Strategies for Building a Student-Centered PE Class

Strategies for Building a Student-Centered PE Class

<p> Strategies for Building a Student-Centered PE Class</p><p>Presented by </p><p>Bob Fitzpatrick Emporia State University Department of HPER [email protected]</p><p>KAHPERD Convention Emporia State University November 6-8, 2013 Professional development experiences can “pump you up” or “deflate your balloon”. Make a point to get experiences outside of your field as well.</p><p>As noted sports psychologists Robert Gilbert says “How do we expect our students to be 9’s and 10’s if we are not a 9 or a 10”. Change is always looking us in the face and it is how veteran teachers react to change that makes the difference. It is not the content, skill, or how we assess that impacts our students; it is how we interact with them. Do we embrace challenges, inject humor and get emotional about our teaching? These are the things that make a difference. Let your persona come through.</p><p>Murray Banks, world renowned motivational speaker and former Vermont Physical Educator of the year, has a simple formula for us. We are sales and marketing gurus who need to get our product out the door. That product is education and our students are the consumers. “If they are buying, then they are learning”. We need to market our product with some flash and dash to enhance the sales connection with our students.</p><p>Check out Murray’s video at Click on the link for School Staff Development and play the video on the right.</p><p>Recommended Reading Who Moved My Cheese (Spencer Johnson) FISH(Lundin, Paul & Christensen) Revved (Harry Paul & Ross Reck) Learning with the Body in Mind (Eric Jensen) ********************************************************************* Teaching Strategies should reflect “best teaching Practices” as outlined in NASPE documents.</p><p>*************************************************************  Students should have an opportunity to express their learning through various learning styles (Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences).  Students should be given optimal practice work beginning with individual, and progressing up to small group work and finally large group work when appropriate (adventure skills).  Diversity and social interaction should be encouraged by multiple partner changes.  All learning modalities should be utilized during the teaching process (visual, auditory and tactile).  Peer coaching, self-directed learning, task-performance learning, as well as teacher directed learning should be utilized.  The learning environment should allow for inclusive and mainstreamed learners simultaneously as well as differentiated learning.  Consistent class management style stressing character building.  Evidence of assessment of learning outcomes.  Utilizing assessment data to improve learning.  Classes should encourage creative expression and provide an opportunity for success at some movement task during each session.  Utilization of technology, both teacher and student utilization.  Focus on health related benefits of physical activity and how these can be acquired and maintained lifelong.  Interaction of academic areas and the arts into PE and vice versa, should occur intermittently throughout the year.  Provide a safe learning environment through defining “buffer zones”, establishing a respectful environment, instruction as to the safe handling of equipment, and “awareness” of natural hazards.  There should be evidence of take-home work, out-of-school projects, journal writing, reflection statements, outcome processing, on-going fitness assessment, and the development of critical thinking skills. Students want choice in  Selecting activities (meet their particular goals)  Selecting intensity level/competition level/cooperative vs. competitive  Selecting rules  Selecting comfort level  Selecting partnerships  Selecting music (appropriate)</p><p>Students want to be involved in  Activity make up  Assessment process  Equipment selection  Goal setting</p><p>Students want practical applications to outside of school  Activities that reflect their culture (inner city kids-alpine skiing?)  Activities that they can afford (high interest/low cost)  Activities that make them feel good about themselves (Walk for Hunger)  Activities that they can implement easily (can fit into small time frames)  Activities that have wide appeal (easily find someone to exercise with)  Consumer knowledge to make wise choices (purchasing apparel/footwear)</p><p>Students want activities that reflect their needs and likes (not the instructor’s)  Traditional Activities  Alternative Sports/Activities  Rhythms/Dance  Like their parents do (Fitness Centers, walking, hiking, biking, skiing, etc.)  Recreational Sports/Activities (canoeing, kayaking, curling, disc golf)  Technology applications</p><p>Students want recognition for physical exploits  Interscholastic Sports  Out of School Accomplishments-often overlooked and not rewarded</p><p>Students want experiences that are FUN and ENRICHING!  Activities in which they feel competent  Experiences which contribute value to their well being</p><p>Hit The Gym Running!! Use Instant Activities to liven up the warm up process</p><p>Provide visuals to communicate your content and instruction ( i.e. Instant Activity Chart)</p><p>Keep verbalization to a minimum during this warm up phase (5-10 minutes depending on length of class)</p><p>Instant Activities can be based on previous lesson activity or previously taught content.</p><p>Accompany with music whenever possible.</p><p>Be creative; running laps gets boring.</p><p>Utilize this time to bring slower learners up to speed on grade level benchmarks (usually from previous lesson).</p><p>Good time to review any assessment data from previous lesson and use to enhance learning.</p><p>Excellent vehicle for infusing your lesson with fitness based options (Mask Fitness Gram Test Elements, i.e. push up tag, yoga moves, sit up basketball)</p><p>Make extensions for learning from lesson material to out-of-school use/real-life applications. Upstacks/Downstacks (any fast paced music for stop and go) (Standard 1, 2, 4)</p><p>Use as an aerobic game and also to assess jump stops. Divide class into up stackers and down stackers. Set up sets of three cups in down stack positions throughout gym area. Review Jump stop rubric. Once you say ‘go’ everyone tries to do their job as fast as they can. Change roles after 1 minute and repeat again. Do again so each student gets to play each role twice. I usually use this as a teacher assessed activity for jump stops (see assessment) and bilateralism. Be sure to state your learning expectations before starting activity.</p><p>Cup Stack Race (Standard # 4)</p><p>Have students pair off and start everyone in the bronze medal area. If a partner wins he/she moves up to silver medal area and if they win again they move to gold medal area. If you lose you move down one level. Activity: Cup Stack race. Line two students up beside each other at start line. On go they must up stack the three cups and down stack and then slide them forward as far as possible once they reposition they must up stack and down stack again and then slide again until they cross the line.</p><p>Move the Mountain (Give and Go) (Standard 1, 2)</p><p>This can emphasize throw/catch, kick/trap, or stick passing and receiving. Divide class into partners (Back-Back). Hand each pair a fleece ball. On the signal begin with underhand catch and throw. When thrower releases ball he/she is to move to a new space nearby (quickly) and receive throw from partner, who moves to a new space. Anytime a person drops the ball, both partners do 2 Jumping Jacks. Change partners often (diversity). Use as a teacher/self/peer assessment. Use the rubric for the underhand throw (or any you have on other skills). Relate to sport participation, especially, soccer, hockey, and basketball. Thanks for being my partner (respect) before moving to new partner. Introduce 2 vs. 2 soccer and do a Standard 2 assessment using application of move the mountain.</p><p>WIPEOUT (w or w/o step counters)</p><p>Music “Wipeout” by the Safaris. Line students up for laps around the gym, in rows of 3-4 (space dependent). When the music starts have students see how many steps they can get on their pedometers by the end of the song. When drums (only) are playing, students must do quick knee lifts while in place. When other musical instruments cut in, students will either power walk or jog as they move around the perimeter. When drums only, students must again stop and do quick knee lifts in place. This is a good warm up or a precursor to other fitness activities. Follow up by having your students perform the quicksteps activity for 3-4 classes in a row. Use a 3 x 5 card to have students record their performances and see if they can build on the number of steps accomplished from performance to performance. \Fitness Stick Activity Muscle Strength Theme</p><p>Name:______</p><p>Partner’s Name:______</p><p>Room: ______</p><p>Directions: Complete numbers 2, 4, & 6 with muscle strength ideas and include the number of times you will perform the activity (5-10).</p><p>1. 6 Blast-OFF JUMPS______</p><p>2. ______</p><p>3. 10 Side-to-Side kicks, with weight on hands__</p><p>4. ______</p><p>5. 8 PUSH-UP WAVES______</p><p>6. ______Assessment: Students will be given 4 activity cards which depict various HH and MS activities they have performed and they must place in the appropriate box. Reemphasize the checklist for both activities (these are posted next to Heart Healthy Harry and Mighty Muscle Mary in the front of the gym). Corresponding boxes are on the floor. Look at rubric on board (on white board in front of gym) to see how we will score the assessment. 4 = Fitness All Star; 3 = Fitness Player; 2 or less = Fitness Beginner. Children will deposit the activity cards in the appropriate box. As we line up I will process with them the correct answers and return their cards at the next class along with their assessment summary. All assessment activity cards are name coded for collecting assessment data. Utilize data to enhance learning. </p><p>Teaching Strategies  Emphasize safe choices for MS selections.  Refer back to the Instant Activity (Wipeout-HH) as a comparison for MS and compare “feelings” when doing both (this really helps to anchor learning).  Utilize Back-Back and Beat the Clock to keep things moving.  Don’t forget “Thanks for being my partner”.  Make connections to home use of ideas and Family Fitness Logs in May.  Let the children know that time spent on this new activity will carry them into a higher activity time for future classes (become familiar with this process).  Have students make the checklist for HH (they did this in last class), gives them ownership. I supplied the checklist for MS. </p><p>GHOSTBUSTERS PUSH-UP WAVES BLAST OFF JUMPS WIPE OUT</p><p>HEART HEALTHY ACTIVITIES</p><p>Signs and feelings that tell you have done a heart healthy activity are:</p><p>1. Increase in Heart Rate: Feel your heart beat 2. Increase in Temperature: Feel your forehead 3. Increase in Breathing: Listen to your breathing 4. You move around a lot: run, skip, hop, dance</p><p>MUSCLE STRENGTH ACTIVITIES</p><p>Signs and feelings that tell you have done a muscle strength activity are:</p><p>1. Muscles feel tired (not your heart) 2. Weight is on your body parts: hands and feet 3. Limbs are bent: muscles support you not your bones 4. You stay in one place or area.</p><p>MIGHTY MUSCLE MARY HEART HEALTHY HARRY Boot Camp Task Card NASPE Standards 4, 5, 6</p><p>Health Related Fitness for Grades 4-6</p><p>Student: ______Class: ______</p><p>Equipment needed: dice, task card and pencil.</p><p>Directions: Perform (you and your partner) each of the following activities the number of times that come up on your roll of the die. Be sure to take turns on rolling the die. Once you complete the physical challenge you and your partner decide in which fitness category the exercise falls: Aerobic, Muscle Strength or Flexibility. Circle the letter representing the correct element of fitness. Exercises</p><p>1. Blast-Off Jumps A M F 2. Spiderman Crawl A M F 3. Zig-Zag Tag A M F 4. Cat Stretch A M F 5. Washer Machines (seated twist) A M F 6. 50 Jump Ropes Fast A M F 7. Calf stretch A M F 8. Lap Run A M F 9. Skate Jumps A M F 10. Tail Grabs A M F</p><p>Try some of your favorites from above during your next recess period. CREATE A DANCE: NASPE Standards # 2, 5</p><p>Theme for Dance:  Summer Olympic Sport Movements  Post Summer Olympic Sports on Wall  Divide class into teams of 4 using back-back  Distribute Dance Cards and Pencils to teams  Dance Team - list 4 separate sport movements (16 counts) and come up with a name for your team (each member of team will offer a sport movement).  Your team will have practice time w and w/o music.  Dances will be self-assessed according to following rubric:</p><p>Dance Rubric</p><p>Beginning Developing Achieving Exceeding No Dance team Name Dance Team Name Dance team Name Dance team Name List 1 sport movement List 1-2 sport Lists 3-4sport Lists 4 sport movements movements movements all different sports Does not practice dance Practices some of the Practices all of the Practices all dance moves Dance moves dance moves moves in time to music</p><p>Use leader technique for remembering moves. All Teams will perform their own dance at the same time. Music will be the same as Salt Lake Slide</p><p>Options: 1. Would a team like to demonstrate their dance? 2. Would a team like to offer up their dance for whole class to learn? 3. Would teams like to select their own music? Teaching Hints: 1. Use a person from each team to teach their dance to another team 2. Use each team member as a leader for 1 skill 3. Dance charts on wall; cover what is not being taught. Dance Assessment: 1. How did your team perform? 2. Were you in step with the beat of the music? FROGS IN THE POND: NASPE Standards #1, 2</p><p>Equipment: 1 cone 16-20”, 2 balls-tennis/sponge, and 1 hoop, per every three students.</p><p>Purpose: To introduce the side striking position that will relate to higher order skills such as tennis, batting and golf. To assess the critical elements of the side striking position.</p><p>Activity description: Divide into groups of two for the game activity. Striker hits two balls to partner who catches and places in the Pond (hoop). Once complete both partners change position by jogging. Fielder stands just in front of hoop and moves to ball to make catch. Striker hits with open hand and follows key elements listed in checklist. Change partners often. Use larger ball for visually impaired or less-abled. Add a third partner for assessment activity.</p><p>Side Striking Checklist 1. Fee straddled (sticker on lead foot) 2. Backswing 3. Eyes on ball 4. Twist hips and strike 5. Follow through</p><p>Peer Assessment/Teacher assessment: 1 assessment sheet and pencil per group of three. Rotate from assessor to striker to fielder back to assessor. You only need each name listed in order and be sure students follow proper order so you have a record as to who recorded for each student. This peer assessment actually helps to better develop the striking skill for the person doing the assessment (peer coaching).</p><p>Third Grade Striking Assessment</p><p>Directions: X the boxes you see in partner performance (#1-6) Name #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 1. Mary (S) Feet Backswing Twist Eyes Follow Straddled & On Through Strike Ball 2. Hannah (A) Feet Backswing Twist Eyes Follow Straddled & On Through Strike Ball 3. John (F) Feet Backswing Twist Eyes Follow Straddled & On Through Strike Ball</p><p>* First Grade use graphic representation and three criteria to start. We will always refer to this activity when teaching all side striking activities.</p><p>First Grade Checklist Beginning Striking Activities</p><p>Directions: X in the box for skill observed FEET BACKSWING WATCH BALL Students name STRADDLED</p><p>X X X Abby X X John X X Sally</p><p>Pattern Jumping</p><p>NASPE Standard: # 1</p><p>Benchmark: 4th-6th grades The student will create motor planning experiences using various jump, hop and step sequences. The student will move from a competent skill set to a proficient skill set involving jump skills. Hop-Step-Jump Cards- Students will write down their own sequence and practice. This activity is listed under # 1. Students will quickly find a partner and do back-to-backs. Write partners name on line 2. Under # 2, partners will write a sequence for each other to follow (each of the three movements must be represented). You will then practice the sequence. Once you have two- four practice rounds you will then perform for your partner. Partner will score your ability to follow the motor pattern.</p><p>Teaching Hints: Be sure to explain to class that the step in this case is the same as a leap. Be sure you have instructed your student’s before-hand on the hop, step (leap) and jump. Be clear as to what learning expectations are (one foot landing, two foot landing etc.). When time for the assessment, be sure to explain to students that you expect them to be able to follow the sequence their partner has given them. Relate skills to Track and Field. See if anyone knows what event has the three skills we are working on. Once assessment is completed and performance level is recorded have students perform another sequence of their choice using 10 skills (# 3) without the jump tubes.</p><p>Extension of Learning: Hand students card and have them design three different patterns and try them at home. Be ready to teach one in class next week.</p><p>Bum and Bummer Activity (Dribbling Assessment) NASPE Standard # 2: Applying Concepts Name: ______Room: ______Directions: Place your hand down on the paper and draw an outline of your hand. Color in the part(s) of the hand used to dribble the basketball. What part of the game “Bum and Bummer’ did you like best?</p><p>Any dribbling and tagging basketball lead up game (Bum and Bummer) NASPE Standard 2: APPLYING CONCEPTS</p><p>Peer Assessment (can also be self or teacher assessed) Name 1 2 3 4 Ball Seldom has Loses control Sometimes loses Ball in Control Control control half of the time control occasionally all the time (uses (spends more (bounces ball dribbles with palm of good dribbling time chasing off foot; fingers close techniques; the ball then moving too fast, together(concentrates finger pads, dribbling) dribble too more on tagging then waist high or high) ball handling) lower, away from feet) Tagging Seldom has Tags often Sometimes forgets to Always dribbles ball when when not in dribble when tagging the ball when tagging control of ball tagging</p><p>Body Control Seldom Makes contact Every now and then Always avoids avoids contact with other makes contact with contact with with other players half of another player (eyes other players players the time on ball) (changes direction to avoid collisions)</p><p>Hints when using peer assessments: 1. Use graphics and few criteria for younger students and more criteria for older students.</p><p>2. Keep inactivity to a minimum (change up often)</p><p>3. Have evaluators give specific feedback based on their observations and the task card (rubric)</p><p>4. The teacher should never address teaching hints with the “Performer’; always address through the “peer evaluator” (you have relinquished your “teaching” to the evaluator)</p><p>Prepared By Bob Fitzpatrick Date 10/20/2009 Unit/Activity Throwing & Catching Activities Grade 3rd</p><p>Skill Throwing/catching MA Standard MA Frame 2.2, 2.1 NASPE Standard Standard 1: Basic Skills and Movement Patterns Standard # 2: Understanding/application of concepts Objectives Students will be able to throw overhand at a target using grade level benchmarks for throwing (see checklist). Students will understand the relationship between the overhand throw and various sport and game activities. Students will be able to applying throwing concepts (Standard #2) though a peer teaching activity. </p><p>Equipment Time Activity Assessment 1 bean 5-7 IA: Move The Mountain bag for min. Divide students into groups of two (movement Teacher observed with every 2 warm up (back-back). feedback. players. Using underhand throw, students will Sport application concentrate on bending knees as making the check-teacher throw; students will work in Random space assessed-analogy. (general space rules). Throw bean bag to partner then move to empty space-(4 steps). Make 8 1/2" X 11" 15 min relationship to sport. Self and peer assessed. Visual target. Choice of Utilizing a checklist fleece, bean Target throw Activity: Divide into partners. for each round bag, or kush Visuals will be taped to wall (5' between (recording only one). ball. Poly spots (1 per targets); polyspot placed 15' back; students will Students giving target), demonstrate critical elements of then overhand feedback to partner. pencils throw while trying to hit the target. Each 1/pair. student will have three throws and then rotate 10 min. with partner. No assessment on 1st round. Two poly Second round use assessment checklist. spots, 1 ball per every Footballs as third option if time. three sets of Peer assessment using checklist (see task card). players. Random check of 5 min. Play Base Runner Activity: Divide class into groups of students in class. three. Set up two bases about 15-20 feet apart. Runner sees how many times he/she can run the bases while partners throw 10 times. Use the elements we just worked on for target Throw Activity. Switch runners after 10 throws. Who got the most bases? *Teaching hint: Have throwers keep their eye on the ball not the base runner.</p><p>Processing: What activities or sports use an overhand throw? Have you ever tried to see how far you can throw a stone into a lake or body of water? Did you use proper technique? Throwing Checklist -3rd Grade Throwing Checklist -3rd Grade</p><p>Check () on the line when you see that Check () on the line when you see that element demonstrated by your partner. element demonstrated by your partner. 1 2 3 1 2 3 ______Throwing hand up in air. ______Throwing hand up in air.</p><p>______Twist body as throw being ______Twist body as throw being made. made.</p><p>______Throwing fingers point to ______Throwing fingers point to Target. Target.</p><p>______Throws hard. ______Throws hard.</p><p>Name: Name:</p><p>Throwing Checklist -3rd Grade Throwing Checklist -3rd Grade</p><p>Check () on the line when you see that Check () on the line when you see that element demonstrated by your partner. element demonstrated by your partner. 1 2 3 1 2 3 ______Throwing hand up in air. ______Throwing hand up in air</p><p>______Twist body as throw being ______Twist body as throw being made. Made.</p><p>______Throwing fingers point to ______Throwing fingers point to Target. Target.</p><p>______Throws hard ______Throws hard</p><p>Name: Name: Throwing Targets (since these are in MS Word you can enlarge each picture to be 1 full page in size.) </p>

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