn This message is the request message for GetAutoFilterItemList. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1553 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetAutoFilterItemList</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetAutoFilterItemList element.</p><p>1553. GetAutoFilterItemListSoapOut This message is the response message for GetAutoFilterItemList. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1554 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetAutoFilterItemList</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetAutoFilterItemListResponse element.</p><p>1554. Elements</p><p>1554. GetAutoFilterItemList The GetAutoFilterItemList element is specified as follows.</p><p>1555 <s:element name="GetAutoFilterItemList"></p><p>1556 <s:complexType></p><p>1557 <s:sequence></p><p>1558 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1559 <s:element name="autoFilterOptions" type="tns:AutoFilterOptions" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1560 </s:sequence></p><p>1561 </s:complexType></p><p>1562 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. autoFilterOptions: The options to use when filtering the AutoFilter columns specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>1562. GetAutoFilterItemListResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a GetAutoFilterItemListResponse as follows.</p><p>1563 <s:element name="GetAutoFilterItemListResponse"></p><p>162 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1564 <s:complexType></p><p>1565 <s:sequence></p><p>1566 <s:element name="GetAutoFilterItemListResult" type="tns:AutoFilterItemList" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1567 </s:sequence></p><p>1568 </s:complexType></p><p>1569 </s:element></p><p>GetAutoFilterItemListResult: The filter values, filter date values and blank values filtering state of the AutoFilter as specified in AutoFilterItemList (section MUST be present.</p><p>1569. Complex Types</p><p>1569. AutoFilterItemList Specifies the filtering state of an AutoFilter on the protocol server in the GetAutoFilterItemList response (section</p><p>1570 <s:complexType name="AutoFilterItemList"></p><p>1571 <s:sequence></p><p>1572 <s:element name="ShowTime" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1573 <s:element name="ItemListMaxExceeded" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1574 <s:element name="IsBlanksSelected" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1575 <s:element name="HasBlanks" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1576 <s:element name="AutoFilterDateNodes" type="tns:ArrayOfAutoFilterDateNodeInfo" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1577 <s:element name="AutoFilterItems" type="tns:ArrayOfAutoFilterItem" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1578 <s:element name="SecondValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1579 <s:element name="SecondKeys" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1580 <s:element name="MinuteValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1581 <s:element name="MinuteKeys" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1582 <s:element name="HourValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1583 <s:element name="HourKeys" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1584 <s:element name="DayValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1585 <s:element name="DayKeys" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>163 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1586 <s:element name="MonthValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1587 <s:element name="MonthKeys" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1588 <s:element name="YearValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1589 <s:element name="YearKeys" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1590 </s:sequence></p><p>1591 </s:complexType></p><p>ShowTime: Specifies whether the AutoFilter filtering includes hour, minute and seconds. If the value is true, the following apply: § The protocol client MUST ignore the Second, Hour, and Minute elements of the AutoFilterDateNodeInfo elements (section contained in AutoFilterDateNodes element.</p><p>§ The protocol client MUST ignore the HourValues, HourKeys, MinuteValues, MinuteKeys, SecondValues, and SecondKeys elements.</p><p>ItemListMaxExceeded: Specifies whether the number of filter values and filter date values in the AutoFilter is larger than 1000. The protocol server MUST set the value to true if it has more than 1000 elements for both the AutoFilterDateNodes and AutoFilterItems combined. IsBlanksSelected: Specifies whether the AutoFilter is filtering blank values. The value set to true specifies that the AutoFilter filtering includes blank values, the value set to false specifies that AutoFilter filtering does not include filtering blank values. This value MUST be false if the value of the HasBlanks element is false. HasBlanks: Specifies whether the AutoFilter contains a blank value. The value true specifies that blank values exist. The value false specifies that there is no blank value. AutoFilterDateNodes: A list (2) of filter date values as specified in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo. MUST be present. If the list (2) contains 0 elements, the protocol client MUST ignore it. MUST NOT contain more than a 1000 AutoFilterDateNodeInfo elements. If the value of ShowTime element is false, then for all elements in the AutoFilterDateNodes element the filter date values for the Hour, Minute, and Second elements of the AutoFilterDateNodeInfo complex type MUST be set to 0. When the protocol client needs to determine the caption for the Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute or Second elements of AutoFilterDateNodeInfo, it MUST do the following: § For the Year element value in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo, determine the element index of a matching value in the YearKeys element and then access the value at the determined index in the YearValues element.</p><p>164 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § For the Month element value in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo, determine the element index of a matching value in the MonthKeys element, and then accessing the value at the determined index in the MonthValues element.</p><p>§ For the Day element value in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo, determine the element index of a matching value in the DayKeys element and then access the value at the determined index in the DayValues element.</p><p>§ For the Hour element value in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo, determine the element index of a matching value in the HourKeys element and then access the value at the determined index in the HourValues element.</p><p>§ For the Minute element value in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo, determine the element index of a matching value in the MinuteKeys element and then access the value at the determined index in the MinuteValues element.</p><p>§ For the Second element value in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo, determine the element index of a matching value in the SecondKeys element and then access the value at the determined index in the SecondValues element.</p><p>AutoFilterItems: A list (2) of filter values as specified in ArrayOfAutoFilterItem (section MUST be present. If the list (2) contains 0 elements, the client protocol MUST ignore it. MUST NOT contain more than the subtraction of the count of AutoFilterDateNodeInfo in the AutoFilterDateNodes element from a 1000. SecondValues: A list (2) of caption corresponding to second filter date values. MUST be present. The contained elements MUST be of type s:string. MUST be formatted in the data culture of the session (2). MUST contain 0 elements if the value of ShowTime is false. SecondKeys: A sorted list (2) of number values that represent seconds. MUST be present. The contained elements MUST be of type s:short. MUST contain the same number of elements that SecondValues list (2) contains. The elements MUST be sorted by their values in ascending order. MUST NOT contain duplicate values. The index of each contained element in the list (2) MUST match the index of its corresponding display string value element in SecondValues list (2). MinuteValues: A list (2) of caption corresponding to minute filter date values. MUST be present. The contained elements MUST be of type s:string. MUST be formatted in the data culture of the session (2). MUST contain 0 elements if the value of ShowTime is false. MinuteKeys: A sorted list (2) of number values that represent minutes. MUST be present. The contained elements MUST be of type s:short. MUST contain the same number of elements that MinuteValues list (2) contains. The elements MUST be sorted by their values in ascending order. MUST NOT contain duplicate values. The index of each contained element in the list (2) </p><p>165 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 MUST match the index of its corresponding display string value element in MinuteValues list (2). HourValues: A list (2) of caption corresponding to hour filter date values. MUST be present. The contained elements MUST be of type s:string. MUST be formatted in the data culture of the session (2). MUST contain 0 elements if the value of ShowTime is false. HourKeys: A sorted list (2) of number values that represent hours. MUST be present. The contained elements MUST be of type s:short. MUST contain the same number of elements that HourValues list (2) contains. The elements MUST be sorted by their values in ascending order. MUST NOT contain duplicate values. The index of each contained element in the list (2) MUST match the index of its corresponding display string value element in HourValues list (2). DayValues: A list (2) of caption corresponding to day filter date values. MUST be present. The contained elements MUST be of type s:string. MUST be formatted in the data culture of the session (2). DayKeys: A sorted list (2) of number values that represent days. MUST be present. The contained elements MUST be of type s:short. MUST contain the same number of elements that DayValues list (2) contains. The elements MUST be sorted by their values in ascending order. MUST NOT contain duplicate values. The index of each contained element in the list (2) MUST match the index of its corresponding display string value element in DayValues list (2). MonthValues: A list (2) of caption corresponding to month filter date values. MUST be present. The contained elements MUST be of type s:string. MUST be formatted in the data culture of the session (2). MonthKeys: A sorted list (2) of number values that represent months. MUST be present. The contained elements MUST be of type s:short. MUST contain the same number of elements that MonthValues list (2) contains. The elements MUST be sorted by their values in ascending order. MUST NOT contain duplicate values. The index of each contained element in the list (2) MUST match the index of its corresponding display string value element in MonthValues list (2). YearValues: A list (2) of caption corresponding to year filter date values. MUST be present. The contained elements MUST be of type s:string. MUST be formatted in the data culture of the session (2). YearKeys: A sorted list (2) of number values that represent years. MUST be present. The contained elements MUST be of type s:short. MUST contain the same number of elements that YearValues list (2) contains. The elements MUST be sorted by their values in ascending order. MUST NOT contain duplicate values. The index of each contained element in the list (2) MUST match the index of its corresponding display string value element in YearValues list.</p><p>1591. ArrayOfAutoFilterItem</p><p>166 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 A list of filter values caption and filtering state.</p><p>1592 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfAutoFilterItem"></p><p>1593 <s:sequence></p><p>1594 <s:element name="AutoFilterItem" type="tns:AutoFilterItem" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/></p><p>1595 </s:sequence></p><p>1596 </s:complexType></p><p>AutoFilterItem: A filter value as specified in AutoFilterItem (section</p><p>1596. AutoFilterItem Specifies a filter value filtering state and its caption.</p><p>1597 <s:complexType name="AutoFilterItem"></p><p>1598 <s:sequence></p><p>1599 <s:element name="Selected" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1600 <s:element name="DisplayString" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1601 </s:sequence></p><p>1602 </s:complexType></p><p>Selected: Specifies whether the filter value is included in the filter. A true value specifies that the filter value is included. A false value specifies that the filter value is excluded. DisplayString: The caption of a filter value. MUST be present. The number of characters MUST be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 255.</p><p>1602.1.1.1 GetImage This operation is used to return a chart image.</p><p>1603 <wsdl:operation name="GetImage"></p><p>1604 <wsdl:input message="GetImageSoapIn" /></p><p>1605 <wsdl:output message="GetImageSoapOut" /></p><p>1606 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a GetImageSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a GetImageSoapOut response message, as follows: § The protocol server MUST return a chart image as specified in the imageId field. The image MUST be in the format specified in [RFC2083].</p><p>167 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<20> be one of the following values.</p><p>Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>1606. Messages</p><p>1606. GetImageSoapIn This message is the request message for GetImage. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1607 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetImage</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetImage element.</p><p>1607. GetImageSoapOut This message is the response message for GetImage. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1608 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetImage</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetImageResponse element.</p><p>1608. Elements</p><p>1608. GetImage The GetImage element is specified as follows.</p><p>1609 <s:element name="GetImage"></p><p>1610 <s:complexType></p><p>1611 <s:sequence></p><p>1612 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1613 <s:element name="imageId" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1614 </s:sequence></p><p>168 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1615 </s:complexType></p><p>1616 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. imageId: The chart identifier. MUST be present. MUST NOT be empty. MUST be the value specified in Image element (Section</p><p>1616. GetImageResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a GetImageResponse as follows.</p><p>1617 <s:element name="GetImageResponse"></p><p>1618 <s:complexType></p><p>1619 <s:sequence></p><p>1620 <s:element name="GetImageResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1621 <s:element name="imageFormatType" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1622 <s:element name="binaryChartImage" type="s:base64Binary" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1623 </s:sequence></p><p>1624 </s:complexType></p><p>1625 </s:element></p><p>GetImageResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present. imageFormatType: The image format type that is present in the binaryChartImage field. MUST be the string "png". binaryChartImage: The image of the chart. MUST be present. MUST be in the format specified in [RFC2083].</p><p>1625.1.1.1 GetPivotFilterItemList This operation is used to return child PivotTable members that are part of a PivotTable manual filter hierarchy. This operation is used after calling ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList (section or after calling GetPivotFilterItemList for an ancestor in the hierarchy.</p><p>1626 <wsdl:operation name="GetPivotFilterItemList"></p><p>1627 <wsdl:input message="GetPivotFilterItemListSoapIn" /></p><p>1628 <wsdl:output message="GetPivotFilterItemListSoapOut" /></p><p>1629 </wsdl:operation></p><p>169 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 The protocol client sends a GetPivotFilterItemListSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a GetPivotFilterItemListSoapOut response message, as follows: 1. The protocol client sends the following information in the pivotFilterOptions element: § The PivotTable manual filter. § The PivotTable member that is the common ancestor of all the PivotTable members in the hierarchy to be returned. 2. The protocol server returns the PivotTable members in itemList. The PivotFilterItems element of itemList MUST contain the list (2) of all the PivotTable members that are children of the PivotTable member that has an Id that is equal to the ParentId element of pivotFilterOptions if there are no more than 1000 such PivotTable members, and MUST contain the first 1000 such PivotTable members if there are more than 1000 such PivotTable members. The ItemListMaxExceeded element of itemList MUST be set to true if the PivotTable member who has an Id that is equal to the ParentId element of pivotFilterOptions has more than 1000 children PivotTable members and MUST be set to false otherwise. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<21> be one of the following values. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>1629. Messages</p><p>1629. GetPivotFilterItemListSoapIn This message is the request message for GetPivotFilterItemList. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1630 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetPivotFilterItemList</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetPivotFilterItemList element.</p><p>1630. GetPivotFilterItemListSoapOut</p><p>170 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 This message is the response message for GetPivotFilterItemList. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1631 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetPivotFilterItemList</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetPivotFilterItemListResponse element.</p><p>1631. Elements</p><p>1631. GetPivotFilterItemList The GetPivotFilterItemList element is specified as follows.</p><p>1632 <s:element name="GetPivotFilterItemList"></p><p>1633 <s:complexType></p><p>1634 <s:sequence></p><p>1635 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1636 <s:element name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1637 </s:sequence></p><p>1638 </s:complexType></p><p>1639 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. pivotFilterOptions: The PivotTable manual filter location. MUST be present. The following MUST extend or override the standard behavior specified in section § ParentId: MUST be set to the Id of the element whose children are to be returned. MUST be equal to the Id element of one of the nested PivotFilterItem elements returned in the itemList element in a previous call to ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList (section or GetPivotFilterItemList (section for the same PivotTable manual filter.</p><p>1639. GetPivotFilterItemListResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a GetPivotFilterItemListResponse as follows.</p><p>1640 <s:element name="GetPivotFilterItemListResponse"></p><p>1641 <s:complexType></p><p>1642 <s:sequence></p><p>171 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1643 <s:element name="GetPivotFilterItemListResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1644 <s:element name="itemList" type="tns:PivotFilterItemList" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1645 </s:sequence></p><p>1646 </s:complexType></p><p>1647 </s:element></p><p>GetPivotFilterItemListResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present. itemList: The list (2) of child PivotTable members. MUST be present.</p><p>1647.1.1.1 GetPivotMenu This operation is used to return information about a PivotTable area.</p><p>1648 <wsdl:operation name="GetPivotMenu"></p><p>1649 <wsdl:input message="GetPivotMenuSoapIn" /></p><p>1650 <wsdl:output message="GetPivotMenuSoapOut" /></p><p>1651 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a GetPivotMenuSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a GetPivotMenuSoapOut response message, as follows: 1. The protocol client sends the information identifying the PivotTable area in the pivotFilterOptions element. 2. The protocol server returns the PivotTable area information in the pivotMenu element. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<22> be one of the following values. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>1651. Messages</p><p>172 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1651. GetPivotMenuSoapIn This message is the request message for GetPivotMenu. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1652 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetPivotMenu</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetPivotMenu element.</p><p>1652. GetPivotMenuSoapOut This message is the response message for GetPivotMenu. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1653 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetPivotMenu</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetPivotMenuResponse element.</p><p>1653. Elements</p><p>1653. GetPivotMenu The GetPivotMenu element is specified as follows.</p><p>1654 <s:element name="GetPivotMenu"></p><p>1655 <s:complexType></p><p>1656 <s:sequence></p><p>1657 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1658 <s:element name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1659 </s:sequence></p><p>1660 </s:complexType></p><p>1661 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. pivotFilterOptions: The PivotTable area location. MUST be present. The following MUST extend or override the standard behavior specified in section § SourceIndex MUST be 0.</p><p>§ FieldId MUST NOT be present.</p><p>1661. GetPivotMenuResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a GetPivotMenuResponse as follows.</p><p>173 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1662 <s:element name="GetPivotMenuResponse"></p><p>1663 <s:complexType></p><p>1664 <s:sequence></p><p>1665 <s:element name="GetPivotMenuResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1666 <s:element name="pivotMenu" type="tns:PivotMenu" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1667 </s:sequence></p><p>1668 </s:complexType></p><p>1669 </s:element></p><p>GetPivotMenuResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present. pivotMenu: The information about the PivotTable area as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>1669. Complex Types</p><p>1669. PivotMenu The PivotMenu type contains information about a PivotTable area that is returned by the protocol server.</p><p>1670 <s:complexType name="PivotMenu"></p><p>1671 <s:sequence></p><p>1672 <s:element name="Top10MaxItems" type="s:int"/></p><p>1673 <s:element name="AdvancedFiltering" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1674 <s:element name="IsPageFilter" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1675 <s:element name="PivotDataFields" type="tns:ArrayOfPivotField" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1676 <s:element name="PivotFields" type="tns:ArrayOfPivotField" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1677 </s:sequence></p><p>1678 </s:complexType></p><p>Top10MaxItems: The maximum value to be used when applying a top N filter or a bottom N filter as specified in section AdvancedFiltering: Specifies whether the protocol server implementation supports PivotTable custom filters for the current PivotTable. MUST be set to true if the protocol server implementation supports PivotTable custom filters for the PivotTable that contains the current PivotTable area, and MUST be set to false otherwise.</p><p>174 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 IsPageFilter: Specifies whether the PivotTable area is a PivotTable page field filter. MUST be true if the PivotTable area is a PivotTable page field filter. MUST be false if the PivotTable area is not a PivotTable page field filter. PivotDataFields: The list (2) of PivotTable data fields of the PivotTable. MUST be present. MUST contain the list (2) of all the PivotTable data fields of the PivotTable that contains the PivotTable area, in the same order as they appear in the PivotTable. PivotFields: The list (2) of PivotTable fields of the PivotTable area. MUST be present. MUST contain the list (2) of all the PivotTable fields in the PivotTable area as follows: § The first PivotField element in the ArrayOfPivotField MUST be the first hierarchy PivotTable field.</p><p>§ The PivotField elements following a PivotField element in the ArrayOfPivotField that is a hierarchy PivotTable field MUST be all the PivotTable fields that belong to that hierarchy PivotTable field, ordered from the highest level PivotTable field to the lowest level PivotTable field.</p><p>§ The PivotField element following a PivotField element in the ArrayOfPivotField that is the lowest level PivotTable field that belongs to a hierarchy PivotTable field that is not the last hierarchy PivotTable field of the PivotTable area MUST be the next hierarchy PivotTable fields of the PivotTable area.</p><p>1678. ArrayOfPivotField The ArrayOfPivotField type contains a list (2) of PivotField elements (section</p><p>1679 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfPivotField"></p><p>1680 <s:sequence></p><p>1681 <s:element name="PivotField" type="tns:PivotField" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/></p><p>1682 </s:sequence></p><p>1683 </s:complexType></p><p>PivotField: A PivotField element that is a PivotTable field.</p><p>1683. PivotField The PivotField type contains information about a PivotTable field.</p><p>1684 <s:complexType name="PivotField"></p><p>1685 <s:sequence></p><p>1686 <s:element name="MemberProperties" type="tns:ArrayOfPivotField" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>175 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1687 <s:element name="PivotFilterParameters" type="tns:ArrayOfPivotFilterParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1688 <s:element name="IsNonnumericCaptionFilteringEnabled" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1689 <s:element name="IsDateFilteringEnabled" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1690 <s:element name="IsCaptionFilteringEnabled" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1691 <s:element name="IsFilteringEnabled" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1692 <s:element name="IsDateField" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1693 <s:element name="IsDataField" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1694 <s:element name="FilterParameter" type="tns:Top10FilterParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1695 <s:element name="IsSortedDescending" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1696 <s:element name="IsSortedAscending" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1697 <s:element name="HasCustomFilter" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1698 <s:element name="HasManualFilter" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1699 <s:element name="HasTop10Filter" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1700 <s:element name="IsHierarchy" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1701 <s:element name="IdString" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1702 <s:element name="DisplayString" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1703 </s:sequence></p><p>1704 </s:complexType></p><p>MemberProperties: The list (2) of member properties for this PivotTable field MUST be present. If IsDataField is true, MemberProperties MUST contain zero PivotField elements. If IsHierarchy is true, MemberProperties MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If this PivotField element is nested inside a MemberProperties element, MemberProperties MUST contain zero PivotField elements. Otherwise, MemberProperties MUST contain the list (2) of all member properties associated with this PivotTable field. PivotFilterParameters: The PivotTable custom filters applied to this PivotTable field MUST be present. MUST have zero PivotFilterParameter elements if HasCustomFilter is false. MUST have one PivotFilterParameter element if HasCustomFilter is true. IsNonnumericCaptionFilteringEnabled: Specifies whether certain types of text PivotTable custom label filtering are allowed on this PivotTable field. If IsDataField is true, IsNonnumericCaptionFilteringEnabled MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If IsHierarchy is true, </p><p>176 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 IsNonnumericCaptionFilteringEnabled MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If this PivotField element is a sub-element of a MemberProperties element, IsNonnumericCaptionFilteringEnabled MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. Otherwise, IsNonnumericCaptionFilteringEnabled MUST be set to true if the following values for FilterType are allowed when calling ApplyPivotFilter (section for this PivotTable field, and to false if they are not one of the following: § CaptionBeginsWith</p><p>§ CaptionDoesNotBeginWith</p><p>§ CaptionEndsWith</p><p>§ CaptionDoesNotEndWith</p><p>§ CaptionContains</p><p>§ CaptionDoesNotContain</p><p>IsDateFilteringEnabled: Specifies whether PivotTable custom label filtering is allowed for dates on this PivotTable field. If IsDataField is true, IsDateFilteringEnabled MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If IsHierarchy is true, IsDateFilteringEnabled MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If this PivotField element is a sub-element of a MemberProperties element, IsDateFilteringEnabled MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. Otherwise, IsDateFilteringEnabled MUST be set to true if the following values for FilterType are allowed when calling ApplyPivotFilter for this PivotTable field, and to false if they are not one of the following: § DateEquals</p><p>§ DateOlderThan</p><p>§ DateNewerThan</p><p>§ DateBetween</p><p>§ DateTomorrow</p><p>§ DateToday</p><p>§ DateYesterday</p><p>§ DateNextWeek</p><p>§ DateThisWeek</p><p>177 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § DateLastWeek</p><p>§ DateNextMonth</p><p>§ DateThisMonth</p><p>§ DateLastMonth</p><p>§ DateNextQuarter</p><p>§ DateThisQuarter</p><p>§ DateLastQuarter</p><p>§ DateNextYear</p><p>§ DateThisYear</p><p>§ DateLastYear</p><p>§ DateYearToDate</p><p>§ DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter1</p><p>§ DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter2</p><p>§ DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter3</p><p>§ DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter4</p><p>§ DateAllDatesInPeriodJanuary</p><p>§ DateAllDatesInPeriodFebruary</p><p>§ DateAllDatesInPeriodMarch</p><p>§ DateAllDatesInPeriodApril</p><p>§ DateAllDatesInPeriodMay</p><p>§ DateAllDatesInPeriodJune</p><p>§ DateAllDatesInPeriodJuly</p><p>§ DateAllDatesInPeriodAugust</p><p>§ DateAllDatesInPeriodSeptember</p><p>§ DateAllDatesInPeriodOctober</p><p>178 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § DateAllDatesInPeriodNovember</p><p>§ DateAllDatesInPeriodDecember</p><p>§ DateNotEqual</p><p>§ DateOlderOrEqual</p><p>§ DateNewerOrEqual</p><p>§ DateNotBetween</p><p>IsCaptionFilteringEnabled: Specifies whether PivotTable custom label filtering is allowed for this PivotTable field. If IsDataField is true, IsCaptionFilteringEnabled MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If IsHierarchy is true, IsCaptionFilteringEnabled MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If this PivotField element is a sub-element of a MemberProperties element, IsCaptionFilteringEnabled MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. Otherwise, IsCaptionFilteringEnabled MUST be set to true if values of PivotFilterType that support PivotTable custom label filtering as specified in PivotFilterType (section are allowed when calling ApplyPivotFilter for this PivotTable field, and to false if it is not allowed. IsFilteringEnabled: Specifies whether PivotTable custom filtering is allowed for this PivotTable field. If IsDataField is true, IsFilteringEnabled MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If IsHierarchy is true, IsFilteringEnabled MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If this PivotField element is a sub-element of a MemberProperties element, IsFilteringEnabled MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. Otherwise, IsFilteringEnabled MUST be set to true if calls to ApplyPivotFilter are allowed for this PivotTable field, and it MUST be set to false otherwise. IsDateField: Specifies whether this PivotTable field is a date. If IsDataField is true, IsDateField MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If IsHierarchy is true, IsDateField MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If this PivotField element is a sub-element of a MemberProperties element, IsDateField MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. Otherwise, IsDateField MUST be set to true if the PivotTable field is a date PivotTable field, and to false otherwise. IsDataField: Specifies whether this PivotTable field is a PivotTable data field. If this PivotField element is nested inside the PivotDataFields element of the PivotMenu (section, IsDataField MUST be set to true. If this PivotField element is nested inside a MemberProperties element, IsDataField MUST be set to false. If this element is nested inside the PivotFields element of the PivotMenu, IsDataField MUST be set to false.</p><p>179 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 FilterParameter: The top N filter or bottom N filter for this PivotTable field. If IsDataField is true, FilterParameter MUST NOT be present. If IsHierarchy is true, FilterParameter MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If this PivotField element is nested inside a MemberProperties element, FilterParameter MUST NOT be present. Otherwise, FilterParameter MUST NOT be present if HasTop10Filter is false and it MUST be present according to the specification in Top10FilterParameter (section if HasTop10Filter is true. IsSortedDescending: Specifies whether this PivotTable field is sorted in descending order. If IsDataField is true, IsSortedDescending MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If IsHierarchy is true, IsSortedDescending MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If this PivotField element is nested inside a MemberProperties element, IsSortedDescending MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. Otherwise, IsSortedDescending MUST be set to true if the PivotTable field is sorted in descending order, and it MUST be set to false if the PivotTable field is sorted in ascending order or is not sorted. IsSortedAscending: Specifies whether this PivotTable field is sorted in ascending order. If IsDataField is true, IsSortedAscending MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If IsHierarchy is true, IsSortedAscending MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If this PivotField element is nested inside a MemberProperties element, IsSortedAscending MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. Otherwise, IsSortedAscending MUST be set to true if the PivotTable field is sorted in ascending order, and it MUST be set to false if the PivotTable field is sorted in descending order or is not sorted. HasCustomFilter: Specifies whether there is a PivotTable custom filter applied to this PivotTable field. If HasManualFilter is true or HasTop10Filter is true, HasCustomFilter MUST be set to false. If IsDataField is true, HasCustomFilter MUST be false. If IsHierarchy is true, HasCustomFilter MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If this PivotField element is nested inside a MemberProperties element, HasCustomFilter MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. Otherwise, HasCustomFilter MUST be set to true if there is a PivotTable custom filter applied to this PivotTable field and it MUST be set to false if there is no PivotTable custom filter applied to this PivotTable field. HasManualFilter: Specifies whether there is a PivotTable manual filter applied to this PivotTable field. If HasCustomFilter is true or HasTop10Filter is true, HasManualFilter MUST be set to false. If IsDataField is true, HasManualFilter MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If IsHierarchy is true, HasManualFilter MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If this PivotField element is nested inside a MemberProperties element, HasManualFilter MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. Otherwise, HasManualFilter MUST be set to true if there is a PivotTable manual filter applied to this PivotTable field and it MUST </p><p>180 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 be set to false if there is no PivotTable manual filter applied to this PivotTable field. HasTop10Filter: Specifies whether there is a top N filter or a bottom N filter applied to this PivotTable field. If HasCustomFilter is true or HasManualFilter is true, HasTop10Filter MUST be set to false. If IsDataField is true, HasTop10Filter MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If IsHierarchy is true, HasTop10Filter MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If this PivotField element is nested inside a MemberProperties element, HasTop10Filter MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. Otherwise, HasTop10Filter MUST be set to true if the PivotTable field has a top N filter or a bottom N filter set. MUST be set to false if the PivotTable field does not have a top N filter or a bottom N filter set. IsHierarchy: Specifies whether this PivotTable field is a hierarchy PivotTable field. If IsDataField is true, IsHierarchy MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client. If this PivotField element is nested inside a MemberProperties element, IsHierarchy MUST be set to false. Otherwise, IsHierarchy MUST be set to true if the PivotTable field is a hierarchy PivotTable field, and it MUST be set to false otherwise. IdString: An identifier for the PivotTable field. MUST be present. MUST NOT be empty. If IsDataField is true, IdString MUST have a unique value among all the IdString elements of all the PivotField elements of the PivotDataFields element of the PivotMenu. If this PivotField element is nested inside a MemberProperties element, IdString MUST have a unique value across all the IdString elements of all the PivotField elements of all the MemberProperties elements of all the PivotField elements of the PivotFields element. Otherwise, IdString MUST have a unique value among all the IdString elements of all the PivotField elements of the PivotFields element of the PivotMenu that have the same value in the IsHierarchy field as this element. DisplayString: The PivotTable field caption. MUST be present.</p><p>1704. ArrayOfPivotFilterParameter The ArrayOfPivotFilterParameter type contains a list (2) of PivotFilterParameter elements (section</p><p>1705 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfPivotFilterParameter"></p><p>1706 <s:sequence></p><p>1707 <s:element name="PivotFilterParameter" type="tns:PivotFilterParameter" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/></p><p>1708 </s:sequence></p><p>1709 </s:complexType></p><p>PivotFilterParameter: A PivotFilterParameter in the list (2).</p><p>1709. PivotFilterParameter</p><p>181 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 The PivotFilterParameter type specifies a PivotTable custom filter applied to a PivotTable field.</p><p>1710 <s:complexType name="PivotFilterParameter"></p><p>1711 <s:sequence></p><p>1712 <s:element name="FilterString2" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1713 <s:element name="FilterString1" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1714 <s:element name="MemberPropertyId" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1715 <s:element name="DataFieldId" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1716 <s:element name="FilterType" type="tns:PivotFilterType"/></p><p>1717 <s:element name="FilterValue2" type="s:double"/></p><p>1718 <s:element name="FilterValue1" type="s:double"/></p><p>1719 </s:sequence></p><p>1720 </s:complexType></p><p>FilterString2: The second PivotTable filter parameter, if the filter type supports two PivotTable filter parameters and is used for PivotTable custom label filter. MUST be present. MUST be empty and MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client when FilterType supports zero parameters or one parameter, as specified in PivotFilterType (section MUST be empty and MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client when FilterType is used for PivotTable custom value filter as specified in PivotFilterType. Otherwise, it MUST contain the value of the second PivotTable filter parameter. FilterString1: The first PivotTable filter parameter, if the filter type supports one or two PivotTable filter parameters and is used for PivotTable custom label filter. MUST be present. MUST be empty and MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client when FilterType supports zero parameters, as specified in PivotFilterType. MUST be empty and MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client when FilterType is used for PivotTable custom value filter as specified in PivotFilterType. Otherwise, it MUST contain the value of the first PivotTable filter parameter. MemberPropertyId: The identifier of the member property used with a PivotTable custom label filter on a member property. MUST be present. MUST be empty when FilterType is used for PivotTable custom value filter as specified in PivotFilterType. MUST be empty when FilterType is used for PivotTable custom label filter, as specified in PivotFilterType, but not on a member property. When FilterType is used with PivotTable custom label filter, as specified in PivotFilterType on a member property, MemberPropertyId MUST be equal to the IdString element of one of the PivotField elements of one of the MemberProperties elements of one of the PivotField elements of the PivotFields element of the PivotMenu.</p><p>182 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 DataFieldId: The identifier of the PivotTable data field used with a PivotTable custom value filter. MUST be present. MUST be empty when FilterType is not used with PivotTable custom value filter as specified in PivotFilterType. When FilterType is used for PivotTable custom value filter, as specified in PivotFilterType, DataFieldId MUST be equal to the IdString element of one of the PivotField elements of the PivotDataFields element of the PivotMenu. FilterType: The type of the filter applied as specified in PivotFilterType. MUST be used with PivotTable custom label filter or with PivotTable custom value filter as specified in PivotFilterType. FilterValue2: The second PivotTable filter parameter, if the filter type supports two PivotTable filter parameters and is used for PivotTable custom value filter. MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client when FilterType supports zero or one parameter as specified in PivotFilterType. MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client when FilterType is used with PivotTable custom label filter as specified in PivotFilterType. Otherwise, it MUST contain the value of the second PivotTable filter parameter. FilterValue1: The first PivotTable filter parameter, if the filter type supports one or two PivotTable filter parameters and is used for PivotTable custom value filter. MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client when FilterType supports zero parameters, as specified in PivotFilterType. MUST be ignored on receipt by the protocol client when FilterType is used with PivotTable custom label filter as specified in PivotFilterType. Otherwise, it MUST contain the value of the first PivotTable filter parameter.</p><p>1720. Top10FilterParameter The Top10FilterParameter type contains information about the top N filter or bottom N filter that is applied to a PivotTable field.</p><p>1721 <s:complexType name="Top10FilterParameter"></p><p>1722 <s:sequence></p><p>1723 <s:element name="DataFieldId" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1724 <s:element name="FilterType" type="tns:Top10FilterType"/></p><p>1725 <s:element name="FilterValue" type="s:double"/></p><p>1726 <s:element name="IsTopFilter" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1727 </s:sequence></p><p>1728 </s:complexType></p><p>DataFieldId: The unique identifier of the PivotTable data field to which the top N filter or bottom N filter is applied. MUST be equal to the IdString element of one of the PivotField elements in the PivotDataFields element of the PivotMenu.</p><p>183 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 FilterType: The kind of the top N filter or bottom N filter as specified in section FilterValue: The value of the PivotTable filter parameter. If FilterType is Count, FilterValue MUST be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 2147483647. If FilterType is Percent, FilterValue MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 100. If FilterType is Sum, FilterValue MUST be greater than or equal to 0. IsTopFilter: Specifies whether this is a top N filter or a bottom N filter. MUST be true if a top N filter is applied. MUST be false if a bottom N filter is applied.</p><p>1728. Simple Types</p><p>1728. Top10FilterType The Top10FilterType type is an enumeration that specifies the type of top N filter or bottom N filter that is applied to a PivotTable field.</p><p>1729 <s:simpleType name="Top10FilterType"></p><p>1730 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1731 <s:enumeration value="Invalid"/></p><p>1732 <s:enumeration value="Count"/></p><p>1733 <s:enumeration value="Percent"/></p><p>1734 <s:enumeration value="Sum"/></p><p>1735 </s:restriction></p><p>1736 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table specifies possible values for Top10FilterType. Value Meaning</p><p>Invalid This value MUST NOT be used.</p><p>A top N filter by count or a bottom N filter by count Count is applied.</p><p>A top N filter by percent or a bottom N filter by Percent percent is applied.</p><p>A top N filter by sum or a bottom N filter by sum is Sum applied.</p><p>1736.1.1.1 GetRange This operation is used to get a SpreadsheetDataXML range (section</p><p>1737 <wsdl:operation name="GetRange"></p><p>1738 <wsdl:input message="GetRangeSoapIn" /></p><p>184 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1739 <wsdl:output message="GetRangeSoapOut" /></p><p>1740 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a GetRangeSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a GetRangeSoapOut response message. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<23> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>1740. Messages</p><p>1740. GetRangeSoapIn This message is the request message for GetRange. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1741 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetRange</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetRange element.</p><p>1741. GetRangeSoapOut This message is the response message for GetRange. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1742 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetRange</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetRangeResponse element.</p><p>1742. Elements</p><p>1742. GetRange The GetRange element is specified as follows.</p><p>1743 <s:element name="GetRange"></p><p>1744 <s:complexType></p><p>185 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1745 <s:sequence></p><p>1746 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1747 </s:sequence></p><p>1748 </s:complexType></p><p>1749 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>1749. GetRangeResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a GetRangeResponse as follows.</p><p>1750 <s:element name="GetRangeResponse"></p><p>1751 <s:complexType></p><p>1752 <s:sequence></p><p>1753 <s:element name="GetRangeResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1754 </s:sequence></p><p>1755 </s:complexType></p><p>1756 </s:element></p><p>GetRangeResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>1756.1.1.1 GetRangeValues This operation is used to get the values contained in a specified range in a workbook.</p><p>1757 <wsdl:operation name="GetRangeValues"></p><p>1758 <wsdl:input message="GetRangeValuesSoapIn" /></p><p>1759 <wsdl:output message="GetRangeValuesSoapOut" /></p><p>1760 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a GetRangeValuesSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a GetRangeValuesSoapOut response message, as follows: 1. If the SheetName element in the sheetRange element is empty, the protocol server MUST return the range from the first worksheet.</p><p>186 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2. Depending on security settings, the protocol server MAY<24> return an error even if the requested range is present in the workbook. 3. Each element inside the cellValues element MUST be of type ArrayOfAnyType and be a row (2) of worksheet cells returned from the protocol server. The number of rows returned MUST be equal to the number of rows requested in the SheetRange element. 4. Each element inside each of the ArrayOfAnyType type nested inside cellValues MUST be a single workbook worksheet cell. The number of elements inside each such nested ArrayOfAnyType MUST be equal to the number of columns requested in the sheetRange element. 5. If formatted is true, all worksheet cells returned as part of the cellValues element MUST either be empty and with the xsi:nil attribute set to true when the worksheet cell does not contain data or be of type string and MUST be formatted using a number format according to how the worksheet cell is number formatted in the workbook. 6. If formatted is false, all worksheet cells returned as part of the cellValues element MUST either be empty and with the xsi:nil attribute set to true when the worksheet cell does not contain data or one of the following types: boolean, double, string or CellError (section In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<25> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>The protocol server could not find a worksheet with the name specified in SheetName element InvalidSheetName inside the sheetRange element.</p><p>1760. Messages</p><p>1760. GetRangeValuesSoapIn This message is the request message for GetRangeValues. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1761 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetRangeValues</p><p>187 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 The SOAP body contains a GetRangeValues element.</p><p>1761. GetRangeValuesSoapOut This message is the response message for GetRangeValues. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1762 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetRangeValues</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetRangeValuesResponse element.</p><p>1762. Elements</p><p>1762. GetRangeValues The GetRangeValues element is specified as follows.</p><p>1763 <s:element name="GetRangeValues"></p><p>1764 <s:complexType></p><p>1765 <s:sequence></p><p>1766 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1767 <s:element name="sheetRange" type="tns:SheetRange" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1768 <s:element name="formatted" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1769 </s:sequence></p><p>1770 </s:complexType></p><p>1771 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. The following MUST extend or override the standard behavior specified in CommandParameter: § StateId MUST be -1. § EwrCall MUST be false. sheetRange: The range that the protocol client requests data to be fetched from the protocol server. MUST be present. formatted: Specifies whether or not the data retrieved is formatted. This element MUST be true if the values need to be formatted and false if the values do not need to be formatted.</p><p>1771. GetRangeValuesResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a GetRangeValuesResponse as follows.</p><p>1772 <s:element name="GetRangeValuesResponse"></p><p>1773 <s:complexType></p><p>188 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1774 <s:sequence></p><p>1775 <s:element name="GetRangeValuesResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1776 <s:element name="cellValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1777 </s:sequence></p><p>1778 </s:complexType></p><p>1779 </s:element></p><p>GetRangeValuesResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present. cellValues: The values returned from the protocol server. MUST be present.</p><p>1779.1.1.1 GetRangeValuesA1 This operation is used to get the values contained in a specified range in a workbook.</p><p>1780 <wsdl:operation name="GetRangeValuesA1"></p><p>1781 <wsdl:input message="GetRangeValuesA1SoapIn" /></p><p>1782 <wsdl:output message="GetRangeValuesA1SoapOut" /></p><p>1783 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a GetRangeValuesA1SoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a GetRangeValuesA1SoapOut response message, as follows: 1. If sheetName is not present, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be InternalError. 2. Depending on security settings, the protocol server MAY<26> return an error even if the requested range is present in the workbook. 3. The protocol server determines the range to return in the following manner: § If sheetName is empty and the protocol server cannot determine the worksheet from the rangeName element, the protocol server MUST return the requested values from the range specified in rangeName on the first worksheet. § If sheetName is empty and the protocol server can determine the worksheet from the rangeName element, the protocol server MUST return the requested values from the range specified in rangeName on the determined worksheet.</p><p>189 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § If sheetName is not empty and exists in the workbook, and rangeName references a worksheet that is different than the worksheet referenced by sheetName, then the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be SheetRangeMismatch. § If sheetName is not empty and exists in the workbook, the protocol MUST return the range specified in rangeName from the worksheet that is specified in sheetName. § If sheetName is not empty and does not reference an existing worksheet in the workbook, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be InvalidSheetName. 4. Each element inside the cellValues element MUST be of type ArrayOfAnyType and be a row (2) of worksheet cells returned from the protocol server. The number of rows returned MUST be equal to the number of rows requested in the rangeName element. 5. Each element inside each of the ArrayOfAnyType type nested inside cellValues MUST be a single workbook worksheet cell. The number of elements inside each such nested ArrayOfAnyType MUST be equal to the number of columns requested in the rangeName element. 6. If formatted is true, all worksheet cells returned as part of the cellValues element MUST be of type string and MUST be number formatted according to how the worksheet cell is number formatted in the workbook. 7. If formatted is false, all worksheet cells returned as part of the cellValues element MUST either be empty and with the xsi:nil attribute set to true when the worksheet cell does not contain data or one of the following types: boolean, double, string, or CellError (section In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<27> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>The protocol server could not find a worksheet InvalidSheetName with the name that is in the sheetName element</p><p>190 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Id Description</p><p>The protocol server cannot return the information SpecifiedItemNotFound requested because of security settings.</p><p>The worksheet referenced by the sheetName element does not match the worksheet SheetRangeMismatch referenced by the rangeName element.</p><p>1783. Messages</p><p>1783. GetRangeValuesA1SoapIn This message is the request message for GetRangeValuesA1. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1784 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetRangeValuesA1</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetRangeValuesA1 element.</p><p>1784. GetRangeValuesA1SoapOut This message is the response message for GetRangeValuesA1. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1785 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetRangeValuesA1</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetRangeValuesA1Response element.</p><p>1785. Elements</p><p>1785. GetRangeValuesA1 The GetRangeValuesA1 element is specified as follows.</p><p>1786 <s:element name="GetRangeValuesA1"></p><p>1787 <s:complexType></p><p>1788 <s:sequence></p><p>1789 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1790 <s:element name="sheetName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1791 <s:element name="rangeName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1792 <s:element name="formatted" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1793 </s:sequence></p><p>1794 </s:complexType></p><p>1795 </s:element></p><p>191 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. The following MUST extend or override the standard behavior specified in CommandParameter: § StateId MUST be -1.</p><p>§ EwrCall MUST be false. sheetName: The name of the worksheet to fetch values from. The length of the element MUST NOT be longer than 31 characters. rangeName: The name of the workbook range requested. MUST NOT be longer than 32,768 characters. See section formatted: Specifies whether or not the data retrieved is formatted. This element MUST be true if the values need to be formatted and false if the values do not need to be formatted.</p><p>1795. GetRangeValuesA1Response If the operation succeeds it MUST return a GetRangeValuesA1Response as follows.</p><p>1796 <s:element name="GetRangeValuesA1Response"></p><p>1797 <s:complexType></p><p>1798 <s:sequence></p><p>1799 <s:element name="GetRangeValuesA1Result" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1800 <s:element name="cellValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1801 </s:sequence></p><p>1802 </s:complexType></p><p>1803 </s:element></p><p>GetRangeValuesA1Result: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present. cellValues: The values returned from the protocol server. MUST be present.</p><p>1803.1.1.1 GetSessionInformation This operation is used to return information about a session (2).</p><p>1804 <wsdl:operation name="GetSessionInformation"></p><p>1805 <wsdl:input message="GetSessionInformationSoapIn" /></p><p>1806 <wsdl:output message="GetSessionInformationSoapOut" /></p><p>1807 </wsdl:operation></p><p>192 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 The protocol client sends a GetSessionInformationSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a GetSessionInformationSoapOut response message, as follows: § The protocol server MUST return the UI culture and the data culture for the specified session (2). These are the languages specified in the OpenWorkbook operation (section or the languages that the protocol server falls back to as specified in OpenWorkbook. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<28> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>1807. Messages</p><p>1807. GetSessionInformationSoapIn This message is the request message for GetSessionInformation. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1808 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetSessionInformation</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetSessionInformation element.</p><p>1808. GetSessionInformationSoapOut This message is the response message for GetSessionInformation. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1809 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetSessionInformation</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetSessionInformationResponse element.</p><p>1809. Elements</p><p>1809. GetSessionInformation The GetSessionInformation element is specified as follows.</p><p>1810 <s:element name="GetSessionInformation"></p><p>193 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1811 <s:complexType></p><p>1812 <s:sequence></p><p>1813 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1814 </s:sequence></p><p>1815 </s:complexType></p><p>1816 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. The following MUST extend or override the standard behavior specified in section § StateId MUST be -1. § EwrCall MUST be false.</p><p>1816. GetSessionInformationResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a GetSessionInformationResponse as follows.</p><p>1817 <s:element name="GetSessionInformationResponse"></p><p>1818 <s:complexType></p><p>1819 <s:sequence></p><p>1820 <s:element name="GetSessionInformationResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1821 <s:element name="serverVersion" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1822 <s:element name="uiCultureName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1823 <s:element name="dataCultureName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1824 </s:sequence></p><p>1825 </s:complexType></p><p>1826 </s:element></p><p>GetSessionInformationResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present. serverVersion: The version of the protocol server. MUST be present. MAY<29> contain any string value. uiCultureName: The UI culture. MUST be present. MUST be a language tag as specified in [RFC1766], section 2. dataCultureName: The data culture. MUST be present. MUST be a language tag, as specified in [RFC1766], section 2.</p><p>194 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1826.1.1.1 GetWorkbook This operation is used to retrieve a workbook file.</p><p>1827 <wsdl:operation name="GetWorkbook"></p><p>1828 <wsdl:input message="GetWorkbookSoapIn" /></p><p>1829 <wsdl:output message="GetWorkbookSoapOut" /></p><p>1830 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a GetWorkbookSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a GetWorkbookSoapOut response message, as follows: § The protocol server MAY<30> return a different workbook form than the form specified in workbookType. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<31> be one of the following values. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>1830. Messages</p><p>1830. GetWorkbookSoapIn This message is the request message for requesting a workbook. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1831 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetWorkbook</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetWorkbook element.</p><p>1831. GetWorkbookSoapOut This message is the response message for retrieving a workbook. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1832 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/GetWorkbook</p><p>The SOAP body contains a GetWorkbookResponse element.</p><p>195 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1832. Elements</p><p>1832. GetWorkbook The GetWorkbook element is specified as follows.</p><p>1833 <s:element name="GetWorkbook"></p><p>1834 <s:complexType></p><p>1835 <s:sequence></p><p>1836 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1837 <s:element name="workbookType" type="tns:WorkbookType"/></p><p>1838 </s:sequence></p><p>1839 </s:complexType></p><p>1840 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. The following MUST extend or override the standard behavior specified in section § StateId MUST be -1. workbookType: The form of the requested workbook as specified in section</p><p>1840. GetWorkbookResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a GetWorkbookResponse as follows.</p><p>1841 <s:element name="GetWorkbookResponse"></p><p>1842 <s:complexType></p><p>1843 <s:sequence></p><p>1844 <s:element name="GetWorkbookResult" type="s:base64Binary" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1845 </s:sequence></p><p>1846 </s:complexType></p><p>1847 </s:element></p><p>GetWorkbookResult: A workbook file. MUST be present.</p><p>1847. Simple Types</p><p>1847. WorkbookType The WorkbookType simple type is an enumeration that is used in the GetWorkbook operation to specify the form of the requested workbook.</p><p>196 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1848 <s:simpleType name="WorkbookType"></p><p>1849 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1850 <s:enumeration value="FullWorkbook"/></p><p>1851 <s:enumeration value="FullSnapshot"/></p><p>1852 <s:enumeration value="PublishedItemsSnapshot"/></p><p>1853 </s:restriction></p><p>1854 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table specifies possible values for WorkbookType. Value Meaning</p><p>FullWorkbook The protocol server MUST return the workbook. </p><p>The protocol server MUST return a snapshot that contains the entire FullSnapshot contents of the workbook.</p><p>The protocol server MUST return a workbook that only contains PublishedItemsSnapshot snapshots of the published items or the published sheets.</p><p>1854.1.1.1 OpenWorkbook This operation is used to open a session (2) giving access to a workbook on the protocol server.</p><p>1855 <wsdl:operation name="OpenWorkbook"></p><p>1856 <wsdl:input message="OpenWorkbookSoapIn" /></p><p>1857 <wsdl:output message="OpenWorkbookSoapOut" /></p><p>1858 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends an OpenWorkbookSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with an OpenWorkbookSoapOut response message, as follows: 1. The workbook file, specified by url, is specified as follows: § It SHOULD be in a format specified by [MS-XLSB] or [ECMA-376] but MAY be in any other format. If it is in the [ECMA-376] format, the following apply: § It MAY<32> contain any valid SpreadsheetML records in that format. § If an odcFile attribute of a connection (2) element ( [ECMA-376], Part 4, Section 3.13.1) is present it SHOULD be the path of a file in the format specified by [MS-ODCFF].</p><p>197 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § If a connection (2) attribute of dbPr element ([ECMA-376], Part 4, Section 3.13.3]) is present it SHOULD be in the format specified by [MS-ODBCSTR] or [MS-OLEDBSTR]. § If it is in the [MS-XLSB] format, the following apply: § It MAY<33> contain any valid records in that format. § If a brtBeginExternalConnection record is present and it has the stConnectionFile field present, the stConnectionFile SHOULD be the path of a file in the format specified by [MS-ODCFF]. § If a BrtBeginECDbProps record is present, its stConn field SHOULD be in the format specified by [MS-ODBCSTR] or [MS-OLEDBSTR]. § If a file in [MS-ODCFF] is referenced by the workbook file, the following apply: § SourceFile element of OfficeDataConnection ([MS-ODCFF] section MUST NOT be present. § Parameter elements of CT_Connection [MS-ODCFF] section 2.2.1) MUST be ignored. 2. If the operation succeeds, the protocol server MUST return the session (2) identifier of the newly created session (2) in the response message, to be used in any future operations against the newly created session (2). 3. hasOpenItemPermission MUST be true if the user has the Open Item permission on the workbook file that was opened by the operation, otherwise hasOpenItemPermission MUST be false. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<34> be one of the following values. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>FileOpenNotFound The specified workbook file could not be found.</p><p>FileOpenAccessDenied Access to the workbook file was denied by either the file-server supplying access to the file, or because the protocol server has determined that the user should not have access.</p><p>FileCorrupt The workbook file is not following any of the file formats supported by the protocol server implementation.</p><p>198 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1858. Messages</p><p>1858. OpenWorkbookSoapIn This message is the request message for OpenWorkbook. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1859 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/OpenWorkbook</p><p>The SOAP body contains an OpenWorkbook element.</p><p>1859. OpenWorkbookSoapOut This message is the response message for OpenWorkbook. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1860 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/OpenWorkbook</p><p>The SOAP body contains an OpenWorkbookResponse element.</p><p>1860. Elements</p><p>1860. OpenWorkbook The OpenWorkbook element is specified as follows.</p><p>1861 <s:element name="OpenWorkbook"></p><p>1862 <s:complexType></p><p>1863 <s:sequence></p><p>1864 <s:element name="url" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1865 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1866 <s:element name="cultureParameter" type="tns:CultureCommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1867 <s:element name="requestSiteId" type="s1:guid"/></p><p>1868 </s:sequence></p><p>1869 </s:complexType></p><p>1870 </s:element> url: The location of the workbook file. MUST be present. The protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section, with the value of the id element of the ExcelServerMessage set to FileOpenAccessDenied, if one of the following conditions is satisfied: § The value is longer than 65,534 characters. § The value is not a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) or a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as specified in [RFC3986].</p><p>199 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 parameter: A CommandParameter, as specified in section MUST be present. cultureParameter: UI culture, data culture and host data language related information. MUST be present. requestSiteId: The site identifier. MUST be present.</p><p>1870. OpenWorkbookResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return an OpenWorkbookResponse as follows.</p><p>1871 <s:element name="OpenWorkbookResponse"></p><p>1872 <s:complexType></p><p>1873 <s:sequence></p><p>1874 <s:element name="OpenWorkbookResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1875 <s:element name="workbookId" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1876 <s:element name="hasOpenItemPermission" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1877 </s:sequence></p><p>1878 </s:complexType></p><p>1879 </s:element></p><p>OpenWorkbookResult: A result, as specified in section MUST be present. workbookId: The session (2) identifier of the newly created session (2). MUST be present. hasOpenItemPermission: Specifies whether the user has the Open Item permission on the workbook file.</p><p>1879. Complex Types</p><p>1879. CultureCommandParameter The CultureCommandParameter is used to specify UI culture, data culture and host data language related information when creating a new session (2).</p><p>1880 <s:complexType name="CultureCommandParameter"></p><p>1881 <s:sequence></p><p>1882 <s:element name="UICultureName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1883 <s:element name="DataCultureName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1884 <s:element name="SharePointDataCultureName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1885 <s:element name="TimeZoneSerialization" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1886 </s:sequence></p><p>200 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1887 </s:complexType></p><p>UICultureName: A language tag, as specified in [RFC1766] section 2. Specifies the UI culture. MUST be present. MUST NOT be empty. MUST NOT be longer than 32,768 characters. If the language represented by UICultureName is unsupported on the protocol server, the protocol server MAY<35> fall back to some other supported language. DataCultureName: A language tag, as specified in [RFC1766] section 2. Specifies the data culture. MUST be present. MUST NOT be empty. MUST NOT be longer than 32768 characters. The protocol server MUST use SharePointDataCultureName as a fallback data culture if DataCultureName is not supported. SharePointDataCultureName: A language tag, as specified in [RFC1766] section 2. Specifies the host data language. MUST be present. MUST NOT be longer than 32768 characters. TimeZoneSerialization: The time zone of the session (2). MUST be present. MUST be exactly 73 characters long. MUST have the following layout, which is specified using ABNF, as specified in [RFC2234].</p><p>TimeZone = Bias "#" StandardDate "#" StandardBias "#" DaylightDate "#" DaylightBias</p><p>Bias = "+"\"-" 4DIGIT</p><p>StandardDate = Date %d84 Time</p><p>StandardBias = "+"\"-" 4DIGIT</p><p>DaylightDate = Date %d84 Time</p><p>DaylightBias = "+"\"-" 4DIGIT</p><p>Date = Year "-" Month "-" DayOfWeek "-" Day</p><p>Time = Hour ":" Minute ":" Second ":" Millisecond</p><p>Year = 4DIGIT</p><p>Month = 2DIGIT ; 01-12</p><p>DayOfWeek = 2DIGIT ; 00-06 (Sunday-Saturday)</p><p>Day = 2DIGIT ; 01-31</p><p>Hour = 2DIGIT ; 00-23</p><p>Minute = 2DIGIT ; 00-59</p><p>Second = 2DIGIT ; 00-59</p><p>Millisecond = 4DIGIT The following restrictions MUST apply on the TimeZoneSerialization: § Bias MUST be the time zone bias.</p><p>§ StandardDate MUST be the time zone standard date.</p><p>§ StandardBias MUST be the time zone standard bias.</p><p>§ DaylightDate MUST be the time zone daylight date.</p><p>201 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § DaylightBias MUST be the time zone daylight bias.</p><p>§ The following restrictions are specified in [RFC3339]:</p><p>§ Month MUST be date-month.</p><p>§ Day MUST be date-mday.</p><p>§ Hour MUST be time-hour.</p><p>§ Minute MUST time-minute.</p><p>§ Second MUST be time-second.</p><p>§ DayOfWeek MUST have one of the values in the following table.</p><p>Value Meaning</p><p>00 Sunday</p><p>01 Monday</p><p>02 Tuesday</p><p>03 Wednesday</p><p>04 Thursday</p><p>05 Friday</p><p>06 Saturday</p><p>1887.1.1.1 Recalc This operation is used to calculate a specified range in the workbook.</p><p>1888 <wsdl:operation name="Recalc"></p><p>1889 <wsdl:input message="RecalcSoapIn" /></p><p>1890 <wsdl:output message="RecalcSoapOut" /></p><p>1891 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a RecalcSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a RecalcSoapOut response message. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, SHOULD<36> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>202 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Id Description</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>InvalidSheetName The specified sheet (2) was not found in the workbook.</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>1891. Messages</p><p>1891. RecalcSoapIn This message is the request message for Recalc. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1892 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/Recalc</p><p>The SOAP body contains a Recalc element.</p><p>1892. RecalcSoapOut This message is the response message for Recalc. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1893 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/Recalc</p><p>The SOAP body contains a RecalcResponse element.</p><p>1893. Elements</p><p>1893. Recalc The Recalc element is specified as follows.</p><p>1894 <s:element name="Recalc"></p><p>1895 <s:complexType></p><p>1896 <s:sequence></p><p>1897 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1898 <s:element name="sheetRange" type="tns:SheetRange" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1899 </s:sequence></p><p>1900 </s:complexType></p><p>1901 </s:element></p><p>203 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. The following MUST extend or override the standard behavior specified in CommandParameter. § StateId MUST be -1. § EwrCall MUST be false. sheetRange: The range to calculate in the workbook. MUST be present. SheetName MUST be present and MUST NOT be empty.</p><p>1901. RecalcResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a RecalcResponse as follows.</p><p>1902 <s:element name="RecalcResponse"></p><p>1903 <s:complexType></p><p>1904 <s:sequence></p><p>1905 <s:element name="RecalcResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1906 </s:sequence></p><p>1907 </s:complexType></p><p>1908 </s:element></p><p>RecalcResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present. </p><p>1908.1.1.1 RecalcA1 This operation is used to calculate a specified range in the workbook.</p><p>1909 <wsdl:operation name="RecalcA1"></p><p>1910 <wsdl:input message="RecalcA1SoapIn" /></p><p>1911 <wsdl:output message="RecalcA1SoapOut" /></p><p>1912 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a RecalcA1SoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a RecalcA1SoapOut response message, as follows: 1. If the sheetName element is missing or the rangeName element is missing then the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section, with the value of the id element of the ExcelServerMessage set to InternalError. 2. sheetName MUST NOT be empty. 3. If rangeName is empty, the whole sheet (2), which was specified in sheetName, MUST be calculated. </p><p>204 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4. If rangeName is not empty, the specified range MUST be calculated. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<37> be one of the following values. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>InvalidSheetName No sheet (2) in the workbook was found with a name as specified in sheetName.</p><p>RangeParseError rangeName was not found in the workbook.</p><p>1912. Messages</p><p>1912. RecalcA1SoapIn This message is the request message for RecalcA1. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1913 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/RecalcA1</p><p>The SOAP body contains a RecalcA1 element.</p><p>1913. RecalcA1SoapOut This message is the response message for RecalcA1. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1914 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/RecalcA1</p><p>The SOAP body contains a RecalcA1Response element.</p><p>1914. Elements</p><p>1914. RecalcA1 The RecalcA1 element is specified as follows.</p><p>1915 <s:element name="RecalcA1"></p><p>1916 <s:complexType></p><p>1917 <s:sequence></p><p>205 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1918 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1919 <s:element name="sheetName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1920 <s:element name="rangeName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1921 </s:sequence></p><p>1922 </s:complexType></p><p>1923 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter, as specified in section MUST be present. sheetName: The name of the sheet (2) to calculate. MUST NOT be longer than 31 characters. rangeName: The name of the range to calculate. MUST NOT be longer than 32,768 characters. See section</p><p>1923. RecalcA1Response If the operation succeeds it MUST return a RecalcA1Response as follows.</p><p>1924 <s:element name="RecalcA1Response"></p><p>1925 <s:complexType></p><p>1926 <s:sequence></p><p>1927 <s:element name="RecalcA1Result" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1928 </s:sequence></p><p>1929 </s:complexType></p><p>1930 </s:element></p><p>RecalcA1Result: A CommandResult, as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>1930.1.1.1 RecalcAll This operation is used to calculate the workbook.</p><p>1931 <wsdl:operation name="RecalcAll"></p><p>1932 <wsdl:input message="RecalcAllSoapIn" /></p><p>1933 <wsdl:output message="RecalcAllSoapOut" /></p><p>1934 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a RecalcAllSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a RecalcAllSoapOut response message.</p><p>206 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<38> be one of the following values. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>1934. Messages</p><p>1934. RecalcAllSoapIn This message is the request message for RecalcAll. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1935 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/RecalcAll</p><p>The SOAP body contains a RecalcAll element.</p><p>1935. RecalcAllSoapOut This message is the response message for RecalcAll. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1936 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/RecalcAll</p><p>The SOAP body contains a RecalcAllResponse element.</p><p>1936. Elements</p><p>1936. RecalcAll The RecalcAll element is specified as follows.</p><p>1937 <s:element name="RecalcAll"></p><p>1938 <s:complexType></p><p>1939 <s:sequence></p><p>1940 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1941 <s:element name="calculateType" type="tns:CalculateType"/></p><p>1942 </s:sequence></p><p>207 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1943 </s:complexType></p><p>1944 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. calculateType: The type of calculation to be executed as specified in section</p><p>1944. RecalcAllResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a RecalcAllResponse as follows.</p><p>1945 <s:element name="RecalcAllResponse"></p><p>1946 <s:complexType></p><p>1947 <s:sequence></p><p>1948 <s:element name="RecalcAllResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1949 </s:sequence></p><p>1950 </s:complexType></p><p>1951 </s:element></p><p>RecalcAllResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>1951. Simple Types</p><p>1951. CalculateType Specifies the type of calculation to be executed.</p><p>1952 <s:simpleType name="CalculateType"></p><p>1953 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>1954 <s:enumeration value="Recalculate"/></p><p>1955 <s:enumeration value="CalculateFull"/></p><p>1956 </s:restriction></p><p>1957 </s:simpleType></p><p>The following table specifies possible values for CalculateType. Value Meaning</p><p>The protocol server MUST calculate all formulas in Recalculate the workbook that needs to be calculated.</p><p>The protocol server MUST calculate all formulas in CalculateFull the workbook.</p><p>208 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1957.1.1.1 Refresh This operation is used to refresh connected data on a workbook.</p><p>1958 <wsdl:operation name="Refresh"></p><p>1959 <wsdl:input message="RefreshSoapIn" /></p><p>1960 <wsdl:output message="RefreshSoapOut" /></p><p>1961 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a RefreshSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a RefreshSoapOut response message, as follows: 1. If dataConnectionName is not present or is empty, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be InternalError. 2. If dataConnectionName is present and is not empty, the protocol server MUST refresh the specified connected data. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<39> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>ExternalDataRefreshFailed Connected data refresh failed.</p><p>1961. Messages</p><p>1961. RefreshSoapIn This message is the request message for Refresh. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1962 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/Refresh</p><p>The SOAP body contains a Refresh element.</p><p>1962. RefreshSoapOut This message is the response message for Refresh.</p><p>209 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1963 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/Refresh</p><p>The SOAP body contains a RefreshResponse element.</p><p>1963. Elements</p><p>1963. Refresh The Refresh element is specified as follows.</p><p>1964 <s:element name="Refresh"></p><p>1965 <s:complexType></p><p>1966 <s:sequence></p><p>1967 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1968 <s:element name="dataConnectionName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1969 </s:sequence></p><p>1970 </s:complexType></p><p>1971 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter, as specified in section MUST be present. dataConnectionName: A data connection (2). MUST NOT be longer than 255 characters.</p><p>1971. RefreshResponse If the operation succeeds, a RefreshResponse MUST be returned by the protocol server as follows.</p><p>1972 <s:element name="RefreshResponse"></p><p>1973 <s:complexType></p><p>1974 <s:sequence></p><p>1975 <s:element name="RefreshResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1976 </s:sequence></p><p>1977 </s:complexType></p><p>1978 </s:element></p><p>RefreshResult: A CommandResult, as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>210 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1978.1.1.1 RefreshAll This operation is used to refresh all connected data on a workbook.</p><p>1979 <wsdl:operation name="RefreshAll"></p><p>1980 <wsdl:input message="RefreshAllSoapIn" /></p><p>1981 <wsdl:output message="RefreshAllSoapOut" /></p><p>1982 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a RefreshAllSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a RefreshAllSoapOut response message, as follows: 1. If there is nothing to refresh, the protocol server MUST NOT return an error. 2. If the value of the periodic element in Elements (Section is set to true and there is no external data that can expire, the protocol server MUST NOT return an error. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<40> be one of the following values. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>ExternalDataRefreshFailed Connected data refresh failed.</p><p>1982. Messages</p><p>1982. RefreshAllSoapIn This message is the request message for RefreshAll. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>1983 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/RefreshAll</p><p>The SOAP body contains a RefreshAll element.</p><p>1983. RefreshAllSoapOut This message is the response message for RefreshAll. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>211 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1984 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/RefreshAll</p><p>The SOAP body contains a RefreshAllResponse element.</p><p>1984. Elements</p><p>1984. RefreshAll The RefreshAll element is specified as follows.</p><p>1985 <s:element name="RefreshAll"></p><p>1986 <s:complexType></p><p>1987 <s:sequence></p><p>1988 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1989 <s:element name="periodic" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>1990 </s:sequence></p><p>1991 </s:complexType></p><p>1992 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter, as specified in section MUST be present. periodic: Specifies whether to only refresh external data that has expired. If set to true, the protocol server MUST refresh only external data that has expired. If set to false, the protocol server MUST refresh all connected data on the workbook.</p><p>1992. RefreshAllResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return the RefreshAllResponse as follows.</p><p>1993 <s:element name="RefreshAllResponse"></p><p>1994 <s:complexType></p><p>1995 <s:sequence></p><p>1996 <s:element name="RefreshAllResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>1997 </s:sequence></p><p>1998 </s:complexType></p><p>1999 </s:element></p><p>RefreshAllResult: A CommandResult, as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>212 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1999.1.1.1 RemovePivotFilter This operation is used to remove any PivotTable filters that are applied to a PivotTable field.</p><p>2000 <wsdl:operation name="RemovePivotFilter"></p><p>2001 <wsdl:input message="RemovePivotFilterSoapIn" /></p><p>2002 <wsdl:output message="RemovePivotFilterSoapOut" /></p><p>2003 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a RemovePivotFilterSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a RemovePivotFilterSoapOut response message, as follows: 1. The protocol client sends the information identifying the PivotTable field in the pivotFilterOptions element. 2. The protocol server removes any PivotTable filters that are applied to that PivotTable field.</p><p>In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<41> be one of the following values. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>2003. Messages</p><p>2003. RemovePivotFilterSoapIn This message is the request message for RemovePivotFilter. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>2004 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/RemovePivotFilter</p><p>The SOAP body contains a RemovePivotFilter element.</p><p>2004. RemovePivotFilterSoapOut This message is the response message for RemovePivotFilter. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>213 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2005 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/RemovePivotFilter</p><p>The SOAP body contains a RemovePivotFilterResponse element.</p><p>2005. Elements</p><p>2005. RemovePivotFilter The RemovePivotFilter element is specified as follows.</p><p>2006 <s:element name="RemovePivotFilter"></p><p>2007 <s:complexType></p><p>2008 <s:sequence></p><p>2009 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2010 <s:element name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2011 </s:sequence></p><p>2012 </s:complexType></p><p>2013 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter, as specified in section MUST be present. pivotFilterOptions: The PivotTable field identification as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>2013. RemovePivotFilterResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a RemovePivotFilterResponse as follows.</p><p>2014 <s:element name="RemovePivotFilterResponse"></p><p>2015 <s:complexType></p><p>2016 <s:sequence></p><p>2017 <s:element name="RemovePivotFilterResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2018 </s:sequence></p><p>2019 </s:complexType></p><p>2020 </s:element></p><p>RemovePivotFilterResult: A CommandResult, as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>214 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2020.1.1.1 SetParameters This operation is used to set values of workbook parameters in a workbook.</p><p>2021 <wsdl:operation name="SetParameters"></p><p>2022 <wsdl:input message="SetParametersSoapIn" /></p><p>2023 <wsdl:output message="SetParametersSoapOut" /></p><p>2024 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a SetParametersSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a SetParametersSoapOut response message. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<42> be one of the following values. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>The workbook parameter does not exist in the ParameterDoesNotExist workbook.</p><p>The value cannot be set to a workbook parameter in the SetParameterFailure workbook.</p><p>The value cannot be set to a workbook parameter in the workbook because the worksheet cell contains a FormulaEditingNotEnabled formula.</p><p>2024. Messages</p><p>2024. SetParametersSoapIn This message is the request message for SetParameters. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>2025 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/SetParameters</p><p>The SOAP body contains a SetParameters element.</p><p>2025. SetParametersSoapOut This message is the response message for SetParameters. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>215 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2026 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/SetParameters</p><p>The SOAP body contains a SetParametersResponse element.</p><p>2026. Elements</p><p>2026. SetParameters The SetParameters element is specified as follows.</p><p>2027 <s:element name="SetParameters"></p><p>2028 <s:complexType></p><p>2029 <s:sequence></p><p>2030 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2031 <s:element name="workbookParameters" type="tns:ArrayOfWorkbookParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2032 </s:sequence></p><p>2033 </s:complexType></p><p>2034 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter, as specified in section MUST be present. workbookParameters: The workbook parameters to be set in the workbook as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>2034. SetParametersResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a SetParametersResponse as follows.</p><p>2035 <s:element name="SetParametersResponse"></p><p>2036 <s:complexType></p><p>2037 <s:sequence></p><p>2038 <s:element name="SetParametersResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2039 </s:sequence></p><p>2040 </s:complexType></p><p>2041 </s:element></p><p>SetParametersResult: A CommandResult, as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>2041. Complex Types</p><p>216 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2041. ArrayOfWorkbookParameter The ArrayOfWorkbookParameter complex type contains an array of workbook parameter. The count of elements in this sequence MUST be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 255.</p><p>2042 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfWorkbookParameter"></p><p>2043 <s:sequence></p><p>2044 <s:element name="WorkbookParameter" type="tns:WorkbookParameter" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/></p><p>2045 </s:sequence></p><p>2046 </s:complexType></p><p>WorkbookParameter: A workbook parameter, as specified in section</p><p>2046. WorkbookParameter The WorkbookParameter complex type is used to represent a value or a list (2) of values to be set into workbook parameters in the workbook.</p><p>2047 <s:complexType name="WorkbookParameter"></p><p>2048 <s:sequence></p><p>2049 <s:element name="Comment" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2050 <s:element name="IsPivotPageField" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>2051 <s:element name="Name" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2052 <s:element name="RequiresConnection" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>2053 <s:element name="Values" type="tns:ArrayOfString" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2054 </s:sequence></p><p>2055 </s:complexType></p><p>Comment: MUST be set to an empty string. IsPivotPageField: MUST be set to false. Name: The name of the workbook parameter. MUST be present. MUST be a value of the Name attribute as specified in the Parameter complex type (section RequiresConnection: MUST be set to false. Values: An array of string values to set in the workbook parameter as specified in section The protocol server MUST ignore all the elements in ArrayOfString, if all the following conditions are satisfied: § The IsPivotPageField attribute of the Parameter is not present or if it is present and its value is false.</p><p>217 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 § The Values element is not present or the number of elements in ArrayOfString is not equal to 1.</p><p>If the IsPivotPageField attribute of the Parameter is present and its value is set to true, the following apply: § If the Values element is not present the protocol server MUST change the PivotTable manual filter in the workbook to the default filter value.</p><p>§ If the Values element is present, and there are no elements in ArrayOfString, the protocol server MUST change the PivotTable manual filter in the workbook to the default filter value.</p><p>§ If the Values element is present and the number of elements in ArrayOfString is greater than or equal to 1, the protocol server MUST use the values as the PivotTable manual filter in the workbook.</p><p>Each string element of ArrayOfString MUST NOT be longer than 1024 characters.</p><p>2055.1.1.1 SetRange This operation is used to set values to a range of worksheet cells on a workbook.</p><p>2056 <wsdl:operation name="SetRange"></p><p>2057 <wsdl:input message="SetRangeSoapIn" /></p><p>2058 <wsdl:output message="SetRangeSoapOut" /></p><p>2059 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a SetRangeSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a SetRangeSoapOut response message, as follows: 1. If cellsArray is not present, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be InternalError. 2. If the SheetName element inside sheetRange is empty, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be InvalidSheetName. 3. Each element inside the cellsArray element MUST be of type ArrayOfAnyType and be a row (2) of worksheet cells sent to the protocol server. The number of rows in cellsArray MUST be equal to the number of rows specified in the sheetRange element.</p><p>218 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4. Each element inside each of the ArrayOfAnyType type nested inside cellsArray MUST be a single worksheet cell. The number of elements inside each such nested ArrayOfAnyType MUST be equal to the number of columns specified in the sheetRange element. 5. The protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section, with the value ObjectTypeNotSupported in the id element of the ExcelServerMessage, if any of the worksheet cells in the cellsArray element are one of the following: § Not empty and with the xsi:nil attribute set to true. § Not in one of the following types: boolean, dateTime, decimal, double, float, int, short, string, or unsigned byte. 6. If any of the worksheet cells of type string in the cellsArray element start with and equals sign (=), the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be FormulaEditingNotEnabled. 7. The protocol server MUST ignore any worksheet cells in cellsArray that intersect with a PivotTable on the workbook. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<43> be one of the following values. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>The protocol server could not find a sheet (2) with the name InvalidSheetName specified in the SheetName element inside sheetRange.</p><p>The user does not have Open Item permission on the workbook used by the session (2), and the range requested to be set is not a single worksheet cell, or the worksheet cell SpecifiedItemNotFound in the workbook is not a workbook parameter.</p><p>The range requested to be set intersected with a formula or a SetRangeFailure table header.</p><p>2059. Messages</p><p>2059. SetRangeSoapIn This message is the request message for SetRange. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>219 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2060 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/SetRange</p><p>The SOAP body contains a SetRange element.</p><p>2060. SetRangeSoapOut This message is the response message for SetRange. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>2061 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/SetRange</p><p>The SOAP body contains a SetRangeResponse element.</p><p>2061. Elements</p><p>2061. SetRange The SetRange element is specified as follows.</p><p>2062 <s:element name="SetRange"></p><p>2063 <s:complexType></p><p>2064 <s:sequence></p><p>2065 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2066 <s:element name="sheetRange" type="tns:SheetRange" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2067 <s:element name="cellsArray" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2068 </s:sequence></p><p>2069 </s:complexType></p><p>2070 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter as specified in section MUST be present. The following MUST extend or override the standard behavior specified in section § StateId MUST be -1. § EwrCall MUST be false. sheetRange: The range to set. See SheetRange (section MUST be present. SheetName MUST be present. cellsArray: The values to set.</p><p>2070. SetRangeResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a SetRangeResponse as follows.</p><p>2071 <s:element name="SetRangeResponse"></p><p>2072 <s:complexType></p><p>220 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2073 <s:sequence></p><p>2074 <s:element name="SetRangeResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2075 </s:sequence></p><p>2076 </s:complexType></p><p>2077 </s:element></p><p>SetRangeResult: A CommandResult as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>2077.1.1.1 SetRangeA1 This operation is used to set values to a range of worksheet cells on a workbook.</p><p>2078 <wsdl:operation name="SetRangeA1"></p><p>2079 <wsdl:input message="SetRangeA1SoapIn" /></p><p>2080 <wsdl:output message="SetRangeA1SoapOut" /></p><p>2081 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a SetRangeA1SoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a SetRangeA1SoapOut response message, as follows: 1. If sheetName, range, or cellsArray is not present, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be InternalError. 2. If range is empty, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be RangeParseError. 3. If sheetName is empty, the protocol server MUST use the first worksheet on the workbook unless a worksheet can be determined from range, in which case the worksheet, as determined from range, MUST be used.</p><p>4. If a worksheet cannot be determined from range, the protocol server MUST use range on the worksheet determined by sheetName to locate the range to set. 5. Each element inside the cellsArray element MUST be of type ArrayOfAnyType and be a row (2) of worksheet cells sent to the protocol server. The number of rows in cellsArray MUST be equal to the number of rows specified in the range element, unless not explicitly specified. 6. Each element inside each of the ArrayOfAnyType type nested inside cellsArray MUST be a single worksheet cell. The number of elements inside</p><p>221 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 each such nested ArrayOfAnyType MUST be equal to the number of columns specified in the range element, unless not explicitly specified. Each nested ArrayOfAnyType MUST have the same number of elements. 7. The protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section, with the value ObjectTypeNotSupported in the id element of the ExcelServerMessage, if any of the worksheet cells in the cellsArray element are one of the following: § Not empty and with the xsi:nil attribute set to true. § Not in one of the following types: boolean, dateTime, decimal, double, float, int, short, string, or unsigned byte. 8. If any worksheet cell of type string in the cellsArray element starts with "=", the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be FormulaEditingNotEnabled. 9. The protocol server MUST ignore any worksheet cells in cellsArray that intersect with a PivotTable on the workbook. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<44> be one of the following values. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>The protocol server could not find a worksheet with the name InvalidSheetName specified in the SheetName element inside sheetRange.</p><p>The user does not have the Open Item permission on the workbook used by the session (2), and the range requested to be set is not a single worksheet cell, or the worksheet cell SpecifiedItemNotFound in the workbook is not a workbook parameter.</p><p>The requested range to set intersected with a formula or a SetRangeFailure table header.</p><p>There was a mismatch in the number of rows or number of DimensionMismatch columns between cellsArray and range.</p><p>2081. Messages</p><p>2081. SetRangeA1SoapIn This message is the request message for SetRangeA1. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>222 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2082 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/SetRangeA1</p><p>The SOAP body contains a SetRangeA1 element.</p><p>2082. SetRangeA1SoapOut This message is the response message for SetRangeA1. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>2083 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/SetRangeA1</p><p>The SOAP body contains a SetRangeA1Response element.</p><p>2083. Elements</p><p>2083. SetRangeA1 The SetRangeA1 element is specified as follows.</p><p>2084 <s:element name="SetRangeA1"></p><p>2085 <s:complexType></p><p>2086 <s:sequence></p><p>2087 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2088 <s:element name="sheetName" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2089 <s:element name="range" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2090 <s:element name="cellsArray" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2091 </s:sequence></p><p>2092 </s:complexType></p><p>2093 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter, as specified in section MUST be present. The following MUST extend or override the standard behavior specified in section § StateId MUST be -1. § EwrCall MUST be false. sheetName: The name of the worksheet that contains the range to write values into. MUST NOT be longer than 31 characters. range: The range to be set. See section cellsArray: The values to set.</p><p>2093. SetRangeA1Response If the operation succeeds it MUST return a SetRangeA1Response as follows.</p><p>223 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2094 <s:element name="SetRangeA1Response"></p><p>2095 <s:complexType></p><p>2096 <s:sequence></p><p>2097 <s:element name="SetRangeA1Result" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2098 </s:sequence></p><p>2099 </s:complexType></p><p>2100 </s:element></p><p>SetRangeA1Result: A CommandResult, as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>2100.1.1.1 SortFilterColumn This operation is used to change the sort order (2) of a table or worksheet AutoFilter in the workbook.</p><p>2101 <wsdl:operation name="SortFilterColumn"></p><p>2102 <wsdl:input message="SortFilterColumnSoapIn" /></p><p>2103 <wsdl:output message="SortFilterColumnSoapOut" /></p><p>2104 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a SortFilterColumnSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a SortFilterColumnSoapOut response message. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<45> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>2104. Messages</p><p>2104. SortFilterColumnSoapIn</p><p>224 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 This message is the request message for SortFilterColumn. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>2105 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/SortFilterColumn</p><p>The SOAP body contains a SortFilterColumn element.</p><p>2105. SortFilterColumnSoapOut This message is the response message for SortFilterColumn. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>2106 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/SortFilterColumn</p><p>The SOAP body contains a SortFilterColumnResponse element.</p><p>2106. Elements</p><p>2106. SortFilterColumn The SortFilterColumn element is specified as follows.</p><p>2107 <s:element name="SortFilterColumn"></p><p>2108 <s:complexType></p><p>2109 <s:sequence></p><p>2110 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2111 <s:element name="autoFilterOptions" type="tns:AutoFilterOptions" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2112 <s:element name="ascending" type="s:boolean"/></p><p>2113 </s:sequence></p><p>2114 </s:complexType></p><p>2115 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter, as specified in section MUST be present. autoFilterOptions: The options to be used when sorting the AutoFilter column (2), as specified in section MUST be present. The CriteriaType element of AutoFilterOptions MUST be set to Nil, and the Criteria element MUST NOT be present. ascending: The sort order (2) to apply to the AutoFilter. A true value specifies an ascending order, and a false value specifies a descending order.</p><p>2115. SortFilterColumnResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a SortFilterColumnResponse as follows.</p><p>225 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2116 <s:element name="SortFilterColumnResponse"></p><p>2117 <s:complexType></p><p>2118 <s:sequence></p><p>2119 <s:element name="SortFilterColumnResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2120 </s:sequence></p><p>2121 </s:complexType></p><p>2122 </s:element></p><p>SortFilterColumnResult: A CommandResult, as specified in section MUST be present.</p><p>2122.1.1.1 TogglePivotDrill This operation is used to expand or collapse a PivotTable member.</p><p>2123 <wsdl:operation name="TogglePivotDrill"></p><p>2124 <wsdl:input message="TogglePivotDrillSoapIn" /></p><p>2125 <wsdl:output message="TogglePivotDrillSoapOut" /></p><p>2126 </wsdl:operation></p><p>The protocol client sends a TogglePivotDrillSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a TogglePivotDrillSoapOut response message, as follows: 1. The protocol client sends the PivotTable member to be expanded or collapsed in the pivotFilterOptions element. 2. The protocol server expands the PivotTable member if it was collapsed. The protocol server collapses the PivotTable member if it was expanded. In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, the protocol server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be one of the values specified in section, and SHOULD<46> be one of the values described in the following table. Id Description</p><p>InvalidOrTimedOutSession See section</p><p>RetryError See section</p><p>OperationCanceled See section</p><p>InternalError See section</p><p>MultipleRequestsOnSession See section</p><p>MaxRequestDurationExceeded See section</p><p>226 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2126. Messages</p><p>2126. TogglePivotDrillSoapIn This message is the request message for TogglePivotDrill. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>2127 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/TogglePivotDrill</p><p>The SOAP body contains a TogglePivotDrill element.</p><p>2127. TogglePivotDrillSoapOut This message is the response message for TogglePivotDrill. The SOAP action value of the message is defined as follows.</p><p>2128 http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalSer vice/TogglePivotDrill</p><p>The SOAP body contains a TogglePivotDrillResponse element.</p><p>2128. Elements</p><p>2128. TogglePivotDrill The TogglePivotDrill element is specified as follows.</p><p>2129 <s:element name="TogglePivotDrill"></p><p>2130 <s:complexType></p><p>2131 <s:sequence></p><p>2132 <s:element name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2133 <s:element name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2134 </s:sequence></p><p>2135 </s:complexType></p><p>2136 </s:element> parameter: A CommandParameter, as specified in section MUST be present. pivotFilterOptions: The PivotTable member to be expanded or collapsed. MUST be present. The following MUST extend or override the standard behavior specified in section FieldId: MUST be present and empty. Column: The column (2) of the PivotTable member. MUST be the zero-based column (2) number of a worksheet cell of the PivotTable that has the Drillable attribute of the Cell element (Section set to true. Row: The row (2) of the PivotTable member. MUST be the zero-based row (2) number of a </p><p>227 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 worksheet cell of the PivotTable that has the Drillable attribute of the Cell element set to true.</p><p>2136. TogglePivotDrillResponse If the operation succeeds it MUST return a TogglePivotDrillResponse as follows.</p><p>2137 <s:element name="TogglePivotDrillResponse"></p><p>2138 <s:complexType></p><p>2139 <s:sequence></p><p>2140 <s:element name="TogglePivotDrillResult" type="tns:CommandResult" minOccurs="0"/></p><p>2141 </s:sequence></p><p>2142 </s:complexType></p><p>2143 </s:element></p><p>TogglePivotDrillResult: A CommandResult, as defined in section MUST be present.</p><p>2143.1.1 Timer Events</p><p>2143.1.1.1 Session Timeout The Session Timeout event MAY<47> complete a request for a timed-out session (2) with a SOAP fault, as specified in section, with the value of the Id element of the ExcelServerMessage set to InvalidOrTimedOutSession.</p><p>2143.1.1.2 Request Timeout The Request Timeout event SHOULD<48> complete a request by the protocol server with a SOAP fault, as specified in section, with the value of the Id element of the ExcelServerMessage set to MaxRequestDurationExceeded.</p><p>2143.1.2 Other Local Events None.</p><p>228 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2144 Protocol Examples Filtering lists and returning SpreadsheetDataXML This example shows how this protocol is used to open and close a session (2). It demonstrates how this protocol is used to filter a list in a workbook and to fetch the SpreadsheetDataXML (section It also demonstrates how this protocol is used to sort the list. This example assumes that a workbook has already been created and is stored in a location that the protocol server can load files from. The workbook contains a list with an AutoFilter. The following UML diagram illustrates this example.</p><p>Figure 4: Sequence of communication between protocol client and protocol server to filter lists and return SpreadsheetDataXML</p><p>The order of operations, including the relevant XML for each step, is as follows: Opening a new session (2) (loading the workbook) Request</p><p>2145 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?></p><p>2146 <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"></p><p>2147 <soap:Body></p><p>229 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2148 <OpenWorkbook xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalServi ce/"></p><p>2149 <url>http://xas/Docs/Documents/Filter.xlsx</url></p><p>2150 <parameter></p><p>2151 <StateId>0</StateId></p><p>2152 <VisibleSheetRangeRequest></p><p>2153 <FirstRow>0</FirstRow></p><p>2154 <VisibleRowsRequested>75</VisibleRowsRequested></p><p>2155 <FirstColumn>0</FirstColumn></p><p>2156 <VisibleColumnsRequested>20</VisibleColumnsRequested></p><p>2157 <VisibleFirstRowOffset>0</VisibleFirstRowOffset></p><p>2158 <VisibleFirstColumnOffset>0</VisibleFirstColumnOffset></p><p>2159 </VisibleSheetRangeRequest></p><p>2160 <Confirmation>Blank</Confirmation></p><p>2161 <ConfirmationChoice>false</ConfirmationChoice></p><p>2162 <EwrCall>true</EwrCall></p><p>2163 </parameter></p><p>2164 <cultureParameter></p><p>2165 <UICultureName>en-us</UICultureName></p><p>2166 <DataCultureName>en-us</DataCultureName></p><p>2167 <SharePointDataCultureName>en-us</SharePointDataCultureName></p><p>2168 <TimeZoneSerialization>+0480#0000-11-00-01T02:00:00:0000#+0000#0000-03-00- 02T02:00:00:0000#-0060</TimeZoneSerialization></p><p>2169 </cultureParameter></p><p>2170 <requestSiteId>ce39f348-858d-462f-a632-9e19902ff8cd</requestSiteId></p><p>2171 </OpenWorkbook></p><p>2172 </soap:Body></p><p>2173 </soap:Envelope></p><p>Response</p><p>2174 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?></p><p>230 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2175 <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"></p><p>2176 <soap:Body></p><p>2177 <OpenWorkbookResponse xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalServi ce/"></p><p>2178 <OpenWorkbookResult></p><p>2179 <StateId>1</StateId></p><p>2180 <SpreadsheetData>&lt;Workbook&gt;&lt;WorkbookOptions/&gt;&lt;Styles&gt;&lt;Style ID="sD"&gt;&lt;Font Size="11" FontName="Calibri" Color="#000000"/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="1"&gt;&lt;Font Size="11" FontName="Calibri" Color="#000000"/&gt;&lt;Alignment Horizontal="Left"/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="2"&gt;&lt;Font Size="11" FontName="Calibri" Color="#000000"/&gt;&lt;Alignment Horizontal="Right"/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="- 1"&gt;&lt;Borders/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="bD"&gt;&lt;Borders&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Right" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Bottom" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;/Borders&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="- 3"&gt;&lt;Borders&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Right" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;/Borders&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="- 4"&gt;&lt;Borders&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Bottom" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;/Borders&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;/Styles&gt;&lt;Worksheet Name="Sheet1"&gt;&lt;WorksheetOptions/&gt;&lt;autofilters&gt;&lt;autofilter Row="0" ColFirst="0" Type="Sheet"&gt;&lt;item Index="0" DataType="Text" Name="Name"/&gt;&lt;item Index="1" DataType="Text" Name="Type"/&gt;&lt;item Index="2" Name="Value"/&gt;&lt;/autofilter&gt;&lt;/autofilters&gt;&lt;Table LastNonEmptyRow="6" LastNonEmptyColumn="3" CurrentFirstRow="1" FirstVisibleRow="1" LastVisibleRow="1048576" CurrentFirstColumn="1" FirstVisibleColumn="1" LastVisibleColumn="16384" DefaultRowHeight="15" DefaultColumnWidth="48" DefaultIndentWidth="6.75"&gt;&lt;Column Width="48" Span="2"/&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;Name&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;Type&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;Value&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;a&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;aa&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;1&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;b&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;aa&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;2&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;c&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;bb&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;3&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;d&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;bb&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;2&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;e&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;aa&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;1&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;/Table&gt;&lt;/Workshe et&gt;&lt;Worksheet Name="Sheet2"&gt;&lt;WorksheetOptions/&gt;&lt;/Worksheet&gt;&lt;Worksheet Name="Sheet3"&gt;&lt;WorksheetOptions/&gt;&lt;/Worksheet&gt;&lt;/Workbook&gt;</SpreadsheetDa ta></p><p>2181 </OpenWorkbookResult></p><p>2182 <workbookId>21.3Myr6lbEcF6xjE1tYWIae90.5.en-US5.en-US73.+0480#0000-11-00- 01T02:00:00:0000#+0000#0000-03-00-02T02:00:00:0000#-0060</workbookId></p><p>2183 <hasOpenItemPermission>true</hasOpenItemPermission></p><p>2184 </OpenWorkbookResponse></p><p>231 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2185 </soap:Body></p><p>2186 </soap:Envelope></p><p>2187</p><p>Fetching the SpreadsheetDataXML Request</p><p>2188 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?></p><p>2189 <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"></p><p>2190 <soap:Body></p><p>2191 <GetRange xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalServi ce/"></p><p>2192 <parameter></p><p>2193 <WorkbookId>21.3Myr6lbEcF6xjE1tYWIae90.5.en-US5.en-US73.+0480#0000-11-00- 01T02:00:00:0000#+0000#0000-03-00-02T02:00:00:0000#-0060</WorkbookId></p><p>2194 <StateId>1</StateId></p><p>2195 <VisibleSheetRangeRequest></p><p>2196 <FirstRow>0</FirstRow></p><p>2197 <VisibleRowsRequested>75</VisibleRowsRequested></p><p>2198 <FirstColumn>0</FirstColumn></p><p>2199 <VisibleColumnsRequested>20</VisibleColumnsRequested></p><p>2200 <VisibleFirstRowOffset>0</VisibleFirstRowOffset></p><p>2201 <VisibleFirstColumnOffset>0</VisibleFirstColumnOffset></p><p>2202 </VisibleSheetRangeRequest></p><p>2203 <Confirmation>Blank</Confirmation></p><p>2204 <ConfirmationChoice>false</ConfirmationChoice></p><p>2205 <EwrCall>true</EwrCall></p><p>2206 </parameter></p><p>2207 </GetRange></p><p>2208 </soap:Body></p><p>2209 </soap:Envelope></p><p>232 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Response</p><p>2210 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?></p><p>2211 <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"></p><p>2212 <soap:Body></p><p>2213 <GetRangeResponse xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalServi ce/"></p><p>2214 <GetRangeResult></p><p>2215 <StateId>1</StateId></p><p>2216 <SpreadsheetData>&lt;Workbook&gt;&lt;WorkbookOptions/&gt;&lt;Styles&gt;&lt;Style ID="sD"&gt;&lt;Font Size="11" FontName="Calibri" Color="#000000"/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="1"&gt;&lt;Font Size="11" FontName="Calibri" Color="#000000"/&gt;&lt;Alignment Horizontal="Left"/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="2"&gt;&lt;Font Size="11" FontName="Calibri" Color="#000000"/&gt;&lt;Alignment Horizontal="Right"/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="- 1"&gt;&lt;Borders/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="bD"&gt;&lt;Borders&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Right" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Bottom" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;/Borders&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="- 3"&gt;&lt;Borders&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Right" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;/Borders&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="- 4"&gt;&lt;Borders&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Bottom" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;/Borders&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;/Styles&gt;&lt;Worksheet Name="Sheet1"&gt;&lt;WorksheetOptions/&gt;&lt;autofilters&gt;&lt;autofilter Row="0" ColFirst="0" Type="Sheet"&gt;&lt;item Index="0" DataType="Text" Name="Name"/&gt;&lt;item Index="1" DataType="Text" Name="Type"/&gt;&lt;item Index="2" Name="Value"/&gt;&lt;/autofilter&gt;&lt;/autofilters&gt;&lt;Table LastNonEmptyRow="6" LastNonEmptyColumn="3" CurrentFirstRow="1" FirstVisibleRow="1" LastVisibleRow="1048576" CurrentFirstColumn="1" FirstVisibleColumn="1" LastVisibleColumn="16384" DefaultRowHeight="15" DefaultColumnWidth="48" DefaultIndentWidth="6.75"&gt;&lt;Column Width="48" Span="2"/&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;Name&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;Type&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;Value&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;a&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;aa&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;1&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;b&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;aa&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;2&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;c&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;bb&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;3&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;d&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;bb&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;2&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;e&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;aa&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;1&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;/Table&gt;&lt;/Workshe et&gt;&lt;Worksheet Name="Sheet2"&gt;&lt;WorksheetOptions/&gt;&lt;/Worksheet&gt;&lt;Worksheet Name="Sheet3"&gt;&lt;WorksheetOptions/&gt;&lt;/Worksheet&gt;&lt;/Workbook&gt;</SpreadsheetDa ta></p><p>2217 </GetRangeResult></p><p>2218 </GetRangeResponse></p><p>2219 </soap:Body></p><p>233 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2220 </soap:Envelope></p><p>2221</p><p>Fetching the list (2) of filter values Request</p><p>2222 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?></p><p>2223 <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"></p><p>2224 <soap:Body></p><p>2225 <GetAutoFilterItemList xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalServi ce/"></p><p>2226 <parameter></p><p>2227 <WorkbookId>21.3Myr6lbEcF6xjE1tYWIae90.5.en-US5.en-US73.+0480#0000-11-00- 01T02:00:00:0000#+0000#0000-03-00-02T02:00:00:0000#-0060</WorkbookId></p><p>2228 <StateId>1</StateId></p><p>2229 <VisibleSheetRangeRequest></p><p>2230 <FirstRow>0</FirstRow></p><p>2231 <VisibleRowsRequested>75</VisibleRowsRequested></p><p>2232 <FirstColumn>0</FirstColumn></p><p>2233 <VisibleColumnsRequested>20</VisibleColumnsRequested></p><p>2234 <VisibleFirstRowOffset>0</VisibleFirstRowOffset></p><p>2235 <VisibleFirstColumnOffset>0</VisibleFirstColumnOffset></p><p>2236 </VisibleSheetRangeRequest></p><p>2237 <Confirmation>Blank</Confirmation></p><p>2238 <ConfirmationChoice>false</ConfirmationChoice></p><p>2239 <EwrCall>true</EwrCall></p><p>2240 </parameter></p><p>2241 <autoFilterOptions></p><p>2242 <AutoFilterType>Sheet</AutoFilterType></p><p>2243 <CriteriaType>Nil</CriteriaType></p><p>2244 <Id>0</Id></p><p>234 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2245 <SheetName>Sheet1</SheetName></p><p>2246 <Column>1</Column></p><p>2247 <NamedObjectView>false</NamedObjectView></p><p>2248 </autoFilterOptions></p><p>2249 </GetAutoFilterItemList></p><p>2250 </soap:Body></p><p>2251 </soap:Envelope></p><p>Response</p><p>2252 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?></p><p>2253 <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"></p><p>2254 <soap:Body></p><p>2255 <GetAutoFilterItemListResponse xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalServi ce/"></p><p>2256 <GetAutoFilterItemListResult></p><p>2257 <ShowTime>false</ShowTime></p><p>2258 <ItemListMaxExceeded>false</ItemListMaxExceeded></p><p>2259 <IsBlanksSelected>false</IsBlanksSelected></p><p>2260 <HasBlanks>false</HasBlanks></p><p>2261 <AutoFilterDateNodes /></p><p>2262 <AutoFilterItems></p><p>2263 <AutoFilterItem></p><p>2264 <Selected>true</Selected></p><p>2265 <DisplayString>a</DisplayString></p><p>2266 </AutoFilterItem></p><p>2267 <AutoFilterItem></p><p>2268 <Selected>true</Selected></p><p>2269 <DisplayString>b</DisplayString></p><p>2270 </AutoFilterItem></p><p>2271 <AutoFilterItem></p><p>235 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2272 <Selected>true</Selected></p><p>2273 <DisplayString>c</DisplayString></p><p>2274 </AutoFilterItem></p><p>2275 <AutoFilterItem></p><p>2276 <Selected>true</Selected></p><p>2277 <DisplayString>d</DisplayString></p><p>2278 </AutoFilterItem></p><p>2279 <AutoFilterItem></p><p>2280 <Selected>true</Selected></p><p>2281 <DisplayString>e</DisplayString></p><p>2282 </AutoFilterItem></p><p>2283 </AutoFilterItems></p><p>2284 <SecondValues /></p><p>2285 <SecondKeys /></p><p>2286 <MinuteValues /></p><p>2287 <MinuteKeys /></p><p>2288 <HourValues /></p><p>2289 <HourKeys /></p><p>2290 <DayValues /></p><p>2291 <DayKeys /></p><p>2292 <MonthValues /></p><p>2293 <MonthKeys /></p><p>2294 <YearValues /></p><p>2295 <YearKeys /></p><p>2296 </GetAutoFilterItemListResult></p><p>2297 </GetAutoFilterItemListResponse></p><p>2298 </soap:Body></p><p>2299 </soap:Envelope></p><p>2300</p><p>236 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 Applying the filter and fetching the SpreadsheetDataXML Request</p><p>2301 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?></p><p>2302 <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"></p><p>2303 <soap:Body></p><p>2304 <ApplyItemFilter xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalServi ce/"></p><p>2305 <parameter></p><p>2306 <WorkbookId>21.3Myr6lbEcF6xjE1tYWIae90.5.en-US5.en-US73.+0480#0000-11-00- 01T02:00:00:0000#+0000#0000-03-00-02T02:00:00:0000#-0060</WorkbookId></p><p>2307 <StateId>1</StateId></p><p>2308 <VisibleSheetRangeRequest></p><p>2309 <FirstRow>0</FirstRow></p><p>2310 <VisibleRowsRequested>75</VisibleRowsRequested></p><p>2311 <FirstColumn>0</FirstColumn></p><p>2312 <VisibleColumnsRequested>20</VisibleColumnsRequested></p><p>2313 <VisibleFirstRowOffset>0</VisibleFirstRowOffset></p><p>2314 <VisibleFirstColumnOffset>0</VisibleFirstColumnOffset></p><p>2315 </VisibleSheetRangeRequest></p><p>2316 <Confirmation>Blank</Confirmation></p><p>2317 <ConfirmationChoice>false</ConfirmationChoice></p><p>2318 <EwrCall>true</EwrCall></p><p>2319 </parameter></p><p>2320 <autoFilterOptions></p><p>2321 <AutoFilterType>Sheet</AutoFilterType></p><p>2322 <CriteriaType>Nil</CriteriaType></p><p>2323 <Id>0</Id></p><p>2324 <SheetName>Sheet1</SheetName></p><p>2325 <Column>1</Column></p><p>2326 <NamedObjectView>false</NamedObjectView></p><p>237 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2327 </autoFilterOptions></p><p>2328 <values></p><p>2329 <string>c</string></p><p>2330 <string>d</string></p><p>2331 <string>e</string></p><p>2332 </values></p><p>2333 <blanks>false</blanks></p><p>2334 <hideBlanks>false</hideBlanks></p><p>2335 </ApplyItemFilter></p><p>2336 </soap:Body></p><p>2337 </soap:Envelope></p><p>Response</p><p>2338 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?></p><p>2339 <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"></p><p>2340 <soap:Body></p><p>2341 <ApplyItemFilterResponse xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalServi ce/"></p><p>2342 <ApplyItemFilterResult></p><p>2343 <StateId>2</StateId></p><p>2344 <SpreadsheetData>&lt;Workbook&gt;&lt;WorkbookOptions/&gt;&lt;Styles&gt;&lt;Style ID="sD"&gt;&lt;Font Size="11" FontName="Calibri" Color="#000000"/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="1"&gt;&lt;Font Size="11" FontName="Calibri" Color="#000000"/&gt;&lt;Alignment Horizontal="Left"/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="2"&gt;&lt;Font Size="11" FontName="Calibri" Color="#000000"/&gt;&lt;Alignment Horizontal="Right"/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="- 1"&gt;&lt;Borders/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="bD"&gt;&lt;Borders&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Right" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Bottom" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;/Borders&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="- 3"&gt;&lt;Borders&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Right" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;/Borders&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="- 4"&gt;&lt;Borders&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Bottom" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;/Borders&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;/Styles&gt;&lt;Worksheet Name="Sheet1"&gt;&lt;WorksheetOptions/&gt;&lt;autofilters&gt;&lt;autofilter Row="0" ColFirst="0" Type="Sheet"&gt;&lt;item Index="0" Filter="1" Type="Filtered" DataType="Text" Name="Name"/&gt;&lt;item Index="1" DataType="Text" Name="Type"/&gt;&lt;item Index="2" Name="Value"/&gt;&lt;/autofilter&gt;&lt;/autofilters&gt;&lt;Table LastNonEmptyRow="6" LastNonEmptyColumn="3" CurrentFirstRow="1" FirstVisibleRow="1" LastVisibleRow="1048576" CurrentFirstColumn="1" FirstVisibleColumn="1" LastVisibleColumn="16384" DefaultRowHeight="15" DefaultColumnWidth="48" DefaultIndentWidth="6.75"&gt;&lt;Column Width="48" Span="2"/&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell </p><p>238 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;Name&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;Type&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;Value&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Hidden="1" Span="1"/&gt;&lt;Row Index="4" Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;c&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;bb&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;3&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;d&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;bb&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;2&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;e&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;aa&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;1&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;/Table&gt;&lt;/Workshe et&gt;&lt;Worksheet Name="Sheet2"&gt;&lt;WorksheetOptions/&gt;&lt;/Worksheet&gt;&lt;Worksheet Name="Sheet3"&gt;&lt;WorksheetOptions/&gt;&lt;/Worksheet&gt;&lt;/Workbook&gt;</SpreadsheetDa ta></p><p>2345 </ApplyItemFilterResult></p><p>2346 </ApplyItemFilterResponse></p><p>2347 </soap:Body></p><p>2348 </soap:Envelope></p><p>2349</p><p>Applying the sort and fetching the SpreadsheetDataXML Request</p><p>2350 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?></p><p>2351 <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"></p><p>2352 <soap:Body></p><p>2353 <SortFilterColumn xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalServi ce/"></p><p>2354 <parameter></p><p>2355 <WorkbookId>21.3Myr6lbEcF6xjE1tYWIae90.5.en-US5.en-US73.+0480#0000-11-00- 01T02:00:00:0000#+0000#0000-03-00-02T02:00:00:0000#-0060</WorkbookId></p><p>2356 <StateId>2</StateId></p><p>2357 <VisibleSheetRangeRequest></p><p>2358 <FirstRow>0</FirstRow></p><p>2359 <VisibleRowsRequested>75</VisibleRowsRequested></p><p>2360 <FirstColumn>0</FirstColumn></p><p>2361 <VisibleColumnsRequested>20</VisibleColumnsRequested></p><p>2362 <VisibleFirstRowOffset>0</VisibleFirstRowOffset></p><p>239 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2363 <VisibleFirstColumnOffset>0</VisibleFirstColumnOffset></p><p>2364 </VisibleSheetRangeRequest></p><p>2365 <Confirmation>Blank</Confirmation></p><p>2366 <ConfirmationChoice>false</ConfirmationChoice></p><p>2367 <EwrCall>true</EwrCall></p><p>2368 </parameter></p><p>2369 <autoFilterOptions></p><p>2370 <AutoFilterType>Sheet</AutoFilterType></p><p>2371 <CriteriaType>Nil</CriteriaType></p><p>2372 <Id>0</Id></p><p>2373 <SheetName>Sheet1</SheetName></p><p>2374 <Column>1</Column></p><p>2375 <NamedObjectView>false</NamedObjectView></p><p>2376 </autoFilterOptions></p><p>2377 <ascending>false</ascending></p><p>2378 </SortFilterColumn></p><p>2379 </soap:Body></p><p>2380 </soap:Envelope></p><p>Response</p><p>2381 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?></p><p>2382 <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"></p><p>2383 <soap:Body></p><p>2384 <SortFilterColumnResponse xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalServi ce/"></p><p>2385 <SortFilterColumnResult></p><p>2386 <StateId>3</StateId></p><p>2387 <SpreadsheetData>&lt;Workbook&gt;&lt;WorkbookOptions/&gt;&lt;Styles&gt;&lt;Style ID="sD"&gt;&lt;Font Size="11" FontName="Calibri" Color="#000000"/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="1"&gt;&lt;Font Size="11" FontName="Calibri" Color="#000000"/&gt;&lt;Alignment Horizontal="Left"/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="2"&gt;&lt;Font Size="11" FontName="Calibri" Color="#000000"/&gt;&lt;Alignment Horizontal="Right"/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="-</p><p>240 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 1"&gt;&lt;Borders/&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="bD"&gt;&lt;Borders&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Right" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Bottom" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;/Borders&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="- 3"&gt;&lt;Borders&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Right" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;/Borders&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;Style ID="- 4"&gt;&lt;Borders&gt;&lt;Border Weight="1" Position="Bottom" LineStyle="Continuous" Color="#D0D7E5"/&gt;&lt;/Borders&gt;&lt;/Style&gt;&lt;/Styles&gt;&lt;Worksheet Name="Sheet1"&gt;&lt;WorksheetOptions/&gt;&lt;autofilters&gt;&lt;autofilter Row="0" ColFirst="0" Type="Sheet"&gt;&lt;item Index="0" Filter="1" Type="BothDesc" DataType="Text" Name="Name"/&gt;&lt;item Index="1" DataType="Text" Name="Type"/&gt;&lt;item Index="2" Name="Value"/&gt;&lt;/autofilter&gt;&lt;/autofilters&gt;&lt;Table LastNonEmptyRow="6" LastNonEmptyColumn="3" CurrentFirstRow="1" FirstVisibleRow="1" LastVisibleRow="1048576" CurrentFirstColumn="1" FirstVisibleColumn="1" LastVisibleColumn="16384" DefaultRowHeight="15" DefaultColumnWidth="48" DefaultIndentWidth="6.75"&gt;&lt;Column Width="48" Span="2"/&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;Name&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;Type&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;Value&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Hidden="1" Span="1"/&gt;&lt;Row Index="4" Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;e&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;aa&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;1&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;d&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;bb&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;2&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;Row Height="15"&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;c&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="1"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;bb&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;Cell StyleID="2"&gt;&lt;Data&gt;3&lt;/Data&gt;&lt;/Cell&gt;&lt;/Row&gt;&lt;/Table&gt;&lt;/Workshe et&gt;&lt;Worksheet Name="Sheet2"&gt;&lt;WorksheetOptions/&gt;&lt;/Worksheet&gt;&lt;Worksheet Name="Sheet3"&gt;&lt;WorksheetOptions/&gt;&lt;/Worksheet&gt;&lt;/Workbook&gt;</SpreadsheetDa ta></p><p>2388 </SortFilterColumnResult></p><p>2389 </SortFilterColumnResponse></p><p>2390 </soap:Body></p><p>2391 </soap:Envelope></p><p>2392</p><p>Closing the session (2) Request</p><p>2393 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?></p><p>2394 <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"></p><p>2395 <soap:Body></p><p>2396 <CloseWorkbook xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalServi ce/"></p><p>2397 <parameter></p><p>2398 <WorkbookId>21.3Myr6lbEcF6xjE1tYWIae90.5.en-US5.en-US73.+0480#0000-11-00- 01T02:00:00:0000#+0000#0000-03-00-02T02:00:00:0000#-0060</WorkbookId></p><p>241 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2399 <StateId>3</StateId></p><p>2400 <VisibleSheetRangeRequest></p><p>2401 <FirstRow>0</FirstRow></p><p>2402 <VisibleRowsRequested>75</VisibleRowsRequested></p><p>2403 <FirstColumn>0</FirstColumn></p><p>2404 <VisibleColumnsRequested>20</VisibleColumnsRequested></p><p>2405 <VisibleFirstRowOffset>0</VisibleFirstRowOffset></p><p>2406 <VisibleFirstColumnOffset>0</VisibleFirstColumnOffset></p><p>2407 </VisibleSheetRangeRequest></p><p>2408 <Confirmation>Blank</Confirmation></p><p>2409 <ConfirmationChoice>false</ConfirmationChoice></p><p>2410 <EwrCall>true</EwrCall></p><p>2411 </parameter></p><p>2412 </CloseWorkbook></p><p>2413 </soap:Body></p><p>2414 </soap:Envelope></p><p>Response</p><p>2415 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?></p><p>2416 <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"></p><p>2417 <soap:Body></p><p>2418 <CloseWorkbookResponse xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalServi ce/" /></p><p>2419 </soap:Body></p><p>2420 </soap:Envelope></p><p>242 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2421 Security</p><p>2421.1 Security Considerations for Implementers In addition to the security considerations applicable to the underlying protocols, there are security risks associated with exposing session identifiers. If the session identifier (2) is exposed, then it is possible for an attacker to read information from, or modify data in, a session (2) on the protocol server. An implementer of this protocol needs to consider keeping session identifiers protected. There could be some cases where it is desirable to expose the session identifier (2), however, an implementer is to use caution in how they expose session identifiers and consider the security risks.</p><p>2421.2 Index of Security Parameters The following table indicates the section in which security parameters are covered. Security parameter Section</p><p>UserName WorkOnBehalf (section</p><p>UserSid WorkOnBehalf</p><p>UserToken WorkOnBehalf</p><p>Ticket CredentialsResponse (section</p><p>243 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2422 Appendix A: Full WSDL For ease of implementation, the full WSDL is provided as follows.</p><p>2423 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?></p><p>2424 <wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:tm="http://microsoft.com/wsdl/mime/textMatching/" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:mime="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/mime/" xmlns:tns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalS ervice/" xmlns:s1="http://microsoft.com/wsdl/types/" xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/" xmlns:http="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/" targetNamespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInt ernalService/" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"></p><p>2425 <wsdl:types></p><p>2426 <s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInt ernalService/"></p><p>2427 <s:import namespace="http://microsoft.com/wsdl/types/" /></p><p>2428 <s:element name="CloseWorkbook"></p><p>2429 <s:complexType></p><p>2430 <s:sequence></p><p>2431 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>2432 </s:sequence></p><p>2433 </s:complexType></p><p>2434 </s:element></p><p>2435 <s:complexType name="CommandParameter"></p><p>2436 <s:sequence></p><p>2437 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="WorkbookId" type="s:string" /></p><p>2438 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="StateId" type="s:int" /></p><p>2439 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="VisibleSheetRangeRequest" type="tns:VisibleSheetRange" /></p><p>2440 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="WorkOnBehalfRequest" type="tns:WorkOnBehalf" /></p><p>2441 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CredentialsResponse" type="tns:CredentialsResponse" /></p><p>2442 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Confirmation" type="tns:ExcelServerMessageId" /></p><p>244 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2443 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ConfirmationChoice" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2444 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="EwrCall" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2445 </s:sequence></p><p>2446 </s:complexType></p><p>2447 <s:complexType name="VisibleSheetRange"></p><p>2448 <s:sequence></p><p>2449 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SheetName" type="s:string" /></p><p>2450 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ObjectName" type="s:string" /></p><p>2451 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ExcelRange" type="s:string" /></p><p>2452 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="FirstRow" type="s:int" /></p><p>2453 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="VisibleRowsRequested" type="s:int" /></p><p>2454 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="FirstColumn" type="s:int" /></p><p>2455 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="VisibleColumnsRequested" type="s:int" /></p><p>2456 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="VisibleFirstRowOffset" type="s:int" /></p><p>2457 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="VisibleFirstColumnOffset" type="s:int" /></p><p>2458 </s:sequence></p><p>2459 </s:complexType></p><p>2460 <s:complexType name="WorkOnBehalf"></p><p>2461 <s:sequence></p><p>2462 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="UserName" type="s:string" /></p><p>2463 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="UserSid" type="s:string" /></p><p>2464 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="UserToken" type="s:base64Binary" /></p><p>2465 </s:sequence></p><p>2466 </s:complexType></p><p>2467 <s:complexType name="CredentialsResponse"></p><p>2468 <s:sequence></p><p>2469 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Ticket" type="tns:SingleSignOnTicket" /></p><p>245 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2470 </s:sequence></p><p>2471 </s:complexType></p><p>2472 <s:complexType name="SingleSignOnTicket"></p><p>2473 <s:sequence></p><p>2474 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="FailedToReserveTicket" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2475 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Value" type="s:string" /></p><p>2476 </s:sequence></p><p>2477 </s:complexType></p><p>2478 <s:simpleType name="ExcelServerMessageId"></p><p>2479 <s:restriction base="s:string"> </p><p>2480 <s:enumeration value="Blank"/></p><p>2481 <s:enumeration value="ConfirmDataRefresh"/></p><p>2482 <s:enumeration value="ExternalDataRefreshFailed"/></p><p>2483 <s:enumeration value="ExternalDataRefreshFailed_Details"/></p><p>2484 <s:enumeration value="PivotNoOverlapAllowed"/></p><p>2485 <s:enumeration value="PivotOverlapList"/></p><p>2486 <s:enumeration value="PivotCubeNotUnique"/></p><p>2487 <s:enumeration value="NoDataItemsOlap"/></p><p>2488 <s:enumeration value="OlapSchemaFail"/></p><p>2489 <s:enumeration value="InvalidPivot"/></p><p>2490 <s:enumeration value="OlapNoMoreDetail"/></p><p>2491 <s:enumeration value="DrillActionInvalid"/></p><p>2492 <s:enumeration value="DriverNotOlap"/></p><p>2493 <s:enumeration value="CubeMissing"/></p><p>2494 <s:enumeration value="SkipLine"/></p><p>2495 <s:enumeration value="CDimMismatch"/></p><p>2496 <s:enumeration value="DataSetAxisTooBig"/></p><p>2497 <s:enumeration value="CubeIntegrityError"/></p><p>2498 <s:enumeration value="PivotNotExpandedtoProtectCellContents"/></p><p>246 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2499 <s:enumeration value="PivotTruncatedSheetEdge"/></p><p>2500 <s:enumeration value="DdlGrpNotSup"/></p><p>2501 <s:enumeration value="PivotFormulasCollided"/></p><p>2502 <s:enumeration value="NoRetItems"/></p><p>2503 <s:enumeration value="OlapConnectVisualModeProvider"/></p><p>2504 <s:enumeration value="PivotNoSourceData"/></p><p>2505 <s:enumeration value="PivotFilteringError"/></p><p>2506 <s:enumeration value="PivotTableIncorrectDateFormat"/></p><p>2507 <s:enumeration value="PivotTableEndingLargerThanStarting"/></p><p>2508 <s:enumeration value="PivotTableIncorrectNumberFormat"/></p><p>2509 <s:enumeration value="PivotTableOutOfRange"/></p><p>2510 <s:enumeration value="MergedCellOverlap"/></p><p>2511 <s:enumeration value="PivotSourceNotAvailable"/></p><p>2512 <s:enumeration value="UnexpectedPivotError"/></p><p>2513 <s:enumeration value="UnsupportedUICulture"/></p><p>2514 <s:enumeration value="UnsupportedDataCulture"/></p><p>2515 </s:restriction></p><p>2516 </s:simpleType></p><p>2517 <s:element name="CloseWorkbookResponse"></p><p>2518 <s:complexType /></p><p>2519 </s:element></p><p>2520 <s:element name="GetRange"></p><p>2521 <s:complexType></p><p>2522 <s:sequence></p><p>2523 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>2524 </s:sequence></p><p>2525 </s:complexType></p><p>2526 </s:element></p><p>2527 <s:element name="GetRangeResponse"></p><p>247 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2528 <s:complexType></p><p>2529 <s:sequence></p><p>2530 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetRangeResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>2531 </s:sequence></p><p>2532 </s:complexType></p><p>2533 </s:element></p><p>2534 <s:complexType name="CommandResult"></p><p>2535 <s:sequence></p><p>2536 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="StateId" type="s:int" /></p><p>2537 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SpreadsheetData" type="s:string" /></p><p>2538 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ExtendedInfo" type="tns:CommandResultExtendedInfo" /></p><p>2539 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="PeriodicRefreshInfo" type="tns:PeriodicRefreshInfo" /></p><p>2540 </s:sequence></p><p>2541 </s:complexType></p><p>2542 <s:complexType name="CommandResultExtendedInfo"></p><p>2543 <s:sequence></p><p>2544 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CredentialsRequest" type="tns:CredentialsRequest" /></p><p>2545 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Messages" type="tns:ArrayOfExcelServerMessage" /></p><p>2546 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="WarnOnManualDataRefresh" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2547 </s:sequence></p><p>2548 </s:complexType></p><p>2549 <s:complexType name="CredentialsRequest"></p><p>2550 <s:sequence></p><p>2551 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ReserveTicket" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2552 </s:sequence></p><p>2553 </s:complexType></p><p>2554 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfExcelServerMessage"></p><p>248 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2555 <s:sequence></p><p>2556 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="ExcelServerMessage" nillable="true" type="tns:ExcelServerMessage" /></p><p>2557 </s:sequence></p><p>2558 </s:complexType></p><p>2559 <s:complexType name="ExcelServerMessage"></p><p>2560 <s:sequence></p><p>2561 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="HasOpenItemPermission" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2562 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Id" type="tns:ExcelServerMessageId" /></p><p>2563 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Severity" type="tns:ExcelServerMessageSeverity" /></p><p>2564 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Type" type="tns:ExcelServerMessageType" /></p><p>2565 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Buttons" type="tns:ExcelServerMessageButtons" /></p><p>2566 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Description" type="s:string" /></p><p>2567 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ExtendedDescription" type="s:string" /></p><p>2568 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Caption" type="s:string" /></p><p>2569 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="HelpTopicId" type="s:string" /></p><p>2570 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="HelpDisplayText" type="s:string" /></p><p>2571 </s:sequence></p><p>2572 </s:complexType></p><p>2573 <s:simpleType name="ExcelServerMessageSeverity"></p><p>2574 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>2575 <s:enumeration value="Error"/></p><p>2576 <s:enumeration value="Warning"/></p><p>2577 </s:restriction></p><p>2578 </s:simpleType></p><p>2579 <s:simpleType name="ExcelServerMessageType"></p><p>2580 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>249 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2581 <s:enumeration value="Alert"/></p><p>2582 <s:enumeration value="Confirmation"/></p><p>2583 </s:restriction></p><p>2584 </s:simpleType></p><p>2585</p><p>2586 <s:simpleType name="ExcelServerMessageButtons"></p><p>2587 <s:list></p><p>2588 <s:simpleType></p><p>2589 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>2590 <s:enumeration value="OK"/></p><p>2591 <s:enumeration value="Yes"/></p><p>2592 <s:enumeration value="No"/></p><p>2593 </s:restriction></p><p>2594 </s:simpleType></p><p>2595 </s:list></p><p>2596 </s:simpleType></p><p>2597 <s:complexType name="PeriodicRefreshInfo"></p><p>2598 <s:sequence></p><p>2599 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ExpirationTime" type="s:int" /></p><p>2600 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ConnectionNames" type="tns:ArrayOfString" /></p><p>2601 </s:sequence></p><p>2602 </s:complexType></p><p>2603 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfString"></p><p>2604 <s:sequence></p><p>2605 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="string" nillable="true" type="s:string" /></p><p>2606 </s:sequence></p><p>2607 </s:complexType></p><p>2608 <s:element name="GetRangeValues"></p><p>2609 <s:complexType></p><p>250 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2610 <s:sequence></p><p>2611 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>2612 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sheetRange" type="tns:SheetRange" /></p><p>2613 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="formatted" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2614 </s:sequence></p><p>2615 </s:complexType></p><p>2616 </s:element></p><p>2617 <s:complexType name="SheetRange"></p><p>2618 <s:sequence></p><p>2619 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SheetName" type="s:string" /></p><p>2620 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="FirstRow" type="s:int" /></p><p>2621 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="LastRow" type="s:int" /></p><p>2622 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="FirstColumn" type="s:int" /></p><p>2623 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="LastColumn" type="s:int" /></p><p>2624 </s:sequence></p><p>2625 </s:complexType></p><p>2626 <s:element name="GetRangeValuesResponse"></p><p>2627 <s:complexType></p><p>2628 <s:sequence></p><p>2629 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetRangeValuesResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>2630 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="cellValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" /></p><p>2631 </s:sequence></p><p>2632 </s:complexType></p><p>2633 </s:element></p><p>2634 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfAnyType"></p><p>2635 <s:sequence></p><p>2636 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="anyType" nillable="true" /></p><p>251 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2637 </s:sequence></p><p>2638 </s:complexType></p><p>2639 <s:simpleType name="CellError"></p><p>2640 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>2641 <s:enumeration value="Div0" /></p><p>2642 <s:enumeration value="NotApplicable" /></p><p>2643 <s:enumeration value="Name" /></p><p>2644 <s:enumeration value="Null" /></p><p>2645 <s:enumeration value="Num" /></p><p>2646 <s:enumeration value="Ref" /></p><p>2647 <s:enumeration value="Value" /></p><p>2648 </s:restriction></p><p>2649 </s:simpleType></p><p>2650 <s:element name="GetRangeValuesA1"></p><p>2651 <s:complexType></p><p>2652 <s:sequence></p><p>2653 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>2654 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sheetName" type="s:string" /></p><p>2655 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="rangeName" type="s:string" /></p><p>2656 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="formatted" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2657 </s:sequence></p><p>2658 </s:complexType></p><p>2659 </s:element></p><p>2660 <s:element name="GetRangeValuesA1Response"></p><p>2661 <s:complexType></p><p>2662 <s:sequence></p><p>2663 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetRangeValuesA1Result" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>2664 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="cellValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" /></p><p>252 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2665 </s:sequence></p><p>2666 </s:complexType></p><p>2667 </s:element></p><p>2668 <s:element name="CancelRequest"></p><p>2669 <s:complexType></p><p>2670 <s:sequence></p><p>2671 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>2672 </s:sequence></p><p>2673 </s:complexType></p><p>2674 </s:element></p><p>2675 <s:element name="CancelRequestResponse"></p><p>2676 <s:complexType /></p><p>2677 </s:element></p><p>2678 <s:element name="GetSessionInformation"></p><p>2679 <s:complexType></p><p>2680 <s:sequence></p><p>2681 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>2682 </s:sequence></p><p>2683 </s:complexType></p><p>2684 </s:element></p><p>2685 <s:element name="GetSessionInformationResponse"></p><p>2686 <s:complexType></p><p>2687 <s:sequence></p><p>2688 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetSessionInformationResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>2689 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="serverVersion" type="s:string" /></p><p>2690 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="uiCultureName" type="s:string" /></p><p>2691 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="dataCultureName" type="s:string" /></p><p>2692 </s:sequence></p><p>253 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2693 </s:complexType></p><p>2694 </s:element></p><p>2695 <s:element name="FindRange"></p><p>2696 <s:complexType></p><p>2697 <s:sequence></p><p>2698 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>2699 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="searchTerm" type="s:string" /></p><p>2700 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="searchUp" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2701 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="searchAfterCell" type="tns:SheetCell" /></p><p>2702 </s:sequence></p><p>2703 </s:complexType></p><p>2704 </s:element></p><p>2705 <s:complexType name="SheetCell"></p><p>2706 <s:sequence></p><p>2707 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SheetName" type="s:string" /></p><p>2708 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Row" type="s:int" /></p><p>2709 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Column" type="s:int" /></p><p>2710 </s:sequence></p><p>2711 </s:complexType></p><p>2712 <s:element name="FindRangeResponse"></p><p>2713 <s:complexType></p><p>2714 <s:sequence></p><p>2715 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="FindRangeResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>2716 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="foundCell" type="tns:SheetCell" /></p><p>2717 </s:sequence></p><p>2718 </s:complexType></p><p>2719 </s:element></p><p>2720 <s:element name="GetAutoFilterItemList"></p><p>254 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2721 <s:complexType></p><p>2722 <s:sequence></p><p>2723 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>2724 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="autoFilterOptions" type="tns:AutoFilterOptions" /></p><p>2725 </s:sequence></p><p>2726 </s:complexType></p><p>2727 </s:element></p><p>2728 <s:complexType name="AutoFilterOptions"></p><p>2729 <s:sequence></p><p>2730 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="AutoFilterType" type="s:string" /></p><p>2731 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Criteria" type="tns:ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria" /></p><p>2732 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="CriteriaType" type="tns:AutoFilterCriteriaType" /></p><p>2733 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Id" type="s:unsignedInt" /></p><p>2734 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SheetName" type="s:string" /></p><p>2735 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Column" type="s:int" /></p><p>2736 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="NamedObjectView" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2737 </s:sequence></p><p>2738 </s:complexType></p><p>2739 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria"></p><p>2740 <s:sequence></p><p>2741 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="AutoFilterCriteria" nillable="true" type="tns:AutoFilterCriteria" /></p><p>2742 </s:sequence></p><p>2743 </s:complexType></p><p>2744 <s:complexType name="AutoFilterCriteria"></p><p>2745 <s:sequence></p><p>2746 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Type" type="tns:OperationType" /></p><p>2747 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Relation" type="tns:RelationOperator" /></p><p>255 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2748 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Value" type="s:string" /></p><p>2749 </s:sequence></p><p>2750 </s:complexType></p><p>2751 <s:simpleType name="OperationType"></p><p>2752 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>2753 <s:enumeration value="EQ" /></p><p>2754 <s:enumeration value="NEQ" /></p><p>2755 <s:enumeration value="GT" /></p><p>2756 <s:enumeration value="GTEQ" /></p><p>2757 <s:enumeration value="LT" /></p><p>2758 <s:enumeration value="LTEQ" /></p><p>2759 <s:enumeration value="LastCount" /></p><p>2760 </s:restriction></p><p>2761 </s:simpleType></p><p>2762 <s:simpleType name="RelationOperator"></p><p>2763 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>2764 <s:enumeration value="Nil" /></p><p>2765 <s:enumeration value="And" /></p><p>2766 <s:enumeration value="Or" /></p><p>2767 <s:enumeration value="LastCount" /></p><p>2768 </s:restriction></p><p>2769 </s:simpleType></p><p>2770 <s:simpleType name="AutoFilterCriteriaType"></p><p>2771 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>2772 <s:enumeration value="Nil" /></p><p>2773 <s:enumeration value="AboveAverage" /></p><p>2774 <s:enumeration value="BelowAverage" /></p><p>2775 <s:enumeration value="Tomorrow" /></p><p>2776 <s:enumeration value="Today" /></p><p>256 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2777 <s:enumeration value="Yesterday" /></p><p>2778 <s:enumeration value="NextWeek" /></p><p>2779 <s:enumeration value="ThisWeek" /></p><p>2780 <s:enumeration value="LastWeek" /></p><p>2781 <s:enumeration value="NextMonth" /></p><p>2782 <s:enumeration value="ThisMonth" /></p><p>2783 <s:enumeration value="LastMonth" /></p><p>2784 <s:enumeration value="NextQuarter" /></p><p>2785 <s:enumeration value="ThisQuarter" /></p><p>2786 <s:enumeration value="LastQuarter" /></p><p>2787 <s:enumeration value="NextYear" /></p><p>2788 <s:enumeration value="ThisYear" /></p><p>2789 <s:enumeration value="LastYear" /></p><p>2790 <s:enumeration value="YearToDate" /></p><p>2791 <s:enumeration value="Q1" /></p><p>2792 <s:enumeration value="Q2" /></p><p>2793 <s:enumeration value="Q3" /></p><p>2794 <s:enumeration value="Q4" /></p><p>2795 <s:enumeration value="M1" /></p><p>2796 <s:enumeration value="M2" /></p><p>2797 <s:enumeration value="M3" /></p><p>2798 <s:enumeration value="M4" /></p><p>2799 <s:enumeration value="M5" /></p><p>2800 <s:enumeration value="M6" /></p><p>2801 <s:enumeration value="M7" /></p><p>2802 <s:enumeration value="M8" /></p><p>2803 <s:enumeration value="M9" /></p><p>2804 <s:enumeration value="M10" /></p><p>2805 <s:enumeration value="M11" /></p><p>257 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2806 <s:enumeration value="M12" /></p><p>2807 <s:enumeration value="LastCount" /></p><p>2808 </s:restriction></p><p>2809 </s:simpleType></p><p>2810 <s:complexType name="AutoFilterItemList"></p><p>2811 <s:sequence></p><p>2812 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ShowTime" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2813 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ItemListMaxExceeded" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2814 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsBlanksSelected" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2815 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="HasBlanks" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2816 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="AutoFilterDateNodes" type="tns:ArrayOfAutoFilterDateNodeInfo" /></p><p>2817 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="AutoFilterItems" type="tns:ArrayOfAutoFilterItem" /></p><p>2818 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SecondValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" /></p><p>2819 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SecondKeys" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" /></p><p>2820 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="MinuteValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" /></p><p>2821 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="MinuteKeys" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" /></p><p>2822 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="HourValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" /></p><p>2823 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="HourKeys" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" /></p><p>2824 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="DayValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" /></p><p>2825 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="DayKeys" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" /></p><p>2826 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="MonthValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" /></p><p>2827 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="MonthKeys" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" /></p><p>2828 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="YearValues" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" /></p><p>258 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2829 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="YearKeys" type="tns:ArrayOfAnyType" /></p><p>2830 </s:sequence></p><p>2831 </s:complexType></p><p>2832 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfAutoFilterDateNodeInfo"></p><p>2833 <s:sequence></p><p>2834 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="AutoFilterDateNodeInfo" nillable="true" type="tns:AutoFilterDateNodeInfo" /></p><p>2835 </s:sequence></p><p>2836 </s:complexType></p><p>2837 <s:complexType name="AutoFilterDateNodeInfo"></p><p>2838 <s:sequence></p><p>2839 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="NodeType" type="tns:DateNodeType" /></p><p>2840 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Year" type="s:short" /></p><p>2841 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Month" type="s:short" /></p><p>2842 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Day" type="s:short" /></p><p>2843 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Hour" type="s:short" /></p><p>2844 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Minute" type="s:short" /></p><p>2845 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Second" type="s:short" /></p><p>2846 </s:sequence></p><p>2847 </s:complexType></p><p>2848 <s:simpleType name="DateNodeType"></p><p>2849 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>2850 <s:enumeration value="Nil" /></p><p>2851 <s:enumeration value="Year" /></p><p>2852 <s:enumeration value="Month" /></p><p>2853 <s:enumeration value="Day" /></p><p>2854 <s:enumeration value="Hour" /></p><p>2855 <s:enumeration value="Minute" /></p><p>2856 <s:enumeration value="Second" /></p><p>259 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2857 <s:enumeration value="Max" /></p><p>2858 </s:restriction></p><p>2859 </s:simpleType></p><p>2860 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfAutoFilterItem"></p><p>2861 <s:sequence></p><p>2862 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="AutoFilterItem" nillable="true" type="tns:AutoFilterItem" /></p><p>2863 </s:sequence></p><p>2864 </s:complexType></p><p>2865 <s:complexType name="AutoFilterItem"></p><p>2866 <s:sequence></p><p>2867 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Selected" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2868 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="DisplayString" type="s:string" /></p><p>2869 </s:sequence></p><p>2870 </s:complexType></p><p>2871 <s:element name="GetAutoFilterItemListResponse"></p><p>2872 <s:complexType></p><p>2873 <s:sequence></p><p>2874 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetAutoFilterItemListResult" type="tns:AutoFilterItemList" /></p><p>2875 </s:sequence></p><p>2876 </s:complexType></p><p>2877 </s:element></p><p>2878 <s:element name="GetPivotMenu"></p><p>2879 <s:complexType></p><p>2880 <s:sequence></p><p>2881 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>2882 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" /></p><p>2883 </s:sequence></p><p>2884 </s:complexType></p><p>260 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2885 </s:element></p><p>2886 <s:complexType name="PivotFilterOptions"></p><p>2887 <s:sequence></p><p>2888 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SheetName" type="s:string" /></p><p>2889 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="SourceIndex" type="s:int" /></p><p>2890 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsNamedObject" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2891 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="FieldId" type="s:string" /></p><p>2892 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="DataFieldId" type="s:string" /></p><p>2893 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="MemberPropertyId" type="s:string" /></p><p>2894 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="FilterValue1" type="s:string" /></p><p>2895 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="FilterValue2" type="s:string" /></p><p>2896 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="FilterType" type="tns:PivotFilterType" /></p><p>2897 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ParentId" type="s:int" /></p><p>2898 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Column" type="s:int" /></p><p>2899 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Row" type="s:int" /></p><p>2900 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Items" type="tns:ArrayOfInt" /></p><p>2901 </s:sequence></p><p>2902 </s:complexType></p><p>2903 <s:simpleType name="PivotFilterType"></p><p>2904 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>2905 <s:enumeration value="Invalid" /></p><p>2906 <s:enumeration value="FirstTop10" /></p><p>2907 <s:enumeration value="Count" /></p><p>2908 <s:enumeration value="Percent" /></p><p>2909 <s:enumeration value="Sum" /></p><p>2910 <s:enumeration value="LastTop10" /></p><p>2911 <s:enumeration value="CaptionFirst" /></p><p>2912 <s:enumeration value="CaptionEquals" /></p><p>2913 <s:enumeration value="CaptionDoesNotEqual" /></p><p>261 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2914 <s:enumeration value="CaptionBeginsWith" /></p><p>2915 <s:enumeration value="CaptionDoesNotBeginWith" /></p><p>2916 <s:enumeration value="CaptionEndsWith" /></p><p>2917 <s:enumeration value="CaptionDoesNotEndWith" /></p><p>2918 <s:enumeration value="CaptionContains" /></p><p>2919 <s:enumeration value="CaptionDoesNotContain" /></p><p>2920 <s:enumeration value="CaptionIsGreaterThan" /></p><p>2921 <s:enumeration value="CaptionIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo" /></p><p>2922 <s:enumeration value="CaptionIsLessThan" /></p><p>2923 <s:enumeration value="CaptionIsLessThanOrEqualTo" /></p><p>2924 <s:enumeration value="CaptionIsBetween" /></p><p>2925 <s:enumeration value="CaptionIsNotBetween" /></p><p>2926 <s:enumeration value="ValueFirst" /></p><p>2927 <s:enumeration value="ValueEqual" /></p><p>2928 <s:enumeration value="ValueNotEqual" /></p><p>2929 <s:enumeration value="ValueGreaterThan" /></p><p>2930 <s:enumeration value="ValueGreaterThanOrEqual" /></p><p>2931 <s:enumeration value="ValueLessThan" /></p><p>2932 <s:enumeration value="ValueLessThanOrEqual" /></p><p>2933 <s:enumeration value="ValueBetween" /></p><p>2934 <s:enumeration value="ValueNotBetween" /></p><p>2935 <s:enumeration value="DateFirst" /></p><p>2936 <s:enumeration value="DateEquals" /></p><p>2937 <s:enumeration value="DateOlderThan" /></p><p>2938 <s:enumeration value="DateNewerThan" /></p><p>2939 <s:enumeration value="DateBetween" /></p><p>2940 <s:enumeration value="DateTomorrow" /></p><p>2941 <s:enumeration value="DateToday" /></p><p>2942 <s:enumeration value="DateYesterday" /></p><p>262 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2943 <s:enumeration value="DateNextWeek" /></p><p>2944 <s:enumeration value="DateThisWeek" /></p><p>2945 <s:enumeration value="DateLastWeek" /></p><p>2946 <s:enumeration value="DateNextMonth" /></p><p>2947 <s:enumeration value="DateThisMonth" /></p><p>2948 <s:enumeration value="DateLastMonth" /></p><p>2949 <s:enumeration value="DateNextQuarter" /></p><p>2950 <s:enumeration value="DateThisQuarter" /></p><p>2951 <s:enumeration value="DateLastQuarter" /></p><p>2952 <s:enumeration value="DateNextYear" /></p><p>2953 <s:enumeration value="DateThisYear" /></p><p>2954 <s:enumeration value="DateLastYear" /></p><p>2955 <s:enumeration value="DateYearToDate" /></p><p>2956 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter1" /></p><p>2957 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter2" /></p><p>2958 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter3" /></p><p>2959 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodQuarter4" /></p><p>2960 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodJanuary" /></p><p>2961 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodFebruary" /></p><p>2962 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodMarch" /></p><p>2963 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodApril" /></p><p>2964 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodMay" /></p><p>2965 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodJune" /></p><p>2966 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodJuly" /></p><p>2967 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodAugust" /></p><p>2968 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodSeptember" /></p><p>2969 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodOctober" /></p><p>2970 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodNovember" /></p><p>2971 <s:enumeration value="DateAllDatesInPeriodDecember" /></p><p>263 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 2972 <s:enumeration value="DateNotEqual" /></p><p>2973 <s:enumeration value="DateOlderOrEqual" /></p><p>2974 <s:enumeration value="DateNewerOrEqual" /></p><p>2975 <s:enumeration value="DateNotBetween" /></p><p>2976 <s:enumeration value="Last" /></p><p>2977 </s:restriction></p><p>2978 </s:simpleType></p><p>2979 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfInt"></p><p>2980 <s:sequence></p><p>2981 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="int" type="s:int" /></p><p>2982 </s:sequence></p><p>2983 </s:complexType></p><p>2984 <s:complexType name="PivotMenu"></p><p>2985 <s:sequence></p><p>2986 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Top10MaxItems" type="s:int" /></p><p>2987 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="AdvancedFiltering" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2988 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsPageFilter" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>2989 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="PivotDataFields" type="tns:ArrayOfPivotField" /></p><p>2990 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="PivotFields" type="tns:ArrayOfPivotField" /></p><p>2991 </s:sequence></p><p>2992 </s:complexType></p><p>2993 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfPivotField"></p><p>2994 <s:sequence></p><p>2995 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="PivotField" nillable="true" type="tns:PivotField" /></p><p>2996 </s:sequence></p><p>2997 </s:complexType></p><p>2998 <s:complexType name="PivotField"></p><p>2999 <s:sequence></p><p>264 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3000 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="MemberProperties" type="tns:ArrayOfPivotField" /></p><p>3001 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="PivotFilterParameters" type="tns:ArrayOfPivotFilterParameter" /></p><p>3002 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsNonnumericCaptionFilteringEnabled" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3003 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsDateFilteringEnabled" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3004 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsCaptionFilteringEnabled" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3005 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsFilteringEnabled" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3006 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsDateField" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3007 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsDataField" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3008 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="FilterParameter" type="tns:Top10FilterParameter" /></p><p>3009 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsSortedDescending" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3010 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsSortedAscending" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3011 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="HasCustomFilter" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3012 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="HasManualFilter" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3013 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="HasTop10Filter" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3014 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsHierarchy" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3015 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="IdString" type="s:string" /></p><p>3016 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="DisplayString" type="s:string" /></p><p>3017 </s:sequence></p><p>3018 </s:complexType></p><p>3019 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfPivotFilterParameter"></p><p>3020 <s:sequence></p><p>3021 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="PivotFilterParameter" nillable="true" type="tns:PivotFilterParameter" /></p><p>3022 </s:sequence></p><p>3023 </s:complexType></p><p>265 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3024 <s:complexType name="PivotFilterParameter"></p><p>3025 <s:sequence></p><p>3026 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="FilterString2" type="s:string" /></p><p>3027 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="FilterString1" type="s:string" /></p><p>3028 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="MemberPropertyId" type="s:string" /></p><p>3029 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="DataFieldId" type="s:string" /></p><p>3030 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="FilterType" type="tns:PivotFilterType" /></p><p>3031 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="FilterValue2" type="s:double" /></p><p>3032 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="FilterValue1" type="s:double" /></p><p>3033 </s:sequence></p><p>3034 </s:complexType></p><p>3035 <s:complexType name="Top10FilterParameter"></p><p>3036 <s:sequence></p><p>3037 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="DataFieldId" type="s:string" /></p><p>3038 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="FilterType" type="tns:Top10FilterType" /></p><p>3039 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="FilterValue" type="s:double" /></p><p>3040 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsTopFilter" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3041 </s:sequence></p><p>3042 </s:complexType></p><p>3043 <s:simpleType name="Top10FilterType"></p><p>3044 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>3045 <s:enumeration value="Invalid" /></p><p>3046 <s:enumeration value="Count" /></p><p>3047 <s:enumeration value="Percent" /></p><p>3048 <s:enumeration value="Sum" /></p><p>3049 </s:restriction></p><p>3050 </s:simpleType></p><p>3051 <s:element name="GetPivotMenuResponse"></p><p>266 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3052 <s:complexType></p><p>3053 <s:sequence></p><p>3054 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetPivotMenuResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3055 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="pivotMenu" type="tns:PivotMenu" /></p><p>3056 </s:sequence></p><p>3057 </s:complexType></p><p>3058 </s:element></p><p>3059 <s:element name="GetPivotFilterItemList"></p><p>3060 <s:complexType></p><p>3061 <s:sequence></p><p>3062 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3063 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" /></p><p>3064 </s:sequence></p><p>3065 </s:complexType></p><p>3066 </s:element></p><p>3067 <s:complexType name="PivotFilterItemList"></p><p>3068 <s:sequence></p><p>3069 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ItemListMaxExceeded" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3070 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsBlanksSelected" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3071 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="HasBlanks" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3072 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="PivotFilterItems" type="tns:ArrayOfPivotFilterItem" /></p><p>3073 </s:sequence></p><p>3074 </s:complexType></p><p>3075 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfPivotFilterItem"></p><p>3076 <s:sequence></p><p>3077 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="PivotFilterItem" nillable="true" type="tns:PivotFilterItem" /></p><p>267 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3078 </s:sequence></p><p>3079 </s:complexType></p><p>3080 <s:complexType name="PivotFilterItem" mixed="false"></p><p>3081 <s:complexContent mixed="false"></p><p>3082 <s:extension base="tns:PivotFilterItemList"></p><p>3083 <s:sequence></p><p>3084 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ChildItems" type="tns:ArrayOfPivotFilterItem" /></p><p>3085 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="CalculatedMember" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3086 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="LeafItem" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3087 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Selected" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3088 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Id" type="s:int" /></p><p>3089 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="DisplayString" type="s:string" /></p><p>3090 </s:sequence></p><p>3091 </s:extension></p><p>3092 </s:complexContent></p><p>3093 </s:complexType></p><p>3094 <s:element name="GetPivotFilterItemListResponse"></p><p>3095 <s:complexType></p><p>3096 <s:sequence></p><p>3097 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetPivotFilterItemListResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3098 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="itemList" type="tns:PivotFilterItemList" /></p><p>3099 </s:sequence></p><p>3100 </s:complexType></p><p>3101 </s:element></p><p>3102 <s:element name="ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList"></p><p>3103 <s:complexType></p><p>3104 <s:sequence></p><p>268 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3105 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3106 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" /></p><p>3107 </s:sequence></p><p>3108 </s:complexType></p><p>3109 </s:element></p><p>3110 <s:element name="ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListResponse"></p><p>3111 <s:complexType></p><p>3112 <s:sequence></p><p>3113 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3114 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="itemList" type="tns:PivotFilterItemList" /></p><p>3115 </s:sequence></p><p>3116 </s:complexType></p><p>3117 </s:element></p><p>3118 <s:element name="GetWorkbook"></p><p>3119 <s:complexType></p><p>3120 <s:sequence></p><p>3121 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3122 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="workbookType" type="tns:WorkbookType" /></p><p>3123 </s:sequence></p><p>3124 </s:complexType></p><p>3125 </s:element></p><p>3126 <s:simpleType name="WorkbookType"></p><p>3127 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>3128 <s:enumeration value="FullWorkbook" /></p><p>3129 <s:enumeration value="FullSnapshot" /></p><p>3130 <s:enumeration value="PublishedItemsSnapshot" /></p><p>3131 </s:restriction></p><p>269 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3132 </s:simpleType></p><p>3133 <s:element name="GetWorkbookResponse"></p><p>3134 <s:complexType></p><p>3135 <s:sequence></p><p>3136 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetWorkbookResult" type="s:base64Binary" /></p><p>3137 </s:sequence></p><p>3138 </s:complexType></p><p>3139 </s:element></p><p>3140 <s:element name="GetImage"></p><p>3141 <s:complexType></p><p>3142 <s:sequence></p><p>3143 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3144 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="imageId" type="s:string" /></p><p>3145 </s:sequence></p><p>3146 </s:complexType></p><p>3147 </s:element></p><p>3148 <s:element name="GetImageResponse"></p><p>3149 <s:complexType></p><p>3150 <s:sequence></p><p>3151 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetImageResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3152 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="imageFormatType" type="s:string" /></p><p>3153 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="binaryChartImage" type="s:base64Binary" /></p><p>3154 </s:sequence></p><p>3155 </s:complexType></p><p>3156 </s:element></p><p>3157 <s:element name="OpenWorkbook"></p><p>3158 <s:complexType></p><p>270 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3159 <s:sequence></p><p>3160 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="url" type="s:string" /></p><p>3161 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3162 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="cultureParameter" type="tns:CultureCommandParameter" /></p><p>3163 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="requestSiteId" type="s1:guid" /></p><p>3164 </s:sequence></p><p>3165 </s:complexType></p><p>3166 </s:element></p><p>3167 <s:complexType name="CultureCommandParameter"></p><p>3168 <s:sequence></p><p>3169 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="UICultureName" type="s:string" /></p><p>3170 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="DataCultureName" type="s:string" /></p><p>3171 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SharePointDataCultureName" type="s:string" /></p><p>3172 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="TimeZoneSerialization" type="s:string" /></p><p>3173 </s:sequence></p><p>3174 </s:complexType></p><p>3175 <s:element name="OpenWorkbookResponse"></p><p>3176 <s:complexType></p><p>3177 <s:sequence></p><p>3178 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="OpenWorkbookResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3179 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="workbookId" type="s:string" /></p><p>3180 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="hasOpenItemPermission" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3181 </s:sequence></p><p>3182 </s:complexType></p><p>3183 </s:element></p><p>3184 <s:element name="SetRange"></p><p>3185 <s:complexType></p><p>271 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3186 <s:sequence></p><p>3187 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3188 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sheetRange" type="tns:SheetRange" /></p><p>3189 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="cellsArray" /></p><p>3190 </s:sequence></p><p>3191 </s:complexType></p><p>3192 </s:element></p><p>3193 <s:element name="SetRangeResponse"></p><p>3194 <s:complexType></p><p>3195 <s:sequence></p><p>3196 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SetRangeResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3197 </s:sequence></p><p>3198 </s:complexType></p><p>3199 </s:element></p><p>3200 <s:element name="SetRangeA1"></p><p>3201 <s:complexType></p><p>3202 <s:sequence></p><p>3203 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3204 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sheetName" type="s:string" /></p><p>3205 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="range" type="s:string" /></p><p>3206 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="cellsArray" /></p><p>3207 </s:sequence></p><p>3208 </s:complexType></p><p>3209 </s:element></p><p>3210 <s:element name="SetRangeA1Response"></p><p>3211 <s:complexType></p><p>3212 <s:sequence></p><p>272 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3213 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SetRangeA1Result" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3214 </s:sequence></p><p>3215 </s:complexType></p><p>3216 </s:element></p><p>3217 <s:element name="SetParameters"></p><p>3218 <s:complexType></p><p>3219 <s:sequence></p><p>3220 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3221 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="workbookParameters" type="tns:ArrayOfWorkbookParameter" /></p><p>3222 </s:sequence></p><p>3223 </s:complexType></p><p>3224 </s:element></p><p>3225 <s:complexType name="ArrayOfWorkbookParameter"></p><p>3226 <s:sequence></p><p>3227 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="WorkbookParameter" nillable="true" type="tns:WorkbookParameter" /></p><p>3228 </s:sequence></p><p>3229 </s:complexType></p><p>3230 <s:complexType name="WorkbookParameter"></p><p>3231 <s:sequence></p><p>3232 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Comment" type="s:string" /></p><p>3233 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsPivotPageField" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3234 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Name" type="s:string" /></p><p>3235 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="RequiresConnection" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3236 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Values" type="tns:ArrayOfString" /></p><p>3237 </s:sequence></p><p>3238 </s:complexType></p><p>3239 <s:element name="SetParametersResponse"></p><p>273 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3240 <s:complexType></p><p>3241 <s:sequence></p><p>3242 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SetParametersResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3243 </s:sequence></p><p>3244 </s:complexType></p><p>3245 </s:element></p><p>3246 <s:element name="Refresh"></p><p>3247 <s:complexType></p><p>3248 <s:sequence></p><p>3249 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3250 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="dataConnectionName" type="s:string" /></p><p>3251 </s:sequence></p><p>3252 </s:complexType></p><p>3253 </s:element></p><p>3254 <s:element name="RefreshResponse"></p><p>3255 <s:complexType></p><p>3256 <s:sequence></p><p>3257 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="RefreshResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3258 </s:sequence></p><p>3259 </s:complexType></p><p>3260 </s:element></p><p>3261 <s:element name="RefreshAll"></p><p>3262 <s:complexType></p><p>3263 <s:sequence></p><p>3264 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3265 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="periodic" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3266 </s:sequence></p><p>274 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3267 </s:complexType></p><p>3268 </s:element></p><p>3269 <s:element name="RefreshAllResponse"></p><p>3270 <s:complexType></p><p>3271 <s:sequence></p><p>3272 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="RefreshAllResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3273 </s:sequence></p><p>3274 </s:complexType></p><p>3275 </s:element></p><p>3276 <s:element name="RecalcAll"></p><p>3277 <s:complexType></p><p>3278 <s:sequence></p><p>3279 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3280 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="calculateType" type="tns:CalculateType" /></p><p>3281 </s:sequence></p><p>3282 </s:complexType></p><p>3283 </s:element></p><p>3284 <s:simpleType name="CalculateType"></p><p>3285 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>3286 <s:enumeration value="Recalculate" /></p><p>3287 <s:enumeration value="CalculateFull" /></p><p>3288 </s:restriction></p><p>3289 </s:simpleType></p><p>3290 <s:element name="RecalcAllResponse"></p><p>3291 <s:complexType></p><p>3292 <s:sequence></p><p>3293 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="RecalcAllResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3294 </s:sequence></p><p>275 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3295 </s:complexType></p><p>3296 </s:element></p><p>3297 <s:element name="Recalc"></p><p>3298 <s:complexType></p><p>3299 <s:sequence></p><p>3300 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3301 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sheetRange" type="tns:SheetRange" /></p><p>3302 </s:sequence></p><p>3303 </s:complexType></p><p>3304 </s:element></p><p>3305 <s:element name="RecalcResponse"></p><p>3306 <s:complexType></p><p>3307 <s:sequence></p><p>3308 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="RecalcResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3309 </s:sequence></p><p>3310 </s:complexType></p><p>3311 </s:element></p><p>3312 <s:element name="RecalcA1"></p><p>3313 <s:complexType></p><p>3314 <s:sequence></p><p>3315 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3316 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sheetName" type="s:string" /></p><p>3317 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="rangeName" type="s:string" /></p><p>3318 </s:sequence></p><p>3319 </s:complexType></p><p>3320 </s:element></p><p>3321 <s:element name="RecalcA1Response"></p><p>3322 <s:complexType></p><p>276 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3323 <s:sequence></p><p>3324 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="RecalcA1Result" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3325 </s:sequence></p><p>3326 </s:complexType></p><p>3327 </s:element></p><p>3328 <s:element name="ApplyTop10Filter"></p><p>3329 <s:complexType></p><p>3330 <s:sequence></p><p>3331 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3332 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="autoFilterOptions" type="tns:AutoFilterOptions" /></p><p>3333 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="top" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3334 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="percent" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3335 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="value" type="s:int" /></p><p>3336 </s:sequence></p><p>3337 </s:complexType></p><p>3338 </s:element></p><p>3339 <s:element name="ApplyTop10FilterResponse"></p><p>3340 <s:complexType></p><p>3341 <s:sequence></p><p>3342 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ApplyTop10FilterResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3343 </s:sequence></p><p>3344 </s:complexType></p><p>3345 </s:element></p><p>3346 <s:element name="ApplyItemFilter"></p><p>3347 <s:complexType></p><p>3348 <s:sequence></p><p>3349 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>277 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3350 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="autoFilterOptions" type="tns:AutoFilterOptions" /></p><p>3351 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="values" type="tns:ArrayOfString" /></p><p>3352 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="autoFilterDateNodes" type="tns:ArrayOfAutoFilterDateNodeInfo" /></p><p>3353 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="blanks" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3354 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="hideBlanks" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3355 </s:sequence></p><p>3356 </s:complexType></p><p>3357 </s:element></p><p>3358 <s:element name="ApplyItemFilterResponse"></p><p>3359 <s:complexType></p><p>3360 <s:sequence></p><p>3361 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ApplyItemFilterResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3362 </s:sequence></p><p>3363 </s:complexType></p><p>3364 </s:element></p><p>3365 <s:element name="SortFilterColumn"></p><p>3366 <s:complexType></p><p>3367 <s:sequence></p><p>3368 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3369 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="autoFilterOptions" type="tns:AutoFilterOptions" /></p><p>3370 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ascending" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3371 </s:sequence></p><p>3372 </s:complexType></p><p>3373 </s:element></p><p>3374 <s:element name="SortFilterColumnResponse"></p><p>3375 <s:complexType></p><p>3376 <s:sequence></p><p>278 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3377 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SortFilterColumnResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3378 </s:sequence></p><p>3379 </s:complexType></p><p>3380 </s:element></p><p>3381 <s:element name="ApplyPivotFilter"></p><p>3382 <s:complexType></p><p>3383 <s:sequence></p><p>3384 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3385 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" /></p><p>3386 </s:sequence></p><p>3387 </s:complexType></p><p>3388 </s:element></p><p>3389 <s:element name="ApplyPivotFilterResponse"></p><p>3390 <s:complexType></p><p>3391 <s:sequence></p><p>3392 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ApplyPivotFilterResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3393 </s:sequence></p><p>3394 </s:complexType></p><p>3395 </s:element></p><p>3396 <s:element name="ApplyPivotTop10Filter"></p><p>3397 <s:complexType></p><p>3398 <s:sequence></p><p>3399 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3400 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" /></p><p>3401 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="top" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3402 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="value" type="s:double" /></p><p>3403 </s:sequence></p><p>279 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3404 </s:complexType></p><p>3405 </s:element></p><p>3406 <s:element name="ApplyPivotTop10FilterResponse"></p><p>3407 <s:complexType></p><p>3408 <s:sequence></p><p>3409 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ApplyPivotTop10FilterResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3410 </s:sequence></p><p>3411 </s:complexType></p><p>3412 </s:element></p><p>3413 <s:element name="ApplyPivotSort"></p><p>3414 <s:complexType></p><p>3415 <s:sequence></p><p>3416 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3417 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" /></p><p>3418 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ascending" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3419 </s:sequence></p><p>3420 </s:complexType></p><p>3421 </s:element></p><p>3422 <s:element name="ApplyPivotSortResponse"></p><p>3423 <s:complexType></p><p>3424 <s:sequence></p><p>3425 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ApplyPivotSortResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3426 </s:sequence></p><p>3427 </s:complexType></p><p>3428 </s:element></p><p>3429 <s:element name="TogglePivotDrill"></p><p>3430 <s:complexType></p><p>3431 <s:sequence></p><p>280 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3432 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3433 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" /></p><p>3434 </s:sequence></p><p>3435 </s:complexType></p><p>3436 </s:element></p><p>3437 <s:element name="TogglePivotDrillResponse"></p><p>3438 <s:complexType></p><p>3439 <s:sequence></p><p>3440 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="TogglePivotDrillResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3441 </s:sequence></p><p>3442 </s:complexType></p><p>3443 </s:element></p><p>3444 <s:element name="RemovePivotFilter"></p><p>3445 <s:complexType></p><p>3446 <s:sequence></p><p>3447 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3448 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="pivotFilterOptions" type="tns:PivotFilterOptions" /></p><p>3449 </s:sequence></p><p>3450 </s:complexType></p><p>3451 </s:element></p><p>3452 <s:element name="RemovePivotFilterResponse"></p><p>3453 <s:complexType></p><p>3454 <s:sequence></p><p>3455 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="RemovePivotFilterResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3456 </s:sequence></p><p>3457 </s:complexType></p><p>3458 </s:element></p><p>281 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3459 <s:element name="ExpandCollapseOutline"></p><p>3460 <s:complexType></p><p>3461 <s:sequence></p><p>3462 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="parameter" type="tns:CommandParameter" /></p><p>3463 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sheetName" type="s:string" /></p><p>3464 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="outlineLevel" type="s:unsignedByte" /></p><p>3465 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="rowColumn" type="s:int" /></p><p>3466 <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="row" type="s:boolean" /></p><p>3467 </s:sequence></p><p>3468 </s:complexType></p><p>3469 </s:element></p><p>3470 <s:element name="ExpandCollapseOutlineResponse"></p><p>3471 <s:complexType></p><p>3472 <s:sequence></p><p>3473 <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ExpandCollapseOutlineResult" type="tns:CommandResult" /></p><p>3474 </s:sequence></p><p>3475 </s:complexType></p><p>3476 </s:element></p><p>3477 </s:schema></p><p>3478 <s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://microsoft.com/wsdl/types/"></p><p>3479 <s:simpleType name="guid"></p><p>3480 <s:restriction base="s:string"></p><p>3481 <s:pattern value="[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}- [0-9a-fA-F]{12}" /></p><p>3482 </s:restriction></p><p>3483 </s:simpleType></p><p>3484 </s:schema></p><p>3485 </wsdl:types></p><p>282 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3486 <wsdl:message name="CloseWorkbookSoapIn"></p><p>3487 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:CloseWorkbook" /></p><p>3488 </wsdl:message></p><p>3489 <wsdl:message name="CloseWorkbookSoapOut"></p><p>3490 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:CloseWorkbookResponse" /></p><p>3491 </wsdl:message></p><p>3492 <wsdl:message name="GetRangeSoapIn"></p><p>3493 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetRange" /></p><p>3494 </wsdl:message></p><p>3495 <wsdl:message name="GetRangeSoapOut"></p><p>3496 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetRangeResponse" /></p><p>3497 </wsdl:message></p><p>3498 <wsdl:message name="GetRangeValuesSoapIn"></p><p>3499 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetRangeValues" /></p><p>3500 </wsdl:message></p><p>3501 <wsdl:message name="GetRangeValuesSoapOut"></p><p>3502 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetRangeValuesResponse" /></p><p>3503 </wsdl:message></p><p>3504 <wsdl:message name="GetRangeValuesA1SoapIn"></p><p>3505 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetRangeValuesA1" /></p><p>3506 </wsdl:message></p><p>3507 <wsdl:message name="GetRangeValuesA1SoapOut"></p><p>3508 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetRangeValuesA1Response" /></p><p>3509 </wsdl:message></p><p>3510 <wsdl:message name="CancelRequestSoapIn"></p><p>3511 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:CancelRequest" /></p><p>3512 </wsdl:message></p><p>3513 <wsdl:message name="CancelRequestSoapOut"></p><p>3514 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:CancelRequestResponse" /></p><p>283 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3515 </wsdl:message></p><p>3516 <wsdl:message name="GetSessionInformationSoapIn"></p><p>3517 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetSessionInformation" /></p><p>3518 </wsdl:message></p><p>3519 <wsdl:message name="GetSessionInformationSoapOut"></p><p>3520 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetSessionInformationResponse" /></p><p>3521 </wsdl:message></p><p>3522 <wsdl:message name="FindRangeSoapIn"></p><p>3523 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:FindRange" /></p><p>3524 </wsdl:message></p><p>3525 <wsdl:message name="FindRangeSoapOut"></p><p>3526 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:FindRangeResponse" /></p><p>3527 </wsdl:message></p><p>3528 <wsdl:message name="GetAutoFilterItemListSoapIn"></p><p>3529 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetAutoFilterItemList" /></p><p>3530 </wsdl:message></p><p>3531 <wsdl:message name="GetAutoFilterItemListSoapOut"></p><p>3532 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetAutoFilterItemListResponse" /></p><p>3533 </wsdl:message></p><p>3534 <wsdl:message name="GetPivotMenuSoapIn"></p><p>3535 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetPivotMenu" /></p><p>3536 </wsdl:message></p><p>3537 <wsdl:message name="GetPivotMenuSoapOut"></p><p>3538 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetPivotMenuResponse" /></p><p>3539 </wsdl:message></p><p>3540 <wsdl:message name="GetPivotFilterItemListSoapIn"></p><p>3541 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetPivotFilterItemList" /></p><p>3542 </wsdl:message></p><p>3543 <wsdl:message name="GetPivotFilterItemListSoapOut"></p><p>284 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3544 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetPivotFilterItemListResponse" /></p><p>3545 </wsdl:message></p><p>3546 <wsdl:message name="ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListSoapIn"></p><p>3547 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList" /></p><p>3548 </wsdl:message></p><p>3549 <wsdl:message name="ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListSoapOut"></p><p>3550 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListResponse" /></p><p>3551 </wsdl:message></p><p>3552 <wsdl:message name="GetWorkbookSoapIn"></p><p>3553 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetWorkbook" /></p><p>3554 </wsdl:message></p><p>3555 <wsdl:message name="GetWorkbookSoapOut"></p><p>3556 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetWorkbookResponse" /></p><p>3557 </wsdl:message></p><p>3558 <wsdl:message name="GetImageSoapIn"></p><p>3559 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetImage" /></p><p>3560 </wsdl:message></p><p>3561 <wsdl:message name="GetImageSoapOut"></p><p>3562 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetImageResponse" /></p><p>3563 </wsdl:message></p><p>3564 <wsdl:message name="OpenWorkbookSoapIn"></p><p>3565 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:OpenWorkbook" /></p><p>3566 </wsdl:message></p><p>3567 <wsdl:message name="OpenWorkbookSoapOut"></p><p>3568 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:OpenWorkbookResponse" /></p><p>3569 </wsdl:message></p><p>3570 <wsdl:message name="SetRangeSoapIn"></p><p>3571 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:SetRange" /></p><p>3572 </wsdl:message></p><p>285 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3573 <wsdl:message name="SetRangeSoapOut"></p><p>3574 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:SetRangeResponse" /></p><p>3575 </wsdl:message></p><p>3576 <wsdl:message name="SetRangeA1SoapIn"></p><p>3577 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:SetRangeA1" /></p><p>3578 </wsdl:message></p><p>3579 <wsdl:message name="SetRangeA1SoapOut"></p><p>3580 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:SetRangeA1Response" /></p><p>3581 </wsdl:message></p><p>3582 <wsdl:message name="SetParametersSoapIn"></p><p>3583 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:SetParameters" /></p><p>3584 </wsdl:message></p><p>3585 <wsdl:message name="SetParametersSoapOut"></p><p>3586 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:SetParametersResponse" /></p><p>3587 </wsdl:message></p><p>3588 <wsdl:message name="RefreshSoapIn"></p><p>3589 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:Refresh" /></p><p>3590 </wsdl:message></p><p>3591 <wsdl:message name="RefreshSoapOut"></p><p>3592 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:RefreshResponse" /></p><p>3593 </wsdl:message></p><p>3594 <wsdl:message name="RefreshAllSoapIn"></p><p>3595 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:RefreshAll" /></p><p>3596 </wsdl:message></p><p>3597 <wsdl:message name="RefreshAllSoapOut"></p><p>3598 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:RefreshAllResponse" /></p><p>3599 </wsdl:message></p><p>3600 <wsdl:message name="RecalcAllSoapIn"></p><p>3601 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:RecalcAll" /></p><p>286 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3602 </wsdl:message></p><p>3603 <wsdl:message name="RecalcAllSoapOut"></p><p>3604 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:RecalcAllResponse" /></p><p>3605 </wsdl:message></p><p>3606 <wsdl:message name="RecalcSoapIn"></p><p>3607 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:Recalc" /></p><p>3608 </wsdl:message></p><p>3609 <wsdl:message name="RecalcSoapOut"></p><p>3610 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:RecalcResponse" /></p><p>3611 </wsdl:message></p><p>3612 <wsdl:message name="RecalcA1SoapIn"></p><p>3613 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:RecalcA1" /></p><p>3614 </wsdl:message></p><p>3615 <wsdl:message name="RecalcA1SoapOut"></p><p>3616 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:RecalcA1Response" /></p><p>3617 </wsdl:message></p><p>3618 <wsdl:message name="ApplyTop10FilterSoapIn"></p><p>3619 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ApplyTop10Filter" /></p><p>3620 </wsdl:message></p><p>3621 <wsdl:message name="ApplyTop10FilterSoapOut"></p><p>3622 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ApplyTop10FilterResponse" /></p><p>3623 </wsdl:message></p><p>3624 <wsdl:message name="ApplyItemFilterSoapIn"></p><p>3625 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ApplyItemFilter" /></p><p>3626 </wsdl:message></p><p>3627 <wsdl:message name="ApplyItemFilterSoapOut"></p><p>3628 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ApplyItemFilterResponse" /></p><p>3629 </wsdl:message></p><p>3630 <wsdl:message name="SortFilterColumnSoapIn"></p><p>287 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3631 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:SortFilterColumn" /></p><p>3632 </wsdl:message></p><p>3633 <wsdl:message name="SortFilterColumnSoapOut"></p><p>3634 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:SortFilterColumnResponse" /></p><p>3635 </wsdl:message></p><p>3636 <wsdl:message name="ApplyPivotFilterSoapIn"></p><p>3637 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ApplyPivotFilter" /></p><p>3638 </wsdl:message></p><p>3639 <wsdl:message name="ApplyPivotFilterSoapOut"></p><p>3640 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ApplyPivotFilterResponse" /></p><p>3641 </wsdl:message></p><p>3642 <wsdl:message name="ApplyPivotTop10FilterSoapIn"></p><p>3643 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ApplyPivotTop10Filter" /></p><p>3644 </wsdl:message></p><p>3645 <wsdl:message name="ApplyPivotTop10FilterSoapOut"></p><p>3646 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ApplyPivotTop10FilterResponse" /></p><p>3647 </wsdl:message></p><p>3648 <wsdl:message name="ApplyPivotSortSoapIn"></p><p>3649 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ApplyPivotSort" /></p><p>3650 </wsdl:message></p><p>3651 <wsdl:message name="ApplyPivotSortSoapOut"></p><p>3652 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ApplyPivotSortResponse" /></p><p>3653 </wsdl:message></p><p>3654 <wsdl:message name="TogglePivotDrillSoapIn"></p><p>3655 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:TogglePivotDrill" /></p><p>3656 </wsdl:message></p><p>3657 <wsdl:message name="TogglePivotDrillSoapOut"></p><p>3658 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:TogglePivotDrillResponse" /></p><p>3659 </wsdl:message></p><p>288 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3660 <wsdl:message name="RemovePivotFilterSoapIn"></p><p>3661 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:RemovePivotFilter" /></p><p>3662 </wsdl:message></p><p>3663 <wsdl:message name="RemovePivotFilterSoapOut"></p><p>3664 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:RemovePivotFilterResponse" /></p><p>3665 </wsdl:message></p><p>3666 <wsdl:message name="ExpandCollapseOutlineSoapIn"></p><p>3667 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ExpandCollapseOutline" /></p><p>3668 </wsdl:message></p><p>3669 <wsdl:message name="ExpandCollapseOutlineSoapOut"></p><p>3670 <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ExpandCollapseOutlineResponse" /></p><p>3671 </wsdl:message></p><p>3672 <wsdl:portType name="ExcelServiceSoapSoap"></p><p>3673 <wsdl:operation name="CloseWorkbook"></p><p>3674 <wsdl:input message="tns:CloseWorkbookSoapIn" /></p><p>3675 <wsdl:output message="tns:CloseWorkbookSoapOut" /></p><p>3676 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3677 <wsdl:operation name="GetRange"></p><p>3678 <wsdl:input message="tns:GetRangeSoapIn" /></p><p>3679 <wsdl:output message="tns:GetRangeSoapOut" /></p><p>3680 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3681 <wsdl:operation name="GetRangeValues"></p><p>3682 <wsdl:input message="tns:GetRangeValuesSoapIn" /></p><p>3683 <wsdl:output message="tns:GetRangeValuesSoapOut" /></p><p>3684 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3685 <wsdl:operation name="GetRangeValuesA1"></p><p>3686 <wsdl:input message="tns:GetRangeValuesA1SoapIn" /></p><p>3687 <wsdl:output message="tns:GetRangeValuesA1SoapOut" /></p><p>3688 </wsdl:operation></p><p>289 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3689 <wsdl:operation name="CancelRequest"></p><p>3690 <wsdl:input message="tns:CancelRequestSoapIn" /></p><p>3691 <wsdl:output message="tns:CancelRequestSoapOut" /></p><p>3692 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3693 <wsdl:operation name="GetSessionInformation"></p><p>3694 <wsdl:input message="tns:GetSessionInformationSoapIn" /></p><p>3695 <wsdl:output message="tns:GetSessionInformationSoapOut" /></p><p>3696 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3697 <wsdl:operation name="FindRange"></p><p>3698 <wsdl:input message="tns:FindRangeSoapIn" /></p><p>3699 <wsdl:output message="tns:FindRangeSoapOut" /></p><p>3700 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3701 <wsdl:operation name="GetAutoFilterItemList"></p><p>3702 <wsdl:input message="tns:GetAutoFilterItemListSoapIn" /></p><p>3703 <wsdl:output message="tns:GetAutoFilterItemListSoapOut" /></p><p>3704 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3705 <wsdl:operation name="GetPivotMenu"></p><p>3706 <wsdl:input message="tns:GetPivotMenuSoapIn" /></p><p>3707 <wsdl:output message="tns:GetPivotMenuSoapOut" /></p><p>3708 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3709 <wsdl:operation name="GetPivotFilterItemList"></p><p>3710 <wsdl:input message="tns:GetPivotFilterItemListSoapIn" /></p><p>3711 <wsdl:output message="tns:GetPivotFilterItemListSoapOut" /></p><p>3712 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3713 <wsdl:operation name="ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList"></p><p>3714 <wsdl:input message="tns:ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListSoapIn" /></p><p>3715 <wsdl:output message="tns:ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemListSoapOut" /></p><p>3716 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3717 <wsdl:operation name="GetWorkbook"></p><p>290 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3718 <wsdl:input message="tns:GetWorkbookSoapIn" /></p><p>3719 <wsdl:output message="tns:GetWorkbookSoapOut" /></p><p>3720 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3721 <wsdl:operation name="GetImage"></p><p>3722 <wsdl:input message="tns:GetImageSoapIn" /></p><p>3723 <wsdl:output message="tns:GetImageSoapOut" /></p><p>3724 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3725 <wsdl:operation name="OpenWorkbook"></p><p>3726 <wsdl:input message="tns:OpenWorkbookSoapIn" /></p><p>3727 <wsdl:output message="tns:OpenWorkbookSoapOut" /></p><p>3728 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3729 <wsdl:operation name="SetRange"></p><p>3730 <wsdl:input message="tns:SetRangeSoapIn" /></p><p>3731 <wsdl:output message="tns:SetRangeSoapOut" /></p><p>3732 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3733 <wsdl:operation name="SetRangeA1"></p><p>3734 <wsdl:input message="tns:SetRangeA1SoapIn" /></p><p>3735 <wsdl:output message="tns:SetRangeA1SoapOut" /></p><p>3736 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3737 <wsdl:operation name="SetParameters"></p><p>3738 <wsdl:input message="tns:SetParametersSoapIn" /></p><p>3739 <wsdl:output message="tns:SetParametersSoapOut" /></p><p>3740 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3741 <wsdl:operation name="Refresh"></p><p>3742 <wsdl:input message="tns:RefreshSoapIn" /></p><p>3743 <wsdl:output message="tns:RefreshSoapOut" /></p><p>3744 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3745 <wsdl:operation name="RefreshAll"></p><p>3746 <wsdl:input message="tns:RefreshAllSoapIn" /></p><p>291 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3747 <wsdl:output message="tns:RefreshAllSoapOut" /></p><p>3748 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3749 <wsdl:operation name="RecalcAll"></p><p>3750 <wsdl:input message="tns:RecalcAllSoapIn" /></p><p>3751 <wsdl:output message="tns:RecalcAllSoapOut" /></p><p>3752 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3753 <wsdl:operation name="Recalc"></p><p>3754 <wsdl:input message="tns:RecalcSoapIn" /></p><p>3755 <wsdl:output message="tns:RecalcSoapOut" /></p><p>3756 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3757 <wsdl:operation name="RecalcA1"></p><p>3758 <wsdl:input message="tns:RecalcA1SoapIn" /></p><p>3759 <wsdl:output message="tns:RecalcA1SoapOut" /></p><p>3760 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3761 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyTop10Filter"></p><p>3762 <wsdl:input message="tns:ApplyTop10FilterSoapIn" /></p><p>3763 <wsdl:output message="tns:ApplyTop10FilterSoapOut" /></p><p>3764 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3765 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyItemFilter"></p><p>3766 <wsdl:input message="tns:ApplyItemFilterSoapIn" /></p><p>3767 <wsdl:output message="tns:ApplyItemFilterSoapOut" /></p><p>3768 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3769 <wsdl:operation name="SortFilterColumn"></p><p>3770 <wsdl:input message="tns:SortFilterColumnSoapIn" /></p><p>3771 <wsdl:output message="tns:SortFilterColumnSoapOut" /></p><p>3772 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3773 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyPivotFilter"></p><p>3774 <wsdl:input message="tns:ApplyPivotFilterSoapIn" /></p><p>3775 <wsdl:output message="tns:ApplyPivotFilterSoapOut" /></p><p>292 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3776 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3777 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyPivotTop10Filter"></p><p>3778 <wsdl:input message="tns:ApplyPivotTop10FilterSoapIn" /></p><p>3779 <wsdl:output message="tns:ApplyPivotTop10FilterSoapOut" /></p><p>3780 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3781 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyPivotSort"></p><p>3782 <wsdl:input message="tns:ApplyPivotSortSoapIn" /></p><p>3783 <wsdl:output message="tns:ApplyPivotSortSoapOut" /></p><p>3784 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3785 <wsdl:operation name="TogglePivotDrill"></p><p>3786 <wsdl:input message="tns:TogglePivotDrillSoapIn" /></p><p>3787 <wsdl:output message="tns:TogglePivotDrillSoapOut" /></p><p>3788 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3789 <wsdl:operation name="RemovePivotFilter"></p><p>3790 <wsdl:input message="tns:RemovePivotFilterSoapIn" /></p><p>3791 <wsdl:output message="tns:RemovePivotFilterSoapOut" /></p><p>3792 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3793 <wsdl:operation name="ExpandCollapseOutline"></p><p>3794 <wsdl:input message="tns:ExpandCollapseOutlineSoapIn" /></p><p>3795 <wsdl:output message="tns:ExpandCollapseOutlineSoapOut" /></p><p>3796 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3797 </wsdl:portType></p><p>3798 <wsdl:binding name="ExcelServiceSoapSoap" type="tns:ExcelServiceSoapSoap"></p><p>3799 <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" /></p><p>3800 <wsdl:operation name="CloseWorkbook"></p><p>3801 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/CloseWorkbook" style="document" /></p><p>3802 <wsdl:input></p><p>3803 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3804 </wsdl:input></p><p>293 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3805 <wsdl:output></p><p>3806 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3807 </wsdl:output></p><p>3808 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3809 <wsdl:operation name="GetRange"></p><p>3810 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetRange" style="document" /></p><p>3811 <wsdl:input></p><p>3812 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3813 </wsdl:input></p><p>3814 <wsdl:output></p><p>3815 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3816 </wsdl:output></p><p>3817 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3818 <wsdl:operation name="GetRangeValues"></p><p>3819 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetRangeValues" style="document" /></p><p>3820 <wsdl:input></p><p>3821 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3822 </wsdl:input></p><p>3823 <wsdl:output></p><p>3824 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3825 </wsdl:output></p><p>3826 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3827 <wsdl:operation name="GetRangeValuesA1"></p><p>3828 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetRangeValuesA1" style="document" /></p><p>3829 <wsdl:input></p><p>3830 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3831 </wsdl:input></p><p>294 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3832 <wsdl:output></p><p>3833 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3834 </wsdl:output></p><p>3835 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3836 <wsdl:operation name="CancelRequest"></p><p>3837 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/CancelRequest" style="document" /></p><p>3838 <wsdl:input></p><p>3839 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3840 </wsdl:input></p><p>3841 <wsdl:output></p><p>3842 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3843 </wsdl:output></p><p>3844 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3845 <wsdl:operation name="GetSessionInformation"></p><p>3846 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetSessionInformation" style="document" /></p><p>3847 <wsdl:input></p><p>3848 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3849 </wsdl:input></p><p>3850 <wsdl:output></p><p>3851 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3852 </wsdl:output></p><p>3853 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3854 <wsdl:operation name="FindRange"></p><p>3855 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/FindRange" style="document" /></p><p>3856 <wsdl:input></p><p>3857 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3858 </wsdl:input></p><p>295 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3859 <wsdl:output></p><p>3860 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3861 </wsdl:output></p><p>3862 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3863 <wsdl:operation name="GetAutoFilterItemList"></p><p>3864 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetAutoFilterItemList" style="document" /></p><p>3865 <wsdl:input></p><p>3866 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3867 </wsdl:input></p><p>3868 <wsdl:output></p><p>3869 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3870 </wsdl:output></p><p>3871 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3872 <wsdl:operation name="GetPivotMenu"></p><p>3873 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetPivotMenu" style="document" /></p><p>3874 <wsdl:input></p><p>3875 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3876 </wsdl:input></p><p>3877 <wsdl:output></p><p>3878 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3879 </wsdl:output></p><p>3880 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3881 <wsdl:operation name="GetPivotFilterItemList"></p><p>3882 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetPivotFilterItemList" style="document" /></p><p>3883 <wsdl:input></p><p>3884 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3885 </wsdl:input></p><p>296 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3886 <wsdl:output></p><p>3887 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3888 </wsdl:output></p><p>3889 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3890 <wsdl:operation name="ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList"></p><p>3891 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList" style="document" /></p><p>3892 <wsdl:input></p><p>3893 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3894 </wsdl:input></p><p>3895 <wsdl:output></p><p>3896 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3897 </wsdl:output></p><p>3898 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3899 <wsdl:operation name="GetWorkbook"></p><p>3900 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetWorkbook" style="document" /></p><p>3901 <wsdl:input></p><p>3902 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3903 </wsdl:input></p><p>3904 <wsdl:output></p><p>3905 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3906 </wsdl:output></p><p>3907 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3908 <wsdl:operation name="GetImage"></p><p>3909 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetImage" style="document" /></p><p>3910 <wsdl:input></p><p>3911 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3912 </wsdl:input></p><p>297 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3913 <wsdl:output></p><p>3914 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3915 </wsdl:output></p><p>3916 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3917 <wsdl:operation name="OpenWorkbook"></p><p>3918 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/OpenWorkbook" style="document" /></p><p>3919 <wsdl:input></p><p>3920 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3921 </wsdl:input></p><p>3922 <wsdl:output></p><p>3923 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3924 </wsdl:output></p><p>3925 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3926 <wsdl:operation name="SetRange"></p><p>3927 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/SetRange" style="document" /></p><p>3928 <wsdl:input></p><p>3929 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3930 </wsdl:input></p><p>3931 <wsdl:output></p><p>3932 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3933 </wsdl:output></p><p>3934 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3935 <wsdl:operation name="SetRangeA1"></p><p>3936 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/SetRangeA1" style="document" /></p><p>3937 <wsdl:input></p><p>3938 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3939 </wsdl:input></p><p>298 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3940 <wsdl:output></p><p>3941 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3942 </wsdl:output></p><p>3943 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3944 <wsdl:operation name="SetParameters"></p><p>3945 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/SetParameters" style="document" /></p><p>3946 <wsdl:input></p><p>3947 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3948 </wsdl:input></p><p>3949 <wsdl:output></p><p>3950 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3951 </wsdl:output></p><p>3952 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3953 <wsdl:operation name="Refresh"></p><p>3954 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/Refresh" style="document" /></p><p>3955 <wsdl:input></p><p>3956 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3957 </wsdl:input></p><p>3958 <wsdl:output></p><p>3959 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3960 </wsdl:output></p><p>3961 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3962 <wsdl:operation name="RefreshAll"></p><p>3963 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/RefreshAll" style="document" /></p><p>3964 <wsdl:input></p><p>3965 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3966 </wsdl:input></p><p>299 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3967 <wsdl:output></p><p>3968 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3969 </wsdl:output></p><p>3970 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3971 <wsdl:operation name="RecalcAll"></p><p>3972 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/RecalcAll" style="document" /></p><p>3973 <wsdl:input></p><p>3974 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3975 </wsdl:input></p><p>3976 <wsdl:output></p><p>3977 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3978 </wsdl:output></p><p>3979 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3980 <wsdl:operation name="Recalc"></p><p>3981 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/Recalc" style="document" /></p><p>3982 <wsdl:input></p><p>3983 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3984 </wsdl:input></p><p>3985 <wsdl:output></p><p>3986 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3987 </wsdl:output></p><p>3988 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3989 <wsdl:operation name="RecalcA1"></p><p>3990 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/RecalcA1" style="document" /></p><p>3991 <wsdl:input></p><p>3992 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3993 </wsdl:input></p><p>300 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 3994 <wsdl:output></p><p>3995 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>3996 </wsdl:output></p><p>3997 </wsdl:operation></p><p>3998 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyTop10Filter"></p><p>3999 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/ApplyTop10Filter" style="document" /></p><p>4000 <wsdl:input></p><p>4001 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4002 </wsdl:input></p><p>4003 <wsdl:output></p><p>4004 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4005 </wsdl:output></p><p>4006 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4007 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyItemFilter"></p><p>4008 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/ApplyItemFilter" style="document" /></p><p>4009 <wsdl:input></p><p>4010 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4011 </wsdl:input></p><p>4012 <wsdl:output></p><p>4013 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4014 </wsdl:output></p><p>4015 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4016 <wsdl:operation name="SortFilterColumn"></p><p>4017 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/SortFilterColumn" style="document" /></p><p>4018 <wsdl:input></p><p>4019 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4020 </wsdl:input></p><p>301 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4021 <wsdl:output></p><p>4022 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4023 </wsdl:output></p><p>4024 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4025 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyPivotFilter"></p><p>4026 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/ApplyPivotFilter" style="document" /></p><p>4027 <wsdl:input></p><p>4028 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4029 </wsdl:input></p><p>4030 <wsdl:output></p><p>4031 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4032 </wsdl:output></p><p>4033 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4034 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyPivotTop10Filter"></p><p>4035 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/ApplyPivotTop10Filter" style="document" /></p><p>4036 <wsdl:input></p><p>4037 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4038 </wsdl:input></p><p>4039 <wsdl:output></p><p>4040 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4041 </wsdl:output></p><p>4042 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4043 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyPivotSort"></p><p>4044 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/ApplyPivotSort" style="document" /></p><p>4045 <wsdl:input></p><p>4046 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4047 </wsdl:input></p><p>302 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4048 <wsdl:output></p><p>4049 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4050 </wsdl:output></p><p>4051 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4052 <wsdl:operation name="TogglePivotDrill"></p><p>4053 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/TogglePivotDrill" style="document" /></p><p>4054 <wsdl:input></p><p>4055 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4056 </wsdl:input></p><p>4057 <wsdl:output></p><p>4058 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4059 </wsdl:output></p><p>4060 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4061 <wsdl:operation name="RemovePivotFilter"></p><p>4062 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/RemovePivotFilter" style="document" /></p><p>4063 <wsdl:input></p><p>4064 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4065 </wsdl:input></p><p>4066 <wsdl:output></p><p>4067 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4068 </wsdl:output></p><p>4069 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4070 <wsdl:operation name="ExpandCollapseOutline"></p><p>4071 <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/ExpandCollapseOutline" style="document" /></p><p>4072 <wsdl:input></p><p>4073 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4074 </wsdl:input></p><p>303 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4075 <wsdl:output></p><p>4076 <soap:body use="literal" /></p><p>4077 </wsdl:output></p><p>4078 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4079 </wsdl:binding></p><p>4080 <wsdl:binding name="ExcelServiceSoapSoap12" type="tns:ExcelServiceSoapSoap"></p><p>4081 <soap12:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" /></p><p>4082 <wsdl:operation name="CloseWorkbook"></p><p>4083 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/CloseWorkbook" style="document" /></p><p>4084 <wsdl:input></p><p>4085 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4086 </wsdl:input></p><p>4087 <wsdl:output></p><p>4088 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4089 </wsdl:output></p><p>4090 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4091 <wsdl:operation name="GetRange"></p><p>4092 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetRange" style="document" /></p><p>4093 <wsdl:input></p><p>4094 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4095 </wsdl:input></p><p>4096 <wsdl:output></p><p>4097 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4098 </wsdl:output></p><p>4099 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4100 <wsdl:operation name="GetRangeValues"></p><p>4101 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetRangeValues" style="document" /></p><p>304 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4102 <wsdl:input></p><p>4103 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4104 </wsdl:input></p><p>4105 <wsdl:output></p><p>4106 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4107 </wsdl:output></p><p>4108 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4109 <wsdl:operation name="GetRangeValuesA1"></p><p>4110 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetRangeValuesA1" style="document" /></p><p>4111 <wsdl:input></p><p>4112 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4113 </wsdl:input></p><p>4114 <wsdl:output></p><p>4115 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4116 </wsdl:output></p><p>4117 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4118 <wsdl:operation name="CancelRequest"></p><p>4119 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/CancelRequest" style="document" /></p><p>4120 <wsdl:input></p><p>4121 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4122 </wsdl:input></p><p>4123 <wsdl:output></p><p>4124 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4125 </wsdl:output></p><p>4126 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4127 <wsdl:operation name="GetSessionInformation"></p><p>4128 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetSessionInformation" style="document" /></p><p>305 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4129 <wsdl:input></p><p>4130 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4131 </wsdl:input></p><p>4132 <wsdl:output></p><p>4133 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4134 </wsdl:output></p><p>4135 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4136 <wsdl:operation name="FindRange"></p><p>4137 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/FindRange" style="document" /></p><p>4138 <wsdl:input></p><p>4139 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4140 </wsdl:input></p><p>4141 <wsdl:output></p><p>4142 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4143 </wsdl:output></p><p>4144 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4145 <wsdl:operation name="GetAutoFilterItemList"></p><p>4146 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetAutoFilterItemList" style="document" /></p><p>4147 <wsdl:input></p><p>4148 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4149 </wsdl:input></p><p>4150 <wsdl:output></p><p>4151 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4152 </wsdl:output></p><p>4153 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4154 <wsdl:operation name="GetPivotMenu"></p><p>4155 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetPivotMenu" style="document" /></p><p>306 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4156 <wsdl:input></p><p>4157 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4158 </wsdl:input></p><p>4159 <wsdl:output></p><p>4160 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4161 </wsdl:output></p><p>4162 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4163 <wsdl:operation name="GetPivotFilterItemList"></p><p>4164 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetPivotFilterItemList" style="document" /></p><p>4165 <wsdl:input></p><p>4166 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4167 </wsdl:input></p><p>4168 <wsdl:output></p><p>4169 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4170 </wsdl:output></p><p>4171 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4172 <wsdl:operation name="ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList"></p><p>4173 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList" style="document" /></p><p>4174 <wsdl:input></p><p>4175 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4176 </wsdl:input></p><p>4177 <wsdl:output></p><p>4178 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4179 </wsdl:output></p><p>4180 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4181 <wsdl:operation name="GetWorkbook"></p><p>4182 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetWorkbook" style="document" /></p><p>307 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4183 <wsdl:input></p><p>4184 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4185 </wsdl:input></p><p>4186 <wsdl:output></p><p>4187 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4188 </wsdl:output></p><p>4189 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4190 <wsdl:operation name="GetImage"></p><p>4191 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/GetImage" style="document" /></p><p>4192 <wsdl:input></p><p>4193 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4194 </wsdl:input></p><p>4195 <wsdl:output></p><p>4196 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4197 </wsdl:output></p><p>4198 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4199 <wsdl:operation name="OpenWorkbook"></p><p>4200 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/OpenWorkbook" style="document" /></p><p>4201 <wsdl:input></p><p>4202 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4203 </wsdl:input></p><p>4204 <wsdl:output></p><p>4205 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4206 </wsdl:output></p><p>4207 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4208 <wsdl:operation name="SetRange"></p><p>4209 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/SetRange" style="document" /></p><p>308 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4210 <wsdl:input></p><p>4211 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4212 </wsdl:input></p><p>4213 <wsdl:output></p><p>4214 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4215 </wsdl:output></p><p>4216 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4217 <wsdl:operation name="SetRangeA1"></p><p>4218 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/SetRangeA1" style="document" /></p><p>4219 <wsdl:input></p><p>4220 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4221 </wsdl:input></p><p>4222 <wsdl:output></p><p>4223 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4224 </wsdl:output></p><p>4225 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4226 <wsdl:operation name="SetParameters"></p><p>4227 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/SetParameters" style="document" /></p><p>4228 <wsdl:input></p><p>4229 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4230 </wsdl:input></p><p>4231 <wsdl:output></p><p>4232 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4233 </wsdl:output></p><p>4234 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4235 <wsdl:operation name="Refresh"></p><p>4236 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/Refresh" style="document" /></p><p>309 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4237 <wsdl:input></p><p>4238 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4239 </wsdl:input></p><p>4240 <wsdl:output></p><p>4241 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4242 </wsdl:output></p><p>4243 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4244 <wsdl:operation name="RefreshAll"></p><p>4245 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/RefreshAll" style="document" /></p><p>4246 <wsdl:input></p><p>4247 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4248 </wsdl:input></p><p>4249 <wsdl:output></p><p>4250 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4251 </wsdl:output></p><p>4252 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4253 <wsdl:operation name="RecalcAll"></p><p>4254 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/RecalcAll" style="document" /></p><p>4255 <wsdl:input></p><p>4256 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4257 </wsdl:input></p><p>4258 <wsdl:output></p><p>4259 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4260 </wsdl:output></p><p>4261 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4262 <wsdl:operation name="Recalc"></p><p>4263 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/Recalc" style="document" /></p><p>310 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4264 <wsdl:input></p><p>4265 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4266 </wsdl:input></p><p>4267 <wsdl:output></p><p>4268 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4269 </wsdl:output></p><p>4270 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4271 <wsdl:operation name="RecalcA1"></p><p>4272 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/RecalcA1" style="document" /></p><p>4273 <wsdl:input></p><p>4274 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4275 </wsdl:input></p><p>4276 <wsdl:output></p><p>4277 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4278 </wsdl:output></p><p>4279 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4280 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyTop10Filter"></p><p>4281 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/ApplyTop10Filter" style="document" /></p><p>4282 <wsdl:input></p><p>4283 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4284 </wsdl:input></p><p>4285 <wsdl:output></p><p>4286 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4287 </wsdl:output></p><p>4288 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4289 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyItemFilter"></p><p>4290 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/ApplyItemFilter" style="document" /></p><p>311 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4291 <wsdl:input></p><p>4292 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4293 </wsdl:input></p><p>4294 <wsdl:output></p><p>4295 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4296 </wsdl:output></p><p>4297 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4298 <wsdl:operation name="SortFilterColumn"></p><p>4299 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/SortFilterColumn" style="document" /></p><p>4300 <wsdl:input></p><p>4301 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4302 </wsdl:input></p><p>4303 <wsdl:output></p><p>4304 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4305 </wsdl:output></p><p>4306 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4307 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyPivotFilter"></p><p>4308 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/ApplyPivotFilter" style="document" /></p><p>4309 <wsdl:input></p><p>4310 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4311 </wsdl:input></p><p>4312 <wsdl:output></p><p>4313 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4314 </wsdl:output></p><p>4315 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4316 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyPivotTop10Filter"></p><p>4317 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/ApplyPivotTop10Filter" style="document" /></p><p>312 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4318 <wsdl:input></p><p>4319 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4320 </wsdl:input></p><p>4321 <wsdl:output></p><p>4322 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4323 </wsdl:output></p><p>4324 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4325 <wsdl:operation name="ApplyPivotSort"></p><p>4326 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/ApplyPivotSort" style="document" /></p><p>4327 <wsdl:input></p><p>4328 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4329 </wsdl:input></p><p>4330 <wsdl:output></p><p>4331 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4332 </wsdl:output></p><p>4333 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4334 <wsdl:operation name="TogglePivotDrill"></p><p>4335 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/TogglePivotDrill" style="document" /></p><p>4336 <wsdl:input></p><p>4337 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4338 </wsdl:input></p><p>4339 <wsdl:output></p><p>4340 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4341 </wsdl:output></p><p>4342 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4343 <wsdl:operation name="RemovePivotFilter"></p><p>4344 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/RemovePivotFilter" style="document" /></p><p>313 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4345 <wsdl:input></p><p>4346 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4347 </wsdl:input></p><p>4348 <wsdl:output></p><p>4349 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4350 </wsdl:output></p><p>4351 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4352 <wsdl:operation name="ExpandCollapseOutline"></p><p>4353 <soap12:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternal Service/ExpandCollapseOutline" style="document" /></p><p>4354 <wsdl:input></p><p>4355 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4356 </wsdl:input></p><p>4357 <wsdl:output></p><p>4358 <soap12:body use="literal" /></p><p>4359 </wsdl:output></p><p>4360 </wsdl:operation></p><p>4361 </wsdl:binding></p><p>4362 </wsdl:definitions></p><p>314 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4363 Appendix B: Product Behavior The information in this specification is applicable to the following Microsoft products or supplemental software. References to product versions include released service packs. § Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Exceptions, if any, are noted below. If a service pack or Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) number appears with the product version, behavior changed in that service pack or QFE. The new behavior also applies to subsequent service packs of the product unless otherwise specified. If a product edition appears with the product version, behavior is different in that product edition. Unless otherwise specified, any statement of optional behavior in this specification that is prescribed using the terms "SHOULD" or "SHOULD NOT" implies product behavior in accordance with the SHOULD or SHOULD NOT prescription. Unless otherwise specified, the term "MAY" implies that the product does not follow the prescription. <1> Section If the date value is the 0th day in the month of January of the year 1900, then Office SharePoint Server 2007 sets the value of the Day element to 0. <2> Section If the date value is the 0th day in the month of January of the year 1900, then Office SharePoint Server 2007 sets the value of the Day element to 0. <3> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 places no additional restrictions on the protocol server with respect to the contents of the Target element. <4> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 uses the A1 reference style. See [MSFT-ACRR]. <5> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <6> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 will only initiate a new session (2) if the user was using Excel Web Access and navigated away and then back to the session view, or if the user is doing a navigation operation on the session view and there were no state changing operations done to the session (2) because it was originally opened on the protocol server. <7> Section 3: Office SharePoint Server 2007 has the following behavior: if at the time a NonConcurrent request is issued to the protocol server there is a Concurrent request currently being processed on the session (2), then the protocol server will try to process the request at fixed intervals for 5 seconds, before giving up and returning an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section, with the value of the id element of the ExcelServerMessage set to MultipleRequestsOnSession. <8> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section</p><p>315 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 <9> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <10> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <11> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <12> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <13> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 will only attempt to cancel the last request to come in. If multiple requests execute at the same time, only the last one to come in to the protocol server will actually get cancelled. Anytime any request finishes, Office SharePoint Server 2007 resets the current request and so no requests can be cancelled (even if there are still requests still running). <14> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <15> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <16> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <17> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <18> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <19> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <20> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <21> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <22> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <23> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <24> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 returns the SpecifiedItemNotFound value specified in the section if a user does not have Open Item permission and if the requested range is not wholly contained inside a published item. <25> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <26> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 returns the SpecifiedItemNotFound value specified in the section if a user does not have Open Item permission and if the requested range is not wholly contained inside a published item.</p><p>316 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 <27> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <28> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <29> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 returns "Excel Calculation Services (12.0)" when the GetSessionInformation operation is called. <30> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 will use the following logic in the GetWorkbook operation: 1. If workbookType is FullWorkbook or FullSnapshot, and the user does not have the Open Item permission. 2. If the EwrCall field as specified in the CommandParameter (section is true, override the workbookType with PublishedItemsSnapshot. 3. Otherwise, return the EcsSnapshotAccessDenied as specified in section <31> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <32> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 has exceptions as noted in [MSDN-UFES]. <33> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 has exceptions as noted in [MSDN-UFES]. <34> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <35> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 will attempt to fallback to a fallback UI culture when an unsupported UI culture is requested. <36> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <37> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <38> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <39> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <40> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <41> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <42> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <43> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <44> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section</p><p>317 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 <45> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <46> Section Office SharePoint Server 2007 can use any of the values specified in section <47> Section Excel Web Calculation Services times out requests after a period of time of inactivity. This period of time is configurable <48> Section Excel Web Calculation Services times out requests after a period of time of inactivity. This period of time is configurable</p><p>318 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 4364 Change Tracking No table of changes is available. The document is either new or has had no changes since its last release. Index A Data model - abstract Abstract data model server 114 server 114 DateNodeType simple type 91 Applicability 24 Detail node of the SOAP fault - fault 107 ArrayOfAnyType complex type 27 Detail node XML document - fault 107 ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria complex type 28 ArrayOfAutoFilterDateNodeInfo complex type 28 ArrayOfExcelServerMessage complex type 28 E ArrayOfInt complex type 28 ArrayOfPivotFilterItem complex type 29 Events ArrayOfString complex type 29 local - server 194 Attribute groups 105 Examples Attributes 105 overview 195 AutoFilterCriteria complex type 29 ExcelServerMessage complex type 34 AutoFilterCriteriaType simple type 88 ExcelServerMessageButtons simple type 92 AutoFilterDateNodeInfo complex type 30 ExcelServerMessageId simple type 93 AutoFilterOptions complex type 30 ExcelServerMessageSeverity simple type 95 ExcelServerMessageType simple type 95 C F Capability negotiation 24 CellError simple type 90 Faults 105 Change tracking 241 common list of IDs 110 Client-server protocol 22 detail node of the SOAP fault 107 CommandParameter complex type 31 detail node XML document 107 CommandResult complex type 32 full list of possible IDs 108 CommandResultExtendedInfo complex type 33 simple types Common list of IDs - fault 110 MessageButtons 105 Complex types 26 MessageSeverity 106 ArrayOfAnyType 27 MessageType 106 ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria 28 Fields - vendor-extensible 24 ArrayOfAutoFilterDateNodeInfo 28 Full list of possible IDs - fault 108 ArrayOfExcelServerMessage 28 Full WSDL 205 ArrayOfInt 28 ArrayOfPivotFilterItem 29 G ArrayOfString 29 AutoFilterCriteria 29 Glossary 12 AutoFilterDateNodeInfo 30 Groups 105 AutoFilterOptions 30 guid simple type 104 CommandParameter 31 CommandResult 32 CommandResultExtendedInfo 33 I CredentialsRequest 33 CredentialsResponse 34 Implementer - security considerations 204 ExcelServerMessage 34 Index of security parameters 204 PeriodicRefreshInfo 35 Informative references 22 PivotFilterItem 35 Initialization PivotFilterItemList 36 server 115 PivotFilterOptions 36 Introduction 12 SessionIdentifier 38 SheetRange 39 L SingleSignOnTicket 40 SpreadsheetDataXML 40 Local events VisibleSheetRange 83 server 194 WorkOnBehalf 86 CredentialsRequest complex type 33 CredentialsResponse complex type 34 M</p><p>D Message processing</p><p>319 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 server 115 MessageButtons 105 O Messages ArrayOfAnyType complex type 27 Operations ArrayOfAutoFilterCriteria complex type 28 ApplyItemFilter 117 ArrayOfAutoFilterDateNodeInfo complex type 28 ApplyPivotFilter 119 ArrayOfExcelServerMessage complex type 28 ApplyPivotSort 121 ArrayOfInt complex type 28 ApplyPivotTop10Filter 123 ArrayOfPivotFilterItem complex type 29 ApplyTop10Filter 125 ArrayOfString complex type 29 CancelRequest 127 attribute groups 105 CloseWorkbook 129 attributes 105 ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList 130 AutoFilterCriteria complex type 29 ExpandCollapseOutline 132 AutoFilterCriteriaType simple type 88 FindRange 134 AutoFilterDateNodeInfo complex type 30 GetAutoFilterItemList 137 AutoFilterOptions complex type 30 GetImage 143 CellError simple type 90 GetPivotFilterItemList 144 CommandParameter complex type 31 GetPivotMenu 146 CommandResult complex type 32 GetRange 156 CommandResultExtendedInfo complex type 33 GetRangeValues 158 common list of IDs - fault 110 GetRangeValuesA1 160 complex types 26 GetSessionInformation 163 CredentialsRequest complex type 33 GetWorkbook 164 CredentialsResponse complex type 34 OpenWorkbook 167 DateNodeType simple type 91 Recalc 171 detail node of the SOAP fault - fault 107 RecalcA1 173 detail node XML document - fault 107 RecalcAll 175 elements 26 Refresh 177 enumerated 25 RefreshAll 179 ExcelServerMessage complex type 34 RemovePivotFilter 180 ExcelServerMessageButtons simple type 92 SetParameters 182 ExcelServerMessageId simple type 93 SetRange 185 ExcelServerMessageSeverity simple type 95 SetRangeA1 187 ExcelServerMessageType simple type 95 SortFilterColumn 190 faults 105 TogglePivotDrill 192 simple types OperationType simple type 96 MessageButtons 105 Overview (synopsis) MessageSeverity 106 client-server protocol 22 MessageType 106 protocol operations 22 full list of possible IDs - fault 108 published items and results returned by this protocol groups 105 23 guid simple type 104 session-based protocol 22 namespaces 25 OperationType simple type 96 PeriodicRefreshInfo complex type 35 P PivotFilterItem complex type 35 PivotFilterItemList complex type 36 Parameters - security index 204 PivotFilterOptions complex type 36 PeriodicRefreshInfo complex type 35 PivotFilterType simple type 96 PivotFilterItem complex type 35 RangeReference simple type 104 PivotFilterItemList complex type 36 RelationOperator simple type 104 PivotFilterOptions complex type 36 SessionIdentifier complex type 38 PivotFilterType simple type 96 SheetRange complex type 39 Preconditions 23 simple types 87 Prerequisites 23 SingleSignOnTicket complex type 40 Product behavior 238 SpreadsheetDataXML complex type 40 Protocol Details syntax 25 overview 112 transport 25 Protocol operations 22 VisibleSheetRange complex type 83 Published items and results returned by this protocol WorkOnBehalf complex type 86 23 MessageSeverity 106 MessageType 106 R</p><p>N RangeReference simple type 104 References 20 Namespaces 25 informative 22 Normative references 21 normative 21</p><p>320 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016 RelationOperator simple type 104 timers 115 Relationship to other protocols 23 Session-based protocol 22 Request timeout 194 SessionIdentifier complex type 38 timers 115 SheetRange complex type 39 Simple types 87 S AutoFilterCriteriaType 88 CellError 90 DateNodeType 91 Security ExcelServerMessageButtons 92 implementer considerations 204 ExcelServerMessageId 93 parameter index 204 ExcelServerMessageSeverity 95 Sequencing rules ExcelServerMessageType 95 server 115 guid 104 Server OperationType 96 abstract data model 114 PivotFilterType 96 ApplyItemFilter operation 117 RangeReference 104 ApplyPivotFilter operation 119 RelationOperator 104 ApplyPivotSort operation 121 SingleSignOnTicket complex type 40 ApplyPivotTop10Filter operation 123 SpreadsheetDataXML complex type 40 ApplyTop10Filter operation 125 Standards assignments 24 CancelRequest operation 127 Syntax CloseWorkbook operation 129 messages - overview 25 ConnectAndGetPivotFilterItemList operation 130 ExpandCollapseOutline operation 132 FindRange operation 134 T GetAutoFilterItemList operation 137 GetImage operation 143 Timer events GetPivotFilterItemList operation 144 Request Timeout 194 GetPivotMenu operation 146 Session Timeout 194 GetRange operation 156 Timers GetRangeValues operation 158 request timeout 115 GetRangeValuesA1 operation 160 session timeout 115 GetSessionInformation operation 163 Tracking changes 241 GetWorkbook operation 164 Transport 25 initialization 115 Types local events 194 complex 26 message processing 115 simple 87 OpenWorkbook operation 167 Recalc operation 171 V RecalcA1 operation 173 RecalcAll operation 175 Vendor-extensible fields 24 Refresh operation 177 Versioning 24 RefreshAll operation 179 VisibleSheetRange complex type 83 RemovePivotFilter operation 180 sequencing rules 115 SetParameters operation 182 W SetRange operation 185 SetRangeA1 operation 187 WorkOnBehalf complex type 86 SortFilterColumn operation 190 WSDL 205 TogglePivotDrill operation 192 Session timeout 194</p><p>321 / 321 [MS-EXSPWS] - v20161017 Excel Calculation Web Service Protocol Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation Release: October 17, 2016</p>

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