West Virginia Chapter Social Work Reinvestment (SWR)

West Virginia Chapter Social Work Reinvestment (SWR)

<p>West Virginia Chapter Social Work Reinvestment (SWR) Action Plan Planning Document</p><p>SWRI Goal: To advocate for federal and state investments in professional social work to enhance societal well-being.</p><p>Projected Social Work Reinvestment Issue Areas</p><p>NOTES: Medicaid: Recognize LICSW social workers as independently reimbursable providers and as authorized signers of care plans Medicaid: Reimburse clinically supervised LCSWs who are on track to achieve the LICSW Medicaid: Require public input on proposed changed to State Plan Amendment and/or waiver programs Public Sector Salaries: Differential salaries for BSW / MSW to create an advanced direct practice cadr Equal Pay Commission: Advocate for greater state general revenue allocation to match available federal funds Advocate for a state match for Title IV-E training grant</p><p>1 Hiring/Educatonal Incentives: Tuition Waiver / Loan Forgiveness / Reimbursement for Social Work Degree in exchange for Public Sector Service Legacy: Establish, promote and solicit tax-deductible contributions for a Chapter fund within the NASW Foundation Temporary licensing – phase out Scope of practice language - develop Promote hiring and utilization of social workers in the public schools; eliminate licensing exemption; allow BSW/MSW as an equivalent to the attendance director certification</p><p>Social Work Reinvestment Initiative Partnership Group Members</p><p>Social Work Education Programs Name and Contact Who will contact? By when? What they bring to the initiative? information WVU Division of Social Chapter leadership and staff Ongoing; Will invite to Only MSW program; has several off- Work participate in Social Work campus sites; resources of Bea Burgess Summit Center for WV Families & Communities; resources from off-campus tuition; large faculty; supportive administration Social Work Education Chapter leadership and staff Ongoing; Will invite to Has good relationship with Dept. of Consortium (Title IV-E participate in Social Work Health and Human Resources Bureau for Child Welfare consortium Summit Children and Families; receives funding of public social work to provide child welfare training and education programs, with foster parent education some private program involvement) Baccalaureate Social Work Chapter leadership and staff Ongoing; Will invite to Located across the state; loyal alumni Education Programs participate in Social Work relations; help influence local social Summit workers and agencies; supportive of NASW policy agenda – most actively participate in annual SW Day at the Legislature; promote student volunteerism at Chapter annual </p><p>2 Name and Contact Who will contact? By when? What they bring to the initiative? information conference Social Work Student Chapter leadership and staff Will invite to participate in Most active and dedicated students; bring Organizations and/or Social Work Summit creativity and passion for the cause; Honorary Societies at influence other students to participate, colleges and universities join NASW, etc</p><p>Social Work Groups Name and Contact Who will contact? By when? What they bring to the initiative? information NASW West Virginia Local Chapter leadership Ongoing Local initiative and interest; knowledge Branch Organizations of and commitment to NASW agenda and goals; influences social workers in the region; provides a venue/ mechanism for local discussion and action Society for Social Work Chapter leadership and staff Held revitalization meeting Beginning to revitalize after period of Leaders in Health Care during NASW annual inactivity (met during 2008 NASW conference April 2008; annual conference); influential among invite to Social Work local elected officials and health care Summit administrators Raleigh-Fayette Social Chapter leadership and staff Invite to SW Summit Sincere local interest and action; Work Action Team generally not members of NASW – opportunity to involve in achieving a global social work agenda in WV Key individual members of Chapter leadership and staff Invite to SW Summit Influential among peers; sincere interest Social Work organizations in practice issues; opportunity to involve that have no known formal in achieving a global social work agenda meeting/leadership structure in WV in WV (Aging, Child Welfare, Clinical, Hospice, Long-Term Care, </p><p>3 Managers, NABSW, Nephrology, Renal, Rural SW Caucus, etc) West Virginia Board of Chapter leadership and staff Invite to SW Summit Mission to protect the public; interest in Social Work Examiners promoting ethical practice; concern for licensing requirements and exemptions; mandate to develop regulations overseeing social work practice</p><p>4 Other (E.g., provider groups, social welfare advocacy groups, other professional associations) Name and Contact Who will contact? By when? What they bring to the initiative? information West Virginia Coalition Chapter leadership and staff Ongoing; work together in Against Domestic Violence legislative coalition</p><p>West Virginians United for Chapter leadership and staff Ongoing; work together in Broad-based labor, religious, advocacy Social and Economic legislative coalition coalition; holds ‘town meetings’ across Justice (coalition) the state; agenda includes health reform, election reform, workers’ rights, cost of war, consumer rights, etc West Virginia FREE Chapter leadership and staff Ongoing; work together in Advocacy for health care regulations that (reproductive freedom legislative coalition promote equal access coalition) West Virginia News Chapter leadership and staff Ongoing; NASW WV is a Distributes progressive news stories and Service founding member and audio clips to local radio stations; NASW supporter WV is a member organization Alliance for Children Chapter leadership and staff Invite to SW Summit Represents major non-governmental (consortium of major child Child Welfare agencies; has a policy welfare providers) significant policy agenda WV Dept. of Health & Chapter leadership and staff Invite to SW Summit Human Resources: Bureaus for Children & Families, Behavioral Health & Health Facilities, & Senior Services West Virginia Center for Chapter leadership and staff Ongoing; work together in Budget and Policy coalitions</p><p>5 FACES on Medicaid Chapter leadership and staff NASW WV is the lead Broad-based labor, religious, consumer Coalition organization; Ongoing; and professional advocacy coalition work together in legislative concerned with Medicaid program coalition implementation West Virginians for Chapter leadership and staff Ongoing; work together in Advocates for practical health policy Affordable Health Care legislative coalition reforms; NASW WV is an organizational member; had developed a ‘Blueprint for Reform’ document West Virginia Coalition for Chapter leadership and staff Ongoing; work together in Advocates for humane public welfare Sustainable Families legislative coalition policies; broad-based representation Direct Action Welfare Chapter leadership and staff Ongoing; work together in Advocates for TANF and Medicaid Group legislative coalition; Invite reform; has developed ties to national to SW Summit (director is a organizations; NASW WV member is member of NASW) national director American Friends Service Chapter leadership and staff Ongoing; work together in Advocates for social and economic Committee: West Virginia legislative coalition; Invite justice and sound public policies; Economic Justice Project to SW Summit respected director; national AFSC support West Virginia Behavioral Chapter leadership and staff Invite to SW Summit; Trade association for behavioral health Healthcare Providers Ongoing; work together in providers, including mental health Association legislative coalition centers; gravely concerned over current state of behavioral health care; member facilities across the state; many social workers are employed in these West Virginians Coalition Chapter leadership and staff Ongoing; work together in Advocates for and coordinates funding Against Domestic Violence legislative coalition and services to address domestic violence</p><p>Fair Shake Network Chapter leadership and staff Ongoing; work together in Advocates for services for persons with legislative coalition disabilities</p><p>6 Reinvestment Issue Areas ISSUE #1</p><p>Define Issue: Hold a Social Work Summit in fall 2008 to determine a common action agenda of demonstrated support for professional social work. Anticipated action items include loan forgiveness, differential salaries for MSWs in protective services positions, scope of practice language, and recognition of licensed independent clinical social workers as reimbursable Medicaid providers.</p><p>Data Available/Needed to build case: West Virginia University survey of licensed social workers Mechanisms necessary to change state personnel standards/job classifications Title IV-E Penetration Rate Title IV-E Child Welfare training participation Title IV-E Child Welfare Stipend students available for/returned to public sector employment Job openings: Public, Private and Nonprofit Sectors</p><p>Favorable conditions supporting the issue being addressed (key legislative support, public backing): Legislative concern for Child Protective Services has been demonstrated Current Bureau for Children and Families Commissioner is supportive Should have access to director of state Division of Personnel to discuss job descriptions/qualifications Good relationships with public employees unions Governor has demonstrated support for salary improvements</p><p>Unfavorable conditions/impediments to addressing the issue: Negative ads promoting joint custody by ‘Men and Women Against Discrimination’ have sullied CPS’ reputation NASW WV prominent in criticizing WV DHHR’s Medicaid Redesign initiative</p><p>Estimated Time Frame for accomplishment (1-3 years or longer): Two years</p><p>People/partnership/consultant resources required: Broad-based support necessary to achieve a common legislative agenda</p><p>7 Financial resources required (budgetary, grant, PACE) May require organizational buy-in and personal contributions to influence public opinion and gain legislative support</p><p>Key external resources – legislators/regulatory boards/other associations WV Board of Social Work Examiners is supportive</p><p>Priority Ranking: High</p><p>Tasks/Timeline </p><p>Define Task By whom? By when? Notes Design, publicize and hold Social Work Summit Leadership and Fall 2008 Committee assigned by president staff Follow up to Social Work Summit: Organize All Winter 2008 Member mobilization to contact elected communications campaign and mobilize members organizations officials and generate public support via earned media</p><p>Legislative representation All Feb – April organizations 2008</p><p>Presentation at 2008 Spring Conference NASW WV April 2008 President and key committee members/partners will report on plans and accomplishments to date and engage attendees to participate in future efforts</p><p>Evaluation and Recommitment All August 2008 Evaluative ‘summit’ of participating organizations organizations</p><p>8 Reinvestment Issue Areas ISSUE #2</p><p>Define Issue: Member mobilization to achieve identified goals</p><p>Data Available/Needed to build case: West Virginia University survey of licensed social workers Mechanisms necessary to change state personnel standards/job classifications Title IV-E Penetration Rate Title IV-E Child Welfare training participation Title IV-E Child Welfare Stipend students available for/returned to public sector employment Job openings: Public, Private and Nonprofit Sectors</p><p>Favorable conditions supporting the issue being addressed (key legislative support, public backing): Over time, a significant percentage of members have been engaged in responding to calls for legislative action Local Branch networks are growing and geared more toward accomplishing NASW goals than earning CE hours See also Issue #1</p><p>Unfavorable conditions/impediments to addressing the issue: Self-interest issues tend to be a ‘hard sell’ for social workers; receive lower response rate than client advocacy/policy issues Some social workers honestly disagree and could negatively influence lawmakers</p><p>Estimated Time Frame for accomplishment (1-3 years or longer): One year</p><p>People/partnership/consultant resources required: Enhanced communications software or services Member-volunteers needed to accomplish tasks</p><p>Financial resources required (budgetary, grant, PACE): Budget allocation for services, consultation, supplies; possible temp staff</p><p>Key external resources – legislators/regulatory boards/other associations: Outside public relations consultant; temporary staff</p><p>Priority Ranking: High</p><p>9 Tasks/Timeline </p><p>Define Task By whom? By when? Notes Evaluate internal capacity for more effective member Leadership and November communication; identify outside resources necessary staff 2008 for success; define strategies and goals Make recommended purchases and/or consulting Leadership and December agreements staff 2008 Implement pre-session communications strategy Leadership and January 2008 staff Engage members in effective communications with Leadership, Feb – April elected officials staff, consultant 2009 Evaluate outcomes & develop future goals Leadership, August 2009 staff, partners</p><p>10 Reinvestment Issue Areas ISSUE #3</p><p>Define Issue: Support Staff – sufficient staffing to achieve identified goals</p><p>Data Available/Needed to build case:</p><p>Favorable conditions supporting the issue being addressed (key legislative support, public backing): </p><p>Unfavorable conditions/impediments to addressing the issue: Departing GR Director was on staff for 16 years; highly respected New staffing pattern necessary Cost of providing health benefits (previously covered under spousal coverage)</p><p>Estimated Time Frame for accomplishment (1-3 years or longer): One year</p><p>People/partnership/consultant resources required:</p><p>Financial resources required (budgetary, grant, PACE) Budget allocation for salary and benefits</p><p>Key external resources – legislators/regulatory boards/other associations</p><p>Priority Ranking: High</p><p>Tasks/Timeline </p><p>Define Task By whom? By when? Notes Retain temporary staff to assist with annual conference Staff Accomplished implementation</p><p>11 Define Task By whom? By when? Notes</p><p>Retain permanent Executive Assistant or similar staff Executive Accomplished Director</p><p>Develop Executive Assistant’s capacities for Leadership and August 2008 communications, representation and member Executive and ongoing mobilization Director</p><p>Evaluate, provide additional training, etc Executive Ongoing Director</p><p>12 State Plan Report Format to be submitted December 31, 2007 Samples of types of information to be compiled for each state</p><p>Introduction to the SWRI Action Plan  Process used in developing the plan  Date plan development completed  Names and affiliations of Social Work Reinvestment Initiative Partnership Coalition Members  Names and affiliations of other individuals/groups who have signed on to the action plan</p><p>State Data Profile of Social Work Labor Force</p><p>Social Work Regulation NASW has some data about each state’s social work labor force, both from our Workforce Study and from external sources. We need information from you that has not been collected by us nor available online. Some data is only partially available, and we need you to expand upon it.  Categories of licensure: Temporary (Provisional); Temporary-DHHR (state agency hiring provisional exemption), BSW, MSW <2 years post MSW experience; MSW + 2 years; MSW w/ clinical content, clinical placement & +2 years or 3000 hours of supervised experience  Licensure designation: TLSW, TLSW-DHHR, LSW, LGSW, LCSW, LICSW  Numbers in each designation: TBD  Total licensed social workers by county, if possible: TBD</p><p>State Data to be provided by NASW:  Timeframe for individuals to renew their license: Every two years  Number of continuing education credits required for renewal of license: 50 for regular licensee; 80 for temporary licensee  Specific elements of licensure, such as privileged communication or diagnosis that define social work practice in your state: LICSW has diagnostic privileges; all levels have privileged communications; temporary license holders must have face-to-face CE hour in social work ethics</p><p>Social Work Education Programs  Name and location of social work program(s), including additional campuses BSW:</p><p>13 Bethany Morgantown, with ‘2+2’ agreements available in Parkersburg and Keyser Shepherdstown Athens Beckley Huntington Institute</p><p>West Liberty – Reputed to be preparing for candidacy</p><p>MSW Morgantown, with off-campus programs in Wheeling, Martinsburg, Keyser, Beckley, and Charleston. and a part-time program in Morgantown</p><p> Number of enrollees in each program by level of degree BSW: Bethany College: Approx 30 Morgantown, West Virginia University: Approx 180 WVU Parkersburg 2+2 Program Potomac State College 2+2 Program Shepherdstown, Shepherd University: Approx 45 Athens, Concord University: Approx 130 Beckley, Mountain State University: Approx 60 Huntington, Marshall University: Approx 80 Institute, West Virginia State University: Approx 50</p><p>West Liberty State College – Reputed to be preparing for candidacy</p><p>MSW Morgantown, West Virginia University: Approx 120 Wheeling Off-Campus Program: Approx 45 Martinsburg Off-Campus Program: Approx 35 Keyser Off-Campus Program: Included in above</p><p>14 Beckley Off-Campus Program: Included in Charleston Program below Charleston Off-Campus Program: Approx 80 Morgantown Part-Time Program: Approx 25</p><p> Number of graduates in each program by level of degree BSW: Bethany College: Approx 12 Morgantown, West Virginia University: Approx 75 WVU Parkersburg 2+2 Program Potomac State College 2+2 Program Shepherdstown, Shepherd University: Approx 20 Athens, Concord University: Approx 50 Beckley, Mountain State University: Approx 30 Huntington, Marshall University: Approx 40 Institute, West Virginia State University: Approx 20</p><p>West Liberty State College – Reputed to be preparing for candidacy</p><p>MSW Morgantown, West Virginia University: Approx 50 Wheeling Off-Campus Program: Approx 25 Martinsburg Off-Campus Program: Approx 25 Keyser Off-Campus Program: Included above Beckley Off-Campus Program: Include below Charleston Off-Campus Program: Approx 60 Morgantown Part-Time Program: Approx 15</p><p>Social Work Employers  Largest employer/employers of professional social workers in the state, including location(s) and numbers employed WV Department of Health and Human Resources Bureau for Children and Families Child Protective Services</p><p>15 Adult Protective Servvies All other Social Services, Foster Care, Adoption, etc Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities State Psychiatric Inpatient Hospitals</p><p>Children’s Home Society of West Virginia</p><p>Licensed Behavioral Health Providers / Mental Health Centers</p><p>Private / Nonprofit Behavioral Health Providers</p><p>Private / Nonprofit Child Welfare Providers</p><p>Hospitals</p><p>Other Health Care Settings: Public Health, Community Health Centers, Hospice Care</p><p>Social Work State Level Requirements  Social workers required in certain agencies or positions due to legislative or policy requirements from the state or federal level. All positions called ‘social worker’ must be filled with a licensed social worker. Many behavioral health and child welfare positions have different job titles, but licensed social workers are hired because licensed staff is required under contractual agreements with WV DHHR  Social workers required due to accreditation standards (i.e., JCAHO, CARF, COA, NCQA) The state Office of Health Facilities Licensure and Evaluation requires that a nursing home consulting/supervising social worker be a licensed social worker</p><p>Social Work Insurance Reimbursement – Clinical social workers are typically members of HMO/insurer panels</p><p>Social Work Education Incentives – Title IV-E is utilized; public sector staff are supported in earning the MSW, with creative field placement arrangements facilitated; some major employers like The Children’s Home Society reimburse tuition, etc.</p><p>Social Work Labor Force Characteristics – to be provided from the Workforce Study</p><p>16 Please note that italics indicate the data will be compiled by the national office; you do not need to gather this data. </p><p>17</p>

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