<p>Computer Applications Technology Terminology List</p><p>TERM DEFINITION CATEGORY Margins The distance between the text and the sides of a whole Applications page or whole document. Orientation The horizontal (landscape) and vertical (portrait) orientation Applications of a page. Database A collection of related tables store data about a subject or a Database group of subjects. Database Management Software that can be used to store data in an organized Database manner, manipulate data and process data into information. Datasheet View Shows the contents of your table in rows and columns and Database allows the user to enter and change data. Design View Describes the layout of the records, and can be used to Database create a new table/query/report/form or change the layout of an existing table/query/report/form Field A single detail or smallest unit of data that can be stored Database Filter Basic enquiries, i.e. only one field at a time, all fields are Database displayed, criteria can only be applied to one field; no order, results cannot be stored. Foreign Key A field in a table that is a primary in another table. Database Form An object that enables a user to perform the storage and Database viewing of data in a user-friendly manner Form View Shows the form with its fields and allows the user to enter Database and change data. Input Mask Allows us to format the data e.g. Telephone numbers Database Primary key The field that uniquely defines a record. Database Query The object that allows you to retrieve specific information Database from a vast database based on certain criteria. Advanced queries can be made, i.e. more than one field, certain fields can be displayed, criteria can be applied to a number of fields in a specific order and results are stored. Record A collection of fields that contain details on a specific Database subject or entity. Referential Integrity Makes sure that you cannot refer to a record that does not Database exist. Relational Database A collection of related tables store data about a subject or a Database group of subjects. Relationship Database Connects the primary key of one table to the foreign key of another table. Links data from several tables</p><p>Advantages of a relationship: Referential Integrity can be enforced (meaning that you may not add a record to the table that contains the foreign key unless there is a corresponding record in the linked table). Queries can be created using fields from the linked </p><p>1 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 tables. Enables data in one table to be joined to data in another table which generally serves as the basis for queries and reports. Report Allows the user to view information so it can be presented Database in a printed format in various different ways. Table/File Collection of records which store information about a Database particular object such as a video. Validation Rule To limit errors by forcing the input of pre-set values only, Database e.g. allowing negative numbers for an age. FAT (File Allocation Table) A data structure/table used internally by the operating File system to keep a record the physical location of each cluster Management of each file on a disk. File compression This makes computer data smaller so less is needed to File represent the same information and, consequently, the Management information takes up less disk or file space and may be transmitted in less time. WinZip and WinRAR are examples of an application that compresses files. File extension A short series of letters and/or numerals at the end of a File personal computer filename, used to indicate the type of Management file and the software that will be required to operate or open it.</p><p>JPG: Jpeg Image file - the most common type of graphics file EXE: Executable file – double-clicking on this file will make a program run. BMP: Bitmap Image file DOCX: Microsoft Word Document 2010 PPTX: Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, PPT – older version of PowerPoint. ZIP: Zipped or Compressed file – indicates that this file has been compressed (with a WinZip or WinRAR program) NTFS (New Technology File A newer version of FAT, used since Windows NT, which is File System) faster, more robust and offers better security. Management Read-only property Setting a file to read-only helps you to protect the file from File accidental deletion and changes to the file's content. If a file Management is set to read-only, you will not be able to save changes to it unless you turn off the file's read-only status. Find the file you want to edit. Right-click the file, and then click Properties. Click the General tab, clear the Read-only check box, and then click OK. Edit and save your file as needed. Wildcards Wildcards are like the blank pieces in Scrabble, or like the File Jokers you can use in some card games to stand in for any Management card. The wildcards “*” and “?” can be used to display all files with the extension “.doc” by typing “*.doc”, or all files “01062001.doc”, “01072001.doc”,“01122001.doc”... by typing “01??2001.doc”. Address Bus The address bus transfers the address of the data and Hardware address of the program instructions to the CPU AGP (Advanced Graphics Expansion slot for graphics card. It introduced a dedicated Hardware Port) point-to- point channel so that the graphics controller can directly access main memory.</p><p>2 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 Athlon A CPU manufactured by AMD. There are various versions, Hardware including 64 bit and dual core. Blu-ray A storage technology that was developed to enable Hardware recording, rewriting and playback of high-definition (HD) video, as well as storing large amounts of data. Buffers Temporary storage areas in RAM used to speed up slow Hardware input/output devices. Bus An electronic pathway along which signals can be sent from Hardware one part of the computer to another. Cache Special high speed memory (SRAM) reserved for temporary Hardware storage of data or instructions needed next by the processor. Primary Cache (L1): Internal cache - built onto the CPU External Cache (L2): External cache - located just outside of the CPU Caching (Web) A technique that the processor uses to store frequently Hardware accessed items from the WWW. CD (Compact Disk) CD-ROM: Optical disc - can store large amounts of data. Hardware CD-R: A disc that has no pre-formed pits and lands that hold data instead has layers of dye. Can be written to once only. CD-RW: A disc that does not contain a dye but rather phase changing chemicals. It can be erased and re-written to. Celeron A line Intel microprocessors introduced in June, 1998. Hardware Celeron chips are based on the same P6 architecture as the Pentium II microprocessor, but are designed for low-cost PCs. They run at somewhat lower clock speeds (266 and 300 MHz) and are not as expandable as Pentium II microprocessors. Centrino A brand used for a laptop that uses Intel’s Pentium M Hardware processor, Intel’s Wi-Fi networking chip and Intel’s motherboard. Any laptop not using all three of these components may not use the word ‘Centrino’ but must be called a laptop with ‘Pentium M’ processor. Clusters The smallest addressable unit of disk space that stores data. Hardware</p><p>CMOS (Complementary A non-volatile memory chip which stores configuration Hardware Metal-Oxide Semi- settings such as your boot sequence and your date and conductor) time. The chip retains its data when the power is turned off as long as it receives a trickle of electricity from a battery. Control Bus The control bus carries the signals that tells memory if the Hardware CPU wants to read or write memory. Core i3 (i5 or i7) or Quad A more modern model of the Core 2 Duo manufactured by Hardware Core Intel. CPU (Central Processing Fetches data and instructions from memory and carries out Hardware Unit) the processing. Consists of: Arithmetic Logic Unit: Performs all mathematical and logical operations Control Unit: Fetches and decodes instructions from memory and carries them out. CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Invented in 1897, CRT is the most common display Hardware technology for televisions. The tube uses an electron beam to scan lines on the screen coated with phosphor, which glows when struck by the beam. Cylinders All the tracks on top and below one another that can be Hardware accessed without moving the read write heads on a hard </p><p>3 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 disk drive. Data bus The data bus transfers data and program instructions to the Hardware CPU DDR Double Data Rate RAM refers to the type of RAM that can Hardware be inserted in the RAM slots on the motherboard. Dedicated device Devices that are designed to perform one specific task only, Hardware e.g. traffic lights, washing machines, etc. Digital camera A camera that stores images digitally rather than recording Hardware them on film. Once a picture has been taken, it can be downloaded to a computer system, and then manipulated with a graphics program and printed. Unlike film photographs, which have an almost infinite resolution, digital photos are limited by the amount of memory in the camera, the optical resolution of the digitizing mechanism, and, finally, by the resolution of the final output device. DIMM (Dual Inline Memory A small circuit board that holds memory (RAM) chips. Hardware Module) Dot pitch The distance between the holes in the shadow mask of a Hardware monitor. The smaller dot pitch, the sharper the monitor. DPI (Dots per inch) Print resolution refers to the quality of the print or dots per Hardware inch (dpi). The average is around 4800 x 1200 dpi. Scan resolution is important for those that make a lot of high quality copies and scan pictures. Dual Core 2 physical CPUs are included on a single chip. This chip alone Hardware is therefore equivalent to plugging two separate single core CPUs into a multi-processor motherboard. Dual Core / Core 2 Duo Hardware Technologies which incorporate two processor cores in one physical package. Core 2 Duo is a brand name for a specific architecture by Intel.</p><p>Benefits: Is capable of processing more than one instruction at a time. Has faster performance Greater energy efficiency More responsive multitasking DVD (Digital Versatile Disk) Hardware A type of optical disk technology similar to the CD-ROM. A DVD holds a minimum of 4.7 GB of data, enough for a full- length movie. DVDs are commonly used as a medium for digital representation of movies and other multimedia </p><p> presentations That combines sound with graphics. The DVD specification supports disks with capacities of from 4.7GB to 17GB and access rates of 600KBps to 1.3 Mbps. One of the best features of DVD drives is that they are backward-compatible with CD-ROMs, meaning they can play old CD-ROMs, CD-I disks, and video CDs, as well as new DVD-ROMs. Newer DVD players can also read CD-R disks. </p><p>4 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 DVD +/-RW optical disk: hybrid (dual-format) drive capable of reading both DVD+ and DVD- formats. Lightscribe DVD writer: uses a light (laser technology) to burn direct-to-disc labels (as opposed to stick-on labels). e-book reader/e-book A mobile electronic device that is designed primarily for the Hardware device/e-reader purpose of reading digital e-books and magazines. Embedded Intel Graphics The graphics controller is built into the motherboard Hardware media Entry-level Computer For users that will be using their desktop for basic Hardware applications such as e-mail, Internet surfing and general documentation and are looking for an affordable price. Expansion card Also called an adapter. Is a card that fits into an expansion Hardware slot on the Mother Board and has a cable or device connected to it, e.g. Sound Card, NIC. External Bus Allows the CPU to communicate with the plug-in slots Hardware Fan To cool the processor. Hardware Fat Client A normal stand alone computer with full CPU, memory, Hardware storage and local software. The network is only used for communication / accessing shared resources. FDD A floppy disk is a data storage medium that is composed of a Hardware disk of thin, flexible ("floppy") magnetic storage medium encased in a square or rectangular plastic shell. Floppy disks are read and written by a floppy disk drive. FireWire A high speed serial data transfer connection between Hardware devices such as a video camera and a computer. Can connect up to 63 devices, transfer high quantities of data at high speeds, without loss of quality, carries sound and video over same medium. Used for connecting video cameras. FireWire 400 – transfer rates up to 400 Mbps, FireWire 800 – 800 Mbps. Flash memory A rewritable memory chip that retains its data without a Hardware power supply. GB (Gigabyte) Measure of storage. One gigabyte is equal to 1,024 Hardware megabytes. Gigabyte is often abbreviated as G or GB. General-purpose device Devices, i.e. computers that can perform more than one Hardware function, e.g. tablets, computers, smartphones GHz (Gigahertz) One GHz represents 1 billion cycles per second. The speed Hardware of microprocessors, called the clock speed, often is measured in gigahertz. For example, a microprocessor that runs at 200 GHz executes 200 billion cycles per second. Each computer instruction requires a fixed number of cycles, so the clock speed determines how many instructions per second the microprocessor can execute. To a large degree, this controls how powerful the microprocessor is. GPS (Global Positioning A device that allows you to determine your position on the Hardware System) earth based on signals from satellites. Hard disk drive The mechanism that reads and writes data on a hard disk. Hardware Hard disk drives (HDDs) for PCs generally have seek times of about 12 milliseconds or less. Many disk drives improve their performance through a technique called caching. HDMI (High Definition A compact audio/video interface for transferring Hardware Multimedia Interface) uncompressed digital audio/video data from an HDMI-</p><p>5 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 compliant device ("the source") to a compatible digital audio device, computer monitor, video projector, and digital television Heatsink A piece of hardware usually placed over the CPU, the north Hardware bridge chipset and the GPU on a 3D graphics accelerator that is usually made of copper or aluminium and incorporates fins or ridges over which air flow. It is meant to cool the circuitry by conducting heat away from it. Hot swapping / Hot plugging Hot swapping is when devices can be plugged in and out Hardware without switching off or rebooting the PC.</p><p>The ability to add and remove devices to a computer while the computer is running and have the operating system automatically recognize the change. Hot plugging is also called hot swapping. Ink jet Printer Produce high-quality text and graphics by spraying ink onto Hardware a sheet of paper. Integrated A device that is built into the notebook or monitor, e.g. Hardware integrated webcam. Interlacing In order to reduce the flicker a monitor will refresh the odd Hardware rows alternately to the even rows. Internal Bus Allows the CPU to communicate with RAM Hardware Interrupts Signals given by a peripheral or device that wants to get the Hardware CPU’s attention. iPod An example of a very popular portable digital audio player. Hardware ISA (Industry Standard ISA is an older technology for connecting computer Hardware Architecture) peripherals. Common current devices include modems and sound cards. ISA is much slower than PCI, so PCI devices are generally better if you have a choice. Laptops vs Desktops Hardware Advantages of Laptops over Desktops: The laptops, being portable, can be used in different venues throughout the school. Laptops are small and convenient to carry around and take up less space; they also don’t need a desk, they can be used on a student’s lap. Teachers will be able to demonstrate or display simulations for lesson content Laptops can get its power supply from a battery for short periods of time without connecting to the main electricity supply. Laptops can be used for Internet connectivity in a Wi- Fi access area or hotspots. Disadvantages of Laptops over Desktops: The easy ability to be stolen due to its small size and portability. They can easily be damaged and can cost a lot to replace or fix. A laptop is not as easy to upgrade as a desktop; it will last only a few years before it is out of date.</p><p>6 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 The laptop battery will need to be charged regularly. An upgrade on a laptop is more expensive than a desktop. Laptops are usually less powerful. Laptops are generally more expensive. Laser Printer Uses a laser beam to produce an image onto a drum. Hardware LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) A monitor that does not need to be refreshed. Found in Hardware Laptops and PDAs. Mainframe computer A large digital computer serving 100-400 users and Hardware occupying a special air-conditioned room. MB (Megabyte) Megabyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital Hardware information storage or transmission and is equal to 106 (1000000) bytes. However, due to historical usage in computer-related fields it is still often used to represent 220 (1024×1024 or 1048576) bytes. Memory card Memory for use in mobile devices that makes use of flash Hardware memory technology. Most frequently used in cameras / PDA’s, etc. There are many different standards (the cards have different physical sizes and connections) including, amongst others, Compact Flash, Secure Digital, Multi-Media card, Memory stick, etc. Memory card reader A card reader is a hardware device which plugs directly into Hardware your computer (normally via a USB port) and it allows one to read the contents of a media (storage) card without, for example, having to plug the digital camera into the PC. Card readers generally will read a number of different media card formats. MHz (Megahertz)/KHz The speed of the processor, i.e. how many instructions per Hardware (Kilohertz) second the processor can execute.</p><p>Mid-range Computers For users that will be using their desktop for basic Hardware applications such as e-mail, Internet surfing and general documentation, but are more frequent users, require multi- tasking and are looking for a PC with slightly better specs than the entry-level range shown above. Paying this little bit extra will give your PC better performance as well as build in more future capacity. Monitor A monitor is a user interface designed to allow the user to Hardware see the functions being performed. A visual display unit, often called simply a monitor or display, is a piece of electrical equipment which displays images generated from the video output of devices such as computers, without producing a permanent record. Motherboard A printed circuit board, which is found inside the unit. The Hardware main function is to provide connections for all the main components (RAM, CPU, etc.) so they can communicate with each other. Multi-function printer Multi Function Product/ Printer/ Peripheral), multifunction Hardware all-in-one (AIO), or Multifunction Device (MFD), is an office machine which incorporates the functionality of multiple devices in one, so as to have a smaller footprint in a home or small business setting (the SOHO market segment), or to provide centralized document management/ </p><p>7 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 distribution/production in a large-office setting. A typical MFP may act as a combination of some or all of the following devices: E-mail, Fax, Photocopier, Printer, Scanner NIC (Network Interface A card that plugs into the Mother Board and the network Hardware Card) cables plug into it from the outside. North Bridge Part of the chipset on the motherboard. Connects the CPU, Hardware the RAM, the graphics card and the South Bridge together. Numeric keypad For inputting large quantities of numbers. Hardware Parallel (LPT) Used to connect the computer to the printer. Data is sent 8 Hardware bits at a time. PCI (Peripheral Component Type of expansion slot - faster than ISA. Hardware Interconnect) PCI Express Fastest type of expansion slot - used in modern computers Hardware for graphics cards that have DVI, HDMI. An improvement and refinement of the PCI-bus that is specifically designed to enhance video performance. PCI Express is a new bus design for communication between CPU, memory and peripherals. Typically provides bandwidth and speed improvements for demanding peripherals such as graphics accelerators. It uses serial connections and a switch to provided dedicated point-to-point link between components on a motherboard. PDA (Personal Digital A handheld computer, also known as a palmtop computer. Hardware Assistant) Newer PDAs also have both colour screens and audio capabilities, enabling them to be used as mobile phones (smartphones), web browsers, or portable media players. Peripherals A computer device, such as a CD-ROM drive or printer that Hardware is not part of the essential computer, i.e. the memory and processor. Peripheral devices can be external, such as mouse, keyboards, mouse, printer, monitor, external hard drives, speakers, microphones, and scanner – or internal, such as a CD-ROM drive, CD-R drive or Internal modem. Internal peripheral devices are often referred to as integrated peripherals. Phosphor dots The “phosphor” dot which cover the back of the screen on a Hardware CRT monitor. 1 Phosphor dot = 1 physical pixel. Pixels Picture element=Glowing dots that make up image on a Hardware screen. More logical pixels give higher resolution. Plotter A device which draws pictures onto large sheets of paper Hardware using coloured pens. Ports Connections for peripheral devices. Hardware Ppm (Pages per minute) The measurement of printing speed. Hardware Primary Memory (storage) The primary memory is electronic and fast. It holds the Hardware instructions that the computer is using whilst it is on. Examples include RAM (Random Access Memory). Printers A device that prints text or illustrations on paper. Hardware Processor Central processing unit: the part of a computer (a Hardware microprocessor chip) that does most of the data processing; "the CPU and the memory form the central part of a computer to which the peripherals are attached." PS2 A small serial port which allows the connection of a key Hardware board and/or mouse to the computer. RAID (Redundant array of A technology that provides increased storage reliability Hardware inexpensive disks) through redundancy, combining multiple low-cost, less- reliable disk drives components into a logical unit.</p><p>8 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 RAM (Random Access A form of computer data storage (volatile memory) that Hardware Memory) holds the programs that we run on the computer and that data that these programs work with. The word random thus refers to the fact that any piece of data can be returned in a constant time, regardless of its physical location and whether or not it is related to the previous piece of data. </p><p>Memory that can operate at high speeds and is used to store the Operating , program instructions and data in use whilst the computer is running includes ROM. Refresh rate How often a monitor’s screen is “refreshed”/redrawn each Hardware second, e.g. 50-80 times per second. Registers Storage area within the CPU which holds the current Hardware instruction. Resolution The number of pixels (horizontally and vertically) grouped Hardware on a monitor; e.g.: 640x480 is a low resolution whereas 1152x864 is a high resolution. The number of pixels per square inch on a computer- generated display; the greater the resolution, the better the picture. Retina Display Retina Display is a marketing term developed by Apple to Hardware refer to devices and monitors that have a resolution and pixel density so high – roughly 300 or more pixels per inch – that a person is unable to discern the individual pixels at a normal viewing distance. RFID (Radio Frequency A standard that uses a tag reader to generate radio signals Hardware Identification) to communicate with a transponder (or tag) that contains identification data. An RFID chip can hold a variety of data, including: ID, name, surname, location, years (age), nationality, etc.</p><p>An RFID chip is a small electronic circuit embedded in labels, material etc. for purposes of tracking and stock control. When brought near a sensor the RFID unit broadcasts its unique ID number on low power radio. RFID has serious privacy implications. Robotics The science and study of technology associated with design Hardware and invention machines that can be programmed and re- programmed to perform a series of tasks, involving sensors and actuators. ROM (Read Only Memory) Computer Memory on which data has been pre-recorded. Hardware Once data has been written onto a ROM chip, it cannot be removed and can only be read. Unlike main memory (RAM), ROM retains its contents even when the computer is turned off. ROM is referred to as being non-volatile, whereas RAM is volatile. Most personal computers contain a small amount of ROM that stores critical programs such as the program that boots the computer. In addition, ROMs are used extensively in calculators and peripheral devices such as laser printers, whose fonts are often stored in ROMs. SCSI (Small computer system Standard high-speed parallel interface for connecting Hardware interface) peripherals to a computer via standard hardware interface. For fast hard drive access. SD Card (Media card) The most common storage medium for storing photographs Hardware</p><p>9 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 on a digital camera. Secondary Memory The secondary memory is mechanical and is slower than Hardware (Storage) primary memory. It is used to store data permanently. Examples include Hard disk drive, Flash drive, Memory card, Stiffy Disk. Serial port (Com) Used to connect an external modem or mouse to the Hardware computer. Data is sent one bit at a time. Smartphone Smartphones are a handheld device that integrates mobile Hardware phone capabilities with the more common features of a handheld computer or PDA. Smartphones allow users to store information, e-mail, and install programs, along with using a mobile phone in one device. For example a Smartphone could be a mobile phone with some PDA functions integrated into the device, or visa versa. A smartphone as a mobile device: Uses an operating Runs different application software A multi-purpose device Has input, processing, output and storage Distinctions between smartphones and normal phones are blurring. Normal phones have many high end features such as music players, cameras, synching of contacts, games, basic application support and even GPS. True smartphones have greater storage, touch screen interface, larger, higher resolution screens and the ability to run more sophisticated and useful applications. Solid state drives The traditional spinning hard drive (HDD) is the basic non- Hardware volatile storage on a computer, i.e. it doesn't "go away" like the data on the system memory when you turn the system off. Hard drives are essentially metal platters with a magnetic coating. A read/write head on an arm accesses the data while the platters are spinning in a hard drive closure. An SSD does much the same job functionally (saving your data while the system is off, booting your system, etc.) as an HDD, but instead of a magnetic coating on top of platters, the data is stored on interconnected flash memory chips that retain the data even when there's no power present. Compared with electromechanical disks, SSDs are typically less susceptible to physical shock, run more quietly, have lower access time, and less latency. However, while the price of SSDs has continued to decline in 2012, SSDs are still about 7 to 8 times more expensive per unit of storage than HDDs. South Bridge Part of the chipset on the motherboard. Connects the Hardware external buses, USB, etc. to the North Bridge. Stand-alone computer A stand-alone computer means “not networked” or “not Hardware connected to any other computer”. Supercomputer The most suitable computer type for processing massive Hardware amounts of information, such as weather forecasting. System Clock Determines the frequency of the processing functions of the Hardware system unit.</p><p>10 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 Tablet Hardware Thin Client A computer on a network with reduced CPU, memory and Hardware storage. Relies on a powerful server on the network to perform most of these functions. Some thin client solutions have no storage at all. Thin clients are supposed to be cheaper and easier to maintain. Top-range Computer For users that will be using their desktop for more Hardware demanding applications such as CAD, games, photo and video editing, graphic rendering, etc. as well as basic applications such as e-mail, Internet surfing and general documentation, and who are looking for a PC with more power. Paying extra for a higher performance PC will ensure that your PC can cope with more demanding applications while building future capacity. Upgrade Replace old and obsolete hardware and software with Hardware newer equivalents. UPS (Uninterruptible Power A device that can help to prevent loss of data on your Hardware Supply) desktop PC where there is a power failure. A surge protector must be used to stop electrical spikes from overloading the system USB (Universal Serial Bus) Serial port that can connect up to 127 devices. Hardware USB 1 – transfer rates up to 12 Mbps, USB 2.0 – 480 Mbps USB supports Plug-and-Play installation and hot plugging. VDU Visual Display Unit=Monitor Hardware VGA (Video Graphics Array) Display hardware first introduced with the IBM PS/2 line of Hardware computers in 1987, but through its widespread adoption has also come to mean either an analogue computer display standard. While this resolution was superseded in the personal computer market in the 1990s, it is becoming a popular resolution on mobile devices. Warranty: Carry-in Customer has to take the computer himself/herself to Hardware designated supplier for them to fix/replace. Warranty: Collect, repair For one year the shop where the notebook was purchased Hardware and return from will collect the notebook from the buyer’s premises, repair it and then return it to the premises. Warranty: Global Collect and Company collect from anywhere in the world, fixes/replaces Hardware Return and returns to customer. Warranty: On-site Company will go out to your site / house free of charge Hardware anywhere in South Africa. The unit will then be repaired at no extra cost to the client unless determined by the technician that the problem was caused by malicious damage. Webcam A webcam is a digital camera installed in a location that Hardware feeds live images to a web server. Zip disk A portable disk drive that uses a disk with large capacity Hardware Cashless society When all transactions are done via networks, e.g. The Impact Internet, Debit Orders, Salaries paid directly in employee’s bank accounts and the use of credit cards and debit cards, to alleviate ALL cash transactions. CTS (Carpal Tunnel A type of RSI where the tendons in the wrist place pressure Impact Syndrome) on the nerves in the hand causing pain and tingling sensations. Digital convergence The technological trend whereby a variety of different Impact digital devices such as televisions, mobile telephones, and now refrigerators are merging into a multi-use </p><p>11 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 communications appliance employing common software to communicate through the Internet. Digital Divide Impact The gap that exists between those people that have access to the use and benefits of ICT and those people that do not. To narrow the gap of the Digital Divide: Offer lessons on computer literacy to people in need. Offer obsolete computers to people who need them. Make the computer facilities more accessible. Provide Internet access free of charge. Digital Footprint A digital footprint is a trail left by an entity's interactions in Impact a digital environment; including their usage of TV, mobile phone, Internet and World Wide Web, mobile web and other devices and sensors. A digital footprint is the size of an individual's online presence; as it relates to the number of individuals with whom they interact mainly on social networking sites. Ergonomics The science of designing equipment and furniture in the Impact workplace so that it does not place undue strain on the human body. Specific computer areas of interest include keyboards (curved so that the user’s arms and wrists are at a more comfortable angle when they type), chairs, mouse, etc. E-Waste Waste materials generated from using or discarding Impact electronic devices, such as computers, televisions, and mobile phones. E-waste tends to be highly toxic to humans, plants, and animals, and has been known to contaminate water, air and dirt.</p><p>Disposing of e-waste: Redeployment within the company Sale to members of the company / sale to outside bodies Recycle parts Donations to a charitable or community organisation, school, etc. Disposal in a secure and environmentally friendly manner GIGO (Garbage-In-Garbage- GIGO in the field of computer science or information and Impact Out) communications technology refers to the fact that computers will unquestioningly process the most nonsensical of input data, "garbage in", and produce nonsensical output, "garbage out". Green computing The environmentally responsible use of computers and Impact related resources. Such practices include the implementation of energy-efficient central processing units (CPUs), servers and peripherals (refilling ink and toner cartridges) as well as reduced resource consumption (Energy Star compliant) and proper disposal of electronic waste (e-waste). 12 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) An occupational illness caused by repetitive movements Impact (usually of the hands and arms) - causes damage to nerves in hands, arms, shoulders and neck. Smart Card A smart card is a plastic card about the size of a credit card, Impact with microchip inside that can be loaded with data, used for telephone calls and used for cash payments</p><p>A smart card, chip card, or integrated circuit card (ICC), is in any pocket-sized card with embedded integrated circuits which can process data. Telecommuting Employment at home while communicating with the Impact workplace by phone or fax or modem. Virtual Reality Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-simulated environment Impact that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world or imagined worlds. Blog A blog is short for weblog, an on-line journal or diary of Information one’s thoughts, normally published in reverse chronological order. Blogs have evolved. They have become commercially oriented businesses and brought into corporate environments. They are no longer personal online diaries but more like private online newspapers / journals that compete for readerships and advertising as a way to make money. RSS (Really Simple Information A technology that allows web users to be notified every Syndication) time content is updated on websites that they have subscribed to.</p><p>Benefits: RSS Feeds allows the user to get the latest news from all the websites they are interested in without having to visit each web site individually. RSS Feeds ensure user’s privacy as they would not need to join a newsletter. RSS Feeds allow users to get the latest headlines in one place, as soon as they are published, without visiting the websites to which they have subscribed. Search engine Information A search engine is a software program or website used to find webpages that match the search criteria entered. Ways of refining a search: Use quotation marks Use + or – in front of keywords Use an advanced search, e.g. domain, date, file types Search within a search Use alternative words or synonyms Use another search engine Webpages from South Africa</p><p>13 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 Select languages from Home page of search engine Use Boolean operators (AND/OR/NOT + - ) Use the correct spelling Wiki A website designed for multiple people to collaborate by Information adding and editing content. Certification stamp A company that provides verification of the quality and Internet reliability of an e traders. Cloud Computing Internet A technology consisting of a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage and process data Upload to a website that the person will have access to. Examples include DropBox and Skydrive Cookie A small text file downloaded to a user’s computer that can Internet be used to track user behaviour (preferences) on a web site. A message given to a Web browser by a Web server. The browser stores the message in a text file. The message is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. Domain Name A string of characters that uniquely identifies the website on Internet the Internet (a subsection of the URL)</p><p>A Domain name identifies one or more IP addresses on the Internet. It is made up of two parts: the part on the left which names the organisation and the part on the right which identifies the country or type of organisation, e.g. www.michaelhouse.org (Domain name is michaelhouse.org) E-Commerce The general term used for business transactions on the Internet Internet. e-mail spoofing Forging an e-mail header to make it appear as if it came Internet from somewhere or someone other than the actual source. The main protocol that is used when sending e-mail -- SMTP -- does not include a way to authenticate. e-trader Any business that trades on the Internet Internet Extranet An Intranet that can be partially accessed by authorized Internet outside users, enabling businesses to exchange information over the Internet securely. Facebook A social networking site popular with teenagers. The term Internet has become synonymous with social networking just as Google has become synonymous with search. GMail A term that is creeping in as a replacement for e-mail for Internet users who are using Google’s free e-mail service. GMail is special because you have 5 GB (and continually increasing) of storage space that is indexed by Google, making your e- mail easily searchable. It does, however, display adverts related to the mail you are reading – and so raises privacy concerns. Gmail now includes the ability to read and work with mail whilst offline using ‘Google Gears’. Hits Each file that is sent to a web browser by a web server. Internet Hotspot A hotspot is a location that offers Internet access over a Internet wireless network through the use of a router connected to a link to an ISP. Hotspots typically use Wi-Fi technology. Typically found in airports, hotels, coffee shops, etc. Hotspots have a limited range depending on the power of 14 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 the radio antenna used. Typically uses the 802.11 x wireless standard HTML (Hypertext Mark-up The predominant mark up language for web pages. It is Internet Language) written in the form of HTML elements consisting of "tags" surrounded by angle brackets within the web page content. It is the building blocks of all basic websites. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer A networking protocol for distributed, collaborative, Internet Protocol) hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web. Hyperlink Links from a hypertext file to another location or file; Internet typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word or icon at a particular location on the screen. Hyperlink A pointer that typically takes the form of highlighted text, or Internet a button, or a picture that points to related web pages. Intranet A private company network on which websites can only be Internet accessed by employees of the company. ISP (Internet Service A company that provides a fast, permanent connection for Internet Provider) its customers to access the Internet for a fee. Macro A single instruction that expands automatically into a set of Internet instructions to perform a particular task. Mbps (Megabits per second) The measure of bandwidth (the total information flow over Internet a given time) on a telecommunications medium. Moodle Learning management system designed to facilitate online Internet learning. Free & OSS. Online banking Online banking (or Internet banking or E-banking) allows Internet customers of a financial institution to conduct financial transactions on a secure website operated by the institution, which can be a retail or virtual bank, credit union or building society. Podcast Audio / Video files that are designed to be downloaded and Internet played on mobile devices such as an iPod. These are regular episodes like radio programs or TV programs that you download, synch to your device and watch / listen to as and when you feel like it. Shopping online Measure that companies provide to users to keep their Internet online shopping safe: Authentication: Users require an email address and password to register and login in to the site. Digital certificate: indicates that all transactions and information are secure, i.e. Norton secured. Privacy statement – indicates that the website has a privacy policy and that are only supplying the necessary information for the transaction. Secure Site: exists which explains the various security measures. HTTPS. Secure Socket Layer SSL: shown by the padlock icon. Money back guarantee/Returns policy: all items carry a 100% money back guarantee and they have a returns policy. Terms and conditions: to protect the company against any legal matters, these are included on the website. About us: supplies all contact details of the company showing that it is a valid company. 15 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 Skype A company that provides free VOIP software for pure Internet internet telephony – and supplies VOIP – normal telephone connectivity at a fee. Social networking Social networking is a web based technology that allows you Internet to communicate, share data and otherwise connect with friends, family, and colleagues and even strangers online – it also allows you to meet and co connect to people with similar interests, backgrounds, activities or hobbies. SPAM Electronic equivalent of junk mail Internet Terrorism Use of computers to exchange information and plan Internet strategies or attacks. It is very difficult to track/ trace this kind of activity Twitter A microblog – entries are limited to 140 characters. You Internet ‘follow’ someone and their ‘tweets’ (what they post) is forwarded to you as e-mail or, in the USA, SMS. This means you get immediate updates on their thoughts / activities as they post them. VoIP (Voice over Internet Technology that allows voice conversation to take place via Internet Protocol) a network such as the Internet. Devices needed: camera, microphone, speakers. Software: Google Talk, Skype A technology that allows you to use the internet to carry telephonic conversations. This bypasses the normal telecommunications channels and so reduces the cost of communication to the cost of your internet connectivity. Companies supplying VOIP to conventional connectivity include SKYPE, Vonage, etc. WAP (Wireless Application An internet based protocol for transferring data to small Internet Protocol) handheld devices. Web 2.0 Often called ‘the Social Web’. A movement away from static Internet pages to dynamically generated content, interactive applications and collaborative content – wikis, social networking and ‘cloud computing’. Wi-Max An incremental improvement in wireless networking (Wi-Fi) Internet technology that allows high speed wireless connectivity over ranges of 20 – 30 km. Uses the 802.16 wireless standards. Privacy Statement A statement that describes, often in legalese, what a Legal company / person / the owner of a web site will do with the data it collects from you. This data may be collected using cookies / online forms / e-mail, etc. 3G (Third Generation) A cellular technology that describes the new wave of Network wireless communications involving Internet access and data delivery to mobile phones with moving colour images and audio and sophisticated internet services. A node Any computing device connected in a network, e.g. A PC, a Network printer, a mainframe. ADSL (Asynchronous Digital It is a permanent (fixed) digital connection which is split into Network Subscriber Line) two channels, one for making normal phone calls and one for connecting to the internet. Costs involved a monthly ISP cost, and a fixed cost for the line rental. No cost for the connection time to the Internet. Faster download speed and slower upload speed. Good coverage, best value for money, sustainable and fast.</p><p>A form of data communications technology that allows high speed data transfer over conventional copper lines. The </p><p>16 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 technology uses a signal that can only be transmitted over short distances (usually within 5 km of a compatible exchange). Area Networks Networks arranged in ascending order of size: PAN, LAN, Network WAN, GAN. Attenuation When the signal strength is lost over a long distance. Network Bandwidth The total amount of data that can be carried from one point Network to another in a given period of time. Bluetooth Bluetooth connects with devices using radio signals Network A short-range radio technology aimed at simplifying communications among Internet devices and between devices and the Internet. It also aims to simplify data synchronization between Internet devices and other computers. Bluetooth has a range of over 10 metres, not affected by line-of-sight, not always secure due to omnidirectional (every direction) nature. Bounded Media connected by means of wires, e.g.: co-axial, fibre Network optics or twisted pair. Bridge Like a repeater, a bridge also connects network segments Network and increases the maximum size of the network. It selectively determines the correct segment to which it should pass signal. Broadband Network Broadband is a high speed, high bandwidth connection to the Internet that can transmit multiple signals simultaneously.</p><p>Benefits of having a Broadband connection: Speed - the connection will be faster as broadband is the fastest connection. Need a fast connection to download pictures and video clips. Mobility – a wireless option such as 3G could be used which provides you with a wider coverage availability. Downloads – you would be able to view pictures and video clips. Cap/capped A bandwidth cap, also known as a band cap, limits the Network transfer of a specified amount of data over a period of time. Internet service providers commonly apply a cap when a channel intended to be shared by many users becomes overloaded, or may be overloaded, by a few users. Centralised processing A central computer is responsible for all the tasks – Network originated with a powerful central mainframe and dumb terminals (with no CPU / memory / storage) but can still be found in systems such as the Windows Terminal Services network and thin client computing. Coaxial cable Consists of a single copper wire surrounded by three layers. Network Used for T.V aerial cables. Crosstalk The magnetic fields of wires that are close to one another Network can interfere with transmission and create crosstalk. Data Communication The electronic transfer of data from a sender to a receiver Network via some form of media. Dedicated line Provides a dedicated continuous connection between two Network points, does not need the use of a modem, reliable and 17 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 costly, always available, examples include: Diginet, ADSL Dial-up Temporary connection available on a time-and-distance Network charge, needs a modem to send and receive data, makes a connection by dialling up a computer, cheap and accessible, slow, unreliable, examples: ISDN Distributed processing This is a processing method designed so that a task is Network broken up into segments, the segments are sent off to different computers that work on the segments and then send the answer back to the co-ordinating / controlling computer. Eavesdropping Because a cable is susceptible to EMI, it becomes possible Network for someone to access your data without piercing your cable. EDGE (Enhanced Data rates A standard cellphone technology that allows improved data Network for GSM Evolution) transmission rates as a backward-compatible extension of GSM. EDGE is considered a pre-3G radio technology. E-mail (Electronic Mail) Mail or messages that are transmitted electronically by Network computers to people anywhere else in the world. EMI (Electromagnetic A signal which interferes with normal transmission. Network interference) Ethernet A type of network technology for local area networks; Network coaxial cable carries radio frequency signals between computers at a rate of 10 megabits per second. Fibre optic cable Consists of thin strands of glass surrounded by glass Network cladding. Fibre uses light beams to transmit data, Fibre cable is used for connecting different LANs. Immune to EMI and eavesdropping and lightning. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Enables one to transfer files across the Internet. Network GAN (Global Area Network) Spread over the entire world, e.g. The Internet Network Gateway Similar to a Router but a gateway translates the different Network protocols of different networks instead of just connecting them. Gateways sit between two networks and converts requests from one into formats which the receiver can understand. GPRS (General Packet Radio A packet oriented mobile data service on Network Service) the 2G and 3G cellular communication system's global system for mobile communications (GSM). GPRS provides moderate-speed data transfer. GSM (Global System for A standard set developed to describe protocols for second Network Mobile Communications) generation (2G) digital cellular networks used by mobile phones. HSDPA (High Speed A 3G (third generation) mobile telephony communications Network Downlink Packet Access) protocol which allows networks to have higher data transfer speeds and capacity. Current HSDPA deployments support down-link speeds of up to 42 Mbit/s. HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up The programming language to create web pages. Network Language) HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer The rules by which web pages are linked together and how Network Protocol) browsers communicate with web servers. Hypertext A document with highlighted words or pictures, which when Network clicked on links to other information. Infrared Infrared connects devices in a short range, devices need to Network be line-of-sight and only one-to-one connections can be made. IP Address (Internet The address of the physical computer attached to the Network 18 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 Protocol Address) Internet. The format of an IP address is a 32-bit numeric address written as four numbers separated by periods. Each number can be zero to 255. For example, could be an IP address. Within an isolated network, you can assign IP addresses at random as long as each one is unique. However, connecting a private network to the Internet requires using registered IP addresses (called Internet addresses) to avoid duplicates. IRC (Internet Relay Chat) A Chat through the Internet which allows people, anywhere Network in the world, to join in live discussions. ISDN (Integrated Services A set of communications standards for Network Digital Network) simultaneous digital transmission of voice, video, data, and other network services over the traditional circuits of the public switched telephone network. LAN (Local Area Network) Network in relatively small area, owned by one organisation Network on one property, e.g. computers in an office building are connected together to share files and printers. The process of setting up a LAN is simple because you own or rent the building and you can install cables wherever you need. Mailing Lists A number of e-mail addresses grouped together, in order Network that you can address that “list” as a whole. MAN (Metropolitan Area A data network designed for a town or city. In terms of Network Network) geographic breadth, MANs are larger than local-area networks (LANs), but smaller than wide-area networks (WANs). MANs are usually characterized by very high-speed connections using fibre-optical cable or other digital media.</p><p>Mbits (Megabits) per second Measures the rate at which data is transferred over a Network medium. Both Downlink and Uplink are measure in Mbits per second. Downlink is the speed of the connection from the ISP to the user. Uplink is the speed of connection from the user to the ISP. Microwave It consists of two directional antennas that face each other to Network implement the communication of signals. The dishes are separated by long distances and have to be in line of sight facing each other. Modem Modem (from modulator-demodulator) is a device that Network modulates an analogue carrier signal to encode digital information, and also demodulates such a carrier signal to decode the transmitted information. The goal is to produce a signal that can be transmitted easily and decoded to reproduce the original digital data. Netiquette The name given to the use of good manners when using the Network Internet and respect for other users. Network Network A collection of computing devices that are connected via some form of medium. </p><p>Benefits of a network: Peripherals can be shared (instead of everyone having to use flash drives to print, etc.)</p><p>19 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 Data can be shared. Improved communication. Anti-virus and other security measures to protect the data. Newsgroups A collection of electronic messages arranged by interest Network groups, and distributed and accessible over the Internet. NIC (Network Interface Converts data stored on the comp into a format necessary Network Card) to be transmitted via a medium. PAN (Personal Area Network The network of small, personal devices (printer, cellphone, Network) PDA, laptops, smartphones, headset, etc.) connected by Bluetooth technology. Requirements to set up a PAN: Hardware – wireless capabilities (Bluetooth) or physical cables. Software – operating on laptop and smartphone that allows connection via cable or via Bluetooth. Location – the computers must be located close together, i.e. 10m in order to be connected to the network. Repeater Repeaters simply amplify and regenerate signals received Network from one LAN cable and then transmits the upgraded signal on another LAN cable. Router A networking device used to link different networks Network together. A switch links items within a LAN. A router joins various LANs together. Satellite Used to establish communication links in remote locations Network or over long distances. Used by Telkom, Military and other media organisations. Search engine A software program that searches documents located on Network the internet for key word or phrases entered by a person looking for information. Server A server is a system (software and suitable computer Network hardware) that responds to requests across a computer network to provide, or help to provide, a network service. Servers can be run on a dedicated computer, which is also often referred to as "the server", but many networked computers are capable of hosting servers. In many cases, a computer can provide several services and have several servers running. Shaped Data transfer is controlled by the ISP. Namely, certain Network operations of your account are given priority over others, e.g. e-mail is completed first before any file downloads OR certain protocols are given preference. STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) Same as UTP except cable is shielded with foil to protect Network from EMI. Switch In networks, a device that filters and forwards packets Network between LAN segments. Regenerates and amplifies the signal and performs an intelligent path selection as well as network management. TCP/IP (Transmission An essential communications protocol which controls the Network</p><p>20 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 Control Protocol/Internet transmission of data across the Internet. Protocol) The Internet A worldwide collection of computers or networks that are Network linked all over the world using telephone lines, microwave and satellite. Topology The physical layout of the computer network. (i.e. How the Network nodes are physically connected to one another) Star Topology – most commonly used with UTP, fast and easy to set up, easy to add new users, if one node breaks there is still access to the other nodes, uses a central switch and is therefore more secure. Unbounded Media connected by means of a wireless connection, e.g. Network Infrared, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Uncapped There is no data transfer limit, you only pay a single rental Network amount each month. Unshaped Data transfer is not controlled by the ISP and is operated on Network a first come first served basis FIFO OR all protocols are treated in the same way and no protocol is given priority. URL (Uniform Resource The unique address of every web site. Network Locator) UTP (Unshielded Twisted A pair of wires twisted about each other forming a twisted Network Pair) pair. Used for most star LANs. VPN (Virtual Private Network A private network that uses the Internet to allow computers Network) to connect as though they are connected in a LAN.</p><p>Any TWO benefits: The VPN ensures privacy in terms of who can access the data by using encryption and usernames and passwords to log in. A VPN can be provided at a much lower cost by using a shared infrastructure. Managers can access the company network when they are on trips, at home, etc. always available. A VPN eliminates the need for expensive long-distance leased lines as they require only a dedicated connection to ISP. This is a much cheaper alternative as it reduces long-distance telephone charges and support costs. WAN (Wide Area Network) Network Network spread over many provinces or countries, e.g. GAN and an Enterprise WAN. An example: a country-wide network of a bank. Creating a WAN is not as easy and you cannot simply lay a cable across a city – you don’t own the land and there are laws that govern this. To establish a WAN means getting a 3rd party involved, e.g. Telkom, to supply the connection.</p><p>Benefits of setting up a WAN: Connect various offices, rangers, organisations and anti- poaching units.</p><p>21 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 To ensure that data is always up-to-date.</p><p> To ensure that data is available to everyone, all the time.</p><p> Communication via email, telephone, instant messaging, chat rooms, video telephone calls and video conferencing.</p><p> Access can be restricted to confidential data by allocating users specific rights and making use of passwords.</p><p>Various WAN Connections: Cable – e.g. Telkom connects most of the towns in the country and undersea cables connecting continents. Satellite – e.g. DSTV, Internet. Microwave – e.g. transmit data and voice signals in built-up areas. Cellular phone network – surfing, phoning, texting, watching videos, TV – high bandwidth needed for multimedia applications such as video. Web Browser Software that allows you to view and explore Web pages on Network the Internet, e.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Google Chrome. Wi-Fi A popular technology that allows an electronic device to Network exchange data wirelessly (using radio waves) over a computer network, including high-speed Internet connections. A device that can use Wi-Fi (such as a personal computer, video game console, smartphone, tablet, or digital audio player) can connect to a network resource such as the Internet via a wireless network access point. Hotspot coverage can comprise an area as small as a single room with walls that block radio waves or as large as many square miles — this is achieved by using multiple overlapping access points. WLAN (Wireless LAN) Links two or more devices using some wireless distribution Network method, and usually providing a connection through an access point to the wider internet. This gives users the mobility to move around within a local coverage area and still be connected to the network. Wireless LANs have become popular in the home due to ease of installation, and in commercial complexes offering wireless access to their customers; often for free. </p><p>Benefits of wireless: More flexible as not limited by cables. High-speed Internet access as well as high quality data, video and music services offered using cellular phone networks.</p><p>22 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 A variety of different package options for users to choose from depending on their particular needs. It is a permanent, ‘always on’ connection on the Internet. Low cost – no cost for connection time, the costs are for the amount of data uploaded and downloaded and are included in the monthly costs. Signals can be sent through doors and walls so the stations can be mobile. Easier to install equipment as no cabling is required. Access anywhere, anytime / wider accessibility or coverage.</p><p>Disadvantages of wireless: If the user is in an area without 3G coverage, they will encounter slower speeds or lose their connection. Can be expensive when downloading large amount of information as you pay for the amount of data you download. More difficult to configure / needs experienced network technician. Potentially less secure. Signals cannot always be accessed. WWW (World Wide Web) (World wide web) A collection of multi-media, interactive Network documents linked together and governed by the HTTP Adware Software that causes unwanted advertising to appear in Security various programs Anti-spyware Programs designed to remove or block spyware, as well as Security various user practices which reduce the chance of getting spyware on a system. Anti-virus program Programs which scan the entire memory of a computer for Security “signatures” of known viruses, and alert the user if any are found. Anti-virus software must be kept up to date, e.g. Norton Anti-Virus, McAfee, Dr Solomon’s AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) Security An agreement specifying the terms of use agreed to by the user. Each employee could sign an AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) so that they are aware of the acceptable use of computer equipment and network resources. Some items to include in an AUP: Restrict employees’ time on social networking sites. Employers could monitor or restrict use of the computer for personal use. Playing computer games. Installing software not licensed to the organisation.</p><p>23 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 Installing business software on a personal computer. Vandalism and theft of equipment. The size of file downloads and email attachments. Misuse of Internet facilities for downloading software, private shopping, browsing instead of working or accessing pornography. Employers could add disclaimers to all company email. Backup A utility to make copies of your data on to a medium such as Security CD or tape in case of future loss of data. It is important to keep backed up data off-site to prevent data getting lost when computers are stolen or damaged in a fire. Biometrics The security option that authenticates someone’s identity Security by verifying personal characteristics. Copyright Software is developed and all rights belong to the Security owner/developer. Cracker Someone who breaks into a computer with an intention of Security committing a crime. Cyber stalking People who are intruding in other peoples personal details Security online. Data Protection Act This was brought 1984 in the UK. It provides a legal Security framework and allows for the privacy of personal data. Data Theft The theft of passwords, code names, etc. to commit a crime Security or even the theft of actual data for blackmailing purposes.</p><p>Preventing Data Theft: Never give out your password to anyone or leave your computer logged on with easy access to your data. Digital Signature An electronic, rather than a hand-written signature that can Security be used by someone to authenticate the identity of the sender of the message. DOS (Denial of Service) Generally via a virus, overloads the website making it Security attacks unusable. Encryption The process of transforming information (referred to Security as plaintext) using an algorithm (called a cipher) to make it unreadable to anyone except those possessing special knowledge, usually referred to as a key. The result of the process is information (in cryptography, referred to as ciphertext). The reverse process, i.e., to make the encrypted information readable again, is referred to as decryption (i.e., to make it unencrypted). EULA (End-user Licence In the proprietary software industry, an end-user license Security Agreement) agreement or software license agreement is the contract between the licensor and purchaser, establishing the purchaser's right to use the software. Extortion Companies are sometimes threatened with viruses and Security hacker attacks such as DOS (Denial of Service). The company may pay extortionists to prevent them from embarrassing the company. Also, valuable information can also be stolen electronically and then sold back to the company, at a high price, to prevent the information getting into the wrong hands. Fingerprint of virus The specific pattern of behaviour of the virus program. Security</p><p>24 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 (What the anti-virus program looks for) Firewall Software designed to prevent unauthorised access to or Security from a private network. </p><p>A firewall is an integrated collection of security measures designed to prevent unauthorized electronic access to a networked computer system. It is also a device or set of devices configured to permit, deny, encrypt, decrypt, or proxy all computer traffic between different security domains based upon a set of rules and other criteria. Fraud Using modern technology for the creation of false Security documents, e.g. ID documents Good password practice Passwords should be changed frequently Security</p><p> Your identity number is not a good example of a secure password</p><p> Keep your password a secret</p><p> Avoid using conventional words or regular words with numbers tacked on the end</p><p> Avoid personal information, i.e. your ID number is not a good example of a secure password</p><p> As a general rule the following character sets should all be included in every password: uppercase letters such as A, B, C; lowercase letters such as a, b,c; numerals such as 1, 2, 3; special characters such as $, ?, &; and alt characters such as µ, £, Æ. (Cliff) Hacker Somebody who breaks into computers but have no Security intention of committing a crime. Hoax A cybercrime where chain messages are used in committing Security fraud. Usually an e-mail message that warns people about a virus that does not exist. Usually is over-the-top, warning people that the virus can do impossible things (like burning out your hard drive or frying your RAM). Often contains capitals, exclamation marks, bad spelling and grammar, says it comes from several well-known companies (few of which are likely to be anti-virus companies) and encourages you to forward the message to all the people you know before the world ends! Identity Theft A form of stealing someone's identity in which someone Security pretends to be someone else by assuming that person's identity, typically in order to access resources or obtain credit and other benefits in that person's name. Preventing Identity Theft: Monitor your credit closely, keep records of your financial data and transactions, install security software, use an updated Web browser, be wary of e-mail attachments and links in both e-mail and instant messages, store sensitive data securely, shred confidential </p><p>25 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 documents, protect your PIN, stay alert to the latest scams. Keylogging Software that records all the keystrokes (and possibly Security mouse movements, clicks and screenshots of where the mouse is when clicked) of your activity on a computer. This data can be analysed to discover otherwise hidden information such as passwords, back account details etc. Keyloggers are often Trojans (programs that pretend to do one thing and actually have hidden features such as the keylogging code). Logic bomb A virus which lies dormant until it is executed a certain Security number of times, or on a certain date. Malware A category of software that is intended to damage the Security computer, corrupt data and/or steal data/identities. Payload In computer security, payload refers to the part of Security a computer virus which performs a malicious action. Pharming A dishonest trick when fraudsters lure you to a look like Security website with the express purpose of defrauding you. Phishing A computer crime where criminals attempt to access your Security confidential information, e.g. bank login and identity details through an e-mail request in order to defraud you. Identify if an e-mail is fraudulent: Requests the user to confirm and update their personal details. The subject line is deceptive indicating the importance of the email and that it deals with security issues. Requests the user to click on a link; this could be a disguised hyperlink which might take you to a spoofed website. The format of the email as well as accuracy (capital letters) is not professional. The email is not signed by a company official. The email is not addressed to a specific person. Physical Security Measures Security Any TWO physical security measures: Install a security camera Allow room key access only (accept lock room) Use security cables to ‘lock down’ equipment Security guards Tracking devices Alarm Biometric device Thumb print scanning Access card key Physical fire related walls and doors Piggybacking The practice of establishing a wireless Internet Security connection by using another subscriber's wireless Internet access service without the subscriber's explicit permission or knowledge. PIN (Personal Identification A secret numeric password shared between a user and a Security Number) system that can be used to authenticate the user to the 26 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 system. PINs are most often used for automated teller machines (ATMs) but are increasingly used at the point of sale, for debit cards and credit cards. Plagiarism The use of materials and sources without acknowledging the Security author. Pop-ups A form of online advertising on the World Wide Security Web intended to attract web traffic or capture email addresses. Pop-ups are generally new web browser windows to display advertisements. Product Key A specific software-based key for certain computer Security programs which is also used to track the number of installations of the product. Salami technique Extracting small amounts of money from financial Security transactions, for one’s own gain. Scams False organisations that trick you into doing business with Security them online, which means you, lose money. Software Piracy The illegal copying or downloading of programs for Security commercial or personal use. SPAM Unsolicited e-mail messages. Security Spoofing The act of impersonating as a person or organisation, Security usually be giving a false e-mail name or URL. Spyware Software that gathers information about a person or Security organization without their knowledge. On the Internet, spyware is programming that is put in someone's computer to secretly gather information about the user and relay it to advertisers or other interested parties. Spyware can get in a computer as a software virus or as the result of installing a new program.</p><p>Preventing Spyware: Use a firewall, update your software, adjust web browser security settings, download and install anti-spyware software, only download programs from reputable websites. Trapdoor Leaving a backdoor in a program for unauthorised access. Security Trojan horse A program that pretends to be innocent, but carries out Security harmful activities when activated. Validity of website Checking validity of a website: Security Cross reference the site – see which sites link to this site and which sites they link to. Google the site name to see if it is a scam. Look through the entire website – if the form and donations section is all that the site consists of then be suspicious. Check the contact details of the site. (3) Check the site for a digital certificate, e.g. Verisign – secure payment. Virus A program that has been written with malicious intent to do Security something unwanted or unexpected to one’s Computer, AND it copies itself. Web filter Software designed and optimized for controlling what Security content is permitted to a reader, especially when it is used to restrict material delivered over the Internet via </p><p>27 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 the Web, e-mail, or other means. Content-control software determines what content will be available or perhaps more often what content will be blocked. Worm A self-replicating program that copies itself into memory Security (usually through a network connection) and fills up memory and disk space, often slowing down the computer dramatically or having a detrimental effect on a computer. Zapping Bypassing any security with the aid of an illegally acquired Security software package. A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Computers created with capabilities of human intelligence, Software e.g. Voice recognition, Virtual doctor. Add/remove programs A utility program that is used to remove all parts of the Software programs on your computer, including Registry entries and shortcuts. Application Application software is any tool that functions and is Software operated by means of a computer, with the purpose of supporting or improving the software user's work. Attachment A computer file sent along with an e-mail message. One or Software more files can be attached to any e-mail message, and be sent along with it to the recipient. This is typically used as a simple method to share documents and images. A paper clip image is the standard image for an attachment in an email client.</p><p>Precautions to take when opening attachments: The attachment could contain a virus or other malware. The attachment might have exceeded the maximum allowed size. The firewall may have blacklisted the website that is referred to in the attachment. The attachment might contain potentially dangerous files such as exe files, etc. Batch processing When data is gathered in transaction files, and then Software processed against the Master file “offline”; usually overnight. BIOS (Basic Input Output Sits on the ROM chip which is invoked to boot up the P.C., Software System) and controls communication between the O.S. and some of the basic hardware devices, e.g. keyboard, hard drive. Bitmap Graphics A bitmap is one of many types of file formats for images Software stored in a computerized form. The image is made up of a collection of bits (pixels) that form the image. Example: .bmp, .jpeg, .gif, .tiff C.B.T. (Computer Based Any training that uses a computer and software as the main Software Training) point of instruction. Usually with screen instruction and headphones, (Multimedia). CAD (Computer Aided Application Software used in Art / Architecture/ Software Design) engineering, etc. Command-line OS “Older” operating system, such as DOS, which require the Software user to type text-based instructions; no WIMP. Configuration Specific arrangement your hardware components and Software software settings (and programs) to meet your specific requirements. D.T.P. (Desk Top Publishing) Page Layout (like Typesetting) for publications such as Software newspapers, magazines and brochures, e.g. Microsoft Publisher.</p><p>28 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 Desktop In graphical user interfaces, a desktop is the metaphor used Software to portray file systems. Such a desktop consists of pictures, called icons that show cabinets, files, folders, and various types of documents. You can arrange the icons on the electronic desktop just as you can arrange real objects on a real desktop -- moving them around, putting one on top of another, reshuffling them, and throwing them away. Device Driver A program that facilitates communication between a Software computer and a peripheral device, e.g. printer, mouse, scanner, etc. Disk Cleanup A computer maintenance utility included in Microsoft Software Windows designed to free up disk space on a computer's hard drive. The utility first searches and analyses the hard drive for files that are no longer of any use, and then removes the unnecessary files. There are a number of different file categories that Disk Cleanup targets when performing the initial disk analysis: Compression of old files Temporary Internet files Temporary Windows file Downloaded program files Recycle Bin Removal of unused applications or optional Windows components Setup log files Off-line files Disk Defragmenter (Defrag) A housekeeping utility included in Microsoft Windows that Software physically organises the contents of the disk to store the pieces of each file close together and contiguously.</p><p>Defragmentation refers to the condition of a disk in which files are divided into pieces scattered around the disk. Fragmentation occurs naturally when you use a disk frequently, creating, deleting, and modifying files. At some point, the operating system needs to store parts of a file in non-contiguous clusters. This is entirely invisible to users, but it can slow down the speed at which data is accessed because the disk drive must search through different parts of the disk to put together a single file. Disk Optimiser A utility program which scans the computer and optimises Software the performance by making the disk more efficient. It uses a variety of techniques including defragmenting the disk. Disk Recovery Software that makes it possible to retrieve lost files that Software cannot be accessed by standard computer procedures. Data loss can occur due to many reasons like accidental formatting of a hard drive, sudden power spikes, virus attacks, computer hardware malfunction, impairment of the file system components, etc. Embedded Operating Software that resides on a ROM chip inside most electronic Software System consumer devices such as smartphones, media players, PDA’s and tablets.</p><p>29 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 FAQ (Frequently Asked A common type of document found on a website that Software Questions) contains a list of questions and answers. FAT32 A more recent version of the File Allocation Table which Software uses space more efficiently. Formatting The process of preparing a disk for reading and writing. Software Formatting a disk removes all contents and wipes the disk clean. Freeware Software that can be downloaded and used without a Software charge. GIMP A free, open source image editor that provides advanced Software features close to those of Photoshop. GUI (Graphical User A user-friendly environment which implements Windows, Software Interface) icons, menus and Pointers (WIMP). Hot Swappable An extension of plug and play. A new device can be attached Software to a computer whilst the computer is still running, without powering down, setting up the device and rebooting. Kernel The core of the Operating System which is loaded into RAM Software at boot- up, and remains there. Linux A freely-distributable open source operating system that Software runs on a number of hardware platforms. Linux has become an extremely popular alternative to proprietary operating systems. Mobile Operating System The operating system that operates a smartphone, tablet, Software (Mobile OS) PDA, or other digital mobile devices. Modern mobile operating systems combine the features of a personal computer operating system with touchscreen, cellular, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS mobile navigation, camera, video camera, speech recognition, voice recorder, music player, Near field communication, personal digital assistant (PDA), and other features. Some examples include: iOS, Windows Mobile, Android (Linux based), Symbian, OS X (iPhone – Unix Based), Palm OS Multi user /multi access Many users accessing the same computer / files Software simultaneously, e.g. Autobank, Mainframe environment. Multiprocessing When a computer is able to run more than one program at Software the same time. Multitasking The ability to open more than one application at a time and Software switch between them, e.g. In Windows you may have three Word documents open, at the same time as an Excel document, at the same time as an Internet site, etc. NTFS (NT File System) One of the file systems for the Windows NT operating Software system (Windows NT also supports the FAT file system). NTFS has features to improve reliability, such as transaction logs to help recover from disk failures. To control access to files, you can set permissions for directories and/or individual files. NTFS files are not accessible from other operating systems such as DOS. OCR (Optical Character The mechanical or electronic conversion of Software Recognition) scanned images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text. It is widely used as a form of data entry from some sort of original paper data source, whether documents, sales receipts, mail, or any number of printed records. It is a common method of digitizing printed texts so that they can be electronically searched, stored more compactly and displayed on-line. </p><p>30 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 Office Suite A package which includes a number of standalone programs Software provides a similar user interface for all packages, easy to move between applications, easy to transfer data between applications, cheaper as bought as one – packages do not have to be purchased separately. Types of applications included: Word processing, spreadsheet, presentations, e-mail, and database. OpenOffice A free, open source alternative to commercial office suites. Software Includes, word processor, spreadsheet, presentations and a database. Compatible with most commercial packages. Open-source Software Software for which the source code is available to the user. Software The software is free to use, copy, modify or redistribute to the community. Linux is an example. Operating System The most important program that runs on a computer. Software Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers. </p><p>Any TWO functions: CPU Management: Manages the way that the CPU is fed with data and instructions and controlling which program gets to use the CPU and for how long Memory Management: Manage the allocation of memory to programs to ensure that each application has sufficient memory available. Storage Management: Controls the management of files on storage devices and the transfer of data and instructions from storage to memory and vice versa. Device Management - Manages and controls input/output to and from peripherals OR controlling peripherals. User Interface – Accepts and interprets commands and instructions from the user OR makes it easier for the user to communicate. Security Management – Ensures that unauthorised users do not access the system. Error Handling – Prevents damage to hardware and data. Hardware and Software Management – controls the management of all hardware devices and installation and removal of software.</p><p>31 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 Patch A type of software program which fixes another software Software flaw or vulnerability in a program. PDF (Portable Document A type of document format which is independent of the Software Format) application it was created in. </p><p>Advantages of saving in PDF format: Other computer users will not always have the appropriate software to open/edit the documents you send them; the software to read PDF files is free and widely used. Compatible across various platforms, i.e. Windows, Linux, MacOS. Secure, almost no chance of getting infected with viruses. Securable, avoid people from modifying and redistributing your work – read-only. Easy and quick to create when using the right software from any source document/application. Software to view PDF Files is completely free. Compatible with modern portable readers. Compressed, therefore small in size. Multiple documents can be merged into one single PDF file. PDF files can be digitally signed or password protect. Final stage ready for printing. PDF files can be viewed in your favourite web browser. Plug n Play When a new hardware device attached to a computer can Software be detected and configured automatically without requiring a manual installation. Plug-in A set of software components that adds specific capabilities Software to a larger software application. POS (Point of Sale) The software used to manage tills in shops and Software supermarkets. Usually linked to some form of stock control software. POST (Power on Self Test) A routine called by BIOS to check that all hardware Software components are OK according to the CMOS settings. Proprietary Software Privately owned and controlled software that is offered for Software sale or licence and cannot be freely distributed. The developer holds the source and the code generally cannot be viewed or edited. Real Time Processing When access and updates are made against the “live” Software Master file immediately. Registry A hierarchical table, which stores hardware and software Software 32 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 settings, user profile settings and network settings. Scandisk A Windows utility used to check your hard disk for errors Software and correct problems that are found, especially lost clusters and cross-linked files. Shareware Shareware (also termed trialware or demoware) Software is proprietary software that is provided to users on a very limited basis and only for a certain limited trial basis and legally to a license which restricts any commercial benefit, use or exploitation of the software. Software Programs written to control, support and operate the Software computer itself (It enables everything on your computer to work better) e.g. operating system, utilities, drivers etc. SP3 (Service Pack 3) Service Pack 3 shows which release/version of XP Pro must Software be used, as later releases have upgraded features. Spooler A program to “spool” (manage) printout sent to a printer. It Software may have logic to give some users priority over other users, keep BIG jobs back, etc. Symbian An OS used in mobile devices such as smartphones. In Software competition with other mobile OS’s such as Windows Mobile, OS X (on the iPhone), Android (Linux based on the GPhone) and Palm OS. Symbian is an open industry standard (i.e. everyone can find out how it works and how to program for it) but it is neither free nor open source. Synchronising When a cell phone is synchronised with a PC a list of Software contacts and appointments on each device is updated to reflect changes made on each of them, e.g. you add a new contact on your phone and delete an old one on your PC. When you synch the contact is deleted on the phone as well and the new contact is added to the contacts on the pc. Synching can take place through cable connections, Bluetooth or using a web technology like apple’s ‘Mobile Me’. System software Programs written to operate and control the computer itself Software (It enables everything on your computer to work better) e.g. O/S, utilities, drivers etc. Utility Software A program that performs a very specific task, usually related Software to managing system resources. Operating systems contain a number of utilities for managing disk drives, printers, and other devices. Vector Graphics Vector graphics consist of layers and shapes that can be Software moved and changed, e.g. AutoShapes, WordArt. Virtual keyboard A software component that allows a user to enter Software characters. A virtual keyboard can usually be operated with multiple input devices, which may include a touchscreen, an actual keyboard and a computer mouse. Virtual Memory Use of hard drive space to swap out data when insufficient Software RAM exists to hold all such data.</p><p>33 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 Virtualisation Creating a ‘virtual’ (i.e. not real) computer (i.e. a full Software simulation of the hardware) on your computer using software. This allows all types of software that can work with this hardware to be installed on the ‘virtual’ computer. A virtual computer has the advantage of allowing the user to work with different configurations on the same physical machine, e.g. you can run different operating systems with different software installed at the same time – or test out different drivers / application software / utilities without changing the configuration of your real system. An example of usage: – let’s say you want to test Linux but don’t want to remove your current set up and install Linux on your computer, nor do you want to make a dual boot system. Using Virtualisation software you create a virtual PC and install Linux on that. You can then run Linux and test it on the virtual PC without affecting your current setup at all. Wizard A feature that guides a user through a process such as Software creating a document. Absolute cell reference The cell address in a formula is not changed when it is Spreadsheet copied. Conditional Formatting Formatting of data on reports or computer programs those Spreadsheet changes based upon specific criteria. An example of conditional formatting would include printing and displaying negative quantities in red. COUNTIF Counts the number of cells within a range that meet the Spreadsheet given criteria. Data validation Control the accuracy of data being input into a database or Spreadsheet spreadsheet. Features used, i.e. input mask, validation rule, Databases drop-down boxes, changing the property size of a field. Error messages #REF! – occurs when the value in a cell referred to in a Spreadsheet formula has been deleted. ####### - column is too narrow. #DIV/0! Formula A statement written by the user to be calculated. Formulas Spreadsheet can be as simple or as complex as the user wants. A formula can contain values, references to cells, defined names, and functions. All formulas must start with the equals sign. =1+2+3 Function A named and store procedure that performs a specific Spreadsheet operation and returns a value. Functions are typed alongside brackets, where in the arguments if any are listed in between. To use functions in a formula, for example: =NOW() returns the current date and time. =SUM(A1:A3) *2 will multiply the sum by 2 MAX, MIN, MID, MEDIAN, MODE, VLOOKUP, IF Range Two or more adjacent cells on a spreadsheet. Spreadsheet Relative cell reference A cell address in a formula that changes when copied to Spreadsheet another cell. SUMIF Adds all numbers in a range of cells, based on given criteria. Spreadsheet Text functions UPPER, LOWER, CONCATENATE, LEFT, RIGHT, LEN, MID Spreadsheet Booting in safe mode Booting in safe mode is when Windows starts up and loads Troubleshooting very bare bones configuration, it does not load the drivers for all the hardware on your computer but uses its own stable and safe drivers for the minimum set of hardware to </p><p>34 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 allow the computer to function. Boot-up process The instructions that display this information are stored on a Troubleshooting ROM. Since the ROM is a microchip (hardware) that contains programs (software), it is referred to as firmware. Results of hardware checks such as the drives that are available, the operating logo and the amount of RAM installed. Cannot open a file Troubleshooting Possible cause: File extension left out – not associated to a program Could be trying to open a file with an older software version. Solution: Rename the file with the correct extension. Check that the correct software has been installed. Faulty hardware Possible cause: Troubleshooting The computer BIOS POST test has picked up a fault with the HDD, RAM, keyboard, etc. Solution: The technician would have to check the motherboard and all components to see which one is faulty. Hardware fault/ hardware repair. Files taking long to open Troubleshooting Possible solution: The simplest solution would be to reboot your computer. Restarting your PC can help clear out temporary files that build up on the hard disk. OR Perform a Disk Cleanup by selecting Start, All programs, Accessories, System Tools and then click on Disk Cleanup. OR Defragmenting the hard drive so the files are grouped together making access time faster. Monitor not displaying a Cause – solution: Troubleshooting picture Monitor might not be switched on – switch on monitor. Power cable might be loose – re-connect. Graphic card may be faulty – replace.</p><p>Non- disk error It is a message relating to the fact that the operating cannot Troubleshooting be found or a drive is Non- meaning the media is not bootable. It could be very possible that pupils use CDs or DVDs to save their work and they have left them I the disk drive. Non-responding application The program does not respond, too many programs running Troubleshooting at once, needs more RAM, power surges or her computer is overheating.</p><p>Solution: Press <Ctrl><Alt><Delete> to bring up the Windows Task Manager or select Task Manager on the taskbar, select Task List, then under Applications, choose the program that is not responding and end the task. 35 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 Out of space on HDD Downloaded too much music and photos. Troubleshooting</p><p>Solution: Disk Cleanup Utility program to remove temporary files and empty the Recycle Bin. Compress files that are not used regularly. Power-saving Mode The power options in the Control Panel have been set to Troubleshooting reduce the power consumption of devices and the computer has gone on standby after a specified period of inactivity. Printer spooling This is when the process of printing is slower than the speed Troubleshooting of the notebooks/PC and a technique is used where documents waiting to be printed are stored on a disk, in a queue until the printer is ready to process them. Documents waiting to be printed are temporarily stored on a disk and are held in a queue until the printer is ready to print them – this is referred to as printer spooling. Printing Troubleshooting Printer not printing</p><p>Possible causes: The wireless link has been broken and they are no longer connected to the printer. No paper in the printer. Printer is jammed. Too many jobs in the queue.</p><p>Solution: Check that the printer is on. Check that the connection from the computer is working. Check that the printer has paper. Check for paper jams. Cancel any duplicate jobs Problem with speakers Troubleshooting Possible causes: Speakers not connected into the correct socket. Volume is not muted. CD might be faulty. Solution: Plug speakers into correct socket Unmute volute Try another CD Check the speaker settings ScanDisk A windows utility used to check your hard disk for errors and Troubleshooting</p><p>36 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3 correct problems that are found. (especially lost clusters and cross linked files) Bookmark Identifies a location or selection of text that you name and Word identify for future reference, e.g. you might use a bookmark processing to identify text that you want to revise at a later time. Charts Line chart: often used to visualize a trend in data over Word intervals of time. processing Bar chart: a chart with bars whose lengths are proportional to quantities. Pie chart: show and compare the cost percentages of items. Footnote / Endnote Both footnotes and endnotes are used in documents to give Word a more detailed explanation of certain text, make comments processing on certain statements, and refer to the source from which certain facts were obtained or to supply the name of the person who is quoted. Footnote – inserted under specific text or at the end of the page. Endnotes – inserted at the end of the document or the end of a section. Form Letter A standard letter created to be personally addressed and Word distributed to a mailing list. processing Hyperlink A link to another place in a document or to an external Word website or document. processing Mail merge A document is merged with a list of names/addresses to Word avoid having to type out letters out individually. processing Subscript Text that appears in smaller script below the text line, e.g. Word </p><p>H2O. processing Superscript Text that appears in smaller script above the text line, e.g. 23 Word processing Table of contents An alphabetical list of terms and topics discussed in a Word document, along with the pages they appear on. processing Prepare heading by using built-in styles Template The ready-prepared document layout. Word processing Track changes An editing command that is commonly used when you Word create a document and make changes and want to keep processing track of the changes that you made. It is also a useful tool for collaborating on a document as it allows multiple users to make revisions without losing the context of the original document. Track changes Changes made to a document are shown. Deletions are Word shown as strike-through text and insertions are underlined. processing</p><p>37 | P a g e L a s t u p d a t e d : 1 5 A u g 2 0 1 3</p>
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