<p> QUICKENING POWER Pastor Charles Holmes 04-10-2016e</p><p>56-0427 FAITH Then what did God do? At Calvary He took Christ Jesus, His Son, and put Him on the cross, and He tore Him in two. He rent the soul from the body, and He took the body up into heaven and sent back the Holy Ghost to the Church. That on that day the same Spirit that was upon Christ Jesus has to be in His Church to dovetail one with the other on that day, and God swore by Himself that He'd raise that Church up, a glorious church. How can it fail? That's God's everlasting eternal Covenant He swore by Himself. He'll keep His promise. Amen. Oh, I hope you see it.</p><p>64-0402 JEHOVAH.JIREH.1 119 Then when He separated Eve from Adam, Eve fell by disbelieving the Word. That's right. That's where the church failed today, disbelieving the Word! 120 But in this case, to the Royal Seed, called, predestinated to Eternal Life, the Royal Seed of Abraham, they believe that Word. I don't care what comes or goes, how much they laugh, who says this, that, or the other; they are ordained to Eternal Life, and she goes right straight back. Her and her Lover, Christ, is one. The Life, the Spirit that's in Christ, is in the Church. That's the Eternal covenant here. See? God took the Spirit of Christ, tore it apart, at the sacrifice at Calvary; and took that Spirit, lifted up the body and set it on the right hand of the Throne of God and Majesty on High. That's, everything in Heaven is controlled by Him. And then the Spirit that was upon Him, come back; the same Spirit, not another Spirit, the same Spirit come upon Him, to confirm the covenant to the Royal Seed.</p><p>63-1124E THREE.KINDS.OF.BELIEVERS 41-5 But when it comes to those things, Lord, as far as I can see it, having those forms and deny the Word, you can tell it to them and yet they say, "Well, it don't make any difference. God don't expect that out..." Lord, I believe that You are the same Jesus; You're the same God that You ever was. You're still God and You change not. I believe that this Bible is Your Word, and I believe that You and Your Word are the same. And I pray God, that You'll give us of Your Holy Spirit to quicken the Word to give us the Quickening power, that someday when life is over and You're finished with us, that we'll be quickened and ascend up into heaven where we was in the thoughts of God before the foundation of the world. God, grant it. Forgive our sins, Father</p><p>65-0410 EASTER.SEAL 9-1 Now, notice, the very essence of this resurrection is to tell, and to show, and to prove that Jesus has raised up from the dead. He's not dead; He is a-living. He lives here. He's in us. "I'll be with you, even in you. A little while and the world seeth Me no more. Yet ye shall see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, unto the end of the world." Now, as Christians, we all claim He is alive, or we've been quickened from--quickened from life--from death to life by His Spirit. And if we haven't been quickened, then we've not been made alive. 9-3 Now, we're going to break into this subject, the Lord willing, and kinda teach it for a few minutes: how that are we quickened and can we be sure that this is the truth? Now, this is your own life. This is my life. It's where that the... If this isn't truth, what I'm fixing to say, then I'm one of the most foolish people in the world. I've give my life for something there's nothing to, and so have you. But if it is the truth, then I owe everything that I am. I owe everything that I could be to the cause of which we're standing for. And I think that we mustn't lose our enthusiasm. And as we see Easter approaching, it just does something down in me, as I--I know that that's the day that the thing was sealed forever in the sight of God.</p><p>9-6 Now, we notice it's the same Spirit that raised Him from the grave that is dwelling in us. Now, how could that be the Spirit that raised up God, Jesus, from the dead has-- dwelling in us? Now--now is the Spirit that quickens. It's not the Word that quickens; it's the Spirit that quickens the Word, or gives the Word life, gives It wings to fly, gives It access. It's the Spirit that does that. Now, the wheat alone is just a wheat, but when the quickening life gets into it--into the wheat, then it gives it life. And we which were once dead, made in the image of God, and yet dead in sin and trespass, there's some way God had to get this quickening life into your mortal body.</p><p>9-8 I'm talking about your body. Now, Jesus was the Word. You believe that, don't you? "In the beginning..." St. John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Now, as the promised Messiah, He quickened every Word that was prophesied that He would do: healed the sick, and how He'd be born of a virgin, all that, made it--it's true. He was the Word manifested here on earth, but He could not do this just as a man. It taken the Spirit of God dwelling in Him to quicken these promises to Him.</p><p>10-2 I hope that we get this real clear now. Jesus, being a Man Himself, the body; but it took the Spirit in Him: the Spirit. "It's not Me that doeth the works; it's My Father that dwelleth in Me. He's the One that does the work." See? And Jesus Himself was the Word, because He was... Before God... This is a bad word to use, and I hope you take it right before a crowd, but He was predestinated by the foreknowledge of God, how God's plan was to be, that He would send a Redeemer, and this Redeemer could only be His own Son. So then, that was God's promise all the way from the garden of Eden, that Jesus would be here. Here He was, as a Man borned of a virgin. But it taken the Spirit of God to quicken that Word to Him, and He was the Word quickened, the Word quickened for that hour.</p><p>10-4 The time had come when you had to have a Redeemer. The law had failed. Other things had failed. Now, it takes a Redeemer, and He was the promised Redeemer. He was quickened by the Word of God. And now, if that same Spirit that was upon Him to be the Redeemer in that age, that we have accepted... Now, the promise of in this last days what would take place, if you become part of that Word, you are redeemed with Him; because the same Spirit that dwelt in Christ is dwelling in you, quickening your life to this age. And it will also in the end time quicken your mortal bodies, resurrect them, bring them up again. That takes the gloom away when we look at it in that, and that's the truth. See?</p><p>10-6 Romans here, Paul has proved it to us. See? "If the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, It will also quicken your mortal bodies." This is the same Spirit that raised Him up that quickened the true believer to Eternal Life. The Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells into the believer, quickens the believer to Eternal Life. 10-7 There's only one life, one Eternal Spirit, one Eternal Life, and that's God. God alone is the Eternal. And then we, being His children, are part of Him; that is, the attributes of His thinking. And the thought is expressed, and becomes a word. Then each individual in here that possesses this Eternal Life was before the foundation of the world in God's thinking. That's the only way it could be, cause you are a attribute. That's an expression of a thought has been come a word, and a word has taken life, and it's eternal. That's the reason we have Eternal Life. In the same principle that the great Son of God, the Redeemer... We become sons and daughters of God through that same Spirit, by the same foreknowledge of God. Look at the millions on earth that didn't receive it when Jesus was here. But how thankful that we should be this morning to know that we have the direct evidence and the Bible proofs that we are included in that great resurrection morning coming, that great Easter. We have the earnest of it right now in our mortal bodies.</p><p>34 And God purposed to prove His Word the Truth. So He... There was only one Man that could do that, and that was Jesus; and He come and proved that to be the truth. It sealed it. And that broke all the seals of gloom and scattered all the--the superstitions of other religions, and so forth where great men has raised up and said great, marvelous things. But they're everyone in the grave. But our Christian religion is the only one who has a empty tomb. And that proves to me that He is the God of the dead and God of the living, that He can raise up the dead back to life again. And I... This quickening power, quickening Spirit of His, has proved through the years that He is the One Who can quicken the dead back to life again.</p><p>15-4 Now, notice. Brought the quickening power... Now, that quickening power that come upon Jesus quickened Him to manifest every promise of the Word of that day. So does the Holy Spirit that come upon us in this day. If it's not a mockery holy spirit, if it's not the devil mocking the Holy Spirit, but is the real true Holy Spirit, it'll manifest the promise of this hour. When It fell upon Luther, It manifested that promise of that hour. When It fell upon Wesley, It manifested the promise of that hour. When It falls in this day, It manifests the promise of this hour. When It fell upon Moses, It manifested the promise of that hour. Fell upon Noah, It manifest the promise of that hour. When It fell upon Jesus, It manifests the promise of that hour. See? It's the Holy Spirit coming down to quicken, make alive those people that's foreordained of God to be in the rapture. Oh, that is, if he's a true eagle, he will understand the message of the hour: if he's a true eagle. 16-6 Now, notice, it's the earnest or the potential, the quickening power of your resurrection when you receive the Holy Spirit, is then dwelling in you, the potential of it. Notice, you--you are now on your way growing to the full resurrection. No tree just comes up overnight. It's got to grow. As we grow in the grace and the knowledge of God... You are baptized into the Holy Spirit. Now, as the Pentecostal church baptized into the Holy Spirit, it's begin growing. Limbs that's died, just pruned them off; but the tree's still growing. It's still going on, because it's got to come to the resurrection. You're led by the Spirit to quicken the Word to you who is believers. The Word keeps quickening as you come to the first limb, second limb, third limb, on up. It just keeps quickening. The Spirit of God keeps quickening to you. Notice that Pentecost, their bodies were quickened by the new life they received. That makes me feel religious. Think.</p><p>17-6 Now, what did that do? That took all the fear out. No wonder Jesus said, "Fear not. I'm He that was dead and is alive forevermore." See? It taken all the fear out when they did that. Now, but when they went up to Pentecost, there they received the quickening power, the power that made them alive.</p><p>112 The whole thing... What does it do to our mortal bodies? It turns our opinion, changes our notions. It sets our affections on things which are above, and the smoking, drinking, gambling, the things that you used to do is dead. It's beneath you, and you are quickened, and this quickening power brings your body into a raptured condition already.</p><p>19-3 Now, watch it. It also was designed to give them (after this abstract); it was designed to give them every promise that was on the grounds. Every promise on the grounds of God's Word, that was promised in the Bible, that quickening power was give to them to quicken that promise to them. Therefore, they laid hands on the sick; they was healed. They spoke in new tongues. They done great signs and wonders, because that was in God's promise. And when Jesus died to redeem that back to them, the grounds that belonged to the sons of God, He demonstrated what God was. How dare we to socialize that and put it into an organization. We have no rights to do that.</p><p>37-4 Look now at transfiguration just before we close: transfiguration. We're all represented there in transfiguration. Look what we are seeing today. Notice just what we're seeing today, the quickening power of God. We was all there. There was the dead saints represented in Moses. There was the resurrection and Jesus Christ glorified. Elisha, Moses, Elijah, and Jesus all standing on the mountain: the dead saints, the raptured saints, and Jesus glorified.</p><p>65-0418M RISING.OF.THE.SUN 14-2 Notice, It was the first Corn of God's wheat that had been raised from the dead: God's first Corn of wheat, by God's Quickening power. God had quickened His life, raised Him up from the dead, and He was the Firstfruits of those that slept, the Firstfruit. He was that Sheaf; that's why they had to wave that sheaf, for it was the first One that come to maturity. And it was waved as a memorial of thanksgiving to God, believing that the rest of them would come. And it was a sign. And today, because He was the first Son of God to come to full maturity to be in God, He was plucked up from the earth and is waved over the people (Oh, what a glorious lesson.) by the Quickening power.</p><p>16-1 "Because I live, ye live also," speaking to His Wife. "Because I live, ye live also." What a resurrection that that was. And what a resurrection this is: to be quickened from the dead, to be made alive in Christ Jesus by God's Quickening Power. He was waved to them; the Word, which He was, was waved back to them on the day of Pentecost, the Word made manifest. Now... And as I say, He's to be waved again in the last day</p><p>31-2 There the Son has got to be--be revealed again in the Bride in the last days, a Quickening Power has got to come, quicken out of these dead denominations and creeds to a living Word of the living God. Ohhh, no. It quicken them to new Life. It does the same thing for us now.</p><p>32-3 Notice. Then they was so quickened in that Quickening Power, now, I... (Listen close now. I'm trying to show you.) The Quickening Power wasn't only in their soul, but It was all over them. It... Not only the Dynamics come in to quicken, but It quickened the mechanics. You see what I mean? They were so quickened till their tongues begin to speak in another language. They were so quickened by the power of the resurrection of Christ, until they laid their hands... They were so quickened with Quickening Power, till when they laid their hands upon the sick, they got well. It quicken your mortal bodies. They were healed by laying on their hands.</p><p>34-5 Now, notice this Quickening Power, "Zoe," bringing the Word, the mind that was in Christ was in you then. I'm trying to show you, that you, when you raised--when God raised Jesus from the dead, He raised up you also, and also quickened to Life with Him (You are now quickened to Life.), although then you were but an attribute in His thoughts, but God had saw all in Him at the finish. See? When God looked down upon the body... (The Spirit left Him in the Garden of Gethsemane; He had to die a man.) Remember friends, He didn't have to do that. That was God. God anointed that flesh, which was human flesh, and He didn't have... If He'd went up there as God, He'd have never died that kind of death; can't kill God. But... He didn't have to do it, but remember, He went there with you in Him. See? God had never separated the Bride from the Groom yet. So when God looked down upon the Body of Christ, He saw both male and female. It was all redeemed in that one Body. See? They are one, the same, same Word. the same Word spoke of the Groom speaks of the Bride.</p><p>35-1 Well, how can the Bride come and fail to manifest everything was promised of Him, and the Groom come, and He wouldn't be the Bride? But when He did everything, even to proving it by raising Himself up from the dead afterwards, then don't the--the Bride have to do the same thing, have to be exactly what the Word said She'd be in these last day? Don't She have to return through Malachi 4? Don't She have to be manifested like it was in the days of Sodom? Don't the world and every--have to be just exactly like it is? Isn't these things a perfect identification of the Word of God made known to us? 263 …….. You're eagles. Back to the Word of God. Be burly; nothing can hurt your feelings. Therefore, you're free from all the scandal of men. Whatever anybody says against you, that just brings more love. Quickening Power, caught away into the heavenlies, a eagle that's done flew above the chickens, way up yonder in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.</p><p>40-2 Oh, He'll quicken your mortal bodies. Though dead and rotten in the grave, and yet, that Quickening Power rested over that dirt. Hallelujah. Um. He that raised up Christ from the dead also quicken your mortal body. The Elijah back there--Elisha and Elijah. Remember that dead man, that prophet, full of that Quickening Power, laying in the grave and rotted away, there was so much Quickening Power, till they throwed a dead man on him; he come to life. He could still lay hands on the sick, couldn't he? Amen. There you are.</p><p>40-4 And remember, we are flesh of His flesh Jesus Christ. We are flesh of His flesh and bones of His bones. Oh, there's no way out of it; we're going to rise and that's all. Just going to rise, that's all. Easter means more than just a tradition. It is also now, for our bodies are quickened with Him and we're setting in heavenly places. And this body may rot in the sea; it may rot in the ground; there may not be a spoonful of ashes, but she's coming forth. For the Spirit that raised up my Lord from the dead has quickened this mortal body. It's quickened your mortal bodies. And we are His beneficiaries of His resurrection, His policy of Eternal Life that I talk so much about, you know. No wonder He said, "Fear not." He had knowed, for Paul said, "Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory? I'm full of Quickening Power. Thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." Yes, sir. Quickening Power... Oh, my. He is alive forevermore, the same yesterday, today, and for ever(Hebrews 13:8).</p><p>41-2 Notice. Messiah, the Anointed One; so is His Bride the Messiahettes (See?), the Anointed One.</p><p>42-3 All at once, standing on that Word, what happened? The skies peeled back, the thunders begin to roar, the lightning begin to flash, and Job looked up and saw a vision, said, "I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the last days He'll stand upon this earth. And though after the skin worms has destroyed this body (bones and all), that Quickening Power will be there. I'll see God for myself, Whom I shall see for myself. My eyes shall behold and not another." Is that right? "Though after my reins be consumed within me. Though after the skin worms that's in my body now will destroy it..."</p><p>42-4 You know, skin worms don't come to you; that worm's already in you, your own skin worms. Did you ever notice that? Put you in a coffin and put it airtight; the bugs will eat you up just the same, 'cause they're in you. You are just a bunch of bugs to begin with on the inside. "Though the skin worms, my skin worms destroys me (my flesh), yet in my flesh, I'll see God." And on that resurrection morning... Glory. Hallelujah. Matthew, this great writer (27:51), said after He was resurrected from the dead that the Old Testament saints, many of those that slept in the dust of the earth, come up out of the grave, and entered into the city and appeared to many. That Quickening Power, still on them bones of Elijah, when there was no more bones, still on Job, when there wasn't a spoonful of the dust left of his body, but the Quickening Power was still there. If this Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He'll also quicken your mortal body.</p><p>43-2 Notice, quickly now. You say, "Oh, I wished I lived back in..." You live in a better time. Now, if you all... I see you putting down some Scriptures. All right, put down I Thessalonians 4:16. Notice, how beautiful. See? In the--the saints, them that sleep in Christ, will God bring with Him. See? Saints in the grave, resting like Elijah was, some like Elisha was (See?), some of them'll be quickened, some will be taken, some will be in the grave--they will go in. The Trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first, and we which alive and remaining shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air. The Quickening Power on the living, the Quickening Power on the dead.</p><p>43-4 See? That same Quickening Power of God presented in both of these prophets. Look it, their names are almost the same: Elisha, Elijah. See the Bride and the Groom? One of them is Mr. Jesus; the other one is Miss Jesus (See?), almost the same, just--just between the--the He and She. See? Elijah... And look how its represented here.</p><p>45-2 Remember. The Quickening Power... Look what we seen in this day. The Quickening Power has come to us to open the Seven Seals. What was that? The intelligence of a man? No, the Quickening Power of God. See? The Quickening Power of God foretold this would take place. See? But the Quickening Power of God made the world testify to It, it's the Truth. The Angel of the Lord, what I told you was around, that Pillar of Fire, Quickening Power, let the world testify that It's the Truth. And in that, they didn't know what It was, and we who just look this way... and It's our Lord up there. You see? 45-3 He is the One Who opened those Seals; He is those Seals. For the whole Word of God is Christ, and Christ is the Seals that was open. What is the opening of those Seals then? Revealing Christ. And the very seven Angels which represented the Seven churches was all completed, and we couldn't even see It. They did--they took the picture, not us. And there He is standing there, supreme Judge, showing that He is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. What identification. Quickening Power did that to us. Quickening Power lets us see His coming. Quickening Power snatched us from death to Life. Quickening Power gives discernment to know what's wrong with you, and what to do, what you have done, and what you ought not have done, what you should have done, and what you will be. Quickening Power. All these things.</p><p>45-5 Our Lord Jesus is so full of Quickening Power, He was all of It together. He was so full of Quickening Power, He said this: "You destroy this body and I'll raise it up in three days." Talk about confidence in Quickening Power. "Destroy this body and I'll--this temple, and I'll bring it up in three days." Why? Why'd He say that? He knew that it was written of Him (See?), that it was written Him by the Word of God which could not fail. The Word said, "I will not suffer My Holy One to see corruption; neither will I leave His soul in hell." And He knowed that Quickening Power would raise Him up, that there wouldn't be one cell corrupt. He said, "You destroy this temple and I'll bring it back again in three days." Why? It was prophecy, the Word of God. And prophecy, if It's true Word of God, cannot fail. And the same prophecy and Word of God that said He'd raise Him up, says that we are already raised with Him. No wonder He said, "Fear not." And it is written that the Spirit that is now--was in Him, now in us also quickens our mortal bodies. Fear not, friend, the S-o-n is up. The Son is up. No.</p><p>Oh, aren't you glad. I'm so glad way back down yonder, in a little old coal shed one morning, the seals were broken, and I raised with Him a new creature. His Quickening Power, the Son's up.</p><p>65-0418E DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND 15 Now, there's not going to be a great millions and multitudes come out of a generation and march in. There--there can't be. Now, remember, each day ends a generation, each day. "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man, wherein eight souls was saved by water." But each day ends a forty year period for somebody, for some. See? And each day so many is sealed away in the Kingdom. One day the last day will arrive. Let us be sure now, while we are in our right mind, and in the church, and amongst the people where the Holy Spirit so has identified Hisself with us, let's be sure that everything's all right and stays all right before Him. Don't you stop; don't rest day and night until that Quickening Power has brought you from the things of the world into the Kingdom of God. And you that truly are brought into the Kingdom of God, and quickened by the Spirit of God, how happy, with tears of joy we should be on our knees day and night thanking God for what He's done.</p><p>65-0425 GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP 151 Notice, we find out that this great Quickening Power struck Enoch; it quickened him and he went home without dying. It struck Elijah, quickened him till he went home without dying.</p><p>155 Now, remember, in Christ we are flesh of His flesh, bone of His bones. When God wounded Christ at Calvary, He was wounded for me and you. We are flesh of His flesh, and bone of His bone, body of His body, Name of His Name, Bride of Him. See, we are in Him; we are His flesh and His bones. And God has already raised us up potentially. The Quickening Power that raised us from a life of sin, and changed our being, it has potentially raised us up in Christ Jesus, which the resurrection will bring us forth in the fully maturity.</p><p>211 But looky here, I'm trying to tell you that when that Quickening Power comes into you, it's Jesus Christ. When Jesus laid His hands on the sick, they got well. When Jesus had Quickening Power to quicken Him, as a Man, He could look out and tell the thoughts that was upon the people, tell them what they were thinking about, what they done. Have His back turned to them, tell them the same thing, "Why do you reason in your heart?" The woman touched His garment; He said, "Who touched Me?" He looked around, and found her, and said, "I perceive virtue's gone out of Me. Your faith has made you whole." That's Jesus Christ. That proves that where the church is, and what the real Quickening Power of God does to the human being. Do you believe that? Let's bow our head just a moment.</p>
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