<p> Committee Meetings Scheduled on Friday, September 30, 2011</p><p>AAVLD Publications Committee Kristy Pabilonia, Chair Friday, September 30, 2011, 8:00 am – 10:00 am, Executive Board Room</p><p>I. Welcome and introductions II. JVDI report A. Sage as new publisher III. Newsletter report IV. Web page report V. Monographs report VI. Committee business</p><p>Parasitology Committee Lora Rickard Ballweber, Susan Schommer, Hemant Naikare, Co-chairs Friday, September 30, 2010, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Wright Room</p><p>8-8:10 Introduction and sign-in (8-8:10) 8:10 – 9:30 Lack of efficacy claims and heartworm serologic testing 1. Introduction - Ballweber 2. Antigen tests – Ballweber, Payne 3. Microfilarial tests - Payne 9:30 – 10:00 “Trich” testing 1. Update on round-robin testing - Ballweber 2. Update on field project - Effinger 3. Pouch condition on receipt and effect on PCR – Clothier 10:00 – 10:15 Break 10:15 – 11:30 Continue trich discussion 11:30 – 12:00 Miscellaneous 1. Parasitology board certification through American College of Veterinary Microbiologists</p><p>AAVLD – NAHLN Toxicology Working Group – 8:00-10:00am; Grand Ballroom A</p><p>AAVLD Epidemiology Committee Alberta Rovira, Suzanne Gibbons-Burgener, Co-chairs Friday, September 30, 2011, 10:00 am – noon, Ontario Room</p><p>1. Utilizing VDL data for spatial and geographical analyses</p><p> a. Bioportal demo</p><p> b. Collaborating with regulatory agencies</p><p>2. Molecular Epidemiology opportunities</p><p>3. Adapting assays to new matrices and species AAVLD Laboratory Emergency Management Committee Anne Parkinson, Chair, Wade Northington, Co-chair September 30th, 2011, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon, Grand Ballroom A</p><p>10:00 am-10:15am Welcome Introductions Sign-In Sheet 10:15 am–10:30am Committee Business Review of minutes from last committee meeting 10:30 am–11:30 am Presentations – Topics Dr. Jim Wall, Information Analysis Theme Leader for the Foreign Animal and Zoonotic Disease Center of Excellence Dr. Sarah Tomlinson, Associate Coordinator, NAHLN Additional speakers TBA 11:30am-Noon Wrap-up/Discussion Q&A Panel All speakers</p><p>AAVLD Virology Committee Yan Zhang, Richard Hesse, Co-chairs Friday, September 30th, 1:00-4:00pm, Grand Ballroom E</p><p>1:00-1:30 Announcements and presentation of the Pioneers in Virology Award to Drs. Fred Scott and Skip Carmichael 1:30-2:10 Dr. Barbra Drolet. The Virology and Vector Biology of Bluetongue. USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Arthropod-Borne Animal Diseases Research Unit, Center for Grain and Animal Health Research, Manhattan, KS 2:10-2:50 Dr. William Wilson. One Health –One World Approaches to Detection and Control of Rift Valley Fever. USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Arthropod-Borne Animal Diseases Research Unit, Center for Grain and Animal Health Research, Manhattan, KS 2:50-3:05 Break 3:05-3:45 Dr. Manuel Borca. African Swine Fever Update. USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Plum Island Foreign Animal Disease Center 3:45-4:00 Loose ends—open forum. Adjournment</p><p>AAVLD Quality Assurance Committee Pat Lukens, Chair Friday, September 30, 2011, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Grand Ballroom A</p><p>1. Welcome 2. AAVLD Accreditation Committee Update and answers to questions 3. NAHLN QMS Training Report / NAHLN Update 4. NVSL Update 5. Guidance Documents a. Update on Best Practice document for Corrective and Preventive Actions b. Update on Guidance / Training document for AAVLD Requirements 6. Corrective Actions – Wayne Chittick, Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory 7. Panel – Question and Answer Forum to answer questions regarding issues about Traceability, supplier qualification/auditing, ongoing competency, etc. with: David Korcal: Quality Assurance Manager, Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health, Michigan State University and Instructor for NAHLN QMS Training Laura Torchin, Quality Systems Manager, California Animal Health & Food Safety Laboratory System, University of California Davis and Instructor for NALHN QMS Training Joseph Kellum, Quality Assurance Manager, Mississippi Veterinary Research & Diagnostic Laboratory, Mississippi State University and Instructor for NAHLN QMS Training Patricia Lukens, Quality Systems Manager, Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Washington State University and Instructor for NAHLN QMS Training 8. Categorizing errors and trend analysis – Rebecca Davies, Director Quality Central, Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, University of Minnesota 9. Setting and Keeping Deadlines for Quality Processes! – Laura Bouwens, Systemwide Quality Analyst, California Animal Health & Food Safety Laboratory System, University of California Davis 10. QMS On-Line Training – Patricia Lukens 11. Ideas for the 2012 QA Symposium 12. Close meeting</p><p>AAVLD – Informatics Committee – 1:00-5:00pm; Wright.</p><p>AAVLD Bacteriology/Mycology Sub-Committee Amy Swinford, Carol Maddox, Co-chairs Friday, September 30, 2011 at 2:00 pm, Grand Ballroom B</p><p>1. Presentation of 2011 Internal Bacteriology Quality Assurance Survey 2. Discussion of possible future direction for IBQAS 3. Discussion of topics for future mini-symposia 4. AAVLD Bacteriology & Mycology QA/QC Guidelines on the AAVLD Website 5. Elections: Co-chair of the Bacteriology Steering Committee 6. Reminder: Contributions to the Walker Award for Best Student Bacteriology Presentation 7. Presentation of the TREK Award 8. Tribute to Dr. Lindsay Oaks</p><p>Enteric Disease Committee, AAVLD Francisco Uzal, Chair Friday September 30th, 3 pm-5.30 pm, Grand Ballroom B </p><p>3:00 pm-3:05 pm. Welcome and introductory note. Francisco Uzal. California Animal Health and Food Safety, UC Davis</p><p>3:05 pm-3:45 pm. Equine intestinal diseases: twenty five years playing with horse guts. Fabio Del Piero. University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, Pathobiology – PADLS.</p><p>3:45 pm-4:15 pm. A review of enteric pathology in bleeding calf syndrome. Sandra Scholes. Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency, Edinburgh, Scotland. </p><p>4:15 pm-4:30 pm. Unusual presentation of Salmonella Dublin disease in a breeding bitch linked (potentially) to a raw diet component. Patrick L. McDonough. Animal Health Diagnostic Center, Cornell University. </p><p>4:30 pm-4:45 pm. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis enterotyphlocolitis in goats. Federico Giannitti. California Animal Health and Food Safety, University of California, Davis.</p><p>4:45 pm-5:05 pm. Clostridial enteritis: enteric pathology for dummies. Melissa Behr. Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, Madison. </p><p>5:05 pm-5:20 pm. Equine intestinal encephalopathy in horses. Fabio Del Piero. University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, Pathobiology – PADLS. 5:20 pm-5:30 pm. Species characterization and minimum inhibitory concentration patterns of Brachyspira species isolates from swine with clinical disease. Kristin Clothier. California Animal Health and Food Safety, University of California, Davis.</p><p>AAVLD Food Safety Committee Suzanne Gibbons-Burgener, Lisa Ramsey, Co-chairs Friday, September 30, 2011, 3:00-5:00 pm, Superior Room</p><p>1. Presentation about food safety in catfish by Dr. Otis Miller: </p><p>U.S. Department of Agriculture 2008-2010: Analysis of Heavy Metals, Veterinary Drugs and Congeners in 1478 Catfish Samples from Retail Markets in the United States</p><p>2. Member updates regarding 2010-2011 Foodborne outbreaks related to foods of animal origin. We ask that members bring and share information about outbreaks from their region.</p><p>3. Plan 2012 Toxicological Food Safety Symposium</p><p>AAVLD Technology Committee Kathy Kurth, Beate Crossley, Co-chairs Friday, September 30th, 2011, 4 pm - 6pm, Grant Ballroom E</p><p>1. Dr Kirkland, Australia presentation (30min), topic ‘Equine Influenza outbreak in Australia with specific focus on molecular testing capabilities’. 2. Introduction of committee work (Kurth/Crossley) a. Guidelines for PCR sections in AAVLD accredited laboratories b. 3 documents covering lab set-up, sample acquisition and appropriate controls c. Introduce fourth document – recommended validation processes (de novo validation, method comparison, verification) for 2012 committee work 2. Discussion guided by power point presentation a. Laboratory set-up for successful PCR work b. Sample acquisition guidelines c. Quality controls 3. Closing statement (Kurth/Crossley) </p><p>Documents are available before the meeting on AAVLD webpage, as a hand-out at the meeting and are presented by power point format to guide audience during discussion. </p><p>JVDI Editorial Board Jeremiah Saliki, Chair Friday, September 30th, 4:00-6:00 pm, Ontario</p><p>1) Welcome and Introductions 2) Editor’s report 3) Matters arising from Editor’s report: a. Transition to SAGE Publications: innovations and issues b. Input from Board members – any desired improvements? 4) Editorial direction – any suggestions from the Board? 5) Other matters Constitution, Bylaws and Resolutions Committee David Steffen, Chair Friday, September 30th, 5pm - 6pm, Directors Row IV</p><p>1. Bylaws changes proposed 2. Resolution review (if needed)</p><p>AAVLD – Foundation Committee – Immediately following auction (9:00-9:30pm); Great Lakes Board Room</p><p>Committee Meetings Scheduled on Saturday, October 1, 2011</p><p>AAVLD – Membership Committee 2:00-1:00pm; Executive Board Room.</p><p>USAHA/AAVLD – Committee on Diagnostic Laboratory and Veterinary Workforce Development 1:00-5:00pm; Sullivan</p><p>AAVLD – Administrative Management Personnel Committee 1:00-5:00pm; Michigan</p><p>AAVLD/ USAHA Joint Committee on Animal Emergency Management Co-chairs: Marilyn Simunich (AAVLD/USAHA) & Nick Striegel (USAHA) Saturday, October 1, 2011, 8:00 am – 1:00 pm, Grand Ballroom C </p><p>8:00 Welcome; recap of 2010 resolution & responses; business meeting time and quorum required; mission statement Dr. Marilyn Simunich, CAEM Co-Chair</p><p>8:05 USDA/APHIS/VS Emergency Management & Diagnostics Program Update - Jose’ R. Diez, Associate Deputy Administrator, USDA-APHIS-Veterinary Services (VS), National Center for Animal Health Emergency Management Critical Mass for Animal Health Emergency Response - Jack Shere, USDA-APHIS- VS</p><p>8:30 Cross Border Collaboration Issues & Action Items - Jane Rooney, USDA-APHIS- Veterinary Services (VS), NCAHEM</p><p>9:00 Canadian Partner Collaboration Francine Lord - Director, Terrestrial Animal Health Division and Deputy CVO Directrice - Ontario, Canada & Debbie Barr, TAHD</p><p>9:50 BREAK (10 minutes)</p><p>10:00 National Veterinary Stockpile Progress & USDA/Navajo Nation Exercise Lee Myers, USDA- APHIS-Veterinary Services (VS), NCAHEM 10:25 Cross-species Communication Team - Cindy Cunningham, National Pork Board </p><p>10:45 Secure Milk Supply Plan in NE USA - Continuity of Business Planning for the Dairy Industry developed by: Center for Food Security and Public Health (CFSPH), Iowa State University University of California, Davis Center for Animal Health and Food Safety (CAHFS), University of Minnesota - Don Hoenig, State Veterinarian - Maine</p><p>11:05 FAZD ERSS Outbreak Tool & NAHLN Capabilities and Surge Capacity – Jim Wall/ Tammy Beckham - DHS Foreign Animal and Zoonotic Disease Defense Center, Texas A&M University System.</p><p>11:30 Panel Discussion – Jose Diez, Jack Shere, Jane Rooney, Francine Lord, Debbie Barr, Lee Myers, Cindy Cunningham, Don Hoenig, Tammy Beckham</p><p>~ OVER ~</p><p>12:00 PetNET (Pet Event Tracking Network) Launch – Renate Reimschuessel, FDA, Center for Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Laboratory Response Network (Vet-LRN).</p><p>12:15 APHIS, Animal Care Emergency Management Projects & Update Dr. Kevin Dennison, Western Region Emergency Programs Manager, USDA-APHIS- Animal Care</p><p>12:30 Discussion of Resolutions and Recommendations Committee</p><p>12:45 Vote on Resolutions and Recommendations Committee </p><p>12:55 Meeting schedule and objectives for 2011 - 2012 Committee Monthly conference calls will remain the LAST Thursday of each month No call in the same month as the AAVLD/ USAHA meeting NO Dec 2010 conference call; we’ll resume calls the LAST Thursday of January</p><p>1:00 ADJOURN</p><p>Mission Statement - Committee on Animal Emergency Management </p><p>The Joint Committee on Animal Emergency Management provides a national forum for the discussion and exchange of information pertaining to the management of emergencies involving animals, including incursions of foreign or exotic animal disease. The committee members and agency liaison representatives review and analyze animal emergency management issues and activities with the goal of further integration of prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery plans between federal, state, and agriculture animal industry partners. In addressing issues and concerns that may affect animal emergency preparedness or response, the committee may make recommendations to influence policy of government, academic, research, or industry groups by proposing actions to reduce the potential of adverse effects of animal emergencies on the U.S. animal agriculture industry. Joint Committee on Environment and Toxicology Dr. Wilson Rumbeiha and Dr. Gary Osweiler, Co-chairs Saturday, October 1, 2011, 3:30 pm – 6:30 pm, Wright Room</p><p>3:30 – 3:35 Welcome and introductions – Wilson Rumbeiha, VDPAM, Iowa State University 3:35 – 4:05 Vet-LRN—CVM’s Laboratory Response Network—Year 1 update. Renate Reimschuessel FDA/CVM 4:05 –4:15 Practical Aspects of Ergot Contaminated Feeds. Tim Evans, Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, University of Missouri, Columbia. 4:15 – 4:30 Roll call: Mycotoxin reporting from the states—Wilson Rumbeiha, VDPAM, Iowa State University 4:30 – 6:00 Old Business 4:30--5:00 Report of the Mission Statement Subcommittee—Bob Poppenga, California Animal Health & Food Safety Laboratory 5:00--5:15 Break 5:15--5:45 Report of the Proficiency Testing Subcommittee and update on the newly relocated Toxicology Working Group—Steve Hooser, Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab, Purdue University 5:45 --6:00 Survey results of State reporting requirements for toxicology—Jeffery Hall, Utah State University 6:00--6:30 New Business Note: The old business portion of the agenda will be extensive due to subcommittee assignments and reports generated at the 2010 meeting. This is part of the continuing development of the new USAHA/AAVLD Joint Committee on Environment and Toxicology</p><p>AAVLD Bacteriology Steering Committee Carol Maddox, Deep Tewari, Co-chairs Saturday, October 1, 2011, 8:30 pm – 10:00 pm, Executive Board Room</p><p>1. Report of the Bacteriology/Mycology Sub-Committee 2. Report of the Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Sub Committee 3. Walker/Oaks Student presentation Awards 4. Inter-laboratory Bacteriology Quality Assurance Survey 5. Mini-Symposium report and future plans 6. Bacteriology Case Review Report 7. Bacteriology/Mycology List Serve 8. Other items</p><p>AAVLD Government Relations Committee Meeting Bruce Akey, Barb Powers – Co-chairs Saturday, October 1, 2011, 3:30 – 5:30 pm, Olmsted</p><p>Legislative Updates – AVMA/GRD, AAVMC Ashley Shelton, Brian Smith FDA:CVM VetLRN Development Renate Reimschussel Select Agent Rule Changes USDA USDA:VS Budget/Program Changes Affecting Labs Beth Lautner/ Barbara Martin VS 2015? USDA: NIFA Update Mark Robinson NBAF Update USDA/DHS</p><p>AAVLD/NAHLN Laboratory Directors' Meeting Lanny Pace, Barb Martin, Co-chairs Saturday, October 1, 2011, 5:30-7:30pm, Superior Room</p><p>1. Inter-laboratory MOUs 2. Status of NIFA funding 3. AAVLD lobbying efforts 4. NAHLN Coordinating Council update including NAHLN strategic planning and network models 5. NAHLN Portal 6. NAHLN Capacity estimation software 7. Quality Management System distance learning modules 8. AAVLD Accreditation Committee update 9. Proposed changes in the select agent rule</p><p>Committee Meetings Scheduled on Sunday, October 2, 2011</p><p>AAVLD – Administrative Management Personnel Committee - 8:00am-12:00pm; Olmstead. </p><p>AAVLD – Pathology Committee – 12:00-2:00pm; Grand Ballroom A. </p><p>USAHA/AAVLD – Committee on National Animal Health Laboratory Network – 12:00-3:00pm; Grand Ballroom B.</p><p>USAHA/AAVLD – Committee on Aquaculture – 12:30-5:30pm; Superior.</p><p>AAVLD Laboratory Safety Committee Jim Roberts, Chair Sunday, October 2, 2011, 1 – 5 pm, Michigan Room</p><p>. Welcome and Introductions . Committee Membership and Direction . University Laboratory Safety Accreditation – One Approach . Round Table Discussion (Topic Buffet) . TBD</p><p>USAHA/AAVLD Joint Committee on Animal Health Surveillance and Information Systems François Elvinger and Lisa Becton, co-chairs Sunday, October 2, 3:00-6:00pm, Ontario Room</p><p>3:00 Introduction - Lisa Becton, François Elvinger 3:10 The State of the National Animal Health Surveillance System - Aaron Scott, CEAH:NSU 3:35 NAHRS update; National List of Reportable Animal Diseases - Stan Bruntz, CEAH:NSU 4:00 Changes Needed in Diagnostic Laboratory Information Systems and Data Collection to Facilitate Surveillance - discussion led by Bruce Akey, AHDL Cornell 5:00 Adapting sampling strategies to diagnostic test characteristics and outcome interpretation based on sampling strategy - discussion led by François Elvinger 5:30 Committee Business / Action Sunsetting the Subcommittee on NAHSS OIE Chapter reviews Resolution on the US National List of Reportable Animal Diseases (NLRAD) Other</p><p>AAVLD Proficiency Test Committee Co-chairs Mike McIntosh and Eileen Ostlund Sunday, October 2 – 3:00-5:00pm, Directors Row IV</p><p>PT Committee Mission: 1) Bring transparency in the PT process 2) Have AAVLD input in the PT process for process improvement 3) Guide and aid development of new PTs to help AAVLD lab-community. </p><p> Housekeeping:</p><p> o Attendance/Introductions</p><p> o Update emailing list</p><p> o Nomination and election of replacement Co-chair for Mike McIntosh (3yr Term ending)</p><p> Proficiency test (PT) offerings update (open topics-news on PT programs):</p><p> o NVSL offerings updates</p><p> o NVSL-FADDL offerings updates </p><p> o Status of NVSL / NVSL-FADDL Proficiency Testing ISO accreditation efforts</p><p> Round Table Discussion Topics:</p><p> o NVSL/AAVLD accreditation requirements </p><p> o PT panel composition </p><p> o PT data collection and reporting</p><p> o Imported Check Tests</p><p> o AAVLD-hosted round-robins / inter-laboratory surveys</p><p> o Topics from the Attendees</p><p>Strategic Planning Committee Grant Maxie and Gary Anderson, Co-chairs Sunday, October 2nd, 3:00-6:00pm, Olmsted</p><p>1. Feedback from the AAVLD Executive Board on progress on the Action Items in the 2010-2013 Strategic Plan. 2. Further direction from the EB. 3. Other business.</p><p>Committee Meetings Scheduled on Monday, October 3, 2011</p><p>AAVLD – Committee Chairs and Program Committee – 1:30-3:30pm; Olmstead.</p>
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