<p> All about Penguins- RPS #1 </p><p>When one makes an inference, or logical guess about the types of Antarctic wildlife, they often think about penguins. Indeed these graceful, yet comical; hardy yet elegant creatures are considered by many to be the signature species of the polar south because there are so many of them, or abundance. </p><p>At first there was a controversy, or dispute with early Antarctic explorers, because some actually thought penguins were fish and classified them accordingly. Yet through their constant studying and diligence, they came to the acceptance that they were birds. In fact, as birds, they are superbly designed for their job, flying underwater with great skill. Their compact bodies have a breastbone that makes an excellent keel and they have massive paddle muscles to propel them at speeds up to 25 miles per hour. Their heads retract to create a perfect hydrodynamic shape, and they have no deficiency, or lack of swift movements. When traveling quickly, penguins will leap clear of the water every few feet -- an action called 'porpoising.' This enables them to breathe, and decreases their chances of being taken by a predator. Antarctic penguins have also developed the ability to leap out of the water to a substantial height on land with great accuracy, or precision, enabling them to quickly reach the safety of raised ice edges or rock ledges, in the case of urgency, or immediate attention and response. Penguin legs are set far down on their bodies, so they walk with a very straight posture. Ashore they are often awkward, waddling and hopping over rocks, or on snow they sometimes push themselves along on their stomachs. </p><p>Penguins are true flightless birds. Some species spend as much as 75% of their lives at sea, yet they all breed on land or sea-ice attached to land. To withstand the harsh conditions of the Antarctic, their bodies are insulated by a thick layer of blubber and a dense network of waterproof plumage. Penguins' bones are solid and heavy, which help them to remain submerged and reduce the energy needed for pursuit diving. Some species can reach depths of 1000 feet or more and stay submerged for up to 25 minutes, though most prefer shorter, shallower dives. These birds require little if no maintenance, or upkeep, due to their well designed bodies.</p><p>Natural enemies of the penguin include seals, Killer whales, and, in the case of young chicks and eggs, several species of seabirds. Healthy adult penguins have no predators on land, so they have no natural fear of humans. While they don't like to be approached directly, these naturally curious birds will sometimes come quite close to a quiet observer to get a better look. And since there is no conspiracy, or evil plan, by humans to harm penguins, this type of encounter is rather pleasant. http://www.antarcticconnection.com/antarctic/wildlife/penguins/index.shtml Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Maintenance caring or up keeping upkeep Diligence constant effort to accomplish constant a goal Deficiency the state of being No, lack incomplete, or lacking Conspiracy The act of creating an evil or Evil plan manipulative plan or plot Urgency The state of being required Immediate attention or quickly or immediately needed Abundance Having more than enough, So many an over sufficient amount or supply Inference The act of coming to a Logical guess logical conclusion Controversy a debate, dispute, or Dispute argument</p><p>Acceptance The act of being received or They came to/ they believed approved Accuracy The quality of being correct, Precision precise, or exact</p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Description how do you know? It describes the penguin, its size, enemies, classification, etc. </p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? It is a .com, so it is not the best site to find information, but nothing about it seems unreliable. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: This text was all about penguins, their lifestyle and their physical attributes. </p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will vary What is the author’s purpose? To inform History of Basketball- RPS #2</p><p>Basketball was invented in December 1891 by the competent Canadian clergyman, educator, and physician James Naismith. Naismith introduced the game when he was an instructor at the Young Men's Christian Association Training School (now Springfield College) in Springfield, Massachusetts. He was adept, or an expert, and therefore organized a vigorous recreation suitable for indoor winter play. The game had an involvement of elements of American football, soccer, and hockey, and the first ball used was a soccer ball. The components, or parts of the game, were as follows: Teams had nine players, and the goals were wooden peach baskets affixed to the walls. By 1897-1898, teams of five became standard. The game rapidly spread nationwide and to Canada and other parts of the world, played by both women and men.</p><p>In 1934 the first college games were staged in New York City's Madison Square Garden, and college basketball began to attract heightened interest. By the 1950s basketball had become a major college sport, thus paving the way for a huge accomplishment or success; the growth of interest in professional basketball.</p><p>The inducement or bringing about of two subsequent professional leagues, the National Basketball League (formed in 1937) and the Basketball Association of America (1946) merged to create the National Basketball Association (NBA). The Boston Celtics, led by their center Bill Russell, dominated the NBA from the late 1950s through the 1960s. By the 1960s, pro teams from coast to coast played before crowds of many millions annually. Wilt Chamberlain, a center for the Los Angeles Lakers, was another leading player during the era, and his battles with Russell were eagerly anticipated. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, also a center, came to prominence during the 1970s. Some believed he was a belligerent player, because he was aggressive and sometimes inappropriate. </p><p>The NBA suffered a drop in popularity during the late 1970s, which stood as its first impediment, or obstacle, but was resuscitated, principally through the growing popularity of its most prominent players. Larry Bird of the Boston Celtics, and Magic Johnson of the Los Angeles Lakers are credited with injecting excitement into the league in the 1980s through their superior skills and decade-long rivalry. During the late 1980s Michael Jordan of the Chicago Bulls rose to stardom and helped the Bulls dominate the NBA during the early 1990s. A new generation of basketball stars, including Shaquille O'Neal of the Orlando Magic and Larry Johnson of the Charlotte Hornets, have sustained the NBA's growth in popularity.</p><p>A small excerpt, or passage from the most famous NBA star Michael Jordan stated, "To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don't isolate." Michael Jordan’s rise to fame was abrupt, or quick, and he remains one of the best basketball players of all time. http://library.thinkquest.org/10615/no-frames/basketball/history.html </p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Accomplishment An achievement or anything that is Success, growth successfully completed. Excerpt A small quote or passage that is taken Passage from a book or document. Adept To be very skilled or talented at Expert something; to be an expert. Component A part of something; an element that Parts of makes up something (think mechanical, recipes) Competent To have the proper or needed skill, Educator, expert, adept, knowledge, and experience to invented understand something. Involvement To be included or to join something; to Elements be a part of something. </p><p>Abrupt Sudden or unexpected; to come to a Quick quick end or stop. Impediment An obstacle or obstruction in Obstacles something or someone (i.e. speech). Belligerent To be offensive and aggressive; to act Aggressive, inappropriate angry or inappropriate.</p><p>Inducement The state of persuading, causing, or Bringing about bringing about something.</p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Chronological How do you know? There are time words and dates listed in the order that the history of the sport occurred. </p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? It is a .org site, and those are the most reliable sites, so yes. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: The text was about the history of basketball, how it was invented, and what it has developed into today. </p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will vary What is the author’s purpose? To inform Vincent van Gogh- RPS #3</p><p>Vincent van Gogh (March 30, 1853 - July 29, 1890) is generally considered the greatest Dutch painter after Rembrandt, though he had little success during his lifetime. Van Gogh produced all of his work (some 900 paintings and 1100 drawings) for little compensation, or money, during a period of only 10 years before he succumbed to mental illness (possibly bipolar disorder) and died in 1890. </p><p>Vincent was born in Zundert, The Netherlands; his father was a protestant minister, a profession that Vincent had admiration, or high respect for, and to which he would be drawn to a certain extent later in his life. </p><p>In 1880, Vincent van Gogh followed the suggestion of his brother Theo and took up painting in earnest, and in spring 1886 Vincent van Gogh went to Paris, where he moved in with his brother Theo; they shared a house on Montmartre. At this convention, or gathering, he met the painters met Edgar Degas, Camille Pissarro, Bernard, Henri de Toulouse- Lautrec and Paul Gauguin, who became his competition, or rivalry. He discovered impressionism, whose clear and simple description is the use of light and color, more than its lack of social engagement. He enjoyed this, especially the technique known as pointillism (where many small dots are applied to the canvas that blends into rich colors only in the eye of the beholder, seeing it from a distance) made its mark on Van Gogh’s own style. </p><p>In 1888, only Paul Gauguin, whose simplified colour schemes and forms attracted van Gogh, followed his invitation. The admiration was mutual, and Gauguin painted van Gogh painting sunflowers. However their encounter ended in a quarrel because of some unnamed corruption, or dishonesty. Van Gogh suffered a mental breakdown and cut off part of his left ear, which he gave to a startled friend. Needless to say, that friend was devastated and extremely upset when she received it. She tried to offer Van Gogh some consolation by spending time with him, and supporting him through his hard time.</p><p>The only painting he sold during his lifetime, The Red Vineyard, was created in 1888. It is now on display in the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, Russia. Vincent van Gogh's mother threw away quite a number of his paintings during Vincent's life and even after his death. But she would live long enough to see her son become a world famous painter. Many people made the assumption that Van Gogh’s parents never supported his love of art, but that has never been proven.</p><p>Several paintings by Van Gogh rank among the most expensive paintings in the world. On March 30, 1987 Van Gogh's painting Irises was sold for a record $53.9 million at Sotheby’s, New York. On May 15, 1990 his Portrait of Doctor Gachet was sold for $82.5 million at Christie's, thus establishing a new price record (see also List of most expensive paintings). The conservation or preserving of these paintings is very important and costly. Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Admiration The state of looking up to someone with great High respect for pleasure or approval.</p><p>Assumption To take something for granted or to draw conclusions Made…but never been without enough information. proven</p><p>Compensation Something that is given or received as a result of a Money service, loss, injury, death, etc.</p><p>Description The state of giving a clear image of an event or Clear, simple, light, person through the use of words. color Convention A meeting or formal assembly to which people, Gathering usually in politics, get together to discuss ideas.</p><p>Conservation The act of preserving something, such as wildlife, Preserving human rights, etc.</p><p>Consolation To give support, relief, or assistance; to attempt to Spending time with, bring cheer. supporting through hard time Corruption The state of being dishonest and acting in an evil and Dishonesty untrusting way.</p><p>Competition A rivalry between two or more people, businesses, Rivalry etc. Devastated The state of being upset or let down; to destroy or Extremely upset destruct. </p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary </p><p>What text structure is this passage? Chronological How do you know? There are dates, and a timeline of events</p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? We would have no idea because there is no source given.</p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: This article is about the life of Vincent Van Gogh and his accomplishments.</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will vary What is the author’s purpose? To inform Facts of The Koala Bear- RPS #4</p><p>* Koala's fur is thick soft and pleasant to touch. Ears have long white hairs on the tips. Many illustrations have been done of Koalas because they are quite pleasant to draw.</p><p>* Koalas can live as long as 17 years, however males life expectancy is less than 10 years (due to injuries during fights, dogs and cars at intersections or crossing roads.). Females generally live longer. Koalas living in an undisturbed habitat would have a greater life expectancy than those living in suburbia.</p><p>* Koalas prefer to move around just after sunset spending daytimes asleep in the fork of a tree. Koala sleeps 75% of its time. They do not put forth much exertion, or effort during this time. Just after sunset koalas move around and can often be heard "barking" aggressively at other koalas.</p><p>* Fossil remains of koala-like animals have been found dating back to 25 - 40 million years ago. These fossils can be found on enumeration lists in many museums.</p><p>* Koalas, like all Australian animals, are an important part of Aboriginal culture and featured in many myths and legends. The motivation of these stories is to entertain the reader. Some of these stories have become an inspiration for children to write their own myths. </p><p>* John Price was the first European who described koalas 1798. Price experienced an occupational mutation, changing jobs to become a scientist. In 1816, the koala was given its scientific name, phascolarctos cinereous, meaning 'ash grey pouched bear'. The implication of the name suggests the description of the Koala itself. </p><p>* European settlers identified the koala as a source of fur to trade, and millions of koalas were shot for their pelts. By 1924 koalas were extinct in South Australia, severely depleted in New South Wales and estimates for Victoria go as low as 500 animals. Public forced governments in all states to declared the koala a 'Protected Species' by the late 1930's. The “Protected Species” list is an organization for listing and monitoring endangered animals.</p><p>* Presently, up to 4,000 koalas are being killed each year by cars and dogs. </p><p>* The friction over the state or condition of the koalas has resulted in scientific study and discovery. http://www.giftlog.com/pictures/koala_fact.htm Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Implication The state of suggesting Suggest something to be naturally understood; to infer. Organization A group or structure that works Listing, monitoring for specific actions or goals.</p><p>Illustrations The use of pictures, drawings, Draw etc. to give comparisons or examples. Motivation To get someone to do something; Entertain, inspiration to entice someone. Friction The rubbing of two surfaces to Resulted in which causes a reaction. Enumeration To name one by one; to list Lists separately or count, like a list. Exertion The state of putting in a lot of Effort tough action or effort, such as exercising. Intersection Action when two or more things Crossing roads come together or meet, i.e. roads. Mutation The process of changing or changing altering. Inspiration An influential act, writing, etc. Motivation….write their Something or someone that own brings about admiration. </p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Enumeration/listing How do you know? There are bulleted items in a list</p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? It is a .com source, so it is not the most reliable.</p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: This article is about Koalas, their description of character , and their lifestyle. </p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will vary What is the author’s purpose? To inform The History of the First Airplanes- RPS #5</p><p>The first authentic or original airplane that was flown was a glider. A glider is a non-motorized flying machine (and very hard to control.) Early gliders were launched from high places like cliffs and floated on the wind to the ground.</p><p>During 1890 while Orville and Wilbur Wright were working in a bicycle shop, the Wright Brothers got interested in flying. They learned that bicycles that were closer to the ground were faster. They made a prediction or guess on what they would need to do to make an airplane work well, and then they read all the books they could find about airplanes to learn more. They then began building gliders near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The Wright Brothers improved the glider. The gentlemen did not face much adversity or distress, and as a result In 1899 they made a large, two wing kite. After experimenting for a while on unmanned gliders, they made a glider where the pilot would control the airplane in the air. After working on glider experiments they found out how to steer a plane while in flight by developing a rudder (the tail of the plane) and flaps on the wings. With the rudder and the flaps, the pilot could control the direction of the airplane and the height, which would be the solution to solving that problem. Some people thought the Wright brothers were eccentric and odd in their creation, but their intelligence would prove otherwise.</p><p>In December of 1903, the Wright Brothers became the first people to successfully fly a plane with a person in it. The plane flew one hundred twenty feet and flew only about twelve seconds. They had three successful flights that day, but Wilbur made the longest flight of 892 feet and stayed up for about 59 seconds. In 1903 the Wright Brothers made their first powered airplane that they named the "flyer." It was a biplane (two winged plane) that had a 12 horse power engine that they had built themselves. The wings were 40 feet wide, wooden, and covered with cotton cloth. The pilot would lay on the lower wing on his stomach and steer the plane. In 1908 the Wright Brother’s diversity, or variety of skills, allowed them to finally make a plane that could fly for more that one and a half hours. The brothers showed no resignation or demonstration of giving up, and therefore succeeded in their endeavors. </p><p>Airplane travel has improved a great deal since the first efforts of the Wright Brothers. Airplanes now travel thousands of miles at altitudes of more than 7 miles, carrying over three hundred passengers. Those passengers rest in comfortable seats instead of on their stomachs like Orville did. The verification or confirmation of Jet engines replacing propellers and speeds greater than 600 miles per hour goes to show not even the Wright brothers could have imagined what air travel would be like today. </p><p>This has been a small recollection of the Wright brothers and the memories that go along with them and the first airplanes. The link below in italics emphasizes where you can find the above information. http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112389/airplanes.htm Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Recollection The process of remembering Memories something; to recall something such as an event, person, etc. Authentic Something that is real, genuine; not Original fake. Adversity One’s fortune or fate; a situation Distress that brings about distress. </p><p>Eccentric To be erratic, irregular, or odd. Odd Italics Writing style which shows emphasis Emphasizes on certain words, sayings, etc.</p><p>Verification The ability to confirm the accuracy Confirmation or truth in something.</p><p>Solution The act of solving a problem, Solving that problem question; giving a conclusion or explanation. Diversity The act of being different or having Variety of skills a variety of skills, abilities, etc.</p><p>Resignation The submission or giving up of a Giving up job, position, or office. Prediction To declare something in advance; to Guess on what they would foretell an event. need</p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Chronological/Problem-Solution How do you know? It is in time order, but it can also be argued that there was a problem with the creation of the plane, and they solved that problem and made a better product. Both of these structures would apply. </p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? Yes, it is a .org site</p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: This text was about the creation of the first airplane, and how that has developed since. </p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will vary What is the author’s purpose? To inform Edgar Allan Poe- RPS #6</p><p>Edgar Allan Poe (January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849) was an American author, poet, editor and literary critic, considered part of the American Romantic Movement. Best known for his tales of mystery and the macabre, Poe was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story and is considered the inventor of the detective-fiction genre. He initiated “scary story writing.” He is further credited with contributing to the emerging genre of science fiction. He was the first well-known American writer to try to earn a living through writing alone, resulting in a financially difficult life and career. Not many people did not appreciate or were not grateful for his type of writing. </p><p>He was born as Edgar Poe in Boston, Massachusetts; he was orphaned young when his mother died shortly after his father abandoned the family. A plan was formulated, or developed, and Poe was taken in by John and Frances Allan, of Richmond, Virginia, but they never formally adopted him. He attended the University of Virginia for one semester but left due to lack of money. After enlisting in the Army and later failing as an officer's cadet at West Point, Poe parted ways with the Allans. His publishing career began humbly, with an anonymous collection of poems, Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827), credited only to "a Bostonian". People used to congregate or come together to hear public readings of Poe’s work during this time.</p><p>Poe switched his meditation and thoughts to writing prose and spent the next several years working for literary journals and periodicals, becoming known for his own style of literary criticism. His work forced him to move between several cities, including Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York City. In Baltimore in 1835, he married Virginia Clemm, his 13- year-old cousin. In January 1845 Poe published his poem "The Raven" to instant success. His wife died of tuberculosis two years after its publication. During this time Poe was anything but elated, or happy. In fact, his soul began to dilapidate, as he was crushed, depressed, and filled with neglect from his childhood. He began planning to produce his own journal, The Penn (later renamed The Stylus), though he died before it could be produced. On October 7, 1849, at age 40, Poe died in Baltimore; the cause of his death is unknown and has been variously attributed to alcohol, brain congestion, cholera, drugs, heart disease, rabies, suicide, tuberculosis, and other agents. Many people speculate to various ways Poe might have died. </p><p>Poe and his works influenced literature in the United States and around the world, as well as in specialized fields, such as cosmology and cryptography. Poe and his work appear throughout popular culture in literature, music, films, and television. A number of his homes are dedicated museums today. His works are in no way obsolete or outdated. He was a writer way ahead of his time, and annihilated the mystery fiction competition. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Allan_Poe Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Elated To make very happy or Happy proud. Obsolete No longer in general use; Outdated outdated. Congregate To come together, especially Come together in large numbers. Annihilate To destroy or to wipe out The writer was ahead of his completely. time, and it is implied that he dominated his section of lit. Formulate To devise or develop a Developed method or system. Speculate To express thoughts or Death is unknown, various reflect on things that ways might have may or may not be true.</p><p>Initiate To begin or start something. Invented, earliest </p><p>Dilapidate To cause or allow something Crushed, depressed, neglect to go to waste by abuse or neglect. Appreciate To be thankful or grateful Grateful for; to show thanks for an act of kindness. Meditate To be in deep thought; to Thoughts contemplate or heavily consider. What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Chronological How do you know? Dates, time order words</p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? Although it is a .org site it is from Wikipedia, which can be changed/updated by its users. Therefore, the site is not reliable. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: The text is about Edgar Allan Poe and his biography. </p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will vary What is the author’s purpose? To inform How to Run a Successful Lemonade Stand- RPS #7</p><p>***With the help of your parents, check with the city or county laws before opening up any stands. Be courageous and have confidence in opening up a new business. Who knows, maybe you will become famous, or even notorious!!!</p><p>1. Get a stand. Card tables are best. To attract more customers, use a vivacious, happy (but not distracting) tablecloth. (Be sure to put your money jar or till in a safe place.) You want your lemonade stand to be conspicuous of easily seen. </p><p>2. Keep in mind that location is the key. Make sure you are in a public place with high traffic. When cars pass by raise your hands, and get noticed. You don’t want to be anonymous. </p><p>3. Pay special attention to pricing. Often, lemonade stands are either under or over priced, and the kids running them don't earn much money. Think of what you would pay for your item(s). You don’t want your customers to stare at you with an incredulous gaze. If you are selling pink lemonade, what would you be willing to pay for a glass? Be sure to start out with some coins and bills for change. </p><p>4. Plan out an advertising scheme. Even a simple flyer posted at the local supermarket can get you a steady flow of customers. Post signs around your area. Be sure to have signs on your stand as well, showing what you are selling and the price. Ever notice fast food ads? Red and yellow have been proven to make you hungrier--even if you don't realize it. Red also can easily attract customers with its bright color. Make sure to write neatly and keep it simple. Be sure you keep your prices clear, and not mysterious or puzzling to your clients. </p><p>5. Take turns. Have someone help you so you can take turns doing different jobs. It's also more fun to have someone else there, especially when you need a break. If you are planning a long day of selling, set up shifts so that no one has to be on duty more than two hours without some time off. </p><p>6. Be polite! Potential customers won't want to buy anything if you get irritated with them. Instead of getting irritated with irrational guests, be humorous and try to win your customers over by being funny. Don’t be anxious or worried if every customer you have doesn’t fall in love with your stand; you will have this! 7. Be hygienic! Be sure to wash your hand s before you handle any lemonade after dealing with money. You do not want to transfer contagious germs from one thing to another. </p><p> http://www.wikihow.com/Run-a-Lemonade-Stand</p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Incredulous To be skeptical or don’t want your customers to unbelieving of certain stare at you…what would information; to find you be willing to pay for a things to not be valid or glass? true. Conspicuous Easily seen or noticed; to Easily seen attract special attention. Humorous To be funny or comical or to Funny demonstrate such. Courageous To possess characteristics of Confidence bravery or great confidence. Notorious To be publicly known for a Famous particular trait. Mysterious To be full of mystery; to be Puzzling of puzzling nature. Anonymous To be without a name; Get noticed, opposite of lacking identity; unknown name or name is withheld. Vivacious To be lively, animated, Happy happy. Anxious To be eager or have a feeling Worried of uneasiness; to be greatly worried. Contagious The ability to carry or Transfer, germs spread a disease from person to person.</p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Sequential How do you know? It has a sequence that you have to follow, (First do this, then do that) to create a lemonade stand successfully. </p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? It is a wiki and a ,com source, so it is not reliable. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: How to create a successful lemonade stand. </p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will vary What is the author’s purpose? To inform What Are Forensics?- RPS #8</p><p>The dictionary definition of forensics is the use of scientific skills and techniques used in the investigation of crimes. The field of Forensic Science is about using science for the purposes of the law, and therefore provides imperative or crucial impartial scientific evidence for use in the courts of law, e.g. in a criminal investigation and trial. Forensic Science is a multidisciplinary subject, drawing principally from chemistry and biology, but also physics, geology, psychology, social science, etc.</p><p>In criminal law cases, forensic scientists are involved in the examination of the distinctive physical traces which may be useful for establishing or excluding a suspect of committing a crime. This evidence is gathered from the scene of the crime or the victim and is put through a series of tests to establish its relevance to the case. Scientists need to get to the scene of the crime fast, and collect evidence that might be temporary. </p><p>These traces include blood and other body fluids, hairs, textile fibers from clothing etc, materials used in buildings such as paint and glass, footwear, tool and tire marks, flammable substances used to start fires and so on. Sometimes the scientist will visit the scene itself and summarize the likely sequence of events, any indicators as to who the perpetrator might be, and to join in the initial search for evidence. If the victim of the crime is dead, then the scientists need to work extra hard to figure out the story of the deceased, as they cannot tell their narrative. Scientists need to be cautionary when they go and collect the evidence from the scene, because it is important they handle those pieces with care., and not tamper with them. </p><p>Using DNA to help solve crimes is an indisputable tool, it is not argumentative because it is always right. Forensics can be such a supportive tool to attorneys, because it gives hard facts and helps the attorneys prove their case. By using these forensics skills scientists are acting as preventative aids in making sure that these crimes can’t happen again without being able to be solved. http://clewett.net.au/forensics Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Imperative Absolutely necessary or Crucial unavoidable; to be crucial or needed. Dictionary A book containing the Definition collection of words from a language, typically in alphabetical order. Summary A brief or short conclusion Sequence of events about given facts or information previously stated. Cautionary To give or show warning; to be Care, not tamper careful. Distinctive Having a special quality, trait, Establishing or excluding or attractiveness; to be notable. Argumentative To have a dispute; to be Indisputable, opposite controversial and fond of verbal conflicts. Supportive Providing sympathy or Gives, helps encouragement; giving additional help or information. Narrative A story of accounts or events as Story, tell told by the author him/herself. Temporary Not permanent; to last or exist fast for a certain amount of time. Prevent To not allow something to Making sure…can’t happen happen; to restrict or stop actions. What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Description/Process How do you know? It is describing the process of what forensic workers accomplish. Is this a reliable source and how do you know? Yes, it is a .net. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: This article is about the process of collecting forensics</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will vary What is the author’s purpose? The inform</p><p>Flip Flops came from Somewhere?!- RPS #9</p><p>The chronological story of the creation of the flip flop from start to finish is as follows:</p><p>Flip-flops are an open type of outdoor footwear, composed of a flat sole held loosely on the foot by a Y-shaped strap, like a thin thong, that passes between the first (big) and second toes and around either side of the foot. In contrast to sandals, flip-flops do not secure the ankle. </p><p>The latest design was invented in Auckland, New Zealand by Morris Yock in the 50s and patented in 1957,.However, this claim has recently been contested by the children of John Cowie. John Cowie was an England-raised businessman who started a plastics manufacturing business in Hong Kong after the war. His children claim that it was Cowie that was being experimental with shoe design, and then started manufacturing a plastic version of the sandals in the late 1940s and that Yock was just a New Zealand importer. The children also say that their father claimed to have invented the name "jandal" from a shortened form of "Japanese Sandal". John Cowie and his family immigrated to New Zealand in 1959. Cowie’s family gets very emotional, or upset when the origins of flip flops are questioned. </p><p>Despite 'jandal' being commonly used in New Zealand to describe any manufacturer's brand, the word Jandal is actually a trademark since 1957, for a long time owned by the Skellerup company. In countries other than New Zealand, jandals are known by other names. In Australia they are known as thongs. The first pair were manufactured there by Skellerup rival Dunlop in 1960. Thongs became popular there after being worn by the Australian Olympic swimming team at the Melbourne Olympic Games in 1956[. In the UK and U.S. they are most commonly known as flip-flops. These athletes encouraged the marketing of such a shoe that would allow them easy accessibility.</p><p>Flip-flops now come in a stunning, beautiful variety of shoe styles other than the traditional flat sandal, such as women's heels, slides, and wedges.</p><p>Flip-flops are a satisfying option because they allow the foot to be out in the open but still constitute a shoe for wear in places such as restaurants or on city streets, and can be quickly and easily removed. They are also popular because they are easy to carry and come in an assortment of colors and patterns. If flip flops were ever to be stopped marketed and sold, you can be sure there would be many grieving people out there, upset that their favorite shoe is no longer available. These people would be unforgiving to the shoe market, showing no mercy to those who took away their precious shoe. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flip-flops </p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Compose To make or form by combining Description of the two items things; to create or make on the shoe up. Unforgiving Unrelenting; not able to show Showing no mercy mercy or sympathy. Grieving The state of feeling grief or Upset, took away great sorrow. Emotional To be upset or easily affected; Upset to show great pain with feelings. Stunning Astonishing, bewildering; of Beautiful striking beauty or excellence. Experimental The state of testing, trying out, Started, invented or going through procedures in order to see/find results. Satisfying To fulfill the desires, needs, and Allow, popular, easy demands of someone or something. Encourage To encourage with spirit or Allow them confidence; to promote. Contrast To compare in order to show Side, relation to other shoe differences; to not opposite purposes. Chronological To be arranged in the order of Start, finish time.</p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Chronological How do you know? Dates/time words</p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? It is a wiki source, so it is not reliable Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: This article is all about flip flops, where they cam from, who invented them, and how they are used today.</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will vary What is the author’s purpose? To inform</p><p>Apples vs. Caffeine- RPS #10</p><p>Caffeine Caffeine is found in a number of common foods and drinks, including coffee, tea, chocolate, soda and energy drinks. It's also found in most diet pills. Caffeine is said to emphasize energy. Sometimes when people have no energy they fall into a state of dreaminess, and are not clear in what they are trying to accomplish. People consume caffeine because it makes them feel more alert as opposed to listless, by stimulating a specific kind of molecule in your body known as an adenosine receptor.</p><p>How Much Caffeine Is in a Typical Cup of Coffee? A standard 16-oz. cup of home-brewed coffee has about 266 mg of caffeine in it. In comparison, a typical cup of tea has about 50 to 100 mg of caffeine, while a typical bottled soft drink has about 100 to 200 mg. Although it would be hard to overdose on caffeine, it can be lethal, with death reported above a dose of 150 to 200 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. One kilogram equals about 2.2 lbs., so that would be about 70 cups of coffee for an average-sized American man. This statistic is probably demoralizing to both coffee companies and hard core coffee drinkers, as these people would feel loveless without this wonderful drink in their lives.</p><p>How Much Caffeine Is in an Apple? Apples are a good source of many nutrients. For example, a typical small apple has 12 percent of your daily recommended intake of fiber, 10 percent of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C, and trace amounts of minerals such as calcium, potassium, and manganese. However, apples do not contain any caffeine. Eating an apple a day will bring out your playfulness however, because of the energy it will instill. So which will wake You Up More Effectively? In order to make this decision, both apples and caffeine had to be scrutinized, or examined in great detail. Apples have sugar in them -- an average small apple has about 13 g of it -- and that people are equating the energy boost they get from a cup of coffee with the energy boost they presumably get from eating an apple. Based on the discussion above, a more appropriate question might be "Does an apple have more sugar than a typical cup of coffee?" Presuming you put one to two sugar packets in your typical cup of coffee, and that each sugar packet contains -- as most do -- about 4 g of sugar, the answer is yes, a typical apple contains more sugar than a typical cup of coffee. So if you're looking for a quick energy kick, a cup of coffee is likely to get you there faster. However, an apple is probably your healthiest option, which you probably already know, so I won’t patronize you. If everyone in the world would simply switch to apples, we could revolutionize the planet, and bring about a healthy change. However, if we all did this, I’m sure the doctors would be put into a state of loneliness, not having anyone to see according to the old proverb: an apple a day keeps the doctor away! </p><p>Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/276790-does-an-apple-have-more-caffeine-than-coffee/#ixzz1N7PSDdOb</p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Loneliness The feeling of being alone; to Not having anyone be without company. Dreaminess The state of being vague, Not clear dim, unclear. Revolutionize To bring great change to a Bring about change job, field, etc.; to make tremendous advances. Listless Having or showing very little More alert, opposite interest in someone or something. Demoralize To deprive of spirit, courage, Feel loveless discipline; to destroy the morals or beliefs of. Scrutinize To examine in detail with Examined in great detail great, careful attention; to ridicule. Patronize To behave in an offensive Which you probably already manner towards know, so I won’t… someone or something. opposite of Emphasize To lay stress upon; to give Feel more, stimulating attention to or focus on.</p><p>Loveless Feeling no appreciation or Without self-worth; without affection. Playfulness The state of being full of fun; Energy joyful, excited. What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Compare/Contrast How do you know? The text is comparing the caffeine benefits from apples to coffee. Is this a reliable source and how do you know? It is a .com source, so it may or may not be reliable. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: Comparing/contrasting caffeine coming from an Apple vs. Coffee</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will vary</p><p>What is the author’s purpose? To inform </p><p>Harmful Effects of Smoking Cigarettes- RPS #11</p><p>Have you ever heard of the expression or saying, “Those things will kill you!”? </p><p>Well, Envision the following statistics in your mind:</p><p>It is not improbable or unlikely that one in two lifetime smokers will die from their habit. Half of these deaths will occur in middle age.</p><p>This can cause heart attacks and stroke. It slows your blood flow, cutting off oxygen to your feet and hands. Some smokers end up having their limbs amputated, which could lead to your loved ones having a feeling of revulsion or dislike towards you.</p><p>Tar coats your lungs like soot in a chimney and causes cancer. A 20-a-day smoker breathes in up to a full cup (210 g) of tar in a year.</p><p>Changing to low-tar cigarettes does not help because smokers usually take deeper puffs and hold the smoke in for longer, dragging the tar deeper into their lungs.</p><p>Smoking causes disease and is a slow way to die. The strain of smoking effects on the body often causes years of suffering. Emphysema is an illness that slowly rots your lungs. People with emphysema often get bronchitis again and again, and suffer lung and heart failure.</p><p>Lung cancer from smoking is caused by the tar in tobacco smoke. Men who smoke are ten times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers.</p><p>It is inevitable or unavoidable that smoking will cause fat deposits to narrow and block blood vessels, which may lead to a heart attack.</p><p>In younger people, three out of four deaths from heart disease are due to smoking. Cigarette smoking during pregnancy increases the vulnerability of the fetus, leaving it at risk of low birth weight, prematurity, spontaneous abortion, and perinatal mortality in humans, which has been referred to as the fetal tobacco syndrome.</p><p>In conclusion, while cigarettes may seem desirable and indispensible, they will have a remarkably negative effect on your life. http://www.quit-smoking-stop.com/harmful-smoking-effects.html </p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Desirable Worth having or wanting; Indispensible pleasing; excellent. Vulnerability Capable of being hurt; open to Risk assault or moral attack. Inevitable Unable to be avoided or Unavoidable escaped; certain or necessary. Improbable Unlikely to be true or to Unlikely happen; not likely. Envision To picture previous and future Mind events mentally. Revulsion A strong feeling of distaste or Dislike dislike; sudden change in feeling or response. Remarkably Worthy of notice or attention; Effect notably unusual or extraordinary. Conclusion The ending or closing; the final The final paragraph part; the outcome. Indispensible Absolutely necessary or Desirable essential; can not be disregarded or forgotten. Expression A certain word, phrase, or set Saying of words; to set forth ideas or goals in words. </p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Cause and Effect How do you know? It talks about the effects of smoking cigarettes </p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? It is a .com source, so it may or may not be reliable. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: The effects of smoking cigarettes, and all of the consequences that go along with that choice.</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will vary What is the author’s purpose? To inform/persuade</p><p>Football Inspirational Report- RPS #12</p><p>There is a story in college football that is known by every fan base. It does not discriminate based on program prestige, character or individuals it involves, or coaching discretion. It is when a superstar high school player becomes the celebrity of his small town or when a highly rated prospect from a powerhouse high school program fails to live up to collegiate expectations. Four and five star players go from the buzz of a prominent college town to a FCS transfer and afterthought. The bright lights, bigger cities, and king-like praise clouds a player’s mind and enables him to lose focus on why he is actually playing football and trying to obtain an education. Unfortunately, the player begins to meander from their real goal in life, straying away from getting a degree. It was only two years ago that Washaun Ealey made his UGA debut against LSU. He was great and provided copious amounts of energy, enthusiasm, and optimism to Bulldog fans who were excited about the possibilities of having a running back in the program that broke some of Herschel Walker’s high school records. Fans began to inquire or seek information about this player.</p><p>That is when Washaun Ealey made his climb that would eventually lead to his plummet as a viable option for UGA. He was the most popular person in Twin City, Georgia. He remained a symbol for success, representing all the young boys in his town. Emanuel County Institute never had another player that could stir up so much buzz and hype. They even wanted to use expenditures to secure Ealey to come to their school, although they were not allowed to. Ealey committed to Georgia before his senior football season even started. It seemed like a perfect fit. The small town kid and superstar would be going to one of the most successful college athletic departments in the country. He seemed like he had his head on straight and was primed to usurp Caleb King and the other running backs already at UGA. That was all wrong. The news came last week that Washaun Ealey had transferred to Jacksonville State after Mark Richt had previously announced that Ealey would no longer be a part of the University of Georgia. This news was received with much criticism and judgment. That is when the kid who went from small town Georgia to prestigious university took a wrong turn making his journey to NFL prominence much more difficult and possibly even impossible. The possibility of him ending up in the NFL began to dwindle, or shrink away.</p><p>Ealey and even most players like him do not have the same drive to be successful as their peers that grace the magazine covers and highlight reels. It is not that they never had the will to succeed. They did. It is impossible to make it to such a high level of play without having some personal drive of some sort. The problem is that some players lose their passion for being the best, being endangered by various amounts of distractions. This is the sad story of college football that is not told because fans are always smothered in false hopes about what will happen next in their favorite team’s program, and they become hostile when things don’t go their way. With so many rising stars constantly forcing their ways into the SEC, it is easy to miss the shooting star that is making his exit.</p><p> http://www.holyturf.com/2011/06/the-heartbreaking-side-of-college-recruiting/ </p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Dwindle To shrink or waste away, to Shrink away get smaller. Hostile Feeling of being unfriendly Smothered, things don’t go or mean against others. their way Criticism Judging or evaluating Judgment something/someone negatively or in order to improve Optimism The feeling of finding the Enthusiasm good in things rather than focusing on the negatives Symbol Representing words or Representing phrases by the use of symbols Endangered To expose something or Problem someone to danger Meander To wander, ramble, or walk Straying around aimlessly Character Traits or features that make Individual up the nature of someone Expenditures The process or act of Secure spending money or making money transactions Inquire To seek or get information Seek information by questioning</p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary What text structure is this passage? Chronological How do you know? Time words</p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? It is a .com source, so it may or may not be reliable.</p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: This article is about one man’s journey through sports.</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will vary</p><p>What is the author’s purpose? To inform</p><p>How to Make Breakfast in Bed- RPS #13</p><p>There is a simple way to become renowned, or celebrated, by your loved ones. This simple task can also be quite influential in getting you something you want. All you have to do is make them a delicious breakfast in bed!</p><p>The following are the sequential steps you should take in order to do so!</p><p>Step 1: Get a tray that has small sides on it. This will contain the food securely, and keep any spillage from falling onto the bed. There are specially made small tables intended for this very purpose. If you can't find one, use a laptop desk.</p><p>Step 2: Decide what you'll make for breakfast. Try to remain unbiased when making the food. Make sure to include foods that BOTH you and the recipient will like. Here are some ideas: Make a Tropical Breakfast. This is both healthy and refreshing. Make One Egg Waffles. These are a little healthier than most waffles, but if you really want to spoil someone, make French toast waffles. Serve a Bagel Breakfast. Be sure to include a variety of delicious condiments as well as a choice of bagels. Cook a Full English Breakfast. An English muffin with some eggs, and orange juice, coffee, or tea on the side is good. (make sure that the foods that you choose make financial sense for you. You don’t want to lose all your money on one breakfast!)</p><p>Step 3: We implore and ask that you prepare the breakfast as quietly as possible, if there's a chance you might wake the person up. If you wake them up, even unintentionally, it is likely you will not enjoy the outcome. If you can chop or mix any ingredients the night before, do so. If you're making coffee, put a towel along the crack at the bottom of the bedroom door so that they don't smell it. (This is assuming that you want to surprise and flabbergast the recipient) Be sure to clean up after yourself, too. If the person you're treating comes into the kitchen to find a pig sty, that might kill their delight over what you just did for them. Step 4: Pour any liquids only 3/4 of the way. This is especially important with hot liquids, as you don't want them to spill onto the person or the bed linen when the tray is moved</p><p>Step 5: Add some nice, carefree, and lighthearted touches: Lay a single flower down on the tray, or sprinkle flower petals across the tray. On the plates, around the food, add some edible flowers (perhaps some candied violets). If using a cloth napkin, fold it into a pyramid shape. You can also fold a paper napkin into a rose (not the one they will be using, just an extra one for decoration). Make a card with a nice note written in it.</p><p>Step 6: When they're done, clean up, you don’t want to leave your house disheveled. Take the tray from them and clean the dishes. Another excellent touch is to run a luxury bath and while they're enjoying it, make the bed!</p><p> http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Breakfast-in-Bed </p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Financial Term that pertains to money, Money and dealing with money Influential Having or demonstrating Getting, make them influence to others, having an impact on others Intentionally When things are said and or Unintentionally, opposite done on purpose to either help or harm someone Sequential When events follow in order, Steps following, subsequent</p><p>Flabbergasted To be overcome with Surprise complete surprise or to be astounded Implore To beg urgently for Ask </p><p>Lighthearted Carefree, cheerful, or full of Carefree joy Disheveled Hanging loosely or in Messy, opposite disorder; messy Renowned Celebrated or famous Celebrated </p><p>Unbiased Not partial, fair Both What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Sequential/Process How do you know? There are numbers, and steps </p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? It is a wiki source, so no.</p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: This text is about how to make breakfast in bed</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will vary What is the author’s purpose? To inform </p><p>A True Life Hero- RPS #14</p><p>One frigidly cold morning Kathie Vaughan was driving the used truck she had purchased that morning when it suddenly began acting erratically and started to fishtail. She finally managed to bring the vehicle to a stop with a loud screech by furiously slamming on the brakes over and over. But she felt safe prematurely because her troubles had just begun. The cabin interior was filling fast with noxious fumes and black smoke. </p><p>Most people could have simply jumped out of the vehicle, but sadly and sorrowfully Kathie is a paraplegic– paralyzed from the waist down by multiple sclerosis. Her truck was on fire and she knew she could be blown up at any moment. Kathie shoved her Rottweiler Eve out the door, along with her wheelchair. But due to the thick black smoke, she could not find the wheels to the chair.</p><p>A throbbing panic overwhelmed her. She had to get out immediately, before the truck exploded. That’s when Eve, her dog, proved herself to be a true hero. </p><p>In danger of blacking out, Kathie suddenly felt Eve, refusing to desert her, grab her leg with her jaws. Eve firmly grasped Kathie by the ankle and dragged her ten feet to relative safety. Then the truck burst into flames. Ignoring the terrifying fire, Eve quietly and, discreetly, stealthily dragged Kathie to a nearby ditch. A police car arrived on the scene. “You’ve got to get further away!” the policeman shouted to Kathie. The truck was on fire, the flames were approaching the gas tank; there was danger of a terrific explosion. </p><p>Kathie struggled to pull herself away from the truck and toward the police car. Her head and body ached with pain and she found she could hardly move. Eve bent close to her human friend, offering Kathie her collar. Then Kathie held tight as the determined dog radically and thoroughly dragged her forty feet to safety. </p><p>The firemen eventually extinguished the blaze. A few weeks later the city respectfully offered to award Eve the prestigious Stillman Award for bravery. Eve graciously accepted the honor with pride. </p><p>Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/the-dog-hero-a-true-animal-story.html#ixzz1S6sFOhmT</p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues frigidly Very cold in temperature Cold</p><p>Furiously Very angry; violent, full of Slamming on the brakes over rage and over Graciously Pleasantly kind or Accepted with pride courteous, very friendly Discreetly To be very sly or quiet about Quietly, stealthily things, to keep silent or give little information Erratically Different, shaky, eccentric started to fishtail Prematurely Coming or done to soon just begun Radically Basic or fundamental; being thorough thoroughly Respectfully Being full of or showing Offered the award politeness or kindness</p><p>Sorrowfully Being sorry or remorseful Sadly for actions or words</p><p>Stealthily Acting in a secretive or quiet manner Quietly, discreetly What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Chronological How do you know? Transition words: A few weeks alter, Then, One, had just begun Is this a reliable source and how do you know? When one clicks on the link you can see that it is indeed from a reputable news source, not from a place, such as, Wikipedia. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: Answers will vary</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will Vary</p><p>What is the author’s purpose? Inform </p><p>Lil Wayne’s Troubles- RPS #15</p><p>Rapper Lil Wayne traded lavish lifestyle for stainless- steel cuffs as he turned himself in to begin a year long stint behind bars for the gun cops seized from his pot-smoke-in fused tour bus. </p><p>With good behavior, he'll serve just eight months in protective custody at Rikers Island. </p><p>Lil Wayne -- nickname "Weezy," real name Dwayne Carter, age 27 -- will continue making music in jail, and his popularity will flourish not suffer or diminish said his lawyer, Stacey Richman who interceded between Wanye and the Judge. </p><p>"He's an unstoppable musician and creator," she said. </p><p>Lil Wayne's surrender date had been postponed three times over the past month -- once by major dental surgery, and twice after a fire in the court house basement. </p><p>Meanwhile, he provided fans with a seemingly end less, farewell-filled multi media soundtrack to his stop-and- go journey to jail. It is possible that he was trying to replenish and re-fuel his ego before heading off to jail. He said goodbye to fans on Twitter, in print interviews and in YouTube videos, only to see the surrender date come and go, each time necessitating renewed goodbyes. All the gibberish didn’t translate to the courtroom because once in court yesterday, he said nothing. </p><p>Asked by Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Charles Solomon if he wanted to speak before sentencing, the rapper shook his head. </p><p>"Nothing at all?" repeated the judge. “Don’t let your pride, or self worth precede, or go before, your ability to apologize to the state” The rapper shook his head again and when he refused to speak the judge decided to proceed, or go forward, with the hearing. </p><p>But prosecutors took a hard line -- insisting that "possession," under the strict legal sense of the word, means having control or "dominion" over the gun, and doesn't necessarily mean outright ownership. </p><p>Cops who boarded Lil Wayne's tour bus said they saw him toss the .40-caliber Springfield Armory semiautomatic handgun into a Louis Vuitton knapsack. There was no question the knapsack was his, even if he tried to persuade cops otherwise. It had his stuff in it, including a prescription bearing the name Dwayne Carter.</p><p>Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/cuffluckwaynexst8YpRcejUkZsi9cZjfeI#ixzz1S6soQDsN</p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues To act on someone’s behalf Intercede or reconcile differences Between between two people To advise or urge someone to He tried to [] the cops Persuade do something; to change otherwise their stance or decision To go before, as in rank, Preceded seniority, importance, Go before etc To move on or go forward; Proceed Go forward to continue or progress One’s feeling of importance, Pride Self-worth self-worth, dignity, etc. To thrive or to be successful Not suffer Flourish</p><p>Meaningless or useless talk Twitter, in print, and youtube Gibberish or writing</p><p>To make complete; to re- Replenish Re-fuel fuel; to supply To make smaller or lessen; to Diminish reduce Not suffer Lavish Using or giving in great Traded lifestyle for cuffs amounts; deals usually with money</p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? How do you know? </p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: Answers will vary</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will Vary</p><p>What is the author’s purpose? </p><p>Not the Buzz they were hoping for- RPS #16</p><p>Here is a short anecdote of what happened in Idaho:</p><p>ISLAND PARK, Idaho — Cleanup crews have finished clearing honey and an estimated 14 million bees that got loose after a dilemma or situation occurred where a delivery truck overturned on an Idaho highway. </p><p>Authorities say the semi-truck was hauling the bees from California to North Dakota when the driver veered off the shoulder, tipping more than 400 hive boxes and honey. Some say he was trying to excel and pass other cars dangerously. Others say they saw the driver reading an atlas, or book of maps. This accusations could not be proved by the evidence, and it is thought it may just be someone trying to exploit the truth to end up in the newspaper and be famous.</p><p>Whatever the case, Authorities reportedly began receiving 911 calls late Sunday afternoon. Fremont County Sheriff deputies say several workers were stung during the first few hours of the cleanup Sunday. There was conflict everywhere as the workers had to try to fight off the buzzing critters. The smell of honey in the air could be attributed to the spill, and was quite pleasant.</p><p>According to KPVI, officials had to spray fire foam on the truck and bees before responders could join the effort. The spill, which also unleashed a torrent of honey, reportedly required crews from numerous agencies, as it began to adhere to the road.</p><p>Some observers told The Post-Register they saw a strange black cloud and heard a roaring noise above the spill area before realizing it was a massive swarm of bees. Apparently the bees wanted to be rather cosmopolitan, or free from the restraints of the truck.</p><p>Crews worked all day Monday before removing all the honey from the roadway, though deputies say a significant number of bees were still buzzing. In fact, some reported that this event will go into next year’s almanac, because of how it affected the area.</p><p>MSNBC – Odd News </p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Adhere To stay attached or cling Honey is sticky and it is on the road Yearly publication/book that has information on Next year’s…how it affected Almanac events, countries, the area weather, geography, etc. A collection of detailed maps Book of maps Atlas</p><p>A short account of an event, Anecdotes usually historical or Short, what happened dealing with nature A high characteristic in a The smell was in the air Attribute person, group, or place because of the spill To fight or to contend either Fight off Conflict physically or verbally</p><p>Cosmopolitan To be free from all Free from the restraints attachments A difficult situation or Situation Dilemma problem</p><p>To surpass others or be Pass other cars Excel superior to others in a certain way To use selfishly for one’s own personal gains by Trying to [] the truth to end up exploits exposing secrets or in the newspaper truths What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Chronological How do you know? The article discusses the honey spill from beginning to end. Transition words: All day Monday, First few hours, also </p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? This is from MSNBC which is a well respected news outlet </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: Answers will vary</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will Vary</p><p>What is the author’s purpose? Entertain and Inform </p><p>History of the School Uniform- RPS #17</p><p>Many believe that school uniforms, an icon or representation of belonging to a specific school, came from the Brits. The reason that Britain's great public schools began instituting uniforms was much the same reason that educators in America's dreadful urban schools have begun to require uniforms, and prohibit wearing individual or personal clothing. The English public school in the 18th and early 19th century had become anarchic, dangerous places in which boys from aristocrats and wealthy families as they wished and played voluntary games in whatever worn and battered gear was to hand. Interestingly many of our most popular modern sports (rugby, soccer, football, cricket, and baseball) originated in the informal, off rough and chaotic play of English school boys. Conditions were so bad that many parents refused to send their boys and instead had them educated at home until they were ready for university. The uniformity in clothing was one of the measures designed to replace strife and conflict with disciplined order. Along with compulsory games, stricter supervision of the pupils' lives and morals, and a broadening of the classical curriculum, school uniform was an essential characteristic of the reformed clean public schools that emerged by the late 19th Century as some of the most effective, prestigious, and pristine schools in Europe. </p><p>The English state schools followed the lead of the prestigious public schools also began requiring uniforms. The initial public schools to require uniforms were boarding schools, but many private and state day schools also began requiring uniforms. Even today, comprehensive (non-selective secondary school) schools that wish to be associated with the grammar school tradition adopt blazers in a plain silhouette, or shape, in the school colors. It is ironic that originating as a badge of poverty, school uniforms came to represent high social status.</p><p>The social revolution of the 1960s ended much of the English obsession with school uniforms. There had been schoolboy rebellions against uniform in the past, and the school mood was a feeling of displeasure. World War II had ended some of the more expensive or ludicrous uniform items, but it was the widespread youth revolt of the late-1960s that had the greatest impact. In most schools, uniform remained, though modified in the direction of informality. A few public schools abolished uniform altogether. Most later regretted it. They had the fantasy of a school encouraging individuality, and ended up with a mess. Those school leaders became very solemn, and tried to think of how to fix the upsetting result.</p><p>School uniform remains an issue between pupils and school authorities with indefinite concerns. It would be odd indeed if this were not the case. But it is wrong to imagine that the adolescent rebel really wants uniform to be abolished or that abolition would put a stop to the arguments. Most American schools have dress codes. Often parents and students participate in setting the code. But that is not to say there are fewer disagreements over clothes at American schools than at British schools. In fact, far from reducing disputes about what could or could not be worn, the dress code was open to more conflicting interpretations than the uniform regulations had ever been. Enforcing a uniform is a relatively simple matter compared to the constant small issues arising from a never ending decisions that have to be made on the never ending appearance of new clothing styles and looks. http://histclo.com/schun/hist/schun-hist.html </p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Imagination, using mental Encouraging but ended up a Fantasy images or both real and mess unreal events A picture, image, or some Icon Representation form of representation Without a fixed limit; Indefinite unlimited State or quality of feeling at Mood Feeling a specific time Having or showing one’s artificiality; being Naïve None inexperienced or judgmental Being original and pure; Prestigious Pristine extremely clean To not allow or restrict an Cannot wear individual or action personal clothing Prohibit</p><p>The outline or general shape Silhouette Plain shape of something Feeling grave, somber, alone, Upsetting Solemn or upset</p><p>Bitter conflict, a clash or Conflict Strife rivalry</p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Chronological How do you know? HISTORY of school uniform from start to finish with dates in order </p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? The website does not appear to have any credentials that would make them a reputable source. More research would have to be done. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: Answers will vary</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will Vary</p><p>What is the author’s purpose? Inform </p><p>Texting in Our Lives- RPS #18</p><p>If one wanted to look up the dangers of constant texting, one would only need to look in the thesaurus for synonyms of anxiety to find their answer. MIT researcher says constant texting is causing anxiety, sleep, turmoil and relationship problems in teenagers. According to the Nielsen Company which appraises or estimates that, teenagers sent or received an average of 2,272 text messages a month in the fourth quarter of last year, more than double the year before, and are expected to surpass that soon. </p><p>On "Here and Now" she explained how the "always on technology" affects kids. She reinforces, or backs up this idea, by stating, "When you ask kids, 'are you texting all the time?' They kind of looking at you a little blankly because from their point of view, it's just always there and they'll do it while they're doing other things. They'll answer you with things like, 'oh but it's only two words' -- and they're right, it's only two words. The issue is, what happens to a life, what happens to concentration, and what happens to the developmental issues that teens need to deal with -- when they're texting all the time. She has sympathy for children of this day and age because she feels that they are missing out of some of the most important childhood rituals. "Adolescence is a time when teens are supposed to define their boundaries and to have a certain autonomy. If you're constantly looking for validation from other people -- getting that message out, needing an immediate response -- teens move from 'I have a feeling, I want to send a text' to 'I want to have a feeling, I need to send a text.' In other words the validation comes so much from other people that it's almost like you lose the sense of feeling your own feelings. There is no suspense or uncertainty in teens lives because everything is so automatic and instant.” Turkle says intimacy is also hampered by texting behavior: "Intimacy requires that you really become a kind of expert in the face-to-face, and teens use texting as a way to avoid the risks of face-to-face. The risks of being turned down, and if you do that, you see that when you interview them they sort of don't know the difference between an apology and a confession. "Their idea of apologizing is to send a confession in a text. But an apology is really different. An apology is when you face someone, you see that you've hurt them, you feel bad, and you try to make it right in a kind of delicate negotiation of a conversation. If you're texting all the time, you're not learning how to do those kinds of things."</p><p>Sleep problems are also a result of over-texting, and there are also physical problems says Turkle back up her argument by getting testimonies, or statements, from pediatricians: "I talk to pediatricians all the time who tell me that their thumbs are in danger. Pediatricians are seeing ... repetitive stress injuries with thumbs." Turkle suggests that some teens may feel trapped by the technology: "I talked to a lot of teens who feel that there is no choice because if they don't have it, people will think there's something wrong with them, people will think that they don't want to get back to their friends. And I think the social morays are going to start to move in a direction where you'll to see some push-back, both from grownups and teenagers."All of this is the framework, or backbone, for Turkle’s research on the affects of teenage texting. </p><p>To read more: http://www.pri.org/health/texting-affects-teenagers-development1467.html </p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues To determine or estimate the Appraise Estimates value of an item The structure or Framework construction of any Backbone story or idea To strengthen or to make Reinforce Backs up this idea more solid To go beyond in amount, Surpass extent; to go above and Double the year before beyond A state or mental condition that involves Suspenseful Uncertainty uncertainty or questioning Suggest To mention or introduce Turkley offers advice in a quote </p><p>A feeling a person has Feels they are missing out towards another person; Sympathy feeling of love and respect Statements that are given by Testimony citizens under oath for Statements affirmation Book to which words are Synonyms defined and given other Thesaurus words that mean the same thing The state of great Anxiety Turmoil commotion or confusion</p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Cause and Effect How do you know? Texting causes teens to have health issues. </p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? This is from Public Radio International. When you go to their website they site all of there sources which come from medical professionals and is considered reliable. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: Answers will vary</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will Vary</p><p>What is the author’s purpose? Persuade and Inform </p><p>How did we get Nintendo?- RPS #19 Nintendo started as a small Japanese business by Fusajiro Yamauchi near the end of 1887 as Nintendo Koppai. Based in Kyoto, Japan, the business produced and marketed a playing card game called Hanafuda. Eventually down the line, Hiroshi Yamauchi gradually took over the business, taking the place of Yamauchi. In 1956, Hiroshi Yamauchi visited the U.S and realized the limitations of the playing card business, and how minimal the intended profit would be. In 1959, Nintendo struck a deal with Disney with the proposal of Nintendo using Disney's characters on Nintendo's playing cards. The tie-in was a success and the company sold at least 600,000 card packs in a single year. Due to this success, in 1962, Yamauchi took Nintendo public. During the period of time between 1963 and 1968, Nintendo set up a taxi company, food company (trying to sell instant rice, similar to instant noodles) and several other things (including a vacuum cleaner). All these ventures were glumly and eventually failed, except toy making. In 1977, Nintendo at this time saw how successful video games were and began to promptly work on creating their own to quickly join in the fad. Their first video arcade game was 1975's EVR Race a large handful of others followed in the next several years, Radar Scope and Donkey Kong being among the most famous of these. In 1985, Super Mario Bros. was confidently released for the Famicom in Japan and became a large success. </p><p>The last major blockbuster game for the NES, Super Mario Bros. 3, was released in early 1990. The game went on to sell over 18 million units. People today still occasionally play this game from time to time. This game became an essential game for Nintendo players, and everyone had to have it! On June 23, 1996, the Nintendo 64 (N64) was released in Japan and became a huge hit, selling over 500,000 units on the first day of its release. On September 29, 1996, Nintendo released the Nintendo 64 in North America, and it too was a success. The 64 was a true portrayal and demonstration of advancements in tecnhology. In 1996, Pocket Monsters (known internationally as "Pokémon") was released in Japan to a huge following. The Pokémon franchise, created by Satoshi Tajiri, was proving so popular in America, Europe, and Japan, that for a brief time, Nintendo took back their place as the supreme power in the games industry. On October 13, 1998, the Game Boy Color was released in Japan, with releases in North America and Europe a month later. In May 2004, Nintendo announced plans to release a new brand of handheld, unrelated to the Game Boy, featuring two screens, one of which was touch-sensitive. The Nintendo DS, released on November 21, 2004, received over three million pre-orders. In mid-September 2006, during press conferences, Nintendo announced launch details for its Wii console, as well as demonstrated features of the "Wii Menu" GUI. The Retail price was going for US$249.99 and was released on November 19, 2006. The console sold fast and was a big breakthrough for Nintendo. Nintendo made no fatal business decisions in its later existence, and therefore they have been thriving as a game super power. And that brings us basically up to speed! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HistoryofNintendo </p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Taking place of; moving; Gradually increases in small Took over degrees The state of showing or Confidently having strong belief in Became a large success someone The state of something that Promptly is done quickly, fast, or Quickly join in the fad without delay Glumly The state of being sudden or Failed dejected At times, now and then, Occasionally People today still from time to time Causing or capable of Made NO business decisions causing death; deadly, and have still been Fatal mortal thriving </p><p>Absolutely needed or Essential required Everyone had to have it The process of offering Proposal someone or something Struck a deal money, clothes, food, etc. The act of being portrayed; True demonstration Portrayal a word or picture of a character Barely adequate or the least Limitations Minimal amount possible</p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Chronological How do you know? The dates follow timelines order and it tells about the creation of Nintendo from start to finish. </p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? This is not considered a completely reliable source because it is taken from Wikipedia.com. More research would need to be done </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: Answers will vary</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will Vary</p><p>What is the author’s purpose? Inform </p><p>Christmas Facts- RPS #20</p><p>When thinking about Christmas facts one cannot overlook the number of traditions that surround the holiday. In fact, Christmas in itself, is a tradition. It is a tradition based in the ideology, or idea, of celebrating the birth or incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Overtime, the way in which people have celebrated this day has evolved from culture to culture. However, the one thing each unique cultural celebration has in common is tradition. Everything from stocking stuffers to Christmas trees to family gatherings has been passed down from generation to generation. There is such a wide variety of traditions to choose from! The Christmas Tree: Originating in Germany, a Fir tree was decorated to represent the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden. The great reformer Martin Luther is said to be the first to decorate the tree prior to the tradition moving to England by way of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. It eventually crossed the Atlantic and became an American tradition; though it took some time as it was considered to be a pagan symbol in the earlier years. There are approximately 30-35 million Real Christmas Trees sold in the U.S. every year.” People just need to be sure they don’t choose flimsy trees so their ornaments don’t break off the branches! Santa Claus: A legendary figure who represents the visual dimension of Christmas in our contemporary, or modern, age. Santa Claus, in some ways, has over taken the image of Christ in many Christmas traditions and celebrations. His popularity started and grew as the stories of St. Nicholas grew in legend and could only be believed by the young at heart searching for a hero. Today the more typical image of the Santa Claus we know today is found in shopping centers, movies, and Christmas time decorations. It is said that Santa Claus has special powers and can tell whether a child has been naughty or nice. Decorations: Lights- The many bright lights found hanging on trees and homes around Christmas time means something different for each person who hangs them. For one individual they are simply colorful and joyful -- something to brighten up the ordinary of everyday life in a season of festivities and togetherness. To another, the lights carry spiritual meaning. Holly- An evergreen plant representing eternal life is used as a more appropriate Christian decoration in comparison to its counterpart; the Mistletoe. Christians decided to use the Holly plant due to its more positive meaning and a history not tainted by pagan beliefs. Candles- Tradition says that candles were first used as a Christmas decoration when Martin Luther placed candles on a tree near his home to reproduce a gleaming of light he had seen through the branches of another such tree. Candles also represent the life and light of Christ that shines upon all men. Stockings- Originating in stories of St. Nicholas in which he threw items for young children down chimney’s as he passed by. Those items would fall into the stockings that were hung at the bottom of the chimney. Today, stockings are generally hung above or placed below the fireplace were gifts are place inside for excited little eyes to find on Christmas morning. Carols: In just about every home around the world, Christmas carols and holiday songs, whether explicitly Christian or secular, are heard and sung with wide acceptance. Singing during Christmas is a accompanying event that draws loved ones together. For the individual, carols fill the heart with praise to their Savior and provide feelings of the festive season that bring joy to the heart. Sometimes listening to people who can’t sing carols is a hysterical event that brings out even more laughter in a happy season. </p><p>It might be hard to not take side and stay neutral about Christmas when so many people have so many ideas about the Christmas season. But, all in all, Christmas means different things to different people, but one thing remains the same; it is a time for celebrating, no matter what it is exactly that one is celebrating! http://www.allaboutpopularissues.org/christmas-facts.htm </p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues The beginning or Preliminary introduction; leads up to Began the main idea or part To be plain or bland; very Ordinary Everyday life undistinguished Weak; not effective, So ornaments don’t break Flimsy inadequate</p><p>To go along with or join in Fills the heard with praise and Accompany action family joins together A different number of Variety things; to have several Wide to choose from of the same thing Having an idea or theory on Ideology a specific event Idea Contemporary At the present time; modern Modern To not take side in a verbal or physical altercation; Neutral Not to take sides to stay unbiased on issues Hysterical Uncontrollably emotional Laughter Basic or common, expected The Santa Claus we know Typical today What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Concept/Definition How do you know? The article give a common thing associated with Christmas and then defines it</p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? This article is from a.org site which is generally a non-profit educational website and can generally be considered reliable. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: Answers will vary</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will Vary</p><p>What is the author’s purpose? Inform Sisters Sue Cemetery- RPS # 21</p><p>American sisters Evelyn and Hortense Edwards spent two decades showing their devotion and dedication by visiting what they thought was their mother's grave only to discover it contained the remains of a stranger.</p><p>Now, the sisters are causing quite the angry commotion and are seeking $25 million in damages from the Rosehill Cemetery in Linden, New Jersey, for emotional distress caused when they learned that their mother, Beatrice Williams, had been buried in the wrong plot. After learning the mistake the sisters immediately recruited a lawyer to help them in their controversial case again the cemetery that is sparking debate across the country. </p><p>"It was devastating for them," Mark Crawford, the sisters' attorney, said regarding the burial mix-up.</p><p>He said they only recollected or remembered the mix-up after they complained to the cemetery about their mother's grave falling into disrepair. An employee looked up the plot in question.</p><p>"She said, 'There's a man buried there,' and they said, 'What do you mean there's a man buried there?'" Crawford said.</p><p>The complaint says the cemetery has acknowledged that the plot location in the sisters' paperwork was incorrect. In a letter sent to the sisters last July, the cemetery said it believed their mother was in fact buried in another section, the complaint said.</p><p>The cemetery declined to offer elaborating details to the story.</p><p>Crawford said the sisters are not convinced that the cemetery has not misplaced their mother's remains. They want the cemetery to disinter the remains at the second grave to confirm the remains there are of their mother.But the cemetery said it will only revise and fix the mistake if the sisters take responsibility if the remains of someone else is disturbed and relatives decide to sue.</p><p>"They're not willing to take the risk of correcting their own mistake," he said.</p><p>The sisters had bought three plots when their mother died in the hope that they might one day be buried by her side.</p><p>Crawford said he was not sure whether the mix-up was restricted to just two sets of remains or whether other plots were similarly mislabeled.This serious ordeal story should show the vital importance in keeping adequate records. </p><p>Read more: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/07/13/us-cemetery-mixup-idUSTRE76C3MR20110713</p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Revise To change or look over Fix the mistake To think of with a particular Regarding Attorney said feeling; to look upon Recollection The act of remembering or recalling actions or events remembered To persuade one to enlist in Recruit a service, usually the Lawyer to help them military Important or crucial to life Vital Importance Debatable or questionable Controversial amongst others sparking debate Any serious experience, test, Ordeal or trial that has been lived through Serious details Expanding or giving detail Elaboration to a story or account</p><p>Violent or noisy motion; Quite angry Commotion agitation; disturbances</p><p>Superior dedication or Showing dedication Devotion desire to do or finish something What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Cause and Effect How do you know? This article discusses the court battle of individuals from start to finish </p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? This is taken from a local newspaper that went national. It can be considered reliable. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: Answers will vary</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will Vary</p><p>What is the author’s purpose? Inform Tats for Grades- RPS #22</p><p>For parents and teachers, it can be an uphill battle to get kids to do well in school. Teachers can feel quite isolated and alone in their feelings of wanting their children to do well. While other can let themselves get deeply absorbed in the process. First it was cash for grades, now its ... tats for grades?</p><p>That's what one San Francisco teacher promised his students if they improved their performance: a tattoo. Not for them, but for him. Stanley Richards, a science teacher at City Arts and Technology High School, volunteered to get a tattoo of their vice principal if students raised the school's academic performance score by 50 points. </p><p>And not just any tattoo: stiff and uptight Mr. Vice Principal would be portrayed as a sumo wrestler, holding a medallion of test scores and slaying a dragon. (Hope Mr. Richards has the number of a good tattoo-removal doctor.)</p><p>Once he lodged his promise he was stuck because his students’ scored soared passed a 50 point increase. The students hit the books, and true to his word, Mr. R didn’t hesitate, he ran right out and got the tattoo. He showed up on the last day of class with the vice principal's mug on his calf. Hundreds of bewildered and confused faculty peered at his tattoo and he exhibited it on stage. </p><p>READ: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/newsroom/tats-grades-182931428.html</p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Being separated or removed Isolated from the other people or Alone things Demonstrated or Exhibited exemplified; displayed On stage</p><p>To be delayed or reluctant; Hesitated to wait with caution he ran right out To tense up or get stiff Stiffened Uptight To be stuck or caught in Lodged something promise</p><p>Completely puzzled and or Bewildered confused confused To peek out or appear Exhibited on stage Peered slightly</p><p>Deeply interesting or Absorbed Deeply involved; pre-occupied To partake in work or an Get a tattoo IF students raised activity without money Volunteered monetary compensation</p><p>To fly at great height Scores passed a 50 point increase Soared</p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Chronological How do you know? It details a teacher’s promise to completion </p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? This is from yahoo news and is just simply reporting facts….it is reliable source </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: Answers will vary</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will Vary</p><p>What is the author’s purpose? Entertain/inform The Human Body Facts- RPS #23</p><p>The human body is a very complex creation. Everyday a new thing about it is discovered and revealed that you didn’t know before and there seems to be no end to the study of the fascination of the glorious and delightful human being. Thanks to anatomists who work 24/7 discovering new ideologies about the human body we are able to understand how it fully operates and functions. If only the human body could write a memoir about itself divulging all its secrets But still, they are some things that you don’t know about it and so I’m going to enlighten you. Here are the five things most people are unaware of the human body: </p><p>1. Your eyeballs are the same size from birth – The eyeballs are the only part in the human body that doesn’t grow or shrink. That just means that you are able to take in all of nature and its beautiful scenic views the same way all your life. </p><p>2. You cannot lick your elbow – Even if you are a contortionist or a gymnast, it is impossible to even kiss the end of your elbow. This is not a false fact it is 100% authentic.</p><p>3. Bending your tongue depends entirely on your genes – some people are able to bend their tongues while others can’t. This doesn’t mean you’re talented in bending your tongue. It just means you have dominant genes that determine the weird anecdotes you can perform with your body.</p><p>4. You cannot survive under water for longer than 4 minutes - even if you’re a tremendous triple gold medalist Olympic swimming champion as long as you don’t have a breathing apparatus with you when you go under water, the longest you can survive is 4 minutes.</p><p>5. You cannot sneeze with your eyes open – This is because sneezing is a form of excretion and if the sneeze effect entered your eyes you would become blind! If you were to become blind I am sure you would be quite frantic when trying to find your keys each day!</p><p>After learning all of these fun facts it is hard to not be enthusiastic about the human body! The human body is a precious thing that everyone should take care of!</p><p>If you want to read more consult: http://hubpages.com/hub/TEN-THINGS-YOU-NEVER-KNEW-ABOUT- YOUR-BODY Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues To seek advice or Consult Read more information from Very complicated or Everyday a new thing is Complex consisting of many discovered or revealed difficult parts Not false or copied; genuine Authentic or original not a false fact Full of enthusiasm or energy After learning fun facts Enthusiastic (Exclamation point!) Pertains to the scenery Scenic Nature, vies within nature Desperate or wild with Frantic None excitement Great in size or amount You can’t survive even if you are a gold medalist Olympic swimming Tremendous champion </p><p>Of high price or great value Precious Everyone should take care of Delightful, wonderful, Glorious joyful, beautiful, etc. Delightful Written account of events Could write about itself told by someone who Memoir has a first hand account of those events What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Chronological How do you know? Number list order</p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? This source appears to be knowledgeable but upon further instruction we can see that it is just a “hubpage” which means it could contain errors and more research from more reputable sources would be needed. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: Answers will vary</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will Vary</p><p>What is the author’s purpose? Inform More about The Human Body Facts- RPS #24</p><p>The human body is a very complex creation. Everyday a new thing about it is discovered and revealed that you didn’t know before and there seems to be no end to the study of the fascination of the human being. Thanks to anatomists who are adept and very skilled, working 24/7 to discover new ideologies about the human body, we are able to understand how it fully operates and functions. But still, they are some things that you don’t know about it and so I’m going to enlighten you. You can dwell on these human body facts, and think about how interesting the body really is.</p><p>6. You are likely to survive longer in a vicinity or area like the Hot Sahara Desert than on the summit or peak of the freezing Gobi desert. This is because in hot climate, your body performs multi tasks which are needed to keep you alive longer such as your bones stretch and you sweat excessively making it easier to maintain body fluids which circulate around your body at a faster rate. Also, your heart beats faster, pumping more blood faster. In cold weather, your body only concentrates on generating heat for your body; therefore most bodily functions are dormant which make it hard for you to move. These types of circumstances can put your life in jeopardy, and may even lead to death.</p><p>7. Your ears control your body balance – Specifically your ear drums. They control the balance of your body. If they weren’t there, you would be wandering around like a drunkard with no balance!</p><p>8. Computers use the knowledge of only 15% of your brain! – According to scientist and anatomists, all the technology today is only 15% of what the human being is capable of doing. The human brain remains elite, and higher in intelligence. If you utilized a 100% of your brain, each one of us can create a modern planet of our own and add 6 billion planets in the universe, and change the chronicles or history of events in the world!</p><p>9. You share a birthday with 10 million other people worldwide and 1 million of them were born on the exact day, time and date as you. (And yet we strive very hard to be unique! Lol)</p><p>10.The length of your hair determines your stamina level – That’s right, it’s not just Samson that had strength from his hair. Your hair follicles act like foundation to the fiber muscle that is attached on the scalp of your head which in turn derives signals to your muscles and the length of the follicles which extend as hair provide power substance for your muscles to operate on. This is why people that are bald are more likely to have a painful headache than those with hair and usually people with hair are stronger than people without hair. Although, the amount of hair you have could be determined by your heritage, or inheritance of genes from your parents. And you don’t want to make fun of those people who are bald, because they will sullenly respond! Read more: http://hubpages.com/hub/TEN-THINGS-YOU-NEVER-KNEW-ABOUT-YOUR-BODY</p><p>Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below: Word Definition Context Clues The highest point or part Summit Peak Persons of the highest rank Elite or class Higher in intelligence</p><p>To linger over or ponder in Dwell deep thought think about Very skilled; expert; Adept Very skilled professional An area or region that is Vicinity near or about a place area</p><p>Hazard or at risk to loss, Jeopardy injury, death, etc. may even lead to death Showing irritation or ill Don’t make fun of those who humor are bald they will ( ) Sullenly respond</p><p>A history or order of events Chronicle History of events To try hard or exert oneself Very hard Strive vigorously</p><p>Something that comes about Inheritance of genes Heritage by reason of birth or inheritance What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Chronological How do you know? Number list order</p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? This source appears to be knowledgeable but upon further instruction we can see that it is just a “hubpage” which means it could contain errors and more research from more reputable sources would be needed. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: Answers will vary</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will Vary</p><p>What is the author’s purpose? Inform Kobe vs Lebron vs Jordan- RPS #25 </p><p>LeBron James (notes) did everything he could, and strained to win his first NBA championship but in the end he did not have what it takes to rank above Kobe Bryant (notes) and Michael Jordan. James said it best himself in the post-game conference, "Sometimes you have it and sometimes you don't."</p><p>LeBron James is a great player with the potential for becoming the greatest player of all time but until he can learn to play as a team player, his ability to graduate to the level of champion will remain obsolete. James looked lost in the last two games of the NBA Finals and great players learn to overcome their moments of doubt or abundance of obstacles. James did not instill the confidence of a Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant or Jerry West, and overlooked what it really took to be a champion player.</p><p>To be fair, Kobe Bryant has not won every NBA Finals series he has appeared in either. He lost to the Boston Celtics in 2008 and to the Detroit Pistons in 2004, and had to await his journey to champion status. Michael Jordan, on the other hand, played in six NBA Finals series and never lost. However, before Jordan won his first NBA championship he was known as a great player without a ring, and was looked at as the complete opposite of a pitiful player; as he had a great attitude while playing the game.</p><p>Back to James! James struggled to make a mark in the fourth quarter all series long and he failed miserably with the game on the line in more than one situation. With the difference in the game down to eight points James missed a wide open three that would have changed the game, and his skills descended from fantastic to average. There have been other legendary figures that have failed to lead the teams to multiple NBA Championships, and or gather his team together to harvest a championship ring.</p><p>The bottom line is until James wins his first NBA championship he is not in the same arena as Kobe Bryant or Michael Jordan. Many NBA experts are already placing Dirk Nowitzki (notes) ahead of James. So now would not be a good time for James to fast himself from basketball practice, or snivel with sadness and disappointment in the outcome.</p><p>James is in the same spot Michael Jordan was before he won his first NBA championship in '91 but time is running out for James to make his mark on history. If he fails to win an NBA title in the next two years his window of opportunity may close and he may end up like Charles Barkley, running from team to team looking for his elusive NBA championship.</p><p>Read more:http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=ycn-8629051 Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues No longer in use; fallen into Looked lost in the last two Obsolete disuse games/ Until he can lear to play as a team player To go from higher to lower Descend in anything From fantastic to average </p><p>Being of poor quality and or Pitiful attitude he had great attitude (opposite) To fail to notice, consider, or James did not instill the perceive confidence of Kobe….and Overlook [didn’t notice] what it really took To wait for; to look for; to He lost in 2004 and 2008 and Await expect had to a[WAIT] his journey To stretch or exert to the Strain fullest extent did everything he could A great supply; extremely Learn to overcome obstacles/ Abundance plentiful; overstock or James is facing a lot of overflow problems To gather and grow crops Harvest during their designated Gather his team seasons To distance oneself or reject Now would not be a good time all food for a given time for James to [distance] Fasting period himself from practice</p><p>To weep or cry with sniffling With sadness and disappointment Snivel</p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Compare and Contrast How do you know? The article is comparing James Lebron and other famous players</p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? This is a semi reliable source seeing as how it is from Yahoo News but it also seems to contain a lot of opinions. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: Answers will vary</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will vary</p><p>What is the author’s purpose? Persuade/Inform Waiting for the inevitable- RPS #26</p><p>Water's power unleashed its spectacular dramatic torrents through parts of the Midwest as spring planting prospects turned into summer washouts. While completely devastating, some watched as the vivid, clear waters rushed through the river.</p><p>The Missouri River and its adjacent, near-by tributaries throughout six states poured record amounts of water, covering their normal banks as if they never were there. The water was accountable for sinking those areas of land, and responsible for causing this extraordinary event. </p><p>Farmers along the river could do very little - except join in a pursuit to use their efforts to move out what they could, arrange their saved crops in a somewhat safe place, then watch and wait.</p><p>The Flood of 2011 will be known for the waiting, the destruction and the assurance that won't go away anytime soon. Some people will interpret this time as a time of much needed rain, why others will say that the meaning of the water is nothing more than destruction. </p><p>So much water is behind the dams in the river systems, waiting to be released downstream, that the flooding is expected to continue at least through the summer. The dams are no longer adjustable, and cannot be changed or fixed to prevent further flooding.</p><p>Farmers endured the mental anguish, knowing for days what was coming, seeing water cover their fields, acre by acre, row by row. Some producers said that a near-perfect early spring provided crops as good as have been seen in years, if not decades, with grain prices nearly as good. Farmers predicted people to indulge and buy all desired crops at cheap prices because of the wonderful turnout, but that would all be ruined due to the flood. </p><p>Whatever the case, authorities are asking people living in the area to not use haste in moving their belongings out of the town. They do not want the urgent chaos to bring accidents on the road.</p><p>Read more: http://www.midwestproducer.com/news/regional/waiting-for-the-inevitable-flood-waters- destroying-crops-not-expected/article11816fb4-96b7-11e0-9cb3-001cc4c002e0.html Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions below:</p><p>Word Definition Context Clues Dramatically daring or Spectacular thrilling Dramatic/Power/Unleashed</p><p>An effort to secure or obtain Pursuit Join, use efforts Quick speed; swift, urgent; Haste to be done fast they do NOT want urgent chaos to bring accidents To give into desire or to Indulge allow oneself to give in Desired</p><p>To place into a certain desired or required Arrange Move out order</p><p>To give or provide the Interpret meaning of some people, while others will say Subject to clarify or explain Accountable something according to memory or events Responsible Lying near, close to, or next Adjacent Near-by Able to be changed, altered, Cannot be changed or fixed Adjustable or flexed</p><p>Bright and intense, almost Clear Vivid clear, lively</p><p>What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? Answers will vary</p><p>What text structure is this passage? Cause and Effect How do you know? The article discusses the devastating flood and its effects. </p><p>Is this a reliable source and how do you know? Yes it is. The article is taken from an actual newspaper in the Midwest. </p><p>Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: Answers will vary</p><p>Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? Answers will Vary</p><p>What is the author’s purpose? Inform </p>
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