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<p> “TweetBook” A Conference Compendium (in 140 Characters or Less) Table of Contents Tuesday July, 21 Welcome Address - David Wennergren Keynote Address - Aneesh Chopra Keynote - Tim O'Reilly – “Government as Platform” Session 1-1: Web 2.0 and National Security Session 2-1: Cross Agency Collaboration Session 4-1: Openness, Information Sharing, and the Use of New Media in DoD Conference Luncheon Keynote - David Weinberger - Transparency as a Virtue Session 1-2: Case Studies in Citizenship Engagement Session 2-2: Transparency in Action: Achieving Its Potential Session 3-2: Data Visualization: Showing Government 2.0 Session 4-2: Organizational Metamorphosis When DoD/NGO Partnerships Reach Consensus Session 1-3: A-Space: Social Software Unleashing the Potential of a Community of Analysts Session 2-3: Organizational Metamorphosis When DoD/USGA Partnerships Reach Consensus </p><p>Wednesday July, 22 Opening Plenary Session: Open Government Dialogues (Lena Trudeau and Robynn Sturm) Session 1-4: Identity Assurance and Privacy Session 2-4: Tools for Open Government Session 3-4: External Collaboration Session 4-4: Connecting with Social Media DoD Session 1-5: Policy Discussion Session 2-5: Securing Web 2.0 and Social Media Technologies Session 3-5: Transforming Citizen Engagement with Congress Session 4-5: Opening the Future: The Potentials of Social Media Luncheon Plenary Session: IDG Government Insights Research Findings/Young Leaders and Social Media Session 1-6: Outside In: Innovation and Openness from Outside Government Session 2-6: Measuring the Impact of Social Media Session 3-6: Embracing a Collaborative Culture Session 4-6: Organizational Metamorphosis When DoD/Coalition Partnerships Reach Consensus Session 1-7: Beyond Social Networking: The Future of eHealth 2.0 Session 2-7: Department of Defense (DoD) Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) Session 3-7: Internal Collaboration Session 4-7: Collaborative Groupware Frameworks to Improve Government-to-Community Crisis Response </p><p>Page | 2 Conference “TweetBook”</p><p>DAY 1: JULY 21, 2009</p><p>David Wennergren Deputy Assistant Secretary, Defense for Information Management</p><p>7:44 am moehlert: Wennegren, DOD Deputy CIO - the imperative to share w/ the imperative to secure.... 7:45 am lostonroute66: Wennergren: the key today is "effective communication in a contested environment" 7:46 am moehlert: "Collaborate massively and relentlessly...." Wennegren 7:46 am dslunceford: The power of transparency, the power of access is what this conference is about 7:46 am lostonroute66: Wennergren: buzzwords generate hype and are easy to dismiss. cut through the hype. service oriented enterprise, cloud, etc 7:46 am jack_holt: Right info + right people X right time = fabulous things happening. Dave Wennergren 7:47 am skyemarthaler: Government services as an app store. 7:47 am kayawalton: Wennergren: cloud computing is a powerful opportunity. Scalable, dynamic and on the fly. 7:49 am kayawalton: Wennergren: Communication and collaboration are the heart of how we can be effective in the future. #gov20 7:50 am moehlert: "You must look at ways to address security differently...self-inflicted denial of service of attack"....Wennegren, DOD Deputy CIO 7:51 am mixtmedia: Risk avoidance doesn't work in this new world. Risk management does. 7:51 am corbett3000: "Transparency will set you free." -DoD CIO David Wennergren @ #gov20 7:52 am moehlert: "Trust is at the heart and soul of our challenges...." Wennergren 7:52 am You2Gov: quote from David Wennergren Deputy CIO, Pentagon. "Command and Control is dead" 7:53 am moehlert: "Low trust organizations are paying a heavy price...spend more money and take more time to get stuff done..." Wennegren 7:56 am cdorobek: Wennergren mentions Speed of Trust - first @FedNewsRadio Book Club book 7:56 am afabbri: You have to be willing to give up what you have to get more. David Wennergren </p><p>Page | 3 Conference “TweetBook”</p><p>DAY 1: JULY 21, 2009</p><p>Aneesh Chopra U.S. Chief Technology Officer</p><p>7:58 am iweeknick: Fed CTO Aneesh Chopra once said "great ideas get funding regardless of the rules." 7:59 am salemonz: Chopra: as I mingle, I'm convinced that there's at least one person here who has phenomenal idea. We need to get that idea heard 8:00 am salemonz: Chopra: not everybody thinks of innovation as technology, but tech touches everything. 8:00 am tjohns06: Aneesh Chopra talking about the "innovation imperative" 8:00 am AndrewPWilson: Chopra: Broader question, what is happening in society at large and how this affects innovation imperative 8:01 am sporing: Chopra: more Americans own cell phones than dishwashers 8:01 am salemonz: Chopra: Adoption rates for new techs is greatly accelerating. What took decades to catch on now takes months or scant years. 8:03 am dslunceford: We are at infancy of digital era; bandwidth consumption is increasing at 5x rate by 2013 8:03 am web20blog: Adoption rate for society as a whole has increased dramatically. Government must match it or be left behind. #gov20 8:04 am salemonz: Chopra: we used to use phones for voice, then certain products came around and now we use them for data. 8:05 am salemonz: Chopra: innovative products involve game-changing ideas that alter how business is done 8:07 am You2Gov: Game Changing Innovation is rule of today's economy. Chopra #gov20 8:08 am salemonz: Chopra: we fail to translate all of these examples of innovation in how our gov't operates 8:09 am tjohns06: "our public policy has failed to keep up with the rate of innovation" -Chopra 8:10 am AndrewPWilson: Chopra: we have failed in the public sector to leverage new technologies to their full extent & rate of change in US 8:10 am salemonz: Chopra: research on innovation and rate of improvement among 40 countries, US was dead last 8:10 am svenburg: Chopra: don't tell me where you are - tell me where your going, your rate of change. 8:11 am salemonz: Chopra: our brain capacity, today eight or nine countries has surpassed us in education. We have significant imperative to get better </p><p>Page | 4 8:12 am dslunceford: For too long America had been treating tech and innovation as individual box 8:12 am GovTwit: We need to incorporate the ideas, opportunities not just in tech policy, but in every significant decision of import to nation 8:15 am web20blog: Must collaborate with industries to have open standards to allow more innovation and become more competitive. #gov20 8:15 am rdamashek: -104 chopra: enabling public to see how much energy they are using, and be more energy- efficient, R&D roadmap, future jobs 8:16 am USMSOffice: Chopra: US sets open standards in key areas to deliver platforms of innovation 8:17 am AndrewPWilson: Chopra: need to ensure that we are building a 21st century infrastructure & this is not just telecommunications 8:17 am You2Gov: Cannot have an either or situation in computing. Need flexible platforms/solutions that offer rapid change. Chopra. #gov20 8:17 am spdconf: Chopra 3 pillars: drive game changing innovation, 21st century infrastructure, open gov't 8:19 am salemonz: Chopra: the real success of transparency is the impact of accountability. 8:19 am smiltenberger: "the president logged on to the IT dashboard ...he is personally interested in what is going on" chopra at 8:20 am McTeags: Data is the future. Health IT data, smart grid data, traffic data, spending data. Gov is the facilitator of data flow. 8:21 am Pragmatics_Inc: Chopra: We're here to instill a culture of openess. POTUS is personally interested, this isn't just talk. 8:21 am salemonz: Chopra: what is root cause of red projects? Procurment? Contractor? New communication will help id that. 8:21 am NoelDickover: Chopra - transparency leads to accountability. IT Dashboard is one method for the CIOs to do this. #gov20 8:21 am marydavie: Chopra: Transparency facilitates senior executive engagement like never before 8:22 am salemonz: Chopra: citizen developed apps are creating some very interesting products. 8:22 am bucchere: 400 data sets available today on, says Chopra. -104 #gov20 8:23 am salemonz: Chopra: participation is another pillar of our direction. 8:23 am skyemarthaler: Chopra-> Making the data accessible makes information more relevant to American people. 8:24 am salemonz: Chopra: rather than just releasing finished products for public comment, we want public to contribute from the beginning 8:24 am You2Gov: "Mashing Up Public Data to Advance Civic Life" Title of Chopra slide. 8:24 am rdamashek: -104 chopra: example, find your voter poll location via google maps, example of Open Gov't dialogue process, 16 idea areas 8:25 am csukach: Chopra: Must instill a culture of open government-- yes, noise occurs, but really good ideas appear 8:25 am kmorr: Aneesh now talking about the 'outside-in' model for participation in policymaking. 3 stages: Engage, Identify Themes, Co-create 8:25 am salemonz: Chopra: our third phase, we asked the American people to write policy themselves. Over 300 people have done so thus far. 8:27 am GovTwit: 8:27 am CrisisCampWest: RT @AndrewPWilson: Chopra: "Outside-in" model for participation in policy making 8:27 am rdamashek: -104 chopra: proud of Dod thought leadership, as example, 37 innovations submitted, 6 ideas considered 8:28 am dslunceford: We're tapping into the knowledge base of the American people – 8:28 am webtechman: rt @lovisatalk Open Gov = transparency & accountability, better collaboration & open data, & participation by ALL ppl Page | 5 Conference “TweetBook”</p><p>DAY 1: JULY 21, 2009</p><p>Tim O’Reilly Web 2.0 Visionary</p><p>9:25 am salemonz: if it works, great; if it does not, stop doing it. We have problem with stopping things in gov't. 9:25 am Pragmatics_Inc: oreilly: "build a culture of measurement". Agree! needs test-driven development, metrics, SLAs, performance based contracts. 9:25 am Tinavhs: @timoreilly failure is an option in technology 9:26 am rdamashek: -1141 O'Reilly: New Yorker article about determining what's important to measure, outcomes, performance 9:26 am robpierson: O'reilly: "Lower the barriers to innovation and experimentation. Even more: I say we _encourage_ “safe” failures" 9:26 am medmike: RT @AndrewPWilson O'Reilly: Need to build not only a culture of measurement but make it automated, baked-in part of processes 9:27 am AndrewPWilson: O’Reilly Google is successful (in part) b/c they understand we are moving into a real time world 9:28 am salemonz: O'Reilly: 7bil times. Day, they have an auction to detrmine what ads on what page 9:28 am medmike: We are realtime world. Adwords leveraged this first. Predict based on usage not via highest bidder I.e. a realtime auction @timoreilly 9:29 am rdamashek: -1141 O'Reilly: what are the fitness factors for your organization? real-time nature of industry processes 9:29 am kayawalton: O'Reilly: Measure outcomes, not just output. Understand dynamics of real-time world. 9:29 am salemonz: O'Reilly: gov't needs to throw open doors to customers. App store iPhone is good example. Anyone can make apps 9:30 am NoelDickover: @timoreilly - real time search is critical - "everything is going real-time". Real-time measurement is key to this. #gov20 9:31 am kayawalton: O'Reilly: Open doors to partners. Let marketplace compete to let innovation happen. 9:31 am rdamashek: ogi-141 O'Reilly - openness to partners, supply chain, better results through marketplace, Apps for Democracy, NYC example, govt apps store 9:32 am cheeky_geeky: At , @timoreilly thinks that should not just be APIs but more of an "App Store" for citizens. 9:32 am krazykriz: @timoreilly:"If u want innovation to happen, don't get charged for something that should be public good" Big Idea: Gov "App Store" Page | 6 9:33 am rdamashek: -141 O'Reilly: NOAA/weather examples of gov't as a platform, end of massive applications and development costs 9:34 am salemonz: O'Reilly: gov't as platform means an end to designed applications. We will help build apps. All features won't be known; they'll grow 9:34 am McDapper: @timoreilly: Walter Gibson: "The future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed yet." 9:34 am rdamashek: -141 O'Reilly: sieze the opportunities to spend money on the things that matter, get more done with what we have, GPS as gift of DoD 9:36 am salemonz: O'Reilly: we need to do more than shake the gov't vending machine. We must break out of that model 9:37 am cdorobek: at : @timoreilly mentions CNN story Island DIY: Kauai residents don't wait for state to repair road 9:38 am You2Gov: Tim O'Reilly at "Do it yourself" becomes "Do it Ourselves" in Government. #gov20 9:39 am rdamashek: -141 O'Reilly: meetup as open tool to help promote local collaboration on projects, citizen engagements, how to make thinks happen, DIO 9:39 am salemonz: O'Reilly: gov 2.0 is digital commonwealth. 9:40 am spdconf: @timoreilly don't just ask for people's voices, ask for their hands 9:40 am AndrewPWilson: O'Reilly: How do we (as a gov) help enable and empower collaboration? - Foster a "DIO - Do it Ourselves" attitude </p><p>Page | 7 Conference “TweetBook”</p><p>DAY 1: JULY 21, 2009 – AM SESSIONS</p><p>Session 1-1: Web 2.0 and National Security </p><p>9:54 am cheeky_geeky: "A lot of (Web 2.0) policy right now is being made on the basis of absolutely no information." @linwells 9:56 am Pragmatics_Inc: Security is both functionality and information assurance - not one without the other - @bobgourley 9:57 am stratsoc: Great panel on web 2.0 and nat security here at #ogi. 9:57 am smiltenberger: bob gourley: we tend to overlook the bad guys who oppose what we're trying to do with social media 10:00 am kayawalton: Bob Gourley: cloud computing & open source currently mutually exclusive (doesn't have to be) 10:01 am topperge: @bobgourley brings up the identity/security aspect of gov2.0, someone gets its, don't inhibit progress, just make sure its addressed 10:01 am svenburg: Web 2.0 & national security panel with @lewisshepherd, @cheeky_geeky, @bobgourley and Lin Wells - looking fwd to a reality check 10:02 am kpkfusion: Listening to @lewisshepard Addressing security & social software. 10:03 am markwbaur: @cheeky_geeky Q: No information on part of the 2.0 advocate (hollow shell) or on part of detractor (curmudgeon)? 10:03 am justgrimes: At panel talk on Web 2.0 and national security; really like @bobgourley 's pragmatic comments about clouds and bad guys 10:04 am tjohns06: "Open government isn't limited to open U.S. government" -@lewisshepherd 10:07 am moehlert: @lewisshepherd "ET2.0 Evil Twin 2.0" What do we think about the bad guys using SoMe to improve their performance? 10:07 am Pragmatics_Inc: what if China, Iran used open source wikis? - Lewis Shepherd 10:08 am tjohns06: "to effectively use collaboration tools, you can't hide behind firewalls" @cheeky_geeky 10:10 am US_EUCOM: Listening to top minds of Web 2.0 & Natl Security: Mark Drapeau, Bob Gourley, Lewis Shepherd, Lin Wells #fb 10:10 am kpkfusion: @cheeky_geeky doing great job. Underscores diff between strucured/unstructured inputs. 10:11 am moehlert: new phrase "Twitter Hero / Corporate Zero" @cheeky_geeky from @bobgourley ...we need to remember the reason why we use these tools. 10:12 am csukach: Linton Wells: dispute resolution ala paypal, etc./applying that idea to dispute resolution amongst/with ppl in other countries -105 10:13 am tjohns06: is what you are doing in social media helping your mission? don't be a twitter hero/corporate zero. -@bobgourley #nationalsecurity</p><p>Page | 8 10:16 am NoelDickover: At Web 2.0 & National Security Session #gov20 - talking about policy challenges for info sharing (flash drives for instance) 10:19 am csukach: Lewis Shepherd: have to balance speed/sharing with security of gov't networks frm attacks that can come via all different means -105 10:20 am tjohns06: applications/systems (facebook, twitter) can not be responsible for content/authority of information. #nationalsecurity (@cheeky_geeky) 10:20 am moehlert: @cheeky_geeky "TDTF = Too Dumb To Function" how do we train people to use SoMe effectively? 10:22 am tjohns06: "people are responsible for their own behavior when using social media! "@bobgourley #nationalsecurity 10:23 am Pragmatics_Inc: Great point: Security is a people problem. 10:25 am moehlert: @linwells Need Standing Orders for use of SoMe within DOD... 10:26 am Pragmatics_Inc: We don't hold the *people* accountable for security enough 10:27 am tjohns06: To manage people/tech need to: 1. commit to security from top 2. invest in security 3. enforce the rules @linwells #nationalsecurity 10:29 am kayawalton: From @cheeky_geeky: Potential embarassments not just limited to junior staff. Sr. Staff capable. How to educate sr staff to avoid? 10:32 am moehlert: I'm sorry. I just refuse to be shocked that people can be stupid and use SoMe in dumb ways. Tell me how to fix it. How about training? 10:33 am kayawalton: Shepherd: Sr staff to balance safety, awareness with openness, transparency. 10:34 am tjohns06: "success in government is a result of ruthless persistence" - @linwells LOVE THIS QUOTE! 10:35 am moehlert: @linwells "The Clay Layer" that layer between Sr Leaders who get it & young ppl who get it and the non-permeable layer in-between 10:36 am moehlert: @cheeky_geeky How can SoMe be the "inbound" into other countries? 10:36 am planetrussell: Yes! Re @bobgourley on users' responsibility for own actions using SoMe. Ultimately, no policy, entity can replace sound judgment. 10:42 am tjohns06: fascinating political thoughts from @lewisshepherd on powerful regimes making use of latest communication tools for good vs. evil 10:42 am svenburg: @cheeky_geeky: "government as a platform for evil" about Iran gov's use of Facebook 10:45 am tjohns06: need to consider home computers, family, & friends when conducting #nationalsecurity training on open government 10:47 am justgrimes: Could governments use social media and web 2.0 to control citizens, ie., propaganda 10:58 am Pragmatics_Inc: Important comment on open govt - govt publishing personal data, can reveal privacy, security to ill effect 11:30 am planetrussell: @justgrimes Re SoMe misuse: AQ propagandists tried old-school Cmd & Ctrl "believe this, do that." Most Muslims overwhelmingly rejected. </p><p>Page | 9 Session 2-1: Cross Agency Collaboration 9:55 am AndrewPWilson: MuniGov 2.0 coalition of federal/state/local/municipal gov focused on use and principles of Web 2.0 9:57 am wvmikep: -106 re: do you identify and address echo chambers? 9:59 am AndrewPWilson: Sean Dennehy - Central Intelligence Agency talking about Intellipedia and the importance of collaboration 10:03 am ANTHOLOGYCOMS: Good nuggets from sean dennehey. Publish, then edit. And think topically not organizationally -106 10:04 am AndrewPWilson: Dennehy: One core principles for people using tools: Improve existing processes - think how you are capturing knowledge. 10:06 am Jeanne_JPL: Moderating great panel X-agency collab: it's about culture + change management, not technology. CIA: "fight like hell to keep it open." 10:07 am sporing: Dennehey: these web tools work best when they are available to everyone. -106 10:09 am AndrewPWilson: @Jeanne_JPL Question: What can we do to help connect fed/ state/ local SM so that citizens are served better? 10:10 am USMSOffice: Dale Worley speaking on cross agency participation in web 2.0 via in 2nd life 10:11 am lovisatalk: @levyj413 talking about Social Media Sub Council work and lessons learned. We practice what we preach! 10:14 am AndrewPWilson: Levy (@levyj413) talking about how it is necessary to push boundaries & go beyond standard practices to collab 10:15 am lovisatalk: Biggest barrier to interagency collaboration and sometimes internal collaboration is lack of access to common tool sets & platforms 10:16 am AndrewPWilson: Jeanne Holm: Speaking on the how to find ways to collaborate with public & importance of being where people are 10:17 am lovisatalk: NASA talking about their meetings held in SL in order to facilitate better collaboration 10:17 am AndrewPWilson: Couple people on panel are using 2nd life for collab- for me this puts pretty high barrier for participation 10:18 am ANTHOLOGYCOMS: @levyj413 says there are obstacles to overcome with collaboration. But do it anyway. 10:24 am lovisatalk: need participation from public to be successful. Helps get clarification and validation of work re: crowdsourcing 10:25 am AndrewPWilson: Dennehy : Talking about how to find ways to filter information. This is one of this biggest challenges as info explodes 10:25 am AndrewPWilson: Dennehy : "Your reputation is your currency" Agree 10:28 am AndrewPWilson: Dennehy: Talking about importance of "gardeners" (curators) in managing info in Intelipedia - people helping w/ greater good 10:31 am AndrewPWilson: Levy: Education is key part of getting by in from people on how we can move the use of SM forward in gov 10:35 am sporing: RT @AndrewPWilson: Holme: Make sure that people r empowered 2 connect w others. Mistakes will be made but no worse than w other tools 10:41 am sporing: Get everyone in the room (mgmt, legal, IT, etc) to discuss how to use web 2.0 tools for cross- agency collaboration. -106 10:44 am lovisatalk: State & NASA says begin w/ where are the ppl & the communities? Where is the conversation happening? Start here for SM. 10:45 am lovisatalk: Experiment with different ways to engage the ppl and communities you are trying to reach. 10:47 am wmburke: Social media rules for gov't implementation from @levyj413 - in this order: Mission. Tools. Metrics. Teach. 10:48 am AndrewPWilson: Levy: Go to to see info that the social media subcouncil is working on </p><p>Page | 10 10:52 am AndrewPWilson: Holm: Govloop ( is a great place to connect with people working on #gov20 Session 4-1: Openness, Information Sharing and the Use of New Media in DoD </p><p>9:57 am skyemarthaler: DoD panel for 4-1 has good cross section -health to warfighter. #army 10:00 am rdamashek: -108 Session 4-1: challenges in information sharing for DoD. Marian Cherry special assistant to Vice JCS on net-centricity 10:01 am skyemarthaler: Creating an information advantage - Debra Filippi #army. Still an issue between privacy/security vs. Convenience #army 10:04 am rdamashek: -108 Cherry: JCS wants entire DoD to work as virtual staff/org, JS needs to be open to its partners, rely on DISA for infrastructure 10:04 am skyemarthaler: Marian Cherry-teach our own people how to leverage beyond their area of expertise. 10:05 am rdamashek: -108 Session 4-1: pushing use of NCES infrastructure to enable services, enhanced security, COOP, agility 10:05 am skyemarthaler: Limited operational capability for secure DoD cloud. Push coming to start exposing data to it. #army 10:07 am rdamashek: -108 Cherry: working pilot on cross-coalition information sharing (US-Aussies), DoD is not an island, secure sharing with partners 10:08 am skyemarthaler: We must start to work and share information with our partners in secure environment - Marian Cherry #army 10:08 am FlexPlexico: Using a "cloud" is more secure and offers a COOP capability - Marian Cherry from Joint Chiefs of Staff 10:10 am rdamashek: -108 Cherry: NS Leads effort, info sharing across senior leaders, driving to be open to other Agency leaders. 10:11 am rdamashek: -108 Cherry: TAPS intelligence fusion effort, support for analytics from multiple stakeholder perspectives (e.g. J-5) 10:12 am skyemarthaler: DoD is working to break both internal and external stovepipe for openess communication, share data. Believe it when I see it. #army 10:13 am rdamashek: -108 Cherry: Global Force Management initiative, focus on readiness, support to rapid deployment, manual integration now 10:14 am rdamashek: -108 Cherry: similar multi-stakeholder analysis/interest perspectives 10:16 am matthewvb: be interested in hearing how DoD is defining "new media" - i think there are several definitions floating around 10:16 am McTeags: Global Force Mgmt project will enable DoD to locate people/things, and move them as needs change. My sailor in AF needs that now! 10:17 am rdamashek: -108 Campbell: CIO of DoD Medical Health Services (MHS), health IT, tracking info on health of IT, in-time for provider to use 10:17 am skyemarthaler: Up next on panel Chuck Campbell-Important to capture all information on patients for healthcare. Streamline process and safety #army 10:18 am rdamashek: -108 Campbell: cost of not doing so, additional tests, missing full situational awareness for best medical decisions 10:20 am matthewvb: DoD working on virtual electronic lifetime records for health care --> perhaps this could be model for universal e-records 10:20 am skyemarthaler: Virtual lifetime electronic record-entire medical record for career and beyond. #army 10:21 am rdamashek: -108 Campbell: eligibility and other associated info, pushing data out, working with Microsoft and Google to provide access to health IT 10:22 am afabbri: DoD doing pilot with Microsoft/Google for personal health record access via Internet, free 10:22 am matthewvb: health info being stored on Microsoft & Google server environments - not DoD servers. that's a</p><p>Page | 11 great accomplishment for DoD! 10:22 am AndrewPWilson: @lovisatalk Agree, problem for me in 2nd life has been hardware. 2 computers (1 very new) crashed every time I use :( 10:22 am ezick1: -108 Campbell Military health system adobting Virtual Electronic lifetime Record 10:23 am skyemarthaler: How do we best do the virtual lifetime electronic record? Change process and speed up - Chuck Campbell #army 10:24 am 22frets: Chuck Campbell talking about How e-health records save dup tests, time, and potentially, lives. In health speed of info is essential. 10:26 am planetrussell: DoD working on lifetime electronic health records Model for civilian EHR/PHR's? via @matthewvb #himss 10:27 am skyemarthaler: How do we make things customer friendly? Flexible, simple, customized. Distributed development-using stakeholders-Chuck Campbell #army 10:27 am afabbri: "distributed development" breaks IT projects into small pieces, different vendors - faster, only way DoD can go now 10:28 am matthewvb: - DoD Military Health Systems site focused on web2.0 tech 10:28 am skyemarthaler: is test bed for doing new things in military health community. Chuck Campbell #army 10:29 am McTeags: DoD IT talking about using distributed development for next gen systems, not just lg vendors. Are defense contractors nervous? 10:31 am sengseng: Listening to Jack Holt speak about Use of New Media in DoD - "Communication is information in action." 10:31 am skyemarthaler: Now up: Jack Holt- Defense Media Activity. "Digital undocumented workers" #army 10:34 am McTeags: By thinking about what we do differently, we can work w/in existing systems, rules says Jack Holt from DoD 10:34 am skyemarthaler: Jack Holt - think about how we do things differently I.e. Bloggers roundtable. #army 10:37 am skyemarthaler: Up now: Eric Sauve, Tomoye. Talking about milspace. open, self service, networking environment. peer relationship problem solving 10:42 am skyemarthaler: Suave: scenario training with video, critical peer thinking and connect for dialogue about best result. #army 10:44 am McTeags: Scenario training on MilSpace: Trainees watch scenario & pose solution in order to get access to actual solution & see other solutions 10:44 am skyemarthaler: Sauve: What are you learning today? On milspace. Convergence works to reveal people and peers. #army 10:45 am fs3854: eric sauve is talking about MilSpace. what is the relation to is this something being pushed on the CCs? 10:49 am McTeags: Quote from MilSpace soc net user "we're no longer limited to discovery learning at expense of people we're responsible for." Powerful. 10:51 am JMGOVIT: dod pilot with google and microsoft for e-health records going on for a year now, dod now looking at distributed data model for records 10:52 am skyemarthaler: Wisnosky: Don't hide between the lines. Key for openess and trust. #army 10:57 am iweeknick: DoD is overhauling its electronic health record systems to be more usable, more stable 10:58 am skyemarthaler: Wisnosky: info sharing can only happen when everything is simple enough to understand. #army 11:05 am larrydillard: DoD is using new media to communicate and share info. how are we transforming biz practices? 11:57 am larrydillard: amazon destroyed bookstores; craigslist destroyed classifieds; where is DoD's creative destruction?</p><p>Page | 12 Conference “TweetBook”</p><p>DAY 1: JULY 21, 2009</p><p>David Weinberger Co-author of Cluetrain Manifesto Harvard Law School</p><p>Page | 13 Conference “TweetBook”</p><p>DAY 1: JULY 21, 2009 – PM SESSIONS</p><p>Session 1-2: Case Studies in Citizenship Engagement </p><p>Session 2-2: Transparency in Action: Achieving Its Potential </p><p>Session 3-2: Data Visualization: Showing Government 2.0 </p><p>Session 4-2: Organizational Metamorphosis When DoD/NGO Partnerships Reach Consensus </p><p>Session 1-3: A-Space: Social Software Unleashing the Potential of a Community of Analysts </p><p>Session 2-3: Organizational Metamorphosis When DoD/USGA Partnerships Reach Consensus </p><p>Page | 14 Conference “TweetBook”</p><p>DAY 1: JULY 21, 2009</p><p>Vivek Kundra U.S. Chief Information Officer</p><p>3:39 pm kolpeterson: Vivek Kundra speaking on how transparency can deliver results for gov't 3:41 pm tjohns06: Government does not have monopoly on good ideas -Kundra 3:42 pm mixtmedia: Old culture was built around faceless accountability. New culture: ideas have faces . 3:42 pm kev097: Kundra going over OMB's IT Dashboard. It's already led to suspending 45 Veterans Affairs projects: 3:43 pm AndrewPWilson: Kundra: IT dashboard is not only public but has tools that allow for collaboration & sharing of the info & data 3:43 pm USMSOffice: Kundra: Management watch lists did not hold contractors accountable. Opaque & no feedback on incomes 3:44 pm krazykriz: Kundra: Critical element is democratizing data, putting it in formats that are easily usable by citizens (not just convenient for gov) 3:44 pm Pragmatics_Inc: Kundra: Guiding principals - Transparency, Accountability, Collaboration 3:44 pm skyemarthaler: Kundra: democratize the data so people can make the analysis and judgment on tax payer funded projects. 3:45 pm mixtmedia: Continuously reevaluate what you're doing... "innovations" don't stay that way as time passes. Need processes for continuous innovation 3:45 pm AndrewPWilson: Kundra: How do we tap into public knowledge to help deal with all of the difficult challenges out there 3:46 pm mixtmedia: Evidence-based decisions to drive change for efficiency and effectiveness 3:46 pm Pragmatics_Inc: Capturing data lets you measure when to fail fast, quit, and stop putting money in bad programs 3:46 pm krazykriz: Data must lead to ACTION. - Kundra at 3:46 pm AndrewPWilson: Kundra: Over 31 million hits since launch of IT dashboard. + companion blog plus </p><p>Page | 15 3:47 pm ajturner: Kundra's team is building public facing interfaces that the Government itself is using for decision support 3:48 pm AndrewPWilson: Question for Kundra: Why we don't follow model of UK - there is wide area network across all agencies (no firewalls) 3:50 pm skyemarthaler: Kundra: have to ensure the privacy of the American people is not compromised. #army 3:52 pm debbieweil: Vivek Kundra: value of is that it jumps firewalls (my interp) and crosses the silos created 50 - 60 yrs ago 3:53 pm svenburg: @ajturner questioning @vivekkundra about open and transparent procurement process 3:53 pm kev097: Questioned about $15 mil contractor controversy. Kundra: We need procurement reform. IT is not like a building. 3:54 pm debbieweil: Great question for Vivek Kundra: what does success of gov 2.0 look like in 4 yrs 3:54 pm pahlkadot: vivek kundra talking about need for procurement reform. Buy cycle = Moore's law cycle! Already obsolete by launch. 3:54 pm MixedInk: US CTO Vivek Kundra: Transparency works bc of Hawthorne effect - we change behavior by observation, shaming projects that deserve shame 3:54 pm mixtmedia: End state of Gov 2.0? What's success? It's evolutionary.... we'll see greater involvement of technology in every aspect of our lives 3:55 pm krazykriz: Q for Kundra: What is your plan to encourage agencies to unblock great sites like @GovLoop where gov is collaborating transparently? 3:55 pm AndrewPWilson: Kundra: In the next 5 years more data created than in the history of all mankind & much of it will be unstructured 3:56 pm debbieweil: Vivek Kundra: value of is unstructured data, some of it is in video, some is GPS-coded pics you take with your iPhone 3:56 pm AndrewPWilson: Kundra: There will be Darwinian pressure put on the government to be able to compete with services provide by private sector 3:56 pm tjohns06: End state of gov20 = evolutionary. Greater convergence of gov and industry (FYI @sradick) 3:57 pm jack_holt: The www is becoming the manifestation of the aggregation of human thought. I'm just sayin' ... 3:58 pm krazykriz: All this data sounds like a digital landfill...but is one agency's trash another one's treasure? 3:58 pm AndrewPWilson: Kundra: One of the challenges of data availability is the number of steps involved from data generation to becoming available 3:58 pm govloop: data supply chain needs to be improved. definitely key 4:00 pm ScottHorvath: RT @krazykriz: Q for Kundra: What's your plan to encourage orgs to unblock sites like @GovLoop where gov is collabing transparently? #ogi 4:00 pm krazykriz: More on the "digital landfill" w/all the data - is a new competency the ability to dig and discover gems? Mining in the 21st century? #ogi 4:00 pm tumbleton: @BusinessDotGov @corbett3000 great session with Nancy Sternberg and Peter Corbett at OGI Conf. this afternoon #OGI 4:00 pm pbrantner: Vivek Kundra dispensing hope and change at #ogi to a crowd starved for it. 4:01 pm sradick: @tjohns06 Thanks!! Now, if only he had a Twitter account and I could thank him directly :) Really appreciate the outreach regardless! #ogi 4:01 pm debbieweil: U.S. CIO Vivek Kundra talks like an alpha geek (suits his title) #ogi 4:01 pm ajturner: When will @vivekkundra start twittering again? #ogi 4:01 pm mixtmedia: Legacy policies, e.g.Paperwork Reduction Act reduce our agility; wmust reevaluate statutes in light of new technologies & capabilities #ogi 4:01 pm AndrewPWilson: Kundra: How to deal with Paperwork reduction act, cookies, etc. - need to evaluate what makes sense now vs when statutes put in place #ogi 4:01 pm kmerritt: Vivek kundra req for comments on persistent cookie policy #ogi 4:01 pm tjohns06: Paperwork reduction act and cookie policies being "looked at." I can't wait for this to be adapted!! #ogi 4:02 pm JohnReaves: RT @krazykriz is a new competency the ability to dig and discover gems? Mining in the 21st Page | 16 century? #ogi < mining + connecting 4:02 pm moehlert: Outstanding lineup #ogi Great conf so far! 4:02 pm debbieweil: Q for Vivek Kundra: Could social media be a way to capture expertise of retirees? #ogi 4:02 pm krazykriz: RT @batterista: @krazykriz @GovLoop is blocked at agencies? WTH? #ogi YES! Several..and it's one of the most valuable tools to crush silos! 4:02 pm jhaughwout: RT @kachok Q for Vivek:Plans 2 opensource software behind IT dashboard, and so local and state govt. can use it? #ogi 4:02 pm govwiki: Check out the #ogi feed for the Open Government & Innovations Conference tweets today inc. Kundra, USA CIO. .. 4:03 pm kev097: Regulatory statutes getting in the way according to Kundra, questioner - federal cookie policy & (ironically) Paperwork Reduction Act. #ogi 4:03 pm AndrewPWilson: RT @krazykriz: What is your plan to encourage agencies to unblock great sites like @GovLoop where gov is collaborating transparently? #ogi 4:03 pm kachok: Q for Vivek: will Feds build open source tools for ARRA reporting for state/local governments to use? #ogi 4:03 pm debbieweil: Vivek Kundra: We haven't (yet) tapped into some of the smartest minds inside the fed gov't #ogi 4:03 pm skyemarthaler: Kundra: Part of what we are facing is how we optimize spending. Gov Needs to engage in debate. #ogi #army 4:03 pm mixtmedia: "Some of the most valuable thinking is happening w/in the federal gov't" Must make sure that game-changing ideas are surfaced #ogi 4:04 pm krazykriz: Q4Kundra: What's your plan to encourage orgs to unblock sites like @GovLoop where gov is collabing? #ogi Thanks for the RT @scotthorvath 4:04 pm kpkfusion: Vivek Kundra is spot on in saying that many of the best capabilities are on the front lines and we have to bridge to inclusion #OGI 4:04 pm CrisisCampWest: RT@archivesnext RT@paula_thrasher: Need outreach for transparency/ crowdsourcing to work -If you're open & nobody comes it doesn't help #OGI 4:05 pm jspeigel1: RT @BevUSA: need to look at paperwork reduction act, cookies, and other laws and regs. Vivek Kundra. #ogi 4:05 pm CrisisCampWest: RT@AndrewPWilson RT @krazykriz: Data must lead to ACTION. - Kundra at #ogi 4:05 pm AndrewPWilson: Kundra: How can we have a healthy space to debate ideas - this includes looking a different model for physical spaces #ogi 4:05 pm busynessgirl: @moehlert What is #ogi and are there any presentations that would be of interest to higher education? (times please ...) :) 4:06 pm skyemarthaler: Collaborative deliberation. How do we do that on gov? How do we encourage at IMCOM? #ogi #army 4:06 pm tjohns06: Need to also create face to face debate and battle of ideas!! #ogi hail the return of rich discussions vs sound bites 4:06 pm kmerritt: One potential solution to govt collaboration: startup style open "bullpen" floorplans #ogi 4:06 pm jack_holt: Challenge: finding the good ideas that are generated within govt. #OGI 4:06 pm BrianCharlonis: RT @ahier Hey: Check out the audio of @TimOReilly on the KojoShow today at #OGI 4:06 pm storyspinner: this town hall with vivek kundra at #ogi is really intersting, nice glimpse into where our gov't is going tech wise 4:06 pm kmorr: Vivek being asked whether face-to-face participatory spaces will be made available for collaborative policy debate/feedback #ogi 4:06 pm krazykriz: Quote of the Day (from @kmcurry): Current data supply chain is multiple data stovepipes bridged by Excel monkeys, Powerpoint Rangers #ogi 4:06 pm lgmelcher: @thetylerhayes #OGI is a conference on technology for government, in DC - Aneesh was a keynote this morning 4:07 pm kpkfusion: Will be great to get from data centric discussion to citizen/agency centric discussion. Exchange is the value creation engine. #OGI 4:08 pm storyspinner: we are working on putting more weight on the outcomes, not just expenditure data - vivek Page | 17 kundra #ogi 4:08 pm debbieweil: Kudos to Vivek Kundra for being able to respond to some long wandering questions #ogi 4:08 pm davefauth: @mixtmedia DNI Galileo is open only to govt not contractors. not using valuable thinking there. #ogi 4:08 pm samteller: Listening to Vivek Kundra talk about awesome government IT at #ogi -- would have been impossible to imagine this stuff a year ago 4:08 pm krazykriz: Otra RT for this Q4Kundra (via @andrewpwilson) What is plan to unblock great sites like @GovLoop where gov is collaborating? #ogi 4:09 pm moehlert: #ogi This is what an end of the day conf session should look like! 4:09 pm storyspinner: there needs to be a huge shift to understand that we are stewards to taxpayer $$ - vivek kundra #ogi 4:09 pm tjohns06: Do you need to reorganize/ remodel your physical workspace for better discussion and debate? Vivek's doing it. :) #ogi 4:09 pm OGIConference: Thirsty? Tired? Hungry for networking? Join your #ogi social network at Clyde's in Gallery Place for happy hour when Town Hall concludes. 4:10 pm jhaughwout: .@krazykriz Ask Ning. (does their policy create data "jails") #ogi 4:10 pm kit_plummer: RT @samteller:Listening to Vivek Kundra talk about awesome government IT at #ogi -- would have been impossible to imagine this stuff a y ... 4:11 pm tjohns06: Projects "in the red" don't necessarily need to be eliminated. This is also opportunity to turn good yet failing project around #ogi 4:11 pm aishajcreative: RT @mixtmedia Vivek Kundra focusing his presentation on transparency and how it can drive action #ogi 4:12 pm krazykriz: Thirsty? Tired? Hungry for networking? Join #ogi social network @Clyde's in Gallery Place for happy hour post-Town Hall. RT @OGIConference 4:12 pm jeremycee: RT @cheeky_geeky thinks @corbett3000 needs to run Apps to Save Entire Universe for future intergalactic UN & all unaffiliated aliens #OGI 4:12 pm JBordeaux: Torn. I love San Francisco, I love my job. I hate missing #ogi, but following it closely through my twitter search. 4:12 pm kpkfusion: Vivek Kundra describes "tectonic shift" to transparency. "Tectonic shift" will extend to changing mindset to improving citizen value. #OGI 4:12 pm jack_holt: Outcomes: what is the best way to democratize data? Is it scalable? Is it replicatable? #OGI 4:13 pm kev097: Many of the best ideas are IN government, on the front lines, but never move up through bureaucratic hierarchy. -Kundra #ogi 4:13 pm CrisisCampWest: RT@JohnReaves: RT@AndrewPWilson Kundra:In the next 5 years more data created than in human history- much of it will be unstructured #ogi 4:13 pm AndrewPWilson: RT @kpkfusion Kundra describes "tectonic shift" to transparency. This will extend to changing mindset to improving citizen value. #OGI 4:14 pm dslunceford: RT @krazykriz: What is your plan to encourage agencies to unblock great sites like @GovLoop where gov is collaborating #ogi 4:14 pm AFPADude: @NoelDickoverKundra is right inline with the @timoreilly view that govt Is a platform, and that this the best way to democratize data #ogi 4:14 pm debbieweil: Great Q to Vivek Kundra: How can we capture and elicit some of the tacit knowledge that fed employees have? #ogi 4:14 pm sporing: RT @krazykriz: Thirsty? Tired? Hungry for networking? Join #ogi social network Clydes in Gallery Place for happy hour post-Town Hall. 4:15 pm paolicelli: Per Kundra comments, sounds like fedbizopps platform is being "looked at" for modernization at least. Good ...but can't wait! #ogi 4:15 pm govloop: do we need a new clinger-cohen? #ogi 4:15 pm lostonroute66: questions coming in for U.S. CIO Kundra faster than I and @OGIconference can write. great problem to have. #ogi 4:15 pm kpkfusion: Commenter focuses on value of "tacit knowledge" inherent in federal employees. Vivek "digital town hall", Adding "cloud" services. #OGI 4:15 pm krazykriz: Q for Kundra (from earlier convo w/ @justgrimes): How do we ensure digital participation for Page | 18 Americans in rural areas? Library system? #ogi 4:15 pm AndrewPWilson: Kundra: The goal is too have cloud-based platforms that all gov't agencies can access whenever need occurs #ogi 4:16 pm jhaughwout: Q for Fed CIO: Will there be an RFP to see who provides the Cloud for GSA and others? If so, how soon? #OGI 4:16 pm RebeccaMT: RT @kpkfusion Underlying issue is that transactions cost imposed by gov in complicated procurement systems are passed on to taxpayers #OGI 4:16 pm debbieweil: RT Vivek Kundra describes "tectonic shift" to transparency - will change mindset to improving citizen value @kpkfusion #OGI 4:16 pm skyemarthaler: President is comittes to leveraging tech and info across the board. Need leadership now. - Kundra #ogi #army 4:16 pm lostonroute66: Kundra taking his last question at #ogi 4:17 pm jspeigel1: RT @govloop: do we need a new clinger-cohen? #ogi 4:17 pm sporing: RT @AndrewPWilson: Kundra: The goal is too have cloud-based platforms that all gov't agencies can access whenever need occurs #ogi 4:17 pm OGIConference: Not to keep harping on this, but please spread the word: join us for tweetup/impromptu happy hour at Clyde's following #ogi today.... 4:17 pm abbebuck: RT @bobgourley: In the #ogi I used the term "Twitter Hero / Corporate Zero" to remind all your use of social media needs to have a point. 4:17 pm kpkfusion: What about improving existing "public comment" process as way to create transparency & open gov as way to find "game changing" ideas? #OGI 4:17 pm krazykriz: @ogiconference Can we submit all unanswered questions to Kundra for response from his office (possibly via a WH blog post)? #ogi 4:17 pm jack_holt: Leadership: ceding control seeding contol to cultivate performance and harvest excellence. #OGI 4:18 pm kev097: Vivek Kundra's answer to all questions, in short: "Oh yeah, we're going to be working on that too." #ogi 4:18 pm wmburke: #ogi Weird to be listening to a political appointee and not feel like every statement is pre- determined and approved. Keep it up Vivek! 4:18 pm hueythewookiee: @jack_holt best way is to put it in open format(s) that are platform neutral and serializable. that answers the scale/replicable ? #OGI 4:18 pm kpkfusion: Vivek receives applause. Kudos, he did a great job! #OGI 4:18 pm debbieweil: Love this... Vivek Kundra: What's key is to capture disruptive ideas #ogi 4:18 pm skyemarthaler: Key is to find game changing ideas and disrupt linear procurement of tech. -Kundra #ogi #army 4:19 pm debbieweil: Whew. That's all for today. Reconvene at Washington Convention Ctr at 8 AM tomorrow #ogi 4:20 pm justgrimes: Is it just me or do people appear to have different definitions of what transparency means? #ogi 4:20 pm kdpaine: @debbieweil you made it back from the UK! Will u be at #OGI tomorrow. ? 4:20 pm kmallwein: Q4Kundra: What's plan to give Info Assurance folks access to test social software for scty problems & workarounds for their networks #ogi 4:23 pm CrisisCampWest: RT@AndrewPWilson RT@kpkfusion: Kundra describes "tectonic shift" to transparency,extending 2 changing mindset 2 improving citizen value #OGI 4:27 pm hueythewookiee: @justgrimes absolutely...same issues F/OSS has with the GPL license, the BSD license, the Apache license, etc. #ogi 4:28 pm RachelleLacroix: Thanks @lostonroute66 for the #ogi play-by-play today! 4:32 pm dsutch: Me thinks that @cheeky_geeky had high exposure to the Microsoft logos on the tweet boards today at #ogi. 4:40 pm dlblack: where are the OGI folks for HH? #ogi 4:47 pm richardbowman: Really enjoyed keynote speakers at #OGI today: Aneesh Chopra (Barack's CTO), Tim O'Reilly, and Vivek Kundra (Barack's CIO) 4:47 pm washingtronic: wish I could attend the HH with the #ogi folks. see you all tomorrow... 4:52 pm libraryfocus: RT @debbieweil: Vivek Kundra: We haven't (yet) tapped into some of the smartest minds inside the fed gov't #ogi 4:55 pm washingtronic: Kundra requests inventory of latest knowledge management apps #ogi</p><p>Page | 19 Conference “TweetBook”</p><p>DAY 2: JULY 22, 2009 – AM SESSIONS Session 1-4: Identity Assurance and Privacy </p><p>Session 2-4: Tools for Open Government </p><p>Session 3-4: External Collaboration </p><p>Session 4-4: Connecting with Social Media DoD </p><p>Session 1-5: Policy Discussion </p><p>Session 2-5: Securing Web 2.0 and Social Media Technologies </p><p>Session 3-5: Transforming Citizen Engagement with Congress </p><p>Session 4-5: Opening the Future: The Potentials of Social Media </p><p>Page | 20 Conference “TweetBook”</p><p>DAY 2: JULY 22, 2009</p><p>Luncheon Plenary Session: IDG Government Insights Research Findings</p><p>11:57 am salemonz: Speaker showing that biggest SocMed tool in nongovt use is facebook and wikis. Gov use largest is wikis and rss 11:59 am salemonz: Speaker says nongovt use of SocMed is education primarily. Gov't use is for information transmission 12:00 pm thegradschool: Adelaide O'Brien of IDCGovernment Insights presenting results of a social media survey. More info: 12:02 pm salemonz: iDC: security is number one concern with gov't workers 12:05 pm rdamashek: O'Brien: budget and HR constraints are also concerns, industry beginning to use for proposal collaboration 12:06 pm salemonz: O'Brien: survey is on ogi website. Please participate 12:07 pm thegradschool: For a comprehensive review of security issues facing gov, see White House Cybersecurity Policy Review: 12:07 pm sanchezjb: IDC: 13% of gov & nongov entities use metrics 2 assess impact of Web 2.0 & social media on biz outcomes. Mayb most signif challenge. 12:07 pm rdamashek: O'Brien: encourage measurement of usage and ROI of the initiatives 12:07 pm debbieweil: Prez Obama has asked each fed agency to each create a "signature" initiative to fulfill his Open Gov directive @opengov @gov20 12:08 pm salemonz: O'Brien: gov't number one way of delivering info was in responding to comments 12:10 pm AFCEAHelen: The survey is still going on and needs more responses. This was just a snapshot. Take the survey at #gov20 12:16 pm mixtmedia: RT @OGIConference IDC Gov Insights' survey post If They Build It They Will Come: A Gov't Social Networking Conf’</p><p>Luncheon Plenary Session: Young Government Leaders and Social Media </p><p>11:52 am govloop: the arbiters of cool are about to hit the stage 11:54 am lovisatalk: RT @govloop: @dan_munz @bienko @krazykriz @lovisatalk are all about to bring the thunder 12:10 pm jrick: Ok, how many of the current panelists will Tweet from the stage? 12:12 pm rdamashek: Young Government Leaders (YGL): including Steve Ressler Govloop founder, Andy - encouraged by rapid adoption 12:14 pm salemonz: Ohab: why do gov't agencies need tools in regards to younger people? 12:14 pm mixtmedia: Good point @danmunz Many people within government agencies don't even know that their agencies are using 2.0 tools, techs & principles </p><p>Page | 21 12:14 pm lotusfederal: Great point by Dan Munz... Follow-up question to "does your agency use Gov 2.0 tools?" should have been "are you sure?" 12:14 pm rdamashek: YGL: Lovisa - culture shock for many who come into gov't agency, lack of usage makes hard for folks to adjust to restrictions 12:14 pm salemonz: Williams: it's how younger people work. It's foreign to them to not have SocMed access. It's what they used in college. 12:14 pm debbieweil: "What do you mean I can't use Facebook at work?" say new young fed employees 12:14 pm mixtmedia: @lovisatalk says that we need to educate our colleagues as to what they can and can't do in social media and WHY. 12:16 pm rdamashek: YGL: Steve - social media as virtual coffee break for many, control water cooler interaction, Andy - focus and go to stream, mission use 12:16 pm rdamashek: YGL: Malena - this is the way we live, we do work, network, increase productivity 12:17 pm salemonz: Ohab: where is personal/professional line? 12:18 pm rdamashek: YGL: how achieve balance between work and personal life, Tanetta - very careful of usage, maintain fine line, Dan - make business case 12:18 pm sailfast2005: As a younger person, I'm more disappointed when enterprise collab tools aren't there (enterprise) than if my .com apps are blocked 12:18 pm debbieweil: Lunch panel key point: GenY / Millenials don't think they're wasting time on social media: they're working and collaborating 12:19 pm salemonz: Ohab: what training is required for new tools? 12:20 pm rdamashek: YGL: how about training? Andy - training events, physical or virtual, how fill gaps between conferences, social media is gap filler 12:21 pm rdamashek: YGL: Andy - reverse training - boomers pass knowledge, Gen X/Y train them on the social media tools. Malena - time mgmt key 12:22 pm debbieweil: Lunch panel: "Why Twitter is Better Than Water" by panelist @Krazykriz 12:22 pm uxcrank: Accidental point: Social media allows self abuse of the work/life thang 12:22 pm krazykriz: Dan Munz (my paraphrase) - the new key competency is data mining, aggregating and packaging neatly for action 12:23 pm NoelDickover: GenY / Millenials don't work 8 hour days - #socmed comingles work and personal actions - they engage in both all day long 12:23 pm csukach: Malena Brookshire, YGL, when focusing on social media training, remember to train folks in time mangement as well 12:25 pm rdamashek: YGL: Lovisa - responsibility to use tools wisely; Dan - cross-training, learning by doing; Steve - evolving way we do things 12:25 pm salemonz: Williams: we, here, are pioneers. We are held to high expectation to put forward best practices 12:25 pm sporing: RT @GSPMgwu: Many people think of SoMe is an unproductive thing but for our generation it is what we use to be productive! - YGL 12:26 pm salemonz: Ohab: how do we use socmed for recruitment? 12:26 pm rdamashek: YGL: how to recruit skilled folks? Dan - managing disconnect between public service and individual mission focus of specific jobs 12:26 pm sanchezjb: 1 challenge 2 largr adoption of social media in biz is overcoming what ppl may think when they focus on the "social" part of this term. 12:27 pm jrick: Interesting pt from John Ohab: Hire people w/o social media backgrounds to bring fresh perspetives & ideas to social media. 12:27 pm rdamashek: YGL: Andy -, teacher connectivity to support new media, Coast Guard channel, telling story 12:28 pm salemonz: Krzmarzick: YouTube coast guard is good example. Helps with recruitment. </p><p>Page | 22 12:28 pm You2Gov: Young Gov leaders leaving older attendees in room scratching their heads! Excellent display of generational differences. 12:29 pm debbieweil: Lunch panel: Q & A w/panelist Dan Munz of 12:29 pm kdpaine: how to make gov't cool. 1 do a gov't wide video conference, subject: why we serve. 2. clone teach 4 america. 3. center 4 innovation 12:29 pm rdamashek: YGL: Andy - IRS site on second life, videos of day in the life 12:30 pm salemonz: Ohab: how should we better engage leadership? 12:31 pm uxcrank: Apparently, government is cool now. Young, attractive, and enthusiastic too. 12:32 pm kdpaine: I LOVE THIS GUY --saying "ask for metrics" ask to be held accountable. 12:32 pm csukach: Tanetta Isler, YSL: it's important for govt to reward intelligent risk takers 12:32 pm jake_brewer: @GovLoop Office for Social Innovation already exists at the White House. Run by former Googler Sonal Shah 12:33 pm rdamashek: YGL: Lovisa - small leadership sessions, need to feel comfortable to ask questions and be uninformed 12:35 pm mixtmedia: Good question to YAFCEA panel by Michael Nelson of Georgetown: what class/coursework prepared you most/best for social media? 12:35 pm salemonz: Munz: not any one class, but any course that made me think outside the box 12:36 pm salemonz: Brookshire: not any one class, but experience of my grad students who started to share info 12:37 pm govloop: @lovisatalk is art grad. im sociology like @mixtmedia 12:37 pm rdamashek: YGL: Lovisa - how to prepare for jobs that don't exist now, professors that teach how to think 12:38 pm kdpaine: Andy: Got my degree in theology. "God tweets me" others on panel have degree in art, not technology, love it 12:39 pm rdamashek: YGL: Andy - multi-disciplinary, who is the new learner? learn by teaching, allow students to be able to teach one another 12:39 pm kpkfusion: Interesting that young leaders describe most important academic influences as experiences, not classes. 12:39 pm salemonz: Isler: no class, peer pressure forced me to learn SocMed 12:41 pm rdamashek: YGL: Tanetta - learning by doing, no classwork 12:41 pm AFCEAHelen: Digital natives/immigrants metaphor ignores the fact that many of us are translators. Also, GenX has been in the work force for 20+ yrs 12:43 pm salemonz: Ressler: this gen is a very activist gen. Making gov't "cool" again will help. USAJobs as it is won't attract new people 12:44 pm mixtmedia: Great pt Malena: don't replace, RETHINK the evolving workforce. 12:44 pm PRYouReady: Gosh, young people are just cracking up the room at . 12:46 pm svenburg: gov young professional lunch panel is one of the best sessions. and the funniest. #YGL #gov20 12:46 pm rdamashek: YGL: Andy - will keep giving back, put the culture in place now, everyone wants the work/life balanced experience 12:47 pm Pragmatics_Inc: Babyboom retirement has been positioned as "Capturing knowledge before it leaves" but not how older can learn from younger 12:47 pm debbieweil: Audience member stands up to say lunch panel of has been most rewarding session at (it was terrific IMHO) 12:54 pm washingtronic: Great panel on young govs. Feeling proud to be a gen y fed. I hope there were some human resources ppl listening. Tear down the cubes! 1:08 pm wmburke: #ogi I contend that what made the YGL lunch panel so great is the authenticity of the panelists- just being themselves, not trying to fit in </p><p>Page | 23 Conference “TweetBook”</p><p>DAY 2: JULY 22, 2009 – PM SESSIONS</p><p>Session 1-6: Outside In: Innovation and Openness from Outside Government </p><p>Page | 24 Session 2-6: Measuring the Impact of Social Media</p><p>1:13 pm armyimcom: Session 2-6 Kzmarzick-We need to go where the people are, Gov 2.0 What is the measure of success? #army 1:14 pm kayawalton: #gov10 measure: 2. Forrester Benchmark Study - pt scale on user goals 1:16 pm csukach: @krazykriz diff between Gov1.0=locked corner grocery store. Gov2.0=open & mobile bazar. 1:17 pm kayawalton: #gov10 measure: 3. OMB e-gov initiatives 1:17 pm justgrimes: Attending session on government measurements (egov & web 2.0) @krazykriz is running down a primer discussing brookings, etc 1:19 pm kayawalton: #gov10 measure: 4. ForeSee e-gov satisfaction index 1:19 pm armyimcom: Session 2-6 Kzmarzick-adoption and participation, usage, customer satisfaction all good questions to take from gov 1.0 to gov 2.0 #army 1:20 pm debbieweil: In SocMed measurement session: @krazykriz references Brookings Inst. 2008 E-Gov (fed & state) Survey. Link to PDF 1:20 pm justgrimes: I'm glad they have a panel on measurements at it's an important issue and needs to be discussed more; need to show quant/qual value 1:21 pm sporing: RT @danschawbel: HUMOR: 10 Questions to Evaluate a Social Media 'Expert' 1:23 pm dlblack: cdc has a web metrics dashboard. Cool! 1:25 pm armyimcom: Session 2-6 Krzmarzick-3 Gov2.0 metrics, transparency, engagement, participants see impact. 1:25 pm dlblack: why measure socmed? to figure out what works and what doesn't, apply resources accordingly 1:25 pm pahlkadot: in the session on measuring social media is dynamic and interesting. good stuff from @krazykriz 1:27 pm dlblack: number of eyes/hits isn't a workable socmed measurement, doesn't measure use or impact 1:27 pm debbieweil: Measurement session: from @kdpaine "For many years in MSM we didn't care about people; we cared about eyeballs" 1:28 pm krazykriz: HITS as metric: "How Idiots Track Success" (@kdpaine) - Doh! Ouch! It's not just about eyeballs. 11 moms changed Wal-Mart (not 11 mil) 1:28 pm kayawalton: LOL! "HITS" = how idiots track success 1:28 pm justgrimes: Strange, I've yet to hear the words usability, usability study, focus groups, etc in the measurement panel 1:28 pm debbieweil: Measurement: from @kdpaine: Then we moved online & counted hits; now we're trying to measure engagement (must listen harder) 1:28 pm armyimcom: Session 2-6 Paine-Social media renders everything you know about measurement obsolete. 1:29 pm dlblack: new measurement: actions and use 1:29 pm kayawalton: More powerful argument for socmed ROI: measuring behaviors and actions brought about by engagement 1:30 pm debbieweil: Measurement: from @kdpaine: are you going to measure "activity" (clicks) or... measure "have I built trust & improved relationships" ? 1:31 pm paula_thrasher: @stoweboyd conversation index metric just got mentioned in panel on measurement 1:32 pm washingtronic: Hey @krazykriz - @BusinessDotGov is an '02 e-gov initiative AND still cool</p><p>Page | 25 1:32 pm sailfast2005: 2-6 is it a metrics fork in the road, or more of a choice? Why not measure all three - more data always better and can help troubleshot 1:33 pm debbieweil: Measurement: I love how @kdpaine thinks: she's so logical. She makes sense out of fuzzy metrics we're bandying about for Social Media 1:34 pm krazykriz: ALWAYS start with your goal(s)! This is about achieving our missions effectively! GOALS drive metrics (@kdpaine) 1:34 pm debbieweil: Measurement: great preso by @kdpaine BTW 1:34 pm Pragmatics_Inc: measurement panel: Don't measure the #of fans/friends - measure the conversation. 1:35 pm justgrimes: Measurement panel, the language from panelist seems to approach the issue of metrics as a fundamental marketing/communication problem 1:37 pm Pragmatics_Inc: I think I've heard "Don't start with tools, start with goals" in about 3 diff sessions so far. Important reminder. 1:38 pm pahlkadot: Wish I could hire @kdpaine to help us measure our social media efforts on 2.0 events. she's good. 1:40 pm sanchezjb: Assess impact of SoMe on biz is by establishing & validating cause & effect relationships btween SoMe initiatives & biz outcomes. 1:41 pm csukach: Katie Paine, KD Paine & Partners: giving great tips on measuring conversations! 1:43 pm krazykriz: Looking for more information on @kdpaine (the "measurement queen"), check out her blog: 1:44 pm csukach: Paine: you become what you measure, so it's important to define your goals prior to measuring anything 1:44 pm USMSOffice: Measuring success of web 2.0 ties to goals but also in comparing apples 2 apples (how do I measure up against other agencies) 1:46 pm debbieweil: Measurement: from @KDPaine Measure what matters because 20% of the content (aka data) influences 80% of the decisions 1:47 pm krazykriz: @kdpaine is a GREAT blogger, too. Check out "Can Twitter Replace Walter Cronkite as "Most Trusted Man" in US?" 1:47 pm debbieweil: Measurement: from @kdpaine Sometimes not being mentioned at all is an optimum metric (she uses as an example) 1:50 pm USMSOffice: Good question: how do we measure transparency? Feedback mechanisms available, unfavorable comments build trust... 1:50 pm Pragmatics_Inc: Study: Transparency and trust are STRONGLY correlated. (This is a compelling case for Open Government) 1:52 pm sailfast2005: @krazykriz and panel- please talk about how this can be measured within an enterprise, not just PR. Want internal mettics bst prcts thx 1:53 pm csukach: Paine: research without insight is just trivia 1:53 pm paula_thrasher: Katie Paine's prezo was jam packed with measurement tips and tools for Web 2.0 tools 1:54 pm 22frets: K Paine: tons of practical info for measuring socmed. Email [email protected] for a copy. 1:55 pm justgrimes: @kdpaine is giving a great presentation on measurements very informative 1:55 pm debbieweil: Measurement: from @storyspinner starts w/ question: how did we get to this point where we feel we have to implement social media? 1:55 pm sengseng: Excellent talk by @KDPaine re: measuring impact of social media & building trust thru transparency: 1:56 pm USMSOffice: difference between monitoring & measuring value of social media. "where did the click come with vs how much customer engaged"</p><p>Page | 26 1:58 pm jrick: TSA IdeaFactory quantifies ROI via 2 key metrics: (1) # of new users each week; & (2) # of ideas implemented. #TSA 2:02 pm Pragmatics_Inc: @dankeldsen for the record, NOW we're finally talking ROI in the Open Govt conference. (measurement session) ha. 2:04 pm ladyjgem: Really enjoying the presentations on measuring performance of social media; these folks get it. 2:04 pm skyemarthaler: RT @ArmyIMCOM Session2-6-Evans-Measurements for social media, 4 Is, Involvement, Interaction, Intimacy, Influence. #army 2:06 pm krazykriz: Must read book from @storyspinner - Groundswell by Li and Bernoff - 2:07 pm Pragmatics_Inc: The metrics ideas are great, but this all sounds like a lot of manual effort 2:11 pm washingtronic: What about the many policy/legal hurdles to measuring social media? PRA, persistent cookies ban, etc? 2:12 pm Pragmatics_Inc: Evans: Good take away. To define success, also define what failure looks like 2:14 pm pahlkadot: Congrats to @storyspinner @Krazykriz and @kdpaine on a great panel. You were all great! 2:19 pm PRYouReady: Katie Paine talks about tracking "super-involved" toilet paper enthusiasts. Apparently they're great at imagery. 2:19 pm krazykriz: @kdpaine talking about product metric: "like wiping a-- with a cloud" Audience: Never look at cloud computing the same way again. :-) 2:38 pm marydavie: You can measure effectiveness of social media! 3:28 pm sanchezjb: "Measuring the Impact of Social Media" session @ OIG Conf was an XCELLENT session! Katie Paine is definitely a SME on this topic. 5:42 pm debbieweil: 'Nother nice pic: @kdpaine and @storyspinner at session on Measurement at Open Gov conf </p><p>Session 3-6: Embracing a Collaborative Culture </p><p>Session 4-6: Organizational Metamorphosis When DoD/Coalition Partnerships Reach Consensus </p><p>Page | 27 Session 1-7: Beyond Social Networking: The Future of eHealth 2.0 </p><p>2:37 pm debbieweil: Final e-Health session: Suzi Gates of starts off. Note that @CDC_eHealth has over 10,000 followers. 2:45 pm kev097: Speaking of Health 2.0, Google tracks flu trends around the world via search term queries. 2:55 pm debbieweil: e-Health: Fred Smith on H1N1: showing people how to improve their health and reduce their risk is empowering during a crisis 2:58 pm debbieweil: e-Health: Fred Smith - CDC has sent 100,000 eCards with a health message and room to personalize -> builds trust 3:07 pm sporing: RT @debbieweil: eHealth: Trust is a key issue. People trust the content on SocMed tools drive traffic back to site 3:10 pm debbieweil: e-Health: Ken Hall uses to make sense of huge vol of public health 3:12 pm debbieweil: e-Health: Ken Hall quotes @timoreilly's keynote again: "If it works, continue; if not, stop doing it" 3:28 pm debbieweil: e-Health: very cool; Ken Hall tells us about @apolloplus40 which is tweeting 1969 Apollo mission as it happened 40 yrs ago 3:35 pm debbieweil: e-Health: check out - site re-designed in next few weeks 3:38 pm debbieweil: e-Health: here's the blog for Ken Hall's "startup" inside </p><p>Session 2-7: Department of Defense (DoD) Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) </p><p>No Tweets for this session…sorry</p><p>Session 3-7: Internal Collaboration</p><p>2:52 pm US_EUCOM: Listening to my shipmate CDR Flex Plexico present the results of the Navy PA Social Media Working Group. #fb</p><p>Session 4-7: Collaborative Groupware Frameworks to Improve Government-to-Community Crisis Response </p><p>2:48 pm csukach: Hans Polzer, Lockheed: Netcentricity is a full-contact social sport (agree!) 2:50 pm Podkeyne: real value of social media to get to the individuals WITHIN the crowd who would normally not contribute-possibly because of the crowd 2:51 pm Podkeyne: Downside of social media is that while individual may be empowered their contribution may be overlooked in the volume and noise 2:54 pm Podkeyne: Rather than the room being smartest ist it more accurate to say that there is likely someone smarter than the authority in the room?</p><p>Page | 28 3:18 pm csukach: Cool idea! DHS is working on creating a "virtual USA" (Fed Computer Wk article here: ) 3:20 pm csukach: Polzer: humans are tribal in nature & exclusionary beyond those tribes; key is to find shared goals that unite across tribal lines 3:23 pm csukach: Mark Noland, Microlink: if ppl in your organization want to hug/keep the historical database, let 'em hug it--embrace differences 3:24 pm Podkeyne: yay John Carroll just said it "provide annonymity to individuals within group" and you will hear what they think 3:26 pm Podkeyne: by default crowd has no thought. Any apparent or observable direction is result of individuals pushing or pulling 3:31 pm lewisshepherd: DHS's Herb Engle on groupware for crisis response, says even building Evacuation- Notification tools is complex bec of diverse audiences</p><p>Page | 29 Conference “TweetBook”</p><p>DAY 2: JULY 22, 2009</p><p>Random and Final Thoughts from We, the Tweeple!</p><p>Day 1 9:59 am marshallk: @pahlkadot i've been thinking: should provide APIs or if even those should be provided by market based on raw data from gov? 10:10 am sanchezjb: Governance not yet addressed in X-Agency Collab session. Critical 2 enabling effective collab as discussed n "Wiki Gov" by Noveck. 10:12 am SixBlue_Data: RT @kiwanja: "Failure and experimentation are necessary for innovation. We need to lower the innovation barriers" (via @lovisatalk) 10:18 am GovFutures: OGI over arching theme: talking WITH rather than talking TO. Culture over technology. Open rather than closed. 10:18 am moehlert: Is our reaction to SoMe as new vector for threats akin to the modality of training to fight the last war? Can we get in front of this? 10:28 am Podkeyne: Idea to use EDXL resource messaging standard to facilitate on the go cash grants in disasters cash is a resource 10:29 am larrydillard: army needs to put applicant processing on the web where recruits can access their status, update their records, see jobs available 10:34 am PhoenixRachel: no its not right people right info at right time. Its open info sharing at all time bc you never know when that information will be ... 10:36 am AndrewPWilson: @JATetro Think there are large numbers of people connected at lower levels, these people moving up & making impact 10:37 am sanchezjb: Governance is an answer 2 the risk of "social nets .. loosely joined." 10:43 am wmburke: The devotion of gov't employees to use social media to improve gov't is remarkable - sometimes work from home since blocked at work. 10:54 am paula_thrasher: As we go to real time services, also need real time security for security clearances, not a clipboard survey every 5-years 11:01 am bryanwklein: Intent to share has to be part of the information workflow and systems. Not as an afterthought req. more work to transfer. 11:01 am marshallk: @pahlkadot sorry should GOV provide APIs. there is an argument against it: API as interp. raw data as best access 11:14 am davehaft: @AlbertMaruggi PeopleBrowsr is great in #gov20 because we can't install apps on our PC. Tweeting on behalf of the org ... never taboo 11:23 am shwi: important theme in government as platform - don't reinvent the wheel.</p><p>Page | 30 DAY 2 12:56 pm debbieweil: Prof Hiro Okumura came to #ogi fr Tokyo. Teaches info technology at U of Tokyo; he's a social media fan 2:20 pm kev097: IGs, OMB, other gov't bodies should do a lot of what we're doing now, promoting transparency & usability, Sunlight says. 2:31 pm neilgrace: neilgraceRT @GOOD via @timoreilly If you're interested in following gov 2.0, search on , the Open Gov Innovation. 2:41 pm moehlert: One last reminder: after conf you'll be able to replay all tweets here: Awesome conference - truly 2:33 pm kev097: Interesting for folks: 2:37 pm kev097: OH: "Safe fail, not fail safe." 2:56 pm RSSNewsmaster: Open Government and Innovations presentations and TW Conference Coverage (via Cover It Live) 2:57 pm hmiller23: So happy I was able to attend ! Thank you to all of the fabulous speakers!! Now let's go back and start opening up our gov't!! 3:01 pm kev097: Alphabet soup at : OMB, OSD, ODNI, DHS, DoD, NDU, CISO, CDC, H1N1, SAMHSA, NDO, NAPA, CMF, DTIC, NSWC, YGL, IG, RFP ... OMG. 3:28 pm OGIConference: Well, participants, it's been wonderful learning, talking & networking with you over the past 2 days. Expect conference materials soon! 3:30 pm sanchezjb: Attending the "Beyond Social Networking-Future of Gov 2.0" sesseion. 3:32 pm csukach: @OGIConference Great conf & awesome speakers! Thanks for all your work in organizing it! 3:34 pm OGIConference: @22frets re: a central place for presenter slides... stay tuned for notice on this. Keynotes: 3:34 pm sanchezjb: Info presntd @ "Beyond Social Networking-Future of Gov 2.0," while good, not consistent w/session title. Should have had another title. 3:40 pm jrick: RT @afabbri Take "no" to socked projects as "no, not this way." --Tamie Lyles-Santiago, DoD CIO office. 3:41 pm sanchezjb: Gr8 OGI conf. Learned alot. Would have benefitted frm opptys & avail time 2 network. Thank u. 4:15 pm moehlert: RT @sanchezjb: Gr8 OGI conf. Learned alot. Would have benefitted frm opptys & avail time 2 network. Thank u. DITTO on networking opps 5:04 pm kev097: Impressed this a.m. by DoD's social media stuff. @salemonz can we see the popular trends v platform charts online? 5:07 pm richards1000: OpenGov conference blog, & twitter feed, legal information 5:11 pm kmallwein: @levyj413 #1 that #gov2.0 conferences need to have streaming video to engage more diverse audience. 5:12 pm kmallwein: @levyj413 No.2 that any #Gov2.0 conference should put up all presentations at least one week early for crowdsourcing questions & cmts 5:13 pm kmallwein: @levyj413 No.3 networking time as valuable as presentations. Drop a track to get in extra time. 5:36 pm debbieweil: Cool pic of @csukach (@AFPAA) and @kdpaine at Open Gov conf - note the shoes 5:42 pm debbieweil: 'Nother nice pic: @kdpaine and @storyspinner at session on Measurement at Open Gov conf 5:47 pm kpkfusion: Thank you to everyone who organized the Open Government Institute. Great job! 5:47 pm kayawalton: @levyj413 Most enduring todo from : Need to find balance between openness and security - would open lots of doors and get lots of buy-in 5:52 pm kayawalton: @kdpaine Thanks for the follow and GREAT presentation at today's session. Would love to have a copy of your slides if you're sharing. 5:52 pm salemonz: @kev097 thanks for the props, Kevin! Yeah def. I'll get that online in a few mins. Have to get to a laptop </p><p>Page | 31 6:13 pm civictec: RT @govloop: RT @jake_brewer@GovLoop Office for Social Innovation already exists at the White House. Run by former Googler Sonal Shah 6:16 pm timoreilly: Also, in Aneesh Chopra's keynote yesterday, learned about this homebrew arsenic filter ($40 vs $4000) #make 6:30 pm moehlert: RT @snowded: Complexity in Government - podcast & slides now loaded: 6:33 pm AndrewPWilson: One of the best things I found out about at @munigov20 | 6:46 pm mcnccommunity: RT @ timoreilly: Also, in Aneesh Chopra's keynote yesterday, learned about this homebrew arsenic filter.. 6:48 pm dworley99: RT @AndrewPWilson: One of the best things I found out about at @munigov20 | 6:50 pm heyburt: RT: timoreilly: Also, in Aneesh Chopra's keynote yesterday, learned about this homebrew arsenic filter ($40 vs $4000) http://bit.l ... 6:52 pm bgreeves: RT@dworley99 RT @AndrewPWilson: One of the best things I found out about at @munigov20 | 7:10 pm wcronin: RT @bgreeves @dworley99 RT @AndrewPWilson: One of the best things I found out about at @munigov20 | 7:13 pm bgreeves: RT@dworley99 RT@AndrewPWilson: One of the best things I found out about at @munigov20 | 7:13 pm pbroviak: RT @wcronin @bgreeves @dworley99 RT @AndrewPWilson: One of the best things I found out about at @munigov20 | 8:32 pm AFCEAHelen: @dslunceford @lewisshepherd Awww shucks, thanks! Great meeting you both as well! And @batterista too! And @paula_thrasher! And... more! 8:34 pm AFCEAHelen: (cont. from last tweet) But for meeting AFCEA-related followers & actually chatting with some of the long-timers, nothing quite like . 8:39 pm kev097: @govloop How many people at do you think understood the term "bring the thunder"? 8:40 pm webtechman: rt @paula_thrasher @kdpaine prezo was jam packed with measurement tips and tools for Web 2.0 tools 8:45 pm webtechman: rt @krazykriz @kdpaine on product metric:"like wiping a-- with a cloud" Audience: Never look at cloud computing the same way again. 9:01 pm rupertmike: @dan_munz Awesome presentation today at . Glad to have been there. (Might go look for/steal your bureaucracy pic, perfect) 9:04 pm US_EUCOM: After this week's conference, I'm encouraged by DoD and Navy CIO's way ahead for the use of Social Media 9:06 pm steph_hay: enlightening couple of days at - govt making progress but still need to shift "digital immigrants'" mindsets toward acceptance 9:19 pm AFCEAHelen: RT @US_EUCOM After this week's conference, I'm encouraged by DoD and Navy CIO's way ahead for the use of Social Media.</p><p>9:26 pm raj3shsharma: Tim O'Reilly and ilk are doing a gr8 job with Gov 2.0 initiatives 9:29 pm PacificFleet: RT @US_EUCOM: After this week's conference, I'm encouraged by DoD and Navy CIO's way ahead for the use of Social Media. 9:34 pm CamilleZA: Home from . What a great conference! Good content, great speakers, great crowd. 1 and water thruout. 9:37 pm ntwilcox: RT @timoreilly: Also, in Aneesh Chopra's keynote yesterday...homebrew arsenic filter ($40 vs $4000) #make 9:39 pm afabbri: So after I feel like social media is sooooo old news... Then my foreign chef husband asks me how to use Twitter. 9:52 pm svenburg: RT @US_EUCOM: After this week's conference, I'm encouraged by DoD and Navy CIO's way ahead for the use of Social Media. 10:06 pm webtechman: @csukach Current Enterprise 2.0 projects are keeping me busy. Hope to meet up soon. Lots Page | 32 of good folks at Thx 4 good tweets =) 10:37 pm dan_munz: Love some of the confusion about my Twitter alias today. @danmunz and @dmunz must be *very* confused right now. 11:02 pm dan_munz: @levyj413 Bet that'll go up after you were featured in video by *huuuunky* Macon Phillips in today's video intro! 11:15 pm salemonz: Hey all! for all your wants. Feel free to add to things. It's all for my fellow Amurikans! 11:23 pm salemonz: Oh and call DINFOS and tell them I did okay today! I'm sort of an experiment for them...concerned about ROI and whatnot. 11:31 pm helenmitchell: Energized by . Great speakers & topics. Some successes but lots of challenges ahead -espec. for cross-agency collaboration.</p><p>Page | 33</p>

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