Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1993 Daily Egyptian 1993 2-26-1993 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 26, 1993 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1993 Volume 78 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1993 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1993 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Southern lllinois University at Carbondale Friday. f~bruary 26. 1993. Vol. 78. No. 110, 16 Pages Snowstorm clo campus By Jeremy Roley Special Assigrvnenl Writer SlUe sludent Todd Doughly awoke Wednesday morning cold. tired, and found his car buried in snow, and couldn', remember being happier. Doughty had spent the nighl studying for an economics exam Thursday. but he did DOl mind heanng his phone ring early or fmd:ng his car buried in )nQW in the morning - he knew it """",I :hal school was closed for the day. Doughty was one of 2O.<XXl srudenlS who gOl an unexp<etcd holiday and for some a reprieve from lests and assignmenlS Wednesday when \0 inches of snow feU on Carbondale. SlUe Presidenl John C. Guyon said he was updalOO all through las' night from night ere". before he made the decision to close the unive~ity . Guyon said the crew consists of University grt""'nds keepers and m:llntenaJo<:e workm who must work through the night to keep him informed 3hou1 the condition of the school. Wednesday night's snow brought "ilh il differenl conditions !han the heavy soo" f.!J Feb. 15 .. when the University remained open. Guyon said. '"'The snow" "" during the day and we could clear the roads (lasl " ek); this time the now conuoucd all "rough (1llursday morning). so il wa; impossi~ ' . 10 keep the .."...;., clear:' he said. '"'The wind was corning in 20 miles per hour. and the ground crews said il wa.' impossible 10 SlOp the drifts." Wayne Whe:-Ies. managtr of streel management services. said the ruifts tmd the wind WftC w., la:gesI problem Thursday. -Just ","hen we cleared an area, ·d tum ,a~ it we'd never been there.- he <3id. Guyon said even though freezing nIin was in SIUC students Jay and the forecast for Thursday night. the decisioo j close school will be made when he hears about NlImlnle Thambugala the wemher c.."flditions. (above) engage in a Wheeles said his depanment har,dJes the snowball fight Thursd=y streets m the city. and the Um\'~ity ha~ il~ own afternoon In front of maintenance for ilS roads and parlting 10lS. Faner Hall on campus. The' management ser/ices began working Frank Bleyer (lett) a freshman at Carbondale! "hen the snow "'-gan 10 fall. and will "l'rl. non· stop till the "ea,her clear... he ..... d. Community High :ichool, Whce\es said same area; pUl chemicals on the digs In the snow to clea. streetS before :t ~"l()v. !'torm. bUl the services lack the sidewalk in front 01 the f~~ II) pcrttlffil tha_ sen' ICC. Bley,;r's Sports Me.t. ~1 rrrfer IOSIf"ac to \oJ, 1il for [he soo".. In Bleyer spent his come:' he -.aid. "We Oli' Sfme chemIcals down Thursday afternoon out on .he o;;no" 10 ~ccp II :-.Iush). so should tht of school and shoveling (!':Czing ram come it shouldn't tx: 3 problem:' the walk around hIs A spoke'man for the slue Weather Cen,er father's store on lIlinois said the fareca t for the NaHonnl Weather Avenue. Ten Inches of Service said expecred ram mJxed Vvith sleet and snow fell in Carbondale o;now for Th .... hday nI@ht. but anOlhcr "-now Thursday. closIng the SIUC campus for the flrort time in several years. L...----------------~:.:..:: _______.....",_::_=_..,....,,.....,=,..,_I see SNOW, page 7 Engineering trying to recruit women, minorities By Erick J.B. Enriquez atmosphere a 101 in the engineeri.1g •• 0 onc innuenced me to be available to someone else." Gus Bode General AssigMlenI Writer deparunenl and figuml 1 could do ~ome an engineer. I wanted to During National Engineering this, bul it was a shOI in the darl<. " become an engineer befon: 1 came Week. mar/)I accomplishmenlS and WI.en Sheil>. Shannon, a Shacnon's situation was not here." Rawls said, " It goes back to achievemerus """'" tcCOgDizcd. hoi mechanical engineer with Dlinois much differeDI from Vincent the school syslem that minorities challenges stiI\ lie ahead for sJUe Power. visited Ihe slue Career R awl~. "ice presidC"nl of the grow up in as opposed 10 whiles women and minorities such as Fair during ational Engineering Na.ional Society of 13lack and asians. The cducatiODaJ quali,y Rawls and Shannon. The two Week in 1988. she had no idea Engineers and a senior in elcarica! is a lot poorer as far as groups slill make up a wh:n she wanted 10 do with her life. engineering from Chicago. Rawls gratleschool. and high schools go dispropocti<lmWy smaIl pari of the '1 saw some of the mind j!lII!IeS also chose engineerinG """,,use of 10 the inner cities. Minorities are College of Engineeri;1g. Gus says U-81191-.­ and enjoyed them,- Shannon .aid. his interests, not because anyone just nOI exposed to Ihe building a foundation for " I looked around and liked :~ . influenced him. opportunities that would otherwise _ ENGINEER, ~ 7 0IhenI to follow. Students Ignoring African Amerlcanr. Opinion Basketball team -t>.ee page 4 Restaurants offer police safety signs stili consume more taste of culture for In do-or~1e conte!!t In Thompson Woods tltsn they produce """".-seepages homesick students with SW Missouri Spotta -Seepage 16 II'rmI -story on paga 3 - St:IfY on page 6 ~3Oa -story on page 8 I -story on- page 16 Il I , '. ,..16 ~26.1993 s S UC-SMSU loser out of Va Ie race By Karyn Vlvwlto loti to Northern Iowa," be said_ SportsWriter SW Missouri State "We bave to be ready to play at them." in minutes, confi(.ence It ·s do or die for the Saluki Southern IllInoI8 slUe lost on !he road, 68-55, in Rise Ole n's basketball team when it the fllSl game of this ....... against faces ~thwesl Missouri State II 0..: SaIurdoy SMSU. boosts Saluki for stretch run !he SIU Arena Salurday morning. TIme: ll:OS a.m. Expecting a slow-down game . A loss for the Salukis or the SIIa: SlU Arena from the Bean. Herrin said the key th e Bears will put !hem at a total of ~:~L~101~ for the SaJukis will be to take care rhythm. seven losses in !he Missouri Valley TV: KBSI-FOX of !he basketball. " When Conf.,..".,., standings, giving th= Recorda: SIUC 18-9 (10-6) "Our focus is going to be to try A long way from his you play no chance to get a piece of first So.;su 16-7 (10-6) and get a shot with every bomeland in the former t b r e e piaoe. Lut~: Jan. 30 in p<>ssessioo because they (SMSU) Yugoslavia, junior forward minutes in Saluki head coach Rich Herrin Springfield. Mo. The Bears are going to run the time," be said. Mirko Pavlovic has made a and o ut said two slUe wins this weekend downed the SaUcis 66-55 in "That is their style of basketball, home for himself on tbe compared and a loss from filinois Stale could a game on f SPN. and evOl)' time we can get a good basketball coon for the SaJukis. to a lO­ give tbe Salukis a shot at first shot off we are going to take iL" A native of Belgrade, rn j 0 ut e place. Sophomore guard Jobony PavlOVIC has been a key man stretch, it· s Pavlovic "There is no doubt that this is a slUe lost to St. Louis in overtime Murdock (17 poinlS a game) and off the bench for the Salukis differen!," must-wi.!l game for us," be said. Monday night, and SMSU lost to senior guard Jackie Crawfl)rd (12) for the past two seasons. but for be said "I am staning to feel a "We are still in this race, but we are Northern Iowa in a tough 54-53 lead the Bears' scoring attack. the past Iwo weeks now, IittJe morc confident and going to have to play hard to do iL ~ game Wednesday nighL Senior" forward Touy Grave...cr;; is Pavlovic has been a key force getting a feel for the flow of the Aside from lbe game against Herrin said SMSU is coming coming off MVe player of the in a starting role for the game a lot better than ( do SMSU, the Saluleis also have to into Carbondale as !he houest team week honors. - Salukis. when I am coming off the face Tuls. at home on Monday in the conference. Tipoff is scbeduled for 11 :05 Pavlovic said more minutes nighL "They (SMSU) were on an a.m. with the game televised on on the floor have gotten him in _IIIRKO, page 15 Both teams are coming off loses. eight-game win streak until they KBSI-FOX Channel 23. Saluki cagers to face surging Wichita State By Kevin Betgqulst Sports Editor Afro hanling with red-hot Southwest Missouri Star" Tbmsday night, the slUe women's basketball team wiD ~.ave little time to cool off as sizzling WIChita State visits the SIU Arena Saturday nighL The ShocIcm: had won seven of their last nine games heading into Thursday night', contest at Indiana State.
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