THE FLY The St. John's College Student Week{y Annapolis, Maryland Volume XXIV, Issue 5 October 1, 2002 Look Alikes Gadfly Mail ox In Defense of J.t\.mericau. In a quite sophomoric letter to the editor, slaves. But he fails to mention that in the origi­ Editor-in-Chief Response to the Best Government Money Can Buy: . .lVIr. Nick Colten, of tl1e class of 2005, asked My saying tllat the inlmigrants who come nal draft of the docU111ent, Jefferson harshly Cooper N. Gallimore In hi . 1 'Th Best Government Money the state coffers in any way, the re_sult is es sen­ me to clarify some alleged contradictions in a to this country do so because t11ey seek refuge s art1c e, e . th b · s ent 1n these pro­ condemned King George III for promoting Can Buy,' l\1ichael Bridge supported a position ually that" e money ,,emg P column that I published two weeks ago. Being slave trade: from places ruled by mobs also seemed to con­ Production Managers f: ul tion and mislead- grams ts ta,"X money. a freshman, and following Mr. Cohen's ex­ fuse Mr. Colten, so I'll try to briefly clear that Ervin Romero . that rests on a a ty assump tl in Indeed if this money zj ta,"X money, it opens "He has waged cruel war against hU111an . ing information. He cons1sten y _assumes ' . Wh should some- ample, I may be expected to respond by writ­ up. By "mobs" I mean groups of privileged Cathy Keene nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of . his article that the interest of busmesses and up a great moral difficulty y ing something fresh, but I'm afraid that this people governing in the absence of a rule of life and liberty in tlle persons of a distant . "special. mterests. " 1s. cont ra dictory to that of one have to pay for a candidate· whose platformt ·th? rime I'll have to resort to writings t11at are over law, regardless of what form of government Section Editors people who never offended him, captivating . "th ple ,, In so doing, he disregards the eco- they have strong moral disagreemen s wi_ . two centmies old. Neivs: Adam Garber they use to disguise themselves. I don't think . e_peo_ .· 1 tha ft times what's good for What if the Nazi candidate meets the reqmre- and carrying them into slavery in another hemi­ Ideas & Images: Anderson Tallent ]\fr Colten accuses me of failing to under­ further explanation is necessary, but to avoid nomic pnnap e t o en , ords if ment for matching funds? Or, using a more sphere, or to incur miserable death in their trans­ Spotts: Michael Malone stand U.S. history, and disagrees with my asser­ future misundersta11dings I will stress the im­ . the goose1s good for ~:~der. ~ao!e~~ they likely example, why should citizens who are pro- portation hither ... Determined to keep open tion that America was founded in the values portance of a minimal, yet clear and solid, legal a market where men should be bought and Business Manager : ~ :~~;rc~:i:::elyto ge7Ze_d orreceive a cut life for moral reasons have to su~port ~e candi- of a society of free and responsible individu­ framework in order for a free society to pros­ 0 sold, he has prostituted his negative for sup­ Elizabeth Laughlin . ' · · Iflb com an dacies of those who support a ort1on. als. It seems odd, though, that he seeks to di­ per. in pay. Im1ghtevenrecetvearaise i;[ f: P~ If Mr. Bridge wants true "freely'' collected pressing every legislative attempt to prohibit minish the principles stated in tlle founding To conclude, I would simply advise l\1r. Contributing to this Issue : X's products, I stand to save money by 1e act I blic fundin I would suggest to him that a or to restrain this execrable commerce." theynowdon'thavetochargeasmuchforthem. pu g, " handleit Whatwould documents by pointing out that some of the Colten to refrain from uttering banal comments Nick Colten It is indeed a pity that Congress chose to . would suggest, therefore, that people vote money in a Founding Fathers failed to live up to said prin­ about Latin America until after he has at least Christopher B. Utter fo~'can- prtva~:on;~o~~~u!stributing strike out those words, but the fact remains . didates that benefit corporations and so-called spe- stop gr P · · 1r Brid e's e es to all ciples. learned the correct spelling of our countries' Hayden Brockett that tl1e final docU111ent is a compelling decla­ . cialinterests"becausetheyseethesepoliciesasalso waythatwaseqmtableml\ ," 1 ftg .tlY th r He brings up the case of the author of the names; Columbia, you see, is a university in Sarah Wilson ration of the inalienable and individual rights . candidates? Othe!Wlse, we re e W1 1 a ra e Declaration of Independence, Thomas New York City, and I'm not aware of people Anyone \X!ho Let Hayden Take Your Picture . beneficial to them: . in his a er that ironic argument: om government is corrupt; of all humans. Whether or not Jefferson was Jefferson, who like many in his rime, owned fleeing from it. "publicSecondly, funding B11dge [for claims campaigns . ] P1s Pno t tax therefore .make it the chief contributor to polii1- weak in principle, or even hypocritical, is irrel­ evant. money; it is money freely contributed to the cal campaigns. Constantino Diaz-Duran, '06 . : state to pay for clean elections." While some Founded in 1980, the Gadfly is the . mone in these programs comes from contri- stude~t Sincerely, weekly distributed free to over s_oo student,' . b ti y in ddition to one's own tax burden, f l nd staff of the Annapolis campus as . u ons a . John Dixon, '03 SCI Minutes acu ty, a , . b f the Board . the bulk of it comes from either fines or so- well as tutors emeriti, mem ers 0 · ,, G. cut in the cost f ". ·t nd Governors and the offices at . called "tax check offs. 1ven no Last Wednesday, September 2St11, the Stu­ o , 1s1 ors a ' . · fine income Omission Notice the St. John's Santa Fe campus Oprn10ns ex- . of government services, removmg . In last week's Gadfly Anderson Tallent dent Committee on Instruction held its first pressed within are the the sole responsibility : from a state's budget would evidentl!, result 1n wrote a review of a lecture given by Leon Kass meeting of the year. In attendance were the Of tl1e author(s). The Gadfly reserves the_ nght · a tax increase. In a "tax check off, one can . SCI co-chairs Maya Alap.in and Mark Ingham, to accept, rei·ect, and edit submissions rn any : cl1oose to donate a portion of their already a number of years ago. Due to spacecl issuesd we secretary TI1omas Juskevich, senior representa­ wa y necessary to publish the most t h ough t f ul _' . present tax burden and put it into a fund fo_r were unable to print the entire arti e ank prom-'\. tive Sonia Wisniewski, junior representatives COFFEE SHOP informative, and thongh t-provo ng n ' . · in political campaigns. The result of this ki ewspa 1·sed to print the other half this wee · " gam_ , Meredith Licari and Anderson Tallent, and per which circumstances at St · J0 hn · . Ii · th . without an increase in over- 's permit . use - . due to lack of space, the article has been orm_ t- sophomore representatives Eric Gleysteen and Basement of McDowell Hall po cy 1s e same, ted and will be put in next week. My apologies Jillian Sico. Senior representative l'viary L 0 f 200 words or fewer have a better : all taxation, those who pay less in ta,'l:es because to ]\.fr. Tallent who worked so hard on the etters d " 1 lections" will Townsend was unable to attend. chance of being published than those longer : they wish to onate to c ebandge t N edless review; and my apologies to the polity at large. 263-2371 x2179 th~n this limit. Letters submitted will be ed- . cause a decrease in the state u e · e -Ed. T'ne meeting focused priniarily on the SCI's goals for Lh.is acaderrijc year Corru:n.ittee mem­ 0 F EROOM • , Hsa if thveseero ramsntakeOmonep,0 ::::::.~~:::~;;',~~~~~;,~::,:~,~~~~" i~i n? bers offered several topics for discussion Esh all submiss10ns and will not p11nt anony . 0 0 0 mous submissions except under special circum- : throughout the year, including how we make DELIVERY AT NIGHT stances. use of Zuckerkandl in the sophomore music tutorial, whether we should read Hegel's Logic H RS Yearly subscriptions are available for $30.00 .. in senior seminar, and why it is that we study Mon.. Tax-deductible contributions are greatly appre- . Make yourself heard ... French instead of German for junior and se­ Sam MID. ciated. Please make checks payable to the Gad- . nior language. The committee also discussed Tue .. fly. For display advertisement prices and rnfor- : Submit to the some of the SCI's regular events such as the Sam 4pm/8:30 mation, call 410-263-2371, x2212. · MID. alkollege seminar and the community potluck. Wed .. Sam This Wednesday, October 2nd, the SCI will 4pm/8:30 MID .. Deadline: Saturday at 3p.m., unless permission : Gadfly Thu .. for a delay is granted in advance. Sub_m1ss10ns . a siudent to represent St. John's College Sam MID" will be accepted as long as they are legibly wnt- : Student Advisory Council of the Maiy­ Frt ten, but typed copies, diskettes, and e-mail sub- . Higher Education Commission.
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