<p> Name: ______Pd. ______</p><p>World Atlas</p><p>For all maps, you must adhere to the following cartography rules: Title at top of map page in dark, bold, black ink. (Must be big Use the maps throughout the assigned Units and the World enough to stand out) Geography Atlas on pages A1–A25 to locate the features listed in A Key can be used to identify Items on the map as well. It must each section. be on the front of the map! Each Unit has a small Atlas section at the beginning of the Chapters All required features must be labeled in black ink and legible! for that Unit. BOX OUT!!! (Except bodies of water) All bodies of water (oceans, seas, straits, rivers, etc.) must be labeled with blue ink. Political Features Physical Features Adjacent/neighboring political entities/units must be different Required plains must be colored green colors!!! Required deserts must be colored yellow You can outline each entity. Mountains and required highlands & plateaus must colored brown. Highlight cities with a yellow hightlighter.</p><p>Atlas Sections: # of # of Sections 1-9 Due Date Sections 10-18 Due Date maps maps Basics of Geography 3 Russia and the Republics 3 Africa: Physical Geography 2 3 Part 1 Africa: Regional Geography 2 2 Part 2 Southwest Asia United States 2 3 (Middle East) South Asia: Canada 2 2 Part 1 Latin America: South Asia: 2 2 Part 1 Part 2 Latin America: East Asia: 2 2 Part 2 Part 1 Europe: East Asia: 2 2 Part 1 Part 2 Europe: Southeast Asia, 2 3 Part 2 Oceania, Antarctica</p><p>Your atlas is worth a project grade and represents your skill in transferring information and ultimately, your capability. Neatness is a requirement and evidence of pride in your work is expected. You will use this atlas throughout the year! Requirements for each map by Section:</p><p>Section 1 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features Physical maps represent the natural landscape of the earth. They show the earth’s relief (mountains, rivers, valleys, and plains) and other physical features. Use the maps throughout Unit 1 and the World Geography Atlas on pages A1–A25 to locate the physical features listed below. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Oceans Continents Grid Lines Arctic Ocean Australia Equator Africa Atlantic Ocean Europe Prime meridian World: Physical Antarctica Indian Ocean North America Tropic of Cancer Asia Unit 1 Pacific Ocean South America Tropic of Capricorn Rivers Mountains Amazon River Ganges River Himalayas Andes Mountains Chang Jiang Huang He Rocky Mountains Alps Congo River Mississippi River Ural Mountains Appalachian Danube Nile River Islands Mountains Euphrates River Tigris River Greenland f Use the maps located in the World Geography Atlas on pages A1–A25, and throughout Unit 1 to locate the following countries, cities, and other features. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Basics of Bodies of Water Arctic Ocean Geography Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean Cities Countries Bangkok Mexico City Kolkata (Calcutta) Argentina Beijing Moscow London Canada World: Political Buenos Aires New York Lagos Chile Unit 1 Cairo Paris Sydney Egypt Jakarta Rio de Janeiro Tokyo France Countries Finland New Zealand Italy India Iceland Norway Iran Japan Indonesia Russia Madagascar Mexico Kazakhstan Saudi Arabia United States Nigeria Mongolia Spain South Korea Peru North Korea Australia Venezuela United Kingdom Poland Colombia Ethiopia South Africa Brazil China Germany Sweden Dem. Rep. of Congo f Label which parts of the world are on Monday and which are on Sunday World: On the back of this map, answer the following questions in COMPLETE sentences: Time Zones 1. How many time zones are there in the continental United States? Unit 1 2. If it is 1500 hours in El Paso, Texas, what is the time in Greenwich, England? 3. If it is 0600 hours Sunday in New York, what are the day and time in Auckland, NZ?</p><p>Section 2 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features Physical World: Climate Zones NEATLY color to differentiate the climate zones and include a key Geography Global Ocean Currents Ocean currents move in large circular systems and affect the temperature and precipitation patterns Unit 1 around the world. Use the maps located throughout Unit 1 to help you complete the Global Ocean Currents map. Review the text on pages 54–57 and the map found on page 55 to identify where the following ocean currents are found throughout the world. Label them on your world map. Create a legend to define any symbols or colors that you use. Currents East Australian Labrador Alaska Oyashio Gulf Stream North Equatorial Brazil South Equatorial North Atlantic Drift California Canary West Wind Drift North Pacific West Australian Guinea Benguela Peru</p><p>World Atlas 2 f</p><p>Section 3 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features Religion is an important element of human culture. Use the maps located in the World Geography Atlas on pages A1–A25, and throughout Unit 1 to help you with the World Religions map. Review the text on pages 75–77 and the map found on page 76 to identify where the following religious groups are found throughout the world. Using colored pencils, add them to your world map. Create a legend to define any symbols or colors that you use. Label the features listed below World: Religions Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions on the main page Unit 1 Oceans Continents Regional Australia Africa Arctic Ocean Indian Ocean Europe Antarctica Geography Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Americas (N&S) Asia Religions Buddhism Confucianism Islam Shintoism Christianity Hinduism Judaism Traditional f Label the following World Regions as defined in the McDougal Littell World Geo (blue) Book Textbook Regions World: 7. South Asia 1. United States and 3. Europe 5. Africa Textbook Regions 8. East Asia Canada 4. Russia and the 6. Southwest Asia 9. Southeast Asia, viii-xvii 2. Latin America Republics (Middle East) Oceania, Antarctica ff</p><p>Section 4 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 103–107 and throughout Unit 2 to locate the following physical features of the United States. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Lakes Rivers Landforms United States: Physical Appalachian Mts. Erie Colorado River Cascades Atlantic Ocean Map Huron Columbia River Death Valley Bering Sea Unit 2 Michigan Ohio River Everglades Gulf of California Ontario Mississippi River Mount McKinley Gulf of Mexico Superior Missouri River Rocky Mountains. Pacific Ocean United States Great Salt Lake Rio Grande Sierra Nevada Great Plains f Use colored pencils to lightly shade in the states belonging to the four major sub regions of the United States (Northeast, Midwest, South, and West) and create a map key to identify them. Label the oceans, Great Lakes, and all 50 states (you may use postal abbreviations) as well as the cities listed below. United States: Political Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Cities Map Anchorage Atlanta Boston Dallas Unit 2 Detroit Kansas Los Angeles Houston Milwaukee St. Louis New Orleans San Diego San Francisco New York Seattle El Paso Denver Phoenix Minneapolis Bangor Philadelphia Miami Chicago Washington D.C. f</p><p>World Atlas 3 Section 5 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 103–107 and throughout Unit 2 to label the following physical features of Canada. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Canada: Physical Map Bodies of Water Rivers Landforms Arctic Ocean Gulf of St. Lawrence Canadian Shield Unit 2 Atlantic Ocean Hudson Bay Mackenzie R. Coast Mts Baffin Bay Pacific Ocean St. Lawrence Great Plains Labrador Sea Beaufort Sea River/Sea Way Mackenzie Mts. Davis Strait Denmark Strait Laurentian Highlands James Bay Greenland Sea f Canada Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 103–107 and throughout Unit 2 to label the following political units of Canada. Its main sub regions consist of the Atlantic Provinces, the Core Provinces, the Prairie Provinces, and the Pacific Coast. Use colored pencils to lightly shade in each of these sub regions and create a map key to identify them. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Canada: Political Map Cities Victoria Calgary Unit 2 Edmonton Montreal Ottawa Regina Toronto Vancouver Iqaluit Fredericton St. John's Yellowknife Halifax Winnipeg Charlottetown Whitehorse Quebec City Provinces and Territories Yukon Territory Nunavut New Brunswick British Columbia Newfoundland Manitoba Ontario Alberta Nova Scotia Northwest Terr. Quebec Saskatchewan Prince Edward IS ffff</p><p>Section 6 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features Latin Use the Unit Atlas on pages 190–195 and throughout Unit 3 to help you identify the following states, cities, and physical features of Mexico. America: Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Part 1 Mexico: Bodies of Water Landforms Cities Caribbean Sea Acapulco Mexico City Physical/ Political Baja California Gulf of California Ciudad Juarez Monterrey Unit 3 Sierra Madre Gulf of Mexico Chihuahua Puebla Occidental/ Oriental Pacific Ocean Cordoba Tijuana Yucatan Peninsula Rio Grande Guadalajara Leon f Central America and Use the Unit Atlas on pages 190–195 and throughout Unit 3 to help you identify the following Caribbean: Physical/ countries, cities, and physical features of Central America and the Caribbean. Physical Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Unit 3 Bodies of Water Landforms Atlantic Ocean Caribbean Sea Greater Antilles Pacific Ocean Netherlands Antilles Gulf of Mexico Lesser Antilles Panama Canal Countries Antigua and Barbuda Barbados Bahamas Belize Costa Rica Dominica Dominican Republic El Salvador Haiti Guatemala Grenada Guyana St. Kitts and Nevis Jamaica Nicaragua Panama Venezuela St. Vincent and the… St. Lucia Trinidad and Tobago Cities Basseterre San Salvador Santo Domingo Panama city World Atlas 4 Bridgetown Tegucigalpa Nassau Port-of-Spain Guatemala city Belmopan Port-au-Prince St. George’s Kingston Castries Roseau San Jose Managua Havana St. John’s Kingstown f</p><p>Section 7 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features Use the Unit Atlas on pages 190–195 and throughout Unit 3 to help you identify the following countries, cities, and physical features of Spanish-Speaking South America. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Landforms Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Andes Mountains Mount Aconcagua Caribbean Sea Parana River Atacama Desert Pampas Drake Passage Paraguay River Cape Horn Patagonia Lake Titicaca Rio de la Plata Guiana Highlands Llanos Spanish-Speaking South Orinoco River Islands Countries America: Physical/ Falkland Islands Argentina Uruguay Suriname Political Galapagos Islands Chile Bolivia Venezuela Unit 3 South Georgia IS Ecuador Colombia Paraguay Tierra del Fuego Guyana French Guiana Peru Cities Cali Asuncion La Paz Quito Cayenne Buenos Aires Maracaibo San José Guayaquil Latin Caracas Merida Santiago Lima Georgetown Paramaribo Bogota America: Medellin Montevideo Porto Alegre Rosario Part 2 Santa Cruz f Use the Unit Atlas on pages 190–195 and throughout Unit 3 to help you identify the following cities and physical features of Brazil. Use the maps found on pages 204 and 238 of your textbook to identify the natural resources found in Brazil. Add them to your map and create a legend to define any symbols or colors used. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Landforms Rivers Amazon River Negro River Amazon Basin Guiana Highlands Araguaia River Parana River Brazil: Physical/ Brazilian Highlands Mato Grasso Plateau Madeira River Paraguay River Political Bodies of Water Cities Unit 3 Atlantic Ocean Belem Curitiba Fortaleza Country Belo Horizonte Recife Goiania Brasilia Rio de Janeiro Brazil Manaus Salvador Sao Paulo Resources Aluminum Petroleum Gold Hydroelectric Power Coal Timber Iron Ore Natural Gas Copper Tin f</p><p>World Atlas 5 Section 8 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features The southern coast of Europe has a long coastline along the Mediterranean Sea with many peninsulas and islands. The Mediterranean is linked with the Atlantic Ocean on the west and the Black Sea on the east. Use the Unit Atlas on pages 262–267 and throughout Unit 4 to help you identify the following countries and physical features of Mediterranean Europe. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Peninsulas Islands Rivers Mountains Balearic Islands Ebro Alps Balkan Crete Po Apennines Mediterranean Europe: Iberian Sardinia Tagus Mount Etna Italian Physical/ Political Sicily Tiber Pyrenees Unit 4 Bodies of water Countries Adriatic Sea Andorra Portugal Strait of Gibraltar Aegean Sea Greece San Marino Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean Italy Spain Tyrrhenian Sea Black Sea Malta Vatican City Cities Madrid Athens Barcelona Lisbon Seville Europe: Milan Naples Rome Venice Part 1 f Western Europe’s landscape is varied: it includes mountainous terrain, fertile plains, hilly slopes, and even remnants of forests. Use the maps located in your textbook on pages 262–267 and throughout Unit 4 to help you identify the following countries, cities, and physical features of this region of Europe. Use the theme organizer found on page 297 of your textbook to identify the languages spoken throughout the region. Create a legend to define any symbols or colors used. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Rivers Western Europe: Baltic Sea Mediterranean Sea Elbe Rhine Physical/ Political Bay of Biscay North Sea Danube Rhone Black Sea English Channel Loire Seine Unit 4 Landforms/ features Countries Countries Cities Black Forest Switzerland Brussels Austria Mount Blanc Netherlands Frankfurt Belgium Massif Central Cities Graz France Corsica Hamburg Germany Ijsselmeer Amsterdam Marseille Liechtenstein Berlin Mountains Nantes Luxembourg Bern Alps Paris Monaco Bordeaux Pyrenees Vienna F</p><p>World Atlas 6 Section 9 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features Northern Europe is a region of great contrasts. Within this region, you will find active volcanoes and geysers, snow-capped mountains, and low-lying valleys carved out during the last retreat of the glaciers. Many of the nations in this region have a history of sea travel and exploration. Use the maps located in your textbook on pages 262–267 and throughout Unit 4 to help you identify the following countries and physical features listed below. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Other Landforms Islands Countries Atlantic Ocean Denmark Hebrides British Northern Europe: Baltic Sea Finland Land’s End Faroe Gulf of Bothnia Iceland Physical/ Political Gotland English Channel Ireland Unit 4 Peninsulas Oland Norwegian Sea Norway Orkney North Sea Jutland Sweden Shetland Scandinavian United Kingdom Cities Belfast Edinburgh Oslo Tampere Bergen Goteborg Portsmouth Trondheim Europe: Copenhagen Glasgow Reykjavik London Cork Helsinki Stockholm Dublin Part 2 f Eastern Europe’s history has been shaped by its location at a crossroads between Asia and the rest of Europe. Over the centuries, the region was invaded many times and was dominated by foreign empires. Use the maps located in your textbook on pages 262–267 and throughout Unit 4 to help you label the following map of Eastern Europe. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Rivers Countries Adriatic Sea Danube Albania Hungary Eastern Europe: Aegean Sea Elbe Bosnia and Macedonia Baltic Sea Oder Herzegovina Poland Physical/ Political Black Sea Vistula Bulgaria Romania Unit 4 Landforms Mountains Croatia Slovakia Northern European Balkan Czech Republic Slovenia Plain Carpathian Hungary Cities Sofia Belgrade Bratislava Prague Tirane Bucharest Ljubljana Sarajevo Warsaw Budapest Poznan Skopje Zagreb f</p><p>World Atlas 7 Section 10 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features Use the Unit Atlas on pages 336–339 and throughout Unit 5 to help you identify the following countries and physical features of this region. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Arctic Ocean Caspian Sea Lake Baikal Pacific Ocean Aral Sea Chukchi Sea Lake Ladoga Se of Azov Baltic Sea East Siberian Sea Lake Onega Sea of Japan Barents Sea Gulf of Ob Laptev Sea Sea of Okhotsk Black Sea Kara Sea North Sea White Sea Russia and Western Mountains Landforms Islands Rivers Republics: Physical/ Carpathian Mountains Central Siberian Franz Josef Land Angara Political Cherskly Range Plateau Kuril Islands Dniester Mount Narodnaya Chukchi Peninsula New Siberian Islands Kama Unit 5 Kolyma Mountains Crimea Novawa Zemiya Lena Koryak Mountains Kamchatka Peninsula Sakhalin Island Ob Ural Mountains Russian Far East Svalbard Volga Verkhoyansk Range Siberia Wrangel Island Yenisey Cities Chisinau Moscow Odessa Tallinn Chernobyl Minsk Riga Vilnius Kazan Murmansk St. Petersburg Vladivostok Russia Kiev Nizhniy Novgorod f and the Use the Unit Atlas on pages 336–339 and throughout Unit 5 to help you locate the following countries Republics and physical features of this region. Use the text and map found on pages 370–371 to identify the languages and religious traditions of the region. Add them to your outline map. Transcaucasia: Physical/ Create a legend to define any symbols or colors used. Political Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Unit 5 Bodies of Water Landforms Countries/Territories Cities Armenia Black Sea Caspian Depression Baku Azerbaijan Caspian Sea Caucasus Mountains Tbilisi Georgia Lake Sevan Mount Elbrus Yerevan Nagorno-Karabakh f Use the Unit Atlas on pages 336–339 and throughout Unit 5 to help you identify the following countries and physical features of this region. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Rivers Landforms Aral Sea Amu Darya Communism Peak Kyzyl Kum Desert Central Asia: Caspian Sea Irtysh Kara Kum Desert Pamir Mountains Lake Balkhash Physical/ Political Syr Darya Kazakh Uplands Tian Shan Mountains Lake Issyk Kul Ural Kirghiz Steppe Turan Plain Unit 5 Zaysan Lake Countries Cities Kazakhstan Almaty Bishkek Samarqand Turkmenistan Kyrgyzstan Ashgabat Bukhuro Semey Uzbekistan Tajikistan Astana Dushsanbe Tashkent f World Atlas 8 Section 11 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 402–407 and throughout Unit 6 to locate the following countries and physical features of this region. Review the map on page 461 to identify the export commodities of this region. Add them to your map and create a key for any symbols you use. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Countries Gulf of Aden Burundi Somalia Kenya Ethiopia East Africa: Physical/ Indian Ocean Djibouti Tanzania Rwanda Seychelles Political Red Sea Eritrea Uganda Unit 6 Landforms Ethiopian Plateau Horn of Africa Mount Kenya Serengeti Plain Great Rift Valley Mount Kilimanjaro Pemba Island Zanzibar Island Lakes Lake Nyasa Lake Tana Lake Tanganyika Lake Turkana Lake Victoria Cities Addis Ababa Bujumbura Djibouti Kigali Nairobi Asmara Dar es Salaam Kampala Mogadishu Victoria f Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 402–407 and throughout Unit 6 to locate the following countries and physical features of North Africa. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Africa: Bodies of Water Landforms Lakes Countries Algeria Part 1 Atlantic Ocean Lake Nasser Ahaggar Mountains Egypt Gulf of Sidra Atlas Mountains Libya North Africa: Physical/ Mediterranean Sea Rivers Libyan Desert Morocco Red Sea Political Nubian Desert Blue Nile Sudan Strait of Gibraltar Sahara Nile River South Sudan Unit 6 Suez Canal White Nile Tunisia Cities Cairo Omdurman Alexandria Giza Casablanca Oran Algiers Khartoum Fez Rabat Aswan Luxor Tunis Tripoli f Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 402–407 and throughout Unit 6 to locate the following countries and physical features of the region. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Lakes Countries West Africa: Physical/ Atlantic Ocean Lake Chad Benin Liberia Gulf of Guinea Lake Volta Burkina Faso Mali Political Landforms Rivers Chad Mauritania Unit 6 Cape Verde Niger Guinea Highlands Benue River Côte d’Ivoire Nigeria Mount Cameroon Gambia River Guinea Senegal Sahel Niger River Guinea-Bissau Sierra Leone Tibesti Mountains Senegal River Ghana Togo Cities World Atlas 9 Accra Ibadan Porto-Novo Conakry Niamey Abuja Lome Timbuktu Freetown Ouagadougou Bissau N’Djamena Abidjan Lagos Praia Dakar Nouakchott Bamako Monrovia Yamoussoukro f</p><p>Section 12 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 402–407 and throughout Unit 6 to locate the following countries and physical features of the region. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of water Lakes Countries Atlantic Ocean Lake Kivu Central African Republic of the Central Africa: Gulf of Guinea Lake Tanganyika Republic Congo Landforms Rivers Democratic Republic Physical/ Political Equatorial Guinea Congo Basin of the Congo Unit 6 Congo River Gabon Katanga Plateau Sao Tome Ubangi River Cameroon Mount Cameroon Principe Cities Lubumbashi Brazzaville Bangui Douala Kisangani Africa: Libreville Malabo Mbandaka Pointe Noire Sao Tome Yaounde Part 2 f Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 402–407 and throughout Unit 6 to locate the following countries and physical features of the region. Review the map on page 407 of your textbook and identify the language groups of Southern Africa. Add them to your map and create a key for any symbols you use. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Rivers Lake Countries Southern Africa: Atlantic Ocean Limpopo River Malawi Indian Ocean Orange River Lake Nyasa Physical/ Political Mozambique Mozambique Channel Zambezi River Unit 6 Namibia Landforms Countries South Africa Kalahari Desert Angola Cape of Good Hope Swaziland Namib Desert Botswana Drakensberg Zambia Reunion Comoros Escarpment Zimbabwe Saint Helena Lesotho Karroo Madagascar Victoria Falls Mauritius f</p><p>World Atlas 10 Section 13 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 478–483 and throughout Unit 7 to locate the following countries and physical features of this region. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Landforms Countries Cities Arabian Peninsula: Arabian Sea An-Nafud Bahrain Abu Dhabi Muscat Gulf of Aden Arabian Kuwait Aden Riyadh Physical/ Political Gulf of Aqaba Peninsula Oman Doha Sanaa Unit 7 Gulf of Oman Hejaz Saudi Arabia Jiddah Islands Indian Ocean Rub-al-Khali Qatar Kuwait City Socotra Red Sea Najd United Arab Manama Persian Gulf Syrian Emirates Mecca Strait of Hormuz Desert Yemen Medina f Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 478–483 and throughout Unit 7 to locate the following countries and physical features of this region. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Lakes and Rivers Landforms Dead Sea Mount Hermon Gulf of Aqaba Negev Euphrates River Sinai Peninsula Eastern Mediterranean: Gulf of Suez Golan Heights Jordan River (Egypt) Mediterranean Sea Gaza Strip Southwest Physical/ Political Sea of Galilee Syrian Desert Asia Unit 7 Territories Countries Cities Cyprus Palestine Aleppo Haifa Israel (Middle East) Gaza Strip Amman Jerusalem Jordan Golan Heights Beirut Nicosia Lebanon West Bank Damascus Tel Aviv-Yafo Syria f Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 478–483 and throughout Unit 7 to locate the following countries and physical features of this region. Review the map on page 516 and add the ethnic groups of this region using symbols. Create a map key with this information. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Landforms Pontic Mountains Aegean Sea Indian Ocean Anatolia Taurus Mountains The Northeast: Physical/ Black Sea Mediterranean Sea Dasht-e Kavir Zagros Mountains Bosporus Persian Gulf Dasht-e Lut Political Rivers Caspian Sea Red Sea Elburz Mountains Unit 7 Diyala Dardanelles Sea of Marmara Hindu Kush Euphrates Gulf of Oman Strait of Hormuz Plateau of Iran Tigris Countries Cities Afghanistan Ankara Istanbul Mosul Iran Baghdad Izmir Qom Iraq Basra Kabul Tehran Turkey Esfahan Mashhad f World Atlas 11 Section 14 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 542–547 and throughout Unit 8 to locate the following countries, political units, and physical features of this region. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Rivers Landforms Mountains Andaman Sea Brahmaputra Chota Nagpur Plateau Eastern Ghats Arabian Sea Ganges Deccan Plateau Himalayan Bay of Bengal India: Godavari Ganges Delta Mountains Gulf of Khambhat Indus Indo-Gangetic Plain Karakoram Range Physical/ Political Gulf of Mannar Krishna Rann of Kutch Vindhya Range Indian Ocean Unit 8 Narmada Thar Desert Western Ghats Laccadive Sea Cities Country Ahmadabad Kanpur South Asia: Mumbai (Bombay) India Bangalore Kolkata (Calcutta) Nagpur Territory Part 1 Chennai (Madras) Hyderabad New Delhi Delhi Lucknow Kashmir F Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 542–547 and throughout Unit 8 to locate the following countries, political units, and physical features of this region. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Countries Landforms Cities Pakistan and Arabian Sea Bangladesh Chittagong Bangladesh: Physical/ Bay of Bengal India Ganges delta Dhaka Political Rivers Region Hindu Kush Mountains Faisalabad K2 Hyderabad Baluchistan Unit 8 Brahmaputra Karakoram Range Islamabad Kashmir Ganges Khyber Pass Karachi Makran Indus Suleiman Range Lahore Punjab Rawalpindi f</p><p>Section 15 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features South Asia: Nepal and Bhutan: Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 542–547 and throughout Unit 8 to locate the following Physical/ Political countries, political units, and physical features of this region. Part 2 Unit 8 Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page River Mountains Countries Cities Brahmaputra Himalaya Mountains Bhutan Kathmandu Ganges Mount Everest Nepal Thimphu f World Atlas 12 Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 542–547 and throughout Unit 8 to locate the following countries, political units, and physical features of this region. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Countries Cities Indian Ocean: Physical/ Kenya Colombo Arabian Sea Cambodia Saudi Arabia Malaysia Bangkok Political Bay of Bengal Ethiopia Singapore Mauritius Kolkata Unit 8 Gulf of Mannar Indonesia Sri Lanka Oman (Calcutta) Indian Ocean Madagascar Yemen Seychelles Male Laccadive Sea Maldives Comoros Somalia Mumbai Palk Strait Myanmar India Thailand (Bombay f</p><p>Section 16 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages on pages 610–615 and throughout Unit 9 to locate the following country, other political units, and physical features. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Rivers Cities Amur Tarim He Beijing Shanghai Brahmaputra Wei He Chongqing Shenyang Chang Jiang (Yangtze) Yalu Jiang Guangzhou Tianjin Huang He (Yellow) Xi Jiang (West) Harbin Wuhan Liao He Zhu Jiang (Pearl) Nanjing Xi’an China: Physical/ Songhua Political Oceans and Seas Major Landforms Unit 9 Bo Hai Gobi South China Sea North China Plain East China Sea Hainan Island Taiwan Strait Plateau of Tibet Guld of Tonkin Junggar Basin East Asia: Yellow Sea Taklimakan Desert Sea of Japan Manchurain Plain Part 1 Mountains Features Karakoram Range Altun Mountains Grand Canal Kunlun Mountains Great Khingan Mountains Great Wall Qinling Shandi Himalay Mountains Three Georges Dam Tian Shan ff Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages on pages 610–615 and throughout Unit 9 to locate the following country, other political units, and physical features. Create a legend to identify any colors or symbols used Mongolia and Taiwan: Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Landforms Cities Physical/ Political Taipei Unit 9 East China Sea Pacific Ocean Altai Mountains Ulaanbaator Lake Baikal South China Sea Gobi Desert Countries Luzon Strait Taiwan Strait Mongolian Plateau Mongolia Taiwain f</p><p>Section 17 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features East Asia: The Koreas: Physical/ Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 610–615 and throughout Unit 9 to locate the following Political countries, political units, and physical features of this region. Part 2 Unit 9 Create a legend for any colors or symbols used. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Countries Rivers Cities Due Date: Korea Bay North Korea Yalu Jiang Pusan World Atlas 13 Korea Strait South Korea Cities Pyongyang Sea of Japan Landforms Inchon Seoul Yellow Sea Cheju Island Panmunjom Natural Resources Commercial fishing Silver Tungsten f Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 610–615 and throughout Unit 9 to locate the following country, political units, and physical features of this region. Create a legend for any colors or symbols used. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Islands East China Sea Pacific Ocean Hokkaido Kyushu Japan: Physical/ Shikoku Korea Strait Sea of Japan Honshu Ryukyu Political Landforms Country Cities Unit 9 Fukuoka Kyoto Osaka Tokyo Mount Fuji Japan Hiroshima Nagoya Sapporo Yokohama Vegetation Natural Resources Coniferous forest Coal Hydroelectric power Deciduous and mixed forest Commercial fishing Lead Tropical rain forest Gold tungsten f</p><p>Section 18 Map Title/ Unit Directions/ Features Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 678–683 and throughout Unit 10 to locate the following countries, political units, and physical features of this region. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Rivers Countries Arafura Sea Irrawaddy Andaman Sea Brunei Celebes Sea Mekong Myanmar Banda Sea Cambodia Gulf of Thailand Red Philippines Flores Sea East Timor (UN) Southeast Asia: Indian Ocean Salween Singapore Philippine Sea Indonesia Pacific Ocean Landforms Thailand Physical/ Political Sulu Sea Laos South China Sea Indochina Vietnam Unit 10 Timor Sea Malayasia Strait of Malacca Malay Peninsula Cities Bander Seri Begawan Medan Bandung Palembang Bangokok Phnom Penh Davao Quezon City Hanoi Semarang Ho Chi Minh City Singapore City Jakarta Surabava Kuala Lumpur Southeast Vientiane Luzon Yangon Manila Asia, Oceania, f and Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 678–683 and throughout Unit 10 to locate the following countries, political units, and physical features of this region. Antarctica: Circle the boundaries of the sub regions of Micronesia, Melanesiam, and Polynesia with colored pens (other than blue or black). Make a map key to identify them. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Due Date: Bodies of Water Islands Coral Sea Caroline Islands New Britain Santa Cruz Islands Pacific Ocean Gilbert Islands New Guinea Society Islands Tasman Sea Line Islands New Ireland Tuamotu Archipelago Oceania: Physical/ Torres Strait Mariana Islands Phoenix Islands Territories Political America Samoa (US) Niiue Wallis and Futuna (Fr) New Caledonia (Fr) Unit 10 Cook Islands (NZ) Northern Mariana Sub regions Tahiti French Polynesia (Fr) Island (US) Melanesia Tasmania Guam (US) Papua New Guinea Micronesia Tokelau (NZ) Irian Jaya (Indo) Pitcairn Islands (Br) Polynesia Countries Cities Federated States of Papua New Guinea Apia Noumea Micronesia Samoa Bairiki Nuku’alofa Fiji Solomon Islands Fongafale Papeete Kiribati Tonga Honiara Palikir Marshal Islands Tuvalu Koror Port Moresby Nauru Vanuatu Majuro Port-vila World Atlas 14 Palau Tarawa Suva</p><p> f Use the maps located in the Unit Atlas on pages 678–683 and throughout Unit 10 to locate the following countries, political units, and physical features of this region. Include the states and territories of Australia and sub regions of Antarctica. Label them on the map. Then add the International Dateline. Complete the map by following the labeling and color-coding directions from the main page Bodies of Water Drake Passage Arufura Sea Indian Ocean Scotia Sea Ross Sea Great Australian Bight Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Tasman Sea Weddell Sea Australia, New Zealand, Gulf of Carpentaria Coral Sea Torres strait Timor Sea Antarctica: Physical/ Rivers Continents Islands Countries Political Darling River Antarctica North and South Is. Australia Murray River Australia Tasmania New Zealand Unit 10 Landforms Regions Cities Great Sandy Desert Antarctic Peninsula Great Victoria Desert Enderby Land East Antarctica Auckland Adelaide Kimberly Plateau Maria Byrd Land Great Artesian Basin Brisbane Canberra Mount Kosciusko Palmer Land Great Barrier Reef Darwin Christchurch Ronne Ice Shelf Queen Maud Land Great Dividing Range Perth Melbourne Ross Ice Shelf Victoria Land Transantarctic Mts. Sidney Wellington South Pole Wilkes Land Vinson Massif West Antarctica f</p><p>World Atlas 15</p>
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