<p> PAUL E. MEIER</p><p>Professor Theatre Department Murphy Hall University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045 USA Phone (Home): 785 856 3486 Phone (Office): 785 864 2692 Fax (Office): 785 864 5251 E-mail: [email protected] Websites: www.web.ku.edu/idea www.ku.edu/~kuthf/meier.html www.paulmeier.com</p><p>I. EDUCATION</p><p>1970 BA (Honours) in English and American Literature, University of Kent at Canterbury, England.</p><p>1968 Diploma (Honours), Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama, London. (A theatre/voice conservatory).</p><p>1968 I.P.A. (International Phonetic Association). Placed 1st in international examination in phonetic proficiency.</p><p>1965 Advanced Level Certificates in English and French, University of London.</p><p>(These British credentials are the equivalent of the MFA in the U.S., the terminal degree in the field.)</p><p>II. ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS</p><p>2002-present Professor, Department of Theatre and Film, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.</p><p>1991-2002 Associate Professor, Department of Theatre and Film, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.</p><p>Page 1 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>1988-91 Assistant Professor, Department of Theatre and Film, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 1986-88 Artist-in-Residence, Department of Theatre, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN.</p><p>Artist-in-Residence, appointed to several Kentucky school systems, Kentucky Arts Council.</p><p>1976-78 Instructor in Dialects, Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA), London, England.</p><p>1974-78 Guest director or visiting instructor in voice, speech and dialect at the following London conservatories: London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, Webber-Douglas School of Drama, The Drama Centre, The City Literary Institute, Mountview Drama School, The Drama Studio.</p><p>1970-74 Instructor in Voice, Speech, Dialect, and Text, School of Drama, North Carolina School of the Arts, Winston-Salem, NC.</p><p>III. COURSES TAUGHT</p><p>Acting with an Accent Advanced Acting Beginning Acting Beginning Voice and Speech for Actors Character Voice for the Actor Fundamentals of Directing Radio Drama Production Undergraduate Seminar in: Voice-over Verse Speaking Vocal Approach to the Classics</p><p>IV. DISSERTATION AND THESIS COMMITTEES</p><p>Chair</p><p>Mariann Martin, MA, 1994, “Idealism and Paradoxes: An Evaluative Description of the Living Stage Theatre Company’s Work With At-Risk Adolescents.”</p><p>Page 2 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>Committee Member</p><p>Bethany Ann Larson Ph.D., 1999, “Masks in the Studio and on the Stage: An Annotated Bibliography, 1900-1997.”</p><p>Donna J. Kane, Ph.D., 1999, “The Society of American Fight Directors: An Oral History.”</p><p>Masoud Delkah, Ph.D., 1997, “The Pure Man, Disciple of None: Positioning Grotowski’s Metaphysics and Method in Contemporary Euro- Asian Mysticism as represented by Krishnamurti.”</p><p>Anne Marie LaLonde Hanson, Ph.D., 1997, “An Analysis of the Physiological Assumptions in Vocal Instructional Systems for Actors.”</p><p>V. RESEARCH</p><p>International Dialects of English Archive (IDEA)</p><p>Founder and director, in 1997, of IDEA (International Dialects of English Archive), an online database of primary source recordings of English language dialects and accents on a global scale. IDEA is a multidisciplinary resource for the performing arts, oral history and linguistics. It contains an ever-growing number of recordings (nearly 1000 at present), searchable by continent, country, and province or state. Each dialect sample is annotated for significant dialectal features. The archive also contains dialecto-dramaturgical analysis. Scholars with linguistic expertise record the pronunciation, with exegesis, of the idioms and proper names from frequently produced plays from other cultures.</p><p>IDEA, on the web at www.web.ku.edu/idea, has more than forty voice and speech scholars as associate editors from seven different countries who contribute samples and commentary from their regions of the world.</p><p>Creative Dramatic Interpretation</p><p>University of Kansas (1988-present)</p><p>Dialect/Vocal/Text Direction & Design (plays) Arms and the Man, George Bernard Shaw, John Gronbeck-Tedesco, director, 2010. Anna in the Tropics, Nilo Cruz, Julie Pratt, director, 2009. Street Scene, Rice, Hughes, & Weill, Tazewell Thompson, director, 2008. Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare, Jocelyn Buckner, director, 2008.</p><p>Page 3 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>Guys and Dolls, Frank Loesser, John Gronbeck-Tedesco, director, 2007. Translations, Brian Friel, Doug Weaver, director, 2007. The Short Tree and the Bird that Could Not Sing, , Dennis Foon, director, Jeanne Klein, 2006. A Congress of Women, Aristophanes, director Dennis Christilles, 2006. Hay Fever, Noel Coward, director, Jack Wright, 2006. You Can’t Take It With You, Hart & Kaufmann, 2005. Candide, Leonard Bernstein, Tom Ocell, director, 2005. Our Country’s Good, Timberlake Wertenbaker, Delores Ringer, director, 2004. As You Like It, William Shakespeare, Scott Glasser, director, 2003. Where To, Turelu? Henri Degoutin, 2002. Lear’s Daughters, Elaine Feinstein, 2002. Desdemona, A Play About A Handkerchief, Paula Vogel, 2002. South Pacific, Rodgers & Hammerstein, 2002. The Waiting Room, Lisa Loomer, 2002. So What’s New?, Fatima Dike, 2001. The Butterfly Kiss, Phyllis Nagy, 2001. Six Degrees of Separation, John Guare, 2001. Temptation, Vaclav Havel, 2001. An American Medley, various playwrights, 2001. Angels in America, Tony Kushner, 2000. How I Learned to Drive, Paul Vogel, 2000. The Call of the Wild, Jon Lipsky, 2000. Selkie, Laurie Brooks, 2000. Henry IV Part 1, William Shakespeare, 2000. Hedda Gabler, Henrik Ibsen, 2000. Fen, Caryl Churchill, 2000. The Ugly Duckling, Pamela Sterling, 2000. Picasso at the Lapin Agile, Steve Martin, 1999. The Miss Firecracker Contest, Beth Henley, 1999. Schoolhouse Rock Live!, Scott Ferguson, 1999. The Gut Girls, Sarah Daniels, 1999. Oklahoma!, Rodgers and Hammerstein, 1998. The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde, 1998. Bedroom Farce, Alan Ayckbourne, 1998. Tesla Electric, David Gustav Fraser, 1998. Crimes of The Heart, Beth Henley, 1997. Suburbia, Eric Bogosian, 1997. Ripen Our Darkness, Sarah Daniels, 1997. Dancing at Lughnasa, Brian Friel, 1995. O Pioneers!, adapted by Darrah Cloud & Kim Sherman, 1994. Pot-Pourri Productions, various authors, 1994. The Grapes of Wrath, adapted by Frank Galati, 1994. A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee Williams, 1993. Laundry and Bourbon & Lone Star, James McLure, 1993.</p><p>Page 4 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>Hansel and Gretel, Max Bush, 1993. The Tempest, William Shakespeare, 1992. Pot-Pourri Productions, various authors, 1992. The Blonde, Alexander Volodin, 1992. The Singular Life of Albert Nobbs, Simone Benmussa, 1991. Pot-Pourri Productions, various authors, 1991. Pirates of Penzance, Gilbert and Sullivan, 1991. Tobacco Road, Jack Kirkland, 1991. Thunder Rock, Robert Ardrey, 1990. The Robber Bridegroom, Alfred Uhry, 1990. Tent Meeting, Rebecca Wackler, Larry Larson, 1990. Pygmalion, George Bernard Shaw, 1990. I'm Not Rappaport, Herb Gardner, 1989. Cabaret, John Kander, Fred Ebb, Joe Masteroff, 1989. Return of the Swallow, Michael Johnson, 1988.</p><p>Directing/Vocal Directing (Functioned as director and vocal designer) A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare, 2010. Othello, William Shakespeare, 2002. Blithe Spirit, Noel Coward, 2001. Measure for Measure, William Shakespeare, 1999. The Seagull, Anton Chekhov, 1998. Love’s Labor’s Lost, William Shakespeare, 1996. Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare, 1995. Jesus Christ Superstar, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, 1994. Much Ado About Nothing, William Shakespeare, 1994. The Reluctant Dragon, adapted by Mary Hall Surface, 1994. The Comedy of Errors, William Shakespeare, 1993. Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, 1992. A Midsummer Night's Dream, William Shakespeare, 1991. The Robber Bridegroom, Alfred Uhry, Robert Waldman, 1990. Little Shop of Horrors, Alan Mencken, 1990. Taming of the Shrew, William Shakespeare, 1989. American Buffalo, David Mamet, 1989.</p><p>Acting Pygmalion, George Bernard Shaw, 1990. Played Henry Higgins.</p><p>Page 5 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN (Artist-in-Residence) (1986-88)</p><p>Directing/Vocal Designing Shakespeare's Greatest Hits!, William Shakespeare, 1988. Arms and the Man, George Bernard Shaw, 1986. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Edward Albee, 1986. Acting Bell Witch Variations, Arthur Kopit, 1988. Played Joshua Powell. Flute Story, Paul Meier, 1988. A one-man show. Brigadoon, Lerner and Loewe, 1988. Played Mr. Lundy, The Imaginary Invalid, Moliere, 1987. Played the title role. The Robber Bridegroom, Alfred Uhry, 1987. Played Clement Musgrove. </p><p>Market House Theatre, Paducah, KY (1979-86)</p><p>Directing/Vocal Designing (plays) A Midsummer Night's Dream, William Shakespeare. Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck. Taming of the Shrew , William Shakespeare. The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde. Cinderella, Paul Meier, David Booth. Snow White, Paul Meier, David Booth. Jesse and the Bandit Queen, David Freeman. California Suite, Neil Simon. Same Time, Next Year, Bernard Slade. Black Comedy, Peter Shaffer. Snoopy, Charles M. Shultz, Larry Grossman, Hal Hackady. A Christmas Carol, Michael Paller. You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, Clark Gesner.</p><p>Directing/Vocal Designing (teleplays) The Spoon River Anthology, Edgar Lee Masters. Hello Out There, William Saroyan.</p><p>Acting (plays) Tartuffe, Moliere. Played title role, Same Time, Next Year, Bernard Slade. Played George. On Golden Pond, Ernest Thompson. Played Norman Thayer. California Suite, Neil Simon. Played Sidney.</p><p>Page 6 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>London Theatre Conservatories (1974-78)</p><p>Directing/Vocal Designing (plays) Black Comedy, Peter Shaffer. White Liars, Peter Shaffer. The Father, August Strindberg. The Homecoming, Harold Pinter.</p><p>North Carolina School of the Arts, Winston-Salem, NC (1970-74)</p><p>Directing/Vocal Designing (plays) Dear Liar, Jerome Kilty. Dark Lady of the Sonnets, George Bernard Shaw. Riders to the Sea, J.M. Synge.</p><p>Creative Dramatic Writing</p><p>1994 The Promised Land, a radio play, produced first by Imagination Workshop (now known as Right Between The Ears), later winner of Best New Play at the Midwest Radio Theatre Workshop and published by MRTW; later produced by The Minds’ Ear, a Chicago radio theatre company.</p><p>1987 Flute Story, a one-man show, performed Trahern Theatre, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN.</p><p>1985 Iced Tea, a screenplay, with Rebecca Reynolds.</p><p>1984 Thunder Standing, a screenplay, with Rebecca Reynolds.</p><p>1983 Cinderella, with David Booth, a musical version for stage, produced Market House Theatre, Paducah, KY.</p><p>1982 Snow White, with David Booth, a musical version for stage, produced Market House Theatre, Paducah, KY.</p><p>1978-86 AD 65, a one-man show, based on the Gospel of Mark, performed over 200 times in venues throughout North America.</p><p>Chapters in Books</p><p>“To Glottalize or Not to Glottalize,” in The Voice and Speech Exercise Book, Rodgers, Janet, editor, Applause Books, New York, 2002.</p><p>Page 7 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>“King of Infinite Space: Richardson’s Hamlet (1969),” in Tibbetts, John C. and James M. Welsh, eds., The Cinema of Tony Richardson. Albany NY: State University of New York Press, 1999, 177-187.</p><p>Textbooks</p><p>Voicing Shakespeare, an e-Book with embedded video and audio files, distributed through Paul Meier Dialect Services (http://www.paulmeier.com/shakespeare.html), 2008.</p><p>Dialects of the British Isles, distributed through Paul Meier Dialect Services (http://www.paulmeier.com/books.html) , 2002.</p><p>Accents and Dialects for Stage and Screen, distributed through Paul Meier Dialect Services (http://www.paulmeier.com/books.html), 2001. Currently adopted as a textbook at theatre departments throughout the US, Britain, and Australia.</p><p>Peer-reviewed Serial Monographs</p><p>“R and its Articulation,” with Eric Armstrong, Mandy Rees, ed., Shakespeare Around the Globe: and other contemporary issues in professional voice and speech training. Presented by the Voice and Speech Review. New York: Voice and Speech Trainers Association, 2005 237-250.</p><p>“Interviews with Three Film and Television Coaches,” Dal Vera, Rocco, ed., Film, Broadcast and e-Media Coaching; and other contemporary issues in professional voice and speech training. Presented by the Voice and Speech Review. New York: Applause Books and Voice and Speech Trainers, 2003 57-71.</p><p>“Vocal Clarity in the Outdoor Theatre,” co-authored with Kate Foy, Dal Vera, Rocco, ed., The Voice in Violence: and other contemporary issues in professional voice and speech training. Presented by the Voice and Speech Review. New York: Applause Books and Voice and Speech Trainers, 2001, 210-222.</p><p>“Structure and Substance in Shakespeare’s Verse,” Dal Vera, Rocco, ed., Standard Speech and other contemporary issues in professional voice and speech training. Presented by the Voice and Speech Review. New York: Applause Books and Voice and Speech Trainers, 2000, 209-218.</p><p>Page 8 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>Peer-reviewed Journal</p><p>“Kenneth Branagh: With Utter Clarity,” The Drama Review, Vol. 41, No.2 (Summer 1997), 82-89.</p><p>Articles in Newsletters</p><p>“IDEA Celebrates a Century,” VASTA Newsletter, Vol.14, No. 1 (Winter 2000), 4-5.</p><p>“Dialect Coaching for the Movies: A Theater Veteran on his First Film Gig,” VASTA Newsletter, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Fall 1998), 8-9. </p><p>Journal Articles</p><p>“Tremor into Action.” An interview with Catherine Fitzmaurice. American Theatre, January 2010.</p><p>“The Actor’s Ecology: Integrating Voice and Movement.” Co-authored with Lesley Bennett. Presented by the Voice and Speech Review. New York: Voice and Speech Trainers, 2009. </p><p>“Training the Trainers” Presented by the Voice and Speech Review. New York: Applause Books and Voice and Speech Trainers, 2007.</p><p>“Towards a New Sacred Theatre,” The Quest, Spring 1993, 74-84.</p><p>“American Buffalo: Designing Away the Barriers,” Theatre Insights, Vol. 2, No. 2, (Fall 1990), 22-24.</p><p>Scholarly Papers</p><p>“Acting in Dialect: the Cross-Cultural Challenge.” Voice and Speech Trainers Association (VASTA) conference, Glasgow, Scotland, August, 2005.</p><p>Presentation on IDEA, part of a panel on “Technology in Speech/Dialect Training—Three Approaches.” American Theatre in Higher Education annual meeting in Chicago IL, August, 2001. (not refereed, not published).</p><p>Presented a multi-media lecture-demonstration of International Dialects of English Archive (IDEA) at the Voice and Speech Trainers Association (VASTA) conference, Washington, D.C., August, 2000.</p><p>Page 9 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>“Non-Traditional Casting and the Politics of Transformation in Taming of the Shrew.” Mid-America Theatre Conference, Des Moines IA, spring 1990.</p><p>Researched “Acoustic Correlates of Emotional States.” Presented by Professor John Michel of Speech, Language and Hearing, University of Kansas, Symposium on the Performer's Voice, June, 1990.</p><p>Media Publication</p><p>Weekly blogs, video lessons, and podcasts for Global English, an English Instruction Company delivering English instructional services online to Fortune 500 companies globally. I am the top-ranked instructor for them. See http://www.englishcafe.com/teachers and http://www.englishcafe.com/Paulmeier/blog. 2008 to present.</p><p>On-line demonstration of International Phonetic Alphabet. Interactive Flash animation charts, with recorded sounds. With Eric Armstrong, York University, Toronto. Online at: http://www.paulmeier.com/ipa/charts.html, and http://www.yorku.ca/earmstro/ipa/index.html,2004.</p><p>Journal Editing</p><p>Founding associate editor of the Voice and Speech Review, a peer- reviewed journal devoted to the performer’s voice. Associate Editor for Pedagogy and Coaching. 22 articles for the 2007 issue; 12 articles for the 2005 issue; nine for the 2003 issue; seven for the 2001 issue; and articles for the 2000 issue.</p><p>VI. REPRESENTATIVE CREATIVE WORK IN INDUSTRY</p><p>(The following is a partial list of professional activities outside academia from 1973.)</p><p>Instructional Services</p><p>2000-present In 2000, founded Paul Meier Dialect Services, an Internet company through which his Shakespeare and dialect text-books, eBooks, dialect instruction CDs, and dialect designs are made available to theatre and film companies, schools and colleges, and to the public. On-line at www.paulmeier.com.</p><p>Page 10 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>Dialect Designer/Consultant/Coach</p><p>2010 Right Angle (feature film), director, Michael Uppendahl, (dialect coach to Lena Olin).</p><p>The Shunning (TV movie), director, Michael Landon Jr.</p><p>Mary’s Wedding, James Still, writer/director, Indiana Repertory Theatre. </p><p>2009 What’s Wrong With Virginia (feature film), Lance Black, director, TickTock Productions.</p><p>Oh What a Lovely War, Eric Prince, director, Colorado State University, Colorado.</p><p>Around the World in 80 Days, Mark Brown, Dennis Henneman, director, Youngstown State University, PA.</p><p>The Alchemist, Ben Jonson, Walt Jones, director, Colorado State University, Colorado.</p><p>Chess, Tim Rice, Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus, Ken Risch, director, Viterbo University, La Crosse, WI.</p><p>2008 When Calls the Heart, Michael Landon Jr., director, feature film (cancelled).</p><p>Frozen, Bryony Lavery, Raymond Monro, director, Foothills Black Box Theatre, Worcester, MA.</p><p>2007 Published Rosetta Stone's new US and UK English software.</p><p>2006 Cast, directed, and was one of the eight voice talents for Rosetta Stone’s new editions of their US and UK English language acquisition software.</p><p>The Marriage Bed, directed by Nona Shepherd, Sandford Meisner Theatre, NYC.</p><p>Golda’s Balcony, by William Gibson, directed by Terence Lemude, Florida Studio Theatre, Sarasota FL. Flat Spin, by Alan Ayckbourn, directed by Dennis Henneman, Youngstown State University, OH.</p><p>The Last Sin Eater, by Brian Bird, directed by Michael Landon, Jr. feature film, starring Louise Fletcher and Henry Thomas. (see http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0810928 )</p><p>Page 11 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>A Shayna Maidel, by Barbara Lebow, dir. Kim Wagner, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania.</p><p>Blood Brothers, by Willie Russell, directed by Phylis Ravel, Marquette University, Wisconsin.</p><p>2005 The Odd Couple, Joe Montello, director, Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York. (coached Jessica Stone in her role as Cecily Pigeon)</p><p>A Streetcar Named Desire, Hector Correa, director, Pacific Alliance Stage Company, San Francisco (coached Michael Navarra as Stanley)</p><p>2004 Fiddler on the Roof, University of Wisconsin, Steven’s Point, WI.</p><p>Sherlock’s Last Case, Steven Sherwin, director; University of Wisconsin, Steven’s Point, WI.</p><p>Not Welcome, by Yeota Imam, a short film, the role of Cindy. Filmed in Brighton, England.</p><p>The Foreigner, by Larry Shue; Kristin Kundert-Gibbs, director; Indiana State University, Terra Haute, IN.</p><p>The King and I, Ken Wolvington, director; Lyric Theatre, Burlington, VT.</p><p>The Gaol Gate, Lady Gregory, Sally Shedd, director, Virginia Wesleyan College, VA.</p><p>The Freedom of the City, Brian Friel, Sally Shedd, director, Virginia Wesleyan College, VA.</p><p>Dancing at Lughnasa, Brian Friel, Sally Johnston, director, Seabury Hall, HI.</p><p>Heart of a City, Lesley Storm, Kris Harrison, director, Lubbock High School, TX.</p><p>Necessary Targets, Eve Ensler, Carrie Wood, director, Waller High School, TX.</p><p>2003 Blood Brothers, Willie Russell, Sid Cato, director, Pacific Repertory Theatre. (Equity). Salinas, CA.</p><p>Page 12 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>The Secret Garden, by Marsha Norman and Lucy Simon, The Lyric Theatre, Burlington, VT.</p><p>Fen, by Caryl Churchill, University of Oklahoma, OK.</p><p>By the Bog of Cats, by Marina Carr, Athens Independent School District, TX.</p><p>House of Blue Leaves, by John Guare, St. George’s School, Newport, RI.</p><p>Chess, by Tim Rice, Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus, Village Players, Birmingham, MI.</p><p>Wonderful Tennessee, by Brian Friel, Santa Clara University, CA. Oliver, by Lionel Bart, Mount View High School, Tucson, AZ.</p><p>Dancing at Lughnasa, by Brian Friel, Brideview Players, Waterford, Ireland.</p><p>Dancing at Lughnasa, by Brian Friel, (the role of Agnes) Irish American Heritage Theatre, Chicago, IL.</p><p>2002 AKA, a feature film, Geoffrey Wilner, executive director, (pre-production)</p><p>The Scarlet Pimpernel, Frank Wildhorn & Nan Knighton, The New Theatre, Overland Park, KS</p><p>Whale Music, by Anthony Minghella, Clark University, Worcester, MA.</p><p>The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams, The Guildhall Theatre, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada.</p><p>Talley’s Folly, by Lanford Wilson, The Guildhall Theatre, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada.</p><p>West Side Story, Leonard Bernstein, Stephen Sondheim, Queen of Peace High School, Burbank, IL</p><p>My Fair Lady, by Lerner & Loewe, Penticton Light Opera Society, B.C., Canada. Top Girls, by Caryl Churchill, California State University, Northridge, CA.</p><p>Selkie, Laurie Brooks, Theatre School, DePaul University, Chicago, IL. </p><p>Page 13 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>2001 The Cripple of Inishmaan, by Martin McDonagh, Eustace High School, Eustace, TX.</p><p>Translations, by Brian Friel, Clark University, Worcester, MI.</p><p>The Passions of Dracula, Hamilton Deane & John L. Balderston, Laupahoehoe Community Theatre, Laupahoehoe, HI. The character of Professor Van Helsing.</p><p>Wooed and Viewed, Georges Feydeau, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME. The character of Emma.</p><p>Rutherford & Son, Githa Sowerby, Mint Theater Company, New York City. Consultant for Newcastle dialect to dialect coach, Amy Stoller. (Equity Production).</p><p>Look Back in Anger, John Osborne, Bellevue Community College, Bellevue, WA.</p><p>Last Night of Ballyhoo, Alfred Uhry, Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Laie, HI.</p><p>Dancing at Lughnasa, Brian Friel, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV.</p><p>2000 The Lost Colony, Paul Green, Manteo, NC. (Equity Production).</p><p>To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee, Bay City Players, Bay City, MI.</p><p>Locked Up Down Shorty’s (short film), Mike Petty, director, Futomaki Productions, USA.</p><p>1999 The Lost Colony, Paul Green, Manteo, NC.</p><p>The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams, Palace Theatre, London, England. (Equity Production).</p><p>Wild Oats, John O’Keeffe, Illinois Shakespeare Festival, Bloomington, IL. (Equity production)</p><p>1998 Ride With The Devil, directed by Ang Lee, a Good Machine/Universal Pictures feature film. Filmed in Kansas and Missouri. Elmer Gantry, a feature film (production cancelled after pre-production).</p><p>Molokai: The Story of Father Damien, directed by Paul Cox; an ERA (Belgium)/Universal feature film. Filmed in Hawaii.</p><p>Page 14 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>Arlington Road, directed by Mark Pellington; a Columbia/TriStar feature film.</p><p>Theory of the Trojans, director Melanie Cavin, Voyage Entertainment feature film. Filmed in Australia.</p><p>1997 Henceforward, Alan Ayckbourne, Heartland Theatre, Kansas City, KS. (Equity Production).</p><p>1996 South Pacific, Rodgers and Hammerstein, The New Theatre, Kansas City, KS (Equity production).</p><p>1995 Steel Magnolias, Robert Harling, The New Theatre, Kansas City, KS. (Equity production).</p><p>Post-Synch (Looping Director) and Post-Production Voicing</p><p>1999 Molokai: The Story of Father Damien (see above).</p><p>1998 The Drowning Plains, director Jay Schillinger; Dave Johnson, producer; a PMG (USA) production. (short un-released pilot).</p><p>1974-78 As Equity actor, performed regularly as London-based looping voice artist, lip-syncing foreign films into English and re-voicing English language film and video projects. (Approximately forty films in total).</p><p>Master classes in Voice, Speech, Dialect & Text</p><p>2010 University of Central Missouri, USA.</p><p>2007 Shakespeare in Performance, Stratford-upon-Avon, England.</p><p>2005 Shakespeare in Performance, Stratford-upon-Avon, England.</p><p>2000 Speaking Shakespeare’s Verse, for The Lost Colony company, Manteo, NC.</p><p>1997 Workshop on Shakespeare’s prosody. Shakespeare’s Globe, London.</p><p>Film Acting</p><p>2001 The Painting, a feature film, Masterpiece Productions, Joshua D. Rose, director. Played Wolfgang Kohner.</p><p>Page 15 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>1998 Ride With The Devil, directed by Ang Lee, a Good Machine/Universal Pictures feature film. (This role cut from the theatrical release). Played George Bowden.</p><p>1996 Stolen Women, Captured Hearts; directed by Jerry London; CBS television movie of the week. Played Dr. Cyrus.</p><p>1989 Cross of Fire, directed by Paul Wendkos; NBC miniseries. Played Templett. </p><p>Radio Acting</p><p>1988-94 Member of the Imagination Workshop (now Right Between the Ears), a radio drama and comedy company syndicated throughout North America by NPR. IW is the three-time Gold-Medal winner as Best Live Entertainment in the Corporation for Public Broadcasting awards and in 1993 was awarded the Gold Medal for Best Comedy and the Grand Prize for Entertainment at the International Radio Festival. In this six-year period Meier wrote sketches and short dramas for, and acted in, approximately 25 shows.</p><p>1975-78 As a member of the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) Drama Repertory Company, and later as a freelance actor, performed in over 100 radio dramas for the BBC including Richard II, Rebecca, The Great American Fourth of July Parade, The Spoon River Anthology, Henry IV Part I, The One Who Got Away, starring Richard Burton, Flora Robson, Derek Jacobi, Alec McCowen, Paul Scofield and others. This body of work has been distributed via broadcast, CD and audiocassette worldwide and continues to be heard to the present.</p><p>Page 16 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>Stage Acting</p><p>1979 The Country Wife, William Wycherley, Department of Theatre, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale IL. Played Harry Horner.</p><p>1978 The Jefferson Davis Story, outdoor drama, performed at the Confederate President's birthplace of Fairview KY. Played Jefferson Davis.</p><p>1978-80 AD 65, a one-man show on the life and work of Jesus. Toured throughout North America.</p><p>1977 The Barry English Show, Covent Garden Cafe Theatre, London. (Equity production). Played title role.</p><p>1973 1776; Sherman Edwards and Peter Stone, North Carolina School of the Arts, (Equity production), Winston-Salem NC. Played John Adams. Television Acting</p><p>1978 Houston, We've Got a Problem, BBC/Time-Life film for television. Played astronaut Joe Kerwin.</p><p>1977 Miss Jones and Son, television sitcom, Thames Television, London. Played “The Doctor.”</p><p>The Norman Conquest, BBC Television, London. Played Bishop Odo.</p><p>The Story of Marie Curie, a BBC Television mini-series, London. Played “The Student.”</p><p>Audiobooks</p><p>2009 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, by Charles Dickens, GlobalEnglish, Internet, http://www.englishcafe.com/blog/the-curious- case-of-benjamin-button-part-1-29870.</p><p>2008 A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, GlobalEnglish, Internet, (see http://corp.globalenglish.com). </p><p>2002 Anthem, by Ayn Rand, St. Paul, MN, HighBridge Audio.</p><p>2000 Poems That Wouldn’t Keep Quiet, a CD publication of the work of the poet, Alan Harris.</p><p>Page 17 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>1999 Flatland by Edwin A. Abbot; Nashville TN, Panorama Audio production; recorded initially as a netcast book-on-tape, for http://www.audiohighway.com; released by Harper Collins, 2002.</p><p>The Bhagavad-Gita, Wheaton, IL, Quest Books and Tapes.</p><p>1997 The Voice of the Silence, Wheaton, IL, Quest Books and Tapes. </p><p>The Stanzas of Dzyan, a publication by Quest Books and Tapes, Wheaton IL. </p><p>1995 Morality in Our Age, a Knowledge Products production in their Audio Classics series. Narrated by Robert Guillaume; directed by Patricia Childs. Series of thirteen double-cassette releases. Meier played assorted roles. (These and the other Knowledge Products publications that follow were originally sold directly to subscribers, later published by Simon and Schuster.) 1993 Religion, Scriptures and Spirituality, a Knowledge Products production in their Audio Classics series. Narrated by Ben Kingsley; directed by Patricia Childs. Series of fifteen double-cassette releases. Meier played Buddha and Christ, among other assorted roles. Simon and Schuster.</p><p>Science & Discovery, a Knowledge Products production in their Audio Classics series. Narrated by Edwin Newman; directed by Patricia Childs. Series of five double-cassette releases. Meier played assorted roles. Simon and Schuster.</p><p>1991 The World’s Political Hotspots, a Knowledge Products production in their Audio Classics series. Narrated by Harry Reasoner; directed by Patricia Childs. Series of eight double-cassette releases. Meier played assorted roles. Simon and Schuster.</p><p>The Giants of Philosophy, a Knowledge Products production in their Audio Classics series. Narrated by Charlton Heston; directed by Patricia Childs. Series of eighteen double-cassette releases. Meier played Duns Scotus, Nietzche, and Aristotle, among other assorted roles. Simon and Schuster.</p><p>1989 The United States at War, a Knowledge Products production in their Audio Classics series. Narrated by George C. Scott; directed by Patricia Childs. Series of twelve double-cassette releases. Meier played assorted roles. Simon and Schuster.</p><p>1988 Great Economic Thinkers, a Knowledge Products production in their Audio Classics series. Narrated by Louis Rukeyser; directed by Patricia </p><p>Page 18 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>Childs. Series of twenty-four double-cassette releases. Meier played Alfred Marshall and other roles. Simon and Schuster.</p><p>1987 Giants of Political Thought, a Knowledge Products production in their Audio Classics series. Narrated by Craig Deitschman; directed by Patricia Childs. Series of eight double-cassette releases. Meier played John Locke and Adam Smith and other roles. Simon and Schuster</p><p>1974-78 Performed Equity contracts in dozens of educational audio-video projects for Longman Publishers Inc., London.</p><p>On-Camera Industrial Films</p><p>As a member of Screen Actors Guild (SAG), and American Federation of Radio and Television Artists (AFTRA), performed as on-camera spokesperson in industrial and training films for corporations such as Bayer, H&R Block, Hallmark, Church of the Nazarene, Northwest Airlines, Sprint, Medtronic, and Farmland Industries, 1988-present.</p><p>Television and Radio Commercials</p><p>Performed in national and international radio and TV commercials for such clients as Coca-Cola, Ford, Hallmark Cards, Blockbuster Video, Sprint, H&R Block, Taco Bell, Northwest Airlines, Better Homes and Gardens, Wal-mart, Planet Hollywood, Cellular One, Fairmont Hotels, and many others.</p><p>Media Consultancy </p><p>1995-2008 Channel 6, Sunflower Cablevision, Lawrence, KS. In this work, trained anchorpersons in on-camera performance skills.</p><p>1990-97 KANU-FM, Lawrence, KS. Evaluated and trained on-air talent.</p><p>VII. HONORS, AWARDS</p><p>2011 KCACTF award for dialect coaching A Midsummer Night’s Dream.</p><p>2009 Sabbatical Leave, fall.</p><p>2004 University of Kansas, Centre of Teaching Excellence teaching award.</p><p>Page 19 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>2003 Sabbatical Leave, spring.</p><p>1995 Sabbatical Leave, fall.</p><p>1994 The seventh annual James E. Seaver Lectureship on Continuing Issues in Western Civilization. Paper titled: “Through the Mirror: Theatre’s Contribution to Knowledge in Western Civilization.”</p><p>1993 Best New Play for Radio for The Promised Land at Mid-America Radio Theatre Workshop (MRTW).</p><p>VIII. FUNDING</p><p>2010 $15,000 internal funding for David Crystal residency.</p><p>2009 Sabbatical leave to pursue research on Early Modern English.</p><p>2005 Kimbell Fund, to support field research in Ireland and Scotland.</p><p>International Scholarly Travel Fund, to present paper at VASTA conference, Glasgow, Scotland.</p><p>Departmental Travel Fund.</p><p>2004 Award from the Kimbell Fund to prepare for forthcoming Study Abroad program in England, 2005.</p><p>2003 Awards from The Hall Center, FROTH, Kimbell Fund, Department of Theatre and Film, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, to support sabbatical research at the Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford-upon- Avon, England, Spring.</p><p>2002 Award from the Kimbell Fund to pursue dialect research in England and Scotland, summer 2002.</p><p>2001 Award from the Kimbell Fund to pursue dialect research in England and Scotland, summer 2001.</p><p>Research Travel Grant, Office of International Programs, University of Kansas to pursue dialect research in England and Scotland, summer 2001.</p><p>2000 Award from the Kimbell Fund to participate in weekend intensive with Dennis Krausnik, training director for Shakespeare and Company.</p><p>Page 20 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>Award from Kimbell Fund to hire a part-time assistant to IDEA (International Dialects of English Archive), and to purchase recording equipment.</p><p>Award from the KU General Research Fund to continue development of an online digital archive.</p><p>Application to the National Endowment for the Humanities Access and Preservation Fund for a grant to fund the work of The International Dialects of English Archive (IDEA). (unsuccessful).</p><p>Application to the KU Research Development Fund (Frank Baron, German, PI. Title of project: “Max Kade Center Proposals for Dialect and Exile Studies.” (unsuccessful).</p><p>1999 Award from the KU General Research Fund to develop International Dialects of English Archive (IDEA), an online digital archive. </p><p>Award from Kimbell Fund to attend premiere of the London revival of The Glass Menagerie, for which Meier was dialect designer.</p><p>Application to the National Endowment for the Humanities Access and Preservation Fund for a grant to fund the work of The International Dialects of English Archive (IDEA). (unsuccessful).</p><p>1997 Big XII Fellowship, residency at University of Nebraska at Lincoln, NB.</p><p>Hall Center for the Humanities, Travel Grant.</p><p>International Research Fellow, KU.</p><p>1995 Awards from Kimbell Fund, Hall Center for the Humanities, and the KU Faculty Development Fund to pursue sabbatical research in London. Conducted research in London on the oral tradition of speaking Shakespeare's verse. Interviewed many leading actors, including Kenneth Branagh.</p><p>1995 Award from the KU General Research Fund to research Shakespeare performance in the USA and Canada.</p><p>1994 Award from Kimbell Fund to pursue research in sacred theatre.</p><p>1989 New Faculty Grant to attend Jill Purce’s workshop on Overtone Chanting at the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA.</p><p>Page 21 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>IX. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Actors Equity (Britain). American Association of University Professors (AAUP). American Dialect Society (ADS). American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA). American Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE). International Phonetic Association (IPA). Mid-West Radio Theatre Conference (MRTW). Screen Actors' Guild (SAG). Voice & Speech Trainers Association (VASTA).</p><p>X. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE</p><p>1979-86 As Executive and Artistic Director of the Market House Theatre, Paducah, Kentucky, had overall responsibility for policies and programs for a complex community theatre organization with a budget of over one million dollars. Under Meier’s management a dozen major productions were mounted annually, a theatre-in-the-schools program was initiated, a minority theatre program was developed, the theatre facility underwent major renovation as a National Historic Landmark, and several award- winning television dramas were produced.</p><p>XI. SERVICE</p><p>Department</p><p>2010 Department Committee</p><p>2009 Theatre Area Committee Special representative to the CTE Season Selection Committee </p><p>2008 Theatre Area Committee Faculty Evaluation Committee Ad hoc Promotion and Tenure Committee Season Selection Committee</p><p>2007 Theatre Area Committee Season Selection Committee (Chair) Faculty Evaluation Committee Shakespeare in Performance II</p><p>Page 22 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>2006 Theatre Area Committee Composite Board</p><p>2005 Faculty Advisory Board Theatre Area Committee Composite Board Scholarship Committee (co-chair) Established Shakespeare in Performance, a Study Abroad program conducted in Stratford-Upon-Avon, England</p><p>2004 Theatre Area Committee (Chair).</p><p>2003 Theatre Area Committee (Chair).</p><p>1999-2000 Chair, Faculty Performance Committee. Member, Executive Committee (ad hoc). Member, Production Committee.</p><p>1996-1998 Member, Curriculum Committee.</p><p>1994 Chair, Committee on University Theatre Mission.</p><p>1993-1995 Chair, Production Committee. 1993-1995 Member, Executive Committee.</p><p>1993-1995 Chair, Production Responses.</p><p>1988-present Member, Composite Board.</p><p>1988-present Member, Graduate Faculty.</p><p>1988-present Member, Performance Faculty Committee.</p><p>University</p><p>2010 Organized David Crystal’s two-week lecture series at a variety of campus venues.</p><p>2001-03 Member Digital Library Advisory Group (largely inactive due to teaching schedule conflicts).</p><p>1999-2001 Member, College Committee on Sabbatical Leave.</p><p>1997-98 Member, College Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure.</p><p>Page 23 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>1988-1995 Donated services to the University Relations department, recording radio and TV voice-overs for the publicity of university fine arts events.</p><p>1994 Member, Creative Fellowship Committee, Hall Center for the Humanities.</p><p>1993 Speaker, Hall Center Symposium on The Canon.</p><p>1989 Volunteer lecturer for Western Civilization Department.</p><p>Local, State, Regional</p><p>2003 Narrated John Wesley sermons for video for Saving Grace Productions, Leawood, KS.</p><p>2002 ACTF respondent Johnson County Community College Theatre.</p><p>2000 Dialect consultant to Lawrence Community Theatre, The Last Night of Ballyhoo.</p><p>1999 Board member and Chair of Education Committee, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), Kansas City local.</p><p>Narrated “Musicke [sic] Fit for a King and Queen,” a KANU radio program featuring the Kansas Brass Quintet, December.</p><p>1998 Dialect consultant services to Lawrence Community Theatre.</p><p>1997 Respondent to An Albee Evening, at Emporia State University.</p><p>1996 Narrated Sacred Geography, a full-length theatre dance work by Cohen and Suzeau, KU artists in residence in Dance.</p><p>Page 24 of 25 Paul Meier—curriculum vitae</p><p>Profession</p><p>2006 Evaluated Youngstown State University’s Theatre Department in preparation for their NAST accreditation application.</p><p>2000-2007 Associate Editor for Pedagogy and Coaching, Voice and Speech Review.</p><p>2001-2003 Editor, VASTA newsletter (Voice and Speech Trainers Association).</p><p>1998-2001 Assistant Editor, VASTA Newsletter.</p><p>1996-98 Regional newsletter editor, VASTA newsletter.</p><p>Revised February 3, 2011</p><p>Page 25 of 25</p>
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