.. --., ...., Boston Braves CQ"linued Warm . .. N01141 Oat Cardinals, IOWA: Fair and contlnu" J1D t to 3 In lIOath aad southeast POrllOlll See story on Pal'e 4 THE DAILY· IOWAN toclaJ' aad tomorrow. • Iowa City's Morning Newspaper FIVE CENTS I"IIE ASSOCIATEO PIIESS IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1942 VOLUME XLn NUMBER 217 ') (De. lied la. Iln pro. in Nas. )W win. lionable !rs were I before I partial dsor In. , Wash. 'nditlons curlew t s estab. nol', So. e. !I'e pro. Ut shi\]. tn skilled e R· ed '. Ne htl ' ~ - ' R' AF Enemy .p/anes ·' ~orry 'Out Two Ing inla 2000 A g. Their I J •• '* * * !ley ap. !~ . al. ~~S . I~ . Y Assaults·on Dutch Harbor Base hionable the hal'. 60alls 30,000 SECOND RAF ARMADA SMASHES KRUP.P WORKS of thi9 , bu t the Sfruggle for Position, 4' BOinbers Abouf 15 Fighter del' con. Planes Monthly Supply Ma.rks.libyan ' "" . • . BilHle After 9 Days Planes Used In First AHack Plan Over Germany nent; Two Enemy Forces WA BIN · TON (.AP)-Two Japan air raid .... ere launched Rejoined; British' at Dutch Harbor, nited tate na\'al base in .A laska, .... ithin i~ Hundreds of Bombers bours ye terday, . tting oc[ intensified pre 'Aution again t any !sed Carry Out 2nd Raid Take Axis Stronghold llnexepected Japall thru tal ng the \'aRt Pacific frontier. Four bombers with all co rt of about 15 iiO'ht r planes carried reaching On Essen Factories C A I R 0 (AP)-The ninc-day out the first attack a\ 6 !l.m. (I al tim ), 'etting war boUlel ablue battle of Libya became last night problems LONDON (AP) - Thl' RAP and causing R few casllalties. Britain, a savage struggle lor position and bombet' command, having kept Wh iI detail of th r lllt from this a ault were Iltill incom­ and the supply on lhe blazing, swirling plete, the navy department here f('crivcd at p. m. (Central War , but the !he wat'plant city of E!< co lloder sands .of the desert, with the score t night brief rel)orl of the ll('con u raid. Ther were DO declara, !WO consccuti v{' n igll ts of fi re Time ) la a still a destructive stand-of! be­ nent an. and bla t, disclosed yesterday detail al all of till' ('coo.l attack b('yond the bare fa t tllat it tween the tank of British eighth had occllrred. Ibat it is moving steadily towaJ"(l army and German African corps. al secre. Gov . ErocRt 0 ["uening of la ka warn d all civilian d fense Hoal of 30,000 raidillg bombers TWo a.xls force , borin, tow­ )rds that units throughout the territory to .. remai n on th c alert" and toLd over Gel'many each month, an ard each olher from ,ap .. 1- !ontiden­ objective it plan~ to attain by ready cre.. t d In thC' mined and th pe pi that" an anti ipated the gov· sending alit as many as 2,000 seml-tortHlcd Aln EI Gaula­ air raid on Ala ka began this with the planes in a single night. Blr lIachelm IIn c, ripped oul a. morning with ao attack by Jap war pol­ nine· mile wille hole In the cen­ ,helming Overnight, British bOlDbt'l'S in Regi~t~ation plan ' on Dutch Harbor." t8, to open up ... beUer con­ Wetl Coul Alert "al state- "very trong" force, bn t not in the immense strength of the Sat­ nccil!)n with German forces In California, the Los Angelet urday and Monday night assaults Almost duplicating their terrific assault upon Cologne, RM bombers' in, out munitions for tbe Axis are pIctured above. Damage to the which had withdrawn to the county defense council issued an et Union by tbe hundreds roared up the Rubr valley two nlgbts In a row anll \ Essen plants was believed to be equal to that eallsed In Cologne. Ex­ west. Set-Up Listed "emergency alert", calling tor th these on Cologne and Essen, hammered the Ruhr munitions city and its bl .. sted the I'reat Krupp works In the heart ot one of Germany's 'Perts have estimated that a.bout 25 per cent of Germany's Industrial At the same lime a .British col­ sharp vigilance and readlnel8 for lar,est industrial centers, Essen. The sPfawlln, plants that were tum- power has been crippled in the raids. umn, circling the main flcld at ac­ Ich with !IIvirons, New Students Sign Hundreds of FiJrhlers . , tion, occupied Fortundll Segnall, I) big part rocky ' enemy stronghold on the BULLETIN war and But hundreds of RAF fighters Up Saturday; Summer exacted lurther revenge yesterday. axis supply line 30 miles west of LONDON, Thursday (AP) - , in win· the main British poSitions. Session Starts Monday BrlU h Mmm&nd08 tarried "' lisa wei­ BULLETIN Fighting continued at the :lame Registration materials will be a minor reeonn.. hlance r al d Bill for 500 Ships I.ntroquced terrific pace in the brown murk of available at 9 o'clock tomorrow In " in the WNDON, Thursda.y (AP)­ early today on tbe German-beld continuous sand-slorms. The!!e .. th 'tr' rIl nt." 'AY bombers aga.11II struck at kept air activity lo e minimum on mornmg 10 • e regls ar s 0 ce Frencb coast. In the Boulogne-Le preceded Glmany durlnr the night, It both sides, although the British. (or sludents l.n liberal arts, com- Touquet. area, Il wu ortieJaU)' lion that .. authoritatively learned to­ . manag('d to bomb some at the rpptce, ed\lcatlo~ and the gra?uale announced• )e placed My. 'Number of Warships J ps Threaten . IHouse~pproye~ War l R~~en'i; Rins enemy mechanized units north of college, accordmg to R,eglstrar peelal servlee &rOOIll mallin, if there Bi H chelm Harry G. Barnes. Reglstrl}l1on ma- the landin, acrOll tbe Dover .ture. He ~om~el's Italian allie tried a terlals for prole iona) st~denls trail obtain" "valuable 1.­ ~~;~~~"'-~n~-:~~a""'~l~- '~dcrh~o~~-:-s~\~~~~ Would Be Doubled V·t I (hi .- . On AXIS Satelhtes ( ', F fh formation," the British CODlmu.­ vance its second atlack on Blr Hacheim, m!rr be in the offLces of ping, factories, freight trains and obta~ned post-war I a Inese ause ur er only lo b thrown back again by th h respecllve deans. IQue ald. uuftwaffe fighter formations from Destroyers, Cruisers, . Senate O.K. Expected It Willi the fll'llt landln,. In tbat Holland to Bri tlany. the Free French defenders, whom T e sum.mer semester lor under­ the firs( the British now call t.he "Fighting graduotes In liberal arts, commerce ar~a slnc~ Marcb n, but. the 'as reliet An RM spokesman, recaplt- Aircraft Carriers All R II (I Today on Nation's FI d Th t French" and education, as well as for grad- last stab Into tbe contlnen' wu ulaUn, the monster Rhlne-Rubr 6th W D I t' 27 md crip. raids which dellvefed the first Included by Vinson al way en er ar ee ara Ion 00 rea , uate students, will open next Mon­ March when a force ,hoved , he add· day. the explosive - liLden dutro,er massive blows of the fearful on- Jral (!x­ slalllht which is pla.nned, de- WASHINGTON (APJ-A gigan- WASHINGTON (AP)-In rapid- A special summer semester for Campelf.own loto a port dOClil :atives In dared Britain already hiLd the tic ship construction meaSUl'e call- CHUNGKING (AP)-The fale fire order, the house paSSed with- DES MOINES, Ia. (AP) - A WPB Announces Plan beginning freshmen will open ,ate at t. Naaalre, and with &he iurveying orranlzation to send 2,000 planes of the important rail line center out a dissenting vo te and sent to flood threat from the swollen Monday and end Augu t 29. This aid ot French ruldents lourbt. ing for more than 500 fighting th ltd th appllc to freshmen In the colleges the nazt for lbree dal'l. , nlrht against one or mOfe se- of Chuhsien hung precariously in e sena eyes er ay, ree reso- Floyd and Big Sioux rive~s in lected targets when that number vessels at a cost of $8,300,000,000 the balance last night at Japanese lutions declaring war on Bulgaria, of liberal arts and pharmacy. A northwest Iowa caused apprehen­ To Permit Assembly :In of cr ..n Is available. was introduced yesterday by troops, in ;some places less than 10 Hungary and Rumania. shorter term tor freshmen in the instant action. Army authorities He said: Chairman Vinson (D-Ga) of the miles from the city limits, threw The action carried oul a recom- sion among residents in that area college of law will start June 8 to In the Panama Canal Zone an­ ~Ian "A thousand planes nightly is house naval committee in a. move in reiniorcements in an attempt to men~ ation made Tl u e s day by last night, while central Iowa Of Smaller Stokers accommodale law studenls from nounced at Balboa that the alert not the ultimate peak .. There is no close in from three sides upon a PreSIdent Rooseve t in a special farmers in 'Marshall and Hardin colleges which dld not cia e in status lh re bad been intensified ladcast double the size of the fleet. s g to 0 g ess S nate p r reaso n why another thousand to fiercely resisting Chinese garrison. mes a e c n r . e a p 0- counties sUJIveyed effects of wide- WASHINGTON (AP) - The time for earlier registration.
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