<p> Skills Programmes: Credit Bearing </p><p>The following credit bearing course are offered. These courses are aligned with the unit standards as indicated</p><p>Fundamentals: Mathematics</p><p>Course SAQA Credit Unit Standard Title Level duration ID s (days) Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the 7469 2 2 1 financial aspects of personal and community life Demonstrate understanding of rational and 7480 2 3 2 irrational numbers and number systems Work with a range of patterns and functions and 9007 2 5 2 solve problems Identify, describe, compare, classify, explore shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional shapes in 9008 2 3 2 different contexts Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of data and procedures in 9009 2 3 2 order to investigate life related problems</p><p>Fundamentals: Language</p><p>Course SAQA Credit Unit Standard Title Level duration ID s (days) Maintain and adapt oral communication 8962 2 5 2 Access and use information from texts 8963 2 5 2 Write for a defined context 8964 2 5 2 Respond to selected literary texts 8966 2 5 2 Use language and communication in occupational 8967 2 5 2 learning programmes</p><p>Fundamentals: Other</p><p>Course SAQA Credit Unit Standard Title Level duration ID s (days) Applying basic business principles 8000 3 9 5 Care for handtools, utensils and protective 8182 1 2 1 Guest Resource Services, PO Box 54208, NINAPARK, 0156 Tel (012) 542 1358, Fax (012) 542 1462 E-mail: [email protected] CK no. 96/21269/23 www.guestresources.net equipment Demonstrate basic knowledge of computers 9532 3 6 3</p><p>Life Skills</p><p>Course SAQA Credit Unit Standard Title Level duration ID s (days) Care for Customers 8600 4 3 2 Manage work time effectively 9530 3 3 2 Coach learners 9926 3 10 4 Facilitate targeted skills development. 9956 4 14 5 Work as a project team member 10135 4 8 4 Complete feasibility and commissioning reports 12488 3 3 2 Deal with safety, health and environmental 13222 2 4 2 emergencies in the workplace Apply safety, health and environmental protection 13223 3 6 3 procedures Maintain basic safety, health and environmental 14792 1 10 5 issues Assist with tasks related to marketing, market 115409 3 7 4 research and promotions</p><p>Management Skills</p><p>We offer the following three complete qualifications. Each unit standard is also offered as a short course or skills program. Course durations refer to standalone credit bearing short course - not applicable when a learner enrols for the full qualification (e.g. on a learnership).</p><p>National Certificate: Management; SAQA QUAL ID: 23654; NQF level 3</p><p>Course SAQA Credit Unit Standard Title Level duration ID s (days) Core Unit Standards Apply knowledge of self and team in order to 13912 3 5 3 develop a plan to enhance team performance Conduct a formal meeting 13914 3 3 3 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of 13915 3 4 2 HIV/AIDS in a workplace, and its effects on a </p><p>Guest Resource Services, PO Box 54208, NINAPARK, 0156 Tel (012) 542 1358, Fax (012) 542 1462 E-mail: [email protected] CK no. 96/21269/23 www.guestresources.net Course SAQA Credit Unit Standard Title Level duration ID s (days) business sub-sector, own organisation and a specific workplace Identify and keep the records that a team manager 13916 3 4 2 is responsible for keeping Indicate the role of a team leader ensuring that a 13917 3 6 3 team meets an organisation’s standards Induct a new member into a team 13911 3 3 2 Interpret current affairs related to a specific 14665 3 10 3 business sector Investigate and explain the structure of a selected 13919 3 10 3 workplace or organisation Manage time and the work process in a business 13918 3 4 2 environment Describe and apply the management functions of an 14667 4 10 5 organization Motivate a team 13947 4 6 3 Electives * Apply knowledge of self in order to make a life 11813 2 3 2 decision Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the rights and responsibilities of the individual under 11816 2 2 1 the South African Constitution Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the structures that reinforce and support human rights 11817 2 3 2 in South Africa Demonstrate the ability to use electronic mail 7571 2 3 1 software to send and receive messages Produce and use spreadsheets for business 7567 3 5 1 Produce presentation documents for business 7575 3 5 1 Produce word processing documents for business 7570 3 5 1 Demonstrate ability to use the World Wide Web 7573 2 3 1 Fundamentals Accommodate audience and context needs in oral 8968 3 5 2 communication Demonstrate an understanding of the use of 9010 3 2 1 different number bases and measurement units and an awareness of error in the context of relevant calculations</p><p>Guest Resource Services, PO Box 54208, NINAPARK, 0156 Tel (012) 542 1358, Fax (012) 542 1462 E-mail: [email protected] CK no. 96/21269/23 www.guestresources.net Course SAQA Credit Unit Standard Title Level duration ID s (days) Describe, apply, analyse and calculate shape and 9013 3 4 2 motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts Interpret and use information from texts 8969 3 5 2 Investigate life and work related problems using 9012 3 5 2 data and probabilities Use language and communication in occupational 8973 3 5 2 learning programmes Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the 7456 3 5 2 financial aspects of personal, business and national issues Write texts for a range of communicative contexts 8970 3 5 2</p><p>* Elective Unit Standards to a minimum of 19 credits required.</p><p>National Certificate: Management; SAQA ID: 23656; NQF level 4</p><p>Course SAQA Credit Unit Standard Title Level duration ID s (days) Core Apply technical knowledge and skill to align business 13949 4 5 3 unit performance to business goals Apply the budget function in a business unit 13941 4 5 3 Contribute to information distribution regarding 8555 4 4 2 HIV/AIDS in the workplace Demonstrate a basic understanding of the role of a business strategy in managing a small business or a 13942 4 5 3 business unit Demonstrate basic understanding of the Primary 13952 4 8 4 labour legislation that impacts on a business unit Demonstrate knowledge and application of ethical 13940 4 4 2 conduct in a business environment Describe and apply the management functions of an 14667 4 10 5 organization (AKA Junior Management Course) Describe and apply the management of stock and 13945 4 2 1 fixed assets in a business unit Describe the relationship of junior management to 13944 4 5 3</p><p>Guest Resource Services, PO Box 54208, NINAPARK, 0156 Tel (012) 542 1358, Fax (012) 542 1462 E-mail: [email protected] CK no. 96/21269/23 www.guestresources.net Course SAQA Credit Unit Standard Title Level duration ID s (days) the general management function Interpret basic financial statements 10388 4 3 2 Manage risk in own work/business environment 13954 4 5 3 Motivate a team 13947 4 6 3 Negotiate an agreement or deal in an authentic 13948 4 5 3 work situation Elective ** Apply knowledge of self and team in order to 13912 3 5 3 develop a plan to enhance team performance Conduct a formal meeting 13914 3 3 3 Identify and keep the records that a team manager 13916 3 4 2 is responsible for keeping Indicate the role of a team leader ensuring that a 13917 3 6 3 team meets an organisation’s standards Induct a new member into a team 13911 3 3 2 Investigate and explain the structure of a selected 13919 3 10 3 workplace or organisation Manage time and the work process in a business 13918 3 4 2 environment Produce and use spreadsheets for business 7567 3 5 1 Produce presentation documents for business 7575 3 5 1 Produce word processing documents for business 7570 3 5 1 Analyse new developments reported in the media 13943 4 10 3 that could impact on a business sector or industry Apply technical knowledge and skill in order to manage risk in occupational health and occupational 13950 4 8 3 hygiene Apply the principles of situational leadership to a 13953 4 5 3 business unit Develop a business plan for a small business 10385 4 5 3 Investigate the possibilities of establishing and 10386 4 3 2 running a small business enterprise (SMME) Fundamental Accommodate audience and context needs in oral 8968 3 5 2 communication Interpret a variety of literary texts 8972 3 5 2 Interpret and use information from texts 8969 3 5 2 Write texts for a range of communicative 8970 3 5 2 Guest Resource Services, PO Box 54208, NINAPARK, 0156 Tel (012) 542 1358, Fax (012) 542 1462 E-mail: [email protected] CK no. 96/21269/23 www.guestresources.net Course SAQA Credit Unit Standard Title Level duration ID s (days) contexts Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate 9015 4 6 2 findings on life related problems Engage in sustained oral communication and 8974 4 5 2 evaluate spoken texts Measure, estimate & calculate physical quantities & explore, critique & prove geometrical relationships 12417 4 4 2 in 2 and 3 dimensional space in the life and workplace of adult with increasing responsibilities Read analyse and respond to a variety of texts 8975 4 5 2 Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and 7468 4 6 2 international issues Use the writing process to compose texts required 12153 4 5 2 in the business environment Write for a wide range of contexts 8976 4 5 2</p><p>** Elective Unit Standards to a minimum of 21 credits.</p><p>Guest Resource Services, PO Box 54208, NINAPARK, 0156 Tel (012) 542 1358, Fax (012) 542 1462 E-mail: [email protected] CK no. 96/21269/23 www.guestresources.net National Certificate: Generic Project Management; SAQA ID: 21160; NQF level 4</p><p>Course SAQA Credit Unit Standard Title Level duration ID s (days) Core Provide assistance in implementing and assuring project work is conducted in accordance with the 10150 3 6 3 project quality plan Apply a range of project management tools 10140 4 8 4 Conduct project documentation management to 10137 4 6 3 support project processes Contribute to project initiation, scope definition 13835 4 9 4 and scope change control Contribute to the management of project risk 10141 4 5 3 within own field of expertise Fulfil procurement activities and supervise 10142 4 8 4 procurement administration Identify, organise and co-ordinate project life 10131 4 5 3 cycle phases for control purposes Identify, suggest and implement corrective actions 10144 4 6 3 to improve quality Implement project administration processes 10139 4 5 3 according to requirements Monitor, evaluate and communicate project 10143 4 4 2 schedules Participate in the estimation and preparation of cost budgets for an element of work and monitor 10134 4 6 3 and control actual cost against budget Plan, organise and support project meetings and 10136 4 4 2 workshops Schedule project activities to facilitate effective 10133 4 8 4 project execution Work as a project team member 10135 4 8 4 Evaluate and improve the project team’s 14214 5 8 4 performance Electives Supervise a project team of a business project to 10148 5 14 5 deliver project objectives Supervise a project team of a developmental 10146 5 14 5 project to deliver project objectives </p><p>Guest Resource Services, PO Box 54208, NINAPARK, 0156 Tel (012) 542 1358, Fax (012) 542 1462 E-mail: [email protected] CK no. 96/21269/23 www.guestresources.net Course SAQA Credit Unit Standard Title Level duration ID s (days) Supervise a project team of a technical project to 10147 5 14 5 deliver project objectives Support the project environment and activities to 10149 5 14 5 deliver project objectives Fundamentals Accommodate audience and context needs in oral 8968 3 5 3 communication Interpret and use information from texts 8969 3 5 3 Use language and communication in occupational 8973 3 5 3 learning programmes Write texts for a range of communicative 8970 3 5 3 contexts Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate 9015 4 6 3 findings on life related problems Engage in sustained oral communication and 8974 4 5 3 evaluate spoken texts Measure, estimate & calculate physical quantities & explore, critique & prove geometrical relationships 12417 4 4 2 in 2 and 3 dimensional space in the life and workplace of adult with increasing responsibilities Read analyse and respond to a variety of texts 8975 4 5 3 Use language and communication in occupational 8979 4 5 3 learning programmes Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and 7468 4 6 3 international issues Write for a wide range of contexts 8976 4 5 3</p><p>Non-credit bearing short courses</p><p> Intercultural programme Interpersonal effectiveness Assertiveness Excellent customer service (Phase 1-3) Telephone etiquette (Phase 1-2) Stress management Conflict management</p><p>Guest Resource Services, PO Box 54208, NINAPARK, 0156 Tel (012) 542 1358, Fax (012) 542 1462 E-mail: [email protected] CK no. 96/21269/23 www.guestresources.net Labour relations Public speaking Strategic planning The value of a positive self-image Interviewing skills Disciplinary hearings Speed-reading Northern- Sotho: Survival Skills Teambuilding</p><p>Guest Resource Services, PO Box 54208, NINAPARK, 0156 Tel (012) 542 1358, Fax (012) 542 1462 E-mail: [email protected] CK no. 96/21269/23 www.guestresources.net Computer/Software Skills</p><p>Course Course duration (days) Introduction to PCs and Windows 1 Internet 1 12 Weekly Corel Draw & Photopaint Sessions MS Word Introduction to MS Word 1 MS Word Intermediate 2 MS Word Advanced 2 MS Excel Introduction to MS Excel 1 MS Excel Intermediate 2 MS Excel Advanced 2 MS Powerpoint Introduction to Powerpoint 1 Powerpoint Intermediate 2 MS Powerpoint Advanced 2 MS Outlook Introduction to Outlook: e-mail 1 MS Outlook Intermediate 1 MS Access Introduction to MS Access 1 MS Access Intermediate 2</p><p>Guest Resource Services, PO Box 54208, NINAPARK, 0156 Tel (012) 542 1358, Fax (012) 542 1462 E-mail: [email protected] CK no. 96/21269/23 www.guestresources.net</p>
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