<p>September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs</p><p>Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group</p><p>Date: 2013-09-16</p><p>Author(s): Name Company Address Phone email Stephen 200 Bath Road, Slough, BlackBerry Ltd +44 1753 667099 smccann@blackberry. McCann Berkshire, SL1 3XE, UK com</p><p>Abstract This document constitutes the minutes of the IEEE 802.11 full working group for the September 2013, Nanjing, China meeting.</p><p>Please note that all affiliations at this meeting are shown in Annex A.</p><p>Minutes page 1 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>IEEE 802.11 Interim Meeting – Session #141 Zhongshan Hotel, Nanjing, China September 16th – 20th, 2013</p><p>IEEE 802 Wireless Opening Plenary, Monday, 16th September 2013</p><p>Monday, 16 September 2013</p><p>10:31 802.11, 802.15, 802.18, 802.19, 802.21, 802.22, and 802.24 Chairs called the joint meeting to order. IEEE 802.15 attendance is included as Annex A. General announcements: · No photography, no audio recording · Social – will be in ZiJing Hall · Straw Poll of new attendees: 6</p><p>10:43 IEEE patent policy 802.15 WG chair read the IEEE-SA instructions and displayed the four slides explaining patent policy and informed the attendees that additional information could be found on the PatCom web site. 802.15 WG chair read IEEE anti-trust policy. 10:47 Financial report by Jon Rosdahl (CSR Technologies Inc) docs 11-13-1063-00, 15-13-0526-00</p><p>Net Worth</p><p>May 1, 2013 - $569,314.79 · IEEE account: $385,728.64 +76.93+88.47 +82.47 = $385,976.51 · Face-to-Face: $64,848.90 – 14,223.07+57150-25,537.56+101,100 = $183,338.28 June 30, 2013 – $386,061.74 · IEEE account: $385,976.51 + 85.23 = $386,061.74 · Face-to-Face: $183,338.28 + $71,400.00 - $61,737.97 = $193,000.31 (as of May 29) Sept 1, 2013 – $409,424.40 · IEEE account: $386,061.74 +85.67-$21,515.00+88.07+83.64 = $364,804.12 · Face-to-Face: $193,000.31 -$1,982.86 - $39.00 = $44,620.25 Nanjing, China – Sept 2013 • Registration Income: $168,625 − Registrations 279 (+34 Students) − Meeting Expense Estimate $173,692</p><p>Minutes page 2 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>− Estimated Loss ($ 5,067) • Expense Estimates − Electronic Facilities $ 7,700 − Networking & Shipping $62,300 − Special Services on site $22,655 − On site setup $ 7,000 − Staffing on site $ 18,100 − Disbursements $ 4,500 − Accounting and Legal $ 19,045 − Management $ 29,609 − Delegate Materials $ 2,783</p><p>• Estimated Sponsor Contribution: $116,000 − Meeting facilities $32,000 − AV $45,000 − Special Event (social) $39,000 10:52 Wireless and IMAT announcements by Rick Alfvin (15-13-027-04)</p><p>· Secure SSID: VeriLAN-secure (WPA2 PSK: ieeeieee) 10:57 Review future sessions</p><p>· November 10-15, 2013, Hyatt Regency Reunion, Dallas, TX, USA, 802 Plenary Session · January 19-24, 2014, Hyatt Century Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session* · March 16-21, 2014, China World Hotel, Beijing PRC, 802 Plenary Session. (pending) · May 11-16, 2014, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, HI, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session* · July 13-18, 2014, Grand Hyatt Manchester, San Diego, CA, USA, 802 Plenary Session. · September 14-19, 2014, TBD (Hilton in Athens?), 802 Wireless Interim Session* · November 2-7, 2014, Grand Hyatt San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA, 802 Plenary Session. · January 19 - 25, 2015, Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 802 Wireless Interim 11:02 Working Group Updates</p><p>· 802.11 by B Kraemer (Marvell): 334 voters, 36 potential voters TGREVmc - Revision TGac - VHT <6GHz – in Sponsor Ballot Minutes page 3 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>TGaf- TVWS - in Letter Ballot TGah- Sub 1GHz TGai – Fast Initial Link Setup (FILS) TGaj – China 45& 60 GHz bands (CMMW) TGak – General Link, i.e. Bridging w/802.1(GLK) TGaq – Pre-Association Discovery (PAD) Standing Committee WNG - WIRELESS NEXT GENERATION ARCHITECTURE JTC1 REGULATORY Study Group High efficiency Wireless LAN (HEW)</p><p>802.15 by B Heile (132 voters, 20 nearly voters) TG4m: TVWS (in Sponsor, ~300 comments) TG4n: CMB (draft development) TG4p: RCC (in Sponsor, ~300 comments) TG4q: ULP (Ultra Low Power amendment) - drafting TRD TG8: PAC (Peer Aware Communications) requesting proposals TG9: KMP (Key Management Protocol) draft development TG10-L2R: Layer 2 Routing (just started) SG-SRU - Spectrum Resource Utilization SG-100G – 100 Gb/s THz IG – 15.7 LED enhancements IG - Dependability 802.18 by Michael Lynch · 7 items concerning European regulatory matters 802.19 Filin · TG1 TV whitespace coexistence finishing comment resolution 802.21 Subir Das (21-13-0161) · TG21c – single radio handover – Sponsor ballot · TG21d –group management – resolving WG ballot comments · TG21m – revision project</p><p>Minutes page 4 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>· TG21.1 - 802.22 Pyo · TGa MIBS · TGb Enhanced Broadband Services and Monitoring Applications · 802.22.1 rev – advanced beaconing 802.24 Gilb · White Paper 11:23 Joint meeting adjourned</p><p>Minutes page 5 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>IEEE 802.11 Opening Plenary, Monday 16th September 2013</p><p>The chair Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) opened the meeting at 11:31 China Standard Time (CST). The other officers are: </p><p>1st Vice-chair (VC1): Jon Rosdahl CSR Technologies Inc 2nd Vice-chair (VC2): Adrian Stephens Intel Secretary: Stephen McCann BlackBerry Ltd</p><p>There are 334 voting members of IEEE 802.11 There were 153 people in the room.</p><p>1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-13-0931r2)</p><p>1.1. Chair: I’ve re-arranged some of the meeting slots from the version posted 30 days ago. 1.2. So are there any more modifications required at this moment? 1.3. TGaq chair: I would like to request an extra slot on Tuesday PM1. 1.4. Chair: This is accepted, but is subject to room availability. 1.5. JTC1 chair: I would like an extra JTC1 slot please on Wednesday PM2. 1.6. Chair: Ok, but again this is subject to room availability. The agenda r3 will be uploaded shortly. 1.7. No objection to the approval of the r3 agenda.</p><p>2. July 2013 Minutes</p><p>2.1. Review and approve joint minutes from the Geneva, July 2013 meeting. 2.2. Any objection to approving the July 2013 minutes 11-13-0750r1 by unanimous consent 2.3. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Jon Rosdahl 2.4. Following neither discussion nor dissent these minutes were approved by unanimous consent.</p><p>3. Notices </p><p>3.1. No photographs at this meeting and please turn your mobiles to vibrate. 3.2. Comment(C): Please can the secretary note that IEEE does not allow recording of any meetings.</p><p>4. Attendance</p><p>4.1. Welcome to the 3 new participants in this meeting. 4.2. Chair: Please note that Stephen McCann (Secretary) will be holding a newcomer’s session at 13:30 this afternoon, presenting the document 11-13-0049r3. 4.3. Chair: Please note that there is also a help desk outside in the foyer area and a networking desk.</p><p>5. Treasurers report (11-13-1063r0)</p><p>5.1. VC1: This is the current budget status, which is shared with IEEE 802.15. 5.2. There will be an update on meeting attendance later in the week. 5.3. As this is a sponsored meeting, any surplus will be returned to the sponsor. Minutes page 6 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>6. Call for essential Patents (11-13-1107r0)</p><p>6.1. VC1: read out the current PatCom rules and then called for essential patents information, as shown by: 6.2. http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt 6.3. There were no issues raised regarding the call for essential patents. 6.4. Chair: There has been a request for LoAs from TGai, which I will address later. 6.5. Comment (C): There are additional patents within TGai that have now been discovered. 6.6. Chair: Please can you send me a private email identifying those patents. 6.7. VC1: So, in summary, there were essential patents identified within TGai which the chair is now pursuing. In addition, there is now a new request for additional LoAs. 6.8. VC1: read out other policies and procedures for the meeting. 6.9. Also please remember the documentation guidelines and please update all changes to those documents presented. 6.10. Please note our guidelines for all IEEE 802.11 documents including agendas and minutes.</p><p>7. Status of all groups (11-13-0932r0)</p><p>7.1. Open Positions (slide #8) 7.1.1. There are three open positions for officers as shown in this slide. 7.2. Missing Officers (slide #9) 7.2.1. There are a couple of missing people this week, as shown in grey on this slide.</p><p>8. Announcements (11-13-0933r0)</p><p>8.1. LoA database 8.1.1. There are 32 entries for 2013 and some pending, as mentioned earlier. 8.2. Room Assignments 8.2.1. No changes at this point. 8.3. IEEE 802 items 8.3.1. Other IEEE 802 groups are meeting in other rooms and their agendas are on the mentor document server. 8.3.2. IEEE 802.16 is not meeting this week. 8.4. IEEE 802 Badges 8.4.1. Please note the different colored badges for this meeting as shown in Slide #13. 8.5. November 2013 Plenary 8.5.1. Please note that he early bird cut off for the November 2013 plenary registrations is on 4th October 2013. 8.6. IEEE-SA Staff 8.6.1. There is 1 person from IEEE-SA staff here this week Meng Zhao, so please welcome her. 8.7. Wednesday Social 8.7.1. Please note this is on Wednesday evening in the ZiJing Hall (where lunch is served) and we are expecting up to 100 local guests. 8.8. Wednesday Mid-Week Plenary Topics (slide #25) 8.8.1. There will be discussions about: TGak proposal for TAG stacking change” (11-13-1055r0) IEEE 1900.1 (DySpan)</p><p>Minutes page 7 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p> Exec Comm November 2013 workshop agenda 8.9. IEEE 802.1 Architecture Document (slide #26) 8.9.1. This will be discussed during the IEEE 802.11 ARC meeting this week. 8.10. November 2013 Plenary topics (slide #27) 8.10.1. This is a list of potential topics for the November 2013 meeting. Note: Monday evening will be a 40th Anniversary celebration for Ethernet, so tutorials will be moved to the Tuesday evening.</p><p>9. Voting status, attendance, meeting network & documentation (11-13- 0096r5)</p><p>9.1. VC2: This document provides all the information about attendance, documentation and other news about the group. 9.2. The latest ANA database is 11-11-270r17 and was updated in July 2013. 9.3. Please use the IMAT system for attendance. If you have problems please send VC2 an email. 9.4. There are 18 normal slots this week although there are extra evening and early morning slots. 9.5. Please note that there is online calendar suitable for downloading to smart phone and tablets. 9.6. If you wish to synchronize with the local document server, please do so, rather than using the external bandwidth from the hotel meeting venue.</p><p>10. Publicity & timelines</p><p>10.1. Publicity 10.1.1. None at the moment, but press releases for TGac and TGaf will be considered between this meeting and the November 2013 meeting. 10.2. Timelines 10.2.1. No recent changes, but please can all chairs send the secretary any required updates prior to this weekend.</p><p>11. Group Summaries (11-13-0932r0)</p><p>11.1. Editor’s meeting 11.1.1. Tomorrow morning at 7.00am in room 311, including the ANA status, style guides and numbering situation. 11.2. Extra notes for the following groups were made: 11.3. WNG 11.3.1. 1 presentation is currently scheduled for Thursday morning AM2.</p><p>12. Recent Ballots (11-13-0932r0 slide #32)</p><p>12.1. Chair: There have been a few recently as shown on the slide.</p><p>13. Any Other Business</p><p>13.1. Chair: TGaq can meet on Tuesday AM2 in room 201 and JTC1 Wednesday AM1 in room 308. 13.2. Chair: Is this change to the schedule acceptable to everyone?</p><p>Minutes page 8 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>13.3. No objections to the changes. 13.4. VC1: The lunch time has now been extended from 11:45 to 14:00. 13.5. VC1: There will be an r1 of the expense report, as someone noticed a typo. Thank you for noticing this error.</p><p>14. Recess</p><p>14.1. Meeting recessed at 12:33 CST.</p><p>Minutes page 9 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>Wednesday, 18th September 2013</p><p>IEEE 802.11 Mid Week Plenary</p><p>Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) opened the meeting at 10:30 CST. 150 people present.</p><p>15. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-13-0931r4)</p><p>15.1. Chair: Are there any proposed changes? 15.2. Any objection to approving this agenda? 15.3. No objection, so moved and approved.</p><p>16. Call for Essential Patents</p><p>16.1. The call for essential patents from Monday still applies 16.2. Chair: On Monday, I did indicate that some LoAs need to be sent out. I am in the process of doing this at the moment. 16.3. No statements</p><p>17. CAC</p><p>17.1. Reminder about the 19.30 CST meeting on Thursday.</p><p>18. Social (ZiJing Hall)</p><p>18.1. Please note that the room for the social this evening is open at 5.30pm. This is the same room as breakfast and lunch. There will be up to 100 locals and officials from Nanjing. 18.2. Q: I see the social is on the attendance server. 18.3. VC2: It’s there to remind you where the location is. However, it has zero credit.</p><p>19. Liaisons</p><p>19.1. IEEE 802.19: Co-existence (11-13-1195r0) 19.1.1. Various issues arising from the IEEE 802.19 meetings this week. 19.1.2. Q: Any idea of attendance in this group this week? 19.1.3. Chair: The registration said 6, but I’m not sure of actual numbers.</p><p>19.2. Bluetooth SIG 19.2.1. Chair: there is still no official liaison for this group.</p><p>19.3. Wi-Fi alliance (WFA) 19.3.1. Last meeting was in June 2013 in Seattle, so I have already reported progress in the Geneva July 2013.</p><p>Minutes page 10 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>19.3.2. Of main interest, there is a new temporary group that has been created within WFA to consider the HEW SG liaison. 19.3.3. There are about 24 projects, covering aspects of 11v, 11ac, 11ad and other 802.11 amendments 19.3.4. The next WFA meeting is in Brussels in October 2013. 19.3.5. No questions</p><p>19.4. IETF (11-13-1161r0) 19.4.1. Q: regarding slide #14, do you have any feeling for when this will occur. 19.4.2. A: Possibly in November 2013. 19.4.3. Q: There are some activities regarding IPv6. 19.4.4. A: Yes, there are some listed on slide #3. If anyone wishes to submit IEEE 802.11 input, then please contact the IETF liaison or the IEEE 802.11 chair.</p><p>19.5. 3GPP (11-13-1060r1) 19.5.1. Q: I think your version number is incorrect, based on the version on the server 19.5.2. A: yes, I believe you are correct. I apologize and I’ll create a revised version. 19.5.3. Chair: Are there any specific action items for IEEE 802.11 at the moment. 19.5.4. A: No, none that I know of.</p><p>19.6. IEEE 802.24 19.6.1. Chair: this is a request for a liaison to this group. This person needs to attend the IEEE 802.24 meeting and then report back.</p><p>19.7. IEEE 802 OmniRan (11-13-1196r0) 19.7.1. Chair: are the PAR and 5C in a suitable state for consideration by IEEE 802.11? 19.7.2. A: I would wait until the end of October first. 19.7.3. Chair: did the OmniRAN teleconference go ok? 19.7.4. A: Yes.</p><p>20. TGak update (11-13-1055r1)</p><p>20.1.1. C: I would just like to state that Norman Finn who is not here this week is in favor of this presentation. 20.1.2. This issue will be considered in more detail during TGak on Thursday on AM1 and there is more background material in 11-13-0952r2. Please come along if you are interested. 20.1.3. C: TGak and 802.1Qbz are working on some complicated issues and I would like to encourage everyone to seriously consider this SNAP/LLC encoding format. If you do not, then there is a possibility that TGak will break your implementation.</p><p>21. IEEE 1900.1 invitation (11-13-0933r2 slide #33)</p><p>21.1.1. Chair: This is an invitation from the IEEE 1900.1 chair to invite people to participate in this group on dynamic spectrum allocation techniques. I have sent out an email on this topic already, but I just wanted to mention it here. 21.1.2. The deadline is September 30th. 21.1.3. No questions</p><p>Minutes page 11 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>22. Nanjing venue selection</p><p>22.1.1. Chair: We have received some complaints on this venue. The venues are selected several years in advance. At the moment, we rely on Jon Rosdahl and Bob Heile to help with this. 22.1.2. We do prefer to choose new venues where industrial and education value can be obtained from local institutions. This has been the case for Nanjing. 22.1.3. However, problem issues include: An extra hop from international airports Rooms not having WLAN 22.1.4. Chair: Also remember that we do have a host for this meeting and without that, the registration fee would have been $400 more expensive. 22.1.5. C: I see a trend that some of the venues don’t have much to do outside of the immediate hotel/conference area. The selection process doesn’t seem very transparent to the members. 22.1.6. C: I’m very disappointed that there is very little vegetarian options in the local dining areas. I also agree that going out to the nearby area is quite difficult 22.1.7. C: I would like to consider future meetings in countries with new growth, such as Indonesia, India etc. 22.1.8. C: I think it’s this particular facility that is slightly poor, as Nanjing itself is a great city. 22.1.9. C: On the other hand, I’m quite happy about this venue.</p><p>23. Room change requests (11-13-0933r2 slide #36)</p><p>23.1. There are some changes on the room schedule. 23.2. TGah: Please can we have an extra slot on either Thursday AM1 or PM1 23.3. TGaf: This group can now release the Thursday PM1 slot 23.4. VC1: So, if TGah can accept Thursday PM1 that is quite easy to arrange. 23.5. TGah: Yes, ok. 23.6. Chair: Ok, so I’ve arranged a new graphic for these changes 23.7. Chair: Is there any objection to approving these changes? 23.8. None seen.</p><p>24. Officer Changes</p><p>24.1. Chair: There are no changes at this point.</p><p>25. ANA changes</p><p>25.1. VC2: There are none so far.</p><p>26. November 802 EC Workshop (11-13-0096r6 slide #14)</p><p>26.1. VC2: This is a chance for the IEEE 802 executive meeting to discuss various issues they don’t have time to consider during the normal IEEE 802 plenary weeks. It will be on the Saturday following the November (Dallas) meeting. 26.2. Slide #15 shows the list of topics. 26.3. Chair: in this particular case, Adrian Stephens is the chair for this workshop. 26.4. No questions Minutes page 12 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>27. Any Other Business</p><p>27.1. None seen</p><p>28. Recess</p><p>28.1. Meeting recessed at 11:53 CST.</p><p>Minutes page 13 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>Friday, 20th September 2013</p><p>IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary</p><p>Call to order at 08:02 CST by Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)</p><p>60 people present in the room.</p><p>29. Agenda (11-13-0931r6)</p><p>29.1. Chair: There have been some changes due to the addition of motions etc. based on last night’s CAC meeting. 29.2. We should finish around 10:00. 29.3. Any objection to adopting the changes to the agenda. 29.4. None seen</p><p>30. Call for Essential Patents</p><p>30.1. Call for Essential Patents and Letters of Assurance (LoA) 30.2. No questions</p><p>31. Announcements (11-13-0933r3)</p><p>31.1. Chair’s minutes, reports and web pages 31.1.1. Please can you send these to the secretary 31.1.2. Please be aware of the Chair’s schedule for the chair’s committee meetings (CAC)</p><p>31.2. Letters of Assurance (LoA) 31.2.1. Chair: please remember about the LoA requirements. There are currently 32 entries for 2013 and about 8 LoA requests which are currently pending.</p><p>31.3. IEEE Store (slide #42) 31.3.1. Chair: This shows the current situation of the IEEE Store and amendments assuming that the most recent drafts will pass their letter ballots. 31.3.2. Chair: There are some price changes since I presented this during the Geneva (July 2013) meeting.</p><p>31.4. ISO SC6 (slide #43) 31.4.1. Chair: These are the current drafts with ISO SC6.</p><p>31.5. Tutorials 31.5.1. Chair: there will be at least 1 tutorial at the November 2013 plenary on the Tuesday evening.</p><p>31.6. Ad hoc Venue Advisory Committee (slide #44)</p><p>Minutes page 14 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>31.6.1. Chair: The IEEE 802.11 officers have suggested that we form an ad-hoc group to assist with meeting preparation, once a venue has been selected. 31.6.2. Chair: So, are there any volunteers to help at the next meeting (November 2013) in Dallas? 31.6.3. There were 2 volunteers. 31.6.4. C: An extra mailing list for this would also be useful. 31.6.5. Chair: Or perhaps a blog 31.6.6. C: Or a Wiki 31.6.7. Q: Is there any official process that can be followed to actually select a venue? 31.6.8. Chair: we’ll discuss that a little later in this meeting.</p><p>32. Meeting Location</p><p>32.1. Chair: Can I have a show of hand to see who is in favor of returning to the Nanjing area? 32.2. For: 20, Against: 13 32.3. Chair: Can I have a show of hand to see who is in favor of returning to this hotel? 32.4. For: 0, Against: 34 32.5. Chair: I would also like to thank the sponsor for hosting us within this venue.</p><p>33. Documentation & Attendance (11-13-0960r0)</p><p>33.1. VC2: There was a maximum attendance within HEW SG, followed by TGai and TGah. Thank you to everyone who attended. 33.2. Q: Does this slide #5, also show the reciprocal attendance from IEEE 802.18 etc. 33.3. A: I’m not actually sure, as it’s the system which does the cross-credit checks. 33.4. Documentation has been fine this week.</p><p>34. WG Reports</p><p>34.1. Publicity 34.1.1. Just a note that Fierce Wireless</p><p>34.2. Timelines 34.2.1. Secretary: please note the update for TGaf, TGaq and TGai, although the web page is not correct just at this moment: http://www.ieee802.org/11/Reports/802.11_Timelines.htm. 34.2.2. It will be further updated over this weekend. 34.2.3. No questions</p><p>35. WG Committee Reports (11-13-0933r3)</p><p>35.1. Please note the updates for the TGak editor and the TGaq secretary. 35.2. Chair: I would like to thank these new volunteers. 35.3. No questions</p><p>36. WG Committee Reports (11-13-0960r0)</p><p>36.1. Technical editor (slide #9) Minutes page 15 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>36.1.1. The new editor for TGak will be added to the list of editors. 36.1.2. Q: How does the style guide get updated please? 36.1.3. VC2: I’m not sure about the IEEE-SA guide, but we could try and contact Michelle Turner (IEEE-SA Manager of Editorial Process) 36.1.4. VC2: Regarding the IEEE 802.11 one, please relay questions to myself (VC2) as technical editor. 36.1.5. Chair: This reminds me that the IEEE-SA staffs are undergoing a re-organization at the moment and there should be new assignments in November 2013.</p><p>36.2. WNG Standing Committee (slide #37) 36.2.1. One presentation this week as shown. 36.2.2. No questions</p><p>36.3. ARC Standing Committee (slide #38) 36.3.1. Chair: In the review of IEEE 802.1AC, do we want to formalize this within IEEE 802.11, e.g. use ePoll? 36.3.2. A: within the group, the feeling was to respond to this informally.</p><p>36.4. JTC1 Standing Committee (slide #43) 36.4.1. Q: How concerned are you about the security aspects? 36.4.2. A: The WAPI situation provides a hint for what may happen here. ISO standards can be used in ways that IEEE 802.11 may not like. It’s not useful for new ISO standards to potentially affect the IEEE 802.11 standard going forward. 36.4.3. Chair: In addition, even defining terms between different countries and standardization groups is very difficult.</p><p>36.5. Regulatory (REG) Standing Committee (slide #51) 36.5.1. No questions</p><p>36.6. TGmc (slide #59) 36.6.1. Intend to go out for a re-circulation letter ballot around 4th October. 36.6.2. No questions</p><p>36.7. TGac (slide #65) 36.7.1. No questions</p><p>36.8. TGaf (slide #70) 36.8.1. Chair: since TGac is going to request conditional approval in November 2013, I see that you are going to the same thing, but you appear to also asking for extra sponsor re- circulation ballots in November. 36.8.2. A: We were only planning to re-circulate up to the November meeting itself. 36.8.3. Chair: Ok, but we need to be careful about the sequence. I think we have some more work to do.</p><p>36.9. TGah (slide #77) 36.9.1. Intend to go out for an initial letter ballot following this meeting. 36.9.2. No questions</p><p>Minutes page 16 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>36.10. TGai (slide #83) 36.10.1. No questions</p><p>36.11. TGaj (slide #93) 36.11.1. Chair: What is the availability of the 45 GHz band, as it has not been cleared yet? 36.11.2. TGaj chair: I hope that by November 2013, there will be a public presentation ready regarding the 43.5 – 47 GHz band in China.</p><p>36.12. TGak (slide #100) 36.12.1. Chair: regarding tag stacking, how do we close on that? 36.12.2. A: That’s frame payload encoding. There are two options for this at the moment described in different documents.</p><p>36.13. TGaq (slide #xx) 36.13.1. In addition to this presentation, there is a plan to have a short TGaq summary or tutorial during the Wednesday midweek plenary in November. 36.13.2. Also please note that Daylight Saving Time will finish on 3rd November this year, as this effects the teleconference schedules. 36.13.3. No questions</p><p>36.14. HEW SG (slide #109) 36.14.1. No questions</p><p>37. Liaison Reports</p><p>37.1. IEEE 802.15 (11-13-1238r0) 37.1.1. VC2: The Better Use of Spectrum group, is covering which bands? 37.1.2. A: I don’t know at this time? 37.1.3. Chair: Is there any subject that IEEE 802.11 would be interested in? 37.1.4. VC2: Yes, please; this Better Use of Spectrum group would be interesting. 37.1.5. A: ok.</p><p>37.2. IEEE 802.21 (11-13-1237r0) 37.2.1. No questions</p><p>37.3. IEEE 802.18 37.3.1. Although they did meet this week, they only discussed plans for the November 2013 meeting. They did discuss asking Paul Nickolich (IEEE 802 chair) to set up regular meetings with the ITU. 37.3.2. Q: Actually I think the question was for Paul Nickolich to set up regular meetings (e.g. every month) with the FCC, to have an IEEE 802 presence. 37.3.3. Chair: I think that’s only an informal suggestion at this point in time.</p><p>37.4. IEEE 802.24 (11-13-0960r0 slide #114) 37.4.1. No questions</p><p>Minutes page 17 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>38. Coffee Break</p><p>38.1. Chair: Is there any objection to continuing on at this point and taking coffee once this meeting has completed? 38.2. None seen.</p><p>39. Working Group Motions (Old Business) (11-13-0959r0)</p><p>39.1. Teleconferences (slide #4) 39.1.1. Move to approve the following teleconferences</p><p>Group Dates Start Time Duration TGmc Fridays, October 11, November 1, 8 10:00 ET 2 hours</p><p>TGai Tuesdays, October 1 to November 5, 10:00 ET 1 Hour excluding October 22 TGah Thursday November 7 10:00 ET 2 Hours</p><p>TGac Oct 17, Oct. 31, Nov 14 10:00 ET 2 hours Oct 7, Oct 10, Oct. 24, Nov 7, Nov 21 20:00 ET 2 hours</p><p>TGaf Tuesdays to November 30 21:00 ET 2 hours</p><p>TGak Monday October 14 and 28 17:00 ET 1 hour</p><p>TGaq Tuesday October 29 10:00 ET 1 hour</p><p>TGaj October 17 20:00 ET 1 hour</p><p>REG SC Thursdays to November 30 12:30 ET 1.5 hours DSRC Tiger Team: Fridays to 13:00 ET 1 hour November 30 HEW SG Oct. 9, Oct. 30 10:00 ET 2 hours Oct. 17 00:01 ET 2 hours Publicity SC, Telecon(s) to be announced on 10-days ARC SC notice as required</p><p>39.1.2. Moved Adrian Stephens, 2nd Jon Rosdahl 39.1.3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.</p><p>39.2. TGmc letter ballot (slide #6) 39.2.1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB193 on P802.11mc D1.0. Instruct the editor to prepare P802.11mc D2.0 incorporating these</p><p>Minutes page 18 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p> resolutions and Approve a 20 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11mc D2.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” 39.2.2. [TG result: Moved: Adrian Stephens, Seconded: Jon Rosdahl, Result: 11-0-1 Passes] 39.2.3. Moved on behalf of the TG: Dorothy Stanley 39.2.4. For: 40, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 100%) 39.2.5. TGmc Chair: Thank you. This ballot should open around October 4th.</p><p>39.3. TGah letter ballot (slide #8) 39.3.1. Having approved changes to P802.11ah Draft 0.2, as defined in the following documents, 11-13-1181-01-00ah-PHYMotions2013-09-18.xlsx 11-13-1194-01-00ah-comment-collection-9-mac-motion-9-10.xlsx 11-13-0898-01-00ah-ack-policy-for-short-mac-header.docx 11-13-1207-01-00ah-partial-aid-color-bits.pptx 11-13-1227-00-00ah-phy-motions-2013-09-19.xlsx 11-13-1072-02-00ah-comments-and-resolutions-obss-max-idle-period.doc 11-13-1228-00-00ah-comment-collection-9-mac-motion-11.xlsx 11-13-1088-02-00ah-coexistance-assurance.doc 11-13-1234-00-00ah-comment-collection-9-mac-motion-12.xlsx Instruct the editor to prepare P802.11ah Draft 1.0, and Approve a 30 day Working Group Technical Letter Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11ah Draft 1.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” 39.3.2. [TGah vote: Moved: Zander Lei, Seconded: Ron Murias, Result: 27-0-0] 39.3.3. Moved by David Halasz on behalf of TGah 39.3.4. For: 39, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 100%)</p><p>40. Working Group Motions (New Business)</p><p>40.1. No motions</p><p>41. Future Venues (11-13-0933r3 slide #46)</p><p>41.1. Chair: Please note that there is another event in the Dallas hotel, the week after we are meeting there in November. Hence, please book your hotel room as soon as possible. 41.2. VC1: I would suggest that this very urgent, if you wish to stay the Friday or Saturday night. 41.3. Q: Do we need to pre-pay the room in advance? 41.4. VC1: No, it’s just a reservation at this point. 41.5. Chair: The early bird deadline is October 4th for the meeting itself. 41.6. Moving to slide #47, this shows future events for next year. The January 2014 location for the next China Interim has now been clarified as being Sanya, China. This is a resort location on the southern tip of China. 41.7. Slide #49 shows the venues for 2015. 41.8. VC2: VC1: There is an IEEE 802 EC Doc (802 EC-12/40r3) which tracks the current state of future Plenary venues and the contracts for the venues. Note that July 2015 will be at the Hilton Waikoloa Hawaii. Separately for the Interims, there is a bid being prepared for May 2015 from the Hyatt Regency in Vancouver, Canada.</p><p>Minutes page 19 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>41.9. Chair: I see that March 2015 is “Singapore (TBD)”. 41.10. VC1: IEEE 802 has some money left over from the Singapore Plenary, and it is still in Singapore. We had a chance to have a repeat meeting in Singapore, but the contract was not signed, and now the rates have now changed up to $380 - $400 a night, as it’s now a very popular location. The sponsorship is also questionable. Therefore we are working to change the Plenary location from Singapore to Macau. The negotiations should be complete by November Plenary, but I will keep the 802 membership informed. 41.11. Chair: We may also choose to go to Kobe, Japan in September 2015. 41.12. Q: Although this is typhoon season in Japan. 41.13. Q: When we pick venues, we should have a positive experience. This does not mean a pleasant vacation experience, but just somewhere where we can do business professionally. 41.14. VC2: I was asked earlier about the lack of transparency regarding these decisions. Is there an opportunity for members to see what is going on? 41.15. Chair: The IEEE 802 wireless chairs meeting on a Sunday afternoon at 4pm. These meetings are open for everyone to attend. All the information is then relayed to the IEEE 802 wireless working groups. 41.16. VC2: I was also asked about whether minutes are available for this meeting. 41.17. Chair: no, there are no minutes, as it’s just an informal discussion forum.</p><p>42. November 2013 Meeting</p><p>42.1. This meeting will be in Dallas, TX, November 10-15, 2013</p><p>43. AoB</p><p>43.1. Chair: please note that the Verilan people will start to tear down the network very soon.</p><p>44. Adjournment</p><p>44.1. Chair: I propose to adjourn 44.2. The meeting is adjourned without objection at 10:12 CST.</p><p>Minutes page 20 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>Annex A: Attendance & Affiliation</p><p>Attended >= Name Affiliation 75%? Aboulmagd, Osama Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Aldana, Carlos Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Ariyavisitakul, Sirikiat Lek Broadcom Corporation Yes Armstrong, Lee US Department of Transportation Yes Asai, Yusuke NTT Yes Asterjadhi, Alfred Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Au, Kwok Shum Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Auluck, Vijay Intel Corporation Yes Azizi, Shahrnaz Intel Corporation Yes Baik, Eugene Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Barber, Phillip Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd No BI, Shenyi MediaTek Inc. Yes Blue, Scott Microsoft Corporation Yes Cai, Lin Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Calcev, George Huawei R&D USA Yes cao, fengming Toshiba of Europe Ltd. Yes Cariou, Laurent France Telecom Yes Carney, William Sony Corporation Yes Chang, JerryCK MediaTek Inc. Yes Chang, Kim Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd No CHANG, SANGHYUN Samsung Electronics Yes Chaplin, Clint Samsung Information Systems America, Inc. Yes Chen, Jiamin Huawei/HiSilicon Yes Cheong, Minho Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute No (ETRI) CHERIAN, GEORGE Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Cho, Hangyu LG ELECTRONICS Yes Choi, Jee-Yon Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute Yes (ETRI) Choi, Jinsoo LG ELECTRONICS Yes Choo, Li Chia Institute for Infocomm Research Yes Choudhury, Sayantan Nokia Yes Chu, Liwen STMicroelectronics Yes</p><p>Minutes page 21 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>Attended >= Name Affiliation 75%? CHUN, JINYOUNG LG ELECTRONICS Yes Coffey, John Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Yes Cordeiro, Carlos Intel Corporation Yes de Vegt, Rolf Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Dong, Xiandong Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Durand, Roger Research In Motion Limited Yes Eastlake 3rd, Donald Huawei R&D USA Yes Ecclesine, Peter Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Eggert, Dietmar Atmel Corporation No Emmelmann, Marc Self Employed Yes Fang, Ping Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Fang, Yonggang ZTE Corporation Yes Filin, Stanislav National Institute of Information and Communications No Technology (NICT) Fischer, Matthew Broadcom Corporation Yes Gao, Bo Tsinghua University No Ghosh, Chittabrata Nokia Yes Gilb, James Tensorcom, Inc. Yes Gillmore, Matthew Itron Inc. Yes Goodall, David Broadcom Corporation Yes Guanglong, Du Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications No (BUPT) Halasz, David Qualcomm Yes Hamilton, Mark SpectraLink, Corp. Yes Han, Zhiqiang ZTE Corporation Yes Hao, Peng jiangsu university of science and technology No Harkins, Dan Aruba Networks, Inc. Yes Hart, Brian Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Hedayat, Ahmadreza Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Heide, Carolyn Ruckus Wireless Yes Hsieh, Jing-Rong HTC Corporation Yes Hsu, Bread MediaTek Inc. Yes Hsu, Jen-Yuan ITRI Yes Hu, Chunyu Broadcom Corporation Yes</p><p>Minutes page 22 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>Attended >= Name Affiliation 75%? Huang, Chiao-chi MediaTek Inc. Yes Hunter, David WireFi Networks Inc. Yes Inoue, Yasuhiko Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Yes jafarian, amin Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Jeong, Yangseok KT Corp. No Josiam, Kaushik SAMSUNG No Kakani, Naveen CSR plc. Yes Kang, Hyunduk Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute Yes (ETRI) Kennedy, Richard Research In Motion Limited Yes Kim, Hongsoog Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute Yes (ETRI) Kim, Jaehwan Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute Yes (ETRI) Kim, Jeongki LG ELECTRONICS Yes Kim, Joo Young KT Corp. Yes Kim, Joonsuk Apple, Inc. Yes Kim, Sang Gook LG ELECTRONICS Yes Kim, Suhwook LG ELECTRONICS Yes Kishida, Akira Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Yes Kitazawa, Shoichi ATR Wave Engineering Laboratories No KNECKT, JARKKO Nokia Yes Ko, Gwangzeen Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute No (ETRI) Kraemer, Bruce Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Kumar, G Rajendra Ittiam Systems Yes Kwak, Byung-Jae Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute No (ETRI) Kwon, Hyoungjin Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute Yes (ETRI) Kwon, Young Hoon Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Lambert, Paul Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. No Lan, Zhou National Institute of Information and Communications No Technology (NICT) Le Rouzic, Jean-Pierre France Telecom Yes Lee, Hyeong Ho Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute No</p><p>Minutes page 23 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>Attended >= Name Affiliation 75%? (ETRI) LEE, Ilgu Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute Yes (ETRI) Lee, Jae Seung Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute Yes (ETRI) Lee, Jehun Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute Yes (ETRI) Lee, Wookbong LG ELECTRONICS Yes Lee, Yuro Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute Yes (ETRI) Lei, Zhongding Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) Yes Levy, Joseph InterDigital Communications, Inc. Yes Li, Bo Northwestern poly technical university No Li, Dejian Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Li, Feng China Academy of Telecommunication Yes Technology(CATT) Li, Guoqing Intel Corporation Yes LI, HONGGANG Intel Corporation Yes Li, Huan-Bang National Institute of Information and Communications No Technology (NICT) Li, Jing Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Li, Liang Vinno Technologies Inc. No Li, Nan ZTE Corporation Yes Li, Yunbo Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes LI, YUNZHOU Tsinghua University Yes Lim, Dong Guk LG ELECTRONICS Yes Lin, Chih-Che Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Yes Lin, Paul Ralink Technology, Corp. Yes Lin, Wang ZTE Corporation No Lin, Yingpei Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Liru, Lu National Institute of Information and Communications Yes Technology (NICT) Liu, Dapeng China Mobile Limited No Liu, Der-Zheng Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Yes Liu, Jianhan MediaTek Inc. Yes Liu, Pei HiSilicon Technologies Co., LTD. Yes</p><p>Minutes page 24 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>Attended >= Name Affiliation 75%? Liu, Shenfa nufront No Liu, Yong Apple, Inc. Yes Liu, Yongjun Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Loc, Peter Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Lu, Su Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Luo, Yi Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Lv, Kaiying ZTE Corporation Yes Mano, Hiroshi Allied Telesis R&D Center K.K. Yes Marin, James Nokia Siemens Networks Yes McCann, Stephen BlackBerry Ltd Yes Merlin, Simone Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Mestanov, Filip Ericsson AB Yes Misawa, Yasunao KDDI Yes Montemurro, Michael Research In Motion Limited Yes Mori, Kenichi Panasonic Corporation No Morioka, Hitoshi Allied Telesis R&D Center Yes Murias, Ronald InterDigital, Inc. Yes Myles, Andrew Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Nandagopalan, SAI Adeptence Inc. Yes SHANKAR Ngo, Chiu Samsung No Ogawa, Hiroyo Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) No Oh, Jong-Ee Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute Yes (ETRI) OH, MIN-SEOK LG ELECTRONICS Yes Olesen, Robert InterDigital, Inc. Yes Pandey, Santosh Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Ghanshyam Park, Giwon LG ELECTRONICS Yes Park, Hyunho Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute No (ETRI) Park, Jaewoo Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute Yes (ETRI) Park, Minyoung Intel Corporation Yes Park, Seung-Hoon Samsung Electronics Yes</p><p>Minutes page 25 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>Attended >= Name Affiliation 75%? Peng, Xiaoming Institute for Infocomm Research No Perahia, Eldad Intel Corporation Yes Perkins, Charles Futurewei No Png, Khiam Boon Institute for Infocomm Research Yes porat, ron Broadcom Corporation Yes Pyo, Chang-Woo National Institute of Information and Communications Yes Technology (NICT) Rabarijaona, Verotiana National Institute of Information and Communications Yes Technology (NICT) Rakanovic, Demir u-blox Yes Rao, Yong National Instruments Corporation Yes Rong, Zhigang Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Rosdahl, Jon CSR plc. Yes Roy, Richard SRA Yes Ryu, Cheol Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute No (ETRI) Ryu, Kiseon LG ELECTRONICS Yes Sadeghi, Bahareh Intel Corporation Yes Sampath, Hemanth Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Schelstraete, Sigurd Quantenna Communications, Inc. Yes Seok, Yongho LG Electronics No Shao, Huairong Samsung Information Systems America, Inc. Yes SHIBAGAKI, Nobuhiko Hitachi, Ltd. No Shimada, Shusaku Schubiquist Technologies Guild Yes Shimomura, Tsuyoshi FUJITSU No Shin, Wooram Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute Yes (ETRI) Smith, Graham DSP Group Yes Stacey, Robert Intel Corporation Yes Stanley, Dorothy Aruba Networks, Inc. Yes Stephens, Adrian Intel Corporation Yes Suh, JUNG HOON Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Sun, Bo ZTE Corporation Yes Sun, Chen Sony No sun, sheng Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes</p><p>Minutes page 26 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>Attended >= Name Affiliation 75%? Takatori, Yasushi Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Yes Taori, Rakesh SAMSUNG Yes Tian, Bin Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Tong, Fei SAMSUNG Yes Tsai, Chia-Lung Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) No Van Zelst, Allert Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Varshney, Prabodh Nokia Yes Venkatesan, Ganesh Intel Corporation Yes Vermani, Sameer Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Villardi, Gabriel National Institute of Information and Communications No Technology (NICT) Wang, Chao Chun MediaTek Inc. Yes Wang, Haiming Southeast University, China No Wang, James June MediaTek Inc. Yes Wang, Lei InterDigital Communications, LLC Yes Ward, Lisa Rohde & Schwarz Yes Watanabe, Fujio NTT DoCoMo, Inc. Yes Wen, Ericson TriQuint Semiconductor No Wentink, Menzo Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Wilhelmsson, Leif Ericsson AB Yes WON, EUN TAE SAMSUNG Yes Wu, Tianyu Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Xing, Weimin ZTE Corporation Yes Xu, Mingguang Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Xu, Ping SEU Yes Yamada, Akira NTT DoCoMo, Inc. No Yang, Meng China Academy of Telecommunication Research (CATR) Yes Yang, Rongzhen Intel Corporation Yes Yang, Xun Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Yang, Xun Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Yang, Yunsong Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Yang, Zeng Harman International Yes Yaoxian, Fu SIMIT No Ye, Fan Fudan University Yes</p><p>Minutes page 27 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>Attended >= Name Affiliation 75%? Yee, James MediaTek Inc. Yes Yee, Peter NSA/IAD Yes Yin, Hujun Intel Corporation Yes Yong, Su Khiong Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Yu, Chang Wahn Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute Yes (ETRI) Yu, Chinghwa MediaTek Inc. Yes Yu, Mao Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Yunoki, Katsuo KDDI R&D Laboratories Yes Zhang, Hongyuan Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes ZHANG, JIAYIN Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Zhao, Mu Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd No Zheng, Jun Broadcom Corporation Yes ZHENG, SHOUKANG Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) Yes Zhou, Mingtuo National Institute of Information and Communications No Technology (NICT) zhou, yuan Institute for Infocomm Research Yes Zhu, Hufei Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Zhuang, Yan Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Zhuo, Lan CESI Group Yes Zou, Weixia BUPT No</p><p>Annex B : Working Group Officers</p><p>Working group</p><p>Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Bruce Kraemer IEEE 802.11 Working 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, (Marvell Group Chair CA 95054, USA Semiconductor, Phone: +1 (321) 427-4098 Inc.) Fax: +1 (321) 751-3988 [email protected] Jon Rosdahl 1st Vice Chair (Policies +1 (801) 492-4023 (CSR Technologies and Procedures) [email protected] Inc) Treasurer Adrian Stephens 2nd Vice Chair Phone: +44 1954 204 609 (Intel Corporation) (Attendance, Ballots, [email protected]</p><p>Minutes page 28 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>Documentation and Voting) Co-Technical Editor 802.11 Assigned Numbers Authority Stephen McCann Secretary +44 1753 667099 (BlackBerry Ltd.) Publicity ad-hoc Chair [email protected]</p><p>Peter Ecclesine Co-Technical Editor +1 (408) 527-0815 (Cisco Systems, [email protected] Inc.)</p><p>Standing Committees</p><p>Name Position Contact Details (Affiliation) Clint Chaplin Wireless Next Generation +1 (408) 768-0827 (Samsung (WNG) Chair [email protected] Electronics) Mark Hamilton Architecture (ARC) Chair +1 (720) 872-7445 (Polycom) [email protected] Andrew Myles ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC6 +61 2 84461010 (Cisco Systems, shadow committee (JTC1) [email protected] Inc.) Chair Rich Kennedy Regulatory Chair +1 (972) 207-3554 (Research in [email protected] Motion)</p><p>Task Groups</p><p>Name Position Contact Details (Affiliation) Osama Aboul- TGac Chair +1 (613) 287-1405 Magd (Very High Throughput < 6 [email protected] (Huawei) GHz) Rich Kennedy TGaf Chair +1 (972) 207-3554 (Research in (TV White Spaces) [email protected] Motion) David Halasz TGah Chair +1 330-283-2715 (Self) (Sub 1 GHz Operation) [email protected] Hiroshi Mano TGai Chair +81-3-5436-8350 (Allied Telesis (Fast Initial Link Setup) [email protected] R&D center K.K.) Xiaoming Peng TGaj Chair +65-64082429 (Institute for (China Millimeter Wave) [email protected] Infocomm Research)</p><p>Minutes page 29 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>Donald TGak Chair +1 508-333-2270 Eastlake, 3rd (General Link) [email protected] (Huawei Technologies) Stephen TGaq Chair +44 1753 667099 McCann (Pre-Association Discovery) [email protected] (BlackBerry Ltd.)</p><p>Study Groups</p><p>Name Position Contact Details (Affiliation) Osama Aboul- HEW SG Chair +1 (613) 287-1405 Magd (High Efficiency WLAN) [email protected] (Huawei)</p><p>Liaisons</p><p>Name Position Contact Details (Affiliation) Stephen McCann Liaison to 3GPP +44 1753 667099 (BlackBerry Ltd.) (3rd Generation Partnership [email protected] Project) Clint Chaplin Liaison to IEEE 802.15 and +1 (408) 768-0827 (Samsung IEEE 802.21 [email protected] Electronics) Rich Kennedy Liaison to IEEE 802.18 +1 (972) 207-3554 (Research in [email protected] Motion) Eldad Perahia Liaison to IEEE 802.19 +1 (503) 712-8081 (Intel Corporation) [email protected] Mike Montemurro Liaison to IEEE 802 +1 (503) 712-8081 (Research in OmniRAN Study Group [email protected] Motion) Dorothy V. Liaison to IETF +1( 630) 363-1389 Stanley (Internet Engineering Task [email protected] (Aruba Networks) Force) Ian Sherlock Liaison to WFA +1-972-995-2011 (Texas (Wi-Fi Alliance) [email protected] Instruments Inc.)</p><p>Minutes page 30 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1011r0</p><p>Annex C : Minutes</p><p>This Annex contains references to all IEEE 802.11 SC/TG/SG & Ad Hoc Committee (AHC) minutes from this meeting. Please note that they are NOT subject to the approval of these minutes, but are confirmed and approved by their individual group in the opening meeting at their next session.</p><p>WG TE 13-1011r0 TGMC TG 13-1066r0 TGAC TG 13-1240r0 TGAF TG 13-1211r0 TGAH TG 13-1xxxr0 TGAI TG 13-1244r1 TGAJ TG 13-1209r0 TGAK TG 13-1235r0 TGAQ TG 13-1247r0 HEW SG 13-1117r1 WNG SC 13-1225r0 ARC SC 13-1249r0 REG SC 13-1xxxr0 JTC1 SC 13-1xxxr0</p><p>End.</p><p>Minutes page 31 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry</p>
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