<p> Club Constitution</p><p>1. Name The Club shall be called the Newry & Mourne Amateur Swimming Club (hereinafter referred to as the Club) and it shall be affiliated to and be bound by the rules of Swim Ireland.</p><p>2. Objects 2.1. The Objectives of the Club shall be: 2.1.1. To promote the physical, personal and social development of young people in the Newry and Mourne Area through aquatic sports, with an emphasis on competitive swimming; 2.1.2. To provide teaching, coaching, training arrangements/facilities and opportunities for entry into competitive events, within a framework designed to ensure the safety, health and welfare of children and young people. 2.1.3. To ensure that all Club activities are conducted in an atmosphere of fair play, defined by the European Code of Ethics, as "fair play is much more than playing within the rules. It incorporates the concept of friendship, respect for others and always playing within the right spirit. Fair play is defined as a way of thinking, not just a way of behaving. It incorporates issues concerned with the elimination of cheating, gamesmanship, doping, violence (both physical and verbal), exploitation, unequal opportunities, excessive commercialisation and corruption".</p><p>2.2. The following Policy Statement will apply:- 2.2.1. The Club is fully committed to safeguarding the well being of its members. Every individual in the Club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for their rights, safety and welfare and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the Club, Child Protection and Welfare Guidelines of Swim Ireland and the guidelines contained in the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport.</p><p>2.2.2. To ensure that the best practice is followed the Club shall work closely with Swim Ireland to promote best practice in our swimming club. The Club shall comply with the guidelines of the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport and the Child Welfare Guidelines of Swim Ireland.</p><p>2.3. The Club promotes involvement irrespective of gender, ethnic origin, disability, religious or political beliefs. </p><p>3. Child Welfare 3.1. The Club shall hold an annual review of its Child Welfare Guidelines and Procedures through an appropriate Sub-Committee.</p><p>3.2. The Committee shall, on a voluntary basis, appoint two Club Children’s Officers (CCO). At least one of these shall be female and both shall be Non- Committee members.</p><p>3.3. Notice of the Club Children’s Officers appointments together with contact details shall be made to all members, parents, committee members and teachers/coaches.</p><p>09a4d59822c0dee103ea348678ee084a.doc 1 3.4. The Club Children’s Officers shall adhere to the current Code of Ethics and Good Practice in Children’s Sport at 2.6.1 and under take their responsibilities as directed by Swim Ireland as contained in their Child Welfare Guidelines and Procedures document.</p><p>4. Membership 4.1. The membership shall consist of the following categories: Competitive – Swimmer Competitive – other aquatic sports Non-Competitive – Other aquatic sports Official</p><p>4.2. Members in each category shall pay Membership fees as fixed by the Club Committee. The Club, in General Meetings, may also require Members to contribute to the funds of the Club by way of a special levy.</p><p>4.3. All members joining the Club shall be deemed to accept the terms of this Constitution and any Bye-laws and Rules from time to time adopted by the Club, in particular without prejudice to the foregoing generality, the requirement to conduct themselves in accordance with the Club's ethical framework and the bye-laws and rules as to discipline set out therein.</p><p>4.4. Those seeking membership of the club shall apply using the proscribed pro- forma for consideration by the Committee. Membership is open to all and no application for membership will be refused on other than reasonable grounds. There will be no discrimination on grounds of race, occupation, sex, religious, political or other opinion. The Committee shall ratify membership in accordance with Club rules and procedures.</p><p>4.5. The Club accepts all Swim Ireland and FINA Rules. Applications for membership shall be to the relevant governing body, made on the appropriate forms provided by the Club and signed by a parent or guardian where the applicant is under the legal age of consent.</p><p>4.6. The procedure for the transfer of membership from other clubs shall be in accordance with Club rules and procedures and shall comply with Swim Ireland Regulations.</p><p>4.7. The Club fees vary between squads and will be set in proportion to squad allocation, pool time and coaching input.</p><p>4.8. Each Club member is required to pay the full annual fee, which is non- returnable (except at the discretion of the Club’s Committee). Whilst the Club facilitates payment in instalments (as decided by the Club Committee), Club members must pay all increments due regardless of their usage of the Club facilities. If a member leaves for any reason, including transfer to another aquatics club, refunds shall not be due.</p><p>4.9. Club Membership shall cease if: 4.9.1. Fees are not paid within two months of the date due (unless by special arrangement); 4.9.2. In the opinion of the Committee, a member brings the Club into disrepute;</p><p>09a4d59822c0dee103ea348678ee084a.doc 2 4.9.3. A member fails to comply with the Constitution, Byelaws and Rules of the Club and/or a breach of Swim Ireland Guidelines. When the Committee has imposed this or any other sanction the person affected has the right of appeal in accordance with the Club’s Complaint and Discipline Procedure.</p><p>4.10. Teaching and Training sessions shall be under the direction and control of the Club Coaches and/or Teachers who shall be appointed by the Committee.</p><p>4.11. A copy of the Club Constitution (and revisions as and when appropriate) shall be made available to all Club members.</p><p>4.12. An Information pack, containing details of the Club, codes of conduct, rules and procedures (as they affect swimmers, aquatic sports participants, coaches and officials) shall be made available to all Club members and will be posted on the club web site. The pack shall be up-dated as and when required.</p><p>5. Management 5.1. The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by an Executive Committee which shall consist of the Officers of the Club plus a minimum of 6 ordinary members, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.</p><p>5.2. The Officers of the Club who shall be honorary shall be the Chairman, Vice- Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. If the post of any officer or ordinary committee member should fall vacant after such an election, the Executive Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy until the succeeding Annual General Meeting.</p><p>5.3. All Executive Committee members must be members of the Club.</p><p>5.4. The said Officers shall also be the trustees ex officiis of the Club who shall hold any property belonging to the Club in their name and shall further be entitled to sue and be sued on behalf of the Club as trustees ex officiis. They shall all be entitled to personal indemnity out of the funds of the Club where they are acting bona fide in their capacity as Officers of the Club.</p><p>5.5. The Executive Committee shall have full power to deal with all matters relating to the Club not reserved to a General Meeting in terms of this Constitution, including power to make public and enforce such byelaws and rules as the Committee feel necessary to govern the activities of the Club, including bye-laws and rules relating to discipline.</p><p>5.6. Club coaching and/or swimmer representatives e.g. Club Captain (or Captains, male and female, elected by swimmers and aquatic sports participants) may attend meetings as "ex officio" members of Committee. </p><p>5.7. A majority of the four (4) principal officers plus other members of the Club at the discretion of the incumbent Chairperson may make urgent decisions i.e. until the Committee can ratify them.</p><p>5.8. The Club shall operate in an open and fair manner. Any complaints against the Club, or any of its officers, will be investigated thoroughly and appropriate</p><p>09a4d59822c0dee103ea348678ee084a.doc 3 measures taken. The Club Committee is responsible for drawing up and implementing a Complaint and Discipline Procedure.</p><p>5.9. The Chairperson shall: Oversee the activities of the Committee and its Sub-Committees; Chair Club Committee Meetings; Represent the Club as and when required; Participate in the management of the Club.</p><p>5.10. The Treasurer shall; Report the Club's financial position and produce a hard copy of the position at Committee Meetings; Participate in the management of the Club Maintain a record of all income and expenditure of the Club, Prepare a financial account each year for submission to the Annual General Meeting; Ensure the Club Accounts are audited annually.</p><p>5.11. The Secretary shall be responsible for: Notifying club members of meetings within the Club; Writing the minutes of the Committee Meetings; Dissemination of information and details of correspondence received by the Club, plus reply as required; The maintenance of all Club records per year (including a General Complaints Book containing written details of all complaints); Participate in the management of the club; Notifying Swim Ireland of any changes to the Constitution or significant changes in the Information Pack. The outgoing Secretary shall pass on all Club records to the incoming, newly elected, Secretary. (All Club records are to be retained by the Secretary for a minimum of seven years, after which they should be disposed of).</p><p>5.12. The Vice Chairperson shall; Deputise for the Chairperson when he or she is unavailable; Support the Chairperson in carrying out his or her duties; Participate in the management of the Club.</p><p>5.13. Up to two (2) Delegates shall be elected at the AGM (or an EGM) to represent the Club at the Swim Ireland AGM. (Delegates do not have to be Committee Members. They will receive their mandate from the AGM or an EGM).</p><p>5.14. Officers and Swim Ireland Delegates shall remain in office for one (1) year, after which they must be re-elected at the AGM. </p><p>5.15. The maximum number of years that can be served by a Club Officer or Swim Ireland Delegate shall be five (5) years.</p><p>5.16. All candidates nominated for positions as Club Officers and Swim Ireland Delegates must be fully paid up voting members of the Club at the time of the AGM. Their nominations must be obtained from a minimum of two (2) persons eligible to vote at the AGM.</p><p>09a4d59822c0dee103ea348678ee084a.doc 4 5.17. Committee Members and coaching/swimming and aquatic sports participants Representatives are elected annually and may be nominated by anyone present at the AGM, but nominees must be fully paid up voting members of the Club at the time of the AGM.</p><p>5.18. The Members of Committee shall appoint a Registration Secretary, Recorder and any additional officers as from time to time may be considered necessary. The members of Committee shall arrange galas and Club events e.g. fund-raising, fitness/dietary and social activities (including any non- aquatic related activities).</p><p>5.19. The Members of Committee shall appoint a 'Teaching and Coaching' Sub Committee of at least three (3) members who will be responsible for all aspects of: Teaching and coaching i.e. Coaching policy implementation, as recommended by the teachers and coaches; The Pool-side teaching and coaching Structure; Minutes of the Sub-Committee meetings (to be supplied to the Secretary).</p><p>5.20. All Club Officials including teachers and coaches are required to be vetted by the relevant State Authorities in accordance with prevailing procedures and guidelines.</p><p>5.21. The Members of the Committee shall appoint Sub-Committees to manage special aspects of Club activities whenever necessary. Such Sub- Committees shall make recommendations to the Management Committee for ratification.</p><p>5.22. The Committee shall meet on a regular basis, not less than seven (7) times in any calendar year. </p><p>5.23. The quorum for a meeting of Committee shall be 40% of members personally present.</p><p>6. General Meetings 6.1. Annual General Meeting The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting in the month of May to: Approve the minutes of the previous year’s AGM. Receive reports from the Chairman and Secretary. Receive a report from the Honorary Treasurer and approve the Annual Accounts. Receive a report from those responsible for certifying the Club’s accounts. Elect the Executive Committee. Appoint someone responsible for certifying the Club’s accounts. Consider changes to the Constitution. Review and consider any Bye-laws and Rules. Deal with other relevant business.</p><p>Parents (or legal guardians) of fully paid up members under eighteen, voluntary helpers and members of sixteen (16) years of age and over are eligible to vote.</p><p>09a4d59822c0dee103ea348678ee084a.doc 5 6.2. Extraordinary General Meeting An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by an application in writing to the Secretary supported by at least 10% of the members of the Club. The Executive Committee shall also have the power to call an Extraordinary General Meeting by decision of a simple majority of its members.</p><p>6.3. Notices At least 14 days’ notice and the Agenda shall be given to all voting members of any General Meeting. No business shall be conducted unless fair notice thereof is contained in the Agenda.</p><p>6.4. Voting With the exception of changes to the Constitution, decisions put to a vote shall be resolved by simple majority at General Meetings. The Chairman of the Club shall hold a deliberative as well as a casting vote at general and committee meetings, in each case at the time the meeting commences its business.</p><p>6.5. Quora The quorum at General Meetings shall be 20% of the members and the quorum for Committee Meetings shall be 40% of the members.</p><p>6.6. Changes to the Constitution Any change to the Constitution shall require a two thirds’ majority of those present, eligible to vote and voting at a General Meeting. A proposal to change the Constitution must be submitted in writing to the Secretary who shall circulate the proposal to all members and allow seven days for submission of any amendments before calling a meeting in accordance with rule 6.3 above. All proposals for changes to the Constitution shall be signed by two members eligible to vote at a General Meeting.</p><p>7. Finance And Accounts 7.1. The financial year shall run from 1 September to 31 August each year.</p><p>7.2. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of Annual Accounts of the Club.</p><p>7.3. The Accounts shall be certified by an appropriate independent person elected annually.</p><p>7.4. All cheques drawn against the Club’s funds shall be signed by two signatories, as authorised by the Committee, neither of whom should be related. </p><p>7.5. All members of the Club shall be jointly and severally responsible for the financial liabilities of the Club.</p><p>7.6. All cheques drawn on the Club's bank accounts shall be signed by two signatories authorised by the Committee. </p><p>7.7. The Committee may from time to time set aside funds for specific purposes.</p><p>09a4d59822c0dee103ea348678ee084a.doc 6 7.8. No expenditure over £500.00, which will ultimately become the Club's liability, shall be incurred without prior sanction of the Committee. </p><p>8. Dissolution 8.1. The Club is a non-profit making organisation. All profits and surpluses will be used to maintain or improve or develop the Club's facilities or to carry out the objects of Swim Ireland. No profit or surplus will be distributed other than to another non-profit making body on a winding-up or dissolution of the Club.</p><p>8.2. If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall be transferred to some other organisation or organisations having objects similar to the objects of the Club, such organisation or organisations to be determined by the members of the Club by Resolution passed at a General meeting or in the absence of such a resolution (or that the extent to which it cannot be given effect) to Swim Ireland.</p><p>09a4d59822c0dee103ea348678ee084a.doc 7</p>
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