<p> Redcar & Cleveland Health and Wellbeing Board</p><p>1 April 2015</p><p>HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD</p><p>A meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board of Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council was held on 1 April 2015 at the Redcar Leisure & Community Heart. </p><p>PRESENT Councillor Lanigan (Chair) - Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council; Councillor Ovens, Councillor Mason, Mark Adams, Barbara Shaw, Paul Edmondson Jones and Amanda Skelton – Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council; Ian Holtby – Redcar & Cleveland Healthwatch; Amanda Hume – South Tees CCG; John Pearson – Doorways VSF Chair; John Feeney – Cleveland Fire Brigade; Ian Coates – Cleveland Police; Julia Bracknell – Children’s Trust; Iain Sim – Coast and Country Housing; Ian Hayton – Cleveland Fire Authority; David Brown – Tees, Esk & Wear Valley; Peter Clark – DWP Jobcentre Plus; Mandy Headland – South Tees Foundation Trust.</p><p>IN ATTENDANCE Councillor Halton.</p><p>OFFICIALS Lucy Donaghue.</p><p>APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were submitted on behalf of: Dr Janet Walker – South Tees CCG; Martin Barkley – Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys Foundation Trust; Tricia Hart – South Tees Hospitals NHS Trust; Dr Ali Tahmessebi – South Tees Clinical Commissioning Group; Councillors Reyer and S Thompson – Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council. </p><p>DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST</p><p>Councillor Ovens declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 6, the Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat, as a family member worked at Roseberry Park, and as a member of the Fire Authority. </p><p>MINUTES</p><p>RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 07 January be approved and signed by the Chair. Redcar & Cleveland Health and Wellbeing Board</p><p>1 April 2015</p><p>19. APPROACH TO HEALTH INEQUALITIES – LOCAL RESPONSE TO “DUE NORTH”</p><p>The Director of Public Health presented a report outlining the background to the Due North Inquiry, the outcomes of the discussions at the Health & Wellbeing Board Development Session held on 25 February 2015 and a timetable to enable Redcar and Cleveland Health and Wellbeing Board to be confident about undertaking a formal LGA Peer Review in 2016. </p><p>Members discussed the item and made the following comments and asked the following questions:</p><p> Elected Members in the Authority should be kept up to date of the work undertaken by the Health & Wellbeing Board. Members supported the view that a Peer Review should be carried out to look at the work undertaken by the Health & Wellbeing Board. The Peer Reviews acted as a critical friend and provided advice that could be learnt from. The membership of the Health & Wellbeing Board had only recently been reviewed. There was still one appointment that needed to be made. Targeting the right people was vital, it was important to look at the needs of the population and where targets were resources. </p><p>RESOLVED that:</p><p>1. The report be noted.</p><p>2. The Health & Wellbeing Board note the outcomes of the Board Development Session and agree to take a dual approach in focussing joint attention on a series of small carefully identified local geographical areas while giving children the best start in life and, that this should be done in collaboration with leading organisations like Durham University and Joseph Rowntree Foundation.</p><p>3. That there be a small Time Limited Working Group established, under the chairmanship of the Director of Public Health, to work with all partners and external organisations to develop a formal proposal on this approach with clear associated costs, defined actions and good outcome measures. The Group should report to every meeting of the H&WB Executive and bring the full proposal back to the next Board.</p><p>4. That the Director of Public Health work with all Members of the Board and partner organisations to carry out a stocktake of the extent to which we are engaging with (and benefitting from) all the elements of the LGA Improvement Programme, such as the Redcar & Cleveland Health and Wellbeing Board</p><p>1 April 2015</p><p> mentoring, knowledge management, leadership programmes. </p><p>5. That the Director of Public Health works with all Members of the Board and partner organisations to complete the self-assessment tool to enable the Board to assess its effectiveness and to determine what opportunities there may be for improvement or change. This should also involve an element of benchmarking against other Health & Wellbeing Boards. </p><p>6. That the Director of Public Health register the Board for a formal Peer Review in early 2016 and, in the meantime, explore how we might conduct a slimmed down mock peer review in the summer or early autumn.</p><p>7. That the Director of Public Health ensure that the stocktake and self-assessment is carried out over the next few months in order that a full report on these can be brought to the next Health & Wellbeing Board along with a progress report on both the mock Peer Review and the application for a formal LGA Peer Review.</p><p>20. INTEGRATION PROGRAMME BOARD UPDATE</p><p>The Chief Officer of South Tees CCG gave an update which provided details on the Integration Programme Board and how partners could work better together to benefit individual citizens in the area – NOTED. </p><p>21. MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS CARE CONCORDAT</p><p>The Chief Officer of South Tees CCG gave a presentation which provided details of the information sharing that had taken place regarding 30 individuals that had mental health issues, and which partners they were known to. </p><p>Members discussed the item and made the following comments and asked the following questions:</p><p> The Police had a large amount of dealings with some of these individuals. Putting these individuals in Police cells were not always the best way to resolve these issues but sometimes the only option. The work of the Concordat would hopefully give the Police more options in the future. The 24 hour assessment centre would further reduce the pressure on the crisis teams. There was no issue around the number of beds available for adults at the current time. There were discussions across Tees about the young people in custody. Processes in A&E were being reviewed. Redcar & Cleveland Health and Wellbeing Board</p><p>1 April 2015</p><p> Coast and Country Housing may have some data that could be shared to give a complete picture. 10% of children were experiencing emotional and mental health issues across Teesside. </p><p>RESOLVED that:</p><p>1. The report be noted. 2. That future updates be brought to the Health & Wellbeing Board. </p><p>22. JOINT STRATEGIC NEEDS ASSESSMENT</p><p>The Assistant Director of Public Health presented a report outlining the approach to refreshing the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and discussed how the Redcar and Cleveland Health & Wellbeing Board could ensure that the JSNA was central to their decision making. </p><p>Members discussed the item and made the following comments and asked the following questions:</p><p> The JSNA was a statutory requirement. St Helens had produced a very comprehensive JSNA based on the priorities of the Health & Wellbeing Board and would be happy to share their work with Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council. Mark Reilly had done a piece of work around the JSNA and showed some really interactive ways to present the data. That could be shared with the Board Members for a better understanding. The North East Veterans Strategy formed part of the JSNA. </p><p>RESOLVED that:</p><p>1. The report be noted. 2. The Health & Wellbeing Board note the process for refreshing the JSNA. 3. The refreshed JSNA be brought back to a future meeting of the Health & Wellbeing Board for consideration. </p><p>23. SECURING QUALITY IN HOSPITAL SERVICES</p><p>The Chief Officer of South Tees CCG gave a presentation which provided details on routine and specialist hospital care services at County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust, North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust and South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, in five clinical areas:</p><p>• Acute Paediatrics, Maternity and Neonatology (Children, Maternity, Redcar & Cleveland Health and Wellbeing Board</p><p>1 April 2015</p><p> very small/ ill babies); • Acute medicine; • Acute surgery; • Intensive care; and • End of Life.</p><p>Over 700 standards were agreed across these service areas and an initial assessment was carried out to determine the extent to which the standards were being met across the three Foundation Trusts.</p><p>This first phase of the project was completed in March 2013 and the leadership for the work was picked up by the five Clinical Commissioning Groups across Durham and Tees, with Darlington CCG leading the Programme on behalf of the five CCGs.</p><p>Members discussed the item and made the following comments and asked the following questions:</p><p> There was a shortage in specialists. There were huge funding issues that needed to be addressed. The future of healthcare required careful consideration. The needs of the population needed to be the focus. There had been interviews undertaken with 1,000 members of the public. Once the information had been collated it would be shared with the Members of the Health & Wellbeing Board. The Health and Wellbeing Board Members see the budget forecasts for the in hospital services. </p><p>RESOLVED that:</p><p>1. The report be noted. 2. That the budget forecasts for the in hospital services be circulated to Members of the Health & Wellbeing Board. </p><p>24. PHARMACEUTICAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT</p><p>The Director of Public Health presented a report requesting approval for publication of the Redcar and Cleveland Health & Wellbeing Board Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2015. It was a statutory document which had to be published by 1 April 2015. </p><p>Members of the public did not know what services were available to them. It was important that information was circulated to the residents advising them of pharmacy opening hours and what services were being offered. Members were advised that a leaflet was being produced that would provide this information and would be distributed to all residents. Redcar & Cleveland Health and Wellbeing Board</p><p>1 April 2015</p><p>RESOLVED that:</p><p>1. The report be noted.</p><p>2. That the pharmacy opening hours and services be promoted to the residents in the Borough. </p><p>3. That authority continues to be delegated to the Director of Public Health, to approve, as required: publication of minor errata/ service updates as on-going notifications that fall short of formal Supplementary Statements to the PNA (for example changes of ownership, minor relocations of pharmacies, minor adjustments to opening hours and service contracts that do not impact on need) any response on behalf of the Redcar and Cleveland HWB to NHS England (42 day) consultation on applications to provide new or amended pharmaceutical services, based on the PNA</p><p>4. That the Health and Wellbeing Board acknowledge the responsibility of the Board for maintenance of the PNA including the need to assess on-going changes which might impact on pharmaceutical need and the assessment thereof and respond by initiating early review or publishing a Supplementary Statement to the 2015 PNA as required. To continue delegation of authority to DPH to make initial assessment with respect to potential Supplementary Statement or need for full review. Approval of Supplementary Statements will be undertaken by HWB Executive as required, likely to be quarterly.</p><p>25. HEALTHWATCH UPDATE</p><p>The Chair of Redcar and Cleveland HealthWatch gave an update on the Enter and View Visits carried out at the James Cook University Hospital and the recommendations made for areas of improvement – NOTED. </p><p>26. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING</p><p>The Chair advised the future meeting dates would be agreed following the elections. These would be circulated to the Board Members once known – NOTED. </p>
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