<p> Newsletter November 2008</p><p>Principal’s Message advisor Chris Harrison, Girls’ Soccer Coaches/Advisors Beth Wilson and Dana As we begin the second term of semester Homes-Giles, Girls'JV Soccer Coach Jeff one, I remind students that final marks Roy and Teacher Advisor Laura Lambie, will be derived from a 70% value of Golf Coach and Teacher Advisor Richard assessment events completed over the MacLellan and Football Co-Coaches Mike semester. If you have not attained the Tanner and Jeff Lawley and their many mark you targeted this term, it is not too defensive and offensive staff. late to make success your goal. Thank-you to all students and parents who joined us I am proud that we maintain the for our Academic Recognition Evening and important tradition of a Remembrance to parents who participated in Parent- Day ceremony and acknowledge the choir, Teacher interviews. Your support is the orchestra and the string ensemble, integral to student success. Our potential Ms. Farrell, Mr. Staples, Ms. Wilder, Mr. grads had their first class meeting last MacKinnon and all month hosted by Mrs. Greer who has, students who once again, volunteered to oversee participated in the Graduation ceremonies. two ceremonies held in our gymnasium. A The talent of our students and volunteer special thank-you to commitment of our community members grade 10 student, and staff never cease to amaze me. Scott Campbell who provides the Thank-you to all teams for being such fine technology support needed for our many representatives of Citadel High and curricular and co-curricular events. congratulations to the following teams for winning provincial championships: Boys’ Our staff is to be acknowledged for their Senior Cross County team, the Boys’ continued dedication to professional Soccer team Division 1 (repeat), and the development. Many of our staff members Football team. I extend a special thank are involved in technology integration you to Cross Country Coach Pat McGrath sessions organized, again this year, by Mr. and Teacher Advisors Ruth Ann Luke and MacKinnon as part of our school’s Steve Coats, Boys’ Soccer Coach Leo continued technology professional Salloum and Teacher Advisor Chris development plan, and teachers regularly Karmas, Boys’ Jr. Varsity Coach and engage in meetings with colleagues with the goal of improving student learning. To The Students’ Council is very excited date Ms. Patterson, Mr. Rooney and I about upcoming events in November and have attended international conferences, early December. With all of our clubs and Mrs. Greer and Mr. MacKinnon will be committees underway, there are numerous attending conferences later this year and opportunities for students who would like Mr. Adams presented at the National to be involved in the school. Some of the Association of Black School Educators events we are looking forward to include conference in Atlanta, Georgia, this past coffee houses, fundraising lunches, bake week. Our recent school based sales, dances and holiday activities. professional development day focused on the new Assessment, Evaluation and On November 25th there will be a coffee Communication of Student Learning policy house at 7 pm. Money raised from this and enabled teachers to work together to coffee house will go towards the El create common assessments and Salvador trip which is being sponsored by evaluation criteria. Habitat for Humanity. A group of students from our school will be traveling I am always pleased to congratulate the to El Salvador on March break to build successes of all students and wish to houses. On November 27th there will be an acknowledge Hillary Ashley who was one Oxfam (non-profit organization) of fifty grade 9-12 students from Nova fundraiser at lunchtime to help alleviate Scotia selected to attend the Polar poverty around the world. Perspectives Youth Forum hosted by the Museum of Natural History on Wednesday On December 11th Citadel High will host Nov. 26th. This is a full educational its second dance of the year; however, program providing students with the this dance will be a little different! opportunity to learn about Arctic Students are encouraged to don their ecosystems, northern issues, bright 80’s apparel and wave their glow International Polar Year, climate change sticks because it’s going to be a Neon and culture. Best of luck to you Hillary in Dance! The glow sticks will be sold by the your quest to attend the National event STAND committee. STAND, a Student and perhaps actually visit the Arctic with Anti-Genocide Coalition, is a network of a group of scientists. student groups dedicated to putting an end to genocide in Darfur. Despite the recent media focus on isolated incidents at Citadel High, we We strongly encourage all students in the remain a school focused on student school to join committees. The majority learning, on high quality curricular and co- of school committees are still looking for curricular programming, and on more student involvement so don’t maintaining a safe and secure environment hesitate to come out to meetings and join. for all. Students’ Council is also excited about Tam Fawcett other upcoming events in December such as the blood drive in support of the Red Co-Curricular Updates Cross, and Festivus which is a series of student activities scheduled the week Students’ Council before the holiday break. Citadel’s main event will take place December 4th when to the girls’ teams as they advance to our students will strut their stuff on the qualifiers and then hopefully on to runway in Citadel’s Second Annual Fashion provincials. Show. The event will take place in our cafeteria and tickets are $5.00 for Our four basketball teams and the students and $7.00 for adults. Come out cheerleading team have all begun their and support your school at a few of these seasons and are looking forward to great events. We hope to see you there! building on the strong seasons they had last year. Our hockey team is The Council would like to thank all the representing the school proudly as well. students who have come out to school Good luck to all of our athletes! events, whether they be coffee houses, sporting events or many other school Citadel High Youth Health Centre activities. School spirit at Citadel High There are lots of reasons why students seems to be buzzing and we are happy to come into the Youth Health Centre at see students cheering for their fellow Citadel High. Some students come to talk students! to the nurse about many things from relationship issues, feelings of depression, Athletic News pregnancy tests and sexuality concerns. Congratulations to the Senior Boys’ Cross Others come to the Youth Health Centre Country Team. They brought home Citadel to relax or to chill. Other students come High’s first Provincial banner of the to participate on student driven 2008-2009 school year when they committees such as GSA, Peer Health captured the title on Citadel Hill. Thanks Leaders group and the Student Action to Pat McGrath, Ruth-Anne Luke, Steve Team. Coates, Nigel Mailman and his grade 12 Leadership class for hosting a terrific The Student Action team had a successful provincial championship. Not even a week Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign that later, Citadel attained their second title reached the whole school through of the year when our Boys’ Varsity Soccer awarding TAG points to all students who team repeated as provincial champions. To were wearing pink ribbons. They also cap off an excellent start to the athletic raised $50 for breast cancer research! year, our Boys’ Football team defeated Congratulations Citadel on a great effort. rival CEC to win the first provincial football championship for the school. December 1st is World AIDS Day. The Congratulations are extended to our SAT is supporting the Nova Scotia athletes, coaches and staff advisors for Gambia Association’s ongoing work in their successful seasons. West Africa that supports peer health education programs in an effort to reduce Good luck is extended to our Varsity Boys’ the spread of AIDS in Africa. On and Girls’ Volleyball Teams and JV Girls’ November 26, a special guest will be here Volleyball Team as they are working hard to provide a Lunch and Learn. She will talk to capture our next provincial titles. The about her hands on experience in West volleyball teams will be hosting the Africa. The students will also be selling tournament on Dec. 5 and 6 here at popcorn and red ribbons to raise funds Citadel High. Good luck is also extended for this exciting project. to participate in a Learning/Development The Peer Health Leaders are almost panel at the hospital on November 5, finished the learning portion of their 2008. Alex’s participation in the panel was program. They will be familiarizing well received and valued by all of the themselves with the WHOA (“Wait a attendees and demonstrates the minute”, “How”, “Options”, and “Actions”) difference a student can make in their method of decision making. Using this community. Congratulations Alex! approach, they hope to visit some junior high schools this winter. Curricular Updates</p><p>GSA has a regular group that meets on Fine Arts and Technology Department Tuesdays. We are always looking for new participants. GSA is in the process of THRIBHL making a new video and planning a movie IB or not to be.... workshop. Stay tuned for more details. THRIBHL is thrilled to be working on a scene study assignment. The props and Two YHC participants attended the costumes are littering the classroom and Student Leadership workshop sponsored the budding thespians are bringing new by GPI Atlantic, Democracy250 and characters to life. The class has also Heartwood. It was a very rewarding recently enjoyed the poignant theatre experience. piece "Vimy" at Eastern Front Theatre. We could have danced all night...but the Citadel High is working to become a building was closed! Health Promoting School. This initiative is endorsed by Public Health Services and Dance 11 the HRSB for all of the schools in the Students have just performed some area. The World Health Organization moving stories for their peers. They were defines a health promoting school as one that is “….constantly strengthening its tasked with telling famous fairy tales capacity as a healthy setting for living, through movement and dance. Mr. Coats learning and working” To this end we now and all in attendance were moved by the have a Health Promoting School many and varied works created. Students Committee. There will be more updates in are now working on “dance on film” next month’s newsletter. assignments.</p><p>Teachers Being Students! Drama 10 Congratulations to Ms. Beth Stinson who We are happy to report that things are recently graduated with a Masters in coming together nicely in the drama room. Education degree. The grade 10 class is starting both a warm-up and movement unit. The French Citadel Student Makes A Difference! Immersion class is full steam ahead with “Comedy in the Classroom”. The Drama 11 Alex Slate, a Grade 12 student at Citadel students are moving into monologues. We High, is an active member of the Youth are so proud of all of you. Keep showing us Advisory Council at the IWK Children’s what you got!!! Hospital. The YAC was recently requested PAL11 Construction Technology 10 students are Due to the increasingly colder weather, constructing the main floor of a model PAL classes will be moving inside for most home. Students have put in the sill plate classes; however, for one class each week and girder and are ready to start laying we will continue to venture outside for a headers and joists. This will be followed hike around the city. Class discussion will by installing a sub floor and erecting walls. continue to focus on nutrition, steroid use, and general well being. PDT11 Production Technology 11 students have PE12 started assembling their tables and will Physical Educational 12 students are complete them by applying a stain and beginning their indoor units in volleyball varathane finish. and badminton. Floor hockey and basketball are coming up in December. Art 10 Students are also doing projects in Ms. Bruce’s grade 10 art students are various aspects of sports, nutrition, and enjoying a week long book making unit with biomechanics (movement). exploration into design principles and the elements of art. Ms. Bruce’s students PE Leadership 12 would like to welcome Emei Tsai, an Leadership 12 students were instrumental enthusiastic practice teacher from MSVU in the operation of the provincial cross to their classroom. Mr. D’Arcy’s Art 10 country meet in late October. They students have completed a symmetrical, continue to organize and run the spiral, radial design project and are now in intramural program at Citadel and are the process of creating three dimensional team teaching their own classes. They are images. in the planning stages for a ski trip in January. Art 12 IMPORTANT NOTICE! The grade 12 Art students have created All students using the gymnasium areas interesting new sculptures combining are reminded to not bring valuables or manufactured material with natural ones. leave valuables in the change rooms or the These are currently on display in the main gym at any time during the day. Valuables lobby. should be locked in lockers. FVP12 EXT 10 Film and Video Production 12 is well into Exploring Technology 10 students are documentary exercises with lots of designing and creating “Mars Rovers”. discussion around media bias. These rovers have to drive out, pick up a core sample and bring it back to the main AIT 11/ SA 12 ship. Students will be competing to see Applied information Technology 11 whose rover can accomplish this task in students are finishing up loose ends with the shortest amount of time. Publisher and Power Point exercises. Once students have finished these CNT 10 exercises they are moving on to an introduction to Front Page and Web Wednesday, November 26th and Design. Saturday, November 29th. Everyone is welcome to audition. Please see either Ms. Software Applications 12 students are Farrell or Mr. Coats for more details. finishing exercises in Excel and will complete a test and chart exercises in Concert Band/String Ensemble this program. Once students have The Citadel High School Concert Band finished these exercises they will study along with the Concert Choir and String more advanced aspects of Excel. Ensemble performed at this year's Following this they will begin to learn Remembrance Day ceremonies and all about data bases, specifically the Access students gave an excellent performance program. on this solemn occasion. As well, Shannon Lauriston played the Last Post and IB Music HL/ Academic Music 11/ Voice Revellie beautifully on her trumpet to add 10/11/12 to the appropriate mood of the program. Who are the three main composers of the The band is now busy preparing music for Classical Era? Ask students in the IB the upcoming holiday season and will be Music HL stream. They have been sharing their talents, along with all of our studying about many works from this era. Citadel music groups, at the annual They have also been composing classical Holiday Season Concert. This year the music of their own. Academic Music 11 concert will be held on Tuesday, students have also been practicing a song December 9th at 7:00 pm in the they composed as a group. They will be school cafeteria. All are welcome and the performing it at the Coffee House on admission is free. Tuesday, November 25th. Voice 10/11/12 students have recently been assigned Mathematics Department musical theatre pieces. This is an excellent opportunity to further explore A reminder that students who wish to staging and character development with write any of the competitions listed below the students. must contact Mr. Hamilton or their mathematics’ teacher. Registration deadlines are not negotiable as names Concert Choir/ Chamber Choir must be submitted by the deadline Bravo to the concert choir for their established by CMC. performance at the Remembrance Day ceremony! Our next performances will be on Monday, December 8th at St. Date Registration Andrew's United Church and on Competition Written Fee * Tuesday, December 9th at 7:00 at Citadel Canadian November $12.00 due High. The chamber choir is also busy Open 19 2008 Nov 3rd preparing for holiday concerts. We will be Mathematics (completed singing at Citadel Hill on Saturday, Challenge by 10 November 22 at noon. students) Cayley grade February $3.00 due Musical Auditions 10 18 2009 Jan. 15tht Auditions for the musical will be held on Fermat grade 11 province of Nova Scotia for NSE Canadian February $7.00 due Mathematics 12 examinations. Computing 24 2009 Jan. 30th Competition Science Department Euclid grade April 7 $12.00 due 12 2009 March 6th Did you ever wonder about that popping sound that results from bending back the * Students experiencing difficulty with fingers of your hand? The sound you hear registration fees please speak with Mr. is an example of the effect of pressure Hamilton classroom 109 for assistance. on solubility of gases in a liquid. The joints Registration may be arranged through any contain fluid, and when the joint is Mathematics’ teacher. suddenly pulled or stretched, the cavity that holds the fluid gets larger. This The Nova Scotia Mathematics’ League is causes the pressure to decrease because now up and running for the academic pressure and volume are inversely school year. The first round of proportional. A bubble of gas then forms, competitions was held on Saturday, making a sound as it comes out of solution November 22nd at Saint Mary’s University. inside the joint. You cannot repeatedly Citadel had two teams competing and this crack your knuckles because it takes time was a great opportunity for students to for the gas to re-dissolve. apply their classroom skills. Further information may be found on the Nova The Science department has been very Scotia High School Math League site busy over the last month. On Saturday, which may be found by searching Google November 15, Citadel High competed in using the keywords Nova Scotia Math the Reach for Dalhousie Competition. League. Students competed against 24 teams from around the Maritimes and narrowly Congratulations are extended to all lost in the semi-finals. The four students students who achieved Academic Honours each won a $1000 scholarship to for the 2007-2008 school year. It was a Dalhousie University. Congratulations are pleasure to see so many students attend extended to students Alex Mills, Amanda our academic recognition evening and we Bolt, Peter Dagsvik, and Eileen Burns and were very impressed with the tremendous also to the teacher coordinator Ms. turnout of parents and families. Wilson.</p><p>Ms. Maclellan’s classes visited The The on-site Professional Development Day Imperial Oil Refinery in Eastern Passage on November 21 was used by the teachers on November 13 and received an education in the Mathematics Department to concerning the practical application of explore marking techniques for formative chemistry in industry. The same group of and summative assessment items. students will be traveling to Musquodoboit Teachers are also looking at the to explore the ecology of the wetlands on distinction between conceptual and November 24. computational errors in mathematics. This is an attempt by the staff to align The Nova Scotia Recycles Contest will classroom marking (rubrics) and accept entries postmarked by January 14. techniques with the standard set by the This contest offers creative challenges looks up at the release mechanism and for students in P-12 programs and there says, "Wait a minute, I see your are over $55,000 in cash, prizes and problem... scholarships to be won. Students in grades 10-12 can enter the Media Social Studies Department Campaign and grade 12 students can enter the Research Essay. Winners of the The Social Studies department hosted a Research Essay receive $20,000 in number of exciting class speakers this scholarships! For more information, please month including Retired Justice Gordon visit: www.rrfb.com Tidman, and Legal Aid lawyer Roger Burrill, who spoke to Mr. Rawding’s Law SHAD Valley is an excellent opportunity class. Representatives from Laing House for students to learn about the exciting presented a session in Ms. Cowan’s life of a real scientist. It is not too late Sociology class. to get involved. Please contact Mr. Gosse to get more information. Students also had the opportunity to participate in various field trips. Mr. The Citadel Robotics Club has started Williams’, Mr. Harrison’s and Mr. Albers’ preparations for the Robots East IB History and Canadian History classes Competition. New students are welcome to went to see the new Canadian film, join us on Mondays at lunchtime in room Passchendaile. Ms. Burke’s IB History 213. class was fortunate to have the opportunity to see Neptune Theatre’s IB physics students have just learned all production of “Masked”. about heat engines and heat pumps and are now learning about global energy Two members of the Social Studies resources and global warming. Department attended international education conferences during November. Get ready to blast off in Mr. Lincoln’s Mr. Rooney participated in the National class with the physics of rockets and Council of Social Studies Conference in satellites. How do those things stay up Houston, Texas and Ms. Patterson there anyway? Identification of elements attended the NABSE conference in via flame tests is the hot topic in Atlanta, Georgia. chemistry!</p><p>Science Humour Options and Opportunities O2 Program A priest, a lawyer and an engineer are about to be guillotined. The priest puts his head on the block, they pull the rope and nothing happens - he declares that he is been saved by divine intervention and he is let go. The lawyer is put on the block and again the rope doesn't release the blade. He claims he can't be executed twice for the same crime and he is set free too. They grab the engineer and shove his head into the guillotine. He The grade 11 students recently completed a walking tour of the Halifax area focusing on the topic of Urban Legends. The Grade 10 students will be going to the Department of Natural Resources to complete a day of study on ecology. It is important to remember that grade 11 students must complete a “Test Drive “at NSCC during this year.</p><p>Languages Department</p><p>An Dùn – Citadel Gaelic The Nova Scotia Home Builders’ Association has begun a pilot project with The Citadel High Gaelic Society - An Dùn Citadel High School’s O2 Program for the meets every Wednesday at lunchtime in 2008-2009 school year. The students room 202. Students who are interested in have had the unique opportunity as part exploring and celebrating the Gaelic of the Community Based Learning language and culture are encouraged to Experiences to visit a construction site in bring lunch and come to a meeting. Portland Hills, working with tradespersons employed with Integrity Homes. This The Citadel High Gaelic Studies 11 and initial visit will be followed up next week Gaelic 10 classes went on a very with in-school presentations to allow the educational field trip to the Hector students to share their learning Heritage Quay Museum on October 20th. experiences with members of the The Hector Heritage Quay Museum is NSHBA. This visitation will allow students home to a full scale replica of the Hector, to discuss various aspects and job the ship that carried the first Scottish opportunities in the residential Highlanders to Pictou, Nova Scotia in construction industry. We are excited to 1772. partner with a group which places an extremely high level of emphasis on youth The Gaelic Studies 11 class also recently education and has provided hands -on went on a field trip to the Nova Scotia learning for our students in the industry Archives to learn about the wealth of setting. resources available to them in their current and future research. The group has also completed visitations Look for feature stories on Citadel's to the Halifax Shipyards, Imperial Oil and efforts to promote Gaelic language and of course the local Nova Scotia culture in the current issues of both the Community Colleges. The students have Southender Magazine and Bedford also had a number of guest speakers Magazine. including guests from Early Apprenticeship, the insurance industry The Citadel High Gaelic Society, An Dún, nd and the Bank of Canada. All students are is hosting our 2 Annual Ceilidh at the now St. John’s Ambulance certified in CPR Citadel High Cafeteria on the evening of th and First Aid. November 27 . It will feature both student and professional performances of Gaelic song, music and dance. Students years in? And then I realize: and community members are welcome so they're just brochures! Just take please reserve the date. a look and you'll go far! There's no need to worry for long! When I Guidance - Student Services saw the stands circling the cafeteria, crowded with hopeful The Citadel High Virtual Guidance faces, I just took a look. I Office (the VGO) is packed with grabbed some pamphlets, looked information for students, parents and at a brochure, chose what I staff. Please visit our site wanted, and the plan became www.chsvgo.ednet.ns.ca for updates and clear. Turns out, there are information. endless ways to make a living. You just have to look. The Class of 2009 Counsellor – Student One-on-One and Student Services is pleased with the Grad Pacs active engagement of students during the School counsellors have completed visiting Expo and thank Mr. MacKay’s O2 and Mr. grade 12 classes and meeting with Mailman’s Phys-Ed Leadership 12 class for potential graduates to complete credit their preparing for the afternoon. checks, applications to graduate, and distribute Grad Pacs. If any Potential Parents as Career Coaches Grads have missed their meeting – they Parents are the single greatest influence must see their counsellor ASAP - during a on their children's education and career study period, before or after school or at decisions. This is the message Labor and lunch. Workforce Development Minister Mark Parent delivered to 50 parents during Education Expo – Full of Opportunity Session 1 of Parents as Career Coaches at On October 29, Citadel High School was Citadel High School on November 13. pleased to host the second annual Education Expo which brought over 50 During the free, three-session workshop, representatives from the Atlantic parents learn about information and tools Universities, Community Colleges, private to effectively guide their children as they schools, other agencies and organizations move from high school to post-secondary together with the entire Citadel student education or training. Parents will also body. Students were invited to visit the learn about things like changing trends in cafeteria and mezzanine where they could today's labor market, how to identify gather information about post-secondary their children's interests and skills, and options by speaking to representatives how to connect them to potential career and listening to presentations from options. participating institutions. Sandra, a grade 12 student, describes her experience This is the second year Parents as Career during the Education Expo: Coaches is being offered in high schools It was a large room filled with across the province. In the 2007-08 opportunity. That's what scares academic year, over 500 parents me; which chance I'll take? Which participated in 33 programs across the college I'll spend the next four province. This year, Citadel High School is the first school in the province to host Guidance Office website with a link on the program. So far, the sessions have study skills, exam anxiety, and much more. been a great success, and response from parents has been very positive. Upcoming Dates □ November 25 Coffee House 7-9:30 During Session 1 on November 13, pm Minister Mark Parent talked to parents □ November 27 2nd Annual Ceilidh 7pm about the importance of the program and □ December 4 Fashion Show 7pm career planning in general. Principal Tam □ December 9 Holiday Season Concert Fawcett was also present to kick off the 7pm program at Citadel High. Local media □ December 11 Dance 7:30-10:30pm were invited to the event, and CTV news □ December 19 Last day of classes joined in to capture footage for a piece □ January 5 School Re-opens for the 11:30pm news. On November 19, □ January 26-29 Exam Week 32 parents braved the first winter storm of the season to take part in Session 2. The program wraps up next Wednesday, November 26, with Session 3. </p><p>For more information, please visit www.parentsascareercoaches.ca. </p><p>Student Success The first term is over and mid-semester marks are in. The Student Services department would like to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of students who have achieved academic success thus far. Students who have experienced difficulty should talk with teachers to develop strategies for improvement and are encouraged to visit their counsellor to discuss ways to increase their academic success. Another excellent source of information is the Citadel High Virtual </p>
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