<p> Dixie Dialog Have you checked out our new webpage? Dixie Height’s webpage May 4, 2010 Mark your Calendar “Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation.” United States President – John F. Kennedy.</p><p>Spotlight on: </p><p>Tonight At Hoggys!! “Celebrate the Arts At Dixie Heights”</p><p>6pm to 7pm Dixie Drama presents “The Ugly Duckling”</p><p>7pm to 8pm Jazz band performing outside</p><p>7:30 pm to 9pm Various Chorus members performing musical numbers.</p><p>Art work on display all night!!!</p><p>Pick up a fund raiser flier in the front office and come join us at Hoggys. Dixie Arts get 20% of the sales with the flier.</p><p>1 Spring Craft Show May 8 at Dixie High School from 9am -2pm. All proceeds benefit Marching Band. For information see the web page www.eyeswithpride.net or call Cindy Benken 859- 341-9311 – THANKS!!! Cindy Benken [email protected] www.eyeswithpride.net</p><p>DH Football Car Wash Saturday, May 8, from 10 am - 2 pm the Dixie football team is having a car wash to help raise money for new uniforms. So whether you are visiting the craft fair, the Conner Classic, baseball games or perhaps just driving by and want to put the boys to work PLEASE stop by and have them wash your car, truck, boat or anything else you might need cleaned (unfortunately they do not do houses!!!). The Dixie Football Team</p><p>CONGRATULATIONS!! GREAT JOB!! Harry Wessel – DHHS Plant Manager who was presented the coveted “FRED AWARD” “by the Kentucky Association of School Administrators in recognition by his colleagues as making a difference in the world: acknowledging the commitment it takes </p><p>2 to make a conscious, daily effort to create a positive difference. “ Way to go Mr. Wessel! Congratulations to our Prom King, Queen, Prince, Princess and their Court Jake Furman KING Emily Ries QUEEN Franklin Muntis PRINCE Jordan Bradfield PRINCESS</p><p>Cory Abeling Josh Armbruster Jacob Burch Andrew Eastham Billy Menkhaus Spencer Riddle Max Voirol Avery Wiehe</p><p>Clairissa Casey Ashley Cooke Shelby Cox Catherine Henrickson Marissa Lopez Emily Murphy Kathryn Tekulve Ellen Wappner</p><p>3 The KyAEA State Art Show held their Awards ceremony this weekend here at Dixie. Please congratulate the following students for their participation and for their awards.</p><p>Participation - Lauren Hayes, Marlie Rife, Kyle O'Brien, Chelsea Vaal</p><p>1st place - Photography - Miranda Brewer 2nd place - Video/Film - Kyle O'Brien 3rd Place - Cultural Heritage - Jennifer Smith</p><p>Congratulations to the Dixie Girls Track team for their performance last night at the Dixie All-Girls Meet. Out of 8 teams the Dixie Girls team placed 2nd with strong performances from the following:</p><p>Girls 3200m Relay – Lyndsey Wehage, Sarah Moore, Ally Tekulve, Courtney Hutchioson – 2nd Place Girls 100m Hurdles – McKenna Edgett – 3rd Place Girls 100m Dash – Chelsea Perdue – 6th Place / Rachel Wilson – 8th Place Girls 800m Relay – Anna Ochs, Paige Turner, Carly Walz, Chelsea Perdue – 2nd Place Girls 1600m Run – Ally Tekulve – 3rd Place / Caitlin Brown – 4th Place Girls 400m Relay – McKenna Edgett, Anna Ochs, Carly Walz, Hillary Jamison – 2nd Place Girls 400m Dash – Anna Ochs – 1st Place / Janelle Poole – 8th Place Girls 300m Hurdles – McKenna Edgett – 2nd Place / Catherine Sikra – 8th Place Girls 800m Run – Lyndsey Wehage – 1st Place / Elizabeth Ruedebusch – 4th Place Girls 200m Dash – Chelsea Perdue – 4th Place / Paige Turner – 5th Place Girls 3200m Run – Courtney Hutchison – 2nd Place / Sarah Moore – 3rd Place Girls 1600m Relay – Anna Ochs, Carly Walz, Lyndsey Wehage, Hillary Jamison – 1st Place Girls Long Jump – McKenna Edgett – 7th Place Girls High Jump – Hillary Jamison – 1st Place – TIES TRACK/MEET RECORD</p><p>The Dixie Girls track team will be in action this weekend at Lloyd HS for the Lloyd Invitational Track and Field Meet.</p><p>MARK YOUR CALENDAR Printable Calendar with all events. May 4 Dixie Arts Night at Hoggy’s May 6-7 Talent Show May 8 DHHS Marching Band Craft Show 9-2 May 3-14 AP Testing May 14 Sophomore/Junior Honor Breakfast 8:00 am – 10:00 am May 17 Dixie Chorus Spring Concert Auditorium 7:00 pm May 19 Senior Honors Night 6:30 – 8:00 May 27 Freshmen Honor Breakfast 8:00 am – 9:30 am May 27 Senior Exams: 1st, 3rd, 5th May 28 Senior Exams: 2nd and 4th Meet in auditorium at 1:08 4 Dismiss for Senior Lap at 1:25 June 1 Graduation Practice at Dixie! Arrive in Gym by 8:15am. Practice will end at 10:15am June 2 Senior Picnic at Presidents Park 10:15am to noon June 3 Senior Brunch (9am to noon) BB Riverboats June 4 Graduation Practice at NKU Bank of Kentucky Center 8:00am to 10:30am June 6 Graduation at NKU! Bank of Kentucky Center Graduates arrive by noon to line up. Doors open for guests at noon!!! Ceremony begins at 1pm NO Tickets Needed! June 8 DHHS building will be closed. Entire staff will be in training.</p><p>* Denotes a change STUDENT INVOLVEMENT</p><p>End of Year Honor Programs It is almost time for our annual Honors Programs. Eligible students will receive invitations to attend as the events get closer. These events recognize students who have been on the Dean’s List and Honor Roll for the first 2 trimesters and through the 3rd trimester. We also take this time to recognize students who have won various awards during the school year.</p><p>Senior Honors Night: Wednesday, Math 19th 6:30-8:00 Sophomore/Junior Honors Breakfast: Friday, May 14th 8:30-10:00 Freshman Honors Breakfast: Thursday, May 27th 8:00-9:30 (These are Parent Friendly Events) Any questions contact Mr. Dusing at [email protected]</p><p>Senior Honors Night</p><p>W e will be having our Senior Honors Night on Wednesday, May 19th. This is an opportunity to recognize our seniors for their hard work and accomplishments. We recognize seniors who have made the Dean’s List and the Honor Roll. We also recognize students for the various scholarships that they have been offered. In order to do that, we need your help.</p><p>If your child has received a scholarship offer, please notify the Guidance Department. We do not always receive verification of scholarship offers from the colleges. The Guidance Registrar, Pat Kelley, can be contacted at 426-4909. Ms. Kelley will also need a copy of the scholarship award letter for the ones that are being accepted. </p><p>5 The 5th Annual Dixie Heights TALENT SHOW EXTRAVAGANZA will take place next week at 7:00pm on Thursday, May 6 AND Friday, May 7 in the Dixie auditorium! Both run around an hour and a half and will feature our extremely talented students. The two shows are not the same, so come on out for both! </p><p>Tickets are $5 ($3 for young children). Proceeds will go to the Dixie Heights Technology Fund and our partner organization Building Schools for Africa (http://www.schoolsforafrica.co.uk/content/view/3/3/ ). </p><p>Bring friends!! Bring the family!! It's a fun night and you get to see our students shine and cheer them all the way!!! Here’s to the next chapter of a great Dixie tradition!!</p><p>Dixie Heights Choral Dept presents A Spring Concert Monday, May 17 at 7PM DHHS Auditorium Performances by the Treble and Chamber Choirs</p><p>Credit Recovery After School Beginning next week, credit recovery after school will have the following schedule:</p><p>Monday Until 5pm Tuesday until 6 pm Wednesday until 5 pm</p><p>There will no longer be a credit recovery session after school on Thursdays and students and parents should plan accordingly.</p><p>For more information, contact Mrs. Sue Casey [email protected] (859) 341-7650 ext 450</p><p>Beta Club News Certificates have been received for all members including freshman. Please remind your student to pick up the certificate in room 0304 from Ms. Wadsworth. 20 hours of volunteer service must be completed by May 31. Ms. Wadsworth has service log forms. Senior Betas Congratulations to Mallory Stanek. She was one of 216 seniors chosen nationwide to receive a National Beta Club scholarship for her Heartbeat Dance program. All seniors need to bring a check in the amount of $7.50 by April 30th for the purchase of a graduation cord. Volunteer hours must be completed to wear the cord at graduation! Make checks payable to Dixie, turn in to Ms. Wadsworth in room 0304. </p><p>6 FAMILY & FRIENDS….WE NEED YOU!!</p><p>Do You Work in Science, Medicine or Engineering? Dixie Students Want to Hear from You!</p><p>We need Dixie parents, graduates and friends to help make our science program sizzle! As part of a school-wide project to add more hands-on, real-world labs and activities to Dixie’s science classes, our students have asked for guest speakers in scientific, medical and engineering careers: physician/surgeon (all specialties), nurse/midwife, veterinarian/zoologist, paleontologist, genetic counselor, robotics, forensics, environmental conservation, special effects creator, athletic trainer, physical/occupational/music therapist, dietician/nutritionist, mechanical/civil engineer, pilot/astronaut/astronomer, architect, psychiatrist, funeral director…and more!</p><p>Will you volunteer to speak to students about your job or conduct an in-class science activity? The time commitment is minimal, and our Sizzling Science team will help you every step of the way. We’re currently developing a list of topics, speakers and activities for the 2010-2011 school year. If you can help, contact Becky Schultz at 859-342-9122 or [email protected]. </p><p>Colonels Club The Dixie Parent Teacher Organization (aka Colonels Club) is currently planning for the next school year.</p><p>We are accepting nominations for the offices of President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership. 3 of the parents currently holding office positions will not be back next as their kids are graduating. So we could really use your help!</p><p>These positions are NOT time consuming and this is a great group to work with at Dixie. Our focus is supporting academics thru programs for students and teachers. We meet the last Monday of each month @ 7 PM at Dixie and meetings generally last an hour.</p><p>Please consider joining us and sending a strong message to your student(s) that their education is of great importance to you! Studies consistently show that your student(s) do best in school when YOU are involved.</p><p>Please return the following to the school office by Friday May 7, 2010.</p><p>Thanks! Robin Clark Co-President Colonels Club</p><p>Name ______</p><p>Contact Information ______</p><p>I would consider accepting the following positions for the 2010-11 school year: (Please check ALL you would be willing to accept)</p><p>7 President_____</p><p>Secretary_____</p><p>Treasurer_____</p><p>Membership_____</p><p>For ?s please contact Robin Clark at [email protected] or 342-9840.</p><p>______</p><p>Spring Craft Show May 8 at Dixie High School from 9am -2pm. All proceeds benefit Marching Band. For information see the web page www.eyeswithpride.net or call Cindy Benken 859- 341-9311 – THANKS!!! Cindy Benken [email protected] www.eyeswithpride.net</p><p>Dixie Spirit Wrap…………..$40 GET YOUR DIXIE SPIRIT WRAP TODAY BY EMAILING: Mrs. Catchen – [email protected]</p><p>FAMILY OPPORTUNITIES & HELPS The Excellence Report click here KCSD newsletter Alumni Site Looking for classmates, reunion dates, or just alumni information? GUIDANCE FROM GUIDANCE Scholarship Information click here & click here</p><p>JUNIORS: Here is a rare scholarship opportunity for you. The Better Business Bureau sponsors a Students of Integrity Scholarship. The award will be based on the essay you submit about a challenging ethical situation you’ve faced. Deadline for the scholarship is May 17. Get the application from the Guidance Office or at www.cincinnati.bbb.org/student . </p><p>Summer Study Skills Workshops, Private Tutoring, & ACT/PSAT/SAT Prep Classes Stefanie Parker with SMARTER Learning Systems offers programs throughout the summer. Call 341-7326 for information.</p><p>Monthly newsletter advises students and parents about college planning</p><p>8 Kentucky students and parents looking for information and advice about planning and paying for college are encouraged to sign up for Your KHEAA College Connection, a free monthly electronic newsletter from the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA). Signing up is easy. Just visit www.kheaa.com and click on “Students and Parents.” In the navigation box at the left, select “Your KHEAA College Connection Newsletters,” which will take you to the most recent newsletters and to a registration form. Each month when the newsletter goes live, subscribers will receive an e-mail that will list the current stories and provide a link to the online newsletter. Recent story topics have included information about scholarship opportunities, a comparison of award letters from colleges, tips for finding money for college and tips for doing well on the ACT. Nearly every issue contains a college planning timeline. For more information about college access in Kentucky, visit www.gotocollege.ky.gov. For more information about Kentucky scholarships and grants, visit www.kheaa.com; write KHEAA, P.O. Box 798, Frankfort, KY 40602-0798; or call (800) 928-8926, ext. 6-7372.</p><p>Western Kentucky University is going "On the Road" and bringing new student orientation to your students. Your seniors now have an option. If WKU is the college of their choice, seniors can sign up to attend our traditional orientation on campus or register for this “On the Road’ program which brings orientation closer to home. We have expanded the program to include both Lexington and Louisville this year! Students only need to choose the one location that is most convenient for them.</p><p>On Friday, May 14, WKU will conduct on-site orientation at the Hilton Suites Lexington Green in Lexington, Kentucky and on Friday, May 21, at Embassy Suites in Louisville, Kentucky. Students will meet one-on-one with an academic advisor, register for fall 2010 classes, meet with representatives from student services such as Housing and Residence Life, WKU Dining Services, Student Financial Assistance, and become an official Hilltopper by getting their ID card.</p><p>We will offer individual appointments on both dates. Advanced reservations are required and the reservation deadline is Friday, May 7. The fee is $100.00 per student and parents are invited to attend.</p><p>Reservations can only be made by phone at (270) 745-4242. For more information, visit our website at www.wku.edu/orientation/ontheroad.</p><p>This is just another personal, convenient and affordable way WKU is trying to reach out and help your students become a part of Hilltopper tradition.</p><p>Please pass the word on to your senior students who have been admitted to WKU and thanks for all you do.</p><p>WKU New Student Orientation (270) 745-4242</p><p>AP Fees For the 2010-11 school year AP test fees will be reimbursed to students with a 87%, or making a 3 or better on the exam. 9 Beginning 2011-12 and thereafter, the district will no longer reimburse AP fees. </p><p>NOW FOR SPORTS Schedules: Baseball Fast Pitch Softball Tennis - Boys Tennis - Girls Track & Field - Boys Track & Field - Girls Lacrosse</p><p>Are you a male interested in playing High School Soccer?</p><p>The Dixie Heights Boys soccer team will be holding an informational meeting on May 12th at 6:00. During this meeting the coaching staff will be handing out all the necessary paperwork that is needed for the upcoming season. This is an opportunity to meet the coaching staff and ask any questions one might have. Also, we will be feeding any and all participants with pizza and drinks. The paperwork that will be handed out will include: Physical form Pay-for-play Emergency information Practice schedule Game schedule Off-season conditioning schedule </p><p>Football team is raising mone for new uniforms. The football team is having a fundraiser to purchase new uniforms. We receive half the money on each t-shirt we sell. If you are interested in purchasing one, you can see any of our football players or you can contact Mr. Spritzky at [email protected] . The GRAY short and long sleeve shirts are football specific with DH football logo on the front and the 2010 FB schedule on the back. Short sleeve shirts are $15 and the long sleeve are $16. The RED short sleeve shirt is a generic Dixie Heights t-shirt for $18. All shirts have sizes Adult Small – XXXL Thanks for your support to the Dixie Football team..</p><p>2010 Volleyball season is quickly approaching. </p><p>We will be holding open gyms/conditioning at Dixie every Sunday evening from 5-7 beginning May 16th. Also, NKU will be coming to Dixie to do a camp on June 11th and 12th (Friday and Saturday) from 9-3pm. The cost is $90. Bring the money with you on the first day of camp. Make checks payable to Dixie Volleyball. This gives the coaches a chance to see the players before tryouts and for the players to get a jump start on the season. </p><p>10 Tryouts are July 15th, 16th, 17th, 19th, and 20th, from 5-7pm and the Saturday tryout is from 9-11 am. Make sure to pick up a KHSAA physical packet from our office. If you don’t have time to get one from the office, I will have some at the first open gym. </p><p>Cincinnati Sports Medicine will be holding physicals at Dixie on May 18th in the evening. The cost is $20. To attend you need to make an appointment with Jay Bowers, Athletic Trainer. </p><p>Many colleges and universities are holding volleyball camps over the summer. Check out UC’s, Xavier’s, NKU’s, and Thomas Moore’s web site for information.</p><p>In Summary, Important dates are: May 16th First Open Gym May 18th Physicals offered at Dixie May 23 Open Gym May 30 Open Gym (subject to change) June 6 Open Gym June 11th NKU camp at Dixie from 9-3 June 12th NKU camp at Dixie from 9-3 June 13th Open Gym June 20 Open Gym June 25 – July 9 Dead Period – No contact with players July 15th – July 20 Tryouts 5-7pm (Sat. 17th 9-11am) </p><p>Thank you for your interest in Dixie Volleyball. If you have any questions please email me at: [email protected] .</p><p>Sports Physicals for 2010-2011 ATTIRE: WHERE: Dixie Heights High School WHEN: Thursday, May 13, 2010 TIME: 6:00—8:00 PM Please call, email or see Jay Bowers, ATC to sign up.</p><p>PH: 859‐240‐1936, EMAIL: [email protected]</p><p>WHO: Any athlete in Grades 7—12 COST: $20 Please make checks payable to Cincinnati SportsMedicine. Payment will be collected at the physical.</p><p>ATTIRE: Shorts and a T‐Shirt</p><p>11 PARENTS: Please fill out the Kentucky High School Athletic Association Pre‐ participation Physical Evaluation Form (parts I,II,IV and V) and bring it with your child. If you need a form, they can be found at www.khsaa.org/forms. Click on general forms and it is under consent, permission, physical exam. You can also check with your Athletic Director to receive a form. Parts I,II,IV and V MUST be filled out prior to starting the physical. PARENTS: Cincinnati Sports Medicine & Orthopedic Center Crestview Hills Location: 328 Thomas More Parkway Crestview Hills, KY 41017</p><p>859‐331‐9700</p><p>Dixie boys and girls summer basketball camp open to K-10 students is June 14 to 18th and forms are available at www.dixiehoops.com </p><p>DIXIE LADY COLONELS GIRLS’ BASKETBALL CAMP JUNE 21-24 Click here for more information and to sign up.</p><p>White Castle Cards The Dixie football team is selling White Castle cards for $5.00. For only $5.00 you get free food, discounts, combo meals, etc. (a saving worth 20.00). The team is trying to raise money for new uniforms and really would appreciate your help. [email protected]</p><p>Youth Service Center Gina Murawski Youth Service Center Coordinator 859-992-4560 859-341-7650 ext 195</p><p>On Monday May 17, the YSC will host the F.E.D.S. program outside during lunch – F.E.D.S. is the Fatal Experience Driving Simulation – students with a valid driver’s license can participate by driving an electric car thru a course while wearing goggles that simulate being intoxicated. Students without a driver’s license may participate as passengers. More information will follow in the coming weeks! 12 What is the Fatal Experience Driving Simulation Program? It is a program for driving age students that encompass the use of “Impaired Vision Goggles” and a small electric car while driving through a prescribed course of traffic cones. The goggles simulate alcohol and drug impairment. Each student must have a permission slip signed (if under 18 years old) and a valid operators license. No one will be permitted to drive without either. </p><p>Dear Parent or Guardian:</p><p>Please fill in and sign this permission slip if your child is allowed to participate in the Fatal Experience Driving Simulation (F.E.D.S) to take place May 17, 2010 at Dixie Heights high School.</p><p>My child, ______, is a licensed driver and has my permission to drive the electric DUI Simulator car and to be photographed or videotaped by the news media, school and/or the Kentucky Crime Prevention Coalition. The car will be driven on school property and an experienced adult will accompany the student driver. This event is part of a DUI awareness program.</p><p>______Parent/Guardian Signature Date</p><p>ON OUR WEBPAGE: Senior Bulletin The COLONEL Student Newspaper Weather Information</p><p>HAPPENING IN THE CLASSROOM</p><p>The COLONEL Student Newspaper link The COLONEL 1-29</p><p> Be sure to check out Dixie’s webpage . It is full of information about Schools of Study, sports, activities, events, clubs, and much, much more. 13 Alumni Website Dixie’s Sports Schedules</p><p>From the District and Superintendent, Mr. Tim Hanner: The Kenton County School District’s webpage Comments We hope that you have found the Dixie Dialog to be an informative and attractive tool of communication between you and Dixie. Contact [email protected] with comments or questions. Every day is a great day at Dixie.</p><p>14</p>
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