<p> COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>A. READING OF THE PRAYER B. APOLOGIES C. ADOPTION AND CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 63 OF THE ACT AND CLAUSE 424 D. DISCLOSURE BY COUNCILLORS OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 79 OF THE ACT1 E. QUESTIONS TO COUNCIL FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC F. CORRESPONDENCE G. QUESTIONS TO COUNCIL OFFICERS FROM COUNCILLORS H. TABLING OF PETITIONS AND JOINT LETTERS I. NOTICE OF MOTION J. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES K. REPORTS OF DELEGATES L. GENERAL BUSINESS 1. PLANNING APPLICATIONS</p><p>1.1 planning application 0922/12 - 4 martin court, toorak - construction of two dwellings on a lot in a residential 1 zone</p><p>1.2 Planning Application 0870/12 - 92 Finch Street, Malvern East – Partial Demolition And Subsequent Extension To A Dwelling Within A Heritage Overlay</p><p>2. PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT C167 – CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING PANEL AND ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT</p><p>3. PLANNING ZONE REFORMS – IMPLEMENTATION AND CONSULTATION</p><p>4. CONFIRMATION OF DELEGATIONS OF THE INNER MELBOURNE ACTION PLAN (IMAP) IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE</p><p>5. DRAFT STONNINGTON CAR SHARE POLICY</p><p>6. CITY OF STONNINGTON ROAD MANAGEMENT PLAN – REVIEW 2013 – FORMAL REVIEW AS REQUIRED BY ROAD MANAGEMENT ACT 2004</p><p>7. EASTERN ALLIANCE FOR GREENHOUSE ACTION; COUNCILLOR MEMBERSHIP</p><p>8. DOMESTIC ANIMAL MANAGEMENT PLAN</p><p>9. SHERIDAN PAVILION REDEVELOPMENT – PLAQUE APPROVAL</p><p>10. INTERNAL AUDIT STRATEGIC AUDIT PLAN 2013 - 2018</p><p>11. ACQUITTAL OF SEED FUNDING FOR DULDIG STUDIO</p><p>12. PROPOSAL TO NAME A LANE</p><p>13. OTHER GENERAL BUSINESS</p><p>M. URGENT BUSINESS N. CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS 1. CONFIDENTIAL AMENDMENT C184 2. STRATEGIES FOR CREATING OPEN SPACE</p><p>1 Note that s.79(1)(a) of the Act requires Councillors to disclose the nature of a conflict of interest immediately before the relevant consideration or discussion.</p><p>Page 1 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>3. REGIONAL KITCHEN PTY NON RENOUNCEABLE SHARE ISSUE</p><p>Page 2 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>PRESENT : CR MATTHEW KOCE, MAYOR : CR JOHN CHANDLER (7.06PM) : CR ERIN DAVIE : CR SAM HIBBINS : CR JAMI KLISARIS : CR MELINA SEHR : CR ADRIAN STUBBS : CR JOHN MCMORROW : CR CLAUDE ULLIN</p><p>COUNCIL OFFICERS PRESENT : WARREN ROBERTS, CEO : GEOFF COCKRAM : CONNIE GIBBONS : SIMON THOMAS : KAREN WATSON : STUART DRAFFIN : AUGARETTE MALKI : FABIENNE THEWLIS</p><p>Page 3 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>Fabienne Thewlis, Manager Governance & Corporate Support, read the following reconciliation statement: We acknowledge that we are meeting on the traditional land of the Boonwurrung and Wurundjeri people and offer our respects to the elders past and present. We recognise and respect the cultural heritage of this land.</p><p>A. Reading of the Prayer</p><p>The meeting began with a prayer at 7.03pm.</p><p>The Mayor, Cr Koce, introduced Councillors and the CEO, Warren Roberts, to the meeting. The CEO introduced Council Officers to the meeting. </p><p>B. Apologies Nil</p><p>C. Adoption and Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meetings in accordance with Section 63 of the Act and Clause 423 of General Local Law (2008) No 1</p><p>MOTION: MOVED CR MCMORROW SECONDED CR STUBBS</p><p>That the Council confirms the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Stonnington City Council held on 24 June 2013 and Minutes of the Confidential Meeting of the Stonnington City Council held on 24 June 2013 as an accurate record of the proceedings. Carried</p><p>D. Disclosure by Councillors of any conflicts of interest in accordance with Section 79 of the Act</p><p>Nil</p><p>E. Questions to Council from Members of the Public</p><p>The Mayor, Cr Koce, read the following statement:</p><p>During Council’s previous Ordinary Meeting one set of Questions to Council was received fro m members of the public.</p><p>One question from Ms Ann Reid relating to: Traffic counts in Chanak, Clarence and Finch Streets, Malvern East</p><p>At the time I used my discretion under Council’s General Local Law not to answer the questions at the meeting. As required under the Local Law, written answers were subsequently provided to the submitter.</p><p>For tonight’s Ordinary Meeting of Council no set of Questions to Council has been received for response. </p><p>Cr Chandler entered the meeting at 7.06pm.</p><p>Page 4 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>F. Correspondence – (only if related to council business) Cr Davie tabled the following correspondence:</p><p> An email (30.6.13) from the Vice-President, The Duldig Gallery Inc., in relation to Item 11 - Acquittal of Seed Funding for Duldig Studio, giving a history of the agreement between Council and The Duldig Studio, and raising issues in relation to the Council Officer report. </p><p>Cr Ullin tabled the following correspondence:</p><p> An email (25.6.13) from a resident of Malvern expressing concern about the proposed seat outside the Malvern Town Hall on the grounds of the likelihood of bird droppings dirtying the seat on a regular basis.</p><p> Correspondence in relation to Planning Application 0891/12 – 781-805 & 807 Dandenong Road: An email (25.6.13) from a resident of John Street, Malvern East, and an objector to the application, endorsing the request of the Malvern East Group (MEG) that Council employ an expert witness in Planning in addition to an expert in Urban Design to strengthen Council’s case at VCAT. An email (26.6.13) from residents of Boardman Street, Malvern East, strongly supporting the requests made by MEG and asking Councillors to support community opposition to the development. </p><p> An email already tabled in relation to Item 11 - Acquittal of Seed Funding for Duldig Studio.</p><p> A letter (30.6.13) from the Chairman, 2nd Malvern Scout Group, on behalf of the Parents’ Committee in response to a Council email. The letter opposes Council’s decision in relation to the Scout Hall at Milton Gray Reserve; notes the opposition of a large number of residents to the decision and the Hall’s importance to local children; and asks Council to reconsider its decision.</p><p>Cr Koce tabled the following correspondence:</p><p> A brochure advertising ‘Pictures: Imagining Through Music’, a program of music to be presented by the Melbourne Rainbow Band.</p><p>Cr Chandler noted that he had been unavoidably detained, entering the meeting after Item D - Disclosure by Councillors of any Conflicts of Interest in accordance with Section 79 of the Act. He declared an Indirect Conflict of Interest – Close Association in relation to Item 1.1 - 4 Martin Court, Toorak, as an objector to the application is a client.</p><p>G. Questions to Council Officers from Councillors</p><p>Cr Klisaris asked the Mayor, Cr Koce, for details of Council process, suggesting that Council write the following letters: a letter to the former Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, thanking her for her service; and a letter of congratulations to Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, on his appointment.</p><p>The CEO, Warren Roberts, said that the normal practice would be for the Mayor, Cr Koce, to write on behalf of Council.</p><p>H. Tabling of Petitions and Joint Letters</p><p>Nil</p><p>Page 5 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>I. Notices of Motion</p><p>Nil</p><p>J. Reports of Special and Other Committees</p><p>The CEO, Warren Roberts, tabled the Assembly of Councillors Record for the: Economic Development, Arts and Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting held on 24 June 2013 Councillor Briefing held on 25 June 2013</p><p>K. Reports of Delegates</p><p>Nil</p><p>L. General Business</p><p>1. PLANNING APPLICATIONS</p><p>Cr Chandler, having declared an Indirect Conflict of Interest – Close Association in relation to Item 1.1 - 4 Martin Court, Toorak, left the meeting at 7.08pm.</p><p>1.1 PLANNING APPLICATION 0922/12 - 4 MARTIN COURT, TOORAK - CONSTRUCTION OF TWO DWELLINGS ON A LOT IN A RESIDENTIAL 1 ZONE</p><p>MOTION: MOVED CR KLISARIS SECONDED CR SEHR</p><p>That a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit No: 922/12 for the land located at 4 Martin Court , Toorak be issued under the Stonnington Planning Scheme for construction of two dwellings on a lot in a Residential 1 Zone subject to the following conditions:</p><p>1. Before the commencement of the development, three (3) copies of plans drawn to scale and fully dimensioned, must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. The plans must be generally in accordance with the revised plans Council dated 17 April 2013 but modified to show: a) The plans to detail the proposed crossover clearly and remove all reference to the existing crossover to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. b) The west facing kitchen and pantry window of Unit 2 on the first floor must be screened in accordance with Standard B22 to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. c) The north facing bedroom 3 window on the first floor must be screened in accordance with Standard B22 to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. d) A revised Landscape Plan in accordance with Condition 3.</p><p>2. The development must be in accordance with the endorsed plans unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Responsible Authority. </p><p>3. Concurrent with the endorsement of plans, a revised landscape plan must to be prepared by a landscape architect or suitably qualified or experienced landscape designer which is generally in accordance with the Landscape plan submitted in </p><p>Page 6 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>December 2012 (prepared by John Patrick) and be approved by the Responsible Authority. When approved, the landscape plan will be endorsed and will then form part of the permit. The landscape plan must be drawn to scale with dimensions and three copies must be provided. The landscape plan must show: a) A survey (including botanical names) of all existing vegetation to be retained and removed. b) Details of surface finishes of pathways and driveways. c) A planting schedule of all proposed trees, shrubs and ground covers, including botanical names, common names, pot sizes, sizes at maturity, and quantities of each plant. d) Additional trees along the western side of the dwelling in the strip adjacent to the ramp and kitchen/ensuite of dwelling 1. e) Larger canopy trees to the south of the site to soften the south elevation. f) The tree in the front setback must be installed in a super-advanced size of 4-5m in height.</p><p>4. Before the occupation of the development, the landscaping works as shown on the endorsed plans must be carried out and completed to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. Landscaping must then be maintained to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority, including that any dead, diseased or damaged plants are to be replaced.</p><p>5. Before the development (including excavation and demolition) starts, a tree protection fence must be erected around the two street trees outside the site. The fencing must form a 2 metre radius around the tree stem. The fencing must be at least 1.8 metres high and must be of steel mesh construction to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. The tree protection fence must remain in place until all construction is completed. The ground surface of the Tree Protection Zone must be covered by a 100mm deep layer of mulch before the development starts and be watered regularly to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. </p><p>6. The existing vehicular crossing levels at the property line must not be lowered or altered (to facilitate the basement ramp).</p><p>7. Any poles, service pits or other structures/features on the footpath required to be relocated to facilitate the development must be done so at the cost of the applicant and subject to the relevant authority’s consent.</p><p>8. The project must incorporate the Water Sensitive Urban Design initiatives detailed in the endorsed site plan and/or stormwater management report.</p><p>9. Air-conditioning and other plant and equipment installed on the subject buildings shall be so positioned and baffled so that no noise disturbance is caused to occupiers of adjoining properties to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.</p><p>10. Noise emanating from the subject land must not exceed the permissible noise levels when determined in accordance with State Environment Protection Policy (Control of Noise from Commerce, Industry and Trade) No. N-1, to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. Any works required to ensure and maintain the noise levels from any proposed air conditioner units or hot water systems are in compliance with this policy must be completed prior to the commencement of the use or occupation of the site and maintained thereafter, all to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.</p><p>Page 7 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>11. Prior to a building permit being issued, a report for the legal point of discharge must be obtained from Council and a drainage design for the development must be prepared by a suitably qualified Engineer in accordance with that report.</p><p>12. Prior to the occupation of the building, all screening devices designed to limit overlooking hereby approved must be fixed to a height of 1.7m and have no more than 25% openings or an alternative to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. </p><p>13. All utility services to the subject land and buildings approved as part of this permit must be provided underground to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority by completion of the development.</p><p>NOTE This permit does not constitute any authority to carry out any building works or occupy the building or part of the building unless all relevant building permits are obtained.</p><p>Attachments - Locality Plans, Site Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations etc. Carried</p><p>Cr Chandler returned to the chamber at 7.14pm prior to discussion of Item 1.2 - 92 Finch Street, Malvern East.</p><p>1.2 PLANNING APPLICATION 0870/12 - 92 FINCH STREET, MALVERN EAST – PARTIAL DEMOLITION AND SUBSEQUENT EXTENSION TO A DWELLING WITHIN A HERITAGE OVERLAY</p><p>MOTION: MOVED CR DAVIE SECONDED CR STUBBS</p><p>That a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit No: 870/12 for the land located at 92 Finch Street, Malvern East be issued under the Stonnington Planning Scheme for part demolition and buildings and works to a dwelling on a lot in a Heritage Overlay subject to the following conditions:</p><p>1. Before the commencement of the development three (3) copies of plans drawn to scale and fully dimensioned, must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. The plans must be generally in accordance with the revised plans Council dated 25 February 2013 but modified to show: a) Demolition of a portion of the 1.8 metre high rear fence to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. b) Any changes required by Condition 6. c) Any changes required by Condition 9.</p><p>2. The development must be in accordance with the endorsed plans unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Responsible Authority. </p><p>3. Prior to the commencement of development, a landscape plan to be prepared by a landscape architect or suitably qualified or experienced landscape designer, must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. When approved, the landscape plan will be endorsed and will then form part of the permit. The landscape plan must be drawn to scale with dimensions and three copies must be provided. The landscape plan must show: a) A survey (including botanical names) of all existing vegetation to be retained and/or removed</p><p>Page 8 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p> b) Buildings and trees (including botanical names) on neighbouring properties within three metres of the boundary c) Details of surface finishes of pathways and driveways. d) A planting schedule of all proposed trees, shrubs and ground covers, including botanical names, common names, pot sizes, sizes at maturity, and quantities of each plant e) Landscaping and planting within all open areas of the site. f) Replacement planting featuring 2 canopy trees (minimum 3-4 metres tall when planted and a mature height of 10-12 metres) located to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.</p><p>4. Before the occupation of the development, the landscaping works as shown on the landscape plan must be carried out and completed to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. Landscaping must then be maintained to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority, including that any dead, diseased or damaged plants are to be replaced.</p><p>5. All existing vegetation shown on the endorsed plans to be retained must be suitably and clearly identified before any development (including demolition and excavation) starts on the site and that vegetation must not be removed, destroyed or lopped without the written consent of the Responsible Authority.</p><p>6. Concurrent with the endorsement of plans, a tree management plan prepared by a suitably qualified arborist must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. When approved, the tree management plan will form part of this permit and all works must be done in accordance with the tree management plan.</p><p>The tree management plan must detail measures to protect and ensure the viability of the mature Lophostemon confertus (Queensland Brushbox) and the Platanus x acerifolia (London Plane) located to the south of the existing dwelling.</p><p>Without limiting the generality of the tree management plan it must have at least three sections as follows: a) Pre-construction – details to include a tree protection zone, height barrier around the tree protection zone, amount and type of mulch to be placed above the tree protection zone and method of cutting any roots or branches which extend beyond the tree protection zone. b) During-construction – details to include watering regime during construction and method of protection of exposed roots. c) Post-construction – details to include watering regime and time of final inspection when barrier can be removed and protection works and regime can cease.</p><p>Pre-construction works and any root cutting must be inspected and approved by the Parks Unit. Removal of protection works and cessation of the tree management plan must be authorised by the Parks Unit.</p><p>7. No vehicular or pedestrian access, trenching or soil excavation is to occur within the Tree Protection Zone without the written consent of the Responsible Authority. No storage or dumping of tools, equipment or waste is to occur within the Tree Protection Zone.</p><p>8. All costs for the removal and the replacement of the street tree ($550) are to be borne by the permit holder and paid prior to the commencement of works associated with the installation of the crossover. All works relating to the removal of the street tree will be undertaken by Council.</p><p>Page 9 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>9. Concurrent with the endorsement of plans, the applicant must provide a Water Sensitive Urban Design Response addressing the Application Requirements of the draft Stormwater Management (Water Sensitive Urban Design) Policy to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.</p><p>10. The project must incorporate the Water Sensitive Urban Design initiatives detailed in the endorsed site plan and/or stormwater management report.</p><p>11. Prior to occupation of the building or commencement of use, any existing vehicular crossing made redundant by the building and works hereby permitted must be broken out and re-instated as standard footpath and kerb and channel at the permit holders cost to the approval and satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.</p><p>12. The crossover must be constructed to Council’s Standard Vehicle Crossover Guidelines unless otherwise approved by the Responsible Authority.</p><p>13. This permit will expire if one of the following circumstances applies: a) The development is not started within two years of the date of this permit. b) The development is not completed within four years of the date of this permit. </p><p>The Responsible Authority may extend the periods referred to if a request is made in writing before the permit expires or within three months afterwards.</p><p>NOTES This permit does not constitute any authority to carry out any building works or occupy the building or part of the building unless all relevant building permits are obtained.</p><p>This property is located in a Heritage Overlay and planning permission may be required to demolish or otherwise externally alter any existing structures. External alterations include paint removal and any other form of decoration and works, but does not include re-painting an already painted surface.</p><p>This permit application was not assessed against the provisions of Clause 54 – One Dwelling on a Lot (ResCode) of the Stonnington Planning Scheme. As such, it is the responsibility of the applicant/owner to appoint a Registered Building Surveyor to determine compliance of the endorsed plans associated with the issue of this Planning Permit against Part 4 of the Building Regulations 2006. Non-compliance with any Regulation will require dispensation from Council’s Building Control Services Department.</p><p>Nothing in this permit hereby issued shall be construed to allow the removal of, damage to or pruning of a significant tree (including the roots) without the further written approval of Council. “Significant tree” means a tree: a) with a trunk circumference of 180 centimetres or greater measured at its base; or b) with a trunk circumference of 140 centimetres or greater measured at 1.5 metres above its base; or c) listed on the Significant Tree Register.</p><p>Please contact the Council Arborists on 8290 1333 to ascertain if permission is required for tree removal or pruning or for further information and protection of trees during construction works.</p><p>Page 10 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>The crossover must be constructed to Council’s Standard Vehicle Crossover Guidelines unless otherwise approved by the Responsible Authority.</p><p>Attachments - Locality Plans, Site Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations, Objector Map Carried</p><p>2. PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT C167 – CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING PANEL AND ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT ERROR: REFERENCE SOURCE NOT FOUND</p><p>MOTION: MOVED CR HIBBINS SECONDED CR SEHR</p><p>That Council:</p><p>1. Notes the release of the report of the Planning Panel which recommends adoption of Amendment C167 – Hornby and McIlwrick Streets Heritage Precinct</p><p>2. On considering the Panel report, adopts Amendment C167 to the Stonnington Planning Scheme and the revised Heritage citation (HO138) as attached. </p><p>3. Submits the adopted Amendment C167 documents to the Minister for Planning for approval, in accordance with Section 31(1) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.</p><p>4. Advises all submitters of Council’s decision in relation to the proposed Amendment C167. Carried</p><p>3. PLANNING ZONE REFORMS – IMPLEMENTATION AND CONSULTATION</p><p>MOTION: MOVED CR SEHR SECONDED CR CHANDLER</p><p>That Council note the consultation approach as outlined in this Report. Carried</p><p>4. CONFIRMATION OF DELEGATIONS OF THE INNER MELBOURNE ACTION PLAN (IMAP) IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE</p><p>MOTION: MOVED CR KLISARIS SECONDED CR SEHR</p><p>That Council:</p><p>1. Revokes the current Instrument of Delegation to the Inner Melbourne Action Plan Implementation Committee authorised by a resolution of Council on 22 June 2009, effective immediately following the passing of this resolution by Council;</p><p>2. Reaffirms the establishment of a Special Committee called the Inner Melbourne Action Plan Implementation Committee (“Special Committee”), pursuant to section 86 of the Local Government Act 1989 (“the Act”);</p><p>3. By Instrument of Delegation pursuant to section 86 of the Act, delegates to the Special Committee, the powers, duties and functions relevant to the Inner Melbourne Action Plan Implementation Committee governance arrangements in accordance with the Instrument of Delegation and Schedule in Attachment 1;</p><p>Page 11 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>4. Authorises the Instrument of Delegation to be signed and sealed;</p><p>5. Authorises the Instrument of Delegation to come into force immediately once the common seal of Council is affixed to the Instrument, and to remain in force until Council determines to vary or revoke it.</p><p>6. Adopts the Terms of Reference for the Special Committee as detailed in Attachment 2;</p><p>7. Appoints as members of the Special Committee the persons from time to time holding the positions of: Chairman of the City of Melbourne Future Melbourne (Planning) Committee Mayor, City of Port Phillip Mayor, City of Stonnington Mayor, City of Yarra Mayor, Maribyrnong City Council Director City Planning & Infrastructure, City of Melbourne Chief Executive Officer, City of Port Phillip Chief Executive Officer, City of Stonnington Chief Executive Officer, City of Yarra Chief Executive Officer, Maribyrnong City Council;</p><p>8. Approves the appointment of the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer to the Inner Melbourne Action Plan Implementation Committees of the: City of Melbourne City of Port Phillip City of Yarra Maribyrnong City Council; and</p><p>9. Pursuant to section 81(2A) and (2B) of the Local Government Act 1989, resolves to exempt the non City of Stonnington council members of Council’s Inner Melbourne Action Plan Implementation Committee from being required to submit a primary or an ordinary return.</p><p>Carried</p><p>5. DRAFT STONNINGTON CAR SHARE POLICY</p><p>MOTION: MOVED CR HIBBINS SECONDED CR ULLIN</p><p>That: </p><p>1. The Draft Stonnington Car Share Policy be endorsed.</p><p>2. The Stonnington Car Share Policy be released for public exhibition for a period of four weeks by: a. issuing a Public Notice in the Stonnington Leader b. placing the documents on the Stonnington Website; c. providing copies of the documents for viewing at Council Service Centres and Public Libraries; and,</p><p>Page 12 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p> d. sending formal letters inviting comments to key stakeholders, including: current car share members residing or operating a business in Stonnington, known car share operators, local business groups; and neighbouring Councils.</p><p>3. A further report be prepared for Council consideration, following the conclusion of the above consultation. Carried</p><p>6. CITY OF STONNINGTON ROAD MANAGEMENT PLAN – REVIEW 2013 – FORMAL REVIEW AS REQUIRED BY ROAD MANAGEMENT ACT 2004</p><p>MOTION: MOVED CR CHANDLER SECONDED CR SEHR</p><p>That: </p><p>1. The outcomes and results from the formal review of the Road Management Plan, as per the Road Management Act 2004 (RMA) be noted.</p><p>2. The revised Road Management Plan 2013 (RMP), Register of Public Roads Policy, and Register of Public Roads be adopted. </p><p>3. The adopted Road Management Plan 2013 (RMP), Register of Public Roads Policy, and Register of Public Roads made available at the Stonnington Service Centre at Malvern Town Hall and on Council’s website. Carried</p><p>7. EASTERN ALLIANCE FOR GREENHOUSE ACTION - COUNCILLOR MEMBERSHIP</p><p>MOTION: MOVED CR SEHR SECONDED CR MCMORROW</p><p>1. That Councillor Sam Hibbins be nominated as the Stonnington City Council representative on the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (EAGA) Executive Committee.</p><p>2. That the EAGA Executive Committee be advised accordingly. Carried</p><p>8. DOMESTIC ANIMAL MANAGEMENT PLAN</p><p>MOTION: MOVED CR KLISARIS SECONDED CR SEHR</p><p>That Council endorses the Stonnington Domestic Animal Management Plan 2012 to 2016. Carried</p><p>9. SHERIDAN PAVILION REDEVELOPMENT – PLAQUE APPROVAL</p><p>MOTION: MOVED CR SEHR SECONDED CR STUBBS</p><p>Page 13 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>That Council approves the display of the following plaque at Sheridan Pavilion to mark the completion of the redevelopment.</p><p>SHERIDAN PAVILION REDEVELOPMENT</p><p>Opened by His Worship the Mayor, Cr Matthew Koce, on 28 July 2013</p><p>Cr John Chandler Cr Erin Davie Cr Sam Hibbins Cr Jami Klisaris Cr John McMorrow Cr Melina Sehr Cr Adrian Stubbs Cr Claude Ullin</p><p>Chief Executive Officer, Warren Roberts</p><p>The City of Stonnington logo will appear on the plaque. Carried</p><p>10. INTERNAL AUDIT STRATEGIC AUDIT PLAN 2013 - 2018</p><p>MOTION: MOVED CR STUBBS SECONDED CR DAVIE</p><p>That Council notes the Internal Audit Strategic Audit Plan 2013-2018. Carried</p><p>11. ACQUITTAL OF SEED FUNDING FOR DULDIG STUDIO</p><p>PROCEDURAL MOTION: MOVED CR CHANDLER SECONDED DAVIE</p><p>That consideration of the report on the outcomes of seed funding to increase visitation to The Duldig Studio be deferred for up to two Council cycles to enable further discussions. Carried</p><p>12. PROPOSAL TO NAME A LANE</p><p>MOTION: MOVED CR SEHR SECONDED CR HIBBINS</p><p>That:</p><p>1. the laneway situated at located at the rear of 85 – 131 Chapel Street Windsor between Union and Green Streets be named Artists Lane;</p><p>2. the Registrar of Geographic Names be advised of the decision;</p><p>3. an advertisement be placed in the Stonnington Leader in the ‘Public Notices’ section advising the decision;</p><p>4. the following bodies shall be notified of this decision: Melway Publishing Pty Ltd Melbourne Water South East Water</p><p>Page 14 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p> Address Management Metropolitan Fire Brigade The Divisional Returning Officer Boral Energy 21 Universal Press Metropolitan Ambulance Service State Electoral Office Victoria Commissioner of Land Tax Telstra Australia Post Office of Geographical Names Prahran Historical Society Vic Roads – Metropolitan South Eastern Region City Power United Energy Carried</p><p>13. OTHER GENERAL BUSINESS</p><p>Cr Ullin noted that Robert Fritzlaff had passed away on 22 June at the age of 82 years. Mr Fritzlaff had been born in East Malvern and inducted into the Stonnington Fashion Hall of Fame for 2010. In 2009 an exhibition of his work was held at Como House. He had been a distinctive couturier, designing classic gowns. Cr Ullin asked if Council could send a note to his family with thanks for Mr Fritzlaff’s contributions to the City of Stonnington and sending Council’s condolences.</p><p>The Mayor, Cr Koce, said that this would be done. </p><p>The Mayor, Cr Koce, tabled the following report of his activities since the previous Council meeting.</p><p>Genesis to Broadway (11-20 June 2013) The Arts International Events presentation of Genesis to Broadway ran from 11 – 20 June 2013 at Chapel off Chapel.</p><p>A musical journey that traced the evolution of popular song, first class productions like Genesis to Broadway are reminder of what an amazing asset Chapel off Chapel is for the local community.</p><p>Written and directed by Frank Howson and starring Fem Belling, Tod Strike, Warren Wills, Stephen Agislaou, Gideon Marcus and Lachlann Davidson, Genesis to Broadway showcased the staggering depth and range of talent possessed by the cast.</p><p>Successful productions like Genesis to Broadway are yet another reminder of just how special Chapel off Chapel is. Providing an intimate and innovative space that attracts some of the best performances in the country, it is the unique gems like Chapel off Chapel that make the Chapel Street precinct such a thriving and well-loved national destination point.</p><p>Inclusion Melbourne I thank Daniel Leighton and Colin Baillie of Inclusion Melbourne for taking the time to introduce me to their wonderful organisation which is based in Sutherland Road, Armadale.</p><p>Page 15 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>For those who are unaware, the vision at Inclusion Melbourne is to provide people with an intellectual disability the opportunity to live in an inclusive community environment – where everyone has the same opportunities to participate in community life and to take their place in society as respected citizens.</p><p>Inclusion Melbourne sees its role, as a disability services and support provider, is to encourage and enable people to achieve and maintain a valued quality of life. They achieve this by supporting people to create highly individualised and flexible lifestyles based on their needs and desires.</p><p>Founded in 1948, Inclusion Melbourne is Victoria’s oldest day service for people with an intellectual disability, and the commitment and expertise of the staff and volunteers in providing support to people with a disability to help them live fulfilling lives in their local community is an inspiration for us all.</p><p>Consulate General of the People's Republic of China farewell (21 July 2013) I thank the People's Republic of China for inviting me to attend, on behalf of the City of Stonnington, the farewell reception for Consulate General Mr Shi Weiqiang and Madam Xiang Ning.</p><p>The Chinese Australian relationship is an important one and the City of Stonnington is proud to be home to the Chinese Consulate which is located on Toorak Road in Toorak.</p><p>On behalf of the City of Stonnington I extend our best wishes to Mr Shi Weiqiang and Madam Xiang Ning and wish them every success. I also look forward to getting to know the new Consulate General who is expected to take up this position shortly.</p><p>Opening of the Muir Pavilion, Sir Zelman Cowen Park No. 4 (Righetti Oval) On Sunday it was my great pleasure to officially open the upgraded Muir Pavilion.</p><p>Muir Pavilion provides yet another example of how by working together as a community we can deliver infrastructure that benefits the community – now and into the future.</p><p>First built in the early 1980s, Muir Pavilion was designed for the sole intention of providing a home for local senior men’s AFL teams. Of course, times have changed. So much more is now demanded of facilities like Muir Pavilion and, as you can see from this magnificent building, we are responding to that changing demand. We recognise that more people are participating in organised sports and are becoming members of local sporting clubs. In particular: We have more children engaging in sports. More options for girls and women who want to get involved. People of all abilities are increasingly access sporting opportunities.</p><p>Those that have had the opportunity to walk through the pavilion will be aware that just some of the improvements we have been able to deliver are Separate shower facilities Revamped change rooms More storage A dedicated umpire’s room with its own shower New first aid room More toilets for spectators; and A separate space for social events.</p><p>We also have fantastic tenant clubs at Muir Pavilion: Glen Iris Junior Football Club and Glenferrie Sharks Cricket Club. </p><p>Page 16 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>It’s important that we do what we can to support those clubs in their endeavours. After all we know that people who participate in sports are happier and healthier. They are less likely to suffer from chronic diseases like diabetes than their counterparts who choose to spend hours sitting in front of the TV or playing computer games.</p><p>Sports and recreation are top priorities for this Council. We know there is more to be done and we are hitting the ground hard and fast, and are working to upgrade sports facilities throughout Stonnington. Next month for example we will be opening the brand new Sheridan Pavilion at Darling Park/Basil Reserve, which is replacing the long outdated 1970s pavilion. </p><p>More than $2.5 million will go towards improving sports grounds, parks and open space under Council’s 2013/14 Budget. </p><p>This includes design concepts for a redevelopment of Dunlop Pavilion (Darling Park/Lucas Oval), a new roof and floodlights for Percy Treyvaud Pavilion (Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park) and continued work on the Toorak Park Masterplan. </p><p>On behalf of the City of Stonnington, I would like to especially thank the State Treasurer and Member for Malvern, the Hon. Michael O’Brien MP and the State Government for its funding commitment of $60,000 towards the Muir Pavilion refurbishment. Michael is a fantastic local member who, as a parent and local resident, understands full well the importance of providing quality sports facilities for the community in which he lives and which he represents.</p><p>A big thank you also to the Glen Iris Junior Football Club who, through an amazing fundraising drive committed $110,000 to this project. That is an enormous effort. </p><p>Funding this project really has been a team effort and a great example of how state and local government and sporting clubs can band together to achieve great community outcomes.</p><p>Finally I thank the City of Stonnington staff involved in the building project. Without them this project simply would not have been delivered. Thank you to: Tony Oulton, Ninetta Innocca, Jackie Grieve, Chris Brown and Maurice Gradstein.</p><p>Stonnington Toy Library Thank you to Mary Glen for taking the time to introduce me to the Stonnington Toy Library located in Winter Street Malvern.</p><p>Mary is somewhat of an icon in Stonnington, having joined the Toy Library as a parent in 1981. She has been Manager since 1985, and shares a wealth of experience and knowledge. Well-known and loved by hundreds of Stonnington children, Mary is in turn supported by the Toy Library Assistants, Ro and Erica, as well as a band of volunteers.</p><p>The Toy Library is a great initiative. It helps saves parents money by providing low cost access to very high quality toys, and it also benefits the environment through the re-use of toys. Staff at the Toy Library are trained to a very high standard and help parents select toys that are most suitable to their child’s development. Indeed, the reputation of the Toy Library for its staff expertise and range of high quality toys is such that medical specialists now commonly recommend the Toy Library to parents who have children with special needs.</p><p>On behalf of the City of Stonnington I commend the Stonnington Toy Library for their wonderful efforts. The Committee is made up of volunteers and much of the work is carried out by members, who generously contribute more than their required hours of duty.</p><p>Having spent some time at the Toy Library with Mary and her team, I know firsthand that the Stonnington Toy Library is very popular with local parents, caregivers and grandparents of children 0-6 years old in the Stonnington area. They really are fulfilling their mission of helping each child to reach their full potential through play.</p><p>Melbourne Rainbow Band Pictures – Imagining Through Music – 30 June 2013</p><p>Page 17 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>The City of Stonnington is very proud to have had a long relationship with the Melbourne Rainbow Band and I would like to acknowledge their excellent concert performance held on 30 June at the Methodist Ladies College titled Imagining Through Music.</p><p>The Melbourne Rainbow Band really did fulfill its promise to take the audience on a tour of their own imagination with a program of music sure to conjure up exciting pictures in the mind, bringing back childhood memories and unleashing the sense of adventure inside us all.</p><p>Stonnington is an inclusive and embracing community that has an excellent record when it comes to supporting the arts and culture. As a council we recognise that art and cultural development contributes to the wellbeing of the Stonnington community by providing residents with a sense of place and pride. The encouragement and development of artistic endeavours is a key component of the City’s cultural identity.</p><p>Organisations like the Melbourne Rainbow Band are important because they provide an opportunity for musicians to develop their musical abilities in an environment totally free of prejudice and discrimination, while at the same time fostering greater understanding between the GLBTI community and the wider population.</p><p>Founded in 1995, and currently having around 40 members drawn from the GLBTI and straight communities, the Melbourne Rainbow Band is to be commended for helping to build understanding throughout the community, while showcasing enormous musical talent. Their repertoire is as diverse as their members: music from movies, musicals and TV, pop, rock, jazz, classical and everything in between. There really is something for everyone.</p><p>I also need to point out that the Melbourne Rainbow Band has received a lot of support from Joy94.9 FM and it was pleasing to see the energetic, fun-loving and ever professional Dean Beck host the event in his own special way. I would also like to acknowledge Musical Director David Wisken for his outstanding efforts and also Rosa McCarty for her stunning rendition of Neverland.</p><p>Congratulations to all those who contributed to the success of the Melbourne Rainbow Band. The concert really was inspiring. I and my family look forward to attending many more of your events into the future. </p><p>M. Urgent Business</p><p>Cr Sehr raised an item of Urgent Confidential Business in relation to a scholarship grant – a matter which needed to be resolved prior to the next Council Meeting.</p><p>The CEO, Warren Roberts, said he would take the opportunity under Urgent Confidential Business to brief Councillors in relation to a property matter.</p><p>PROCEDURAL MOTION: MOVED CR SEHR SECONDED CR MCMORROW</p><p>That the matters outlined be deemed Urgent Confidential Business to be discussed under Confidential Business. Carried </p><p>N. Confidential Business</p><p>PROCEDURAL MOTION: MOVED CR STUBBS SECONDED CR DAVIE</p><p>That Council proceed into Confidential Business and the meeting be closed to the public as the matter to be considered comes within the ambit of Section 89 (2)(d) – contractual matters and (h)- other matters- of the Local Government Act 1989 (7.38pm) Carried </p><p>Page 18 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>PROCEDURAL MOTION: MOVED CR SEHR SECONDED CR MCMORROW</p><p>That the meeting be re- opened to the public. (8.19pm) Carried</p><p>It was noted that the next Ordinary Council Meeting would be held at Prahran Town Hall on Monday 22 July 2013.</p><p>There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.20pm.</p><p>Confirmed on 22 July 2013</p><p>...... </p><p>CR MATTHEW KOCE – MAYOR</p><p>ASSEMBLY OF COUNCILLORS RECORD</p><p>This Form MUST be completed by the attending Council Officer and returned IMMEDIATELY to Judy Hogan – Civic Support Officer </p><p>ASSEMBLY DETAILS</p><p>ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ARTS AND TOURISM ADVISORY COMMITTEE</p><p>Date: 27 June 2013 Time: 4 – 5.00pm</p><p>Assembly Location: Meeting room 1, Malvern Town Hall</p><p>IN ATTENDANCE</p><p>Councillors:</p><p>Claude Ullin John McMorrow</p><p>Page 19 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>Council Officers: Karen Watson Jan Jacklin</p><p>Matter/s Discussed: Declarations of Conflicts of Interest Street Numbering on Shop Fronts Update on Economic Development Strategy Business Round Table Short-listing Parramatta Card Other Business Winter Arts Festival update Fashion Hall of Fame Nominees New Positions Arts Hub</p><p>CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURES: including time left and returned to meeting</p><p>Councillors: Nil</p><p>Council Officers: Nil</p><p>Form completed by: Karen Watson ASSEMBLY OF COUNCILLORS RECORD</p><p>This Form MUST be completed by the attending Council Officer and returned IMMEDIATELY to Judy Hogan – Civic Support Officer </p><p>ASSEMBLY DETAILS: </p><p>Date: 25 June 2013 Name of Meeting: Councillor Briefing</p><p>Time: 6.05pm</p><p>Assembly Location: Council Chamber, Stonnington City Centre, Malvern</p><p>IN ATTENDANCE: </p><p>Councillors:</p><p>Cr Koce (Mayor) Cr Davie Cr Chandler Cr Stubbs Cr Klisaris Cr Ullin Cr Hibbins (6.24pm) Cr McMorrow (8.06pm) Cr Sehr(8.50pm)</p><p>Council Officers: Warren Roberts (CEO) Connie Gibbons Stuart Draffin Karen Watson Simon Thomas</p><p>Page 20 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>Geoff Cockram Fabienne Thewlis Augarette Malki Jan Jacklin Susan Price Casey Lord Alayna Chapman Elissa McElroy</p><p>Matter/s Discussed:</p><p>CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURES : including time left and returned to meeting</p><p>Councillors:</p><p>Cr Chandler declared a potential conflict of interest in item 2 - Planning Application – 4 Martin Court Toorak as one of the objectors has been a client and left the meeting at 7.00pm. Cr Chandler returned to the meeting at 7.05pm</p><p>Council Officers: </p><p>Nil</p><p>Form completed by: Fabienne Thewlis</p><p>Page 21 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 July 2013</p><p>Briefing Papers Councillor Briefing Session 25 June 2013 6.00pm – 9.00pm Index General Business ______</p><p>6.00pm</p><p>1.BURKE ROAD LEVEL CROSSING REMOVAL</p><p>6.30pm</p><p>2.PLANNING APPLICATION 0922/12 - 4 MARTIN COURT, TOORAK - CONSTRUCTION OF TWO DWELLINGS ON A LOT IN A RESIDENTIAL 1 ZONE</p><p>3. CITY OF STONNINGTON ROAD MANAGEMENT PLAN – REVIEW 2013 – FORMAL REVIEW AS REQUIRED BY ROAD MANAGEMENT ACT 2004</p><p>4.DRAFT STONNINGTON CAR SHARE POLICY 7.15pm</p><p>5.INTERNAL AUDIT STRATEGIC AUDIT PLAN 2013 - 2018 7.30pm Dinner</p><p>6.STRATEGIES FOR CREATING OPEN SPACE</p><p>7.CONFIDENTIAL AMENDMENT C184</p><p>8.PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT C167 – CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING PANEL AND ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT</p><p>9.PLANNING ZONE REFORMS – IMPLEMENTATION AND CONSULTATION</p><p>10.EASTERN ALLIANCE FOR GREENHOUSE ACTION ; COUNCILLOR MEMBERSHIP</p><p>11.SHERIDAN PAVILION REDEVELOPMENT – PLAQUE APPROVAL</p><p>12.REGIONAL KITCHEN PTY NON RENOUNCEABLE SHARE ISSUE</p><p>13.CONFIRMATION OF DELEGATIONS OF THE INNER MELBOURNE ACTION PLAN (IMAP) IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE</p><p>14.DOMESTIC ANIMAL MANAGEMENT PLAN</p><p>15.ACQUITTAL OF SEED FUNDING FOR DULDIG STUDIO</p><p>16.‘WELCOME TO COUNTRY’ CONDUCTED AT CITIZENSHIP CEREMONIES</p><p>17.PROPOSAL TO NAME A LANE</p><p>Page 22</p>
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