A Better Mousetrap

A Better Mousetrap

<p> “BEAST WARS”</p><p>“A Better Mousetrap”</p><p>(TELEPLAY)</p><p>Written by</p><p>Karen Willson and Chris Allen Weber</p><p>(Story Editor Revision) 2</p><p>ALLIANCE PRODUCTIONS 1</p><p>Beast Wars “ A Better Mousetrap”</p><p>FADE IN: </p><p>EST. - INT. CAVERNS *</p><p>Dirt covered WASPINATOR (B) pushes at the Sonic Pulse Emitter (a box-like object with controls and lights on one end, about 3 feet by 3 feet) which sticks out of a too small tunnel opening in the cave wall. *</p><p>WASPINATOR (B) Waspinator tired of this! * (frustrated buzz as he pushes) Bomb fits hole! See? </p><p>BLACKARACHNIA (B) and TERRORSAUR (B) move in. *</p><p>BLACKARACHNIA It’s not a bomb you bug. It’s a sonic * emitter. And when we’ve placed it correctly it will blow a sweet little door right in the bottom of the Maximal’s base.</p><p>TERRORSAUR (B) * We have to widen the tunnel -- *</p><p>In a manner that calls to mind a fly cleaning itself, Blackarachnia fastidiously brushes dirt off herself. </p><p>BLACKARACHNIA (B) * So widen! I’m soiled enough already just being around you two. *</p><p>Waspinator whirls, indignant! *</p><p>WASPINATOR (B) Spider can dig her own holes! * </p><p>Blackarachnia leans to one side as Waspinator BUZZES past her and away. </p><p>Terrorsaur TRANSFORMS to Robot Mode and commands. * 2</p><p>TERRORSAUR (R) Megatron said dig. So start digging.</p><p>Blackarachnia sighs and TRANSFORMS to Robot Mode, but her * blaster is already in hand and pointed at Terrorsaur.</p><p>BLACKARACHNIA (R) * I’m the brains of this group, not the * brawn. </p><p>Terrorsaur(R) grinds his gears and his teeth. He almost * looks ready to go for it but he doesn’t. Instead he turns and starts using a heat-beam from his eyes to melt the rock around the emitter. </p><p>Blackarachnia keeps the blaster on him as she:</p><p>BLACKARACHNIA(R) * (laughs mockingly) *</p><p>(LINES OMITTED) * CUT TO:</p><p>INT. - MAXIMAL BASE - COMMAND CENTER *</p><p>OPTIMUS(R) watches with interest as RHINOX (R) points to a * computer screen demonstration. On screen, wire frame beast and robot forms are trapped by tanglers. </p><p>RHINOX (R) (VO) Tangler guns target intruders with plasteen * coils. </p><p>The figures are ZAPPED by stunners and BLASTED with tornado like cyclotron ENERGY FIELDS as Rhinox continues.</p><p>RHINOX(R)(VO) * That gives the stun guns and cyclotron fields time to set up for the knock-out punch --- </p><p>RATTRAP(R) steps into frame as the forms collapse.</p><p>RATTRAP(R) * (enthused) * Beast or ‘bot, old Sentinel here takes * ‘em down.! 3</p><p>Rhinox sits back, grinning proudly at Optimus.</p><p>RHINOX (R) You said, make the base impregnable. *</p><p>Optimus closes down the display and grins at Rhinox.</p><p>OPTIMUS(R) * Well done. How long before Sentinel’s fully operational? </p><p>RHINOX(R) * Three or four mega-cycles, depending on --</p><p>Suddenly we HEAR a WARNING BEEP. They turn as we GO TO: * CHEETOR(R) standing watch on the exterior scan grid which indicates a Predacon in flight. </p><p>CHEETOR(R) * Bigbot, There’s a Predacon makin’ the scene in sector Nineteen! Looks like Waspinator.</p><p>Optimus(R) hits a control pad, calling up a tactical grid on a computer screen. It shows a blip moving in circles. *</p><p>OPTIMUS(R) * That’s the third Predacon we’ve spotted in that sector in the last three days --? Cheetor, contact Tigatron, have him meet me at coordinates 4-5-8.</p><p>Optimus turns and strides out as Cheetor hits a button. *</p><p>WIPE TO:</p><p>EXT. THE SKY - WASPINATOR(B) *</p><p>Waspinator(B) buzzes in circles over a jungle area, musing to himself. *</p><p>WASPINATOR(B) * Waspinator sick of taking orders. Waspinator is greatest of Predacons. Waspinator rules! 4</p><p>EXT. JUNGLE AREA *</p><p>We can see Waspinator BUZZING overhead. Then from behind a jungle bush steps a magnificent tiger, looking upward toward the Predacon. He GROWLS softly. It is TIGATRON(B). Suddenly there’s a voice:</p><p>*OPTIMUS(B, VO) Looks like Waspinator’s been on a sugar * binge!</p><p>Tigatron(B) whirls, startled as Optimus(B) DROPS into frame from above.</p><p>TIGATRON * Not many can creep up on me like that.</p><p>OPTIMUS * You can learn a lot from Rattrap. If you can stand him.</p><p>Optimus looks upward. *</p><p>EXT. SKY - WASPINATOR *</p><p>Still buzzing in a circle and muttering to himself, BZZZ.</p><p>OPTIMUS(CON’T.) * So how long has he been doing that?</p><p>EXT. JUNGLE, OPTIMUS(B), TIGATRON(B) * </p><p>Tigatron shakes his head in annoyance. *</p><p>TIGATRON(B) * Long enough to make my head spin. Shall I bring him down? </p><p>OPTIMUS(B) * No. Let me shake him up a little, see where he runs. You follow on the ground in case I lose him. </p><p>Tigatron(B) nods and leaps away, as: * 5</p><p>OPTIMUS(B)* Optimus Primal - Maximize!</p><p>Optimus TRANSFORMS to ROBOT MODE and activates his JETS: ZOOM! *</p><p>EXT. THE SKY - WASPINATOR(B) *</p><p>TIGHT on Waspinator(B) as he continues his circling. *</p><p>WASPINATOR(B) * One day Megatron see Waspinator is true leader of Predacons. Then -- OOWWWWW</p><p>Waspinator BUMPS into Optimus’s chestplate. WIDEN as bounces off the hovering Optimus. *</p><p>OPTIMUS(R, OS) * Aren’t you dizzy enough already?</p><p>Waspinator BUZZES and reacts! *</p><p>WASPINATOR * OPTIMUS PRIMAL!</p><p>Waspinator(B) ZIPS around Optimus(R) and heads for nearby mountain tops. Optimus zips into flight stance and with a whoosh of jets, he’s off in pursuit. *</p><p>EXT. JUNGLE - TIGATRON(B) *</p><p>On the ground, Tigatron runs parallel to their flight paths, leaping over fallen trees, rocks, etc. as he follows. *</p><p>CUT TO:</p><p>INT. - MAXIMAL BASE - COMMAND CENTER</p><p>DINOBOT (R) is viewing the computer simulation of Sentinel’s operation. Rhinox(R) hovers over his shoulder, like a proud parent, Rattrap is nearby, working one of Sentinel’s keyboards. Dinobot’s mouth curls up in a sneer, as the display ends. * 6</p><p>DINOBOT(R) * Tanglers, stun guns? What sort of defense grid is this?</p><p>RHINOX(R) * What’s gummin’ your gears?</p><p>DINOBOT(R) * Those toys won’t stop Predacons in battle mode! Lethal threats demand lethal response. </p><p>DinoBot(R) turns and starts out. Rhinox looks after him, as Rattrap(R) calls up an image of Dinobot on the screen. CYBERTRONIC SYMBOLS appear. He punches a button. * </p><p>RATTRAP(R) * (cocky) Respond to this, ChopperFace!</p><p>A tangler gun drops down from a corner and FIRES, instantly wrapping Dinobot with coils of plasteen.</p><p>DINOBOT (R) (indignant ROAR)</p><p>Rattrap looks on gleefully, as DinoBot flails in the coils. Rhinox is aghast and already working the computer console.</p><p>RATTRAP (R) Tanglers work pretty good on old Dinobutt. Maybe Preds ain’t as lethal as they think!</p><p>Dinobot, berserk, manages to get his arm out of a coil and activates his ROTARY BLADE. He charges at Rattrap, blade spinning.</p><p>DINOBOT (WAR CRY!)</p><p>RATTRAP(R) * Whoa! Incoming!! </p><p>Rattrap shoves Rhinox to one side and leaps to the other side as DinoBot’s blade plunges into the Sentinel console. The panel SHORTS OUT and Smashes Dinobot backwards. * 7</p><p>Dinobot is on his butt. Rattrap is bringing his fusion rifle up and Rhinox is looking agog at his smashed console. Everyone FREEZES as ALARMS SOUND. RED LIGHT bathes the room. Sentinel speaks in a menacing COMPUTERIZED VOICE:</p><p>SENTINEL (VO) * Warning. Intruder alert. Sentinel on- line. Acquiring targets.</p><p>A COMPUTER DISPLAY shows wire frames of Rhinox, Cheetor, Rattrap and DinoBot all in Robot form. *</p><p>RATTRAP (R) Show’s over, Rhinox! Shut her down!</p><p>Rhinox looks helplessly at smashed console.</p><p>RHINOX(R) * How? The console’s junk, thanks to you and DinoBot.</p><p>Cheetor rushes in.</p><p>CHEETOR(R) * Hey, what’s going on?</p><p>RHINOX(R) * Sentinel thinks we’re intruders. Help DinoBot, we’ve gotta get out of here!</p><p>Cheetor(R) moves to assist DinoBot, as Rattrap looks at the Cybertronic symbols appearing on Sentinel’s screens. He looks to Rhinox. *</p><p>RATTRAP(R) What about the friend-or-foe program?</p><p>RHINOX(R) * That’s what I was installing when you pulled this stunt! </p><p>RATTRAP(R) * Oops -- 8</p><p>SENTINEL(R)(VO) * Defense grid armed and ready. </p><p>RHINOX(R) Let’s move --</p><p>Everyone scrambles for the exit except Rattrap. He moves to an access panel and rips it off, then TRANSFORMS to Beast Mode as Sentinel opens fire. Stun beams rip through the room.. *</p><p>RHINOX(R) * Rattrap, what are you doing? </p><p>Rattrap(B) deflects one of the beams with the access panel, then call back.</p><p>RATTRAP(B) We can’t abandon the base. And since I turned this thing on, I’m the one who’s gotta turn it off. (then to himself) Cheez, I’m starting to sound like Optimus Pinhead.</p><p>Rattrap abandons his shield and disappears into the hole. *</p><p>Rhinox looks after, in dismay!</p><p>RHINOX(R) * Rattrap!</p><p>He ducks away as a beam narrowly misses him, then takes off. WE: </p><p>FADE OUT.</p><p>End Act One</p><p>ACT TWO</p><p>FADE IN:</p><p>EXT. SKY NEAR MOUNTAIN AREA - OPTIMUS(R), WASPINATOR(B) * 9</p><p>Optimus(R) is still in pursuit of the fast-moving, tricky Waspinator. *</p><p>Come in close on Waspinator, as he peers back toward his pursuer. *</p><p>WASPINATOR(B) * Waspinator must warn others!</p><p>EXT. NEAR THE BASE OF THE MOUNTAIN - TIGATRON(B) *</p><p>Tigatron(B) leaps over a gully, still following Waspinator on the ground. *</p><p>EXT. SKY *</p><p>Waspinator(B) suddenly banks sharply and wings down and OS. Optimus(R) must veer sharply to keep up. *</p><p>Waspinator suddenly flips to his side and flies through a narrow opening between two close set peaks. Optimus appears, tries to follow, but smashes into one of the peaks and spins out of control. *</p><p>EXT. MOUNTAIN SIDE - TIGATRON(B) *</p><p>Tigatron(B) sees Optimus. *</p><p>TIGATRON(B) * Optimus!!!</p><p>Tigatron races up the mountainside.</p><p>EXT. SKY - OPTIMUS(R)</p><p>Optimus applies some JET THRUSTS to stop his spin and zoom back to the chase. BUT... </p><p>As he flies back around the mountain and scans: *</p><p>POV - Optimus. Thru a robotic pov we see sky in all directions. But Waspinator is nowhere in sight. *</p><p>Optimus slows his flight and backtracks, scanning below. *</p><p>OPTIMUS(R) * No place to hide. So where is he? 10</p><p>Suddenly, the streaks of an Energon surge play over his body. *</p><p>COMPUTER VOICE(VO) * Warning. Energon surge. </p><p>Optimus(R) flies downward and TRANSFORMS in mid-air to Beast Mode! *</p><p>EXT. MOUNTAIN SIDE - TIGATRON(B) *</p><p>Looks up as Optimus(B) drops agilely into frame from above. * OPTIMUS(B) * Did you see him?</p><p>TIGATRON(B) * No. But I can still smell him. He’s here somewhere.</p><p>Suddenly, there is an ALERT BEEP from inside Optimus’s hide. He presses a spot behind his ear and hears: *</p><p>SENTINEL(VO) * Maximal alert. Intruders have infiltrated base. Sentinel now at Level One. </p><p>OPTIMUS(B) * Sentinel? </p><p>TIGATRON(B)* Who is Sentinel? </p><p>OPTIMUS(B). * Our new defense grid. But it shouldn’t be on-line yet? </p><p>TIGATRON(B) * It might be wise for you to return. I’ll hunt down Waspinator. </p><p>OPTIMUS(R) * 11</p><p>Good. Something’s going on in this sector and I want to know what it is. I’ll send back-up as soon as I can.</p><p>TIGATRON(B) I need no help hunting Predacons. And I prefer to prowl alone.</p><p>And with that Tigatron leaps away. Optimus looks after him with concern, then TRANSFORMS to Robot Mode.</p><p>COMPUTER VOICE(VO) * Field dampers at 15 percent. Suggest transformation back to Beast Mode.</p><p>OPTIMUS(R) Have to risk it. Jets Online, Maximum burn!</p><p>Optimus SOARS AWAY at top speed.</p><p>CUT TO:</p><p>EXT. MAXIMAL BASE</p><p>Dinobot(R), Cheetor(R), and Rhinox(R), scramble out. * </p><p>The base GLOWS BLUE as a shield appears and expands like a bubble, forcing them away. *</p><p>SENTINEL(VO) * Unauthorized personnel detected. Perimeter shield activated.</p><p>CHEETOR(R) * Giga-bummer. Sentinel’s locked us out! </p><p>RHINOX(R) * Rattrap, come in! Rattrap, do you read me?</p><p>Side panels slide down on the base exterior. Antenna dish emerge and scan left to right. (SFX - ELECTRONIC DRONE, as Rhinox gets nothing but feedback).</p><p>Rhinox(R) turns off the drone. Dinobot(R) and Cheetor(R) look on.</p><p>RHINOX(R) * 12</p><p>Slag. The shield’s jamming our comlinks.</p><p>DINOBOT(R) (wry) Apparently you’ve built a better mouse trap.</p><p>Rhinox grunts at him as we: </p><p>CUT TO:</p><p>INT. - MAXIMAL BASE - CORRIDOR </p><p>Rattrap peers around a corner, then steps into view. He spots something OOZING down the walls. * </p><p>RATTRAP(R) * Zero friction fluid? C’mon Rhinox, that stuff’s strictly for amateurs. </p><p>Feet and hands up on opposite walls, he crabs over shiny floor, then drops, flattening as a SPARKLING ENERGY net misses him. * </p><p>RATTRAP(R) * This ain’t a security grid. It’s a gym just for spy guys like me. </p><p>Hearing a BUZZING SOUND, Rattrap TRANSFORMS INTO BEAST MODE.</p><p>Rattrap(B) drops into a pushup position on his fingertips and toes, as red hot GLOWING SCORCH SAUCERS ZIP past him, above and below, SCORCHING anything they touch.*</p><p>RATTRAP (B) One and two and stretch… now bend. Now lift. Feel the burn. Yeah!</p><p>VIEW RATTRAP THROUGH A GRID, SENTINEL CAMERAS POV.</p><p>SENTINEL(VO) * Failure to contain intruder at Force Level One. Initiating Level Three. 13</p><p>CUT TO:</p><p>EXT. - MOUNTAIN SIDE - TIGATRON(B) *</p><p>Tigatron moves slowly along a mountain trail, sniffing out Waspinator. His path takes him to a dead end, a rock face. *</p><p>He stops, looks all around and up, puzzled. *</p><p>TIGATRON(B) * The trail leads here. </p><p>TIGATRON pads up to the rock face and sniffs at it. *</p><p>TIGATRON(B) * But something’s not right -- ?</p><p>He lifts a paw to touch the rock face but his paw goes THROUGH IT. He jerks his paw back in surprise. Then he gets a look of realization! *</p><p>And with that Tigatron steps boldly through the rock face. * </p><p>INT. CAVES - REVERSE ANGLE ON TIGATRON(B) *</p><p>As he comes through the rock face. WIDEN as he surveys the cave. His gaze comes to rest on --</p><p>A small holo projector, a green light blinking beneath its lens. It’s wedged into a cave wall.</p><p>TIGATRON(B) * A holo projector. Clever. </p><p>Tigatron(B) moves past it and through the cave to:</p><p>INT. CAVES - A LEDGE, LOOKING DOWN</p><p>Tigatron(B) moves onto the ledge, which overlooks the maze- like tunnels, some natural, others Predacon made. Tigatron sniffs the air, getting the scent. Then he leaps downward as we: * 14</p><p>CUT TO: </p><p>EXT. MAXIMAL BASE - RHINOX(R), CHEETOR(R), DINOBOT(R) *</p><p>Rhinox(R) BLASTS the shield with his laser gun, Cheetor(R) with his quasar cannon and Dinobot(R) with his eye beams. The shield absorbs the energy. </p><p>RHINOX(R) * Well we can’t blast our way through it.</p><p>Energon surges start playing about their robotic bodies.</p><p>CHEETOR(R) * Oh no, the Energon fields are starting to mess with our circuits.</p><p>RHINOX(R) * Transform to Beast Mode.</p><p>Rhinox(R), Cheetor(R) and DinoBot(R) all TRANSFORM TO BEAST MODE. No sooner are they in beast form, then they hear a WHOOSH of jets. Optimus(R) drops into frame, Energon sruegs playing around his body. He TRANSFORMS TO BEAST MODE. *</p><p>OPTIMUS(B) * What’s going on Rhinox? I got a message from Sentinel about intruders in the base?</p><p>RHINOX(B) * It’s talking about Rattrap. He’s trapped inside.</p><p>CHEETOR(B) * And if we don't figure a way to deactivate Sentinel soon, he’s toast.</p><p>As Optimus reacts to this turn of events, we: *</p><p>CUT TO:</p><p>INT. - MAXIMAL BASE - A VERTICAL ACCESS SHAFT </p><p>Rattrap (B) hangs on a ladder. Below him, a BRISTLING BALL OF ENERGY creeps slowly up towards him. 15</p><p>SENTINEL (VO) Intruder. Surrender immediately. Level Five, lethal force, has been authorized by the Central Computer.</p><p>Rattrap looks up as a mechanical, crossbow-like device ( A BOLT CASTER) rotates into place above him and fires a bolt.</p><p>RATTRAP(B) * Yow! Cryo fields and disruptor bolts! You really make a guy feel welcome.</p><p>Rattrap pulls aside at the last possible second. The bolt misses him, but impacts with he bottom of the ladder. It EXPLODES! *</p><p>RATTRAP(B) * Give it up Sentinel. You don’t have a chance. I’m a stealth fighter……A master marksman and --</p><p>Rattrap TRANSFORMS to ROBOT MODE and pulls a DEMOLITION CHARGE (a small, box-like object with LED’s) from his side. * </p><p>RATTRAP(R) * ...a demolition expert.</p><p>PUSH IN FOR A CLOSER LOOK as he clamps it to the wall. *</p><p>RATTRAP(R) If I were you, I’d recheck those circuits before this rat hits Core Central and knocks your program for a loop. </p><p>SENTINEL(VO) Resistance persists. Upgrading program.</p><p>Rattrap continues up the ladder, planting additional charges as he goes. * </p><p>SENTINEL(VO, con’t.) Implementing Level Six. Shatterfields. 16</p><p>Rattrap pauses, mouth dropping open.</p><p>RATTRAP(R) Shatterfields?! There won’t be enough left of me to fill a teaspoon.</p><p>He looks up; two more bolt casters snap into position on either side of the ladder. The crossbows acquire target. </p><p>SENTINEL (VO) You have been warned. Surrender now or face the consequences.</p><p>FADE OUT:</p><p>END OF ACT TWO 17</p><p>ACT THREE</p><p>FADE IN:</p><p>INT. - MAXIMAL BASE - A VERTICAL ACCESS SHAFT</p><p>Rattrap(R) looks down past the demolished part of the ladder to the slowly rising ball of energy. *</p><p>SENTINEL(VO) Intruder, you are required to stand down.</p><p>Above him, the dual bolt casters lock on him. He grips the ladder on each side. *</p><p>RATTRAP(R) * I don’t think so! </p><p>-- and slides down it navy style. The bolt casters fire, missing Rattrap(R) but demolishing the ladder. Rattrap(R) falls. *</p><p>RATTRAP(R, CON’T.) Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!</p><p>And lands hard at the bottom of the shaft, right in the cryo field. The field Bristles around him, icing him up.</p><p>RATTRAP(R) Brrrrr! If I don’t wanna be a ratsicle, gotta knock this cryo field out now.</p><p>With some effort he reaches to his wrist and hits a stud.</p><p>RATTRAP(R, con’t.) -- Demo charges, FIRE!</p><p>(SFX: VWOOOSH!) as Rattrap’s charges explode. With a whirrr, the cryo field disappears. Sentinel reacts. * </p><p>SENTINEL (VO) Cryo field deactivated. </p><p>RATTRAP(R) * Alright, that’s one for the rat! 18</p><p>And with that he TRANSFORMS BACK TO BEAST MODE. </p><p>RATTRAP(B) * Now to get to the core and show this hunk a junk what it means to mess with me!</p><p>And as he scurries off, we:</p><p>CUT TO:</p><p>INT. CAVE COMPLEX - TIGATRON(B) *</p><p>TIGATRON (B) pads through a dark tunnel. Then he stops as he hears a voice up ahead.</p><p>WASPINATOR(B,OS) * Waspinator says we must deal with Optimus first!</p><p>TIGATRON(B) * Tigatron Maximize. Stealth Mode.</p><p>MOS, Tigatron TRANSFORMS to ROBOT MODE. He moves forward cautiously to the end of the tunnel, until he sees: *</p><p>POV - Tigatron... Blackarachnia(B) is setting the sonic emitter. Terrorsaur(B) and Waspinator(B) hover nearby. They are in a high-ceilinged cavern. Their argument continues. *</p><p>TERRORSAUR(B) * Optimus will never find us here.</p><p>BLACKARACHNIA(B) * And even if he does he’ll be too late. The emitter is ready. In 15 cycles we’ll be inside the Maximal base. </p><p>Blackarachnia(B) hits a button and lights begin to flash on the sonic emitter. Suddenly: *</p><p>TIGATRON(R,OS) * 19</p><p>The only place you three are going is the slag heap!</p><p>The Predacons WHIRL. WIDEN as Tigatron steps forward and opens up with his cannon. Waspinator and Terrosaur fly out of the way and Blackarachnia leaps aside as his blasts shatter stalagamites and rocks. *</p><p>TIGATRON dives for the sonic emitter and grabs it, tucking it under one arm as he snaps off a few shots and retreats down the tunnel. *</p><p>Blackarachnia(B) clings to a wall and shrieks. *</p><p>BLACKARACHNIA(B) He’s stolen my invention!</p><p>Terrosaur(B) and Waspinator(B) are in the air. *</p><p>TERROSAUR(B) * Predacons - Terrorize! </p><p>Terrosaur(B) and Waspinator(B) TRANSFORM TO ROBOT MODE, as they fly downwards. *</p><p>Blackarachnia(B) leaps off the wall and TRANSFORMS in mid- air to Robot Mode. *</p><p>They all land and race into the tunnel after Tigatron(R). *</p><p>INT. TUNNEL *</p><p>Tigatron(R) races down the tunnel as Predacon fire starts blazing all around him. *</p><p>Waspinator(R) and Terrorsaur(R) fly down the tunnel, Terrosaur in the lead, Waspinator behind him. Blackarachnia(R) follows behind. Terrorsaur(R) unleashes two of his wing missiles. *</p><p>Tigatron glances back over his shoulder, sees the missiles coming. He DIVES as they explode just inches behind him. *</p><p>The shock wave carries Tigatron out of the tunnel into: *</p><p>INT. ANOTHER CAVERN * 20</p><p>Tigatron lands hard behind some rocks and the emitter bounces away from him. He shakes it off, as: *</p><p>Terrorsaur(R), Waspinator(R) and Blackarachnia(R) boil out of the tunnel and look for him. *</p><p>BLACKARACHNIA(R) * Where did he go?</p><p>TIGATRON(OS) Right here Predacons!</p><p>They turn as Tigatron(R) rises up from behind the rocks, cannon in hand. He begins blasting, rapid-fire. *</p><p>Waspinator(R) and Terrorsaur(R) are both hit hard and smashed backwards. Blackarachnia(R) DIVES for cover, then returns fire. *</p><p>Tigatron(R) ducks back behind the rocks, as Blackarachnia’s blasts splinter their tops. *</p><p>Blackarachnia(R) ceases her fire and calls out. *</p><p>BLACKARACHNIA(R) * You can’t win cat! The emitter will explode and take you with it. </p><p>Tigatron looks toward the emitter which is only a metre away from him. It’s starting to WHINE, as its lights flash more intently. He crawls to it, picks it up, then calls out:</p><p>TIGATRON(R) * In that case, allow me to return it.</p><p>He lobs it toward Blackarachnia. *</p><p>The emitter bounces out onto the cavern floor, a short distance from Blackarachnia’s position. She sees it and hears an intense WHINE, as it builds to an explosion. *</p><p>BLACKARACHNIA(R) * NO! </p><p>She TRANSFORMS to Beast Mode and fires a web line upwards. She ZIPS UP it as: * 21</p><p>Waspinator(R) and Terrorsaur(R) rise and look toward the whining emitter. *</p><p>TERRORSAUR(R) * Let’s get out of here --</p><p>They TRANSFORM to Beast mode and quickly fly away as: *</p><p>Tigatron(R) LEAPS and TRANSFORMS to BEAST MODE, landing as a tiger on a higher point in the cavern. He moves for all he’s worth, racing into a tunnel as: *</p><p>The sonic emitter builds to an EAR-SPLITTING WHINE... *</p><p>EXT. MAXIMAL BASE *</p><p>Rhinox(B), Optimus(B), DinoBot(B) and Cheetor(B) are still in front of the base when the ground ROCKS beneath them and a hole is blasted in the turf FROM BELOW, ABOUT 10 metres behind them. *</p><p>CHEETOR(B) * Jumping Gyros, what was that?</p><p>OPTIMUS(B) * Let’s find out. Battle mode!</p><p>The Maximals all TRANSFORM to ROBOT MODE and move toward the site of the explosion. *</p><p>EXT. THE HOLE IN THE GROUND *</p><p>As the Maximals(R) gather around it, weapons ready. There is a beat, then Tigatron(B) leaps out of it, shakes himself and starts cleaning himself in the manner of a cat. *</p><p>OPTIMUS(R) * Tigatron? What is this?</p><p>TIGATRON(B) * It’s a long and very ugly story. </p><p>OPTIMUS(R) * I want to hear it. As soon as we deal with our other problem. 22</p><p>TIGATRON(B) * Problem? </p><p>And on his puzzled look, we: *</p><p>CUT TO:</p><p>INT. - MAXIMAL BASE - COMPUTER CORE *</p><p>It’s a stunning array of compact electronics, displays, and some obviously kluged repairs. Rattrap(B) ENTERS, looking rather worse for wear. He staggers towards the console.</p><p>SENTINEL(VO) * Unauthorized Access to Computer Core! Shatterfield on line.</p><p>Rattrap dashes to an input screen and TRANSFORMS to ROBOT MODE. Using the control pads, he begins frantic operations. * </p><p>RATTRAP(R) * Cool your circuits kid. It’s just the exterminator, here to blow a few bugs outta your system. </p><p>A particularly nasty looking array (like a solar collector panel) appears from the wall, swings towards him and GLOWS to life. *</p><p>RATTRAP(R) * “Friend or Foe” identification codes – Now where’d Rhinox put ‘em?! Uh OH!</p><p>The array GLOWS intensely. * </p><p>Rattrap(R)leaps upward, grabbing onto a ceiling beam as the array FIRES. A ROARING (SFX) energy blast rips across the room. Storage containers in it’s path are BLOWN TO BITS. *</p><p>Rattrap drops back down, as the array powers up for another shot. * RATTRAP(R) * 23</p><p>Hey don’t get nasty with me, pal!</p><p>Rattrap continues hitting control pads, watching the array.</p><p>SENTINEL(VO) * Target locked. Preparing to terminate.</p><p>RATTRAP(R) Come on, come on --</p><p>The Shattefield array GLOWS as Rattrap slams in a final command. For a brief moment, the field starts to generate. Then it shuts down, the array tilting down.</p><p>SENTINEL(VO) Rattrap. Maximal. Signature wave patterns recognized and acknowledged. (friendlier voice) Sentinel standing down.</p><p>RATTRAP(R) Phewwwww!</p><p>DISSOLVE TO:</p><p>EXT. - THE MAXIMAL BASE - WIDE</p><p>Optimus(B), Cheetor (B), Dinobot(B), Rhinox(B) and Tigatron(B) are walking back to the base as the perimeter shield disappears and the base entrance opens. *</p><p>CHEETOR(B) * Hey the shield went down.</p><p>RHINOX(B) * NO!</p><p>OPTIMUS(B) * What is it Rhinox?</p><p>RHINOX(B) * Sentinel wouldn’t drop the shield if an intruder was still active. 24</p><p>The realization of what he is saying hits them. Solemnly they move into the base TRANSFORMING TO ROBOT MODE as they go. *</p><p>CUT TO:</p><p>INT. MAXIMAL BASE - COMMAND CENTER *</p><p>The Maximals(R) look around at the destruction caused by Sentinel. Their faces betray their sadness.</p><p>CHEETOR(R) (disbelief) Rattrap gone? No way. I don’t believe it.</p><p>OPTIMUS(R) * (swallowing hard) He was a difficult Maximal to deal with. At times, impossible! But I’ll remember him with honor.</p><p>RHINOX(R) Sure he smelled bad. He was a rat. But he was my best friend…</p><p>DINOBOT(R) * I won’t disgrace his memory with lies. He was a stinking, omnivorous pestilence. Still in some perverse way, I will miss him. </p><p>They hang their heads in silence, then suddenly they hear a familiar voice. *</p><p>RATTRAP(R,OS) * Don’t stop now! You motorheads are killing me.</p><p>They turn and their eyes widen.</p><p>CHEETOR(R) * Rattrap!!!!</p><p>Rattrap saunters into their midst. *</p><p>RHINOX(R) * 25</p><p>How did you -- ? </p><p>RATTRAP(R) * Avoid getting scrapped? Well it was no oil bath but let’s face it, ain’t a defense system made I can’t get around. Right Sentinel? </p><p>To their astonishment, Sentinel replies: *</p><p>SENTINEL(VO) * Acknowledged. </p><p>Rattrap(R) smiles broadly. * </p><p>RATTRAP(R) * You just gotta know how to talk to ‘em.</p><p>The Maximals exchange glances. And then Optimus bursts out LAUGHING.</p><p>OPTIMUS(R) * (laughter)</p><p>And in a moment, Cheetor(R), Rhinox(R), and Tigatron(R) join in. Dinobot(R) frowns at the merriment, as we...</p><p>FADE OUT:</p><p>The End</p>

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