The Nature of Gender Sensitiveness in the Present Text Books

The Nature of Gender Sensitiveness in the Present Text Books

<p> The nature of gender sensitiveness in the present text books.</p><p>2 nd standard environmental science Subject Picture, name and Visualisation of Value Possible impact on the Alternate possibilities language the character children Lesson No 2 Though both boys In this lesson, the It’s a general Indirectly the children Care should be taken that the and girls are role of the boy is notion that boys- might have some issue of gender sensitivity does Moving around in a portrayed as courageous and men are more gender sensitivity not arise. forest equal, all the girl is portrayed courageous and impact while teaching Alternate conversation could girls’ names as hesitant. girls-women are the lesson. Girl be used. When a group of indicate that they weak. The same students may feel Instead of a girl saying “No, children walk around belong to a same value has been inferior when boys are the honey-bee will bite, let us in a forest, a boy community. portrayed in the portrayed as more go,” it could be said by a notices a honey- lesson. Since the courageous and boys teacher instead of a girl. comb and asks a girl names of the might get a feeling that Trying to incorporate names of to climb the tree. But characters’ girls are hesitant by other religions such as the girl refuses. belong to only nature. Since the names Christian and Muslim in the one particular of the character belong characters. community, to one particular students from community, other Supportive activities: other community community students Taking the kids to a forest; may get a feeling will not get any Teaching the kids by using of sidelining representation which pictures (even puppets); them. might have a feeling of Characters (boys/girls) should uneasiness among not have any gender others. discrimination; Care should be taken that no girl student will have any inferior feeling; Attempts should be made that girl students too can climb a tree and they are in no way less than boys; Teachers should stress this aspect.</p><p>Lesson No 3 Throughout the Throughout the A feeling that Children might develop The title, explanation and lesson pictures of lesson pictures of only men work a feeling that only men pictures should be inter- Conservation of only men are only men are hard might work hard and not related; animals, plants and used. used. develop. women. There is every Local (known) animal’s picture their usage (There is Men ploughing; Men are Since no woman possibility that the girl and name should be used; no link between the Men driving portrayed as hard- is portrayed as students will feel Since the text gives importance title, pictures and the bullock-carts, working, and conserving plants inferior. to rearing of animals, the content) women sitting on women are not. and rearing picture of ‘man ploughing’ is the bullock-carts; Though women animals, women’s not necessary; Men riding take more interest work has not been Instead of using only men’s horses, woman in conserving recognized. It picture, a few women’s picture sitting behind a plants and rearing might develop a too may be used; 5 th standard Science</p><p>Subject Picture, name and Visualisation of Value Possible impact on the Alternate possibilities language the character children Lesson No. 1 Both the pictures In the science Already there is a The lesson helps Girls should be shown are that of boys. practical session, belief that science develop a feeling conducting practicals and any Characteristics of only boys have studies are male- among the children that activity should be shown with living beings been portrayed. dominated. By there is no scope for the involvement of both boys There is no showing only boys and girls to learn and girls. Care should be taken Wherever there is a mention of any males in the science subjects in the usage of language too, mention of human girl. science practical together. Through such for example, the word ‘friend,’ beings, mention has sessions, the lessons, a situation may should be replaced with been made of only belief is justified. arise wherein girl ‘friends’. boys. students can not be More importance should be motivated to conduct given for girls to conduct experiments. practicals. More and more girls should be encouraged to take part in practical sessions. More information on women scientists and their personality should be included in the lessons. Lesson No. 4 Except for one Only men’s There is no If women are not given Both boys and girls’ pictures picture, all the pictures have mention about importance while should be used while Human body pictures are that been used while any girl in the describing parts of performing any exercise. of boys which doing a job, lesson. Is it human body, there is a Some activity to give While describing the include doing exercise, cycling, sufficient that if possibility that male- information on the parts of characteristics of exercise, playing playing and only the parts of dominated thinkings female body should be held. human body, only and cycling. studying and even male body are will find place in Though an uncomfortable boys’ pictures have while showing shown? Is playing children’s minds. A situation do exists in classroom been used. parts of human limited to only belief that exercise is while informing about parts of body, all the boys? Is working not necessary for girls female body, the same should activities are limited to only will also develop. not be hidden in the name of shown as male boys? Such Children may also ‘uncomfortable situation’. By dominated. traditional believe that hockey, hiding the facts, children will thinking has been kabaddi, football and become more curious. incorporated in cricket among other Instead of using the word, the lesson. games are played by ‘when you were a young boy,’ only boys. Girls can not sentences like ‘when you were be motivated by young’ or ‘when you were a showing only boys in young child’ should be used. all pictures. Games Girls pictures should be used which require exercise while using pictures of playing will find less a game. It should be convinced importance among girls that any game, be it kabaddi, and only boys will be cricket, kite-flying and benefited with such football, can be played by both attitude thereby boys and girls. developing a feeling Awareness should be created that only males are that exercise was essential for working and not girls. both boys and girls. Though many a girls ride bicycle, their picture has not been shown. The importance of maintaining health among boys and girls should be taught through some exercises. Lesson No. 6 All the pictures There is no The lesson helps To create awareness on Both boys and girls’ pictures are that of males mention about develop a feeling health, it is important to should be used whenever a Diseases and ways and while giving any girl in the that only males create awareness on picture is used in the lesson. of their prevention examples too, lesson. Whenever are directly diseases. Hence by Care should be taken while boys’ pictures a mention has responsible for keeping away women using the language, for have been used been made about the happenings in in such situations, the example instead of using (For ex, human a person, a the society and all importance of the masculine words, a general body or certain masculine word the activities are health of women has word such as ‘human body’ diseases) has been used and related to only been neglected which instead of a ‘man’s body’ not feminine. men. may have adverse should be used. effect on children. The same feeling may remain even after the young children grow up. Lesson No. 7 Except for one All the characters The lesson helps The projection of In the picture depicting picture, all the in the lesson are develop a feeling women are superstition, a woman’s picture First aid pictures are that males, be it that that females are superstitious might is used though both men and of males. The of a doctor, a superstitious and have adverse impact on women are victims of only picture with person who gives without any children. The lesson superstition. Hence, both men a female is related first-aid or a scientific has given scope for and women should be used in to superstition. patient. knowledge. All inequality by stressing all the sequences. Women’s Though there are doctors’ the fact that only males picture should be portrayed many female characters are are progressive. while using a doctor’s picture doctors, they have males. or a person who gives first-aid. not been More details should be portrayed in the incorporated pertaining to first- text books. The aid treatment. For example, only picture with when a person drowns, fire a female is related mishap, when a person is hurt to a superstitious or when a person is bitten by sequence in a bid snakes (with pictures). to project that women are superstitious Lesson No. 8 All the important It is portrayed The lesson has While discussing about Both men and women should characters in the that strenuous portrayed that strength if the topic be used in pictures. Since Strength lesson are males. jobs and playing men are income concentrates only on women too dig and cycle, their Be it digging, among other generators while men, then a feeling that pictures too should be used. pulling a cart, things are women are beauty women do not have Along with a woman combing cycling, reserved only for conscious. strength will be hair, pictures like men carpentry, men. By A male- developed. An inferior combing hair too should be playing, archery, portraying a dominated society complex that women used. While depicting driving a tractor. woman in has been can not perform all jobs strenuous jobs, pictures of The only picture ‘combing the projected. too may develop. By women should also be used. of a woman is hair’ scene, an portraying that only The fact that all jobs require that of combing attempt has been women comb hair, strength should be highlighted hair. made to boys may think that and a woman’s contribution to symbolize men as girls are only limited to the family should also be workers and beauty and a highlighted. Since both men as women as commodity for well as women are beauty beauties. entertainment. conscious, there is no need for classification. The lesson has given importance to physical strength. The importance of mental strength too should be highlighted. Lesson No. 9 There are 10 It is portrayed The lesson has While dividing the job, Both men and women should pictures in this that strenuous portrayed that it is portrayed that men be characterized as having the Work lesson and most jobs are male- only men can perform difficult tasks. equal capacity to perform any of them are dominated and perform difficult work. Since women too Work has been individualistic. females have tasks and women perform difficult tasks, the fact divided based on Only two pictures been restricted to are limited to should be mentioned. gender. are that of performing non- domestic help and Information should be given on women. They are: strenuous jobs non-strenuous both jobs – income generating Fetching water such as fetching jobs such as and household work. and doing the job water and doing a service. Information should also be of a nurse. performing a given that both the works can All other works nurse’s duty. be performed by both men as such as carrying well as women. Related weight, lifting a activities may be prepared. stone, unloading goods from a truck among other jobs is shown as male-dominated. 5 th standard English reader</p><p>Subject Picture, name and Visualisation of Value Possible impact on the Alternate possibilities language the character children Lesson No. 3 There are 9 It is portrayed It is portrayed The children may Only men have been pictures in this that strenuous and that man is more develop a feeling that if characterized in military, In this lesson titled lesson out of recognized jobs income generator given a chance both police and farming ‘They’re good,’ which are male- and the one who men and women can occupations. Women too women has been 5 are of men and dominated and does strenuous not perform an equal should be included in similar portrayed in her four women. females have jobs while a task. It also gives scope occupations. Both men and traditional role While the men’s been restricted to woman is limited for thinking that men women should be characterized characters include performing non- to a much easier can perform more as having the equal capacity to that of a soldier, strenuous jobs. job, a pre- strenuous jobs while perform any work. driver, mason, While a doctor’s conceived notion. women will be In the beginning of the lesson doctor and a role has been restricted to a few only men’s characters have farmer, the characterised by a simpler jobs. been portrayed which should women’s man, a role of a be replaced with that of characters include nurse has been women. that of a nurse, characterised by a teacher and woman. dancer among others. All the men’s pictures are used in the beginning of the lesson. Lesson No. 5 There are 5 It is portrayed Work has been Since activities have Only men have been pictures in this that all the jobs divided based on more impact on characterized in professional In this lesson titled lesson out of are performed by gender. children, if both men occupations. More women ‘Do you agree?’ an which men. When it and women are shown should be shown in element of gender 4 are of men comes to women, with equal capacity, the professional occupations. inequality can be which include the jobs are non- gender sensitivity can seen. that of a postman, professional. be reduced. tailor, driver and a police officer while the lone woman is shown doing nothing. Lesson No. 6 All the activities It is portrayed Though a large If only men are given Title of the lesson should be and characters that all prominent number of women importance in changed. Either it should be In this lesson titled have been and independent perform the job of textbooks and ‘What is he/she?’ or ‘What are ‘What’s He?’ the dominated by jobs are a farmer, tailor activities, the children’s they?’ The characters of male title itself is a males in this performed by and lawyer activities will be male- and female should be equally masculine. lesson. men while simple among other centric and distributed. Out of the total 12 and dependent similar jobs, all participation of girls Instead of only asking ‘what is pictures, 9 are of jobs have been these professions will be reduced thereby your father?’ ‘What is your men which limited to women. have been developing an mother?’ too should be include that of a portrayed as inferiority complex included. lawyer, police, male-dominated. among the girl Since many occupations like tailor, carpenter, And women have students. (Whenever doctor, police and teacher are painter, been limited to male dominated performed by both men and fisherman, simpler jobs. thoughts are put women, the fact should be farmer, By repeatedly forward, boys tend to included. photographer and asking ‘What is strengthen their male- doctor. All the your father?’ dominated thoughts) Activities: recognised and importance has A separate related lesson based important been given to on gender equality should be characters are father’s prepared and both father and limited to men profession mother should be portrayed as while dancer, thereby sidelining having equal responsibility, nurse and typist mother’s equal recognition and equal characters have occupation. chance. been limited for women. Lesson No. 8 The language There is no scope Though In this lesson too, all Phrases like ‘My wife,’ ‘I have used in the lesson for women in this everybody exists the prominent two children,’ and ‘My son, In this lesson titled too is male- lesson. Man has in a family, male characters have been my daughter’ should be ‘Sweet home,’ the centric. been portrayed as character has dominated by men, and changed and should be contents have been everything in a been dominated. is likely to increase replaced with ‘Our family,’ portrayed as if family. By By mentioning male-centric values and ‘Our children.’ family belongs to mentioning as words like ‘me’ among the children. Teacher should organize some only husband. ‘my wife’ and and ‘my,’ the activities to get a feeling of a ‘my children,’ word ‘man’ family. wife and children seems to be have been replaced for portrayed as the ‘owner.’ property of a man. Lesson No. 13 There are three The picture shows The lesson tries to Women are supposed It is not necessary to show that pictures in this that a man is project that to do the domestic newspaper is read at 6 am and In this lesson titled lesson. They are: reading a paper at women are work and not men. teachers are likely to hold ‘What time is it?’ the man reading a 6 am, which is a supposed to work Only males should discussion on the same. male character has newspaper, a boy common sight. It at home and men study. Instead, a picture of both man been dominated. going to school also shows that need not. By and woman cooking together and a woman men need not showing a picture may be used. having food. work at home. of a boy going to Similarly, in the school going’ The picture of the school, an attempt picture, both boy and boy going to is being made to girl may be used. school indicates project that Instead of the ‘woman that boys should education is taking food’ picture, if be given an reserved for boys the picture of ‘having opportunity to thereby giving food in office’ is used, study and the prominence to then the teachers will woman eating boys. get a chance to have food gives a discussion on the work picture that of a woman. women are limited for cooking and eating. Lesson No. 14 There are six While boys have By dividing The lesson helps create Girls too should be given pictures in this been portrayed as games based on gender inequality. enough representation. Both ‘What’s she doing?’ lesson out of playing football, gender, There is a possibility boys and girls should be shown which three are running and swimming among that boys may brand as playing all games and there related to boys swimming, girls other games have certain games as male should not be any and three to girls. have not been been projected as dominated and may discrimination which is likely Boys’ pictures given enough male-dominated. look down upon girls to instill confidence among the include running, importance in as ‘not fit for these girls. Boys too will feel that swimming and sports. games.’ girls are equal to them. football while girls’ picture include dancing, skipping and playing. Lesson No. 16 All the pictures in Photographs of Leadership has If no woman freedom Women national leaders’ the lesson are that male leaders have been restricted to fighter is discussed in photographs should be used. ‘Months of the year’ of only male only been only males. the lesson, girl students Children may be asked to name leaders. portrayed while will not get any a few local or important no woman leader encouragement. It is women leaders. Children may has been important to discuss be asked to collect information portrayed. about the women on male as well as female leaders and their works leaders in their vicinity. to instill confidence among the girls. Exercise No. 1 More male Ravi is a Only a boy A belief that prominent The title may be changed. Title pictures such as a dreaming boy. dreams in a class person means a king need not be ‘Ravi’s dream,’ it ‘Ravi’s dream’ king, a boy have Two factors, that and his dream is and a male will be can be changed to simply been used. is, dreaming that of becoming arrived at. dream. Women’s photographs means ‘to become a king which should be included. The dream a king’ and ‘only means owning an of a girl should be included. boys can dream’ area. Information should also be have been The fact that girls given on women leaders. The portrayed. The too can dream or dream of becoming a king too female character the presence of is impractical today. Present has been girls in the class day realities would be more restricted to a does not find any appropriate. teacher. The title place in the itself is lesson. Title itself masculine. is masculine. Administration and leadership seems to be reserved for males. Exercise No. 2 Out of the two A woman has Woman has been By portraying such Instead of a woman going to pictures, one been used for a shown as non- sequences which are buy vegetables, a man can be ‘At the market’ belongs to that of job like buying income visible in the day-to- shown as going to market to a woman going to vegetables and generating person day life children may buy vegetables. And woman buy vegetables man has been and man has been take it as a replica of selling vegetables should be and the second is shown as a owner shown as income- society. Though there portrayed. It is a general notion that of a of a shop. It generating are a number of women that business is done only by vegetable shop indicates that person, a male- selling vegetables in men. However, with the owner. domestic work centric sequence. the market, it is never portrayal of woman as doing has to be done by shown in the textbooks. some business, girl students women and works will be encouraged to take up like business business. should be done by men. Exercise No. 5 All the pictures All the employees It indicates that Unless men and women Women should be included in are that of men. have been all are portrayed as equal the pictures. (as women ‘Posting a letter’ Two boys have portrayed as men. communication especially in a public employees too work in post been Nowhere a and jobs are place like post office, it offices). characterized as woman is male-dominated gives a wrong Only Raju’s role has been enquiring at a portrayed. and women are impression to children portrayed in post office. Some post office while only ‘birth giving that even public places girl’s role should be included. all other staff in machines.’ In the are reserved for only the post office are lesson where men men. The same attitude Activities: shown as men. and women may continue among Children may be taken to a should have been the girls in future too. post office; shown as equal, A mock post office activity only men are may be shown. shown as dominating. 7th standard Mathematics</p><p>Subject Picture, name and Visualisation of Value Possible impact on the Alternate possibilities language the character children Lesson No. 1 Out of five Work has been By portraying males as The portrayal of males as well questions, names divided based on making business and as females should be equal in Repetition exercises of two girls has gender. purchasing cycle, the lesson. A picture of a been used while children may develop a woman making business would names of four feeling of gender be more appropriate. boys has been inequality. used. Names of boys has been used for making business and purchasing cycle among other things. Lesson No. 5 Men have been Whenever an It is portrayed Children may develop a Responsibilities should be portrayed in most example of job, that men work feeling that men are equally shared among boys and Fractions, decimals of the examples agriculture or and lead the income generators and girls. Since many families are and percentage while rarely a leading a family family while the one who lead a led by women, it should be woman has found has been women spend. family. Similarly, they portrayed. The lesson should a place in some portrayed, males Similarly, more might think that women not project that less number of examples. have been number of boys give importance to girl students go to school. Care characterized are projected as decorations and very should be taken while giving while women going to schools. few girls go to school. such examples. have been shown in examples of purchasing gold. In one example, boys have been shown as good learners. For example, a question asks if there were 30 per cent girls in a classroom, how many boys are there? Less number of girl students attending class has been highlighted in the example. Lesson No. 7 In a picture Most of the Business and Children may develop a Equal number of women related to bank, examples are knowledge is feeling that women should be used while framing Simple interest and six men and only male-centric. It male-dominated take less interest in an example. While portraying a middlemen one woman is could be business, while bringing up business and learning picture of making business or shown. Most of employment, the children has process. purchasing books, equal the names sales, all are been reserved for number of women should be pertaining to male-dominated. women. portrayed. business are that Out of the four A mock business activity may of men. business centers, be held wherein girls should be all are run by given equal opportunity and men. While recognition. women are shown in a example of purchase of clothes, men and boys are shown purchasing books which indirectly indicates that they prefer to gain knowledge.</p>

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